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Durham Review (1897), 12 Aug 1909, p. 7

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bnoral Servant who king. Small Family. FIST “A“! N M. EASTWOOD. WARE an, WANTED. W3 Mamba ip warm No More Sour Batsun NO. 32, I909 NTED DEN Phil. i Want Some. m? Then Ask Made of Batsuu Flam and Plasma: nlllllit' d PARKE 1m; Kim“ a {a nun. For - 1:", Damn. OIL --- HOME BY tlt METHOD , Run"! and MAM Vi TIll (not stir, ny it: 3th " at No money collections an- ‘aknn an. Dinner and tea are freely giwn to all \isitora to the "eortvetttion. vrnwtlu ot Taom flock daily to new the "0ipperr" Many MING!“ are being eottverted tn the sect lw "awn of tho vnorgetic sin. w-rity of the campaign. and are pro "up tv admitted to "w brotherhood. Thu: tar the convention han n"Herml no Ittt- lwtzltinn. The pilgrims claim "my trawl without money, cunning tlwir way lav manual lahOr. The mon anal worm-n arp boy-mud in the devotional martinga. " Join. _ -itrreiG"ts" ”you is understood that tue'"" will nine no objection to his Neither short-a not stave; Walk trntmrdened through the manta, Through the waves.” The baptismal ceremony is performed in an adjawnt stream running ill-0n; the valley. The leader :lnfh his '0th and mules, in the watvr to th" votitre of the strmm. Then he ro'ltlv low-r,, the ("invert backward until the "Miro hwa is immersed, after whieh tho mn- vert is tts.nissterl to the share. while the pilgrims sing "Who Will Be Next t" will have a new King. According to a Prague report Prince Nicholas, of Mon, tempo, has decided to assume the title of King on the oeeattrion of the 50th an- niversaty of his mion, which will oc- our on August u,.)'.". The little colony is the utilization of the idea of simple, Iersupporting com muml life, and should go far to please a Tolstoi. Sunrise each mowing finds the vmmpment full ot lile and activity. All the pilgrims are drawn] in course. plain clothlng. The men are tmshaven and wear mum collars. 0n the headn of the women are straw sailor hats. All um busily engaged in manual labor or domestic dttrietr--milking, tytttermrakinsr, uooking, sewing, hoot-making, carpenter ing, ete.--every one being assigned tt daily task. Then follow intervals oi devotional matings, preaching. hymn singing and baptinm. Energy is the key. note at the eampaign. Edward County. tht leader of th" Sn't't. i, the qott of an Ennhkillen nu-gistrnl". llo- has a wonderful flow of hanging". and his 'M'rmrtnq are intengu-rnml with [My araeetlotes Ir. muilv hold: his tol. Inwprs during hi, long 'li-tttses. llv winch” on the ttttworthiness of all H- "tine churches and the umlesmms ot wurklly pamniom. ttne of the favorite hymns of the not eonelmies.. "Neither any tit-rip nor luimont, Sydney, N. S., detTateh: The detach. rm-nt of the Royal t'nnadian Regiment slammed at Dominion No. l was called put at “.30 to-night to quell an attack made upon a train going from the Du- minion to the Reserve. The attack was made in a lonely place, and sticks and atone; were freely uwa by the mob. It was thought that the train had a num. ber of men coming ill to " ork on board. Word was telephoned to the military quarto" at No. I, and the troops there got under anus and went to the get-ma The output of the collieries of the Dominion Coal Company today was wry time to the temthoasand-ton mark. The banking station was not nitrite up to the prt'vime day's produc- tion, but about five hundred tons more wrrt- seeured from the s.ollierivs. Th" uunpuny claim that at nunrber of men mmo- hack to work to-day at the differ- ent mines, and they export it very good production to-morrow. Milli: at Dominion No. l Colliery . Called Ont. Stockholm Not in Nrknesr-- Tmp: Patrol Rods. Kingston, Aug. 9.--Bios o nthe Trad. on Bank, and stolen from a C. P. il. twin some months ago, are reported to he in circulation in North Frmttertne. The bills are insattieiently signed, as they do not bear the name at the man- any of the bank at Toronto. . Storkholm. Aug. It.-Tlie situation with regard to the labor conflict was intensified today when the workmen employed in the power station which supplies the electricity for lighting the capital joined the strikers. The service now is being maintained by oliicials of the lighting department. As the strik- ers have been preventing farmers from bringing provisions into the city, troops have been detailed to patrol the coun- try roads. The military authorities con- tinue to dispose ot milk trom the rail. road stations for the use of children. Last of Traders Bank Unsigned “do: Appear in Butane. Prince Nicholas of "Menage Aspire: I. Become Ole. alMedives ate at work and HIP "seek. ing to trace the bills back to the original page". Ther have descriptions of men seeking to get rid of them at eoantry “on: 1nd country statiom. 3111, has placed his large prouods, Crocknacrieve, at lard, at the disposal of the The house necollunodates and the others of the pill the outbuildings and the s] alum-s etveted on the lawn purpoups. 19ver 2,000 pilgt tending the convention. Dublin, July 9.41.; third nun-Icon- St ntion of the "Dippers," as the Cooney- m-s’ revival in progress " Ballinamat, lard, County Fermanagll, is called, pre- M-nts stmntre scenes of religious etsthus. hum. It is the and 011m sect that the millennium may be ushered in " my moment, and prayer meeting: are being lwid almost mnumwusly. John West, a well-to-do member ot the gut, has placed his large house and ur.......l,. Is-, a . Two “01ml Pilgrim “an Big The leak is Energetic all In, Are Doing Converted. “It.“ of “Ohm" i ATTACKED BY MOB. Vienna, Aug. 'r.crEttrorr Mun. your SWEDISH STRIKE. STOLEN BILLS. A NEW KING. MILLENNIUM. crieve, it. Bullinamal- mal of the convention. Wales HID penom " the pilgrims utilize and the spat-inns mar. the lawn for sleeping 2,000 pilgrims are at- North Buy despatch: The C. P. R. At. hlntic express, due at North Bay nt $.35 twilight, was din-ha! at Woman him-r, two hundred milvs west of here, at 2 o'clm-k this aitvrnoou. The cum-es mu alwmling along at " good min. whon uithout naming of any kind, the pauvngms were shutlml hy a terrible s"uock and the crash of smashing tim. lwrs as the cars left the rails and roll. ml down a si.vioot ombankment. Two Pullmans, one Observation car, and a tir,,t.elass car were piled up at the bot. tom of the hill, and investigation reveal. ml a number of passengers injured, but "one seriously, as far as has been ascor- Lethbridge, Alta., Aug. 9.--Nortmsn Lewis Johnson, aged 36, single, a home.. stead" in Porcupine Hills, dug a hole beside a huge boulder, with the inten- tion of burying it. The boulder, however, slipped in prematurely, half burying Johnson and {owing his pickax into the leg from ankle to knee. Be was pinned there forty-eight hours before neigh- bors found and rescued him. He in hurried to Pinch" Creek Hospital, where he noon died. His brother in I doctor in Toto-to. Montreal. Aug. 9.-There is a strike on herv nmung Jewish bakers, and it is 1ltsteloping at such a rate that 10,000 phnplt' are tinml'wmnl with a bread fum- in '. The trouble 2mm: over the (Int-an livn of union and non-union shops. Union huh-rs are now trying to force Wttt. union shops to change their policy. The striking bakers are resorting to voilencv. Almost every day adds to the mrmber of "manila perpetrated by them. Yes. terday five strike“ were arrested, and this morning seven more warrants were sworn out, and in addition there are many am of violence rtfortr.1 which have not as yet come under this jurisdiction of the courts). Several Montreal Jewish Families Without Bread Supply. Cltvlroygau, Mich., Aug. 9.--1tepurta waclml the city this morning that a [urge black bear had carried away a baby 18 months old while the mother “as picking hucklcbrnires on the Mae lntush plains, about tc, miles out ol town. 'lhe mother, a' Polish woman, whom- nmm- cannnt be learned, loft the child "It wing in charge of another child, eight 3mm old. The bear suddenly appeared from the bushes and started away with the littlo um. frightening the older child nearly to drath. The mother went into huh-rial. arrl was scarcely able to tell what had l‘l'allly lmpponml. Shm'iff Clute clPspntt-hctl " posse of I“! nit-n in charge of Dvpiity Shrriff Finn and ('nnnty Stun-Ivor "owen to the seem but they were unable to find any trace of the child or the boar. mined C, P. R. Allan'ic Express Derailed at Woman River. Toulav drivers employed by the nmr union Hebrew bakeries were beaten and driu-n from their carts. lauds of bread qwiled by showers of stone: and water. and scores of Jewish families are un- able to purchase broad. A large nnmbr'r at Jewish families have sided with the itrikers. and are refusing to eat non- union bread. Four of the men were unable to swim and were drowned. Their names were Ephram Gallant, Harry Gallant, James Barnett, of Charlottetown, and Daniel MeAulay, of 1'raeadie. The other three reachrd land after a hard struggle. Kphram Gallant leaves a widow and one son. The others were young men, from 20 to 25 wars, and unmarried. The bodies, were recovered a short time after Bear Ca:ries Off Baby in Northern Halifax, N. 8., despatch: Four men lost their lives by drowning to-day in Charlottetown, P. E. I. A lobster boat containing eight men left Charlottetown in the afternoon for Rocky Point, a pleasure resort opposite Charlottetown, to arrange for a picnic' to be held there nut Monday. On arrival at Rocky Point it was necessary to anchor the sailboat and land in a punt. This punt was a very leaky craft, and sewn of the men boarded it and began rowing for the shore. The boat leaked badly, and when half the distance had been tru- versed it, notwithstanding all efforts to bail it, sank with its occupants. the accident Seven Were in Leaky Put But Three Escaped. “nary to dispose of it in order that it mav be cut this whiter, with it view to relmasting. The timber on the burned territory will be advertised tor sale by public tender on Sept. 15, the date when the other sale takes plus. The sales will be by public tender, and the bidder will he asked to offer a price per tbomamd feet board manure. in addition to the Crown dues of $2 per tlumsaml 51) that the Province will ob. win an mournto return for whatever quantity is out. A deposit will also be fevluired we“ the are: scorched is equal to that of four towmhipi, or about 144 square miles, and a large amount of tim. Mr has been so damaged that it is no “hilly to dispose urn? mm; be (-u'. thin mam." Toronto, Aug. '.-atte Provincial De. partment of Lands, Forests and Mines has decided to offer for sale by public tender the timber on : large burned area in the Misleauga forest reserve in the Algoma dimtriet. The territory was ant-pt Ary a forest fire recently, and the forest rangers immed‘ately de. spatclwd to investigate the damage have reported to Hon. Frank Cochran" that the area upon-had in M....- A,, To BIG SALE OF TIMBER PASSENGERS HURT. FOUR DROWNED. BAKERS STRIKE. out lined Marin ST OLE CHILD. HALF BURIED lintrict. The territory was , forest fire recently, and rangers immediately de. investigatg the damage Winnipeg, Man.. Aug. 9.--Tlie Railway Brotherhood of Engineers and Firemen mlopted this resolution to-day: “Resolv- ed, that this body do strongly express its disapproval of the action of the au- thorities in arresting trainmen following fatal accidents, and that our representa- tives in Parliament be respectfully and firmly requested to amend the laws of the Dominion of Canada so as to put it beyond the power of nny judge or jury to sentence men to the payment of fines or to imprisonment excepting for of. fences proven to have been wilfully com- mitted." The next convention will be held at Montreal. A Winnipeg correspondent telegraphs: livports trom the country today con. tinlu- to tell of added ravages by hail, and the damage is much more wide, splt'alll than vwr before. Indeed, it is vstimated to-night that at least 700,000 sures have been dmastutml. Two whole townships north of Langham were hailed out yesterday, and several more town- ships around Manley suffered a similar fate. Storms of terrible intensity still continue, Winnipeg being swept by Ono of the fiercest of the season this after. mon, which wan. accompanied by hall and torrential rain Should be Punished Only For " td Offences and Not Mist-lies. W. H. Chureh, u noted inventor of vlertrienl npplimmm and an associate of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A .Edison, died at Los Angeles, Cal., suddenly on Thursday. He was a na- tin ot' Ontario, DAMAGE BY STORMS. Manitoba Crops in Many Places Nstrored---stom at Winnipeg. The management of the hit. Thomas Home Show has 1lveided to postpone the slum from September to June, owing to the refusal of horse.owners to again show their animals on the board floor oi the rink. The Bank of Montreal has decided to open a. brunch at Lethbridge and has Be- [mod offices. This makes nine banks with property secured in the city. Lewis Peterson, of New Dayton, has forty acres of winter wheat in stock. He began cuttin'g on Monday, and the yield will be not less than forty-five bushels per new. Empcrrr Nicholas eoncluded his visit to King Edward on Thursday afternoon, and on lmunl the Impcriul gut-ht Stand. urv. he loft for Kiel, "svorted by Russian and British cruisers _ The military dirigihlo balloon Grouse H., after an vnduranee flight of fifteen hours and forty minutes, came to earth at 3 o’clock on Thursday afternoon. The ship made its wa.vUo Hnlle and retwn, a total distance of 217 miles. Members of the Walter Wellman poi- ar expedition have arrived at Tromsw. Norway. from tilpitzbergen. They any that Wellman probably will start in his balloon for the. pole nvxt week. the town four immense ttlt pith, than!!!” equipped. bani half 1 do+ 30 acres, deed by 'Lawyer Allenby to the town five years ago, was taken in hand by the Parks Commission to- night, and will be at once reclaimed Ind converted into an athletic, sports and picnic ground at a coat of sev- eral thousand doll-n. This will give the town four immense public parks, The Grand Trunk Pacific' tmek-laying nun-him. which a week ago was in Ed- monton, has now reached Stoney Plains. tlw second town west of Edmonton, and is pushing the steel ahead as rapidly as possible toward Pembina, the reaching of which will terminate the steel-laying fur this your. Lawyer's Gift to Town Will be Great. ly Improved. Gait, ottt.,. pesetch-Liltoirt Park, The trial of an oil-lmrning 1ocotnotive on the Southern Pacific division, be. tpeen Sparks and Carlin, Non, has proved so satisfau-tory that the com- pany have decided to retire all the coal- biuning engines on that division. The change will be made immediately. The Standard Chain Company Works at Sarnia has been closed indefinitely. The lotows of the company have amount.- ed to about $1,000 a week. The mun- puny will refund to the town a bonus of 812.000. Conductor Connolly, who was in charge of the freight train involved in an accident at IIaileybury, has been suspended for three months by the com- misainnm-s of the Tentiskaming & North. em Ontario Railway. Dr. Samuel Webster, of Normal, has been appointed Sheriff of the county of Hulton, in succession to the late Mat- thew Clements. whose death occurred about a mouth ago. General Charles Louis Tram-an has been appointed eontmatuier.in-eitief of the Freneh army in succession to Gen. lhe LnCruix. During the trial of Bill Buffalo, an in, dian, for selling liquor without license, one of the witnesses summoned Was Chief Short Bear, who had not been in Portage la Prairie for twenty-five yearn previously, and who is now over one hundred years of age. At Brockville a by-law calling for an expenditure of $16,000 for the construc- tion of concrete bridges in the town was defeated by the ratepayers on Thursday by a majority of 4,5, Stanley Coates was sentenced at Montreal to five years for forgery of Dominion Express Company money or- dens. J. T. Kane, letter-sorter in the Mont- real Postoffiee, was arrésted on a charge of stealing letters. About l20 electrical workers at Win. nipeg are on strike for incremd ply. A receiver has been appointed tor the Buffalo, Lockport * Rochester Railway. Toronto Trades and Labor Council passed a, resolution against the sole of marsh lands to the National Ironworks Company. . By a vote of 537 to 77 Cnlgary bu de cided in favor of Sunduy can. The T. & N. o. Railway Commission Pins decided to install telephone connec- tions at various places on their dine. Toronto teamuters have decided to ire :th on five dollars per day as I mini, mum wage. li um mun nuns ii RAILWAY MEN GALT’S BIG PARK. London, Aug 9. 4n introducing the Indian budget in the House of Commons today Hon. Alexander Murray, master of Elibank, Parliamentary Under Secre. tary to the India Office, stated that In- dia's present condition was very hopeful, though, owing to past depression,rthere was at deficit of $16,150,000. He onlo- gized Lord Kitchener', work as corn. mander of the forces in India. Referring to the murder of Mr Wil- liam Curzon Wyllie, he will that amid all the froth and foam of at few sedition, his the mass of the peoples of India re- mained unmoved. He announced than: would be no hesi tution in dealing with seditionists. San Francisco Bank Claimed to be Inflllible. San Francisco, Aug, 9.--The Seaboard National Bank has had an experience that left its belief in its infullibility gasping for breath. Also the exrerience cost It a couple of hundred dol are. A man from the firm of Johnson & Nel. non asked the paying teller for 86 in nickels. The teller shoved over tr paper roll of coin. _ When the rolls were opened they were discovered to contain $5 gold pieces--- 120 of them, totalling 8600. The custom- er nearly tainted. Then he asked the paying teller if he hadn't made a mis- London, Aug. 9.~llcspecting Cana. dian bounty-fed steel, the Glasgow Herald asks gravely: “Is it right, from an Imperial view-point, that Canada should grant bounties on tho produc- tion of material exported in competi- tion with the mother country? Is it right that bountied ' Canadian iron should be shipped even to the mother country it it is to be there told against British iron? The paring teller hadn’t seen the con- tents of tlge package. Besides, it in the policy of our: bank to inculcate, the doctrine of its 'utttulibitftr. calm reply. . The.dtthuiftrer left matching his-head. Some hours rum he was mched by a frantic Wepbone call. But by that time the customs: thoroughly under. stood that the hank never made mis. iake. - The bank got buck all except $200 of Its_err,tra money by the process of buying Statement in British House of Com- mons is Optimistic. "This question of bounties on manu~ futures within the empire will have to' be fought out. It should be one of the subjects tlken‘ up with earnest- ness at the next Impefial Conference." It Is Coming Into Competition With British Product. The centre oi tho gold diirvvr'uts ii ' tnwmhips of Huihonl, Ilumure and Ikatty, must of Hallway". NEW. 10.’ milx-s north of (Myth. a now wild king. dons would seem to have lv-z'u hum]. and the rmh to Iww tlowganda of last year and this promises to ohangv into a rush to Matheson. The Irrineipal diserrvotirr_ in Mumw and iluilrord townships arc in th- el lim1 lucid by the Guelph Syndicate, Surpriw Green 'mul Kvutuul y Berlin, Unt., deupatch: A wire an- nounced the death, at the Hotel Ot- tawa, Cushings Island, Portland, Maine, on Wednesday night, of Mrs. Seagram, wife of Joseph E. Seagram, ex-M.P., of Waterloo. She had been one of a party of six who have been at that Bummer resort for the past three weeks. Death wa sdue to an attack of heart failure, and was en- tirely unexpected. The remains ar- rived here this evening and will be interred in the Waterloo cemetery. She was about Cs' years of age and was for many years active in the An- glican Church and philanthropic work. She is survived by one daugh. ter, Mrs. G. H. Bowlhy. Berlin, and tour sons, lid. F. and Joseph H., of Waterloo; Norman, of Buchanan & Seagrmn. Toronto, and Thomas, of the Bank of Montreal, at Hamilton. Veins Discovered in Paying tter- tities in Three Townships. has [won dr-ovctvrl, , ' l '., dufnm t nuke this him a rival oi' th, c,ilst, Cty of Cobalt, and moi: hum-rigid. only serves to ('Jllflrm tll' rumm'e. I'll": are leaking out, of an sum rich in th yellow metal. 7 tlo far the diseovcries have been ko-pt for the mast. part a .qtwret, w'ni L' don-lop. ment was going an, but details in cun- nwtion with u numlwr of lhu claim, "ich show rich Ironsibi'lities are obtain. able. has l, Was Taken by Heart Failure at Summer Resort. 'I'h'ey-say that for about 'till, years businesa conditions in Mnniee have not been as good as they formerly were. but that conditions are now much bet. ter and they are anxious that nothing be done to hurt the rapidly improving situation. The street car riots of a year and a half ago, the general elec~ tion last (all, and the prospective city election next fall have all tended to dis tnrb the city. and they are seeking to avoid anything else that would distract the public from normal things. The 'protest sets out that the mer- chant. are not opposed to church ser- vices, but they don't need any undue excitement in the city, and above all things they w‘ant quiet GA pence. MRS. SEAGRAM DIED SUDDENLY. Munch, Ind., Aug. g.--- The Nuneie Merchant association hu adopted I proton ngnilut the bringing of Billy Sunday, the ex-bail player and present evnn‘elin, to this city for 1 series of mining. _ BOUNTY-FED IRON. "We “never make misiakea," was the RICH GOLD FIELD. Against Evangelistic Services. lNDlA’S BUDGET. athvsou NEVER MADE MISTAKES. BILLY SUNDAY. d Aug. - A now gold field ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO CHATSWOR'I‘H ........ ... CAMPBELLVILLE ...... ' DRESIMN ...... ...... .... DUNDALK ...... ...... .. DRUMBU ...... ...... .... Drayton ... ... ... ..... DELTA ...... ...... ....... DUNNVILLE ...... ...... DUNCHRUCII .. .. .. ..., DURHAM ...... ...... .... DESBOR0.. . ... ... ...., DELAWARE ...... ...... DORCHEtrrEtt .... ...... ELMIRA ...... '..... ...... EMBRO ...... ...... .... ERIN .'.... ...... ...... ELISDALE .... .... ..... . ESSEX ...... ...... ...... ELMVALE ...... ...... .. EMU .... ... ..... ... ... FLORENCE ...... ...... ., FORT ERIE ...... ...... FEVERSHAM .... ...... . FLESHERTON .... ...... FENWICK ...... ...... .. F'REELTON ...... ........ FERGUS ...... .............t FENELON FALLS ........ FIIANKVILLE ...... .... . GALETTA.. ... . . . ...... FOREST ...... ...... ...... GORRIE ...... ........ .... Gravenburst .. .. .. ... GRAND VALLEY ...... ... GORE BAY ...t.. ...... .. GAL? ...... .......... ..... GLENCOE ....... ...... Mr GODFRICII ...... _.... ... UUELPH.. ..... ..... .... GLANFORD ...... ...... . HALIBURTON ...... ...... HUNTSVILLE ........ .... HIGHGATE ...... ...... .. H0UGHT0N.... .. . . . . HARROW ...... ...... ...t HoIneIu ......... ... ... . HANOVER .... ..... ..... INGERSOLL ...... ...... ILI-ERTON ...... ...... . JARVIS ...... ...... ...... KAGAWONO ........ ..... KEENE ...... ...... ....._ KiLeYTHt4 ...... ...... ... KINCARDINE ...... ...... KEMPTVILLE ...... .....1 KEMBLE.......... ... ...., KINGSTON” .. ..... ... . KIRKTON .... ...... .... KiNMOUNT ...... ...... LAMBE'I‘II ...... ...... .., LAKEFlELD ...... ...... LION'S HEAD ........ .. [ LORING ...... ...... ... . LANSDOWNE ...... ...... LINDSAY .......... .... ... LUCKNOW ..... ...... ... LUMBARDY.... ..'.. . ' . LISTOWEL ..... ...... . LANARK ...... ...... ...., LITTLE CURRENT ...... LANUT0bt ...'r. ...... .... LYNDHURsT ...... ...... LONDON ... ...... ..... McDONALD's CORNERS . MASSEY ... ... ... ... ... MANITUWANING .......... MURILLO ...... ...... ..., MT. FOREST ...... ...... MATTAWA ... ... ...... . MILLBROOK.... ...... ... MABERLEY ... ... ...... MUNCEY.... ... ..... . .... MERRICKVILLE.... ... ., MIDLAND.... ..... ... . . MITCHELL.. ... ..... .... MIDDLEVILLE.... ..... .. METCALFE...- . ........ . MAGNETAWAN .. .. ..... MADOC.... ... ... ... .. . KOREFIELD .. ... ..'..... MII.VER'I‘0N.. ... ..... .., MERLIN.... ... .. '....... Imam-y ... ... .... .r.., MckeOr ... ...... ...... , Mellon! ... ...... .... ..... Mr. BRIDGES.. ..... .... NEWMARKET.. ..... ... s NORWICH ...... ...... ....t NEW LISKEARD..... ... .‘ NEWBORO .... ...... ..... NEWINGTON.... .. ..' .. NEW HAMBURG ..... . .. NORWOOD.. ..... ......... NtilUgTAryr.... ...... ..... NAPANEE ..... ... ... .. NIAGARA.. ... ..... ... , NEWIABKET .. ... ... .E 0RANGEVILLE.. ... .... oHewEKBN.... ... ..... .1 0AKWO0D.... . .... ..... OSHAWA.... ... ... ...... ODESSA.... ..... ... ... .. OTTAWA.. . . . . .. ..... 0NONDAGA.. ..... ..... . OWEN SOUND . . . ... . QTTERVILLE.. ... ... .... “cm“ .. ... ... ... ALEXANDRIA ... ... .. MONT! ... ... ... ..' ALVINB'I‘ON ... ... ... mum: ... ... ... .. AYLIIB ... ... ... ... ATWOOD ... .. ... ... Hammvu ... ... ... ABHW0RTH ... ... ... . ARiHUR ... ... ... ... ASTORVILLE“ ..... ... AMHERBTBURG ... ... Acton ... ... ... ..... ... BO‘THWILL'B CORNERS BRUCE It!“ ... ... ... BURKS FALLS ... ... ..r BRUBSIU.... ... .. .... BEAMSVILLE.. ... ... ' BOWMANVILLI ... ... BRIGDIN ... ... ... .... BEACHBURG ... ... ... BOBCAYGEON .... ... .. BAleE ... ... ... ... ... BLACKB’I'OCK ... ... .. BURFORD ... ... ... .. BRACEBRIDGE ... ... ... BERWICK ... ... ... ... BOLTON ... ... ... ..... BROCKVILLE ... ... ... BLENHEIM ... ... ... .. BRAMPTON ... ... ... . BURLINGTON ... .. .... BAYSVILLE.... ... ...... BRUSSELS.. ..... ... ... BELWOOD ... ... ... .. BEAVERTON ... ... ... BRIGHTON ... ... ... .., BRADFORD .... ... ... . CLARKSBURG ..... ...... COOKSTOWN ...... ..... CODDEN ...... ...... ..... COBOURO 's.... .'.... ...' Cornwall ... ... .. ..... CASTLETON.... ... ..... COMBER ........ ........ COLBORNE.. ..... ... ... CAYUGA . . ....... ..... . COLLINGWOD.. ... ... . Caledonln ...... .. ..... Iktesusedbrluriextit-ltueie- tioma,0eariathrart.. IcathglicIltlre. FALL FAIRS AND exummom l ..." .. Oct. 5 nil ' .8. ... hsept. if: , apt. .22 . 1 ........ (Scum ...... Sept._l¢, V, Halifax dc-sputcln: Earl Hines, the eight-yenr-old non of John Hines, foreman of Long-ml Bros.' engineering firm, stayed into the wood. It Prince's Lodge, six miles from the city, yester- day, and up to midnight had not been found, although hundred: of men, told- iers, police and citilens have been scour- ing the woodn for thirty hours. The little fellow attended the picnic of the Park Street Pmbyteri-h Church, which was held " Prince's Lodge yesterday. and shout 2 o'eloek he strayed into the woods Ind failed to retnrn. in. the woods and they tell-chad uni! dark, but failed to locate him. The po- Iine and I and of soldiers were der patched from the city. With n younger brother he was picking ferns, and, after gathering a few, the smaller boy returned to his mother, who had accompanied them on the picnic. Earl did not com back, but continued on in the woods. no the boy who returned states, and that was the last - of him. Soon after the boy was reported mining ting men started back temptod to run " automobile through the crowded street; After he had nearly run down Chief of Police Wills he was plnced undo: _ Bunnnn'n III-chine Wu decorated with American and British Us", Ind when one of the mud grabbed the Stan and Stripes tho Detmiter pro- ceeded to ten the British cable- in- tttPt " n retaliwory mu. ich, however, would have mulled in further trouble Ind not It" police my” surrounded the “to 5nd Toronto despatch: John A. G. Ander. son, the former ledgrrkeeper of the Port. land street branch of the Bank of Mont- real, whose arreat in Vancouver two weeks ago brought to an end a journey over two continents, in which he cashed worthless cheques to the value of seve- ral thouunda of dollars, was brought back to Toronto yesterday afternoon by Detective Alex. Murray, of the local police force, who was sent out to the cons! for him. Detectico Murray brings back with hint evidence againat Anderson in the form of two rubber stamps found on the ex-bank clerk when he Win cap- tured. One of them is the Bank of Montreal "accepted” stamp which An. derson is alleged to have used in passing his worthless (-heques in England, Franee, the l'nited States and Canada. The other i, an "entered" stamp of the some hank. Anderson's story of his wanderings since he left Toronto several months ago, as he told it to Detective Murray on the way down on due train, is n remarkable one, particularly with re~ gard to the ground that he covered. cm leaving Toronto on March 9 Inst he went to Buffalo, and from there to New York, where he booked passage to Liverpool. Next he visited London, where he stayed at the Hotel Cecil. Then he erorined the Channel, stopped long enough in Paris to mall n good- sized cheque and then come back to New York. In the next few weeks he visited Denver, Col., Los Angeles and San Francisco. touching " Chicago on his way back to Toronto. He remained here but one day, when he passed the cheques on the T. Eaton Comapny. Then he started west, touching at Detroit, M. Paul, Seattle, and Victoria, B. C., winding up at Vancouver, where the hand of the law came upon him. in practically all of the, places visited by Anderson he is alleged to have passed worthless cheques. Some of Anderson: cheques were, according to his story told to Detective Murray, passed under rather amusing circumstances. At Chicago. just before he came back to Toronto, he was short of funds, Writing a cheque for 8200 he Went to a Hebrew ireeottd-htutd,dealer and told him a story of being penniless and forced to wait for identification papers before he could cash a cheque he had in his possession. winding up by offering his coat for sale. The Hebrew asked to see the cheque, and upon in. spection decided that it was all right. The chance of making a little easy money out of a man who was too "hard up" to make any, decided objec- tion was too good to pass by, so the Hebrew offered to cash the cheque at a discount of 10 per cent. Anderson appeared to demur " the rate, but fin. ally aceepted $180, leaving the Hebrew with a worthless piece of paper which he fondly believed represented a deal with a margin of $20 profit. haEmtieNtmiteriatsuesei. Windsor dampen-h: Vincent Brennan, of Detroit, on“ a lot of eseitement new 1ete lut_ flight. 'ttttts lse ai- ALLEGED BANK SWSNDLER AR. RIVED YESTERDAY. Man Wanted by Police of Four Court. trles-Witt be Arraigned on Two Charges of Passing Worthless Cheques - Detective Murray's Stories. in the Paige Court this mania; Bren. pap unlined 836_fo_r "yt_drjtirt “d being without cub he left " 31.4». cu as security tot hi: liberty. Hublzuba How do you find the [no-- quitoes out " Sw‘mphnr-t "We don't bare to M them. The, find us." ight-rear-Old Boy Lost in Wood; Near Halifax. ANDERSON BACK. A VAIN SEARCH. TORE UP FLAG. ftrere. back Wildur. “Some few years Mo the {omen of Canada were an unorganiled mob. Now we have our different depurtmnu in the army, and we could at once put MV 000 men in the field and in n few week. nnothor li0,000." (Chart) They were also going to try to do their duty in re. god to the navy. At the moment they In Canada were convinced tint there card to the navy. At the nomeiit they " Csnsde. were convinced that there was dsnger or risk they would do ss they did It the time of the South Atri. can war; they would come to the rescue of the Empire with sll the money they could get and sll the men that might be'neeeusry in order to help thin coun- try man its tleeta. (Cheers.) They in Canada were goi to begin st once to do their duty, CT.) the loundstione in building up a new which when trouble arose would eo-operste with and be port of the great British navy. (CheersJ Genus! Statute, of South Atria. ssid: 'lllood is thicker than water, yet in an- other sense there is something that is thicker thn blood: the tie of honor wss even greater and stronger.” (Queen) He hoped n time went on it would be more Ind more reeliud that it wu no tie of blood which held them together, but the tie. of community of intemtn, justice, fair play, and equality. (Cheers.) union. Aug. 9.--h denial delegate to the Impenu defence conference n- marked to-dny:_ . _ _ _ _ _ "All We an; doing in so (u absolutely secret. All I can tell you In that thin.- nre going the wrong way, and I'm sorry for it." At the United Service Club dinner w the delegates to the Imperial defence continence, Mujorlknernl Arman-0t in the chair, Mr Frederick Borden, - ing in reuponac to the (out "Guests," “id: Sir Frederick Borden a United I". vice Clqb Banquet To": That Can- ada Could Put - Inn in the Field at Once if Heed be. THINGS NOT RUNNING CMOOTH- LY AT DEFENCE CONFERENCE. Kiel, " 9--The Gem-n Beet, “In the command of Admiral Prince Henry. returned here today Iron in mine to the Spanish coast, and is low en- ngd in taking on coal, pit-[pram] to putting to be: quill to be "viewed orf Kiel by Emperor Nicholas, who in en pected here to-morrow on board the i.- perinl yacht sandal. from Com. Bis. teen battle-hips Ind fourteen creitseea will take purl; in the mnnoequu. Emperor Nicholas is again to pu- through the Kiel Canal, and the um- ordinary mention. for his safety while so doing last week will be repeated. Rev. E. . Monk .0le a Haw. Wander“ to St. John. M. John, N. ti., drunk-h: Thr authori- tin have mocked him-Idol that tho body of I In": found in the wood. 00- milea from the chi more than two month. tflu?", t,edt2'r In. E. ti dere o I. I at 'feral 'eT,'r,'..'l, of Wax”, Wales, had come here while many dmaa-d. "tht.tioat of the Identity in and» edi.autteefrornEdqmad_,ee “Wuhan, telling of u but non. A rd.- uveotthe MMQHéhd [any aile- u boon-1mm Qt. '.to.ted 'IN.'t urn-owl, cue-pt . lulu; with . ”clotted: Don M unto-ohm, with that to.“ haw - dm-trou- mitt in all ”may. About I o'clock John». and his - Nter, Mr. Little, passed through Wand- Itock at u [not qseed. John-on IQ! drivix. Five mill-q wed the driver of Robson's mr, which had been the“ ot the fighter. turned to conn- buck cut. As they were turning on hte road again John-on whim by in a cloud ot dwst manly in the centred the road. "rte car was In nearly flying as could br no! any on the road," said Holman. The big car (and Robson‘s automobile and [and It lightning speed. No apparent effort W" made to avoid a collision. iiolmn returned to the city and inform. ed the police, with the vault that infor- mation was laid at "ttcr', and Chivf Tho-son wired London and other plan-.- to look out. for the nun-dot, He mu taken in charge at London and the local authorities won- notified. Later he in- tereeded with the ttuthorities, “la-ding an important "ngttirrrttettt at (tic-pa. Ho wls allowed to plead mtiltv to thu- cluirgc in London. and was fitted the maximum fine of titty dollars and rttMn, 855 in all. which amount will Ite tron-- lured to the local cxchcqucr. Johnum was then allowed to proreed. the water later partially confined the belief tut the dead Inn was the mining domain. “a had hold nev- onl charge- in South Water. m. health gave way a.“ spamming-Id it“... “uh-ed. "but. "tee tme. in M. to Unwed. found that be but and (at (huh. IO M w a“. Tobe Reviewed bytbe Cut Off Putin“: Will Left " Suicide ' Mt oi bunt company. Victoria, B. C.. Avg. it.-Adviete. an tmeeetved Irom \tlkuumu that Dr. N- kow, former President at the Nippmu Hug-r Company, cotworning whose nui- ride aha-r tite trial.- at Toki" ”on" gm. cabled. left a patina-(iv will in which ltr, ntuu-d that he had dvtermirtrd "tt tsui. cide for some lime, having beet. im- prumd by a 'tewN"tth'r "Tun rand- iny the nuidde of u British vnrl In":- Addmsing his dtildrert be acid br regrettpd poverty was More then, but. he Minted than to "fight It'".".'.',': instead of deploring and loy- ly new tho country." He uid his ml to." pmmote the development' of WI- ture. the failure of a mmplny of which be wan President. tiakow Mid be bed waited until the Nippon Mu Can. "up": (“More you” norm-in. ' THE WRONG WAY. MINIOTER DIES IN WOODS. SOUL WILL HELP JAPAN. GERMAN FLEET Kiel To-quw.

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