West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Aug 1909, p. 4

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If}: I I tt " Illa Hr In. In I and In 1 aiz it“ Durham Ychool tannin to chum tid " quality second to ac "csiery in White tan t {mm 150 to 500. t --.. .v.-I no TVU" I Thrasher with at $1 (a) tt pr. Cas on what! h-palring'aa LiARVjESI mms th é Drs. Kennedy & Keréan ARE YOt DING AWAY ? wEADEH allow . 1ts.KE:iiiitii.Emqt ntiiiiEih7 52$.KE??? 11ty name widen-of K8291 per Dr. J. D. Kenn Medical Dire, has rsocluedx him DrJhnnod who has been , Mu. Mon-hm new. bashful: r, enemy "an " all drahna OUR NEW, m will be to you "t vxamino on; t trunk: All anv a from "to tit; + tstyle. Telem t all polo... . Michigan Att, 3521’; Griswold tt trteq LAN, I pm We have only a few hats left and you c them at your own price. ,' & tiENtkd Guam» not so: a St.” 0“ Equipment ol is thoroughly eqmmm Y [i'.t chunk-u um] elm-u” u "'-'w'r'r' .. ior lullJum‘ut I .. 'l ',' "at-of 'k. ' e toilowiux 1:\:~::.u~ We are selling all Hats at one half price We are clearing the balance of our stock of Ladies' White waists at Half Price. fame: that Sole Agcl We have a large showing of Wash Goods, in Muslims, Dimities, Lawns, Ginghams, Vestings, Linen and Duck sittings that we are selling at very special prices. - Night: tite It t M e able at“. ttmt, “In I. " he": mu win c 'mphi, His t.tf Bargains in White Waists to!) 'rllu WASH GOODS Algebra, a grumble KF. illinery at less {han Cost en's (Y Boy's Straw Hats 200 yards of Black Muslin, regular 18e a yd, clearing at 10ea yd. [5 NOW ll t"ft,)'r'ii5y7. ”I It " and mit aakttor Men. Ladies h . mm: " and T, Con. P., N. D. " ' (in I' (43. NIL-torn. Rood fr tue hullsr. a .va..§'nher huildings. 'i'l,s'A'/'lu?// osrt , etari inn“: no.1 A M. '--'§EQQEQ3.$ONS '33:.‘3Y8cKENNEDY annual MclLRAl'm TREATMENT SUCCESSORI TO gall our Men's and Boy's straw mum " the down town thee 'torey rut“ from'tf:M STAKE; DO w. will “any”: or no um I, Lots tt and PM. Imam-m swung WON. 'h'Giiiaiii ANTm'n H. Jtuui Progress Brand Clothing i treated you. write for an honest opinion Free s FREE-"The Golden Monitor" Ctltuatmted) Sun on Request. at ct 'nmh rmoon'mEi- "are specml line of hone hind 1erven be, the (we I and null-11'! ated men are annual! swept re through P. \RLY '4hll'll'lfdG1lWlf, Loon “bangs. " {on have may of the roam}: us be fore it is oo late. Are you Iespe "dent and 21mg; specks before the cs under them, weak ck, kidneys irrita- e heart, bashful. dreams and hues. sedi- ds _ n the 1,vrr, are! sunken. hollow cheeks I. punt memory. lifeless. distrtritNi, tack tin-d mornings. testing nights, Chung:- mheod. pnmxture decay, bone pain, Lair and Jubilee Sovenir of Durham Presbyterian Church. 'ortock un s, Misses or Children 150:1 taut wt containing an his! he congregation ftr . "ltpteriations an: the ministrrw of (In tom» of the piuneers "misc, &c. Hes of the Session e (In can you. and make I Ah! blood purified so that all m.- strong In steel so that ner- “In"; bright, the face full and (. and vital syn-"mare invig- n, Don: let quack. and (Akin: "or Sale For Sale, 7 tN s Blood Poicour, are the must They sap the very life rely cradicnted from the . It only swaps-ensc- the DETROIT, 1tltii' no sews“)! d other fen limited mule! once at the He stores of Mesa!" It. Gun. t'. L J. S. Mclhmlu 'AN Dun ham Uh.- Crm- fen-"I he have Glen. , and 'tvner 1lt th M __ - my“ um mom ch, or stimulate the Heart or when.) That is wrong. Strengthen than failing nerves with Dr Sheep's Reutomtive. It is the nerves. not the organs that are calling for help. Within .48 haul! after star-tins; t"dthp,'a.'su' treatment. K on mil ruin a n. A to" will all. Bold by Hal's“ h 00. ' The footprints of Dyspepsia. have E. a: 1'.irectls traced to tho Stomsch lili‘VCM When those.“ inside nerves” [an]. indigestion Inmhslomach distress t'uu_arelyiresdit, For this, drnxgista everywhere are supplying s prescri tion Rum/n as Dr Shoop‘s Restorative. "itf','l were tiny inside Stomach. Heart, and Kidney nerves fail. ’Then gnu belching. Heart palpiauion, or failing Kidnevs‘ ftllow. Don't 3-m- ac, Crt, - The Dromore V. S. Swmum Park Sewers, mtend playing a match. Monday evening at timnton Park. Farm-ulna next. week. Juniors {cot-b3] ly game with tr It. ended with scoring. We wonder Ju were the tm who passed through here Sal locking for Maggie. We wouh to know if they found her. The Dgomore and Sacken'a tl I,,,.;.,..., r-“ t .. Mr Sandy McFayden has in in a bmnd new buggy wh notice is gaily decorated mm Sunday evening. SDI) 1 We ate pleased L ‘Vitters' are all better quarantine. Quite a number from attended the Orange plcn. Park and report a {silly g Mr D. Bilton of How passing through Irer‘ wi mobile, stopped and ref: wlfal our soda water four, Miss Jasmin. Kuhn...” we weather man has fayored as! with a beautiful shower of rain which was badly needed. Miss Margaret McDougaH is home after making an extended visit with friends on the Manitoulin Island. Miss Jean Mossip of Dundulk, " 1usitiug with Miss Margaret Me. l)ougall. pathy with the 751in b mother and father and whom he leaves to mourn - 7 -_- ‘uuvu unn- If at our soda water fountain. Miss Josie McDonald ox'Beminck, visiting, her aung, Mrs J. L. Fergu- 1). Miss Lore Whitmore onueen City, a at present holidaying With her mother, Mrs J. Whitmorc. It IS with great regret that we mention the Ileuth of Samuel L. Scott. one who Wlll be missed at home, being the only son ot Mr Andrew Scott, who died on Friday at twelve o'eloek after a short Illness of appendicitis. Sam was a boy who won many friends and will be missed in the bunduy school where hotaught icluss. The funeral tnnlr nlnnn m. S: Sorry to hear Mr T. McFadden has been under the doctor's care. Hope he will soon be around again. Miss Reta u wrenco visited her grandma Mrs A. Lanence last week. Mr Wright who has been yiliting his two daughters this last few months, Mrs A. Lawrence and Mrs Tia. l',rown,returnen to his home in l’hiludelpha on Monday morning. Miss Fioronco McGirr has been undtr the doctor's care. Hope to see her around as us“ al. After a fortnight visit with sister Mrs Jae. Walsh and c friends, Miss Ellen Sullivan left week for Walkerton where she spend some time before returmn Chicago where she has spent the few years , Mr Alex Campbell has taken “contract of budding a bridge on R Styx at lots 80 and 81 con 12. Campbell is an experienced 1mm! a“ ruex Lampbell has taken the |contract of budding a bridge on River Styx atlots 80 and 81 con 12. Mr Campbell is an experienced hand and the bridge " already passable. , Sackett's Corners The weather Mr Fred Bray tooka trip to ston one Sunday recently. 1 some attraction,' Fred. Opens fan, We are sorry to learn that Mrs Ed. Walsh who has been very ill for the past few months ha: recently been re. moved to a Toronto Hospital, where, We sfpeck she will undergo an Mr and Mrs J Vincent of Jsou Sunday at the Fred Shewell. Misses Theren and Mildred Volletti of Durham, are spending the holidays! at their uncle's, Mr James Walsh. i Miss Susie Lenahan returned last; week to her home in Toronto afterl spending a month's holidays at the! home of her uncle. Mr Fred Shewell. On Sunday last the and new was brought to Mr Alex Campbell. that his brother-in-law. Mr John Dang. moor of Durham, had been suddenly killed by the train at one of the Hutton Hill crossings. Mr Dune- moor was well known' and highly re. apected m this vicinity which was shown by the number that attended his funeral on Monday. Much sym- pathy is extended to the narrowing wile and family. Messrs Tmax & Colley have dis- solved partnership in the Welbeck Mills. Mr Truax 3nd family will re- turn shortly to Walkerton where he has secured a position as foreman in the Binder twine mills. alves fail. "Then air iliiii'ri'n"i', lpimlion. or failing Kidnevl Don't drug the Stom)ch. or tim 11...... ___ Frrt Popular Place Orange picnic at pleased fo hear that all better and out of rueam played a /riiiii'. a iaiily goodrttme. of Ilopeville, while hem wiLh_ his auto. fortnight yisii with her Jas. Walsh and other 'Ellen Sul_livan left last. rs J. Sweeney and Master Louise, spent a week ago the home of Mr and Mrs Welbeck family periCh,' "we m -pirk Juniors. tie, neither skies 'rton where she will * before returning to she has spent the past hi/e" isiiiii"i',' We would like refreshed LG ggy which w; the we kids around here two BISIEIS, his loss. invested Swinton Iorner, white, , Traver- Must be THE DURHAM REVIEW WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY HEADQUARTERS FOR and all Ice Cream drinks CityBakery ", , DURHAM. 18 Aug” 1909. thtl.lwhtat.........,.,s. 95:08 Spring Wheat........ 95to eats 45to _ Drive Rheumatism from the with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic lie Tablet or Liquid. Sold by Mt lane & Co. . W. B. Dated at Durham this of August, 1909. Eleclors are called upon to examine the stud list aqd if any omission or any other errors are found therein, to take iunnedinle proceedings to have said Priors comm-ted according to law. .-- - . _ Notice is hereby given, thutl have I transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of The Ontatiu 1'ot"et's Lists Act the copes required hyaaid uet-tiun to be so trans- mitted (it delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons up- pent-ing by thelust revised Assessment Roll of the , 9nd Municipality to be en- titled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legis- l.itive Assembly and at Municnpul t-lec- l hons I and that the said list WH, lirst posted up at my office, at Durham, on the l3th day 9f August ION, and re- mains there for inspection. Voters' List 1m9--Municipaiity ofthe Town of Durham, County ot Grey. iiaill UWen-1'0 t l A R (liiiil'tiil'i",5l,J'i owe t1tterrshoin' intie . ' ”minds: new" Don’t drag the Slomuch. or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. Thatis wrong. It is the weak nerves that are crying out for help, Vitalize these weak in- side controlling nerves with Dr Sheep's Restorative. and see how quickly good health will come to you again. Test it and see 1 Sold by MucFarlane & Co, Tho five-mile race got up here to be run last Friday was postponed to Tuesday. 17th inst. It is only for be- ginnera. Confectionery Cooked Meats Cured Meats Groceries Choice Pickles, 15c qt All Fruits in Season Farmers should be careful about entrusting young horses to boys un- less harness, rake, &c., is in thorough. "ly good order. Another horse-rake accident hap- pened a lew days after the above on the farm of Mr H. Ellis. near Kings- cote. m hitched up a colt. (sand to have been harnessed onlya few times.) to a horse rake, and got his boy, an English boy of 12 years, to go on It. He raked a while, when the harness broke, and a shaft falling down, the colt got scared and ran away. The boy held on well for a while but was not able to get him under control and at last was thrown off and in front of the rake.- He was dragged along on the hard ground for some distance till at last some of the teeth breaking, he ‘ was left on the ground. They thought he was not much hurt but the next day he got worse and blood ran out of his mouth and nose. A doctor was called in and last reports are that. he is still llying. Those who saw the runawax say that he acted liken plucky boy and held well on to the horse. head struck a gate-post. He was taken up unconscious. carried home, and came to enough to any that he could not livg. A doctor was sent for but skill and cure could not save him, and he died the same day. The funeral took place on Wednesday to Ventry and there was a large funeral and much sympathy expressed by the neighbors for the family. N A fatal accident occurred on Mon. day the 9th inst., on the farm of Mr Thos. Fraser, lot 87, con 9. His son, a boy of 12 years. was on a horse rake, and on going down a grade, there being no hreehin, the horse be. gun to run and the boy could not hold it. He was thrown off and his sick. It shouldihadh'); i, Pielér McArtbur was able to be out. Last week's report stated lint Mr Peter McAnhnr was able tojre out. 'Ijhlis wag an error. Peter is never ttrham Markets. We supply the best ---- - o - --'-ee - TORONTO Hopeville. NOTICE any] all refLeshing drinks. Try G.' Good service. - You”. Clerk, 13th day {be blood Remedy. M aeFar. ige 95 95 $3.331! before the 10th day of September A. D,, 1909, their names, addresses and descriptions. and a fall statement of particulars of their claims, and the netnreotthe security (if My) held hy them duly eertttied, and that aftei/ the said last mentioned day the execntrix will proceed to distribute the assets among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shell then have notice. " 1h"tt,1,the 16th day of August A. D. A. IA, 11909. are required to send by poet pre id or to deliver tod. P. Telford, Muir, for executrix, on or before the 10th dav of 'ure-h,,.. NOTICE In hereby given to ll. S. O, 1897, Cap] 129, and Amending Acts. that al buying claims against the the said Charles MeArthar, , on or about ,the 15th duv In the Surrogate Court of the of Grey, in the Matter of the of Charles McArthur late Town t?fDttrtiarn, in the Co G'rey, deceased. . I Miss Agnes Boyce, of the Eaton Firm, Winnipeg, is at present hoii- ldaying with her many triends here. Miss Mary McQueen returned to i town utter a couple oi weeks pleasant visit with the McDousail family. This community is much pleased to hear that Mr Start intends staying on this field for the winter months, Since coming here he has made many friends the congregation has in- creased and his sermOus are “preach- ed with an earnestness and e ective- l ness that is bound to haye its reward I in quickened spiritual life. We are glad to Eonn Mr Will Brown, who wasill with a cold last week has in” y recovered. Mrs Earnest Clue, of Walkerton, and Miss Brunt. ot Hanover, were the guests of their friends. Mr and Mrs Ralph Brunt, last week. The Pratt Bros. of Louise, have flniahed the contract of drilling the well at the school and moved to Brant to do work there. u..â€" .u... van ucuguuu and manly re. cently. Mr Stephens and Miss McCormiak. ot \Valkerton, were the guests ot Miss Kate McKinnon over Sunday. Mrs Morrison, of Walkerton, ae. companied by Mr Fred Kenny, were holiday guests of their friends, Mr and Mrs Jas Meaghan and family re. “Ray: The harvest is coming in fast on accountofthe dry hot weather and though it is not very heavy most of the lumen are. complaining of brok- en_bindtsrs. Miss Katie Phillips returned Mon. day alter two weeks holidays with friends in Owen Sound. Dr Standish, of Walkerton, calfed on Mr and Mrs Jas. Heughan Monday of last week. Mr Wm. Fulton has hid lightning rods placed on his barn by Mr Meihl- hausen. of Elmwood. 'V -'"""., vs ‘lnwwu, flu, is spending holidays with friends here and camping along the banks of the old Sangeen. We are always pleased to have Rev. O'Neill spend his holidays at Mulock. Hope to hear him preach before returning home. Our teacher, Miss Morton, returned to her school duties Monday of this week. Mr and Mrs Dave McGeagh.of Hanover, Snndayed with Mr and Mrs Ralph Brant and family. August time, tells on the nerves. But that tspititless, no ambition feeling can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is Anown to druggisu everywhere as Dr Shoop‘s Restorative. Within 48 hours after beginning to use the Restorative. improvement will he noticed. Of course. full health will not immediately return, The gain. however, will surely follow. And best of all, you will realize and feel your strength and ambition as it is return.. ing. Outsile influomsms depress first the $t inside nerves 9t then the stomach. Heart and Kidneys will usually fail. Strengthen these laillng nerves with Dr Shoop‘e Restorative and see how quickly health will be yours again. Sold by MacFarlaue & Co, NUTIC E TO CREDITORS Miss Lottie Love visited at Alche- aon's last week. Rev. Mr Kendall is spending three weeks vacation with his sister in Cbatham. Mr George Brown, Toronto, is spendinga few weeks nation with his cousin Mr Tom Garaon. Misses Ella Benton and Luella Brooks visited Proton friends, from Thursday till Sunday. A number from here attended the Orange picnic at Swinton Park, on Thursday. They all report a fine time. Rev. J. O‘Neilll ot .Pittsou, Pa Mr Gordon Findlay left on Monduy to take a positron in Owen Sound. We wish him all success. Mr Colin McMillan is hung a fitw new fence erected in front of his resi- deuce. Miss Eva. Rentnn ttt visiting her friend Mum Irma Knox. Swinton Nrk. Miss Eliza Wilson returned from Markdnle on Thursday. M15525 Mary Taylor anLiirtih, Russell Ire spending this week in Muskokn. Mr Norman Renwick is leasing tor the West on Thursday of this week. Dromore foobbdl team played I fine gums With Swinton Monday awning. Neither scored any goals. August time, tolls on l P. Truman. Solicitor for executrix 'r"aiWrrfi'r),5 Mulock Court of the County I The "ntrver Conveyancer, Tttter of, rhe Evian l " .. . -. meore. JY given pursuant! Cap. 129, Sec. 38 a. that all persons inst the estate of '4rthar, who died 15th day of April [aired to send by , deliver tod. P. r exermn-I- n- A- hur "a/tl," 57"; 2fl AcreslGlenelg flood {unin- dswli- . ing am one ot the \‘vry “wt mu inthe Counfg of largest frame hunk bum in tlu, . County of Grey--a gill. at $2700. given Pursuant 100 Acres, Bentlnck --Fine bride Ut'tt. ID. 129, Sec. 38 eered and fruwe dwelling. {rump that all persons bunk burn and nil good buildings, It the estate of price $2000 ,' hardly the value ofthe rthar, who died buildings. Owner lmuud to rvll, th day of April 180 acres Bentlnck -- 41 miles {Niall red to send by Hanover. close to techno! and Post lellver tod P Ottiee with daily mail. Brick home, 'xecmrix 'ii, 2; frame-bank ham. great snap, and f ' [any other Good Bargains in Farm v o September _ mes, addresses and Town propen y. a fitllatatement If you want to“: orSett unto Miller claim, and the - No charge if no business done. I up --- x . -- ‘“"' __ TALL TERM COMMENCES l September lst at KM" teadhstr Business School new Collected No charm inn collected. All kinds of business carefully and quic ded to. “Always Prompt, Never Ne: V "J ~v\.ty|l|"AVU uulll'. 1:11wa and Stu-lamp Tickets to all points. Money to Lead at lower rates than you can borrow elsewhere. Money to be Made by 'tttending to this advertisement Do not forget that we sell Trunks), Valises. Suit Cases, Telescopes and Shawl Straps. Whips. Lap Dusters and'Lap Rugs in abundance. l Buy one of our Horse Muzzles and you will enjoy cutting your grain, Have you examined our assort- ment of Washing Machines ? 'Noth- ing to equal them in this Northern Country. The Ideal Dower Washer is the latest. If you have Water works you can sit down and see it d u the work. Your choice of Wringers Tubs, Wash Boards, Clothes Baskets, Clothes Lines and Clothes Pins of STOVES. RANGES TIN and ENAMELWARE. FLEURY'S FLOWS. SHARES. ROOT PUL- PERS and TURNXP DRILLS. We also carry a tine assortment Have you seen our Grain Cradles . --the best that are made. We also, stock Cradle Fingers, Cradle Bladus, ( Scythes Snaths and Corn Hooks. _ We are trying to keep enough Binder Twine to suit every person. Remember we sell the Plymouth. as well as some cheap grades, We hear it remarked every day after customers have hunted all over town for aJticles, and find them in our More, $t we never knew you kept them, tt When you cannot find what you want in other stores, give usa call. We have just passed into stock the following new and up- to-date goods, which we cordial. ly invite the ladies of Durham and surrounding country to call and examine : New Fancy Goods Stock K. Cochrane If you get it at GUN'S. it's good is perfection in powder form,- not the least gritty, pleasant tasting, highly antiseptic, Opposite S. Scott‘s store There are many nice tooth pre- parations but they will not ail clean the teeth 1yerl’ectly. For a strictly reliab e cleanser, Clean teeth--pertectly clean teeth will not decay, so to keep the teeth perfectly clean is to preserve them. TEETH W. Black Preserve Your Gun’s, Pearl Tooth Powder GUN 'S DRUG STORE u. n. MILLER, Hardware t Linen Damask»: Towels Fancy Linens Lace Curtains Embroideries Laces ' Flunnellettos q Dress Goods Hosiery Lullivs’ Irhitewe: Fancy Goods THERE‘S No charge if noth- All kinds of financial "- ___- J . - ' Never Negligent." --at-- any MES: ', Perse (If 1"me Salt Farmers, " lj 'cs 1316 f iiii'c,'ir," I'ttre Bpices, No. 1 Fan-ll Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Conlectim - _ -. van-e. . .5): ci, TGe Huneymmh wool Slum ls, .3” Black bateen L'udvrskirlr. 8l Men's Cardigan Jacki-.3 1.0". Flnol (“cloth .. . ..25c 11 sq Table Uilclolh. " in with All-wool Blankets Bed comforters fr, Large 11: 4 stzel ken. white or are t MATTHEWS a LATIMER If ynu want t mistlhis chovee I cheap before the re sold l eavlt ce we lawn: , Prints and "Ur 2,5c. mn 50 - Waist for. . 2.03 & " w am 1.50 Waist for _ 1.2 Waist for . Ice c'"rttec'tionary 3891008 & Vim-gun ll‘amilj and Purc- Manitoba ours Ladies' Waists MacFARLAN E your V acatlon ', Feed, Seett & Groceries tee. What about Hammocks at cost Kodaks for Pleasure urlsuns awn and Mt AUGUST .19, 1909 Druggists and Booksellers “his” I Alt ll)" l uul, Nut! and to u reserving aids Consult us : we may I; able tn help you. We Eel ticket: to I” points at low l rues. Selling 'Wu 10e Paralims Me a lb. I 11ings---the "good Gummed Labels 2H8 Just. the tbintt--eo h, you want at waist dun'L He Mrlett, which we will at cost. All prices Fil For solid comfort. t will I price Hammock Try I $2 Browmc or new No. 8 " $10. h betuty. Nothing will yon more real pleas Any child can work tl Don't forget that we Kodth " Me a day. Produce Wan 1nd Gingham: "ow in Ind 506 Dress Goods Is. . .252. 50v, 750. I wool SIM“ Is, Gnc, Undertaird/ " I For A Big Sale of Sells Cheap " in 6.7m: is. 83. 4 and 4.75 I from 1.3.3 to 3.00 v , Flucmelletto- Bla, or grey. . . .125 mi 10 he sold tot4ear, expensive (mes me- dium lett "vet' W.?. ho 'et rid of the 0min“- ll them at the fol. slin " 'tter wir, d ttet ion . ll 'l, for , square yd o handv 1.11) o ' zoo . Lo a ubl "th It $l ll " ' Mid- (a Qood 'it Wall Paper ' Carpets, 'ii') Linoleums j PMIU'I south , Itttt mm -reil “4 Innu- burn. furthe" ir')i"//i',' hu itat i1 A dwell land in llu “imam: " tit., a ulnar Stalin". . ti " Tenn! " OWL l bargain "lit urn Ftrk, in: drained. v Only may “'c-l Th M "PM I. G. " l beat, “II II “with. “on of tC, hee trout , Ptdce SUN Mn iu‘lt‘ an clear. I: watered, h ttuid l'hmu- .E.-W‘ Eur tsale m Thu d Boots 8: Shoe; Dry Goods Gents’ Fur- nishintt and Cracker qu tst AUGUST 19, l Buying " Teamster Wanted ll ot Fishing “mm imls 'arlm For Bad ale or “end 'er. "'7“ ti sittt mice u-Iml (on! The

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