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Durham Review (1897), 19 Aug 1909, p. 5

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Jets out :ation ure ttt rn gaids " re cries ansts (alder 'a ANE 'ioett, hat-ha- 1909 at the t.00 't gl'O la, m. em ' Mid-summer Bargains {cod Ll T55"? .‘V‘T‘Z “C’f‘fgmu In order to make room for NEW GOODS to arrive, we t) L, are making special reductions in . forthwith. Ti; eulars apply to Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glenel tompmml of lots 22 nnd 23, Con. is: N I). IL. "Mumps. Possession given forthwith. Tide perfect, For parli- Lots 2 and 3 of 29 in the first con- "emsion of Bentlnck. one-hall mite mutt: of the Corporation of Durham. lm nut-s in gtuxl'state of cultivation l .erl watered "t running guanine. A Hi Nt. Sta titr ti .rr"me tteutr. t]iaiL",' ir%ri""i',an"k" barn, 15x00. Town UiilGf. "G; furth.er purl_k~ulars ”apply_ on, the pretuises lo Jtusies tstG."'PrdFriea" Durham. human. inn-gum, r'rperty sir o, at n... building occupied by P. G, “ML-tel- as n jewellely store and J " The h dwelling house and “.5 acres o M in the Town of Durham, (late the \ghtnn pr many}. south of Lambton .. " abort distance west of u, T. R. Minn. Apply to JAMES WATSON. Varner. Tuus. COOK. Markdale. no acres in the Third Gown-Ion rr G. It. Glenelg. This II a Brrrt clu- I mm With good building- in the moot Ir-tarm. location. The farm con- s','" M " NG acres of rich cultivable laud ”an. iroro mtottetg and " acres of bush. I" i r 251500. In nun-a on the (huh-n Road. u ( Ivar. .50 acres hardwood hush. we" new-d. tint class building; Witt be .le dump to windle estate. 130 .u‘lr'i in Berttinek, buildings and "l “out everything in ttmi class iarre. Prirem 1m mum in Bentinck on Gunfnxa up! m'al' Dornnch. Rood buildlnn-V liar huh- or Exchange. IUt " HS "or CITE ‘d nu 1y co tint prod culnlmtawle house with hard r inside l rent 80 per month. AUGUST 19, 1909 od houses Buying nth-s in Egrcmom, Rood land uuildmgs. WI). .u-rm in Proton, near Swimon fair buildings. ttood land. we" ed, well mottled and wellfeneed. u- two storey lull-k dwelling lark" "tive stables, on Main Dun-lulu. Will he sold at n I, and would accept other yas purllmy. Apply to 6' Aiot t. hprrmut H, JACKHON, Durham. wanted ho.) sale. .u-res in Bentinck. Five mile. Durham. tin- buildings. good with a ll',',',?", at timber. Ue sold at once. rice 86000. aqua» in Eertryotst, Rood land " as "law nuke: with .u, Wall cases. clock and safe " l or sale or Rent Ihlu- are hereby "otttied that tN "ttuctly prohibited on Lot , 2, E. ll, It, (opposite Glen- All lrmpassers will be prou- I. uuls For Sale 'l‘eamster Wanted Fishing Notice. Farms For thai. Farm for Sale. lluusc to Rent AARON \VENQ’ER. Ay on, Ont rrcrul man, accustomed to handling a team for farm I Naming. Married man 'rcc house. Apply to For Sale. To Rent A. Ounces. Weybux n, Sash. SolicitVoH iiGiiiii, Ont Apply to J. M. Lvrmzn w M. LAIDLA w. nck on Gamstraxa l. Rood buildings. 83000 to .NOO for 1 KLForur, Durham The Highest Prices Paid for Produce. G. d; J, McKEOHNIE G, d: J, MCKECHNIE Mt'CunmCK F. mi NN. "' against me: fhast, 60. u against ta; we‘vud. 9e, as against. 20: for the old ; thud. 14e.trn against Me; fottrtlt, 160. as nut-inst 400." The primer is not. ready to issue. but Will soon be out in ample time for the wheels to bestook. ed with them.-'llorottto News. To-day the new Ontario Reader! for use in the Public Schools of the pro. "(Ice were placed on Isle. About 200,. ooo of them the randy to be sent out to the various schools throughout the p, wince. The new books are an ex- cellent example of the bookmakers art. They are larger than the old books, printed with bigger tvpe, on better pn- ver than the o‘d ones, end cost less. They are bound in cloth, with Item, will h3ard backs, and in such a way u to to prtusioally indestructible with or- dinnry use. As regards the matter they contain, Dr. P. J, (loggin, who compiled I them. said this morning: " They are for the purpose of teaching children to rot l, and not so much to give interma- tion. Their object is. in other words. inspirational, rather than informational. I Certain lines have been followed in tte-l Ilecting the matter. We have tried to l cultivate painotiem by including in the books patriotic selections. acconnls ofl historic events. and historic pooms.[ Canadian history has been given a large I pie. A good deal of nttentim has been given to nature, Spring. Plowing, Clouds, Rain. Rivers. prose and poetry. We hare given more attention to Labor. Ilatskin's Work and Wages, and Carlyle! ( Honorable Tcil. Considerable attentionj has also been given to sport Child l life in many lands hes been treatedl hugely. Sketches on music. tales from the classics. Russian tales, French tales, and twenty-three se'ections from the Hilde, are included in the hooks. Cumin so'ectious from the old ll'nd- ! on have been included in the new books. The” are a greater list of I Canadian "others than ever before sp- I penned in Canadian keltoolbooio, As l, to the SlZeS, there are nxty~four pages in the old primer ', there are 128 m the l new first reader, which corresponds. I Then» were 184 in the t-ld second; J tLtrrs, urn 224 pages In the new. There wen-288 pages in the old third ; there are 351’. in the new. And there were Jil paws in the old fourth, 416 in the new. The diiferenee in prices " also i uni-km]. The primer costs 40 now, as i Another tenure hire ottrg--mortt'g the pity-is that the Dutch language is to have full equality with the E .glisb. This no doubt is one of the IV nditions that has secured the t1niort. One may hafe that Canada's record and example may prove of greet service in guiding this new ante in the British empire in paths of for- br arance, peace and progress. hoecver, in the colored races. who p eponderate numerically. and who m1. pot bowel: equal rights in the nmlim' ot government, _Ihongh _tto d um they" -wiiiTiG Jiiiiiiiruiri Kruger never gave them. South tArrica sands today much as Canada stood in 1967, rather better in tact. tor Nova Semi: mut"then sulky. while apparently there is ha many in the new Dominion, it they aris going to GifiGGir.-is'tti; has n difliertrty greater than our: The British Home or Common: bu ptstsed unanimously the second read- inst of the South Africen Callahan?) Bill. This is In extrmrdinn v measure, when it is considered that oniye few veers ago some of the new provinces were It war with the empire ot which they are now to form a contented integral part. FASHION and BR ADW AY Fresh Groceries continually arriving, bought at right prices Everybody is cordially invited to examine our stock. THmtsDAT7iEiiii7 which for style, fit and durability cannot be excelled We have a large stock of the celebrated D & A Corsets, nored for being easy titters, stylish and durable. all): Durham Karim the New Ontario Readers. The New South Africa $ttlt . Summer Corsets Men's Clothing We have the celebrated brands tlttlt ’ Groceries r9th, ibis The highest prure will be paid for all kind, " Lugs during next winter. A Rood lot of Shinglm for Gale cheap to anyone who will buy them there. As I have purchased the mill " Ahmdeen from J, w. Umwfnrd. 1 am in n In sitinn to do all kinds of custom sawing. Durham, May 'dl, um I Dodas-iueoom-iuat we follow. I iug be the districts over which the members of the Board of Health respec- ltivoly have supervision ; l D. McQueen No l, cons 4,5,6.7,8 from Ibsen line to P. T. L, I It T Dodds No 2, eon's 9.10.11,12,13,l4‘ i from base line to P, T. L, Pam anywhere untapped in 20 minutes sure with one of Dr Shoop'n Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25.eent box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist B. bout this formula! Stops womanly pains. headache. pains anvwhere. Write Dr Show. Racine. Win. for free trial, to prove value of his Headache, or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by Mac- Farlaue & Co. Reeve Mastic No I. con’s 15,16, 17, 18, 19, go, 21, 22, from base line to 1oth side lino. Clerk No 5. Con'n l, 2 and B from Glens]: townllne to Mt Forest. Carried W J Wil n No 3, con‘s 15. 16, 17, 18, 19, 2o, 21, , from loll: side line to P. I D. McQueen eertihed to the burying or. dead sheep by G Keith, am't charg- ed 50c. order granted. Me0nren-Doddr--Thttt By-law No. l of the Board of Health be now reml a first and second time. Carried Allan--Wihma-Tiv" Bylaw No. l of the Board of Health be now read a third time, sutmul and finally passed and 200 copies u printed in short form for the guidance of tho public. Carried. Wihron---hre0ueen--Tut the follow. ing aceonutl be not paui; Dr. Brown'- ucconnt for medical eel-Vices. hitting i been called by the parties ; W T Finders recount for consequential loss during iquanntiue ; J. W. Robb for goods de. mtroyed and John Wells for good»! de- 'stroyed. Cart ted Doda--hlhuv-TUt the clerk serve a notice upon all those who have been " flieted with smlll pox of tho amounts that have been paid for otteuduhce and necessaries requiring such to pay tn the treasurer of this municipality; the amount which said municipality has paid for them as required by statute. Said amount must be paid or obligation acknowledged by Sept. 27th (Council Day ) in order to be deiruitely 'settled,-- Carried. l Mequemt--Doda.--Upot th. Idvice I of our Tp Solicitor nnd acting in IQJOIJ' lee therewith, we ncw real] the ac- l counts that hnvo hoen rendered for fees [ paid to Medical m an!) Oft1tser acting in his ofhtGl capacity and the clerk notify the several parties inlerenlrd to this eifetrt, Curried hlian--Wiuon--Tht" H. H. Wilkin- son‘s account for 06.00 for attendance on J Keller be paid and said amount be charged to Mr Keller. Curried MeFren-Dodda.---Tht" we tender Jan Lewis the sum of 018.75 in Bettie. ment ot account rendered “0112.50 of said “count he charged to Mrs. Pollock and 16.25 be charged to John Wetlg.-- Carried. man expllinod the obieet in ailing this --w" to receive from the Reeve and elerk the opinion of our Tp. solicitor ro- spccting accounts rendered to mull pox cues and to pass I brhoe clurly defining our action in such can”. Board of HeIIlh--mel Aug 14th. mem. bers all present. minutes at previous meeting mad Ind eouflrmei1, The etmlr- Egremont Board of Health Aberdeen Saw Mill. o. ALLAN. Secy N. MCINTYRE. Easy: Selling A sample of Robert W. Service’s youthful preeoeity is exhibited in an incident which occurred when he was barely any en years of age. He happen. ed to be with his parents on a visit to his grandfather, ,nd when the dinmr hour eamtround young Service under- took to say grace, and the following impromptu grace eGne from his lips ' " Lord, bless the meat and bless the of very great interest to men of sAentitie, training. It is rxpel-tod that firteen hundred parsons from outside places will attend the British Association convention, four hundred of whom will come from Great Britain. Preeoeity of R. W. Servlce, Author of "Songs ot a Sourdough " and " Ballads of a Cheechako." 320 acres of land close to the Town of Boston. Man. All good ruirie land suitable for agriculture. \g’e are uttering this at a toerithw. Price $8.50 per acre, with a cash payment of 3500 and balaneeTo suit purchaser with in. terest. " 0 per cent. ALLEN dc Co., was Salami; Building, The meeting of the British Assceia. tion Will be attended with keen-in. terest. This is the hrs: time that this distinguished body has met in the West, and it is expected th'tt the oe. casion will prove to be no lessinterest- ing to the scientists who come here than to the people of the West. At this season of the your the country is alive with birds and animal», and the prairies are ablaze with the colors of tountless varieties of wild flowers. These and the geological formation ot Western Canada cannot fail to be . pepper, Btesa wee Harry when-he writes a letter ' Bless us all here. that is as five, And keep the rest downstairs nlive." It ma an nppe’al from his childish mind to his grandfather to occasional- ly change the form ans} wording of hits thanksgivingc. Winnipeg, Aug. bi, 1909. Reports of the crop, gathered at first-hand by experienced ‘inspectots ot crop conditions. continue to be en. couraging. There is a general con. dition throughout the West of in- creased acreuge and rain enough to carry the crops through. Reports of damage by hail are tound to have been been wholly local, and usuallv emggerated as to extent and severity by the tirst reports sent oat. As far as the experts' estimates have been collated thus iar. it would appear thut-after all due allowance has been I made for a late spring and some damage by hail-there will be falls more than an average crop of wheat in bushels per acre, and a very much larger total than last year, due to in- creased acreage. Oats are reported to be generally a shorter crop than last year. Cutting of barley is gener- al wherever this grain was planted, and wheat cutting uns been begun in all of the earlier districts Unless there is a heavy frost within the next week or ten day A the crop Will be quite safe from that danger, much oi it having already passed the danger point. Lord Strathcona Coming. There is great interest here in the convention of the British Association, to be opened in Winnipeg on the 25th, and in the proposed visit ct Lord Strathcona to this city. There is a very strong friendship subsisting be. tween Lord Strathcona and the people of Winnipeg, and the visit ot the aged peer will begiVen a royal welcome in his old home. Our Winnipeg Letter And itslways comes with the years, And the smile that is worth the praise of the earth _ Is the smile that comes through the ( tears. It is easy enough to be prudent When nothing tempts yen to stray; \When without or within no voice of sin Is luring your soul awav. But It‘s only tt negative virtue, _ Until it is tried by fire, And the lite that is worth the honor of earth' Is the one that resists desire, With the cynic, the sad, and the fallen, Who had no strength for the strife, The world', highway is encumbered to-day-- They make up the. item of life. But the virtue that conquers pmssion, And the sorrow that. hides in a ttmile-- lt is these that are worth the homage of earth, I For we find them but once in a while. It is easy enough to be pleasant When life flows along like a song I But the man worth ‘while is the man who will smile When everything goes dead wrong l For the test ot the heart is trouble l Bruise Join} -tiriiirCiiiiriiaet it get red. and well. An pain rout 010mm it does. In coo. Minn hInM a”... \v-..vn 1a-; A H _ . - ,,, rfii -e. .'eMr.. v. WW " uuem “I m)- Mn. blood prawn. You‘ll tind it whim m ... lwgys. It I limp]! 00mm Sena. -eee -..W-...‘............. " www.muy. {23“}: my. it Wins the blood elm on. " {on bore . budget”. it'l blood pm It t's painful period.- with women, lune can». " you no simple“. mules, nervgut. In blood e'tttmeation--blodd unsure. Tin unruly is n certainty. for Dr. Show“: Hudsgho “biota any It in 20 minutes. Ind the tablets amply datum the uxgmmnl b_lood pm. " 7 'atueeqWuea Dr. Bacon's Rutuehi3tsbreFi 'igt,ieeu1,e,t', 1'l'ltr."a,tlla '/gh'gtih 332." tae _ so rm . y . p, ghgugh niely. It luxury cum-um blood drab ' PAIN tralmtrs. It’s simply tAuiihiiifiaiiir" - w. an n 25 cents. and annually remand 1 in the hyae-g.trt Phi“ .1).lh,'luhttr7it hlblloodu 'IA 'li Dr. Shoopu He adache auhtete THE TDUBHAH REVIEW A Prairie Snap. Sold by Macrarlane and Co Worth While. .._- :3; Central Drug Store 2'; - M t..sas.sas.as:ssas :S:S:S.'S.9.S,9.S.'S.a:a:e.3.'t it) SgEEEEEEZ EEEEEIE """"""'tt I . . . . m 3; For School Opening , Lenahan 6Y McIntosh. Oils, Etc Gloves, Mitts, Etc. Model Camp-Victoria Croes end Wrestli on Horseback Competitions be- tween telnu from Dragoons end L11lll,e.'ift'lle,1 Drive-Musical Ride, etc. CANADIAN NATIONAL Exmnmon Angus! Milt "f"ll1fllT'iiiii'ciiiii" 13ih Iieulquarters for Hardware ib Furditure Dreadpoughts In - Naval Battle Gluten Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent. in "the operation. urmture TORONTO will ofticiate at opening ceremonIeI on Tuesday, August 8Ut. MILITARY YEAR AT THE FAIR Adware 8, Furniture at". THE SIEQ OF KANDAHAR th BATTLE OF THE NORTH SEA WATCH FOR REDUCED RATES AND EXCURSIOIS. For all infatuation writ. lam. I. o. ORR. at,“ Toronto ADMIRAL LQRD CHARLES BERESFORD Oar stock is complete of new and up-to-date Furniture. It costs you nothing to examine goods for yourself. In Oils we have all kinds in abundance, includ. ing machine oil, Cylinder Oil, Separator Oil, Black Oil, Castor Oil, etc. We have also a fall line of Thrashers Gloves and mitts of all qualities and price 8. We have the Agency for the celebrated McCor mick Binder Twine. In quality it Is unsurpassed and prices are right. Call and examine the Twine for yourself. GREAT DOUBLE Blll tlt FIREWORKS I‘d? We have avery fine display of Cut Glass at prices to suit everybody. School Books and School Supplies. The va 119ml- ers will be in this week. We carry a full line of Cut Glass Call and see us. Pony indultrial 'y'tfitm'M.hi's'i in llama Eat; Machines. National Cream Separators Robes; Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc. Daisy Chums, Washers, Wingera“ Benny's Hay Goods -uaqllt% Promptness and fair dealingjwill. continue to be my motto a -. . --- 7 Yours for Business, Armstrong and Tudhope Cutteu Bell & Thomas Organs and} innos Rudd Harness, Toronto ... Raymond & New Williams Sewing Cockshutt Plow Co. ue, Inattord Paris Flows. Spreaders. etc Bimll Rollers 1nd om Harrow: - yur" nggons And §l¢lghs I l Barber. Peter Hamilton Farm Implements Full line of Catholic Robes and black and White Caps for aged people. Embalmtnz a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice tshow. Booms-Next to Bwullow'u Bar. her Shop. - 7V V â€"m Ramona: - First house south of Lawrence'. Buchanan Shop. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director D. McPHAIL-’ Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money to Losu. fWee. over Gordon'. Jewelry Store h a l stamp lurour Emmi Emu “Hm. Io wt I Patent"," What protitruM to hymn “mud 'l'rlzeson Pmnu'.Advioe (no. ' am mourn“ MARION a MARIPN. EXPERTS PM”! Byiuiryg, by; " _ugm Rt... Mayanf I'm!" llmlulug, '10 HI [homily firmer b'mftmtf Bummer. Solicitor. Notary Public. Conveyance: Att. Money to Loanfat lowest rates. Mee, Helm. re Block over the Slim 0 dud Bani. Durham, Ontario. Term moat-Me. Arrangement; tor also " tonnes, dat., man be made " the Review ot. nce.Durhuu. I" ('ormmudeuce adduced there, at to Ceylon P. o., wlll be will)“; attended to, llanm on spplloulon to iiiiJGiiiGGi"trUG iirihéri ii,ifiriroiiii, “WWW bunn- “unaud- Insurance Agent. louev to Lsan, leaner of Marriage Licenses. A gen eral tiaaneiU business transacted. Be spre E), get Stin- ott%e-C,atd erhs Block. over Post oMce ARTHUR B. JACKSON McIntyre 1hoek-Utnbton M, Bucky and Bell's old mud 30m f29Pe,thP,tt.e.tt, 225:2!” um u we Roi artiWTsciia iaiaii' My in in in knuckles. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Univennty. gramme of Royal College of Dental Wt eons of Ontario. Room. Over J t J IHUNTERS New Store M3131 CAL J. s, HPETPN. M. 12;. C. I wf PICKERING B. n s., I. n s In.“ moat. mocha-door; o JUtfMt'dN'Mraog,'i't ot am. onm IOU” '-1ty.tn .-apat, or to G. H. STINSON Model Bakery Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. Urey son s bakery goods and you will always be satis- fied. We have) a fresh supply of Buns, Dough- nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand I. B. McLellan. ‘DEN TAL Curt helluva My We' buy :our $bread at ',Stinsou'synd.,think it is theyery best too. That is what you hear the people say. J. F. GRANT D. D.S., L. D. - Ceylon [In . telephone 0mm. BUREAU. ONT, (Lowe: Town Notary Public, Commissioner. MNVBYANCER. ae. fol... on. G G, non“: No . I tt Btyncs Budgie: es J. P. TELFORD D. IcPliAl}: 1ttlett if. A. BELL W. F. DUNN c. RAIA'GE. Durham may v ' 77 J/ /4-f f???

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