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Durham Review (1897), 19 Aug 1909, p. 7

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WANTED lt Match» o. 33. 1909 T WAGES , "cops and Want Some- I? Then Ask lade of ARE EN PM. wANTE o hl TED an: who Family. HOOD, Eit lif Mr THE WOUNDED. SERGEANT TAYLOR, of the city police, only slightly. c. M. DICKENSON. of the Tlmu- Journal, slightly. slight wound on head. JOHN LAKE, butcher at the coal docks, slightly woundod. Two other constables slightly wound. ed. Two strikers, Greeks, names un- known. Strikers like Fierce Attack on C. P. It. Police. BLOODSHED AT FORT WILLIAM. C. P. R. CONSTABLE WILLIAMSON, CONSTABLE CARPENTER, C. P. R. Since the trouble at noon compara- tive quiet obtained-a kind of armed truer, which was not broken by either Didera and throughout the MtPrnoon vehieles of all descriptions. from auto- mobile» to delivery rigs, besides hon- _ of pedestrians, came to see the wene of the fray. None of them were Inoleated and good order was kept. The number of wounded in thin morning’s encounter has crept up to over sixteen. which Jnt-lullea two Greeks. George An. drouchos. the man who was arrested a few days ago. ihot through the leg. George was without a weapon. but was one of the apeetators. Many are in the hospital and several were attended at their homes by the doctors. THE MILITARY IX CHARGE. An air of expeetnm-y all the after. aoon was evident. as rumon had gone around that the militia had been railed out, but it was not until after 8 o'elock that they put in an appear- ance. They were lined up on Me 'l'avish street from the freight uhed vrossing, facing both side: of the Urert, front and rear, and then from a box Mayor Peltier harnngued the crowd. ex- plaining that it was owing to them having disregarded his advice and effort, to make n settlement which had made necessary the calling out of the soldiers. He trusted that they would be quiet and orderly. and that there Would be no further shooting. Six Police and Civilians Shot in the Riot het Read all Militia Cnlletl DIP-Troops Fu- Winnipeg. Fort William drawn-h: For the first time in the history of Fort Wil. liam the Riot Act was read by the Mayor and the militia called out. Of the latter there. were 120, while thousand» of Fort William citizens thronged the streets and beard the Mayor, the Chief of Police um! Col. Steele address them, and the reading of the net which proclaimed the dis- triet under martial law " is safe to may “at never before were so many people in that district south of the main line of the C. P. R.. for from the Tirst eronsing off Simpson street to the Ireiuht track (worming at the otirer end the sidewalk and "treetq were thruuged with people ~o thick that it was hard to elbow I way through them. CONSTABLE BALL, of the th P. R. polico, soriously wounded in the ab- Thin was interpreted in variouw lan- guages. the soldiers standing with fixM lmyono-ts. presenting a line of (old utnl which looked wry formidable. The Mayor aim urged the men to re- turn to work, and all might be satisfac- torily settled. and thin was translated into the various tongues. The people "reotrel his remarks with eheern, and The Mayor RNo urged the men to re- turn to work, and all might be satisfac- torily settled. and thin was translated into the various tongues. The people srreetrd his remarks with eheern, and then his worship returned to the city hall. The polite then pleural the Mreet of all twtntors, and the soldiers were left in pmgnsion of the field. Groups remained in front of houses. but by 9.30 p. m. everything was quiet. BEGINNING OF THE TROUBLE. About 9 o'eloek this morning the l'. P. R. brought in a large numher of "peeial eonstuhlo-s. about thirty in all. They Were taken lint to the C. P. R. station, where they were swarm in. and headed by Mr. Andrews, Chief of the C. l'. It. paling started for Cold, er's. (in the I'. P. It. bridge were standing about thirty "trikers, and they followed the vonstaMos down to' llnrclesty street. At the miller ol the C. P. R. ,slterN an immense crowd gatherml. tttrl it was plainly to be seen that they Were out for trouble. They stood waiting for hull an hour. when rtmuly a hum-h of I'. P. R. policemen "armed out and went arrow: the road to the C. P. R. hoarding house. and then the tronhle started. The men at once declared that they would not let them go hark. While the con. ntuhlen were in eating breakfast Ald. Rankin came down and made a speech. stating that the C. P. R. were willing to give 20 cents an hour for day work and 25 eentn for night work. The strikers would hardly listen at all. and watetsed the boarding hon.” like constable. knee badly smashed. The strikers would hardly listen at all. and watched the boarding house like hawks Finally. about ".30 the eon- stables started to eome out. and only two were, outside of the door when the shooting started. The first eon- stables to come out were. told to go back. and they immediately pulled their revolvers and threatened to shoot. One of the strikers in the lead started to "the his stick and threutened to hit him, nod the con- stables at once pulled their revolvers. and then there was a regular fuailude and then there mun I of phat: RIFLES AND REVOLVERS USED. Unna- appeared as if by magic, and it “3“ only It minute before there was a battle in progress in the centre of the street. The strikers used revol. vers first, and so did the police, who finally drove the strikers hack some- what. and managed to reneh the shelter ol can drum wrote the road at the entrance of the freight shed. - ‘ AI ,,,, -1 AL- (Illllllni v. -._‘ -- a "Bring riflen' was the ray of the strike“. and about a dozen men rush- ed into nearby houses and came out mith rifles. Sheltered by the earners of the houses they continued the bat. tle and showed no signs of retreating. The men with the rifles were encour- aged by, their fellow-strikers. nhd two or thee could be seen in a group ground n nun with u gun. showing him how to shoot. Men were running beck and forth in Ind out of the houses for nunnnitiol. and as but " it could be Brought the Ihooting continued. The lunilab lasted fifteen minutes, until null)! the ne- stopped shooting and quiet” reigned min. THE CAsUALTTFS. The Ionian strike lender received I bullet through his an, while an- ether was M than the you all P. R. police, seriously wounded it the abdomen; Carpenter, C. P. R t'ortrstable, knee badly mashed l Wil liumson C. It. R. consume, slightly: in in . serious condition at the hou- piul. The knos.. wounded Ire v _.. --...-.....», mam-:- two strikers, Greeks, names unknown; John but, butcher It the cod doeks, forehead grazed by a byntt, only slightly injurod. Five of an: others, name» unknown. TROOPS CALLED OUT. The 96th Regiment was called out fur duty. and Wu on the seem- shortly after noon. Mayor Reid read the riot in"! and martial law reignn in the dis- Sign. Ttthrs. of the city isoiiie," digit ly: C. . Dickenwn, of the Timer, Pureal, "lightly; Ar. Ball, of the C When the militia begun to sprur thii afternoon the strikers, or rat er the "lab, made the threat that if the milli- tin a ared ever Berman on the Pity fair”;- would g, Eliot, and further, that if the man who was sent to jail this nfternmm was not released every city official would be murdered. It is nlm reliably reported that a well-known Italian has latelv made the threat that when the coal dock section saw fit to tnkr the affairs of the city into its hauls the life of the chief of police would not be worth a cent. "in would not be worth a cent. . C. P. R. officials notified the Mayor that they would now fight the strike out to the bitter end. No peace will he considered which provides that the Greeks be given employment of any sort. The C. P. R. is done with Greeks. They were, it is charged, the instigation of the ntrike: the strikers would not listen to ream"; the men who absolutely ro- fused to pay any attention to the poliee or any city official. and the ringleader.» of the rioting which resulted in martial low being proclaimed. For some time things have been threatening among the foreigners who constitute the freight handlers. It has been freely stated there are 300 Mauser rifles in these lawless hands, and threats were upenely made on the appear nee of the militia that several 'i,2ri','l,rh' "iii. vials, ineluding the chief of poliee, would he murdered, this host being attributed to a well known Italian agitator. The temper of these, people is Well known, as. also the fact that they are well ann- ed. to the local police. The police ur- rested a strike picket two days ago, tti. ter a miniature riot, and found, an ex- pel-ted. that he had an automatic (‘olt pistol. He was released on paying $50. The feature of the arrest was that every man in the crowd was believed to be armed. lmt no further arrests Were at. tempted. bhrllowing an afternmm of riot and bloodshed, the like of which was ttever before Keen in this vity, Fort William i< to-night under martial law. with a forve of two hundred of the Mth ttegi- ment from both Port Arthur and Fort William patrolling the streets and coal dock m-ction, the rvlltn- of the trouble. are-u. in connection with the strike of (‘mlmlian Paeifie dovk hihm'ern, which has been in progress sinn- Monday morn- ing last. In n pitched battle between police and strikers about the mum hour some ten nwn wer" wounded. At firnt it was thought that many oi the wounds were wriuus. n ml that some of them would be fatal, whih- reports were sent around that there haul been deaths, hut tt sur- vvy of tlw situation in tho quiet of this owning 'thows that there have been no deaths. and there are not likely to be, for only um- injury at all serious was I'qmrh-cl. It is that reeeived by Connta. ble Hall. of the C. P. It. foree, who was the ventral figure in the outbreak of tlu- riot. The eonstalrle received a bullet in the aubmen, the first fired in the the riot. The ennstnhle received a bullet in the atdrrnen, the first fired in the riot. but it is stated tron the hospital this evening that he will survive unless‘ complications set in, and that he is mak. ing good progress. [ t'ALL FUR Till) MILITIA. Immediately follow ing the outbreak of the riot this afternoon, Mayor Pelletier, with Justice-u of the Peace P. BleKellar and G. W. Brown. issued the call for the militia. Then Mayor Pelletier went to the ducks and read the riot net. At that time the battle had subsided and there was cmupurutire quiet. Before a chance was given for a renewal the red- mats were on the scene, and order has prevailed ever since. Colonel Steele, dis. trict officer rummamling, who was in the city for an inspection of the Ninety- Sixth Regiment. took charge, with Cot. unel Laurie and a enmplete patrol sys- tem is in effect about the docks to- night. Two hundred mounted militia- men are running from Winnipeg, and are expected to arrive about 3 s'.. m. They will relieve the local corps, and the ,4trikers will find the property of the company. which they have been threat- ening all week, well guarded tu-murruw morning. Witm'rptu,.: ill'~|v.lt1'll: At. " o'clovk thi, vwning fifty nn-n of NW It. C. M. K, Strathcona'" Horse, left in a Special for Fort William. Th" nwn had discarded their red iacko'ts, despite the Jy"mtige of Hm traditional British uniform, and m-n- in field service "nmfttts, with n dunhlq- allowance 1300 rounds) of zumnu- v.itiou. . --------i--- RUN INTO. MUL'NII'H) RIFLES FRUM M [SNIPER Soldiers Marching Column in Britain Edict: Severely. London. Aug. 1ti.--Nirwty-tizltt mun oi the 10th Battalion were marching along an road at 4.30 o'clock in a rather l-vuvy mist, when a motor van belong- ing to a London newspaper came along from the rear. Most of the soldiers were singing. and therefore did not hear its approach. The men in the rear ranks. lumen-r, heard the warning and parted to right and left to let it pas», while the men in the venue of the column contin- ual to sing. _ _ _ . ... / The car. which was travelling at a high rate of speed. rushed into the midut of their ranks, hurling the men in all directions When it was half-way through the column it was stopped and seized by the infuriated soldiers. The latest report is that ten men were seri- ously injured, but that no one was killed. Goes Back to Asylum " 18th-- Will Get Privileges. Mount Vernon, X. Y., Aug. _ ,- ~llarry K. Thaw will go back to Mntteawun on Weanet8.v, August 18. Justice Isaac N. Mills to-day signed the formal order re- eommitting him to the asylum on that date. He said that he allowed Thaw to stay five days more at the White Plains jail on the plea of his mother. The jus- tiee's recommendation that Thaw be granted the privileges he enjoyed during the first three months at the institution “a made mandatory end I part of the order, HARRY THAW in A fully t-quiplml playgrnund was open ed Ill Toronto on Wednesday. . Toronto yacht (mum unda-r lu‘nfwi paid duty on ydchh hum in tho tVit l sum-s. The Swedish ,,trikcr, are returning in work. P FORMER COUNTESS OF YARMOUTH, Harry Thaw": sister, who has refused offers of marriage so she could assist her brother in his fight for liberty. Canadian Momiar.tuivr, hus \l'ciulml to di.ueuss Imp'rial diner' at til-h- An- mml meeting. 'lite spnrinl “riff wmiuu of thrs Unite) State; Congress t",rst the nation hu-tu'm-n $500.00" and $!KNLIN)H. The Canadian Northvrn with its maintoauee-of-woy Im-n signed. It was stated by the im untur [hit clry airs-hip living eonirruiil at Mimic) mu nut yet vtudy C, ily. The oxford t'lmrr mill, all Nurwicll ond the lluckon Lumbew Camping": mill [mar Parry Smnul Wsr't't' burtrul on Tlurrs,ioy. It is statvd that Long. a mgr”, sen- Ivtwol at Trnumt,o lo a term in Ilw [Will- tetrtiary for liuw,lary, is to h- lilwmtml t;it par' le. Lottie Gilrwn, 12 yam-s old. was, ili'uwnv-l in ','amplr,ll', mill pond, “Mgr town. While playing ttll tlw him; >119 ~lippnl into the wati't'. The Grand Trunk Pacific will build a linv to Ellll'lslll, Man., and hum tlite sci-ult- running rights "Vt'l' the North. ern l'uvifiv to the Twin Citirs. Jilllll'i llmml “in ntrtstrtl at THY-UH” vlulrgv-l with shilling from gutolw ol Huh-l “Milan dining the fin, at the Point. MIN. Bony, of Winuiy:rur, was ulrnwnnd whi I' hunting with lwr hwlnml on I‘m- le 1uver “var Svlkirk. Ilvr Iliulnml mu lawn-d in an uncunwimh eomliti m. The Australian 1'omurruweitlt Tteas. um; , delivyring Ui., budget spun-h ytstt"rtlt.r. duh-d that thy vxpetrilituie for defence was estimated at El.573,000. Gen. Hm Ili-ring/n, wournauilrw of thv St-cuml Army l'nrp. has lwvn alp- pointed Prussian Minister ot War, in succession to Gun. run I'Iinvm, rehigm‘l. Wm. Jon s. u Urndon ,,hoeiut'svv. m-Ialtvhwl hi., hand wlu-IW' a num'uilu Ind hint-n, and is now in a .uuious oun- dition with blood prrisouing. The arrn " mourn to rimrnuw- aim. Rev. Dr. Silwhlll', ol" human: City, " Jim. Dr. Sinclair, or 71mm». City, ha, Irv-n extimdud " will to tit. Andtvrv', Church, Witrtr'rpcg, as sum-4mm to low. Dr. MacMillan, mnv of Halifax. ll is understood he will accept. A German balloon, cattying mm" .mny ”trim-1., mmsz tle frontier nud (lvwrmlul into Russian tvrritovy. The Itv,.ciian frnntiur prard examined tlv, ulficm' paupnrt‘, and then allowed llu-m to proceed. Faris. Montgomery, a cattle dealer of hGh Crenc (MIL. reported to the Moul- real police that h" lrul hurt a pockotlxmk in which was $1.050. the proivedor of a aalle of tattle he had just made. Thomas Neil, u TLNidvnt of B’dgw burg. mu avrvitml for t'i/ti'ii/'l,f),'s',i,i; dun-t. and was lockvil in a rm behind the palin- office. Wlwn the row"! was arprrwd it was found thta he had takeu nirychnine. He died won Mer. _ An air-duh) passed. lover Port unharm- on Wednesday aitoAvron nlmul 4 n'z-hu-k. travelling from north to muth "VPt' Lulu Eric. It mu observed by many of tlw chin-us. It was going at a fair'mtr of twd. circled twiw and tlwn sailed off to the south. . A "’ At Winnipeg Stank-y Norton and David Davalv, wlf-cszvn-wd burglars, m-n- sent, to the peuitytttiary for mm and two years, tvspectively, to-day, They vontmitted a writ-s of thirteen burglaries during the put month. Lord Ilotwbefy has 1dfered his mug- nifict'm, wmlozmst Vikki" near Naplu tn the British How Put an a Hummer rcsidenee for i Anllulumlnr at lit-mo. The Govern" t. it ii mid. has accvpud Hm gift. and the tmnsfor will takc place iu a few days' time. Dr. It. K. McClung. who for tho :xht two years has been in charge of tlte phy- eics department of Mount Allison l'ni- vanity at sackville. N. B., has r-uium-d to accept an uppoimmont to the physit'i staff of the University of Munit'xln in Winnipeg. Amid the touting of whistles and dip ping of flags, and the cheers of hun Jreds assembled to bid God-speed to Uw men about to depart on the nine-months' sealing trip, the but of the Hilihx sealing fleet left on Wednesday for the fishing grounds, -- -- ._. .1 “4L n n “a; new? tiiirii' Wordsworth, D. D., mils for England to-morrow to mum loo divinity students tor work in b',"),t',il,",a/ dian west. The students will be amt ed for the Methodist ministry at the four denominational culnge-s: Wesley in Winnipeg: Alberta in Ed nontan; C'" lumhin in Kew Westminster, and Vie “NEWS IN BRIEF mm in Toronto yittuti l BRIEF i: Thlwwn City, h In to tit. Andtvrv', ,rut'Ct'reoi' to low. tl' Halifax. ll is I'm-m -nl Kl: ODDFELLOWS CHOSE OFFICERS Hon. D. Derbyshire is the New Grand Master. What a Delegate Says of the Home and Farm. (mum If“; tt 'h: 'the Grand L 'u,'," of the Inu"Irt'ruu'ut, Hall of Um- trllows resuured its ,ittings thrs mum ing, G'vaml Musttr Mvlhnus preilnt,,'. '1le rqmlts' followul quickly. The (ounnith-v on Logunnmn reput- ol through A. H. "lack) Dr. Dales, s. A. Poppleetrrn, J. J. Manly, ('. J. (lump hell, t'. S. livallsun, n-m'umending that tshere "dvistble, th" ladgv may ollci "1011- than one physician, two medical "xaminer,. m. providrd loc in c'atrses 1!? and 17 of the subordinate lodgv etttstitu. tion. (2) That tlisttivt eommittee No. :m Wt't'e undvr a niisappivltttsion with fo onto is Chosen as Next Meeting Vince at Grand Lodz . rgurd to rl-guliu for the parade, it bring (-uvvrml by 439 Jtu 1iret ', (it) that the Un, turio members had ahunuly vept'atedly tanned the l8-.cear-ohl amendment, and would no doubt do tt again; (I) thnt ('14th 103 Ire anumded and road "In t!se (.1-4' of a nu-mlx-r who has not [mid his due-s within the time Nwcifiiul h): the cotvwtittttiott hut who, aftvr the (law: nu'ntium-d. [up his dues and min-- quvn't to such a pnxnwnt is vakvn.il.l, quvn't to ,iudh n payment is takvnill. he shall not be entitled to any ail'l Inn-fit" for thy four wwks itnnteNiiatei.v lhllmving the payment of nurh nrrvurs‘ in full." {in That elau,w 43 of th, mn- ~titulinn lu. unwndml "f thtt the lodge may almminl nun or two auditors and thut wlwn auditors are appointed the Finance tro:umitttw lte relivvvd of this duty. J. T. Hornmrook. Chairman of tlt. Iiddivllows' Hum- Committee, repovt"d lint the must of ttraintvitattets “an $l.- 0511.11}. an nvvrzlgv pm' slay por inmate of Cil-,", ermts: that thy aetual and. in the farm wttl, $473. hut the prnpurty mmlv condition-s mow productive. The (mnlnittw- thought thz- tinw had ("mu- when the Grand Lodge should tak" "tep, A n-port to the ctivet "Hulk-M vxautittation of u 1w nut made until jul bt-fI M was deft-Mud. tn prcct " suitable honie lmilding. the Irrs-nt nut luring utluptml for the pur- pow. It war, vvv:rmnvuulvd that u p-~r capital tax of two-my cunts per unuum lu- loviml nu thy "uuulr:srrslo of the mm dry thruughmrt tlw Provinve. T'hore are tl-irtwu inmates in Hip home, eleven adults and two children. As a result of th:' uppval smut out there mu rt- u-iw'd ttit tr; Dec. 31, $603.30 from subur- "inato Imlgm. $61 from Rebekah lodges, and $105 from omvamprttents. The not surplus at the plow of the year was $22,838.08. One of the dele {SUM who live near the home and farm. mid that in u iew years the prURPrty would he worth $30100 nr $35,000. The report was adopted. The law of tle "F der mu Avanged accordingly. Th, Comtuittee "tt Mileage ‘er dient rqmrtul that the eoat of the Grand image wesinn war $11,300. THE OFF“ 'ERS ELECTED. The Klvetion Cotnmittee rvported the ehoicc of the following as Grand tyitictt, for the ctr-wing you: l"nr"(h-and Munster-Hon. D. Derby- shire,' "rovkville. For ll-puty Grand Mamtr,sr---.u. M, Thompson. urcwkville. For Grand Wardvn->1 A. Popple. stone, Exetvr. For Grand Treasurer-W. G. McCor muck, Torrnto. For Grand nepresmtttstive--lt. it Brett. Essex. APPOINTED OFFICERS. The following are the appointed offi. Ciu','st - Grand Mavoar--M. Sinclair, TOE-mum Grand cronduetor--uW. J. Brett, Wind, ....‘.. 1..-... Tlee officers were sulmqut-ntly duly installcd. so l' Liskeard. . Grand Herald-A. T. Lawson, Ottawa. W. s. Johnston, P. G. M., was re elected a member of the Oddfellow,' Home Board for chive years. NOMINATIONS FOR NEXT YEAR. . The following Were the nominations ior next year: For Grand Mnsier--.R. M. Thompson. For Deputy Grand Master-S. A. Pop- plt-itom. l -. “ . ’l 17‘7, _ I (V..__.‘ T-..- l For Grand Secretary and Gland Tru- _iittt'er---The .present occupants of ofruo. For Grand warden-D. M. Melrttyre, Kingsmn: G. F. Rnttan. Sammy; w, T. Sine, Sliding; F. N. Emma“. Pre- mu: T. H. Handle. Meafonl; W. ll. Wood, Mount Bribes?'. w. u,".tin, Rum] Guardian-W. A. Byam, jul lx-{un- the lral th It (In " tudidatt TORONTO e W Pieton: ll. G. Robertson, Barrie; C. F. Maxwell, St. Thom“; R. H, James, Oahu“. For Auditor-C. "ekert, Stntfonl. For Grand 1tqtreseatutire--A. B. Me, Bride. Toronto was named as $3: next place of meeting. RECORD FLIGHT. Beanie Telllle Flight Made by Wright Btu. Mineola, L. I., Aug. 16. -u'hat_it, mid to be tt record for cross country dis. tance flight fur u aeroplane in this cmmtry was made by C. Foster William in the cohienhver ttr-day, when he covered 12 miles in 19% minutes. This exceeds the/ten-mile flight mad'e bythe Wright brothers' aeroplane from Fort Myer to Alexandria and back several weeks ago. Much longer flights with!" Jui,k"i'irio, however'," have~ been made by the Wright. and longer cross country flightswkfgffa pom mule abroad. Mr. William, who has been making .hort flights almost daily in the Ina- chine belonging to the Aeronaut Society, started from Mineola at 5.26 a. In. to. day in an attempt to make a new world's record cross country flight. Hir, route lay around the irregular "pare having four Aden and carried him from Mineola over Garden City. Westbury and Hicksville, and hawk to Mineola, a distance of fourteen miles. leaving Mineola, where a number of friends gathered to watch his flight. William sent the machine about I50 fs, 1-1 in the air and going off at a fast clip hi, machine was quickly a speck on the horizon. Noon it disappeared behind the trees, and for twarly ten minute, the watchers waited "xpectantl.v for fear of an accident. but hopeful for the aviotor's Mini-us. Nonrl)’ fifteen minutes had (-Mpsvil when tho speck again nmwurvd miles away in the direction of Wctllrury. It waA growing larger 1'vet'.Y minute, and the watchers worn preparing to con- gratulat" Mr. Williard when tho nun-him hogan to glide slowly downward and then Inndnl in a fivld lwtwm-n Mineola and Werstlrur.v. about two miles from Mineola. Jumping into an automobile tho watch-ha found Williard's tmuhine undmuugvd by the landing and with the aviator tinkering with the magneto. That part oi the mechanism which [mp vides the spark for the ignition of the gas was deranged, hut Willard said the m-roplnno glided vastly to the ground and alighted without tt miihap aftor tlw P"VPr was shut Mt. 'ri", maehine was returned to Mineola. where the troulrle with the magneto could be remedied. OFF TO SEE FATHER. Kingston Wanna Learns Secret of Her Birth From Foster Par elm. or, whom she has never Been, is the mis sion oi Mrs. Chas. Herbert, who left to. day in company with her husband. Kingston, Aug. Hi. tht a jourm-y to British Columbia, to search for her ttsth. Twentwthree years ago Fred Fctteng- ton. a soldier m the barracks here, nerv- ed his time and left the city hurriedly, leaving a young wife. Nine days later his wife Jiri, after giving birth to a daughter. '.‘.he infant was cared for by Mrs. Fettengton’s brother, John 'l'indalo, of Barriefield, and was given her foster parents' name. Mic did not know but that they were real parents, bore the name of Rosa Tisdale in girlhood, and married under that name. Next Year's Gnvetttiov----0ecuitm _ in Mortuary Benefit. After deserting his wife, Fettvngton engaged as a sailor and it was reported he was drowned. Now PO as ' report that he is in Itritinh “Juliana, and for this reason she was told the seen-t. She then wrote her father, got an answer and naturally enough wants to see him. St. .lcm-plu. Mo., Aug. 16.- -Mintteapolis was to-day chosen on the first ballot as the meeting place of next yearU mansion oi the International Typogratrhieal Un. nun. I'vavticalty tho ontirc- time of the mm- 1 "mtion to-duy was taken up with a dis. 1 cum-ion of the fight between the Typo- graphiml Union and Genvral Harrison t-‘roy Otis of the Los Angeles Times. hhe los Angeles Union winlu-n to conduct the fight independent of the In- tt-rnutiolml Union, and asked the union to remove the orgauiu'r appointed, by l'ivsidont Lynch, to conduct the fight. The committee to which tlt" matter was vefcrrvd reported unfavornbly. . The convention uphold the report. The committee on mortuary bene. fit report in favor of a sliding scale nmging from $75 for persons who have been members a your or loss to 8400 for those who have been members more than fifteen years. A tax of one. half of one per cent. on the cuttings of all union men to support the mortuary l honofit in also proposed. Final disposi- Glam" H. Curtis: Carries Flying " chine as “Person“ Baggage." Purl-l, Aug. 1tr.--G'ienn M. Curtiss. the Ann-mun aviator, arrived luwe today. hut proceeded immediately for Ithriut-, where he will represent tho Aero Clio of America in the International Aria- tion Cup rum-s, Aug. 28. Mr. ('urtim iy carrying his aeroplane us "personal bag, gngv." and tu-nmrrow, on his arrival all lllu-ims. will set up tho mavhitte prom-ml thry to making piactiee flights. “ml the Rheims meeting Mr. Curtis.- will Pro- rrrd to Brescia. Italy. to take part in aeroplane met-s there. _ tion will be nude to-morruw. The St. Joseph Union to-night role hunted its golden jubilee with kpproprr ate exercises. Mails From Liverpool by Quebec Bent Those by New York. Montreal, Aug. ltr-The mail: from the Allan line sknmship Victorian ur- rived here to-night at half-put nine from Rimouski. The Victorinn left Liverpool at 6 o'clock Inst Fridnyeven- ing, and letters posted in London lut Friday will be delivered here to-morrow. The Toronto and western Ontario mails were sorted in time to mike western connections to-night. The Con-dill: uni] route has thnn secured another triumph over the New York route, on the New va', boat which left It the ante time the Victorian has not yet TYPOS’ MEETING. AEROPLANE IN HIS TRUNK. CANADIAN ROUTE WINS. THE FLIGHT OF BADDECK N0. l. AMMMTedaI Pebnvn Can. " Take who“. um: " a. l‘etuwuwn Coup deItrlI: Canada'. own tlying melting, Mikel: No. l uro- drome, with John A. D. “(Cindy " the controlling wheel, made her lint swept from the ground this liternooa It A quarter past G. True, the “tent was neither a high nor 1 long one, being only 3 rise of ten feet and ' hop of a hon. Led feet in length, but it served to il- lustrate to the huge crowd present that the drome was unable of luring tern? firma. At 4.55 this utternoon nodded: No, l was again when out of her shed. This time Mr. Met‘urdy nnnouneed that he would only make a nhort hop. thed in a “any white nailor eontume, he mounted the seat and about u hundred ynlds from the shed W. McDonald, the machinist, ntnrted the propellor. The numhine started off like u idiot down the road, attaining it high speed with great quieknens. The engine run smoothly, Ind only the loud whirr of the propellor could he heard. After going about two hundred yard-t Met'urdy was seen to give the control it quick jerk upwurdu, the drome responding beautifully. Like a huge, graceful bird it noun-d into the air it short diatom-e. and. "till keeping up its high speed, went through space. “lighting a hundred feet or more further on with ease. The tlrouie skimmed over the nurfaee oi the ground for perhaps an eighth of a mile, the aviator the“ stopping her. '7 . _ .:,|....n.. ‘ul‘illll rm "v'-'t't""e .._.. Tho aviator: un- orideutly taking no chums-n with llmhlwk No. l, preferring to start off with "null hops before nt- tt-mpting anything big. Mr. MA'urdy stated after aiiitltting that he, way; I'll- tirely satisfivd with the way the Inn- clsine behaved in the short trial. Me further ntnted that he would continue the nhort hop» for the next few days. “It's a new machine, you know," he said, “and we have to learn her just no; a man nouhl have to learn to drive an Automo- trite. Wo (mum: t.t.':e any chances until we get her true and know all her points. The engine run in fine alum to-night, All the changing that will be tteeittr.s' for to-morruw'u work will bo the replac» ing of the present tovitah on the con» trolling wheel. The one I used to-day “an umuttitdttctor.v. This will lw only an hour's work." 7 V .. . 1_.AIA.<I:_.¢ "" IIUIII n “‘ll". A distinguished gathering, including General Otter, chief of general stuff: 1'ol. “not, Deputy MiniutA-r of Militia; Col. Rutherford. Master of Ordnance; General Mrl)omtld, 'purtmre'ter.t. Ma- jor Muunrwll, and many otlwr military llN'll and prominent civilians wit mum-d the ultrrnmm'n event. Various were Ute, comments made by those gentlemen. "He's a plucky chap. It’s wonderful to - . .. . awn; lull Vin.“ .u a - Fun.“ ”"1, see it go so fast,“ exclaimed Col. Hut. as the muehine sped along prebarntory to leaving the ground. "He's right to take all precaution, A man cannot take his life in his hand; he did quite, right in delaying the tests. I'd like toGhnke hands with them (meaning Md'urdy and Baldwinl." added Col. Fin-t. when the drome had been returned to the sth. Suiting the m-tion to the word, he, with General Otter, Col. Rutherford, Gem-ml McDonald and Major Mauncwll, \wnt over to the mung aviator“ and heartily mmgrntulaad them on the fine mowing made. It was General Otter, ('ol. Rutherford and General McDonald’s first sight of an airship, and they were all extremely pleased with what they witnessed during the afternoon. They will remain in camp until Saturday. Sud'lmry. Aug. IO.- At n than pn- liminnry hearing at Warren, Mrs. Rob. inson was committed for trial on two (-11"ng of intanticide. She is now in Sudbury jail. She was Iccnmplniod by her brother, Rev. Mr. Matheson, a I’m- byuarinu minister at Benchburg, who hurriedly came to Warren yesterdly and vinihd the humeuteud. He has mun-d counwl for the defence of his sister, and they have returned to Wars ren to-d-y. _ [we Charges of lnfnn'icide laid Against Mn. Robinson. Robinson hm: not been apprehended. although I Inge force of constables are searching the country tor him. He is an expert bushmnn. and is suppoued to have struck for the far north. Another 'report has it that he visited his home yesterday morning. The two daughters. Jessie and Ellen, testified against their mother It the pwliminnry trial yester- day. The Authorities are searching for another body, supp-ed to be buried "It in: a cane of forgery on I whole- Vgln- salt A large number of people lmw- been victimized by thin man. " in a had more," said the Mngiltnh- in pending gamma. Afterwards he added: "I have dealt very lightly with you." on the farm GOT THREE YEARS FOR VARIOUS CHEQUE FRAUDB. Headed Guilty to Which Wore" "Accepted" by Forging Others. Toronto despatch: John A. G. Ander. so", the ex-clerk oi the Bank of Mont- real, who pleaded guilty to forgery in the Police (‘ourt before Colonel Deninon I week Ago. wu attuned to three years in Kinguton PmtitetttUry yqu dag'. Anderson upwind whpleu-Jy (-runlr ed by the menu-n09. He bowed his head on the dock rail for I moment and then moved away without making lny sign to his Nted father, who at. at the solici- torG table, 1 couple of feet Ttl), Like A man who had mired I bad ow. he moped hit; “'1' down the dock stain and clutched the ndhtor for support when he reached the bottom. The only charge hid mint the youth wu that of putting A toetrd cheque for $125 upon the T. Emma Car., but the. youth’u forgerien were wide" spread. all mulled upwards of “in“. Brion. heirs “mud in Vancouver Aw dernon Ind "art-Ned from Toronto to ‘. Pruner. and from then- but: through the i'iiiiaiiaiGtc-totuhatie ANDERSON'S FATE. SENT FOR TRIAL. in and Their Satisfaction. iiiieuort 'trinl. Me In“ he would continue for the next ltr days. Issuing Cheques I Hop"! Muted the Bunk, and of _ "in tim. ol "In-l VII m by n trail of {urged cheques. <ntrrr" with a begun “accepted" - " (A. Bank of Ila-Cm]. for my. "He in only '12 you; " 'tpef aid Mr. Roulette. “all - Frt become a not“! “In: at - ciety. Me wu very _ " a” and became I gold mrdutut. tt was through making a “In! - he It". and before he knew what had kw tte was nut an n can-or of forgery." “in count-0|, Mr. T. C. M, F. C., undo a light .94 poi-W - Attdersmt'. utter. I In”, white. halted old Illa. was in court. at Ind n few ailment -rr.t3oat ml: hi. boy before the cue wu culled. Ar tau' the 09le was mined he left the court without a word. WtMis' STORY Giiletto'a Doo- Wu Sealed br If. Governor Huh. Hal Bedded 00 Auburn. N. Y., Aug. Mt. A Seattle Iles-tarts Not-had hem today with uwountu of the luncheon to“ Gov. Hughes. Gov. .lolmmn and "thee. by “maul-winner Wikor, of Allhll'l. cum-ins the following awry told by Goherttoy Hugh-n, Ind indium that Chm-wt Gillette might haw Plum hilt life had he refused In nuke I out founinn. At the lunch-1m the Governor- wrn- u-lling of their vspesi-. Ind Got. Hughes votttri%ted the (glowing: "After the cotwietiott of 'ltltettr, . whim". his mother, called It my office mu- duy. Sho- had the mind of I "I. I well balanced. letral, .eox'hi'tg did. mad when uho unu- to me. said he wank-d me to forget who wan HI mother, and nimpiy hear her pe-att the [ml-tn in the mm. from which oh would 'rortvittee me hrr mu uhould not 1lie. I W""' ltot. the two hmm the “ski-d of mp. Slu- uuko-d luv to [to over her own pun-ment- And "ver the court ramming. and I did. " - “I spent I" of that J'vening and I" of th" ttext thy. giving I van-ml or ouination of null the manuscripts nah mitted lo me. im-Iuding the appeal to the Cottrt of Airports My mum-Indira- _ Hm I Veiieved Gittette guilty and l wfuued to shay the exmuuum. "But the thought of that not“ and the etfortn she hul made to Inve- her non imprmuwd me and - M fool and doubt my awn hull-"It. A: tho day ttpttroarhed for the execution of Gillan». the math-r pnyod on my mind uh! disturbed my sleep and my work. "Finally I can»? to the roewhtadost that I had mad" A minute. that thee Wm an element "I doubt that Gitortte was the nturderer. and with my mind mude up to commun- the death umpire, I called up Ute wnrden of Auhurn Prim. where Gillette was spending his Int night. lung an I live. The warden m In that Gillette had made . contain. that Mterttoon. That night I went to bed and slept soundly. It was my (in! roftruting 1|le for I long ttme." Police-u “It Skin of Eight tu. on Unmlm. XML. Aug. Iti.--Wltett P" iceman Hornet recovers he will tiud that he is wearing the skin of eight men on his back. Some two wash ago while arresting n burglu. Hor- net was shot in the back. Horner succeeded, however. in knocking down and handcutting the min and then ooh-pped. A . . In locating the bullet the surgeon: used X-rays and the flesh around the wound was so badly burned it would not heal. It became necessarv to re» move a large aquare of the Ain and cut. away the burned fietsh, and this necessitated the grafting of new akin. Homer was too weak to submit to cutting akin from other portions of his body, and moreover, ten square inches had to be covered. A couple of mornings ago " roll call at the Central station the captain spoke of Homer and remarked that unless men could be found who were willing to give some of their skin in the intereat. of humanity one brave man would die. Without query all policemen. Will Homer, the wounded man's brother, and city physician Tabla. volunteered and yesterday stand the operation of having pieces of their skin removed and grafted on Homer. The operation was a sum". “other Gave Ha Poison in link. For Idiche. Totxmio drqmlvh: suffering trom tke effects ot hydrant-Marie awid pain-min. Core (Sum-0mm, two and I hut you" old. was when to the “aerial tor Sick Children last night in A serious cauli- tion. The doctor- at the hospital wak- ecl over the child for neveral houu, aod early this morning she wan 'pr,',',',,' " be considerably imprm ed, and open on Ill'ld out for her recovery. The little girl} parents hoard " 835 King trtreet went. but night she was taken ill. and her mother went in munch of medicine. The hoardiu minim-u watt out. and Mrs. “mag-e lindiwo I hunk! of liquid tut .. thought VIII medicine new the M alumni gin" drnrkm. When the limb out". Ill-reun- told her that mineth um: um“. the mother milled in . phy- lioiln, who [Mind the child an!“ from poi-um. He “mini-(med ensue- Ind lent the little wiierer to the beepi- httitnaethtiianeeeihrkst Tatum”, Aug. 1 . Ito. T. Albni, Moore, normal-y Lordu Day Allin-u, returned to the city yeuurdny. - ing to a Hanna-r of the "tivtt that 5. shown by the Toronto police J,, m to the sale of ice crea- and cool " beverage on Mada-VI, Mr. Moore O“: "The allhm I." In" inn)“ In] prosecutions in Toronto. It in .t been sun-county. The dun-en. M mmmondn the rundown and angry“... _fo'xreet of the hord’n day an by". m't.v [when Its “dude a up“ .0 (In ulc of iee nu. u other b “In with mul- in that, that tt b I Viol-Linn of the law, I“ “It! “a h. discriuiutc and: would out.“ null- ury Sunday work on " loud mp.- [ale h Toto-to. SKIN GRAFTED. 'will never target the sensation " In I live. The warden my gm BABY’S ESCAPE. SUNDAY WORK.

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