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Durham Review (1897), 2 Sep 1909, p. 1

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‘T 26’ iR $s for { t *%@ at @1 it ons ae‘a oo TevaleCe o Folo®ol cole o e vo lo "ala=elo=ale ©0) n "olo onf a C a e la Sale® olb e on ol e Cale Col e Celon‘e THE REVIEW, DURHAM, 25¢ to Jan. 1 1910 Weela eR eb ele ale e a "alane ~Sale ol eCule ol a ol a%6 o olp "0lo s ole s ale "ole wel onelauslaseion se ols VOL. * New*‘Albert‘ Shoes To any address in anada, we will send THE REVIEW from n w to Jan. 1, 1910 (almost 3 wonths«) for 25 cents. Take adâ€" v,ntage of this remarkable offer or s e that your friend or neighâ€" | tor does so, _ NOW is the time. New " Victoria _ Shoes for Ladies HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS New Arrivals It‘s the early buyer that gets best choice. _ Fashion says emâ€" hatically "separate coats." We‘re ready with thein in the newest hapes, newest shades. Colors arelovelyâ€"soft greys, blues, green wn, black, &c. _ Trimmings are extremely stylishâ€"buttons, raid, satin pipings, &c, You can be sure you wont see many copies" of your coat. Prices are $10.00, 12.50, 13. 30 to 18.00 vith specials at g10, 12.50, and 13.50. POPULAR COATS AT POPULAR PRICES at ‘This Big Sale will mean Dollars to those havâ€" ing Wedding Presents to buy and also offers a wonderful opportunity for you to purchase good goods for yourself and for your homes at big bargains and get these genuine bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Solid Gold Rings, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Chinaware, Glassware, Stationery and Fancy Goods, Books, Musical Instruments in cluding highâ€"grade Pianos. School Books and School Supplies, Pipes, Purses, Pictures, Umbrellas and Parasols. Also Wall Papers. r B KEELER & SON Beauty, Finish, Style, Durability and Satisfaction are some he characteristics. Some of the new cloths are in Stripe Suiting, Venetians, Tartans...... ...... ...... 50¢ yd in Soleil, Henrietta, &c.... 6oc. Venetians, voiles...75¢c yd in Stripe Lenting, will not spot................... .... 85c yd in Stripes, Venetian, Broadcloth...... ................ 1.25 yd About colors â€" Wistaria, Mulberry, Catawba, Old Rose, Taupe the leaders. These are well represented in our stock as well as more staple colors â€"brown, blues, green, wine, reds, black, &c, our 54 in. navy serge at 6ocâ€"shrunkâ€"nothing like it for wear Lots of other Shoes at lower prices which have also good style They are built by the same we also guaranteed Ches Watchmakers, Jewelers and Opticians, Durham e new ‘Cushion Insole it $4. Feels like walk i a felt cushion. Keeler‘s Big Jewe]ery and Fancy Goods Store x1 as the name and ed by the makers. ity is the best money : the styles are absoâ€" rrect. â€" For fit, comâ€" wear, they cannot be «d. _ The prices are Mammofh SLAUGHTER SALE in the Dress Goods Department # Come, Come, Come with the Growds Sale Starts August 27 and Continues till September 30 for Men Jas. Ireland .3.25 to 4.00 New Fall Coats ‘Clearing out all kinds ot Sumâ€" mer Goods at Great Reductions , NO. 35 *# & (& C se manufacturers as the ‘Victorias‘ â€"......â€"$4.50 and 5.00 Purhan The REVIEW to New Subscribers, for the Balance of the Year, only 25 cents. A BigGaAxy Cas®.â€"Eastern papers tell of a bigamy case the parties beâ€" ing Mrs Christopher Hazen, aged aâ€" bout 45, and a young Englishman vamed Scott, aged about 22. The stories of Hazen and his wife yary greatly : she charges cruelty and | neglect, he says all was happy until Scott appeared, _ Mrs Hazen was let go on suspended sentence, the magâ€" istrate thinking she was * more sinned against tham sinning." _ Scott is to be dealt with later, Ax IxcroExt or tur l{(),\n.f-The! C,. P. R, freight train came into town on Saturday with the front of the q-n-] gine besmeared with blood and otherâ€" wise throwing out horrot signals in | the form of small particles of flesh‘l which was at once suggestive that a life had been wiped out and a tragedy | committed,. Aninvestigation revealed ‘ that, a sheep had got on the track near ‘ Durham and the evidence of flesh and blood on the engine was all that w:nl left of the animal to tell the story of | the tragedy, Scotty Davey, who was’ braking on the train, saw the accident | and is authority for the statement | that the sheer was thrown about 100 | feet in the air by the collision.â€"Times. | "The Evolution of Canadian Cnm-l merce" is the title of « booklet pubâ€"| lished by the Robert Simpson Co., inâ€" ; tended for free distribution _ at| Toronto Show, It consists of 7 pictures [ by Mr C. W, Jefferys, of Toronto, one | of Canada‘s leading draughtsmen, and | Viceâ€"President of the Ontario Society | of Artists, _ These represent 7 stages of Canadian buying and bargaining, beginning with Jacques Cartier‘s trading with the Indians, The Fortiâ€"‘ fled Trading Past. and on down through French and English Colonial | Store,. â€" A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar riage Licenses, Durham, Ont. You cR saye enough on the cut prices in Ca®pets to paper your rooms, at the Big Stoxe, hox of article. got from THE STANDARD BANK tended â€" for free â€" distribution _ at| _ Entries in all classes have come with Toronto Show, Itconsists of 7 pictures | a rush at the offices of the Canadian by Mr C. W. Jefferys, of Toronto, one| National Exhibition and now the of Canada‘s leading draughtsmen, and | greatest fair in the exhibition‘s history Viceâ€"President of the Outario Society is in full swing. There are horses of Artists. _ These represent 7 stages from across the ocean as well as from of Canadian buying and bargainingacross the line, Jerseys from the beginning with Jacques Cartier‘s Street Railway King of Toronto and trading with the Indians, The Fortiâ€" horses from Sir William Van Horne‘s fed Trading Past, and on down | Manitoba farm,. Thereare sheep from through French and English Colonial | Canada and the United States, There times, ending up with the Simpson are manufactures finished and manuâ€" store of 1882 aad last the mammoth | factures in the making, There‘s modern emporium of the same firm everything and an abundance of it, at the present day, _ Accompanying ‘Add all this to the greatest bill of each picture is some very renduhlelsPecinl attractious _ the â€" Canadian «escriptive articles by 8. H. Howard,| National Exhibition ever offered and who is responsible for the idea of the you have all the elements of a world‘s book and its details, Get one if you fairâ€"and a few things thrown in beâ€" go. sides, calmorice" zew > OPIC®S New Rea The MAGED _ SUIT.â€"The _ following propertly attested has been sent ‘ publication : * Re last week‘s (in Mopevyille correspondence) g man and his best girl, " ‘WThe ged suit may be seen in Hopeâ€" this week by paying a small re â€" Takings will go towards a of cigars for the writer of the e. (But the license shall not be ‘om bim.) Established 1873 DURHAM, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1909. from worryâ€"wantâ€"debtâ€"humiliation. A comfortable Bank Account gives one an easy mind, selfâ€"confidence, and the power to take advantage of every opportunity that comes to better one‘s position. Make a beginning at once with a Deposit of One Dollar or more, in our Savings Department. 7 gives Savings Depositors, whether their the most courteous service. Money You Save Saves You at the Central Drug DURHAM BRANCH John Kelly, Manager BRANTH ALSO AT HARRISTON. also one of Silk ard The House of Qualâ€" nk pays interes posits from date of _ withdrawal, > deposit earns w it remains on 1t H es‘ Waists left, fiQ{tAhis chance. t Grant‘s, OF CANADA H. Mockler. ie + ss DrcK ockler Upon the recommendation of Hon. Frank Cochrane, acting Minister of Public Works, an order in Council has been passed rrohibiling the huntâ€" ing, taking or killing of maffied grouse orpartridge for one year from Sepâ€" tember 15th, 1909. Another order in council is published under which bona fide settlers in the unorganized porâ€" tion of the province, are given the privilege of killing two deer for their own use during the regular open seaâ€" son only. 409 Som®rTHING NEw.â€"H. A. Burnett has made a decided nnprovement in his Gents‘ Furnishing and Tailoring store by installing an excellent, large and roomy show»case. finished in oak, Harry is bound to keep in the front rank in the Gents‘ Furnishing line, and this innovation displays his goods to great advantage, Busia®ss CHANGE.â€"Mr Frederick Deutschmann has sold out his business here known as Deutschmann‘s Fair to M1i Keeler, a Darham jeweller. _ ft is understood that Mr Keeler will carry on a general drlg goods and grocery business here, e gets possession on Sept,. 1st,. _ Mr Deutschmann has not decided as yet what he will do but exâ€" pects to remain in Hanover, â€"Post,. Three rinks_ of Darbam â€" bowlers went over to Walkse toh last Friday and in their initial out of town perâ€" formances, scored a glorious win, beâ€" ing 25 shots up in the afternoon and 20 in the evening. The players from here were: Skipsâ€"F. Lenahan, Murâ€" phy. J, H. Hunter, Others ; F Roloh, Dr Pickering, Guy Kearney, J, Johnâ€" ston, O,.. Farquharson, T. Allan. 0. Kecler, Quite a conflagration took place on Mr John Burgess‘ farm, north of town last week, a stretch of fences being burnt and about 20 acres of land blackâ€" ened, In such dry weather, the fire might have been serious, but happily was stopped before spreading further by men from nearby threshings at Noble‘s and Limin‘s. The origin of the blaze is not known but is supposed to have been caused by some lighted cigat stub. The following are the selections for memorization from the new Fourth Reader for the High School Examinaâ€" tions for 1910, The Children‘s Song, p. 1; Vitai Lampada, p. 395; The Private of the Buffs, p. 389 : The First Spring Day, p. 17; Autumn Woods, p. 103; To the Cuckoo, p,. 196 ; The Maple. p. 141; Heat, p. 128; Aladdin, p. 247 ; Dost Thou Look Back on What Hath Been ? p 289, from * In Memoriâ€" um ;"_ Mysterious Night, (sonnet) p. 393; The Harp That Once through Tara‘s Halls, p. 174 ; Recessional, p. Mr A. H. Jackson intends to moye into his fine new house about the first of October ard muving being comâ€" pleted his little cottage will be occu~s pied ky Mr and Mrs Geo. Turnbull. who have purchased it for aresid ence. To both families we wish long and happy possessicn of their new properâ€" ties. Everyagticle in stock is greatly reâ€" duced in p at the Selling Out Sale. Come to the Store and see. Vacaxt PuuPir.â€"There will be no service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday next, morning nor evening. The long drouth was broken on Saturâ€" day last by a smart shower, and since copious showers have fallen reviving roads and grass though too late for the grain crop. A tull supphwof new readers at Mac" Farlane‘s Drug re. For SWLE.â€"A serviceable horse, Apply to os, M. Reid, Queen St. Durham, accounts be large or small, 77 Branches ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Sunday last the call which comes to all, soon or late, came to the above lady, wife of Mr _ Chas, Watson, of North Egremont. _ For some time beâ€" fore she was * losing the grip." as inâ€" different health showed, and the end came as above, gathered home as a sheaf of corn fully ripe, _ She was in her 79th year and for over 60 years was the loying wife and cherished companion of her husband, who must uow finish his journey alone. _ Those who knew how devoted they were to each#@ther, how inseparable n all ocâ€" casions when health permitted, will realize how la#fely that journey will be, _ But not as wife only will she be missed and mourned : a family of four sons and four daughters will long cherish her memory. _ One son Peter, died about a year ago, the remaining sons are Adam, Charles, William and George _ The daughters are Agnes, Mrs Wimn Hooper; Catherine, Mrs Long, Toronto; Maggie, Mrs Amos Chislett Sask ; Anuie, Mrs, Thos, Tucker, Glenelg. Apart from her duties as wife and mother, duties faitbfully performed, she was ever ready in sickness to lend a hand and hber heart went with it, as many neighbors can testify, . She has gone to her reward and to all the mournrs we cxtend the sympathy that is appropriyte and the congratuâ€" lations oyer * A life well lived a fight well fought," that is equaily becoming, stor y. On Thursday last there died in Toâ€" ronto, after an iliness of about a year caused originally by gravel stones, Mr Alex Coutts, who until five years ago, was a well known and respected resiâ€" dent of Bentinck on the 10th Concesâ€" sion, _ The remains were â€" brought home on Saturday last, and were laid in Latona cemetery same day, many She was buried on Tuesday and we hope our North Egremont corresponâ€" deu! will mext week complete the cld neighbors and friends paying the last tribute, Mr Coutts was in his 70th year and was a imeisber of a luge famiiy, naâ€" tives of Aberdeenshire, Scotland, who came to this country in the 50‘s of last century coming at different times, Deceased and his brother John landed in America in 1854 As a young man be spent seven years in California, reâ€" turning to Bentinck where he married a daughter of Mr and Mrs Neil Campâ€" bell the latter being still alive at a very advanced age, To this pair were born three sons aud six daughters: Neit and John in Toronto, Alex in Alaska and Jessie, Catherine, Frances, Jennie, Mary Aun, Maggie, all marâ€" ried except the last named. Catherâ€" ine is the wellâ€"known Mrs Couttsâ€" isain, who has delighted thousands by her ability as a singer and enterâ€" tainer, _ Four brothers of dcceased will also with widow ‘and children cherish the memory of the departed, They are Poeter and James in Toronto, Charles, Detroit, and John near Vickâ€" ers in Bentinck. That footâ€"racing is losing none of its popularity in town was evident from the large attendance last Friday evening at the Rink, when the fmu(a series of racas of the season was held. There were three distances, 1. 3 and 5 miles, the latter being the second contest between Ted Vickers and D, Henry. In the mile race, the first yet pulled off here, there were four contestants, W. McDonald, Bert Saunders, Jack Lioyd and Geo. Burnett, _ The last three are new men "in the running," with the exception of Lloyd who started the Friday previous, He dropped out before the finish, and Saunders just _ managed to make the distance. _ McDonald finished an easy winner in 5.22 with Burnett second. Roy Vickers had won all his races except the 5 mile here a few weeks ago, his brother Ted coming in ahead at that time, but he couldn‘t navigate better than Zad in the three mile event. _ He led all the way to the end of the 87(b, with Elvidge close at his heels, The first mile (14 laps) was completed in slow time 6 min. 44 sec., but the second was decidedly fasterâ€" 5 min. 34 sec,, Bewell being lapped in the 25th lap, and again in the 82nd. As the two leaders were about to lap himza third time Sewell showed his gameness in a vigorous sprint and then dropped out in the 37th, Sudderly in the $8th Eividge, Durham‘s young racer, who has just passed 16, let out and swept past Vickers into the lead, For the four remaming laps he conâ€" tinued bis whirlwind pace and led at finish by half a lap, domng the final mile in 5,19. _ Heis a comer, and gomâ€" ing fast. â€" Vickers made a strong cnase but he was somewhat retarded b culting his leg on the end of a henc‘ in turning the corner two or three laps before the finish. 83 mile timeâ€" 17 min, 37 sec. The Passing Pioneers Henry and Ted Vickers second race was the attraction of the evening and after the close and exciting finish a week ago, yery few cared to express More Foot Races. Mars. Cnas, WarTsox Arex CouTTs. 4 0 4â€"â€"â€"_â€" noch boy, has accepted the Principalâ€" ship of Marriston High School at a salary of $1400 per annuw. The Bruce Morald says there is only one prisioner in the County jail and he is a " rogular boarder." _ This is a any definite opinion as to whom the & * vic{or might be in their second meet. A MOde“lte llIVlSIOlI From the out:‘etvnt D%i A {,“'i,c.l:f Wieelclcccae was set up, wit ickers in the s Henry took it from him at the 6th lap Durham School Reâ€"opens and passed the mile mark in 5 min. 27 wz sec. Juâ€"t betore the second mile!: Tuesday last there was an unwontâ€" Vickers »gain assumed the foremost , ed urriva{ot young men and women, position \filich he held for four laps | chiefly the latter, all with steps direct» till Henry again came from behind. |ed to the Model School here. Nr There seemed no disperity in speed | Allan was a busy man indeed, directâ€" between the pair who continued a | ing and controlling the new comers to moderately fast pace, for the second, | temporary homes, which was euccessâ€" third and fourth miles, all don* in reâ€" | fully done by the time che last trains markably even periods of 5.49, 546 and | arrived, The number at time of writâ€" 5,48, _ In the 50th lap Vickers made a | ing seems to be 50 or more, though the terrific sprint to resume the lead, and | accommodation â€" promised by the his opponent, alert also, displayed his | Board to the Education Department speed and held his position, This eviâ€"| was only 45. They come from many dently proved to be Henry‘s undoing | Parts of the province, and seem a as he dropped out in tfu- 58th lap, | bright lot of young people. shortly past the four mile, caused by | _ We hope their sojourn in Durham pains in the stomach, _ Fe lay face | will be pleasant and protitable and down on a bench and was assisted to | that our citizens will do all in their the dressing rocm. _ Vickers meanâ€"| power to make it so, There are only while, continued the going and in the bor 7 young men, a proportion s....{. last few :afi)‘s. parliculml{i tl'i]e' t!i]lml. lar to the Normal schools, s uncovered his reserve speed. finishin j & the quickest mile of the evening ifi ,eil,:;, g:rltllley,“&linel y h"“'”m'“ 5.10, and five miles in 28 minutes flat, | Lindsa ‘nde i le:-;n. roy Aagnom which is remarkably good time for a perienc{-'and bgfim; ‘b‘l.“'ed e runner, outside o( the professional M T T O o Jor Hot Enportant Panks."" He ‘Tan a well-j':xdged ons p((;sm(‘;n.d She was n;fremhl;-,- surpris« throughont and displayed both his ;fllt?w.gur,ll:l“u?‘l“& Oc aing‘s, A speed and endurance to excellent adâ€" * o i Itaws, vantage,. _ The oublic will await with Two of the Public School rooms had interest another contes; between the “,' be dismissed for the day owing to pair when Henry is also in perfect | (h¢ nOnâ€"arrival of new seats, which physical condition, “vlflfi promised a week ago, These Between the races the Band played will Denene AOâ€"day. seyeral murches while at the close of All the teachers were on hand ready the spoits they rendered a delighiful for their duties and prepared to keep half hour‘s musical program ?':"l".';“'" :('bm;l 19 Allh"_ front rank as an IKducational institution, as it has Full t« % Ne Ne merinns proved itself to he this year, C‘,nll‘;amt,l:.:f)l Supplies at the t“"l"h‘(;i Z'ul\:"nv“!lnlf h;u} to he '.-xe('ured Full l‘lW‘luml Supplies at the Central Drug Ktore, Lord Chas, Beresford opened Toroaâ€" to Exhibition and is giving rousing speeches along navy and national lines, Mr T. C. Smith, B. A., an old Dorâ€" roch bov. has accepted the Princivalâ€" If you @xwat good QOveralls call at Grant‘s and semhis stock, _ We have the Peerless and Wull Dog brands and don‘t forget our ntucky Jeaos at $1.25 a pair. A Ghnt‘s. Wheat has beaten the frost cut west this year and there promiscs to be the greatest cro;la‘yct garnered, â€" Prices also being good the combination spells prosâ€" perity. Cases of liquor labelled * Gasoline, handle with care. * have been seized on their way north to the Mining camps. The liquor traffic develops more deviees in defiance of law and order than any other agency. Dr Gun has procured for himself a motor buggy and has been using it freeâ€" ly for the last few days. Mr Ielly, Dr Jamieson and at least one other are considering the matter and may soon invest. A Wuirse Eugruanrt,.â€"The Kings Royal Park and hotel, 3 miles from Owen Sound, together with all the other buildings he'{omzing to the comâ€" pany within the limits of the par«, were offered for sale by public auction on Weanesday afternoon at the Selâ€" don House, but not a single bid was to be had fro.n the baker‘s dozen assembâ€" jed, severel of whom were guests or employees of the hotel, The property was offered in whole or in part but even (. C. Pearce‘s suavest manner failed to extract a single offer and after vainly expending his eloquence for about fifteen minutes he announcâ€" ed that the property, was withdrawn from sale.â€"Herald. Same arrangements as fhr other excursions : $10.00 to Winniphkg, free tickets then to all points, Â¥8.00 return. * Tickets and particulars from R. MacFARLANE, Agent. Mr C. Langrill‘s barn, 2ad con., Benâ€" tinck wasstruck by lightning by the storm of Tuesday last and in a few minutes was all ablaze beyond hope of extinction. Mr L. himsel{ was at the rear of his farm at the time, Mr Geo, Noble saw the blaze and tan but could do little or nothing and away went the work of a year and more too, for not only barn and season‘s crop is gone, but a new waggon, buggy, cutâ€" toer, a #alf and some other steff. Friday, 3rd Sehtember from all stations in tario to all points in the three WÂ¥stern Proâ€" viuces. All his crop had just been stored away, â€" He will lose heavily, estimated at over $2000, while he bas insurarce for about $1300,00 cualy, Another Farm LaDprers‘ Excursion is announced fos ~[RADERS BANK Capital and Surplus Of C anaaa’ Torslsetl $6, 350 ,0 00 $34,000,000 Commercial and savings accounts solicited and best terms offered. ‘ Published Weekly at $1.00 a year, _ A. H. PRESTON, Manager BRANCHKES ALSO AT MOUNT FOREST AND AYTON. Canadian Pacific Extra. THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE DURHAM BRANCH Burned by Lightning. w N# # # _ <Morald says there is only r in the County jail and ular boarder," _ This is a to the lawâ€"abiding people r1as procured for himself a and has been using it freeâ€" t few days. Mr RKelly, Dr id at least one other are the matter and may soon of Canada INCORPORATED 1885 THCE REVIEW, DURHAM ONT The Yellow uabel Lells the dateto which your subâ€" ccrirtion has been paid. Our mailing list was this week corâ€" rected up to date, _ If yours is not correct, kindly notify us at once. We thank all who have renewed the past few weeks but there are yet many others we wish to hear from séonco. Miss Bartley, the new assistant teacher for the Model term, hails from Lindsay, and seems adapted by exâ€" perience and ability for her important position. She was a reeably surpris« ed to tind in Miss ‘ McKenzie, a fellowâ€"Normalite at Oltawa,. All the teachers were on hand ready for their duties and prepared to keep Durham school in the front rank as an Educational institution, as it has proved itself to be this year, The Town MHail had to he secured for Miss Davidson und the Juniors owing to the Model necessities, was only 45. They come parts of the province, . bright lot of young people We hope their sojourn in Durham will be pleasant and profitable and that our citizens will do all in their gower to make it so, There are only 6 or 7 young men, a proportion sumiâ€" Two of the Public School rooms had to be dismissed for the day owing to the nonâ€"arrival of new seats, which were promised a week ago, These will be here voâ€"day. Such is the promise held out by the the Directors of 8. Grey Agricfitural Socicty, and by the activity being disâ€" played by the officers, and the demand for Prizc Lists, the prediction secems a safe onc. raised, and the wellâ€"known local racers Ted Vickers and Doward Henry have egreed to try conclusions that day in a 5â€"mile Marathon race. Everyone get busy : a large crowd is expected. In the evening of the 2nd day a Grand concert is arranged for, with the Hewer Co. of London as the stars. Governors General as well as people in general are but human. Here we have Earl Grey lost for hours in a B. C. wildnerness, lying exhausted when found, clothes in rags, and almost met death over a precipice. To make matâ€" ters worse he1s said to have shot deer and the Victoria Gun Club are insisting that the Attorney General at onee have him arrested! Won‘t he have a lot to tell when he goes ‘ome ? The track we are assured was never in better shape, a great deal of work having been put on it, in view of the decision to have the oldâ€"time raees on the second day. _ There is to be a Free for all Trot, a 2.50 trot, a Farmer‘s trot for which handsome purses have been Showrooms: Lambton street, Durham We have just returned from Torâ€" onto with a large stock of Fall Milliâ€" nery. _ Miss Fry, who was with us last season is reâ€"engaged and we are now ready to receive early orders, We invite all those who want hats for the Exhibition or early orders to call ard see our large stock. We have a large stock of mourn ing Millinery on hand. BAND PROGRAM, Sept. 2nd The 31st Regt. Band, under the direction of Bandmaster G.J. W right will render the following program Thursday evening Sept. 2, at 815 p. iw, on Garafraxa St. 1 Maroutâ€"Midshipman . . . ... Beyer 2 OvERTCREâ€"Czarina . . . Rathburn 3 VALSEâ€"Merry Widow . .8t, Clair 4 MarCHâ€"Ahe Peacemauker...... .. feve kaease oe ++ a s i0 4 is a + s egier 5 OvertTUnEâ€"Sincerity . .. Barnard 6 VaArsszâ€"She‘s my own Girl 7 MarRCHAâ€"Our Special .. . . . ..Jewell 8 OvERrTUREâ€"Birth of Love....... dow w e s e rea i+ a + + + + > + + >« Sowilfonty 9 MARCHâ€"West Point Cadets...... 10 God Save the King FALL MILLINERY C. RAMAGE & sON, Parmste»®s anp PusursasEk®s Greatest Show Yet ? Miss Dick Bever

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