West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Sep 1909, p. 4

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intending Students should enter at the begin ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be obâ€" tiined at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy an< attractivetown, making it a most desirable place for residence. FEES: $1 per month in advance. J. P. Tolfo"; Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equipped in teaching a>:lity, in chemical and electrical supplies and f .:ings, &e., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" uilssion work. The following competent staff aro in charge : THOS. ALLAN, Prlnclr', ist Class Certificate, w : Science, Euclid, English Grammar â€"keeping and Writing. M1+8 DONALDA MeKERRACHER, B. A., Grad uate of Queen‘s University, _ Sabjecs Latin, Frencb, Algebra, Arithmetic. Mi3S AMY EDGE, Graduate of the Facuity of Education. . Subjects: Literature, (‘an{po- sition, Geography, History and Art. We are crowded for room for * j\ @>f". 7 k our fall goods ariving, so have / 4 s decided to clear out all broken h s lines at a reduction from fifteen to I \ fity cents a pair. _ As our goods @ S §A are all marked in plain figares / , 7 "E tA z you can casily see for yourself & kea" that the reduction is gennine. Would be pleaced to have you call and see stylesiand values whether you purchase or not." _ Castom,.work and repairing as usual at the down town Shoe Store. has been attained in our Oxford ties and Slippers. _ They combine in a high degree of correctness, comfort and coolness. Durham School Suminer Shoes Perfection Drs.KENNEDY & KENNEDY We handle nothing butreliable makes of Boots which are guaranteed to give satisfaction to our customers. _ We have just passed into stock a large assortment of stylesâ€"Women‘s fine Dongola Boots and Oxfords, Misses‘ and Children‘s Boots, Men‘s fine and heavy Boots in the newest lasts. Let us fit you with a pair of Boots for Fall. _ You will find the quality and price right. Located in Our Own Oifice Building, These days we are busy marking New Fall Goods and getting ready for our Fall trade, _ It seems early to talk about Fall Goods but you will need them before long. _ Now is the time to make your selections. We are showing an extra large stock of Dress Goods and Suitings, in all the new weaves and shades for Fall wear. _ They come in a wide choice of weaves and shades ; effécts in soft two tone and invisible check in fine Panamas, Taffetta Cloths and Broad Cloth Suitings. The colorings are the new shades of Green, Brown, Gray, Blue, and Plum. also a large choice of plain and fancy Black Suitings. Cor, Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing chairman J.â€"S. â€" MclLRAITH New Fall Suitings New Goods Boots and Shoes C. Rama »het .floc.-our.y. } roing Excesses and indiscretions are the cause of more sorrow and sufering than all other diseases combined We see the victims of â€" vicious habits on <very hand: the saliow, ?immcd face dark circled eyes, stooping orm, stunted development. bashful, melan » eholic countenadce ind timio bearing pro ; claim to all the world his folly and tend to * blight hiscsistence. Our treatment positive. a ly cures all weak men by overcoming and removing the effects of former indiscretions f and exeesses. It stops all drains and quickly restores the \ictim to what vature intended â€" i a healthy and happy man with physical, men tal and nerve ; ower complete 5 For over 20 years Dre. K. & K. have treated with tho greatest success all ! diseases of men and women. ‘ t If you have any secret disease that is a worry and a menace to your health consult «t old established physicians who do not have to Â¥onm Free. If unable to call, write for a question Blank for Home Treatment. We guarantecto cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD DISEASES STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. Consulta, Lots 6 and 7, Con, 2, N. D. R , Glenâ€" elg, 100 acres, good frame â€" bhouse, and ther buildings, well watered. Owner zoing west. _A batgain. _ As the edition is limited orders should te placed at once at the Reâ€" view oflice or at the stores of Messrs K. MacFarlane, Jas. R. Gan, C. L. Grant, Jas. lreland, or J. 8. Mcliraith. Jubilee Sovenir of Durham Presbyterian Church. A pamphlet containing an historical sketch of the congregation from its earlist days, appreciations and porâ€" raits of all the ministers of the conâ€" gregation, some of the pioneers, the church, the manse, &c. Also pictures of the session, "the managers, the choir and other features, Successors to DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN orlock ArtHUrR H NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED For Sule. For Sale."* JAcksox, Durham, Mrs Art. Ellis {and mother, Mrs Milligan, spent one day with Mrs J. Derby, Mr George Nichol did not go to the West on Monday as intimated last week. Mrs Wright, of Hanover, spent one day last week with Mrsg A. Anderson. Miss May Walden, of Neustadt. visited the Marshall family oyer the week end. Mr Albert Mearns and Miss Magâ€" gie Geddes spent Sunday with friends at Louise. Mr Patterson Young returned to Owen Sound Monday, after‘ helping his uncle. Mr Thos, Young with the barvest. Mr Colin C, MceFayden passed through here on Friday. Among those from Holstein neighâ€" borhood who took in the harvesters‘ excursion last ‘Thursday were ten. Aitken for Fo;ret, Sask. ; Geo. Scotlt, Moose Jaw ; Miss .Feriguson. Aylesâ€" bury,; W. J. Drimmie, Mauanyille, Alita;; Jno. Vessy, Winnipeg ; Jno. Manary, Sferllng. Man. ; Jno. Mcâ€" Guire. Craik, Sask.: Ueo. Innes *« Mr and Mrs Sam Allen, of Chesley, spent Sunday with the latter‘s parâ€" ents here. We regret to learn of the deash of Mrs Cherry, formerly Miss Janet Muir, in Saskatchewan. bivabiniaisi P AJ sfernng. Man. ; Jno, Mcâ€" Guire. Craik, Sask, ; Geo, Jones, Mocâ€" Leod, Alta.â€"Leader. Rev, Mr Wright, of Durham, called on his church members here last week. Miss Kate Whitmore is home from Toronto on her holidays looking hale and hearty. iss Ada Aljoe was visiting a few days in Hanover recently. ar Jolhn Burnett, of Sunny Alberta, is at present visiting his uncle, ut Henry Burnett, Mr Henry Sealey disposed of a fine flock of lambs, for which he got a good price. Mr Wim Aljoe, Jr., is at present engaged with Mr Edge. wr (Geo. Hopkins, accompanied by his sister Pearl, yisited the Beaton [amily Sunday last. xr Ball, of ut. Forest, accompanied by ariss Jonnie Staples, visited the latter‘s auntie, urs Jas. Whitmore, Sunday last. The misses Aljoe visited friends on the north line on Snnday last. Misses Victoria Aljoe and Eya Atâ€" kinson visited at Mr Jas. Hopkins‘ one day last week. Northâ€"East Normanby _ Mrs Jas. Whitmore returned home from visiting friends in Toronto and her sister in Allendale. Miss Pennington, of Durham, visitâ€" ed the Burnett family a few days reâ€" cently. _ Mr Robt. McGillivray is busy threshing in this neighborhood. He bas a fine new machine and strawâ€" blower which saves a lot of hard laâ€" bor. The farmers report a fairly good turnout of grain. Rey. H. Caldwell and daughcers lizabeth and Mary, of Allenford, spent a few days last week with her brothers here. It‘s a pity when sisk ones drug the stomach or stimulate the Heart and Kidneys, _ That is all wroog! A weak Stomach, means weak Stomach noerves, always, And this is a‘so true of the Heart and Kidneys, ‘The weak norves arcinstead crying ont for belp,. This explains why Lr Shoop‘s Restorative is promptly helping Stomach, Heart. aud Kidney ailments, ‘The Restorative reaches out for the actual cause of these ailments.â€"the failing " inside nerves. " Auyway test the Restorative 48 hours, It won‘t cure as soon as that, but you will sarely know that hbelp is coming, Sold by MacFarlane & Co, Mrs Dickleman and Messrs Harry Gadd and Charlie Dowling left for the West on the 19th. Hope they enjoyed their trip. Miss Lottie Fee spent one day last week with Miss Cassie Burns, who left for Toronte on Monday morning to resume her duties there. We welcome our teacher Miss Hasâ€" set of Mt. Forest, to our midst. Mr Joseph Ferguson, who has been spending his holidays with his brothâ€" er James, returned to Detroit last week. Mr and Mrs Nelson Eden of Varâ€" ney, yvisited Mr and Mrs 8. Caldwell last Sunday. Mrs h. Morice took tea with Mrs T. Wallace lass Sunday evening. This Week‘s Budget, Mr Cragg, school teacher of Holâ€" stein, deliyered a fine sermon in Knox church last Sundavy in Mr Kendall‘s absence. Mrs Landels Marshall and sister Miss George visited with friends at Knox corners last Sunday. Miss Walker of Owen Sound, is spending a few weeks with her neice, Mis Jas. Watson. Mras Wes Storrey and taby spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs T. Walâ€" lace. _ Mrs Jas. Ferguson is spending the first of the week with her daughter Mrs M, Donnelly, of Allan Park. Mr Will Walker and Miss Annie Hoy of Holstein, attended serv‘ces at Knox last Sunday. We are sorry, if the report be true, that Mr Ernest Gadd of Foxwarren, has been hailed out. The farmers are very much disapâ€" pointed this week at thete being no beef. Hope it will not happen again. Mestod Popular Place Hampden . n d ieb e ncollzl_z WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY HEADQUARTERS FOR E. A. Rowe Ice Cream Dated at Durham this 13th day of August, 1909. Electors are called upon to examine the sard list and if any omission or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedinga to have said errors corrected according to law. City Bakery Notice is hereby given, that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of The Ontari0 Voter‘s Lists Act the copies required by said section to be so transâ€" mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persous apâ€" Eearin;z by the last reyised Xssesbmen( oll of the sarid Municipality to be enâ€" titled to vote in the saig Municipality at elections for members of the EeÂ¥|s- lative Assembly and at Municipal elecâ€" tions ; and that the said list was first posted up at my office, at Durham, on the 13th day of August 1909, and reâ€" mains there for inspection. Voters‘ List 1900â€"Municipality of the Town of Durham, County of Grey. Mr Donald McLean, of Gould City, visited his parents here for a few days last week. Miss Jessie Macdonald bas returned home from Bwinton Park, where she has been visiting friends and acquaintâ€" ances for the past few weeks. Pink Pain Tabletsâ€"Dr Shoop‘sâ€"stop Headrche, womanly paine, any paim, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formâ€" ula on the 250 box. Ask your drugâ€" gist or doctor about this formulaâ€"it‘s fine. Sold by MacFarlane & Co. Miss Sara Ceswell has returned home from Toronto for a few weeks holidays. All her many friends are pleased to see her looking so well. Misses Aunie and Bessie Sm@th spent a fow days last week with friends in Dornoch. Miss Robina Fletcher has re_turned to Toronto to attend the Millinery Openings, Miss Eliza McCormack, of Bunesâ€" san, is visiting friends in the burg. The Mull Corner baseball club has closed for the summer. Mr Jolhn Haryey, one of our prosâ€" perous youhg farmers here, has come home after a two weeks stay at Stayâ€" nor. where he went to get cured of a cancer on his lip. He had it successâ€" fully drawn out and thinks it is safely cured, We all hope so. Another of our ‘farmers is staying there, Mr Donald Lauchlin Ferguson, going under treatment for cancer in his face but is bad. Quite a few of our young men haye gone to the N. W. harvest and others are talking of taking in the great Toronto Exhibition this week. Wm. Dezell woent last week but important business brought him bome again for a few days. Miss Mary MeNalty, of Swamp College, is visiting her friend, Miss J. Macdonald. Mr Hugh Mclean made a fiying trip to Owen Sound last week. Mr William MeWilliams, a young man here who is studying for the Ministry, preached last Sunday in the Esplin church, Some of .our young men from the village who were thinkâ€" ing of the preaching profession or goâ€" ing on the mussionary work went to hear him. Ask fient for free oop{‘MOFFIClAL PROâ€" GRAMME and TIME TABLE, giving full details of special train service, R. MacFARLANE, Agent Durham. Special Rates and Trains "°"_ DURHAM Toronto and Special Excursio turdnaAyI,LAYug. 28 Days, Aug. 31 TO Sat. Sept. 11 Sept. 2, 7, 9. INCLUSIVE Tickets good to Return until Tuesâ€" day, Sept. 14 TORONTO EXHIBITION $2.25 | $3.00 Confectionery Cooked Meats Cured Meats Groceries Choice Pickles, 15¢ at All Fruits in Seascn Mull Corners TORONTO We supply the best Hopeville. 4 NOTICE W, B. Voupkt, Clerk aud all refreshing drinks. _ Try us. Good service. oronto and NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0, 1897, Cap. 129, Sec. 38 and Amending Acts, that all persons haying claims against the estate of the said Charles McArthur, who died on or about the 15th day of April A. D., 1909, are required to send by t pre;é:)id or to deliver to J. P. ?:lford'. licitor for executrix, on or before the 10th day of September A. D., 1909, their names, addresses and descriptions, and a fall statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said last mentioned day the executrix will proceed to distribute the assets among the parties entitled thereto, baving regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. ~ D.,telego;he 16th day of August A. D. J. P. TEuForp, Solicitor for executrix. In the Surrognte Court of the Count of Grey, in the Matter of the Eatatz of Charles McArthur‘ late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, deceased. Man that cometh into this world is small potatoes and few in a hill. He oeth forth in the morning warbling fike a lark, He meeteth an adversary and is knocked out in one round of two seconds, He putteth on his best raiment and foeth for a walk into the country, and low a thunderstorm smitâ€" eth him sore, which filleth him with woe and rhenmatism. He marrieth a redâ€"headed girl with a wart on her nose, and in two weeks her father goâ€" eth under with few assets and great liabilities, and cometh home to live with his beloyed sonâ€"inâ€"law. He goâ€" eth to the races and betteth all his stakes on the favorite Gray, while the Black Flier with a blaze face winneth, Wear{and heavg laden he returneth to his home and beholdeth the house empty, his wife absent at a bridge party while he goeth to beq hungry. When his life is far :lpent he dijeth and his life insucance and estate goeth to his wife‘s second husband, A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tabletâ€"called Preventicsâ€"is being disâ€" pensed by druggists cverywhere, In a few hours, Preventics are said to break any coldâ€"completely. And Preventics, being so safe and toothsome, are very fine for children. No Quinine, no laxâ€" ative, nothing barsh nor sickening. Box of 48â€"25¢. Sold by MacFazlane & Co. L106 18, COR B ic sessvncsessrsesates Hawilton Allan, drift pin for Glenroaden bridge................ A McLeod, plank for bridge Lot 47, Con $. NDR........:.«.::%.. A McLachlan, work on bridge, Lot 47, Con 8, N D R............ R J Black, work on bridge, Lot 47, Con 8, N D Ibess.sssâ€"41â€"s:s+514 Jne McDougall!, work on bmdge Lot 47 Con 8, N D R,........... J McMillan, work on bridge, Lot 47 Con :2, N D Kiiss:ssisrrsineess Duncan MeNab, work on bridge Darkies Cornor..................... Archie Ector, work on bridge Darki®s COIDOr....................% Thos McFadden, work on bridge Darkies Corner......,........._. E W Hunt, work on bridge, Darkies COFDEr.....,...)»++,4+..++» Standard Printing Co. for printâ€" Thos Nichol, ward appropriation WBLE D. i8 i2l.0l rennei ie e ervvannoase ds The Council adjourned to Bept 10 a, m. ings for 3 bridges.................. A 8 Hunter, hardware for br‘dgs Wm Ryan, extra work on bridge The Council met August 7th ‘porsUâ€" ant to adjournment. _ All the members present. The Reeve in the chair. Minâ€" utes of former meeting read and apâ€" rtoved. Coromunications read &s folâ€" ows : from Commissioner for ward 3, his report on lé:propriuion expenditures, from County Clerk county rate at $1706â€" A1, from Dr Ego account for attendance on small pox cases, from James Ford account for attending on quatantine tamily, Petitions from G. L. Ledingbam and 48 others asking for assistance in laying sidewalke in Dornoch, an account from Standard Printing Company for printing, several general acconnts. EBSs se .% roaden and extra..................$ 45 00 Joseph Scbriitzler. cedar for bridge, Lot 13, Con, 5.......... 100 00 Malcolm Black, cedar for bridge Lot 19, CoR. b.:ss:srscsr:ssessscsss . BB D1 k M Dargayel, cedar for bridge at Glenroaden..................... 155 48 Wm Ryan, building bridge Lot 19, C000 BDrivrssessessrassessrecienes ~AGâ€" OO Duncan McNab, timber for bridge, Darkies Corner.,......., 27 50 Malcolm Black, rock elm for bridge Lot 18, Con 5............ 150 00 C, Smith & Sons, iron and castâ€" Weirâ€"McMillanâ€"That accounts ol Dr Ego and James Ford be referred to the Local Board of Health,â€"Carried. MoNallyâ€"McMillanâ€"That this Counâ€" oil grant $25 to the village of Dornoch to purchase cement for sidewalks as Bentinck has already spent an eqaivaâ€" lent.â€"Carried. McMillanâ€"McNallyâ€"Lhat the iveeve and Clerk be paid $2,00 each for obtain® ing title to McKechnie deviation avnd that the Clerk be paid $1.00 for conyeyâ€" ancing,. â€"Carried, Weirâ€"McMillan â€" That gravel acâ€" counts be paid as follows : A, +Crutchly $5.20, Wim.J. Lawrence $10.40, Jas. Wilson $5.45, H. Sparling $38,70, Alex Mz:Eachern $3.70, W. H Patterson §$8.10, Elien Berry $2.20, John Ellison $2.40, Joe Campbel! $1,90, J. A Beaton $6.00, Malcolm Black $5,00.â€"Carried. McNallyâ€"Nicholâ€"That Henry Hunt be paid $1.00 for nrils and Thos. Mcâ€" Knight 40 cents for drift pin for Glenâ€" roaden bridgo.â€"Carried, Nichol â€" MeNally â€" That John A. Beaton be paid $7.00 for grayelling and work ou approach to bridge,â€"Carried. MeMillanâ€"Nichelâ€"That the Clerk be paid $55.00 on salary.â€"Carriedâ€" Weirâ€"Millanâ€"That W. J. Lawrence be paid §1.50 for repairing grader biade, â€"Carried, General Superintendent C, P. R., inâ€" structing him to have Railway Crossings through this township put in fropor shape so as to make them safe for the public travelling on the highways of this towoship.â€"C arried, Cheques were issued for bridge work and material as tollows : Duncan MecNab, bridge at Glenâ€" _ Nicholâ€"MeNailyâ€"That this Conaecil instruct the clerk to write to air Osbourne IN¢ ....«« NUTICE TO CREDITORS Glenelg Council McNaliyâ€"That the Keeve J, S. Buack«, Clerk , Ri:.::1+s.. " 100 ridge, Lot sextiyrsszzqex 00 _on bridge t......... :.: *L 00 bridge, Lot on bridge Thex 3A 169 60 18 at 406 83 45 07 50 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 15 Canada‘s leading Business Schooi FALL TERM COMMENCEs _ September 1st at you can borrow elsewhere, _ _ _ Debts Collected. No charge if nothâ€" ing collected. All kinds of financial 3:;lneu carecfully and quietly attenâ€" to. Railway and Steamship ‘l‘lckefs to all points, Money to Lend at lower rates than "Always Prompt, Never Negligent," The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : 200 Acres Glenelg â€"Good frame dwelâ€" ling ‘and one of the yery best and largest frame bauk barns in the County of Greyâ€"a gift at $2700, 100 Acres, Bentinckâ€"Fine brick venâ€" eered and frawe dwelling, frame bank barn and all good buitdings, price $2600 ; hardly the value of the buildings. Owner bound to sell, 130 acres Bentinck â€" 4} miles from Hanover, close to school and Post Office with daily mail. Brick house, frame bank barn, great sqap, and Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property, If you want to Buy or Sell go to Miller ___ No charge if no business done., Money tobe Made Every farmer should buy a 1b of our assorted screws at 10 cts and he will get what he wants in screws, Buy a Curry Comb, Horse Brush, Package of International stock Food, a set of our Harness and your good horse will take a prize at the South Grey Fall Show. Customers claim it is a pleasure to do business in our Store, where they cau get everything from a needle to an anckor. Plowing has started, _ Have you enough Plow Lines, Trace Chains, Clevices, Sweat Pads and Plow Harâ€" ness. Have you seen our American kitâ€" chen friend. It is composed of a full set of sharp edged kitchen tools. We can sell you any kind of a carpenter tool you desire. _ Examine our stock of braces and bitts, hamâ€" mers, planes, hand saws, tool basket, draw knives, aprons and other articles to numerous to mention . If you require a Washing Machine give us a call. We have every kind manufactured. Our _ Waterpower Machine is the latest. In Clothes Wringers we can show you something you never seen beâ€" fore. We have every kind any other dealers has, and we also sell the Dan Patch Wringer. by attending to this advertisement TEETH Preserve Your Clean teethâ€"perfectly clean teeth will not decay, so to keep the teeth perfectly clean is to preserve them. There are many nice tooth preâ€" parations but they will not all clean the teeth perfectly, For a strictly reliable cleanser, is perfection in powder form,â€" not the least gritty, pleasant tasting, highly antiseptic, If you get it at GUN‘S, it‘s good We also carry a fine assortment of STOVES, RANGES. TIN and ENAMEL W ARE, FLEURY‘S PLOWS. SHARES, ROOT PULâ€" PERS and TURNIP DRILLS. We have just passed into stock the following new and upâ€" toâ€"date goods, which we cordialâ€" ly invite the ladies of Durham and surrounding country to call and examine : New Fancy Goods Stock Gun‘s Pearl Tooth Powder GUN‘S DRUG STORE Hardware! W. Black K. Cochrane Opposite S. Sceott‘s store Linen Damasks Towels Fancy Linens Lace Curtains Embroideries Laces Flannellettes Dress Goods HMHosiery Ladies‘ Whitewear Fancy uoods H. H. MILLER, THERE‘S â€"â€"~2tâ€" SEPTEMBER 2 1909 Allâ€"wool Blankets, $3, 4 and 4.75 pr Bed comforters from 1.35 to 3.00 ea Lll‘e 11x 4 size Flannellette Blanâ€" ets, white or grey....1.25 pajr Lace Ourtains, . .25¢. 50c, 75¢, 1.00 ea HMoneycomb wool Shawis, 5#0c, 75. #1 Black sateen Underskirts, 81, 1.75 ca Men‘s Cardigan Jackeis 1.00, 1.25 oa Flooa (‘lcloth .. ...25¢ a square yd Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide . ... 25¢ vd New Piinteand Ginghams now See our 25¢ and 50¢ Dress Go Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectionary Pure Spices & Vincegars No. 1 Family and Pure Fime Salt Farmers Produce Wan tec. BIG 4 Flour, Feed, Seed & Groceries School Opening Boys‘ Cotton Nickers for 50° a pair, just the thing or the holidays. CL.G . L. GRANT 50 Waists to be sold to clear, All the expensive ones are sold out, Nothing left over $2 50 each and to get rid of the balanâ€" ce we will sell them at the folâ€" lowing prices . 1i you want a waist don‘t miss this chance as they were cheap before the reduction. in Lawn and Muslia Ladies‘ Waists New Public School Books New High School Books New Copies New Draw‘g Books New Scribblers New Exercises MacFARLANE Waist for....... 200 &1.7 Wais! for 1,.50 Waist for...... 1.2 Waist for ..... MATTHEWS & LATIMER W. H. BEAN Town Office C.P.R. Druggists and Booksellers Buy your Tickets Here Pupils will find our stock of books and SChOOl Supplies comâ€" plete. We always lead. 6 e prizéâ€"quite simâ€" ple and instructive. Every teacher should draw the pupils‘ atâ€" tention to it. Open to all classes â€" in sepamate groups. Get one of our new Scribblers or Exerâ€" cise Books with outâ€" line sheet of map of Ontario and try for a Call and see us He Seils Cheap anitoba ours A Big Sale of For Calder‘s Block, Durham $ 2.00 y O ( § The | Webst Telford cases, w bargain cession south of 100 acres well was frame | barn, further g“llllm‘l w han driving work a preferr roader cuted. 100 acres i R(?ld near I price reduce quick sale, m) acres i 118 a« good ou The 1 fishing A dw land in 1 Mighton St., a sh Station. draimed, w Only $300 w ater 200 clear, 50 . watered, finrs sold (‘ht‘.‘up t« 150 acves is soil good, « shape. Pric house, 1: Street, bargain, property from Daurl land, wit Must be so 100 ac Park, 1 compo N. 1. 1 forth w culars Good 110 acres i F,G. R. Gile farm with go destirable loc sists of 85 mor free from sto: Price $4500, Eor sale or Ex ti SEPTEMBE XQ Buying Mig Teamster Wa 1d U House to Fishing Not arni® Aj nc To lent at im for i8 y Sale le of ind W W OY d y

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