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Durham Review (1897), 9 Sep 1909, p. 5

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fi" find our _ books and ipplies com. We alw’ayg 1Cs and Pure Ours Ing use W an 1€ 1 Books 1 Books es ‘g Books bblers ‘Cises e CP.R. instructive. cher should pupils‘ atâ€" Cheap kets Here EWS AER V inegars ionary roups ANT sses â€" 11 EAN LANE U or IExerâ€" with outâ€" of map of it Drews Groceries aists lite simâ€" our new ksellers (#) 81 t t Calder‘s Block, Durham t don v were d 4.75 pr o 3,00 ea t» Blan« 1.25 paie r $2 50 balamâ€" Open $ 2.00 S â€" t the es ate ow in Goods 1,00 ea , 75. $1 1.25 ea an)C for a re 19 CA gd yd & _ 1959 â€"â€" As Things May Be A dwelling house and 14} acres o land in the Town of Durham, (late the Mighton property), south of Lawmbton St., a short distance west of G, T. R. Station. â€" Apply to Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glenelg composed of lots 22 and 23, Con. 3, N. D. R., 100 acres, _ Possession given forthwith. Title perfect, For partiâ€" culars apply to J. P. 1Eurorp, Durham, The public are hereby notified that lishing is strictly prohibited on Low 28, Con, 2, E. G, R, (opposite Glenâ€" roaden). â€" All trespassers will be proseâ€" cuted. A fine two storey brick dwelling house, large brick stables, on Main Street, Ducham. _ Will be sold at a bargain, _ and would accept other property as part pay. Apply to A good, careful man, accustomed to driving and handling a team for farm work and mill teaming. _ Married man preferred. ‘Free house. Apply to Good Fifty years ago the trade of this Town was done at the junction of Garafraxa Street and the Durham Road known as Hunters‘ Corner. ‘Then the streets in the winter would be lined with oxen and sleighs loaded with dressed hogs and grains. _ It was a unoted marâ€" ket, at a celebrated corner and it was sg)pposed to be a fixture, The credit system with its good and bad features was then in full force. A good comfortable house with.hard water inside ; rent $6 per month. Lots 2 and 3 of 290 in the first conâ€" cession of Bentinck, oneâ€"haif mile south of the,Corporation of Durham, 100 acres in good state of cultiyation ; well watered by running streams. A frame hbouse, 7 rooms, frame bank barn, 40x69. . Town school. _ For further particulars apply on the premises to James Buart, Proprietor Dur ham. Now, the business part of the town is in the Lower Town, the oxen on the streets are a matter of the past, dressed hogs are never offered for sale; what was a busy market is now a rural sgene and it reminds one of " Sweet Auburu, loveliest Village of the Plain," and the credit system has now almost passed away, the Cash Eystem taking its place. Fifty years from now, some Durham boy of toâ€"day, then past middle age, on arriving claims o from a foreign country recognizes Durham boys. ‘They invite him on the street car going | notice. north to the Airâ€"ship Dock, now at Hunter‘s corner, again a businesscentre and on the Dateed | Royal Mail Airship Route, Vancouver to Liverpool,. The airship " Canada " arrives AK just then under the capableâ€"command of Captain Irwin, son of the intrepid Frank, and he informs the " old boys" that the "Canada" covers fully 1200 miles pet day and they use for power the electricity in the atmosphere. As it is in travel so it is in merchandising: | â€"â€"â€" The quicker we can sell goods and in the larger quantities, the cheaper we can sell themt and | FALL our aim will be in the future as in the past to buy rightly sothat wo may sell rightly ; The Highest Prices Paid for Produce 7 The biilding occapied by _P. G. A. Webster as a jewellery store and J. P. Telford as alaw office; with sh>w cases, wall cases, clock and safe at a bar gain. 160 acres in Bentinck on Garafraxa Road near Dornoch, good buildings, price reduced from Oflgl) to $2300 for yuick sale. 20 acres in Bentinck. Five miles from Darham, fine buildings, good land, with a qusntits ot â€" timber, Must be sold at once. Price $€000. 118 acres in Egremont, good land good vuildings. $3600, 100 acres in Proton, near Swinton Park, fair buildings, good lind, well dramed, well watered and well fenced. Only $30600, \ W. F. DUNN, w Solicitor, Durham, Ost ‘ 20 acres on the Garafraxa Road, 200 clear. 50 acres bndwoo?:usb. well watered, first class buildings. Will be sold cheap to wind up estate, F4150 acres in Bentinck, buildings and soil good, everything in first class shape. Price $5000, 110 acres in the Third Concession F,. G. R. Glenelg. This 18 a first class farm with good buildings in‘ the most desirable location. The farm conâ€" sists of 85 acres of rich cultivable land free from stones and 15 acres of bush, Price $4500. To Rent 2 good hoeuses, Apply to Eor sale or Exchange. SEPTEMBER 9, 1909 Artuur H, Jacksos, Durham Buying For Sale or Rent 1859 â€" Teamster Wanted Lands For Sale Fishing Notice, Apply to s James WaTsoX. Varney. Tuos. COOK, Markdale. Farm for Sale. ~ Farms For Sale. House to Rent AARON WENGER, Ayton, Ont For Sale. A. GORCCXS, Weybutn, Sask. A, McCormicKk. War, Latpuraw, G. & J. McKBCHNIK G. & J. McKkL( ATIMER. It was with much sorrow we heard of the death of Mrs Chas. Watson on Saturday evening. The funeral took place from ter lato residence to Amos cemetery Monday afternoon. _ Sincere sympathy is felt for sorrowing husâ€" band and family. Miss May Young, Derham, visated ror tmeal Miss May Brown and atâ€" tends 1 service at Amo»s Sanday mornâ€" { ing. On Wednesday afternson of last week a few Dromore folks wert on a pieme to Hamilton‘s Lake and spent a yery enjoyable time. A number from Dromore actended the wedding of Miss Hattie E. Watt and MÂ¥r Langley of Toronto, at the home of the tride‘s parents, " The Hedges " on Wednesday of this week, Congratalations to the happy couple. Miss Brooks returned to Boffalo on Monday, accompanied by her cousin, Sya Renton. Mis Findlay and her son Muarray are spending a few dn}ys of this wieek in Toronto. Miss Jane Kinaoell of Dandalk, and Bese of Toronto, visited at Renwick‘s last week. Miss Bertha Russell, who has been visiting at Taylor‘s, returned to her home in New Liskeard on Monday. The Young Peoples Mission Band will meet in Amos church Satarday afternoon. All young people ara inâ€" yited. Mr and Mrs George Henry, Shalâ€" low Lake, are visiting friends in Droâ€" more. ’ Mr Artley went to the help of the inâ€" ‘]!."NJ man,. and not knowing the exâ€" ‘ tent of his injuries did not care to run the risk of removing him e tne vilâ€" lage, buat immediately went to Berâ€" }ln-lry and telephoned for Di Ego who artived a couple of bours later. Mr Eoagiish was then removed to Mrs Doda‘s house in Berkeley, where an examination was made by Drs. Ego and Brown, who had also been suin monted. Theright hip was badly disâ€" located, two nasty gashes across the forehead, and the injured man comâ€" plained of severe pains in hic chest, although the medical men could find no canse for this, He will remain at Mrs Dedds‘ for two or threy» weeks but it will be much longer before he will be around agaim. Mr English is a marmied man, postmaster at Glascott, and is about fifty years of age.â€" Standard,. 1i ts oA es ce 0 AOC en ous. ENC CE of this place, was in the vicinity of Berkeley the day before with his auto, and when in the swamp about a quarâ€" ter of a mile west of that place the ignitor gaye out and he was compelled to leave his machine on the side of the road until the next day when be went up and repaired it. He had mounted the seat and bhad his hand on the lever with the intentions of backing up, and the wheels had only made a couple of revointions when he noticed Mr Engâ€" lish coming and the borse apparently frightened. He immediately stopped the machine threw off the battery, but not before the colt, careering madâ€" 1 Iy made a leap to one side and the cart coming in contact with a log, pitched Mr _ English several feet and l‘l"' alighted beavily on the ground. A serious accident happened to Mr Richa«rd English, mail carrier between Glasâ€"ott and Berkeley, on Tuesday afternoon, which might easily have been attended with fatal results. Mr English was en route between Glassâ€" cott and Berkeley with the mail, and was driving a colt, a fractious animal which bas a record of two or three run« ways this summer, and bhas a parâ€" ticular gillike to anything in the shape os m: aulqmobile. Mr Jeffrey Aitley, As Things Are was Intended for last wer~ Almost Fatal Accident. Dromore. ay ! toba and Assiaiboia of the C.P.R. fleet | will sail from Owen Sound to Fort | William on Taesday, Thursday and :Saturday respectively of each weok, | This make: a most delightfal rtrip and \a nice change from all rail to the west, _ Consult R. MacFarlane, town agent. \ _ Mr Chas. Reay visited friends in ‘Muloek recently. In the absence of Revy. Mr Carter on Sunday the pulpit was occupied |by Mr Karstedt of Darham, who |gave a practical address on living i the Christian life. s |_ Mr _(Â¥ F. Lawrence, Redickville | spent over Sunday at his home here. | _ Mr Geo. Allan. Edge Hill, visited ‘at Mr David Donneliy‘s on Sunday last. Messrs T. Vickers and T. Brigham went up to Southampton on Saturd «y night for a time. We do not know but hope they haye retarned. We understand that Mr H. John ston has sold his thresming outfit m as\ ndicate of ten farmers on th soutn line. * Mr and Mrs Jno.* Torry, Southâ€" ampton, visited relaviyes here during the past week. f Miss M. Twamley. nurse in Baffalo hospital, is holidaying at present with friends fiele. Mr H. W. Hunt and his sisterâ€"inâ€" law, Miss Berta Caff spent a few days with friends in St. Ca berines and took in the Toronto Exhibition. Mr Dan Mchean aod family, o SBhallow Lake, are at present viâ€"iting their many friends in this vicinityv. Mr Hugh McKinnon and sister Miss Kate lefs Tuesdav to visit triends in Toronto ard King. f _Miss Mary Morton spent Labor Day é“\er home a. Aberdeen. â€"~Mro and Mrs Joh»n Faliaise and daughier Miss Ewa, of Darh in. visicâ€" ed oves Sunday with Mrâ€" and â€"Mrec John Metithvray. Mrs Robt. Long and daughters Misses Jean and Edith, ot Walkerton, spent over the week end with friends here. Miss Addie Collinson Hamilton, who has been tie guest of Miss Ethel Heughau, left Saturday â€" to yisit friends in Hanover. * Miss Agnes Boyce returned homse last week after an extended visit with triends in Toronto. Mrs McLeod and Master Arthur of Brandon, visited Mr and Mrs Alex Traynor recently. croft, last week. Mr and Mrs Harry Brant and little daugoter Irene were the guests of Mr and Mrs James Brunt, Willis Some of our boys were out hanting Monday. Haven‘t seen any of their game yet. y C l\urS.L(‘ul C° DULDaW, â€" WHQ &lrsJ ll 3 ive a practical address on living | ,,,. aln Marsha i u‘nd C io James # +bwawe are attending the Exhibition this e Christian lite. ; week * &1 oi ons Mr and MUrs A. Petigrew speu The 3 tine steamers, Keewatin, Maniâ€" |Sundu) with the latter‘s sister, â€" Mis Mr and Mrs Findlay andâ€"Murray were in ‘Toronto a tew days last week. Mr John Renwick visited Dandalk friends Labor Day. Mrs Ronton and Ella visited Booth ville triends Monaay afternoon. Miss Agnes Renwick left on Friday to take in Toronto Exhibition. Mr and Miss McKinnon, Priceville, attended Amos church Sunday _ mornâ€" ing and visited friends near Dromore. Ms Hyland, Toronto, came on Monday of this week to stay a while with her mother who is very ill. Miss Aima Renwick is in Toruonto this week aitending the Exbibition, Vickers Mulock Easy Selling $%5. Mr and Mrs John Leith visites Sunday with Mr Koenig, of Ayton, Mr Bert Morice enteriained som« of his boy ind girl friends l«st Thursâ€" day eveuing betore leaving tor th W est. Alex Smith. on «r about the 15th) day of Apri© A D. 1909, are required to send b\ post prepaid or to deliver to J. P Telford. Soligitor for execatrix. on or before the 10ch day of September A. D., 1909, their names, addresses and descriptions, and a full statemeni of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them dualy certified, and that afrer the said last meptioned day the xecutrix will pru(Emd t) distribare he assets among the prrties entitled thereto, baving regasd only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. 220 £, D00M/C0CE, OL ML. Corest, vis laed the Marshail tamily over the week end. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, in the Matter of the Estate of Charles MeArthur late of the Town of Durha®. in the County of Grey deceased, NOTICE .« hereby given pursuan: to R. 8. 0, 1897, Cap. 129 See. 38 ind Amecding Aets. that all persons having Claims again‘st the estate of the said Charles MeAr bur, who died We are pieased w see Rev. Mr Ken uell back again alter uis three Weeks holidays. * Mr Reay, of Allan Park, visited in the neighborhood last Sanday eyenâ€" ing. Tain in the headâ€"pain anywhere, has its causa Pain is congestion, pain is blood %ressuraâ€"nothln. eise usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and tc prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That tabletâ€"called Dr. Shoop‘s Headache Tabletâ€" comxes biood pressure away from gnln centers. Its effectis charming, {""“i“‘i}ig“"' tful. Gently, mguxh safely, it surely equa, the blood cirecw ion. If you have a headache, it‘s blood pressure. If it‘s painful periods with women, same cause, If you are sleepless, restless, neryous, it‘s blooG congestionâ€"blood pressure. ‘That surely is a certainty, for Dr. Shoop‘s Headache Tablets stop it in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. ____ _ _ _ _ _ + Bruise your«finger, and doesn‘t it get red, and swell, and pain you? Of course it does. It‘s conâ€" gostion, blood pressure. You‘ll find it where pain i â€"ulwahys, It‘s simply Common Sense. We sell at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend North=East Normanby Among thase who left on Tuesâ€" dav‘s excursion are Messrs M. Petti grew, A. Marshall, J. Morice, Bert Morice ana Miss Ethel Fee, all bouna tor Lumsden, Sask. Dateed the 16th day of Auguast A. D Aim ng those who left Me Wiulliams Puesd«y imeruing Wero Aiige Lawâ€" reuge, May Aljoe, Margarey, Mooure, Lotue and Win Brown, Audrew Wat soun, George Hopkiu , Mr and Mrs Augus Hooper and Mr aud Mrs Jos. Lawrence taking in the Toronto Exâ€" hioition. Mr Herbert Whitmore leaves this Taesday morning 1or the great West. We wish him best suceess. _ Bert gave the young fo ks a farewel party on Monday evening. â€" Everyone onloy ca tbemselves in games aud dancing, ‘he music being given by the Hooup or ando Haigrave Bros., and Peturncu nue al a simsll nout, Dbiduaing e ib eWelli. Miss Hasset visited over Labor Day it ber home du Mi, Forest. Miss Maud Buarnett has been visitâ€" ing a tew weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs J. Biythe, Varney. Mr W. Lyons, acc mpanied by Mr B. Swautz. both otf Hanover, visived the laiter‘s uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Wm. Aijoe, over Sunday. Mr Wim. Lawrence. accompanied by bis sisters Misses Alice and Susan, spent Friday evening with the Puckâ€" er family. _ Master William J. Porter of Proton, is at present yvisiting her grandmothâ€" er, Mrs A. Lawrence. Mr Thomas Arnctt yvisited in this burg a tew days last week,. Y\ Mrs Henry Sealey of this place is at present visiting her mother and friends in Woodstock. Miss May Young. of Durham, spent last week with her friend, Miss Peagl Burnett of McWia!liams. Mr Robt. McGillivray bas fidisghe threshing in this neighborhood aud when imoving down to Mr Thos. Meâ€" Comb‘s hiâ€" cugine broke through a culvert at Mr J. McGirr‘s which took most of the afte noon to get it out. Bat when they got it out the separatâ€" or was on one side and engine on the other side and had to turn the separ» ator around and go back the baseline and down the gravel road and got there sate with the assistance of Mr Geo. Hopkins and team. Councilior Weir was soon on the scene and a cew tile cuivert hag replaced the old MrF, Schrieber, of Mt. Forest NuUuTICE TO CREDITORS Dr. Shoop‘s He adache T blets / PAIN Sold by MacFarlane and Co THE DURHAM Popular Place : J. P. TEpFORD, Solicitor for executrix. e 1st at TORONTO 4O & O 00 #4 00 4 6L â€"cw_â€"co 070 P0 se %&EEE&‘% €¢¢€e&e essassaesaseg N D i "‘ 4 For School Opening W us NseBeescscesessemqeqS ecseses 4 Lenahan & Mclntosk. Axes, Saws, &e. Roofing Guns and Ammunition ' Headquarters for Hardware & Furniture Model Campâ€"Victoria Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be tween teams from Dragoons and Artilleryâ€"Artillery Driveâ€"Musical Ride, etc Canadian Nationat ExtiBition August 28th -T?:O%NTOSeplember ( 3th Dreadinoughts n Navai Battle urniture Shoes! Shoes! ; Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent in active operation. You must have shoes and the only question is where y ou will buy them . Loak atthe many styles in our Show window and inspect the hundred others ji st as snappy or in just as good taste in the store, Remember the repatation we have for quality and vour decis» ion wiill be quickly made with comfort to your tect and profit to your pocket. a Thos. McGrath Lenahan & Mclntosh wiflfioficiate at ;pening ;rein;onm\on Tumi;y, August 31st. Custom work and repairing as usual e n es C Noi C Ada Central Drug Store ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES BERESFORD ittle THE SIEGE OF KANDAHAR Un BATTLE OF THE NORTH SEA WATCH FOR REDUCED RATEs AND EXCURSIONS. For all information write Manager 1. O. ORR, City Hall Toronto The Big Shoe Store near the Bridge A fail line of new ond upâ€"toâ€"date goods. _ Any thing you wish can be secured tor you if we has not got it in stock. _ Ree our Showrooms. In these lines more than asy others, quulity counts _ We try to get the best qualmies and we think it you examine the goods you will a gr» with us when we say that wa have. Black Diamond Axes, Saws ard tools are all funy guarautoed .. September starts the, Sporting Season. We have a good assortment of guas, rifics and amâ€" munition. Jn addition to the stock we carry wa have every facility for getting almost immediateâ€" ly anything wanted in the Jline of hunting supplies. Can be laid over old shingles. If your old shingled soof leaks, don‘t waste time and money by patching it. _ _ Cover it with Brantford Roofâ€" andemake it waterâ€"tight for many years. _ Ifthe shingles are not off in patches you can readily lay Brantford Roofing over them and a neat job of it. Highest prices given for Eggs. MILITARY YEAR AT THE FAIR GREAT DOUBLE B!LL OF FIREWORKS We carry a full line of School Books and School Supplies. The New Readâ€" er§gUwill be in ihis woek. We have a very fine display of Cnt Glass at prices to suit everybody. Cut Glass 3 â€" P34z eâ€"QA Forty industries 1000 Men in Uniform i § K\ Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brantford Paris Plows, Spreaders, etc Bisseli Kollers and Disc Harrows Adums Waggons and Sicighs Ba.ber, Aroaistrong, Tudnope and Bayaes Buggies. Armstrong and Tudhope Cuttess Bell & Thomas Organs and P1anos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing Mach nes, National Cream Sep«rators tobes Blankets, Rags, Whips etc aisy Churns. Washers, Wingers Sealty‘s HMay Goods Promptaess an i fair dea‘ing will coatimae to be my motto + Yours for Business, Picture Fiaming, Shortest Notice Peter Hamilton Farm Implements wl N“"". REsiDenor â€" First house souch of amwaonee‘s Bisck sudc Shop, suow RooMsâ€"Next to $wallow‘> B UNDERT AKER and Funeral Director sarrister, solicitor, Notary Public, vuuÂ¥sy autcer . ac Mowey i oi n dooest P Les. JMiceâ€"Uaider‘s Block, over P losurance Agent, Money io Loan, l cuer on Maintrage Licenses, _ A gea rai Quancial bustwess uransatheu, . M â€"PHMHAIL _# ART .U4& H. JACKSON Auaun udavt A1B of Loronto Umversily, ghaduate ol bhoyal Gublege ol Deuial Buu geuie ol Uintal,. ons Uver J & J HUALRLI®G New duore ONOR GRADUATE Doronto University wrad " ns Rinond sns c d t ud & »ta <p | rour beautial b e k low 10 $ t a Pat me"," Chat profitable to invent ‘.ng i \Jzeson Patents‘. A Avice free. k ec n ocernig IANLIVN & MMMON, LEXPEKRTS Temrle BaiMinz, # 3 mt dan‘es St., Moptreal Theouly firm »{ cs l~ ‘g $ =ere 6 the Doud Niow UMABSW! L Deiviib | bicu4088 C2G.â€"4ubvALT 1) Bb., Ga c WiÂ¥Ca wecBe aBual ie ol dilli. AZ EB DL C.AL J. G. HUVTTON, M. D..C M sarrister, ‘Solicitor in Supreme ouPl mAulary ruuiit COMidssiv=eP. Livensed Aucuuseer Ior Uo, Grey ohile wmiudebate. . adTubm@imenlt iof . sulee at v dates, w,, WMs tw au@cs i the deview of+ «wwe, DurhaiD, . + . GuFfespuldchce addreasts nere, or w Ceylou P.0., Wib be promplly vuehded wo, . VeFm» on applicaUun to _ aute Royw College Dentw) Surgeon neulsUry in all its orahches, Be sure & get Stinâ€" sOn S ba‘\ery goods and you will always be satisâ€" fied. _ We have a fresh supply of Buns, Dough nuts, Cookies, Cakes, ard Pastry of all kinds always on hand Cart Delivers Daily McDuryre B «~ck ~â€"L=ambton St, Barciay and Bell‘s «4d stand ’M--v, over troumdon‘s Jewelry Store vrrFie ac0 ie Â¥â€"11 a. m ts qo uh. [ ecieanene Connection No. 10 G. H. STINSON ~ Model Bakery Mlice, M ducyre Hisckover the Stan dhand 4B an, Duch on, Qartaris, Moâ€": 0. Lambtou st, abwve J. P. Delford‘s Law oil c. . Addoct Gp,Osue b€gleil, t B. . MWeal wul06 i. GAmHCL . pacs a wa e . ds$ J. F.GRANT D.0.S., L. D. «â€"4, PICKEKING u. U 3., L D3 A. B. MNclellan. We buy our bread at Stinson‘s and think it is the very best too. _ Tha‘ is what you hear the people say. » Mooa ree J meoge Caysidiaus aud dargeuvuse VUBRHAAM®, ONT, (Lowetr Town Ns asy Pualtic, Un--uuanm-uu‘h #@#7 . CeyI0b Das a uebeptionecofie, Full line of Catholie Robes auned thock â€" suud â€" wiare LCaps _ for aged _ people, Emâ€"aiming a Specialty. J. P TSLFORD D Mer?dAiL. \ eS VADAYELANLEK, â€" &e. M mey w agdanr W. F. DUNN . BELL v. dAd4Aut, Durham Juuarto ey dunn af ost Offics wP+ 464

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