West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Sep 1909, p. 8

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b ‘‘ THE PEOPLES STORE A2 ns ad nB ar Ed Aid Es aBRLE d 8 ! Dog Show l_;::;;__.â€"_! Cat Show | _ The Great Live Stock Exhibition We have still on hand a few pieces of Summer Dress Goods, Muslins, Ginghams, &c. These must be cleared out to make room for fall goods which are now arriving. You should see our New Fall Goods, none better, Our new Satin Stripes in blue and brown, something extra in plum and dark gray, as well as a complete line of staple goods in all colors. We handle the we These are a new lot th come to examine these We have a be cleared out t Often the Cheapest Athletic Day Monday Music q1st Highlanders Prize Lists, Entry For W. J. REID, President. FIREWORKS Each Evening Every day Boots & Shoes 150 newest Belts in Silk and woith from 75¢ to $1.00 for . The se belt lengths are 30 in beautiful combination of coli Western Fair Jabots in Embroidery and I shades, White Cream Black, ebe. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Open to the World THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Our We have stiil a few specials me lines reduced. /e handle the wellâ€"known brand ‘! REGENT CLOTHING," are a new lot that have just arrived and it will pay you to c~nexamine these. No trouble to show tnese. Ne w Dutch Coliars at 25, 39,\35, and 50c. l‘resh Groceries always ow hand Eggs taken same as cash. Bri All Summer Goods marked down ve a few pair of Chocolate, and (Oxâ€"blood out to make room for Fall Shoes that are nc entire stock of parasols to go,. Ihese goods are Irving Make ind guaranteed. N.ow is you‘ chance to secure one at away Lelow their value. $1.25 value for 75¢, _ $1.50 for $1.00, $2.00 for $1.25, $3.50 for $2.50, $500 tor $3.50. ROBT. BURNETT Parasols at a Sacrifice H. H. MOCKLER New Arrivals Fall Goods Arriving Dress Goods brings something new and fresh of Dame Fashion‘s latest creations. Special Bargains in Groceries this week. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs ~th Fusiliers TAKE A HOLIDAY | SPECIAL RATES and visit London‘s Fair Over all railroads Ontario‘s Popular Exhibition Sept. 10â€"18 us, Programmes and all information from A. M. HUNT, Secretary, London Suits Lo.don are 30 in. long, all shades, and Lace. Frillings in all ‘ream, Blue Pink Mauye, at Sitk and Metrallic Beitings P rogram Twice Daily nd. Butter and Bring them along. in Hosiery. _ All sumâ€" The Imperial Brand Attractions lorings Speed od which must now coming in The se goods are Increased Prize List The Best Ever Events Daily Always ;!" the Best ;. C ybajeages{. i;« Miss Maggie Grant left Monday to attend Owen Sound Collegiate. Miss Allie left the same day to resume te iching duties in Toronto. MrRussel M. Wilson lefs Monday for a position in the Traders Bank, Embrum, near Ottawa. Misses Annie and Tena McDonald visited over last week end with friends near Dornoch. Mr and Mrs Ed. Sewell, the former bâ€"ing e valaed employe in Mr T. Meâ€" Grath‘s shoe store for the past two vears, have moyed to Markdale where they will now imake their home. Mr weo. Sinclair, of the Traders Bink staff, Woodstock, spent Sunday and Monday, visiting old friends in town. Mr and Mrs Val. Hahn are guests at the Hahn House for a few days. Congratulations to Miss Lizzie Laid. law, eldest daughter of Mayor Laidâ€" law, who toâ€"day, Wednesday, is unitâ€" ing heart and hand with Dr. Munroe, of Toronto. We hope to bave a faller account next week. Mrs John Vessie visited her sister Mrs Strachan in Paris for a few days. Mrs A. Davidson left on Saturday to visit friends in Owen Sound. Mrs J. Ireland and daughter Helen were guests of relatiyes in Wroxeter for a few days. Mr H, W. Hunt and Miss B. Cuff of Vickers, visited at the home of Mr W. D. Milis in St. Catharines over the week end. Mrs W, C. MceKillican, niece of Dr. Farqubharson with her husband, were at the manse on their honeymoon in the begirnning of the week,. _ They lett on Tuesday to visit friends in Toronto, Guelph, Chatham, Detroit and Ottawa. Mr McKillican is a graduate of the Agricultural College at Guelph and is i1 the employment of the Dominion Government in the west. Their home will be in Calgary, Alte, Miss Maggie Firth, who successfully passed her exams in town this sumâ€" mer, has left tor Goderich where she will further continue ber studies. Mr Jos. A. Snell, brother of Mr Jno Snell, of Durham, has been appointed to the Principalship of Prince Albert High School at a salary of $1900 a year, _ We are pleased at the success of our old friend, who advances step. by step by pure merit and we would not be surprised if heshould yet beâ€" come Min, of Education of his proâ€" vince, _ We hope Premier Scott is listening. â€" Mr Snell wasin thegovernâ€" ment employ but the new position sought him even though they are payâ€" ing $100 more than previously. With the exception of a very limited district injured by hail, the crops are good and equal to anything in the West says Mr Snell. %EEEEEHE SEREE AXEXECEAECEAAEAEAEEE 2 In our New Storeâ€" old ParroG stand E We are now comfortably settled in our new store in lower town the old Parrott stand, and offer some surprisingly good values in all lines. Here are a few of them ; 300 yds, Dress Goods, to clear, per yard........ 13¢ Ladies‘ Cravenette and Covert cloth coats, upâ€"toâ€"date make, suitable for fall wear. Your choice less than half price, only each...... 3.50 Remunants of Beaver Cloth, suitâ€" able for 1 length coats, black only, to clear at a low figure. In Parrott‘s Old . Stand Ladies‘ Dress Goods Wonderful Clearing Snaps in Ladies‘ Skirts and Coats Ladies‘ Coats J. LEVINE m hoA ofteg \ _ Mr and Mre Adam Robertson visited 9£ir daughter in Hamiiton. â€" Mr Angus McKelvey of New" Lis: keard, visited father and mother over the week end and called on many friendss Of course he wasreceiving cougratulations on all hands on the complete vindication he received at North Bay from his apparently enâ€" vegomed and farcical arrest on huelu}« arges. xt Mr Peter and Miss Alice Rn’mage spent a week with relatives and friends in Toronto and Buffalo. ; Master Edwin Search left Saturday to visit relatives in Georgetown. Miss May McClocklin visited with Mrs. Thos. Cook, Markdale, last week and went to Toronto Monday to teach at school reâ€"opening. Mr W. F. Dunn returned from his trip West last week. » Mr and Mrs Patton, of Owen Sound, were guests at Dr. Hutton‘s last week. BORN WILsOX.â€"In Buffalo, Aug. 28, to Mr and Mrs P. Wilson (nee Wannetta WirLsox â€" SropparRD. â€" Iu_Toronto, Aug. 2%tb, at the church of the Ascension, Mr Henry Wilson of Durham, to Miss Annie Stoddard of The first Toronto Fair 1878â€"81 years ago, It has grown until it ognized as the greatest of its kind in the world. THE DURHAM REVIEW In thoss 31 years it has paid out $1,000,000 in prizes. The receipts last year were $534,187 and a surplus~ of $47,000 was hbanded over to the city. A dozen different countries . are representod in the exhibits, and nearly every race has types on the Midway, The total.number of exhibitors this year is 3,274. The grand stand is big enough to seat the whole population of Owen Sound with Markdale aod Durham thrown in, It has 16,400 chairs. The number of people who were at last year‘s fair was double the populaâ€" tion of Toronto. se Some 200,000 people saw the show before the grand stand. Some Facts of the Great Fair ‘ The exhivition grounds haye now a waterfront of 14 miles, and an area of 260 acres. Stover) a son. It bas stabling accommodation for 1,400 horses, 1,200 cattle, 500 pigs, and 750 sheep. _ With cats and dogs and other animal«. _ Theve are aboat 5,000 quadrupeds on the grcunds. Markdale. Somt:. 800 dogs _are shown yearly aud about 150 eats from all over America. The largost day‘a attendauce in the fair‘s bistory was Labor Day tlis year, when 150,000 people passed through the tnrnstiles one by one, There are now 21 large buildings in addition to the live stock stabling, on the grounds. Total value of buildâ€" ings, $2,000,000, The fair is managed by a board Of twentyâ€"fAye members, the City Counceil appointing seven. weeks. * Make it a million," is Dr Orr‘s motto this year. _ He wants to see 1,000,000 people psss the gates in two City Bakery ICG Cream HEADQUARTERS FOR WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY TORONTO Good serviceable tweed skirts at very low figure 1.70 Men‘s Shoes Men‘s heavy working shoes and lighter shoes, regular value above $2.00, to go qnicklyat..:......... 1.35 A quantity of Tinware, the balâ€" ance of the Parrott stock, will be cleared out at low prices. Confectionery Cooked Meats Cured Meats Groceries Choice Pickles, 15¢ qt All Frpits in Season A. Rowe We supply the best MARRIED Ladies‘ Skirts Tinware a @>++ aud all refreshing drinks. _ Try us. Good service. was held in is now recâ€" apoual fair Durham Such was the decision of the Judge in the somewhat famous trial institituted by the Attorney General of Ontario, who, about two months ago somewhat srectacularly ordered Angus‘ arrest. We said at the time without the least bhesitation that they were on the wrong track and would be forced to acknowâ€" ledge it, and the trial hbas completely vindicated our opinion as it has the old South Grey boy. â€" Hundreds in town and country will join with his parents Lhero in rejoicing at the outcome, VWe qm')te below part of a special despatch to the Globe of Friday last. * Nortk Bay, Sept. 2,â€"The noted ca:e of the Crewn against Avgus} Mcâ€" Kelyie, a wellâ€"known citizen of New Liskeard, charged with the bribery of John Piche to induce him toleavye the country and not give evidence in the suit brought by the Attorneyâ€"General of Ontario against the Temiskaming & Hudson‘s Bay Mining Company, afâ€" fecting the title of that company, was }heatd to day by Judge Leask and reâ€" sulted in Mr McKelvie being found not guilty. John Piche told of his interview with McKelvie and of receiving the money aud stock. . He admitted that be had sold his #:ock outright toâ€" the company, and did not wish to go on with the case although pressed to do so. The settlement he made was on condition of his not appearing as & witness in soveral lawsuits pending against the company. He stayed away three years, and then returned thinking the matter bad been dropped. He sold. 4§4 shares of stock to the company outright for $484, and hbe was asked to go in the witness box and swear it was only pledged, This he did not wish to do, avd claims that he was threatened so that be was afraid, and wished to leave the country,. The preâ€" sent value of the stock is nbout $180 Aogus McKelvie Not Guilty, a share Mr. McKelvie‘s Explanation. Mr Angus McKelvie swore that he had an interyiew with Mrs Barwash in regard to her brother‘s suit against the company for shares, and no other suit was mentioned. _ He talked the matter over witn Piche, and at the time a quarrel resulted. _ Dut settleâ€" ment was made next day by Thomas McCamus, against whom the suit was directed, the witness being present. The witness never arravged with Mrs Burwash to go to Edmonton to warn lPlcbe. n 4 ow . Thomas MeCamus, NcKelvie‘s busiâ€" uess partner ; Fergus Hutchinson, Secâ€" retary of the T. H, & B, Co. ; 8. H Ryan, Chief Despatcber T. & N. O. Ry:; D, T, K. MeEwan, and A. N. Morgan, solicitors for the mining comâ€" pany, gave evidence discrediting porâ€" tions of Mra Burwash‘s statements in regard to the payment of two hunâ€" dred doliars to go to Edmonton, and other matters, tending to show that McKelvie had no connection with any. thing except the original settlement, Mr Slaght, council for the defence, introduced documents â€" showing . that Piche‘s suit for shares was really the only one pending at the time of the settlement, as Thompson, the nominal deferdant in the case brought by the department, died thirteen days before the alleged offence was comuitted. We thank those of our Subâ€" scribers who have used the enâ€" velopes we sent them in which to enclose their subscription. We want more of these envelâ€" opes. _ Never mind if the sum you owe us is small. Many of these littles mean much to us. Don‘t wait for andther request. We have no desire to add costs to the amount but business reâ€" quirements and undue delay on the part of those indebted to us sometimes leave us no option. Send toâ€"day. C. RAMAGE & SON Judge Finds No Case. ': Judge Leask, in summing up, couh]! find no evidence of a corrupt plan to: induce Piche to leaye the country. Piche was tangled up in law suits, and it was ouly natural that he sbould wish to go away, especially as he beâ€" lieved his lawyer wished him to swear falsely. _ One strange thing. in the case was the payment of two hundred dollars to Mrs Burwash to go to Edâ€" montor. This had not been clearly explained, but no connection has been shown, so far as McKeirre was conâ€" cerned. _ Upon the evidence as adâ€" duced he found MceKelyie not guilty, as it was shown that the settlement in which McKelvie acted concerned Piche‘s suit against the company, and no reference was shown to the Attorâ€" neyâ€"General‘s suit. * It people would only see the inâ€"| side o?ea fiel4 hospital as I have, * says Goldwir Smith, *‘ thevy would be more carefal. *‘ Justso. But in the literature extolling the pompand the glory otf war, but little is heard of the field hospital, And yetthe field hospifal is one of the terrible realities | to be nourished by war literature. It is said that the bones of the Russian soldiers who fell pitifally but bravely in the recent war with Japan, are now used in great quantities to makel rnimal charcoal for the powder mills| of Japan. The bones bring as high as halt a dollar for 140 pounds and] are used to form the basis of a new explosive capable of supplying other bones, when the present supply runs out or before. There‘s glory for you. How can we stop Wars ? When the united yoice of the Christian church shall demand peace on earth, g:od will o men, great armiesâ€" will no longer needed, wars will cease, and Christian chimes will ring out such melodies as the world has never beard.. Let every Christâ€" ian wife and mother when war threatens, wear some emblem of Coming In. (Woodstock Sentinelâ€"Review John Piche‘s Story. Uur Humane Corner. War‘s Terrible Side a+ «io+ + Publishers. danger is past ue I think few to rise in Par: Dournar, 8 Sept., Fall Wheat...........$ Spring Wheat.... .. .â€" May «... \««sas s«ss ¢15x)» S No" NM A Bulter..:.......... .. +. °/ 18.t0 EgR8 .66 6060 +)6 > +) C 20 to Potatoces per peck .... > 25 to Flour per Cwt .... ... 3 20 to Oatmeal per sack . ..... 3 00 to Chop per C@Wb.... ... 1 60 to Live Hogs per cwt... 7 60 to Hides per 1b ..... .~>> 3 to SheepskiD$ .. .....}+>+* 45 to Wuool.......ssr.. x }.++ 23 to TallOW .......>>}l4}}> 5 to m k 5 2 d s 5n Have you tried our A Big BuUxDLE of old papers to lay under carpets for 5 cents at the Re view Office. 1 Drive Rhenmalisio out of the blood with Dr Shoop‘s Rheumatie Remedy and see bow quickly pain will depart. Rub ons never did reach the real disease, Rheumatism isn‘t in the skin, | It‘s deep downâ€"it‘s constitutional. â€" Getting rid of the pain, is after all, what counts, That is why Dr Shoop‘s Rhenmatic Remedy goes, by word of mouth from one to another. _ Avd herein les the popularity of this Remedy, It is winâ€" ning defenders everywhere. ‘Tablets or Liquid, Sold by MacFarlaue & Co. Every article i in Price. AX A®RIAL BRroatra.â€"The great aviation contest at Rhenms in France is an epochâ€"making event. A eonsid â€" srable number of beavierâ€"thanâ€"air flyâ€" ing machines, competed, and some of them did wonders in the way of eyoluâ€" tions. _ Even a year ago such flights were absolutely impossible, so rapid has been the progress made by comâ€" peting inyentors. . Some machines showed %nmt buoyi.ncy, capavity for long flights, and carrying powerâ€"all to a surprising degree. | Ts is hard to set any limit to this new development, It leaves the Zeppelina lighterâ€"thanâ€"air balloon far to the rear,. â€"Ex. You need no search warrant to find the wool in $7.00 and $10.00 suits and overcoats. Dor catch a cold before you buy a good overcoat, i Avapdraidrapt ty TEAS We have a limited number of sm{ll Ssuits and we One‘ JMW, ® * piece suit at $1.59. If you have a small boy its to your adâ€" vantage to see them, you will then say that we are positively selling out. Durham Markets. , Seeing is Believing The prices on this stock are : stock this month, â€" See our Y oeoc e id NeR EeSE me on Cooe 09 000E D heavier underwear. Drop in, look around, the good things we have for yon ; they are j easy on your pecket, and will wear to your $ * WATCHMAKER oo‘ Boys‘ Suit and Overcoat Sale 5 Ibs. of Japat Tea fOF . .4 +«% 4 lbs. of Raisins for ...... . 4 Bottles Extract for...... 3 packages Corn Starch for 3 packages Mustard for .. + Ladies® and Men‘s Shoe Sale Alex Russell Proprictor . The Big Store, Durham THE BIG STORE, Durszam We buy Butter and Eggs at the highest Prices. resh Groceries for Saturday Men‘s Clothing Sale P. G. A. WEBSTER edding Presents Special Orders Proniptly Attended , 1909 12 e 95 to & 95 f Tickling or dry Cougls will_ quick] 95 to 95| loosen when using Dr Shoop‘s Coug & to 50 Remedy, _And it is so thoroughly harn 82to 85 loss, that D« Shoop tells mothers to us cCO m 60 nothing else, even for very young babie 9 00 to 10 00 The wholesome green leaves and tend: stems of a lung healing mountaimc 18. to 18| shrub give the curatiye properties to 1 _ 20 to _ 20| Shoop‘s Cough Itemedy. It calms t 25 to â€" 30| cough, and heals the sensitive bronchi 3 20 to 3 50| membranes, No oztum, no chloroforn 3 00 to 3 00 nothing barch used to injare or eappres 1 60 to 1 60| Demand Dr Shoop‘s. Aocept no vthe = CA to 7 C | Sold by MacFarlane & Co. rant to find the wool in our $3.98, $5.00, and overcoats. Don‘t wait until you u buy a good overcoat, a warmer suit and Drop in, look around, feast your eyes on ave for yon ; they are pleasing to the ey& and will wear to your satisfaction, in The Big Store is cut are down and we want to clear oat the : our Boys‘ School boots at 99¢. blood | medy | @ smoll suits and we offer you a 2 A. H, Jackson has a number < houses and yacant lots in Durha for sale. JEWELER Tiexling or dry Cougbs will qmel loosen when using Dr Shoop‘s Coug Remedy, And it is so thoroughly bharn W atch €S, Clocks, J ewellery, Cut Glass Silverware, China, Ebony Goods All Watches, Clocks, & Jewelery repaired same day as left in. New Idea Patterns in stock 2008 1000 08006 | $1,00 t %flfifi'fl:‘:}: hrele"e © New‘Albert‘ THE REVIEW, DURK i M AIaAH S VOL. 25¢ to Jan. To any address in a will send THE REVIE n w to Jan. 1, 1910 ( wouths) for 25 cents. venlage of this remark or s e that your frien@. bor does so, â€" NOW is As good as guaranteed | The quality i can buy ; the lutely correct fort and wear outclassed. See the new Shoe at $4. ing on a fe HWIGH] New " Victo Shoes for L phatically "separate « shapes, newest shade: brown, black, &c braid, satin pipings, . "e_oru" of your c with specials at $10, This Big 8« ing Wedding P wonderful oppor goods for yoursel at and get these ge Jewelery, Solid ( and Eye Glasses and Fancy Goo< cluding highâ€"y School Supplies and Parasols. are t1 the n See our Satin Satin Satin R. B New They a nd are als It Stry A bout ots Stri 1C Come SJ, l Sale St Continu in the 1 [Â¥ for Men Ja th Suiting, Menrict Lentina, , Veneti 8t\ 3.25 t t Ne vV se stics Clea mer sh The POQ W

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