West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Sep 1909, p. 8

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¢! ty p* 3 Ia &# Ad ‘ THE PEOPLES STORE ~ TErat UtMep ied oc aprede enan on renr seveateaieaent ale {eflele®sle@eleZela® vle® sle %o o ols 2ola=ale "a e 2e a s Bie »alv®e|a®a!a Te |aCa e a o 20 .00 s ipCe |o 2olaCe o oo e s n i n o is snn ce Ieanma ces A t 4 wo® AA We have still on hand a few pieces of Summer Dress Goods, Muslins, Ginghams, &c. These must be cleared out to make room for fall goods which are now arriving. Â¥You should see our New Fall Goods, none better, Our new Satin Stripes in blue and brown, something extra in plum and dark gray, as well as a complete line of staple goods in all colors. : We handie the wellâ€"known brand " REGENT CLOTHING," These are a new lot that have just arrived and it will pay you to come to examine these. No trouble to show tnese. 10 per cent off on all Ready Made Clothing. Now is your chance to buy your new fall suit. Summer Gloyes and Hogiery all Reduced. New Fall Goods in every department and at very low prices. We have a few pair of Chocolate, and Oxâ€"blood which must be cleared out to make room for Fall Shoes that are now coming in $1,00 values inl‘ White Bias Gored, Steel Filled Euie Duy ..:......;. 50C $1.25 New Directoire SEYICE : <«« 46cÂ¥ «s s :+ 396 White Lawn Waists at Halif We invite you to make yourselves at home here on the 22nd. Leave your wraps with us. We will look after them. We‘are leaders in this line, qll new tabrics and sbades in For Fair Day we are put tingtout specials in all mc shades, per yard .... In Parrott‘s Old Stand In our New Storeâ€" old Parro@ stand We are now comfortably settled in our new store in lower town the old Parrott stand, and offer some surprisingly good values in all lines. Here are a few of them : MaKe The House of Quality Your Home on Show Day. 300 yds. Dress Goods, to clear, per yard........ Ladies‘ Cravenette and Covert cloth coats, upâ€"toâ€"date make, suitable for fall wear. Your choice less than half price, only each...... 3.50 Remunants of Beaver Cloth, suitâ€" able for 3, length coats, black only, to clear at a low figure. THEâ€"HOUSE OF QUALITY Boots & Shoes adies‘ Dress Goods Dress Goods * H. H. MOCKLER Special High Prices for Butter and Egga, Fair Day. Wonderful Clearing Snaps in Ladies‘ Skirts and Coats Special Bargains Ladies‘ Coats Fresh Groceries always ou hand. Butter and Eggs taken same as cash. Bring them along. Corsets ROBT. BURNETT Dress Goods ... T9€G J. LEVINE Suits ©12%e Toweliings in Crash, (ilass and Rollee Towellings, all pure linen, Fair DBY +srree narvkes Â¥ingh 9C for Fair Day 22 lbs. Gran. Sugar...... 15¢ Salmon, (choice red). 4 lbs. Choice Raising..... 4 lbs. Cleaned Currants.. 4 bottles Extract....... .. 4 pkgs. Jelly Powder.... Dinner Pail Sodas....... Good serviceable tweed skirts at very low figure 12‘%e bleached eotton Men‘s Shoes Ke Men‘s heavy working shoes and :d: lighter shoes, regular value _ = above $2.00, to go w quickly at;*‘%......«.. 1.35 Q‘: Tinware ;fi A quantity of Tinware, the balâ€" ance of the Parrott stock, will be cleared out at low prices., Towellings Ladies‘ Skirts Groceries The Imperial Always the Best Durham Ontario 1.00 © 0e ..25¢ 1.70 20¢ 25¢ 20¢ C Mr Martin of Artbur, formellfl at Mcllraith‘s, has been en%nged as shoeâ€" maker by Thos. McGrath. Mr J. Levine is in Toronto this week on business and also his son Sam: is holidaying thete. Mr and Mrs Lavugley returned to Toâ€" ronto Monday, after spending their honeymoon in this vicinity. Miss Essel Laidlaw left on Monday to commence a course in the Central Business College, Stratford. Mr Arch, McDougall, of the Kinâ€" cardine Review, returned Monday, after visiting his parents here, Miss Edmunds, of Harriston, spent a few days over the week end, the guest of Mr and Mrs E, A. Hay. know he is recovering. *54 + ‘ongratulations to Mr James Mack who iast Saturday led to the altar Miss Sarah Poole a Toronto lady, Long life and prosperty to both, «_ Mr and Mrs J. D. Milne, of Laugdon, N, Dakota, who have been visiting his parents and other relatives in Bentinck. spent a day lately witd Miss A,. L. McKenzie. Old timers may reâ€" member him as a clerk in the John Cameron store. He has now an imâ€" portant position in a bank. Mr Henry Shepherd Nelson tp., Halton Co., and Mr John Shepherd of near Goderich, are visiting for a few days the former‘s sonâ€"inâ€"law, Mr Robt. Torry. The marriage of Miss MMXI Conâ€" stance Camphell, daughter of Mr and Mrs Duncan Campbell, to the Rev. B. B. Weatherall, B. A., of Runnymede Presbyterian Church, West Toronto, will take place in St. Andrew‘s charch, Hanover, September the 15th,. Dan McDougall, Jr., came home from Ottawa last week to recuperate after his operation for appendicitis, PETTIGREW.â€"â€"Near Lumsden (soutb) on the 30th August, to Mr aud Mrs Quintin Pettigrew, twinsâ€"son and daughter, The undersigned Ras purchased from Mr Robt, Britton, the â€" valuable thorâ€" oughbred York Boar\X‘ Welbeck Hero No, â€"11675â€"and offer\ it for service at reasonable rates. M: J, P. Hunter is attending London Fair this week, while Miss Effie is visiting at her uncle‘s in Glencoe, Mr and Mrs Ed Sewell left town last week for Markdale, where he will again onter the employ of 8. J. Halâ€" bert. Mr Alister Gordon of Weyburn, Sask., is in town for a few days this week renewing old friends and acâ€" quaintances, Miss Minnie Twamley left Tuesda to resume her duaties as nura® in Bufy; falo, after spending a few weeks among relatives and friends in this viemity, * Mr and Mrs Wm. Black and daugh: ter, Mrs A. W. H. Lauder, are the guest of Loadon relatives this week and are taking in the Western Fair, _ Miss Lizzie Byers returned last week from Muskoka after an enjoyable six weeks‘ holiday with her sister, Mrs &(;;uu Brown. , iss Margaret wun leayes toâ€"day for the long trip to Vancouver after a pleasant three months sojourn roun{ her early home. \ _ Mr Murray Smith left for Oshawa Tuesday morning, where he has been promoted to the position of accountant in the Standard Bank,. Mr Jas. R. Gun for a week past has been a sufferer from neuralfia. conâ€" fining him to the house. Pleased to We nssist uates to tlonsas well as wumou‘r“thomughmmm &. Get our catalogue at once. After twentyâ€"two fem of solid work, we eomsanind mectiont indturng ahoot Ja We sue U tern Onur)g‘:gh no mpgor in Canadas. Three departmentsâ€"â€" Commercial, Shorthar.d and Telegraphy CMILLANâ€"LAIDLAw.â€"On Wednesâ€" ‘&:y the 8th inst. at the residence of e bride‘s parents by the Rev. Wm Farquharson, N. D., Dr. R. J. Macâ€" Millan, Toronto, to Elizabeth Merle daughter of Wm. Laidlaw Em/.' Mayor, Durham. Thoroughbggd York Boar tor Service STRATFORD, ONT. & McLACHLAN, Principals CENTRAL MARRIED Wax, BAILEY, Mulock, is o cagege BORN Flpi\\\; GIRLS WaNTED By Octobér 15th our new factory at PNanover will be ready. We will require fifty girls. We alsp have room for a few girls in our present quarters. _ Apflications will be received now by i The William§}x Greene & Rome Co. THE DURHAM| REVIEW City Bakery aud all refreshin Ice Cream drinks. Try usg. HEADQUARTERS FOR WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY 118 acres in remont, good land good buildings. % & 100 acres in Proton, near Swinton Park, fair buildings, good land, well gu:imod. well watered and well fenced, 7 W. F. DUNN, Yolicitor, Durham, Ount 6. A. Rowe The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : 200 Acres Glenelg â€"Good frame dwelâ€" ling and one of the yery best and largest frame bank barns in the County of Greyâ€"a gift at $2700. 100 Acres. Bentinckâ€"Fine brick venâ€" eered and frawe dwelling, frame bank barn and all good buitdings, price $2600 ; hardly the value of the buildings. â€" Owner bound to sell. 130 acres Bentineck â€" 4} miles from Hanover, cloge to school and Post Office with daily mail. Brick house, frame bank barn, great saap, and Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property. If you want toBuy or Sell go to Miller No charge if no business done. Railway and Steamship Tickets to all pointe. Money to Lend at lower rates than 100 acres il')lo Bentlilnck o‘::i (ti’u.n:lfruxa Road near Dornoch, uildings, price reduced from 33%0 to t&n for quick sale, » 250 acres in Bentinck. Fige miles from Durham, fine buildings, good land, with a quml;it,gr of _ timber, Must be sold at once. ice $6000. Money tobe Made 250 acres on the Garafraxa Road, 200 clear, 50 acres hardwood bush, well watered, first class buildings, Will be sold cheap to wind up estate. 150 acres in Bentinck, buildings and soil good, everything in first class shape. Price ‘%. J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M / Law office. Almost opposite: Régl'sii’i Ofâ€" fice. Residence: Corner ({\?;en and George Sts., one block west from foor of hlll. C OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p m. | Telephone Connection No. 10 Member College Physicians and Surgeons Onterio Ofloe: on Lambton St., above J. P. Telford‘s Law afice. Almost onnosite Registry Ofâ€" 110 acres in the Third CGoncession F. G. R. Gleneli. This is a first class farm with good buildings in the most desirable location. 'lshe farm conâ€" sists of 85 acres of rich cultivable land free from stones and 15 acres of bush, Price $4500. apRCC T nws Cockshutt Plow Co, Ltd., Brantford Paris Plows, Sprenaders, etc Bissell Rollers and Dise Harrows Adams Waggons and Sleighs Barber, Armstrong, Tudhope and Machines. National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Churns, Washers, Wingers Beatty‘s Hay Goods Promptuess and fair dealing will continue to be my motto. Yours for Business, Balgel, nERMISLEUINR 4 MMIRURNC MATT Baynes Buggies. Armstrong and Tudhope Cutte:s Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing _ you can borrow elsewhere, Debts Collected. No charge if nothâ€" ing collected. All kinds of financial 3::3iness carefully and quietly attenâ€" to. Peter Hamilton Farm Implements "Always Prompt, Never Negligent." by attending to this advertisement McIntyre Biockâ€"Lambton St, Barclay and Bell‘s old stand Confectionery Cooked Meats Cured Meats Groceries Choice Pickles, 15¢ at All Fruits in Season TORONTO Hanover, On We supply the best Farins For Sale. H. H. MILLER, B. McLhellan. THERE‘S Good service imited With elections still in the hazy disâ€" tance the municipal pot of Bentinck: township is beginning to simmer a. wee bit, [Reeve Wilson it is authoritâ€" atively stated, will not stand again, but intends taking charge of a sawmill on the other side of Durham. Deggty reeye Dodsworth has generally been considered to be in line for the big chair, but there is a rumor to the effect that he has grown rather tired of the emoluments of public office, and may throw up the whole business, When the feyer gets up after a while, however, things may take on a differâ€" ent bue, ‘Then there‘s Mark Wills, not by any means a back number, and Robert Brigham to be reckoned with. _ And to giye a touch of history to the scene the name of Dan Mcâ€" Dougall is mentioned, he who served the township faithfully in the capacity of tax collector for 82 years, Last to ' mention but penhlws not least in powers there is one William G. Hastie iof Louise whose friends are asking him to stand. It‘s all, of course, very speculative at this stage of the game, ’hut there‘s kindof a feeling that there‘ll be rather an interesting time across the Bentinck concessions about Christmas time.â€"Post. An order vacating a lis pendens reâ€" gistered against property belonging to H, W_ Leeson, in Normanby Townâ€" ship, Grey County, was made by the Master in Cbhambers yesterday mornâ€" ing. The lis pendens was registered by Miss Charlotte H. Hutton, a judgment creditor of Mr Oyrus T. JLe:arson. h farmer of Normanby Township, for $1,100, awarded her in a breach of promise suit for $5,000 damages, The judgment obtained by Miss Hutton being unsatisfied, she has launched an action for recovery, and added Mr H. W. Leeson as a coâ€" defendant, owing to his having bought Cyrus T. Leeson‘s farm. Mr Leeson‘s counsel applied for the order vacating the lis pendens on the ground that the registration was irâ€" regular and premature, The Campaign in Prospective Lot 27, Con, 18, Township of Egreâ€" mont, 34 acres, 115 acres cleared and of good klay loam, all of which is in good statk of cultivation, _ 10 acres of hard wood Qush, balance of soft timber, Good fence$ also a good spring creek crossing the\farm, Good buildings, consisting of\ large brick bouse with all modern conteniences, large frame barm with stone basement and good stabling, driving\bouse, pig pen and hen house, all of which are in good reâ€" ?a.ir. Easy terms f(smymenl. For urther particulars agd price, write or apply personally on the premises to Axavs McBovgGauL Droimore P. O. J. P.Telford , Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equipped in te&chlll% @bility, in chemical and electrical supplies fittings, &c., for full Juulior Leaving and Matric ulation work. The fol owing comp¢tent staff wre in charge : THOS. ALLAN, Principal, 1st Class Certificate, Bub(Kectn : Bcience, Euclid, English Grammar Bookâ€"keeping and Writing. MISS DONALDA MecKERRACHER, B. A., Grad uate of Queen‘s University, _ Subjects Latin, French, Algebra, Arithmetic. MISS AMY EDGE, Graduate of the Faculty of Education. Subjects: Literature, Compoâ€" sition, Geography, History and Art. Intending Students should enter at the begin ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be obâ€" tained at reasonable rates, Durham is a healthy and attractivetown, making it a most desirable place for residence. FEES:$1 per month in advance. Students are admitted at any time, Busi ness, Shorthand and Preparatory Courses wor thy students assisted to positions, Information C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound Judgment Creditor in Breach of Promisoe Suit Was Premature. Be sure & get Stinâ€" We thank those of our. Subâ€" scribers who have used the enâ€" velopes we sent them in which to enelose their subscription. We want more of these envelâ€" opes, â€" Never mind if the sum you owe us is small. Many of these littles mean much to us. Don‘t wait for another request. We have no desire to add costs to the amount.but business reâ€" quirements and undue delay on the part of those indebted to us sometimes leave us no option. Send toâ€"day. Durham School Individual Instruction is a special feature at the son S bakery goods and you will always be satis~ fied. _ We have‘ a fresh supply of Buns, Doughâ€" nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand Cart Delivers Dajly G. H. STINSON . Model Bakery ‘ Must Vacate Lis Pendens We buy our bread at Stinson‘s and think it is the‘very best too. ‘That is what you hear the people say. Coming In. eS Farm for Sale C. RAMAGE & SON Publishers. OWEN $OUND, Ont MNWORTHER) 4@ + C. Ramage HoNnOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Rooms Over J & J fiUNTEl"S New Store w. C. PICKERING D. DS., L DS Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office HONOR GRADUATE Toronto University Grad wate Royal College Dental Surgeon Dentistry in all its branches, ~ Valuable farm in the Tp. of Glenelg composed of lots 22 and #3, Con,. 3, N. D. R., 100 acres, Possession given forthwith, Title perfect, For partiâ€" culars apply to J. P. 1 ®urorn, Durham. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan, Issuer of Marmiage Licenses,. _A gen eral financial business transactled. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money to Loan. Oflice on Lambron St., opposite Walpole‘s Stables, O€rACrRLrARC>ATIFFS TN *~@ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer &c. Money to Loan at lowest rates. J. F.GRANT D.D.S., L. D. W est?] 2 .Zs. L Have you tried our ffice, McIntyre Block over the Stan _ dard Bank, Durh im, Ontario, Every article in The Big Store is cut in Price. You need no search warrant to find the wool in our $3.98, $5.00, $7.00 and $10.00 suits and overcoats. PDon‘t wait until you catch a cold before you buy a good overcoat, a warmer suit and heavier underwear. Drop in, look around, feast your eyes on the good things we have for yon ; they are pleasing to the eye easy on your pecket, and will wear to your satisfaction. Not.«u'y Public, Commissioner, DURHAM, ONT, (Lower Town We have a limited number of smoll suits ana we ONeT yOu 8 4 piece suit at $1.59. If you have a small boy its to your adâ€" vantage to see them, you will then say that we are positively selling out, ‘The prices on this stock are down and we want to clear oat the stock this month, â€" See our Boys‘ School boots at 99¢. TEAS Seeing is Believing WATCHMAKER J. P. TELFORD Weddmg Presents g CONVEYANCER, &c Lands For Sale W. F. DUNN 5 Ins. of Japat Tea for...... ...» ‘4 lbs. of Raisins for ...... .....â€" 4 Bottles Extract for...... .... > 3 packages Corn Starch for.... . 3 packagEs Mustard for......... Alex Russell Propr The Big t ore, Durham Boys‘ Suit and Overcoat Sale Ladies® and Men‘s Shoe Sale We buy Butter and Eggs at the highest Prices. THE BIG STORE, Dursam P. G. A. WEBSTER 3)::â€" ial Orders Protuptly Attended to, resh Groceries {or Saturday Men‘s Clothing Sale SEPTEMBER 16. JEWELER China, Ebony Goods * Watches, Clocks, J gwellery, Cut Glass Silverware, 11 suits and we offer you a 2 A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and yacant lots in Durham for sale. Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly loosen when using Dr Shoop‘s Cough Remedy, And it is so thoroughly harmâ€" less, that Dr Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung hbealing monatamous shrub give the curative properties to 1» Shoop‘s Cough liemedy. fi ealme the cough, and heals the sensitiye bronchial membranes, No oziam, no chloaroform, nothing barsh used to injure or suppress, Demand Dr Shoop‘s. Aocept no cther. Sold by MacFarlane & Co. Cl C GEO. SPOTTON, Principal 2 a ue e s w w# 6# # WALKERTON INESS â€" COLLEGE Proprietor New Idea Patterns in stock [ Hape «l ol ale al ol ali ce To any | will rond n w to J months) vontlage or s e thi bor does THE REVIEW, DU VOL. XXX 10c to Jan n w to Jan. 1, 1910 months) for 10 cent Â¥ontage of this rem: or s e that your frie bor does so, NOW o any address in will rond THE REN n w to Jan. 1, 1910 See our Cu~l line Spec Spec As stylish as length, semiâ€"f for years, These a particularly di Navy, Brown, G mings ol and $5. 0c buttons a trimmed â€" white an« Straight HIJIGH! cream, P ing variet Pricesâ€"2 and get these Jewelery, Soli and Eye Glas: and Fancy Gc cluding high School Suppl: and Paraso‘!s. These are t SATINX CLOTH brownâ€"g0c yd. goods, wistaria VYENETIA NS â€" at Keeler This Big ing Wedding wonderful op goods for your We know th when they see it, the very nicest, 1 R. B. Fresh i n 7 Watchmake New Co Hands Com SJ, t Sale Conti New New

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