© to! In ES llll 10c to Jan.l I910 THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT VOL. 2:3: -sairikkikiiiiaaxtrtsnyrxsesterrwire4iii,,i I: Fresh, New Fall Goods To my address in Cumin. we will and THE REVIEW from n " to Jan. l, 1910 (almost 4 months} fur 10 cents. Take nd. Vantage of this remarkable offer or s e that your friend or neigh- hoe does to. NOW is the time. 53:43:3:33-33:42;Exgmaxmflxï¬xxazaï¬ il, 343;? We know that the Durham people appreciate a good thing when they see it, so in preparing for our Fall trade, we bought the very nicest, most ap-to-date goods we could find. These are the latest shades and patterns, the newest finishes. SATIN CLOTH-wide and narrow stripes-mailer taupe, brown-soc yd. SATIN SOLIELA --soit. " drapey"rtyll wool goods, wistaria and navy-moe yd. STRIPE WORSTEDS & "vENETiANS--catawba, wistaria, brown, nary, green, black- Special Special Soc to $r.as yd Black Silk Waists in Japan Taffeta du Louisine Silks-trim- mings ol lace insertions and buttons, 34 to " open from. $4.25 and $5 on Net Waists--cream--of the new tance tucked nets, buttons and lancy lace trimmings, also, white silk waists, lace trimmed-$500. New fattey and Tucked Nets, double fold, white and cream. $100 and $1.50 yd. All the newest creations in Straight and Dutch Shapes. Cream, Pink, Blue, Green, Ta ing variety of materials, Nets Prices- 2OC to 65e each. As stylish as they matte them. The established style length. semMitted and separate coats are more lashionabl for years. These have Unusual Originality of Cut which in a partrrularly distinguished appearance. The colors are Navy, Brown, Green and the new Greys. Prices from slo l See our Curl lined, Rubber Intertined, HM)!“ at keeler's Big Jewelery fi" New Coats for Ladies and Girls This Big Sale will mean Dollars to those hav- ing Wedding Presents to buy and also offers a wonderful opportunity for you to purchase good goods for yourself and for your homes at big bargains and get these genuine bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Solid Gold Rings, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Chinaware, Glassware, Stationery and Fancy Goods, Books, Musical Instruments in- cluding high-grade Pianos. School Books and School Supplies, Pipes, Purses, Pictures, Umbrellas and Parasols. Also Wall Papers. Handsome New Dress Goods ll, ll. KEELER & SUN 52 55 ST PRICES PAID FOR New Silk and Net Waists Watchmakers, Jewelers and Opticians New Neckwear and Belts in. Navy Serge-all wool, shrunk, firm weave-OOC yd in, Panama-ttthy, black, brown, glean, &c--6oe yd Mammoil1 . SLAUGHTER , SALE 2 Special at 60c yd. Sale Starts August 27 and Continues till September 30 Come Jas. Ireland , N0. 40 Come, Come, a wifh {he Crowds (Sheds Store h, neckwear are represented All colors are hirre-r1v.hi! 'an k"ii'"ciiGriiei/ri---whiie, Black. Mauve, Grey, Gold in bewilder- Braids Laces. Embroidezies, &c. 5iliil! 5hil “60° 2fQ The established style is 7 tf ats are more fashionable than iginality of Cut which imparts rance. The colors are Black, keys. Prices from $10 to $18. at Ireland's BUTTER AND EGGS ;. Sable collar coats at $25 and Fancy , Durham El ttttttttti, Gibson , Thi, REVIEW in; New Subscribers, to January I, 19ll, only One Dollar. SERVANT Gui WArrr.o.--ro do general housework. pply to MR8. Jon. vxsuoon, l'pper To Durham. We have a y attractive display of fashionable flisviil:tii?, in the very latest models for fall an winter Wear. S. F. Morio:k. The Turon illincry Wave-nu was here on Tues and we ordered a grand assortment ew telt shapes. (‘ull and see them. pure your wants an Alex lunar“ " Big 1'l'ltge . All the new Me and Boys' new Fall Overcoats we are pw_intt. ' ., On Sunday evening next Ihr. Parqu- harson will speak on " The Rising Tide of Evangelism." This is the first of a proposed series of discourses on the great subject of Evangelism. The S ndard Bank pays inurest on Saving Bank deposits from date of deposit date of withdrawal. Every dollar the deposit earns interest tbr ever duy it remains on deposit. Hu ' up and get yuur tickets for the Ten ev'sCoucert, (naught. Thurs- day, (in). ixon and Miss Teskey be. ing the “a The forum? leaves in a fo-wduys for n Hugngx'uwnt in New York. We are very Rhu- nul- readers will gummy enjoy the very ('waxmt pa- per by Mus Logan, Meaiord, in this iuuue. lt is a fair exumple of the Wotnen's Institute bulky. Read It every word. The Annual meeting nf the Out-hum Branth of the Bible Society Will he held in Ihe Presbylvriun (-hurch on Wednesday evening 13th Oct. Rev Mr Cowan, Toronto, will deliver an address, A full attendance requested. LAYMEN'S BANQUET. -Mr John Mc- Qnuker and Mr Armstrong, Co. Ihow , Attorney. koth of Owen Sound, M9 to uddress at meeting of Laymen in Dm- uocn Presbyterian Church on the 13th inst. A very interesting meeting is assured. The Publishers of the Family Hers ald and Star have issued as a premium 3 very beautiful picture railed .. The Soulâ€: Awakening. " which is an in. spiration to look at, Call and are it. lt is 19 by 21 inches in size, ready fur framing. To are it, is to want it. Both papers and picture only 81.80. Unit titaten -New York Times ; The solt'utof the evening, with the Forty-Se md Inrantrg Concert Band was Mr 'uorge Dixon, a Canadian tenor. He cored a tremendous suc- rese. especit . y in his last number gk Celeste Al . "--ite sure to hem" lntn to-night, I' tstay, at the Teach. ers' concert. Tow Hall. l RACING HTA.ttiNA". At the Ayton Show last week there vere tive entries for n Smile rare. two of them being the brothers Ted and Roy Vickers, no ', well known here. There were 18 laps nnd their three rivals one by one dropmd ou'. in the 10th. 12th and lilth rounds respectively. The. two broth- ers kept on to the end, T. Vickers fin- ishmg a. little ahead, amid. the Ad- vance says .. a jubilee of applause, w.. It takes stamina. practice and clean lliving to wm long races. A Lump: LAsDowNER- Last weiol Issue of the Fillmore Press, Sask. con-) [mus the following notice regarding the interests of one of our annsnmn who seems to have developed all the puwh of the lypicnl Western": "Mr. Nniumn Mclntfre ot Dmhmnwhois visiting Dr Ma um has purchased the s nuth anal f, 1i-iidl flom Smu- m-l Tree, In the spring Mr. McIntyre purchased the a w 1 of the same sec- tion, In addition Mr. McIntyreuwns the whole of section 10 and has now over 1000 acres of land under cultiva- tion. He inleulq doing some more breaking on his land next year. Timonâ€! THE (1117mmVALmzrm I A correspondent. srnds us some in- 4 formation about the Hamlin-r1 fair held " recently, of imam-st as showing â€will that. corner of our big crunty ie act l' ive. They have a. tine new 10 acre il grounds. lately purchased. anoint-it’s li in horses, 107 in cattle, 115 in fruit.! 215 in Uuiies' work shows something V doing. Sheep and poultry are not, up l to S. Grey's tine exhibits. A Mr Reid.l of Fauphratia, captured the $35 silver; cup given by the Merchant'q Benk tor' trst Herd of Herefnrtls. The town) now boasts of a 825,000 Methodist church. 10 class rooms, vostry, show room, lavatory. &c, The electric lighting of this church costs 73 cts an ' hour and the organ is driven by water l piesmrv. A fine new Town Hall.i seating capacity. with Ellery. nearly 1 700, He adds bb We weré’kindly showh' over some of the large luiuiness esmh- _ lishments by C'ol. (Heland. notably that of his own, a large factory for" turning out good Roads tnachinettl Much of their immense output goes to Europe. One of their big machines cost $9000 and was Kindly put in oper- ation forour benefit. A Visit to this famous fruit garden of Canada not yet "ecbed Ir frost, is an agreeable ex- means big aavingn to you, it you Nvour wants at Alex Russell‘s patience. "' _ 1irrrfl?,t9?)A?,i? BAN.“ Build Up A Reserve Now mm 1873 U? CANADA " may One Dollar and upwards open: an mum. and with 1rer,rf" 1avintram.lcompoundhtterest. the fund will npdlv mine. DURHAM, THURSDAY. OC'IIOBER 7, 1909. Now, while you; earning power is good, why not convert part of it into I Cash Reserve that will, later on, yield a competence forold age ? You can easily do it by regulady depositing a part d your Bed; to-day. DURHAM BRANCH John 8011'. Mun-i†amen am " moron. 15H DICK (Morluck. Boot Nbbe Dept. of Alex Russell's Big S ore. BULB yacinthl. Chinese Lillies and Tulips. tine selection at Mac. Farlane's Drug re. - mm GIRL wAsTEr?.rTe go to Toront . Good wages pail Comfort. able home". Apply to Mcliechnie s Store, Durham. Just rece d a large shipnwut of Men's, Women nd ChMreu's Under- wear which are ex valet. -. " Flow overs should Manly at MacFarlu ' Dung Stole mulnmk theivsiriectioi bulbs for fall plant: ing A full sele . n to choose Rom. On Sunday next the‘Rcv. A. McGilli. way of Bonar church, Toronto. Gran? Chaplain of the Independent Order o Foresters, will address that body in the Presbyterian church at 11 u. m. In thc afternoon he will address' the Suhh All School and all who can,,s6ould be res- cnt. _ A Pts' E Awntrr--Tlie Orillia t'u" . et wrm g of u recent concert lbw- has the following relating “Kg? Teskey, ho ap ears m Town" JP Durham. tt the 'fr',',',',',";'",',!,',, Unnvéx , this, Thur ay evening; "TthnL. attist of (I) evening howeu l' “a†MISS May skey, the glow lr T it was hqrti, t appe‘uance lum- #l she made a de idedly good impiv-r 'si, She retuiered het numbers in In“ IN t _ eloxutinmzly s yle, showing (-mmum7l Illill tsrt,'rusd 5 e WM vigurnmly en- cored in each u when" I. . F. .sup.vAr,--.ir/re; lndenendvnl ()rllv of Foresters will attend Dnvlne tservt ' in the Presbyterian church on Sunday October lo, when am appro- priate. a â€non will he delivered by ‘Rev. Ale . McGillivray, of Toronto, Supreme atm- of the Order. Breth- ren are TFtlt sled m meal In their ball at 1030 R. In. and form a procession to the Church Band in attendance. [n the evonin Mr McGillivruy will address a meeti in the Presbyterian lchurch. H ,isteit Everybody wel- come. J. k Mt'lLRVlTH. 0. Jf --. _ -------- -- LV._ La To-day and to-morrow the teachers of South Grey will own the town. We hope they will have good weather, profi. table sessions. a finc concert and leave with a good opinion of Durham. Methodist Harvest Home Ser- vices. In a church hmuifully decorated, with the fiowet's and fruit of a hour.â€- l'ul beam": in evidence, the Methodist congregation here, with cther friends, enjoyed their Annual Harvest Home Rally on Sunday and Monday Inst. The Sunday services were couducttd by Rey. Mr. King, of Holstein. and were appropriate and uplifting effor ts. . A___-._.'..-_.,., "r pr%AK “l’l""l‘" "n . V. There were large congregations at hath sci-virus. and the spiritunlitv of the occasion. the earnest words at - A H, II N .t v.“ W†-__- - counsel and encouragement wrll not soon be forgotten. On Monday evening tlu- chmvh was again tilled, wnh well-filled people, the last filling having been dune down slain at the huungiful tables. gunm- ing with the good things. ttienuite, "utke st) tempting and an uppetizmg. Relay after relay were settt upstairs and when all were gathered pastor Wright took the chair' and very uhly conducted an excellent program. even though as Ue pointed out, it was hu- gi-Iy one ot laymen. the clergy being unnvoiduhlv absent†In his opening remarks he made tittmg reference toi the occasion and hot plaintive at meet- ing with them at the hurrest home season. Mrs. Sprout, Rave a flne recitation and solos were. rendered by Mr Banks, Mr. Jeutsch, Mr. F. Saunders. and by Mrs Wright. The latter is a decided acquisition to the musical talent of the. town having a voice of line quality with a. wide range and completely under control. Miss Irwin us accompanist acquitted herself with her usual ability. The tMcUloL‘klin bros. and R. Banks with i tht ir ever popular mundoiin and banjo l music added to the lust of the evening lag did the trio, McRae, Glass and Mc- l'Nally in their quartette! _ Messts Irwin and Runnqe were also (contributors to the addresses of the (evening, and Reeve Hunt of Glenelg conveyed also the greeting of Zion icongregation and rejoiced that all could rejoice at the abundance of the fruits of the earth this season. Mr. Carter in charge of the Varnw circuit. also brought greetings from the sister congregations and expects three weeks from that night to have a repetition of the good things at Vurnev. Mr. lt. T. Edwards gave the addieSs of the evening, hrinn‘ul of hummus usual but ending with some warm and timely udmoniticns to the hoys ro avoid the snakes lurking in them- bacco habit, the liquor curse and other temptations. Very interesting wms it to learn that Zion and Durham cun- gregntions have been 50 years Manc- iated. The National Anthem and the bene- diction closed a very flne meeting. Bargains. special pticen in the woe Dept. of Alex Russeh’a Welcome I Teachers 1 m-----.------- W A; . iiNrefrrE,' Sn.. ti, R ig. F. Morlock, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Grey County t ladies in Se'ition 8rd Annual Convention Institute meets In 'P'he meeting, held in the Town Hall, A'iii, owned with the doxology and prayer by Mrs Rom. Petugrew and All? President gave her address. It had heen said she I-anrkod in open- iqg. that women should drew their 'mind as well M their body. nnd thought that wns being attended to as there were now 13000 women com- Durham was honored on This“ ' last by the presence li'flel of. delega from local hunt-hes, of m1at.' Avoiue Institute in widelv wparated parts of the country to take; part in' the 3nd Annual Uimiention of the County body. The two revious (onyentions were held at A"J21'C'ui and Chats- worth and the Interest seems to tr, deepening flu the attendane6 onthln occasion woCalrout equal to theothers even with the handicap of exceeding- ly unfavorable weather. Mrs S. H. Breese. Chatsworth. is the l’rbsident. And'wns haunted by re- Aiction for another year. Lined in Itlstiwte work .i.n Ontario "...“. ... -..-.....,, A politicnui had been described as bt " than who set-s how the crowd was go- ing and Him) hrols. " She wanted them all to he politicians without the boots. and made an urgent plea to: enthusiasm In their wok, of which aha gives a worthy example. She hoped that note taking und question- ing would go hand m hand. and that all would endeavor on reaching home l to out new ideas into practice. Mrs Pettigrew, then gave the address of Welcome. and which was even more than a welcome. She said t We are met together to-day we trust as our (motto altars. tor the heurht of Home and Uouutry. Tut-best nuy he can benefit our home and country in by putting God tirtst In everything. Then we Mt: better prepared to make our homes and country better. the time w“ when woman held their peace on a public platform but to-day won-cu am coming to the trout Mid hauling thcn' rights. We are glad to we so many women and girls so interested in this work that you Imu- mwiv it sm'riricc to get here I do how .Iiu; my runn-nlinn “in, gnu tl.s all more enthusiasm to go uh huh our “on. For in union there is tin-curt)“ so let “a I†be uliilul ittthis uirectxon. w unis of grater int- puruihu: itmii thin. the home lite of this irro- vince would rem-Aw tlic ctoacst atudv and con- sulcrution. And when we tin" out anythtug good let us puss it oh. lit-re sue told a duhghuul story of “than hospitahly with amoral» to good things .. pass it on. T' . "WA .. .....t...i.... in Hm It] MRS. S. H. BREESE. Chatsworth Rc-elccted President. The Ieply to this addiess was made by Mrs Warden, Kilsyth. who on he- hnlf ot the Institute thanked the local workers for the welcome to which they had just listened. They were glad, to find local Interest alive to the work and was sure thvir coming to- gether again would enable l hem all to gather new ideas for their support and eneourageuient, " Whnt is the meaning of out convention here today t it means tint we we giving the home- nnkerl of this county an opportunity of coming together. upon a common bssis, and discus: “when of mutual beuetlt and interest. a privilege not hitherto enjoyed to the fun. Permit me to mention tour things. “mm l think. we nil ghouiu taec home with us. from A Permit me to mention wu- "nubâ€. ....._ __ - think. we nu should tnkc home with us from a convention like thin. First, . greater measun of infornrxtioa : There never was I time in the tummy of our cuuutr}, when our women, especially the women in our rural homes. Were huugermg sud thin-ting for knowledge a they are to-day, We will derive much of this Intonation from the addresses given here 3nd much too from our conversation with t.cn other. . ,.b._h.w1.rsr.BE, in g w"" Km" "no... The second thing we should tale home is a greater measure at 1uspirati.om oecasiorts of m1: son, line . supernor elevating inhuence, more t',rtfd upon those, who have the priv- nm 0 gammy unending the meetings, but those favored few should be INC to Like in, sumcient of the with of the convention. to en- uble Hum to any home " hum-anon to the others. q __ _. - -- nun-IA ink. twnv Tue-third tau-lily that is enthusiasm. .rhh','f,r . -_e- ---.. 1 t by. tttttu. “Tunis of grater im- ' the home Me ot um pro- ve thc clams: studv and con- when we (in-- out anything on. Here she told a delmmlu nospiumly mm amoral†to not intormution : There history of our fH1u'f.': shoulA usktfrtr.. iiuir1 it i.&nu _ AW G,", ll â€mum. C'ttti/ 'ts , ' _ r m- " um of duhlt !. y f, ' i" H- to .d 'i',i,1/t,t11,itiii/tll,i, L 'rt ' " be met ith )x')’ r. x [W the equh‘uhmd. ’ , 'u "is luswnd. the new. mA' " m In. “I will tvli lln- mu). s', LI sh and encoumement. When we come to gamer ings of this hum. And meelolhenw o we working “on; the sum lines u we ourselves 2h't who have met Ind solved probleml that us yet unsolved try nu when we 11min have lmgomd upon us the titnlmetauce and Inning atat, rt of our work, We become ne-eulhuned w ram our homes with somethlnmoi the an “up at 'the desert mullet. w o h“ . 't' 511013515. T 's' Ytu. the fourth m5. we should are with ' tut menial: oi tttFitness. ll ., l be u‘om ugh» world who ought "prr"t!r.vs hi u . Sr ithe Wouaeu's 'P k vet .- ... ... .rst.Ber “a; t nn F _ Tr", T T--' . , H.511 the fourth M', we would tahe with -r meant: oi tmeelttgttttes.. ll . ,'i,dtlli' won): "lt" world who ought n, _ it n he: " the Women's . lf you " W n good thing you it or. Th _ _ may V “hen n neighbor w u an , I tW T 21- to how cerium re sults w rm . the query would be met ll 1 . "i': ft with "In ulmw-i the eqululruul. .'.F ' «A A tr'Iy-u. Instead. the with. A d in our [DISH-MW m. “I will tell tbe WK). " Al show you how tt Ihouhl be done, if I Lnun llllyllllhg that you do who†You all-ll have it and welcome." You It all!“ will luv. India ot the eountrs, town and city alike, llllt the fouudattou ot the state is the home, The main factor In the 'homels the womsu lu chsrge of it. lt ll the mother who has the grip on the boys ind girl., who are going; out lulu the unions wall» of lite. Therelore, i we con do anything to .m the women ot the home. “I: shall be doing I ytrettt thing tor tin-country. A good mother int-um tine will and girls I ho will be at power for good in this mud. The need for hell-mu the mum-n in the home in one of tite greatest uveds of this country. _ â€influx helpfulness In the key Mteot c organiuuou." _ . A Following these uddressvu came a reminlion " Miss Muriel Mc0'tlliyray, Chattrwortls, which WM cleverly done and much enjoyed. Then came Mrs Logan. of unfold, who, with another. had driven © miles in rain and mud in be piesenl. Her ndluirnhlo- address append elsewhere in full. We are ver sure our readers will tind in it much limb uplifting and vulighu-ning and nhculd lead inure l momma mm daughters to come under“ the. spell of the Wuiuen's institute. The (“nation drawer followed and was haudlvd by bt Madame President ., Bseetse in an Mule manner. The queer ttouts vaugett all the way from Buffalo mums to money and ungulhly met-l- HIKE A novel question was .. Do Anwrimm gel, as much out ot life as (Vanadium 2' f and the dim-union Mrs Urn-ac mule-d was amusing and in- lerea'ling. Out. to"" ter thought weight of (pinion was in tavot of Can- ada, ourcousins in Ilu-u' rush de!. um nb Stop and look around enough. Thu-e was questions ofuueelings. whether in home or hull, questions as to lunch, Ils extent, and who would prepaveit, (which Inst brought hum one lady a sonlentinm "sort y we can't havual good time without lhinking of n louch.") questions as to pre-ers'"; from, and anally other (hing-g which impressed our reporter wuh the umg’ nitudo of the field through which women’s activities are outplayed. Occasionally ittteeest was so keen that seat discusuona were in evidence, but the presiuemt. WP.“ grant naive-Le. kept, lhnrys well in hand by lurking it i"i'ttirithartrGsl: due abeukiud will you please stand 't ., The election of oftieets fullowul and regular] In the w-olecuuu uf Mrs Beeeseto the Presidency, Mm of Mn Airth and MN Thurston to the poni- Lionu of Vice.Pres. and tiecy.-Trrto. retspectively. ’llw next lllf't'Llng plice was left to 'lst' IesecuuvetoAfer'ide but it writ likely tre in. o. mound, Men, ford, but for its inrtccetruuulity to most of the county would have been chotr en. Nepal-Ls from \‘mimm brunt-mm Were given, all indicating a healthy tsctttuty in their Work. Published Weekly u 51.003yur. The address of Miss tiuuttleworth. of Toronto. the ott1iOl delegate, on " Health. the hauls of womanly lreau. ty, " was n. "tasterpiece and hrimful of smggestiotw, clearly made, and elo- quently dahvered. She lwgan by showmg how ideas of beauty diner, but thought. no women was so beauti- ful that all: could not be impmvod. A woman’s cotiatte and physical depovr- meat along with that perfect econ- omy of mu ~culur "union. called grace. adl led up lo health and the gave tt dtatinition " Beauty is the external evidence of a high degree of mental l and physical hmhb.‘ She took up the vnriuus functions of the, alimentary mum. and the process- es undermine by the food in its course until it entered the blood, .. this mur- vellumi river of life. " Moderation and simplicity Ill cutting and drinking were commended. and pleading guilty herself site charged " every Lime we drink tea, we transgwss. " Pure " in and out of datum, by night on well as day. siecp humming to make use of all lung space, judicious exercise, Aux, &c,, Wire Mll "ousted as desirable fact. urea in perfect heuth. _ The pity of it is that a wider nudi- ouce could nut profit by this talented lady's tine address. Capital _ ' u... $6,350,000 $34,000,000 One of the greatest help, in "eutnuiating money is a Sav- ings Account. The desire" to increase it, and the habit of at once depositing money rr.ctiyegtytey, t out only as _. " I " _. ---!-~ -- do.“ can nut once OCPOSIEms â€HUS, I‘v‘yuvv- "'--e"-"'%.. - required-Artie the habit of saving, and brings you out " the end of the ye- with a snug sum that would otherwise have slipped away. $1 opens 3 Savings Account. Why not do it? I: THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE __ -- - - O - -- lumen}; Am AT qrRhfjltjits BANK f D UK 1333:? 3&3? IN Continued on page Evening Meeting. JiiiEEshros._tte..eet ,ather The Yellow Label INCORPORATED 1885 THE REVIEW, DURHAM ONT 1i2iGsaGGarr- tGr" week. but there as yet runny other. we watt to but from 610m. lens the doste.'to which your sub. nerirtion bu been paid. Our uni inglisc was an. week cov- reeted up todate. " yuan is not correct, kindly notify us at once. 7W9 thank_ nil who Itry! Artemesia Exhibition Artemeaia Agricultural PiitlLtit?, however is representative of t four town-hips almost cornering on Price ville, has a reputatiott. od always carry: ing out its undertakings. and they did so this 'car under the ever present '. siblc diélculty of bad weather. We first day was not a pleasant one by any means but, the patrons of the Fair, an- ticipating. a better Ida): on the marrow cans: out loyally with the inside etrhib. its. with thc result that in no particular was it interior to former years and in some cases was superior. The unecond day was a doubtful quan- tity thnughoot, them were glimpses that aroused nope only to he dampened literally the nu; 'c-df In ur. and that the Dhvctors unawhcd success even from these untow 1rd con Lucas speaks to their credit and to the loyalty of the district to their show. To have a ttutr of $1 iti.00 was domg well, an}! that uith literally the aux. it-JH Directors unawhcd h' these untowuU con: their credit and to I of $1 iti.00 wags domg well, and that uith an ovcrtiowing concert will put the management on may street tinancially. It was the opinion of the judges and everybody that the roots and vegetables surpassed all the shown for miles around The weather must have been moister than most laces or the soil and culture better. '/fl'rcl. was keen competition in almost every department and excellence goes without saying. 'iariihrauae XIII Afro-I. The stock classes. excepting swinc were well filled up. sheep as usual mat. ing a good showing. A feature of the da was the proces- sion of the children 'l'h'll village from the village to the grounds, the uxrlu at- tractively bedecked with sashes and erownsof Maple Leaves. They were preceded by the Flesherton Band wluch tendered fine music afternoon and even- mg. Another feature getting ftrmly enab- lished here was formally "opening " the fair h ' some platform work. This year H H 1'l,'fi'c"rl h P, was called to the front and made an appropriate address. He had praise for the ladies who were pres- sing to the front in many fields and said this not as blaming the men but rather to stimulate them to further effort, He touched a sympathetic chord Ill his Ins. toners as he feelingly_ga\-c expression to his regaet at the enforced absence of Mr John i cArthur, from the platform, owing to illness. His hope that the kindly, genial, big hearted genzleinan would soon be restored to health “an loudly applauded. Later Miss Eva Cuthbert, the clever little dancer and entertainer engaged for the concert. t'dvf,i..'lh ",til',i,t.iog of dan- cing to t e i an pipes, a cdbv Mr Hector 1fl?lil'lhd whicll: gram; pleased. The stirring pipe music was enjoyed at intervals during the day also. The footracing gave occasion for much interest and amusement. especially the desperate and cxeitinqi! race of men 40 and over. Secy. h cKinnon led off beautifully but was overtaken by Pres. McMillan and Director Mead: who neck and neck came down the course like a whirlwind. The gallant Secy. again showed speed in a spurt. but Mead; getting warmed up, showed his heel. in motion which roused McMiilan's high- I land fire and he rushed in a winner by about a neck, and the crowd, breathless no longer, cheered. We were (Fused to see on the ground Mr Henry ucker of Ceylon, for man? years a fudfc at this show and who Stl 1 takes a ive y interest in stock, at which he is an excellent judge. Mr John Eck. hardt has quit showing but can't keep away from the scene of his many vic. tories. Mr. Oliver is another old timer who has an eye on everything good in the stock line. The Prize List appears on page 3. Thanks to the Secy's little daughter Ella. the elevcmt te we have met with for a long time, for elp in transcribing. C. SAMMIE t SON. Plural an Poms-nu All parties inde to me are re- quested to call and a tle ACCOUIIII by the 10tlt Nov, 1909. ill mail or hand accounts to each one u anon as l mu get them written out.. mu installing A. new mush account re itster and an: clusmg up my books. uniform-L the date-Nov. Nth. 150 acres in Bentinck, buildings sud soil good. everything m tirst.cuo shape. Mice W10. Ko acres on the Gash-ax: Road. goo clear. 60 acres hurdwoud Lush, well watered. first clue buildings. Will he sold cheap to wind up ennui. 250 acres in Beulinrk. Five miles [mm Durham, fine buildings. “nod 11nd. with a quantity. ot timber. Must he sold at onee. Price greatly reduced. 100 Acre! in Beminck on Gar-dun. Road near Domoch. good buildmm. price reduced from 83100 to "RIO for quiet "le. 200 more farm near Dromore, high rhyss property. splendid huildingp. Price right. Farms For Sale. NO' 1 your sub. nd. Our week cov- t yuan in stity us at who In"! weeks hut June" we no. W. F. DUNN, Solicitor. Durban. Ott J. is, MAiurtArr" It W235?! 3m