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Durham Review (1897), 18 Nov 1909, p. 4

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[| 6 i w _ Send for Booklet on Discases of Men | \q( * THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE ‘ If unable to call, write for a Question List . i fu for Home Treatment visit this store. _ Its worgh money to be posted on what you are thinkâ€" ing of buying. _ We have light shoes and heavy shoes for the {armer, mechanic, laborer, gentleâ€" man, ladies, Misses and children in many different styles and prices. Light on Shoes ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT YOUR 8LOOD is TAINTED THE CITY BAKERY Big reductions in broken lines that we are not stocking again. Plenty of Hosiery at right prices. _ Also Mitts lined and unlised in abundance. Trunks, valises, suit cases, telegcopes in stock. Repairing and custom work as usual at the down town Shoe Store. E.A ROWE Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Jz‘zmm'ny Creations Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing what you We are showing a very large stock of Furs of all kinds, in Ladies Electric Seal and Astrachan Jackets, Furâ€"lined Coats, Scarfs, Ruffs, Stoles Mufis and Caperines. Coon, Wombat, and Rusâ€" sian dogskin Coats for men‘s wear, as well as a large choice of Men‘s Fur Caps and Collars at very special prices. â€" As the season adyances, we are continually adding something new to our large stock of fashionâ€" able millinery. We have an extra large display of new models, stylishly trimmed with rich trimmings in all the latest designs, suitable for winter wear. You will find a wide choice of different shapes as every hat has a distinctive style in itself,. All our Millinery is very moderately priced. It will be to your advantage as well as ours to leave your order early in the week as we are always rushed at the end of the week. J. S.â€" McILRAITH ‘nter 4 . 4 Hlortock 1 get when you Its worgh money AUrs$ ; Once a customer, always a customer 4 Give us a trialâ€"we‘ll do the rest y Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. ROWE‘S SREAD IS AL WAYS GOOD Choice lines of all kinds of Cooked, Cured and Salt Meats, Groceries, Flour, etc. Headquarters for all Bakery Goods We dosire to call the attention of ‘all those afllicted with any Blood or Skin Disease to ©Ur New Method Treatment as a guaranteed eure for these complaints. There is no exâ€" euse for any person having a disfigured face from eruptions and blotches. No matter whother hereditary or acquired, our sreclfic remedies and treatment neutralize all poiâ€" sons in the blood and expel them from the system. Our vast experience in the treatâ€" ment of thousands of the most serious and complicated cases enables us to perfect a cufl'v}:rithlout experimentingfi'e do ::g:x@os» on the planâ€"Pay Only for Ben ou Derive. _ If you.frave any blood disease, conâ€" sult us Free of Charge and let us Frovo to you how quickly our remedies will remove all evidences of disease. Underthe influence of the New Method Treatment the skin beâ€" comes clear, ulcers. pimples and blotches comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair grows in again. the eyes become bright, ambition and energy return, and the :!ctim realizes a new life has opened up to YOU CAN ARRANCGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED D We d CONSULTATi~N FREE fraxa Street, Durham. THE BAKER, Garfi?; from the the treatâ€" tious and perfect a Miss Mary Young is assisting Mro John Whiteford at present. Mr and Mrs D. Robinson spent ‘ Wednesday eyening with Mr and Mrs Mrand Mrs M. W. Byers attended divine service at Knox church, Norâ€" manby, on Sunday. Messrs T. and J, Ball and F. Hintz hava completed a house on Mr T. Ball‘s farm for Mr John Bali of Holâ€" stein. Choir practice was held at the home of Mr Jas. Kert on Wednesday eyening. Mr and Mrs Jas. Hanna, of Ayton, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Valâ€" entine Pfeffer. Miss Tena Hanna, of Ayton, spent over the week end with Miss Lydia Fniz. Miss Ella Gadd, a nurse of New York, renewed old acquaintances here this week. Mr Will Little was seen going * Gadding. " Rev Jchn Gray, D. D., of Knox College, went through the eongregaâ€" tion on Thursday and Friday getting contributions for the new Knox colâ€" lege, Mr and Mrs Andrew Marshall, of Knox Corners. attended divine service here on Sunday. Miss Rebecca Park, of Neustadt road, yistted at R. Nichol‘s for a few days the baginning of the week. Miss F. Shantz vyisaited Ayton friends on Sunday. At the beginning of the world ii was said that it was not good for man to be alone. Dayid Nichol rememberâ€" ed these words that were truly spoken at the beginning of Creation and actâ€" ing in accordance to the teaching thereof. _ He set to work and secured the promise of one of our fair maids sometime ago consequently the result was that at the residence of Mr Jolin MclL.ean, brotherâ€"inâ€"law of the bride, on Wednesday eyening the 10th Nov. 1909, by the Rev. J. A. Mathneson, Mr David Nichol, son of Mr and Mrs John Nichol, Durham Road, Glenelg, and Miss Christena Smellie, Duarham Road, (Glenelg, were bappily made one, _ We congratulate Miss Smellie in being the happy recipient of secur mg one of our finest and steadiest young men and likewise we do so also to Mr Nichol in securmg the hand and heart of one of our ladies. _ The affair was attended by immefliate friends of the contracting parties. After congratulations to the happy young couple all sat down to a sump. tuaous repast and ample justice was done to that part of the proâ€" gramme. _ The evening was spent in a manner suitable on such ccâ€" casions by singing from the bride‘s father. Mr Wm Smellie, who can sing the old Scotch songs yet to perfection, and other vocal and instrumental talent till the smallest hour of the morning. â€" The bride was attended by her neice, Miss Edna Flowers of Poronto, while the groom was supâ€" ported by one of his brothers. _ The bride wore a beautiful Jress of emâ€" broidered organdie with wréath of orange blossoms on her hair and carâ€" ried a bouquet of roses, ferns and heather. _ The presents were of a costly nature. The young couple left for their home nexst morning amidst showers of good wishes that they may long be spared together to share the joys and happiness of life till finally they express with the psalmist " We were young and now we areâ€" old yet the righteous are never forsaken." The roads are getting somewhat muddy but mud is better than frost yet. We bave bad fine weather during the past week. A meeting of all Protestants inâ€" terested in securing a new site for a cemetery will be held in union hall in this place on Saturday eyening 20th inst at 7.830. Those who astended the late Mr Jobhn MceArthur‘s funeral from Durâ€" ham were :â€"Dr and Mrs Hutton, Banker Kelly, Chas. Grant, Norman M:lntyre, John A. Grabam, Arch. McLellan, Jno. H. Hunter, E, Kress, Editor Irwin of the Darham Chronicle and H. H. Millee M. P., from lii?]' over and Mr and Mrs Chas. Mc Arthur, cousins, from Dundalk. The funeral of Mrs Aldcorn of Swinton Park, mother of merchant Aldcorn of this town took place on Sunday afternoon the 14th Nov. Mrs Aldcorn was one of the oldest resiâ€" dents of Protom. _ She was about 90 years of age. Rev. Walter Nichol of St. Marys, attended his brother‘s marriage on Wednesday last, also Mr Flowers and daughter of Toronto. We saw a flock of wild geese the other day which appeared to be off their proper course and fiying yery low and after watching them for some time they all lit in a field as it resting themselves. Being a poor marksman with powder and shot they all escaped thankfully with their lives for warmer climes. The aaction sale held at Jno. Mc Kechnie‘s, west of this place on Wedâ€" nesday evening last, went well under the hammer of auctioneer McPhail. The Rey, Mr Matheson attended a funeral and marriage on Wednesday last. As we promised to give an account of a marriage to be this week in last week‘s paper, _ We sayâ€"a little on that subject. The A, 0. U. W. Lodge No. 140 in this place decided at their last regular meeting to have a concert in the near future but no date given yet. Priceville Hampden THE DURHAM REVIEW We heard of the death of Mrs Ald. | corn, Sr,, of Bwinton Park, on TuesAI day morning. _ She was one of the first settl er in Proton and was highly respected. We expect that some of the scribes about Swinton Park will send a report of the death and burial of this good and respected old lady to j There was a nice party of young people at Mr Sam Mclearn‘s la:t Friday nmight. > The Rev. Mr Gibson is gone to Hornings Mills to assist in special church services for two weeks. Mr John Hugston and his brother Robert Hugston of the Southern States, is here visiting their sister, Mrs McLearn. They formerly lived in Egremont and left over 25 years ago. Lawyer MeArdle, of Markdale, on hearing of the accident to his father, came down here the same day and stayed a day here with him. Mr Mcâ€" Ardle is doing as well as can be exâ€" pected. at Cameron, of Toronto, was here Sunday evening and spoke eloquently and entertainingly on Home arissions. It was seven years since he visited the church and spoke on missions, and the added years has also added to his ability as a speaker and to his earnestness in the work, _ The dark and rainy night prevented many no doubt from coming cut, but those who were there enjoyed it. »e and urs H. Brunt and little davughter Irene sgent a pleasant oveâ€" ning last week at the home of ars Boyd and family. ar and ars Wm Baley and family spent Bunday with aw and arrs Clark Tory. W. Bharp. ars Adlam of Durham, spont a few days lass week at the home of her daughter, arcs Wm Brown. Miss R. and B. Park spert Wed. nesday afternoon with Miss Etta Andâ€" erson. arr Coverdale Patterson of Priceville is this week the guest of friends here. Our blacksmith is doing a rushing business. As a trapper he is equally expert as at blacksmithing, having at spare times succeeded in capturâ€" ing a fine pile of mink skins. Some of the sports of our burg spent Saturday afternoon hunting rabbits. Three of them came home with 21 tor their count. Mr J. Ferris, who, wish his well run outfis, has been threshing steady since harvest, finished wor‘k for all customers who could wait for him and hbas now started to thresh tha straw that some of the other machine had run through, but dld not leave in a satistactory shape. Joe always puts the grain in the granary and the straw in the straw mow, Postmaster MeCillivray and Master Reginald of Chatsworth, were recentâ€" ly the guasts of Mr and Mrs John Meâ€" Gillivray. Mrs \Wm Bruns was seriously ill last week and confiined to her bed. Under the the stilful care of Dr Gun we hope to see this aged lady able to be around again. ars Alex Traynor yisited fmiends in Darham lsst week. Messrs A. Derby and A. Henderâ€" son arrived home on Monday from Lumsden. Revival meetings are to be held in the Presbyterian charch this week and the week following. Rev. Kenâ€" dall, otf Dromore, will take part in the meetings. Mr Robert Britton returned last week from a two months‘ trip through the West. Friday last the call which comes to all sooner or later came to Mrs Wm. Aldcorn, Sr., of this place, atâ€" ter a brict illness, gathered home as a sheafof corn fully ripe. 3She was in hor 90th year, her husband preâ€" ceded her mabout 33 years. Those who knew bow devoted she was to her family when health permitted, will realize the cherished memory that remains. A tamily of three sons and three daughters will long cherâ€" ish her memory. One son Thomas and one daughter Elsic, Mrs Maxâ€" well, died some years ago, the reâ€" maining sons are John, James and William. The dsughters are Grace, Mrs Smith ; Mary, Mrs Haryey, Proton ; Jennet, Mis Moody, in the West. _ Apart fiom her duties as mother, she was ever an ob iging neighbor and her influepce for good will long be felt. The funeral on Sunday to St Andrews church buryâ€" ing ground was very largely attendâ€" ed,. Rev. Matheson officiating at church and grave. Mr Thos. Derby had tlie misforâ€" tune to step on a nail on Monday, causing him to limp around. Mrs R. Torry, of Durham, spent last week with Captain and Mrs O. M. Snider. & Mrand Mrs Chris. Williams of Niagara Falls, were guests last week of his mother, and returned home Saturday. Miss Ethel Burgess, of Southampâ€" ton, was a guest last week at Mr \Wm Edge‘s. Mr Wim, Ritehie, who has been in the West the past two or three months, reéturned last week, and seemed to enjoy the trip. Mr Wm. Firth returned fron the West last week also.. TORONTO Swinton Park Hopeville. se# @ @ _ Edge Hill. Mulock â€"+aâ€"@ o+ $6040060 64 0606 0# #900600096. 00 Ed the Review. A Mr Oak, a student from Toronto preached in the Esplin and Cedarâ€" vilte churches last Sunday. Liceuse Inspector Beckett is nothing if not active and has caused to be reâ€" vealed more of the crooked tricks of certain hotel mea than any other Inâ€" spector in Ontamio, The latest was last week at the Patterson House in lOwen Sourd, told by the Sun as folâ€" 0 Wws : " THE PEOPLE‘S STORE The Review and Suan are clubbed for $1.065, â€" New subscribers for 1910 will get balance of this year free. The building occupied by P. G. A. Webster as a jewellery store and J. P. Telford as adaw office; with show cases, wall cases, clock and safe at a bargain. License Insnector Beckett strolled into the Patterson House a couple of nights ago, . Nothing unusal about that, but on this occasion he directed his steps toward the north, where one stairway leads from the * Ladies‘ Enâ€" trance" and another leads into the cellar, _ Mr Beckett proceeded to inâ€" vestigate the walls under the stair, and soon his attention was drawn to the unusual manner in which some shelving was put up. _ A little further research showed that the shelves and part of the wainscotting came easily away from the rest of the wall, _ And in the space thus revealed were thirtyâ€" two bottles of beer and four bottles of ale. _ The Inspector impounded these, and proceded to look for more. He found other movable boards in the waiuscot, and other bottles hidden beâ€" hind them. _ In all he captured six bottles of ." House of Commons" Scotch whiskey, two of Imperial whisâ€" key, and one of London Dry gin, all of which, with the beer and ale, he and P. C. Shute conveyed to the cells. The foundation of the building is eight or ten incbes wider than the wain wall, and instead of keeping close to the bricks, a wainscot was built on the line "of the foundation, forming a snug cupboard. The doors were cunningly concealed, and would escape the eye of anyone who was not looking exceptionally close. They consisted of tightâ€"fitting boards, like the rest of the wainscoicting, but loose enough to pull out easily i? necessary. There was space enough behind to store a good supply. But it is safe guessing that no more wet goods will be hidden there, May be largely increased by knowing the ‘ but we are selling at present a very exact condition of the farmer‘s market, | good $2.50 Razor for $1.00. and by learning of the best method in | 7 farm practice. This is precisely the | We soid a great many Guns last sort of information the Farmers‘ Weekly WCek because we have the quality Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal 4"4 price. _ There are as many more as a Farmer‘s Business Paper. Good in Stock to part with this week. Sinâ€" farmers rely on it. For price see our SZle bharrel guns from $1.50 to $7.00 clubbing offer. ‘Double barrel guns from $5 to 15. h «Ti ce uie ae ce n ty‘ 4 .. ~{ Anrmunition in abnndancs, v cCO Often the Cheapest A large stock of Fall Shoes, A new Dress Shoe for men in a Tan Blucher heavy sole and lcather lined. Alsoa dark Chocolate. Also a number of Dongola Blucherand Box Calf. For heavy shoes we have the Maple Leaf Brand or the Sterling Shoe. Regent tailoring gives that perfection of fit and tailoring which assures a perfectly satisfactory and stylish suit. These are in Blue, Brown, Gray, Cheched, Striped or Plain, made up in the latest style All sizes for men and boys. Something new in the overcoat line. The new College Overâ€" coat with high collar in Green and Brown Tweeds, striped or checked. _ Also something extra in Black and Grays with velvet colars. Before buying, come in and examine these. Ways that are Dark. FARM PROFITS For Sale. Fresh Groceries always on hand. Butter; Eggs and Fowl taken same as cash. Bring them along. A. Gorpox, ROBT. BURNETT New Fall Suits Boots & Shoes Weyburn, Sask Overcoats W. Black t Hardware Store ; You are invited to have a look |through our Show Cases, if you are \desirous of purchasing anything in ‘the Silverware line. In Knives, lForks and Spoons, we can satisfy | your taste. Any article marked "W. | Black" is fully warranted. ! We have a large assortment of | Carving Sets to show you, ranging | in price from 75¢ to $5. | You will find in our store nearly | every kind of Razor that is manufacâ€" ltured. Our leaders are the Clauss, ‘but we are selling at present a very | good $2.50 Razor for $1.00. Buy a can of our Coach Axle Oil Second to none, / Do you want to make your wile happy ? If so, buy her a Bread Mixer Every woman should try a samâ€" ple package of our Dustbane for sweeping purposes, It destroys moths and other insects. . It‘s a splendid preparation for the skin and makes the face and hands to a certain extent proof against the weather, It is useâ€" ful for a variety of uses : Skin Chapping, Sunburn, Redâ€" ness, Roughness, Ch;gng and after shaving. Harsh Weather Makes Rough Skin If you get it at GUN‘S, it‘s good Everything Upâ€"toâ€"date at the Hardware! GUN‘S DRUG STORE Put up only at But Lemoâ€"Hazel Cream makes it smooth again Always the Best NOVEMBER 18, 1909 Allâ€"wool Blankets, $3, 4 and 4.75 pr Bed comforters from 1.35 to 3.00 cr Larie 11x 4 size Flannelliette Blanâ€" ets, white or grey....1.25 pair Lace Curtains, . .25¢, 50c, 75¢, 1,00 ea Honeycomb wool Shawls, 50c, 75, $1 Black sateen Underskirts, $1, 1,75 ea Men‘s Cardigan Jackeis 1,00, 1.25 ea Fiooa «y‘lcloth .. . ...25¢ a square yd Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide . . . . 25¢ yd New Prints and hGi;lghmâ€" now in See our 25¢ and 50c Dress Gooas BIG 4 Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectionary PureSpices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure Fine Salt Farmpy_s Produce Wan UNDERWVEAR LADIES FURS Fiour, Feed, Seed & Groceries A Better Stock Reimedy to them, you would always insist upon having Our Own Condition Powder There are many good stock foods and condition powders on the market, but if you were as well posted as we are in regard There are several reasons for making such a decision : II It does all that any condition powder can do, and hbecause fresher and stronger, does some things other powders do not do, MacFARLANE IIL Ruffs\ and Muffs Ladies and Childs Coats Blanket Cloth Bear Skin Ladies‘ Skirts and Turnbull‘s Wool Underwear for Women Stanfields Unshrinkable Wool for Men The Best Underwear Made. . L. GRANT MATTHEWS & LATIMER Town Office C.P.R. Druggists and Booksellers Buy your Tickets Here 25¢ a package It is as near perfect as modern veterinary science makes possible It contains a larger propor tion of medicine than othe powders. We make it ourselves and you always get it fresh and of full strength, Lramll{' and 1 Manitoba ours . H. BEAN Call and He Sells Cheap For Underskirts us Block, S 1 | Y eâ€"»_â€"* we may give the, (~‘~ Jargely. We h Meu‘s Ciothing, L Boots and Shoes a _ Window Curtains. TLarge Lenahan AXGS. S& WS, GunS and Amn Roofing Headgq Hardware Raw cotton 1 and bounds. It Linen and and » Rubber and 1euthc are selling coftons urniture Lenahan tWe | NOVEMBER 18, 1 Every prude: All goods boug! , except goods « YJ 4 Diamond W Brantford Fresh G: 76 LW

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