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Durham Review (1897), 18 Nov 1909, p. 5

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1 stock dets on were as regard always i Â¥ "AFA fect as gC kirts ‘der ere s jor n other tries clenc Coats 10€ K, wrha m NE Ure NT )men an ible U T en "I Guns and Ammunition Headquarters for Hardware & Furniture Roofing AXQS, Saws, Lenahan & Mclntoskh. Raw cotton is on the rampart. _ It is going up by leaps nd bounds. It has not been so high in price for 30 years. Linen and and woollen goods are following close to cotton. rubber and leather are advancing in price steadily, and yet we rc selling coftons, linens, wollens and boots & shoes at Lenahan & McIntosh urniture _~â€"_Every prudence merchant is buying ahead. We ha may give the} benefit to our customers, and to them rgely. We have just opened a fine stock of Under 5 en‘s Clothing, Ladies Furs, Fur coats, all of the neates ts and Shoes arriving daily. _ For Linoleums, Floor Sindow Curtains. _ See the display on the second flat. arge NOVEMBER 18, \!1 goods bought may be re urned if except goods cut. Sales September starts the Sporting Season. We | have a good assortment of guns, rifies and amâ€" munition. In addition to the stock we carry we j have every facility for getting almost immediateâ€" ly anything wanted in the line of hunting| supplies. | Cin be laid over old shingles. If your old shingled roof leaks, don‘t waste time and money by patching it. _ Cover it with Brantford Roofâ€" and make it waterâ€"tight for many years. â€" Ifthe shingles are not off in patches you can readily lay Brantford Roofing over them and & rcat job of it. In these lines more than anay others, quality counts. We try to get the best qualities and we think it you examine the goods you will agree with us when we say that wa have. Black Diamond Axes, Saws ard tools are all fully cuaranteed. A full line of new ond upâ€"toâ€"date goods. Anyâ€" thing you wish can be secured tor you if we have not got it in stock. See our Showrooms. Fresh Groceries arriving continuously at the lowest prices. G.& J. MeKECHNIE * The Old Low Prices The Highest Prices Paid for Produce. Cotton is King . MecKECHNIE. ahead. We have bought heavily ahead, so that ers, and to them we would sayâ€"buy early and : stock of Under Shirts and Drawers, Men‘s Hats, all of the neatest designs, the newest patterus. Linoleums, Filoor Oilâ€"Cloth Carpets, Rugs and in good condition and Through the courtesy of Sir Wilâ€" frid Laurier the foll text of this adâ€" | dress has been pubilshed in 2 World ( Wide ‘‘ of November 6th, copies of Â¥wbich may be obtained at special ' rates rates from the publishers, John | Dougall & Son, Montreal, Que. _ OrEarmery MEETING â€"At a meetâ€" | ing of the directors of the Ayton, Alsâ€" | feldt, Neustadt and Holstein creamerâ€" ies held in the Commercial hall here \ on Thursday of last week, Mr_Herns, | of London, and Mr Robertsoa. Inspectâ€" |or of Creameries from Bt. Mary‘s, gaye lectures as to the advisability of | adopting the Babcock test in those in | stitution.s, â€" The speakere. by means of | ® chart, endeayored to show up some | of the defects of the present oil test | system, claiming that with this methâ€" | od of testing, the patron sending high testing cream did not receive a proâ€" ‘ portionate return with those sending |\a thinnee or lower testing sample ‘ while the high testing cream was | much more preferable to the other at present. _ They dealt â€" exhaustively | with the subject and recommended ’ also the weigh scales, in preference to | the ruler, at present in use, as to asâ€" | certaining the amount of cream from | each patron,. _ Each cream gatherer | carries |a small scales and instead of |\ measuring the amount of inches as at | present weighs up each patron‘s cream la\nd the price is computed by pounds and not by inches, This system the ‘spenkers also endeavored to prove to be a fairer way of paying for cream according to its real value,â€"Advance, That it was an instructive address goes withount saying, for matters of constitutional history form one otf the favorite studies of the Premier. He was enthusiastically applauded when ne declared that the British Constitaâ€" tion was the pride of all British subâ€" jects. He showed how all other countries in the search for liberty had bad to adopt the principles of that constitution in whole or in part, and remarked that the mostillastrions exâ€" ample of all was that of the Ameriâ€" can Colonies, which, when they hbad wrenched themselves from the Mothâ€" erland, had paid her the compliment of adopting her constitation as far as the new conditions permitted. He showed why, in his#pinion, the Britâ€" ish Constitaution was more elastic and more responsive to the public needs than the American Constitution. Sir Wilfrid Laurier‘s recent speech on ** The Constitations of Great Britâ€" ain and the United Statesâ€"a Comparâ€" ison, " given before the Woman‘s Canadian Club of Montreal, was an important one, and one which teachâ€" ers and leaders of debating socicties will find exceedingly valuable for readings and for discussion. An Important Address by Sir Wiifrid Laurier. the money will be given «â€"â€"â€" 4 ¢ + P) Imp zZ4 z= MEmEe c , ts e L * rofits Durham has been the scene of many interestingâ€"and even exeitingâ€"episodes both political and municipal, in the past half century, but there‘s to be a gathering there next Monday which will be altogether novel and drawaatic. It is an epochâ€"marking occasion, Fifty years ago in the old stone hotel in " Upper Town " conducted by Isaac May, there assembled around a rudo table five good men and true transacting Benâ€" tinck township‘s basiness, while a httle apart sat an envergetic young Scotchman of 26 years who was filling the office otf Clerk for the first time. At the head of the table sat George Jackson, the man who a few years before successfnlly contested the whole of the county of Grey and went to sit in Parliament in Quebec, Jackson was a man of much busine«s dispatch, curt and incisive, but chivalous withal and a real knighs of the old school. On either side of him sat Alex. Smith, Jawes Hopking, Daniel MeNichol anud James Allau, _ What business wos transocted then is perhaps not of much interest now, but all honor to these grand uld pioneers of the pass who threshed out many knotiy problemâ€" of which their children and grmadâ€"chil dren reap the benefit toâ€"day. Bat the years bave come and gone, and time inevitably works changes. _ All those +taunch fellows of the main table and many others who came later and filled the chairs have finished their task and have _ gone _ across, All but one who sat in the httle stone hotel fifty years ago on that wiuter‘s morning have left us, and it is in honor of this manâ€"the clerk of 50 yeaas ago and now â€"â€"that the municipal fathers of the good old township of Bentinck will meet in Durham on Monday next to celebrate. Oun this occasion the event will be keld m the town counzil chamber which bas been tendered free, and indeed the keys of the town have been handed over as well. _ On this 50th auniverâ€" sary the genial, young and competent reeve, J. 8. Wilson, will, ‘tis said,. pid a long farewell to affairs municipal, but it is hoped and expected that the sterâ€" ling old watch dog of the township, the clerk, Duncan Campbell, he of fifty years‘ service, will remain on the job and keep an eye on " the boys." There are many in the township which he has served so long and so faithfully, many in the town of Durham where he formâ€" erly lived and many in Hacoyer where ho now resides who trust that a kind Providence wilit vouchsate him many more years of usefalness, Fifty Years Ago. and Now The new municipal; law came into foree in Upper Canada on Jav, 1st, 1850. The council elected in Bentinek that year were :â€"Geo Jackson, Jas Burgess, H. 8. Schofield, Alex Smith and Alexâ€" ander MePbail, John Boyd was clerk and Treasurer. In those days the reeve was uot elected, asthey are now bat the _ councillors elect appointed one of their number, In this year Jackson was the choice. _ The number of ratepayers on the assossment roll in 1850 was 507. In 1854 Jackson was e‘eâ€"tgd to parliament for Grey, _ In 1859 Dyncan Campbeli first tasted the delights of municipal life, somewhat against his own wishes, They had a story going that he was not legally eleoted, He was nominated corâ€" rectly by Robert MeTaylsh, and secondâ€" ed properly by Jas McCartney, bat it was the days of open voting and as eash of the voters came in and the question put as to who they wished to yote for, the reply invariably was " Dunâ€" can." Consequently Duncean and pot Campbell was elected said the wags in those days. _ Mr Campbell sat for two vyears, and then took the clerkship, succeeding Alex Cochrans in 1861, The salary was $120 per year. â€" In the carly days the nomivations for conneil lasted ouiy one hour from 10 to 11 o‘clock. und then the yotmng started and lasted until 5 c‘celock of the segond day. The west side was unrepresented until Campâ€" bell was elected in 1859, The vote stood as follows in that year : Jackson 3983 _ Hcpkins 229 Campbell 881 Miller 222 Allan 362 Fietcher 171 Smith 238 Leggett 78 In 1859 the township was divided into wards, Alex G, Smith was the 1st Deputy reeve of the towoship. It is a matter of interest that Geo. Jackson filled the dual offices of member of Samuel Dickson who passed away this year was first elected to the counâ€" cil of Gentrock in 1864, Dan Neâ€" Donald. onee a prominent figure in Bentinck municipat life and a teacher and great favorite in Hanover now oceupies a prominent post with the Confederation Life Insurance Co. in Winnipeg, Parliameat for Grey and reeva of Benâ€" tinck at one and the same time, The first meeting of Bentinek council held in Hanover was in the year 1863 and was held at MceGaw‘s hotei where the Queen‘s now stands, Bentinck has many loyal servauts in the past balf century, many who serâ€" ved her shorter and longer terms, Aâ€" mong those on the roll of honor for lengthy service we might mention :â€"â€" James Hopkins, David McNichol, Samâ€" uel Dickson, John McCallam, Frank Chittick, Daniel McDougall, Dapiel Moâ€" Dovuald, Henry Brigham, Dancan Campâ€" bell, William Irvige, and Harry Wallis, Duncan Camphell the veteran clerk of Bentinck, is 76d’earfl of age. _ He taught echool in Hespeler in 1850â€"53, lived in Durham from 1854 to 1857 and then came to Hanover. _ He first kept a goneral store here, and then spent 15 years in the foundry business. He was a magistrate for 85 years, division court clerk 21 years, clerk and treasurer of Hanover for 8 years. In all he has served well and fauth{fally. At the age of 76 we find him young in heart and spiritâ€"â€"as ready to throw a quip as a youngsterâ€"still in the harâ€" ness, manager of an insurance com pany, and working pretry nearly every day of the year. _ ‘Tis a great record, â€"Parliament was not more than two days old when H. H. Miller, M. P., moved in the matter of having legislation enacted that will put re strictions on the yice of gambling a little tighter than heretotore. The grotesque interpretation put upon the present law that it is gambling if you keep still in a place, sitting or standing, but not gambling if you keep moving about, will no longer be missible if Miller‘s mo:ion carâ€" ries, as it likely will, certainly as it ought to. He pointed out that most of the great States on our borders, and other countries had banishe d gamblers, and it was too bad that laxity of our laws should allow of Cmad& being made a dumping ‘gmnn of the worst elements in s:rciety. THE DURHAM REVIEW Write us for particulars and we will send you %REE our booklet showing how hundreds of young men andwomen have made a sucâ€" cess of life. Write now. Don‘t delay, Address C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound Being compesed of the north east portion of Park Lot number seven, on the north side of South Street, in the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, hayving a frontage on Bruace Street of two hundred and eighteen feet, and extending westwards with an uniform width to the easterly limits of the lands of the Grand Truok Railway Company : together with all buildings, plaut and machinery erected thereon, including the steam boiler and engine, and all fixtures in connection therewith. Tsras or SALur :â€"Ten per cent of the amount of purchase money to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance thereof, in thirty days thereâ€" after, without interest. For further particulars apply to J. P. Terrorp, Darham. Vendor‘s Solicisor. O:tawa, Nov. 12. The Census Office gives out toâ€"day a statement on the root, seed and fodder crops of Canada for the month of October, toâ€" gether with their values as reported by the regalar correspondents. _ _ _ 202000000000 3000 r166000800u Under and by virine of the ppwers contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be. produced at the time of s.le. there will be offered tor sale by Pablic Auction at the " Hahn House" in the Town of Darbam on Thursday the 25th day of November A.D., 1909, at the hour of two o‘clock in the afternson, the following propâ€" erty : C ons o mt u. Dated 30th September A. Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shortâ€" hand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Commercial Cotrrespondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamenâ€" tal Writing and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught separately at his own desk,. Trial lessons for one week free. Day and Night Classes Visiâ€" tors welcome. W. T. CLANCY, â€" Principal n Pikdiain is sA ced "Ccatndniber t d The yield of potatoes is 99,087,000 bushels, gain 22,697,000 bushels over last vear. â€" Turnips, 107,724,000 bushels, gain 5,476,000 bushels. Hay and clover crop total yield. 11,877,000 tons, gain 427,000 tons. Fodder corn 2 780,000 tons, decrease 149,000 tons. ONTARIO ARC TORONTO has the reputation of being the best practiâ€" cal training school in Canada, . Thorough courses have produced results,. _ Business men say our graduates are the best and they apply to us for office help: Our (fndu- ates succeed as none other, ‘Three departâ€" ments Commercial, Shorthar.d and Telegraphy Enter at once. Write now for our free catalogue. The average condition of potatocs over Canada is 93.98 per cent, of turâ€" nips and other roots 91.64 per cent, of bay and clover 83.68 per cent, and of fodder corn 90.68 per cent, The total yalae of the tour crops is $202,573,7000 ‘as against 166,595,000 last year. _ Prince Edward Island is credited with 2.85 per cent of total ; Nova Se t,ig 9.21 ; New Branswick 6 61 per ceht; Quebec 29.69 per cent Onsario 48. 15 per cent. aip Tho potato rot has done much barm in the Maritime provincees as a conâ€" sequence of the heavy fail rains ; but ne(buebec and Oatariothe yield and nality rank high. Good reports are Iso made for the Northwest proâ€" vinces, bu: considerable damage has been done there in places by early frost in ?pwmber. Fail Term Opens Monday, Oct. 4 " HOW TO SUCCEED" in business life. MOUNT FOREST D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. Business ,College James CarsoN, Auctioneer. ) MORTHERK z////d//jé MORTGAGE SALE Roots and Fodder. a + «i+ + D., 1909 W Wb W % _ Central Drug Store to7 f 150 acres in Bentinck, buildings and soil good, eyvery!hing in firstâ€"class shape. Price $5000. 230 acre: on the Garafraxa Road,: 200 clear, 50 acres hardwood bush, well water ed. first class buildings, Will be sold cheap to wind up estate, 230 acre« in Bentinck, â€" Five miles from Durnam, fine buildings, good land, with a quantity of timber, Muct be sold at once. _ Price greatly reduced. 100 acres in Bentinck on Garafraxa Road near Dornoch, good buildings, price reduced from 31&!) to $2300 for quick sale. IPMIEY CS3 200 acre farm near Dromore, high class property, splendid buildings, Price right. w. F. DUNN, Solicitor, Durham, Ont eccsccececsecse eccecgecgteee¢ To Rent 2 good bouses. Apply to UNDERT AKING Our Priceâ€"cutting is doing the work, sending out the goods to the homes of Begs to announce that PRICEVILLE AND DROMORE s is Close and Careful attention to every transaction, whether by day or night. CALL : PRICES MODERATE. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 4 boxes Matches, special for . .... ...... Corn Starch, per package.............. Fresh Fancy lgiscuita. EDOBHAL. + ++» x«r1% 2 bot:les Trilby Shoe Polish for........ .. Diamand Dyes and Dyola Dyes, per pkg. Conducting Fuugr_avlg, Supplying _q[lfifgnerg}é[_a!etigls,nfiqcluziln_g _Catholic Robes, &c. and doing mbalming McMILLAN & RILEY Have you ried our Obise!t Hundies, #ll KIiGG§ .. . ..« +«+«1« «++« +1s+ +++++s #++» +# Hor BG Tinotern GIODGS, the DEKL..>. .11 «> ... : ++« 1+« 111 ++«+0 t0r Phn Horse Brushes, 20¢ and 25¢ values for.. ... .. ......... .. »... 18¢ Japanned steel shelf brackets at........ .... ...... 7, 8 and 1308: Curry Combs, regular 15¢ and 206 for...... ................*1 Hinges, doorknobs, glass, whips, aimmunition, paints, varnishes, and Harness Oils at prices that will pay you to load up. THE USCCESS of our November Sale The Priceville Business 36 inch White Cotton, worth 10¢ for . 11 yards of Checked Gingham for .. 12%e (40 inch Factory) for...... ... Witch Hazel Cream Violet Cream and Cucumber Cream FOR Chapped Hands Rough Skin, Sunburn, etc. Extra Special Snaps in Dress Goods, ht we w22 When, applied to the face it clears the comâ€" plexion, leaving the skin soft ‘and white. "arms For Sale. is carried on as THE BIG STORE, Durfam Dry Goods Specials €C. McMILLAN The Big Store, Durham Grocery Specials Hardware Specials ALEX. RUSSELL J. M. LaTIMER Has been Prints, Musllns; Underwear and Blankets he is carrying on AN UNDERTAKING BUSINESS at 100 acres, bouse, stable and break ing, valued at $1,200, 6 miles from Minetonas, Man, on the C, N. R. close to land of which an average of 42 busheis per acre of Fall wheat was threshed, all good land, a never failâ€" ing lpflanfi creek runs across corner of it, â€"$1,200.00 cash, 160 acres, 4 miles from Swan River, Man,, all good clear, prairie, clear title. Price :â€"1,200.00, Cash $800,00, Mortgage $1400.00, J HrEwirrsox, 306 Somerset Building, Lote 2 and 3 of 290 in the first con« cession of Bentinck, oneâ€"half mile south of the Corporation of Durham, 100 acres in good state of cultiyation ; well watered by running streams, A frame house, 7 rooms, frame bank fiurnh. 45x69, ;l'own o;chool. Fgr urther particulars apply on the premises to James Burt, Proprietor Mr McMillan also does business and besides provides MEALS AND LODGING for men and horses urham. WONDERFUL At Dromore HARNESS casXÂ¥s s*+x*+s #+++ «$ Nor fhg ++*4 #+++* 2+ +4 a» «s ape Hh6 iss 2+««s. T. Bmb 1Perpr Manitoba Land Farm for Sale. plivede. [ +, +++,008 it Winnipeg, Man New Idea Patterns in sto . .. Tge . 1.00 ..10¢ .. T¢ x * 7 "} fxi®

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