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Durham Review (1897), 25 Nov 1909, p. 1

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09 & Ts ear RE ere. 10 be 59c 30c 69c 19c 509c sold 49c 37c 19c 19c 10c to Jan. 1 1910 VOL. THE REVIEW, DURHAM, ONT g?fl EWWHEEEEHEEEEEEEEEExg 3 14 a x2 It‘sTime»Furs Now & e 72 Ladies‘ Coats C x g > y d most fashionab % z‘ot:g:s.‘;‘zl:l';-‘fi?tee:i'e::);tl)';c:ea.m lP. icéé zrlrrAe‘ :’igh:.k.i $l0 to l8 ~ Don‘t Forget Christmas is comingâ€" Soon :c, Men‘s Clothing and Overcoats A at April prices ®.* *s" BB n e en ooo se oru ramean m n t sn e e m eu n o m rep w n ht Pure and slevating, indeed, is the | H_rald and Weekly Star i;3 one dollar, pioture ensitled * The Soul‘s Awakenâ€" | ap4 every subscriber gets a copy of ing," offered this season to readers of|= ‘FThe Soul‘s Awnrkening," size 19 x 24 The Family Herald and Weekly Star Ofiinâ€"hes, just as soou as lhis subscription Montreal. _ No pareat can look upo9|ig »ceived. No Canadian cau affo d to " ‘The Soul‘s Awakening " without feelâ€" | be without i. ing it must haye a place n the homo-i woue on e Sm mm nnspmetinimaeenee enc cin ismm e im saemt n " The Soul‘s Awakening " will touch Farm for Sale the beart of mankiad. _ It will ooueul . 4 the sentliments of the waywarl, the , Lot 27, Con. 18, :l‘ownshl.p of Egreâ€" cruel, the idifferent, the wanton. Reâ€" | ::; :‘::)(llfl»;;.rl?;;ul,h:lll":( (‘l:"?‘l'c?:i:uill(: ligious men and women ~will feet as} goo I state of cultivation,. _ 10 acres of ecstasgy, the indifferent will be brought {hard4wood bush, balance of soft timber. to stop and ponder. the !.lnlened Will! Gaad fences, also a good spring creek admire its beauty, even if they feel no [crmsing the farm, _ Good buildings, compamiousbap . with it, and all “'"icnn-is!.ing of large brick house with " L9 s Semope otgrals Gau P The 100 BP Uncuntsiunnas "Ferow framw To anvy addre«ss in Canada, we will send THE REVIEW from n w to Jan. 1, 1910 (almost 4 wonths) for 10 cents. Take adâ€" vontage of this remarkable offer or s e that your friend or neighâ€" bor does so, _ NOW is the time. agree that tbs home ; Oue wouders how the Pablishers of The Fawmily Herald and Week!y Star oi Montreal can afford to eiye such a beautifal picture to all sabscribort. The paper alone is big value at $1 .00 a AllMC, We have numbers of Maffs and Neck Fuars in the correct fur, and correct stylesâ€"â€"RUFFS â€"â€"STOLESâ€"â€"THROWS Sable Neck Furs.... $10, 12.50, 13.50 $15â€"Muffs.....$9 to $16 Mink Marmot Neck Furs.. ..6.50 to 13.50â€"â€"Manfits. ... $5 to 12.50 Isabell« Fox Neckpietes.............. ....2... .... .. .7,70 to $20 Ermine and white Thibet Throws ... . $6 to $9â€"â€"Muffs $5 and $7 Coney, Electric Seal, Astrachan, &ec. Throws....... . . .. 8. 50 1o $5 We‘re cutting prices now instead of in the spring. _ You buy them at the reduced prices now and wear them all season. Here‘s how we will clear them out : 4 Men‘s Overcoats regular $9 for rtuka® 6.15 2 Black Beaver Overcoats, velvet collars, reg. 12 50 for ... ... 810 3 ** velyct collars, reg. $10 for. ..... 7.175 2 Elephant, 1 brown Overcoat, velvet cullars, reg. $15 for...12.50 2 navy bilue Beaver Overcoats, regular 8.50, to clear nty..... â€"4.19 5 heavy Black Ulsters, to eiear at ... At.* :. eâ€" 0.T9 7 Heavy Brown Ulsters, reg. 7.50 to 10 00, yours for .. 24 ts «.90 5 Boys‘ Heavy Ulsters, black and brown, reg. $3 and $6 for ..3 90 Boys® Overconts, black, reg, 5.50, tw ... e uxers 2« ++ 99 Youth‘s Black aad Tweed Overcoats, reg. $6 to 8.50 for .... 4.75 and 6 25 10 Boys® Reefers, brown and biack, * Also a lot of Overcoats and Uisters at CUd will be cleared out at proportionate reductions vours while the assortment is good. HIGHEST PRICE «smm i6 YiJen‘s We have all the newest and latest stock of Men‘s and Boys‘ Furnishings Magm _ and a visit y to our Store will convince A Beautiful Picture. KA . Rurnett Here are pretty things for Christmas gifts and lots of materials for faney workâ€"silks, ribbons, |ace, stamped linens, dot musâ€" lin, linen bhuckaback, peri lusta, silkine, Excelda handkerâ€" chiefs, &e. % The VYoen‘s Wan bip with it, and All Will it is a beautifal picture for the home of poor and tich ; ) We can Save you R D ‘-fl 77/onc3/ *) on your Gailor J3itts Jas. Ireland Soon be Christimas Do you know that some of the best dressed men in our town are wearing clothes made to order in our tailor shop ? We want every man in town to know of these specials : , NO. 47 Suitings to order at $12, 15, 17 and $20 Speciat Suitings to order at S22 to 530 Overcoating to ordsr in black and breown VYeitons from §$15.00 to 25. 00 and RBRoys‘ Purnishings o9 o ~r t . ie ang t 2s and biack, to clear at...... €eri. .419 ats and Ulsters at cdd prices, _ The Saits PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Every garment made here is guaranteed to fit perfectly. vear, anud the picture is easily worth donuble that amount. The price of the yenr‘s subsoription _ to The Family Lot 27, Con. 18, Township of Egreâ€" mont, 134 acres, 110 acres cleared and of g>od clay loam, all of which is in goo d state of cultivation. 10 acres of hariwood bush, balance of soft timber, Goad fences, also a good spring creek crossing the farm, _ Good buildings, éonâ€"isting of large brick house with all modern conveviences, large frame birm with stone basement and good stabling, driving house, pig pen and hen house, alt of which are in good reâ€" ;)a r. _ Kasy terms of (‘).\yment. For u ther particulars and price, write or apply personally on the premises to Axaous McDovaauL Dromore P. 0. $G to $9â€"â€"Muffs $5 and $7 Throws. ...... ....3.50 to $5 Come in and get Purh@on }he REVIEW to New Subscribers, to January 1, 19i1, only One Dollar. PuortocrarpHs â€"SpectÂ¥rates. $1.00 a dozen off on all sizes till! Wpristmas, Big reduc s in Men‘s Tweed . ings at Alex RiBeeli‘s closing saie. For ape, Curar.â€"8300 Cords 22. inch Maple§lab wood, Sold in any quantity, Afip 0 : . M Dareayer & Soxs. Dornoch, 15th Nov., ‘09. Situation Wanted by Young Man for Winter Months. _ Could take care of stock, and do farm chores. _ Wages moderate, _ Apply to Revirw office. A®wve expect to be rushed with order$efore Christmas we remind all that plaNpg their orders at once we can give tRgm our most careful atâ€" tention. â€" Mi ick, CreditRpction Sale of Farm Stock and Iimpletpts on 25th of November at resldence propmietor, near Moâ€" ‘i‘\r’lil‘::\‘l’llvflv~'7lfli()‘ South Glenelg. HBurx®t, R. BriGHaM, Proprietor. Aucttoneer Track WaxTED.â€"*For _ Union 8. 8. No M Bentinck and Glenelg. Second â€" Clas Professional, _ Salary $425. Duties tMbegin Jan. drd, 1910, Apyly stating expwience, with testiâ€" monials to Great success attended the opening of J. Levine‘s clearing sale of the stock of * The House of Quality " on Saturday last. _ The people knew the goods were of the best and the very low prices at which they were sold brought out one of the biggest crowds that ever attended a sale in this town, The store was crowded to the doors all d=y and hundreds conld not be waited on. â€" The sale will be continued for thirty days and eyerything must be cleared out as the building will be sold. AEoOPics* EOPICS That a scarcity of live hogs exists throughout the Province resulting in high prices and insufficient supply has been ascertained by the Ontamo Do partment of Agriculture from statisâ€" ties recently received,. Mr D.T. E}â€" derkin explained that the condition came at regular periods in the live stock industry, because the moment feed rose in price, farmers sold their swine,â€" and went ont of that kind of stock. Automatically this created a scarcity, and sent the price ap to its present level of cight cents a pound for live avimals, The farmer who held . to his stock through high or Jow feed prices, was the only one who reaped profits, the official observed,â€"Canaâ€" dian Farm. SErious FaAuL.â€"Friday evening last the sloping sidewalks were treacherâ€" ous with melting snow. Mr W. K. Reid was returning from the Library carrvieg under bis arm a couple of books. _ When opposite Station Agent Hay‘s residence he slipped and came full force on the granolithic with a thud that could be hbeard some disâ€" tance. Mr John Burgess, Prin, Allan and others near by had him carried inâ€" to Mr Hay‘s house where he was kindâ€" ly treated, and on recovyering someâ€" what, he was assisted. to hiafl own THE STANDARD BANK ly treated, and on recovyering someâ€" | what, he was assisted to his own |! home by Mr Burgess, It was found | that several ribs were broken, caused, | / he thinks, by having fallen on the | hooks. This and other bruises bas given him great suffering, We hope to see him around on his bicycle beâ€" fore long. Hrup Svcorssrut Sociatr,.â€"With | an ideal evening, the Presbyterian, wuild beld one of the best social nights! in its bistory Tuesday, over a hundred all young people, or at least young in spirit, being on hand to share in the evening‘s _ amusement, Mysterious and attractive menu cards were disâ€" tributed, displaying a lavish tbull of fare, containing such delicacies as lottuce salad, fortune pie, sandwiches, bonbons, &c. These were heartily «diâ€" gested in the finding of partners, forâ€" tune telling and | playing | various games, And then there was the musicâ€" al side of the program also,â€"of a high l class â€" throughout. After opening with the doxology, Miss Ida Wilson‘s visit home was taken advantage of | and she effectively rendered * My‘ ain folk." Interspersed in the eyenâ€"| ing‘s amusements, were also a asweet solo by Mrs Lauder, ever a favorite, and in addition, sentiment«l and sacâ€" red selections by Foster Saunders and W. Patterson, the latter a new star to a local audience, . Appreciated everyâ€" . where are the McClocklins and R. C. Banks on roandolins and banjo, and their lastre was brightened, while the closing number was an excelient duâ€" ett by Messrs J, P. _ Telford and Robâ€" erts. _ Rev. Dr. Farquharson in the chair contributed in no small measure to the evening‘s pleasure by his spicy handling of the program. The real thing in the line of tempting yiands came later, when light refreshments and taffy were served, closing a most pleasant social night for all present. The proceeds amounted to over $18.00. The Money You Save Saves You DURHAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBERâ€"25, 1909. W Doxarp McA Established 1873 from worryâ€"wantâ€"debtâ€"humiliation. A comfortable Bank Account gives one an easy mind, selfâ€"confidence, and the power to take advantage of every opportunity that comes to better one‘s position, gives Savings Depositors, whether their accounts be large or small, the most courteous service. * Make a beginning at once with a Deposit of One Dollar or more, in our Savings Department, 73 in Men‘s Tweed Suitâ€" DURHAM BRANCH John Helly, Manager URANCH L180 AT HARRISTON. UR, Durbam OF CANADA Noti Any artÂ¥cle in Webster‘s Jewellery %ore will be laid away for you until CBRistmas, _ Shop early and get tne chorce. h Don‘t et that Friday, Dec. 24th, 1900, is you®ast opportunity, to purâ€" chase high c oods, at exceedingly low prices,. Ale ussell, Excuaxgr of PuouPits.â€"Rev, Mr Wright of the Methodist Church and Rev. Dr. Farquharson of the Presbyâ€" terian will exchange pulpits on Sunâ€" day morning next. The Durham Brarch of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute held a very successfal meeting at the home of Mrs W. Lee. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs J C, Nichol, Durham, on Dec, 2, Ladies cordially invited. CaAL sTRAY.â€"Strayed from the premises the undersigned, lot 21, con. 1, S. R., Gienelg, about one month ago, heifer calf, red. Inâ€" formation that Will lead to her recovâ€" ery will be suitabMmgewarded. Your Sau® Bicurs.â€"Are you thinkâ€" ing of haviog a Sale? _ If so, the REâ€" viEw will print your bills for you neatly, promptly and at a very moderâ€" ate price. _ With kills prihted here, we give a free notice in the REvIEW, giving particulars and date of Sile, and this advertises your sale throughâ€" out South Grey, °_ If desired a full list of stock and articles for sale will be published for a small extra charge, HorEkt Max Fin®»,â€"Because he supplied with liquor two Durham boys whose ages are about 16 or 17, a Neustadt hotel man was brought beâ€" fore Police Magistrate Telford on Monday last at the instance of Inâ€" spector Davis and fined $10.00 and costs, the minimum fine, it being a first offence,. The boys were sent there on business by Mr Robert Ewen, and one of them when arriving here was dangerously intoxicated. _ The boys were let off on suspended senâ€" tence with impressive warnings from the magistrate,. The incident should be a warning all round, WixtEr Farr LeoruR®Es,.â€"A special feature this year in connection with the program of lectures at the Winter Fair, Guelpbh, will be a discussion of the proper type to be sought for im breeding the various pure breeds of live stock,. _ Each breed will be dealt with by a recognized authority, and representative animals will be used for ilustration purposes,. â€" These subjects will be taken up in such a way that they will be of interest and vn{ue to every farmer who is trying to improve the quality of his stock, whether his animals be glu-e-hrpds or grades. _ The date of the Fair is Dec. 6â€"10, 1909. InpicaATED BY TS ADVERTISEMENTé â€"â€"If a man with a chest measurement of 44 inches sbould wear a 34â€"inch coat, he would attract attentionâ€"but he would not prosper, mor be comfortâ€" able, presentable or happy, _ If a store which is big enough to indulge in whole page ads, uses only column adâ€" vertisements or lessâ€"or eyen â€" balf column advertisementsâ€"it will not prosper fally nor adequately, nor be looked upon as enterprising or aggresâ€" sive â€" Running a big store, yet adyerâ€" tising it as though it were a small one, is not storeâ€"wislom ; for the stor will come to "measure down " t advertising which does not ** measu up " to the store, I Z Durham is likely at the beginning 0 ‘the year to lose Rev,. Mr Bice, the opular rector of Trinity Chuxg gm:h was the news that got aroun( last week and there was general and sincere expressions of regret, During the almost five years of his residence here he has been in labors more abunâ€" dant and the two congregations under his charge have prospered greatly, The Egremont congregation now worâ€" ship in an edifice of their ewn, both bodies are on excellent footing finanâ€" cially, and both are doing their part in upholding the spiritual interests of } their neighborhoods. Rev. Mr. Bice to Leave Durhan Outside of his own church circles M Bice will be missed, for he has been broadâ€"minded and public spirited to a degrtee. The same may be eaid of his estimable wife who has also won her way into the hearts of the people. The warmest wishes will follow them into the new sphere where Mr Bice‘s talents have led them, everyone reâ€" joicing that his health is now comâ€" pletely restored. Rev, Mr Bice has been selected by the Bishop of Huron to be the first occupant of a new position in the Niocese, a kind of Commissioner or connectiog link between Huron Colâ€" lege and the congregations,. His work will lie over the whole diocese and will necessitate travelling ‘of course as he goes to stimulate good works. . The position came to Mr Bice entirely unâ€" sought aod unexpected, and his many friends here are conyinced the Bishop made no mistake, . Mcixx®s EVE ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO On Thursday eveniniifl a nu of the friends and neighbore of Mran Mrs Chris. Firth and &iu Kate Firth, met at their residence in Glenelg, on the eve of their removing from he to the Town of Durham, ery pleasant evening was nt in social conversation, music, games, etc,, and a sumptuous repast was provided by the ladieg to wgicb they did ample {;ut.ice. fiuring the evening Mr. Geo. innie wWas placed in the chai theprogram» _ An address was read and presented to the guests along with a couple of beautiful Morris chairs to Mr. and Mrs, Firth and a pedestal to Miss IKate Firth. MAlr. Firth replied feelingly in a neat address, thanking his frieads for their kiodness to them all the time they had lived together, and assuring them that although they were removing from their midst they would ne forget their friends in Glenelg. Erief a%eeches were also made by Thos McFadden, John Bell, Jos Firth, Dan Edge and Robt. Edge The following is the address ; To Mr. and Mrs, Chris. Firth and Miss Kate Firth, Dear Friends ; Before you leave this neighborhood to take up your residence in the Town of Durham, a few of your friends thought it would be titting and apâ€". propriate to meet and spend a pleasâ€". «nt soci..l evening with you, and wish you Godspeed in your remaining jourâ€" ‘ ney through life, For many years you have been our friends and neighâ€" bors, sharing our joys and sorrows, eyer ready to assist where assistance was needed, to cympathize with and cheer the sorrowing or to mingle with the merry in their lighter moods. You, Mr. Firth have always taken a deep interest in the public welfare of the community, [taking a prominent ind active part in its educational, agâ€" ricultural and thorticultural interests, and by rrecept and example, as well as by holding the mirror up to nature you bave always endeavored to raise the intellectual and aesthetic standing of the people to a higher plane. As a memorial of the pleasant times we have spent together, we would ask you all to accept these gifts at our hands, not indeed because of their inâ€" herent worthb, but we would ask you to measure their value by the love and esteem of your friends, who sinâ€" cerely hope that they may be useful in your declining years and in the enâ€" joyments of their comforts, _ We are glad to know you will remember your many friends in Glenelg, while you are removing from our midst, You are not going so far away, but we exâ€" pect to meet you often and not comâ€" pletely break that fellowship which we have so loug enjoyed, That you may Yet live many happy years of usefulness, and when life is done with us, we all may meet in that bhappy home up yonder is the prayer of your many friends and neighbors, on beâ€" ‘ half of whom this is signed : ‘ Geo, Bmnie John beii Thos, McFadden Thos. Dayvis Toâ€"morrow, Friday evening, the /Annual Concert and appreciation of the successful candidates at the suamâ€" mer examinationos, takes place in the Town Hall _ Reâ€"tff=â€"andâ€"pupils of the Sehool__ba y.eâ€"someciugâ€"tbrrgbht «1nd bhreezy â€"along â€"musical lines as usual and the presentation of medals, cerâ€" tificates, &e., to the winners will take some time, _A medal to the highest in Form II1, Miss Kva Renton, Dromore, and scholarships to the highest in Forms 11 and I respectively Miss Catherine McDougalt and Miss Mary Backus. _ Medals to the two highest at Entrance, Misses Florence Bryon Address and Presentation and Susie KWWE partment certUficates to all, This will take some time and be inâ€" teresting. There will be also brief adâ€" dresses from local clergymen and others and we hope there will be a judicions mixture n?old and young at this annual educational function. Adâ€" mission 10¢ and 20c for adults, That real winter is alnost upon us is evident from the initial pre;pamtions now completed for the good old winâ€" ter sports. The loeal hockeyists have been organized for i nd last Friday evening,fthe knights c the beson and the staRe held their iniâ€" tial meeting in J. P. Telford‘s office Officers were elected as follows ; Presidentâ€"J,. P Telford. Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"R. Cochrane, Scey.â€"Treas.â€"W. Calder, Finance Com.â€"J. H. <Hunter, F Lenabhan, De Pickering. ecasar There is every prospect That the grand old game will boom here this winter, â€"A modern and excellent lighting system will be installed in the old rink, and a committee was apâ€" pointed to interview Mr Brown the proprietor, with regard to removing the posts up the centre of the rink, thus providing space for three rinks. The membership fee remains the same â€"$2,50, while the clu‘lz wi'll‘ enter the 0. C. A , in District No, 12 to comâ€" pete for the Ontario Tankard, The Fawily Wprald ard Weekly Star of Montreal in \this week‘s issue are warning their j{resent subscribers to renew eatlier thin usual this season, as there is an endrmous déemand from new subscribers abd there is apt to be a congestion at the close of the year. The new preminm hicture, " The Soul‘s Awakening," is Wavsing a perfect furore of entbusiasth in a\) payrts of the Dominion. _ It is cgrtainly a beautiful picture ard is ap eviated more and more the oftener on sees it. _ It is 19 x 24 inches, ready {dr framing, A copy issent to eyery su iber for 1910, and along with such a as The Family Henfid and Weekly t&nt one dollar a year certainly is th t bargain of the year, â€" lergyme ofall denominâ€" ations are urging pafents to hecome \ possessors of a copy of i9 interesting Commencement Exercises. Curlers Reâ€"organized. a aâ€"â€"â€"â€"# @ @ _ ery subs@riber for 1910, and such a as The Family Weekly t%::t. one dollar inly is th t bargain of ClergymeRofall denominâ€" urging paféents to hecome f a copy of thig interesting * arning. EO CTOE ho’l'l'se" 5t for sale a nu s re of Mran b‘}&‘v Kate Firth, nmibis Glenelg, on ‘VlF‘. z from he en ery upte: nt in social The es, etc., and |ion Say Pelford‘s office follows ; rd. chrane. ler, Hunter, F \ * \ bn Saving avk deposits from date of depost date of withdrawal. Every dollar the deposit earns interest for eve ay it remains on deposit. The Prize Lists of the 3rd Annual exbibition of the Mt. Forest Poultry Association are now ready for disâ€" tribmion and copies can be bad by wpl\'-ug direct to the Secretary G. . Whetham, or at his office. Mr Miller, M. P., in the House on Wednesd» y last secured the first readâ€" ing of a Bill to amend Interest Act. The effect of this Mr Miller said would be to compel mortgagees to accept payâ€" ment of overdue principal on mortâ€" gages on real estate upon receipt of one month‘s notice or one month‘s inâ€" terest in lheu of notice. w _ HorRoR AXD VatroRr,â€"The terrible mine disa=ter at Cherry, Illinois, has furnished scenes and incidents unusuâ€" ally pathetic. Over 300 were entombâ€" ed and given up for lost, when after seyen day â€" 20 have been rescued alive, and a number more were reached with the breath not long out ot them. It is thought that 100 mere may yet be in safety and evyery bhuman effort is being used to reach them, " Ix HasTE. "â€"If you wish to send a letter in a hurry be sure to write " in haste" on the envelope. The postmaster and clerks will fall oyer each other in theit haste to get it in the first mail, then the postal clerk will yell to the engineer : * Pull her wide open, here‘s a letter in a rush, 7 And the train will jast fiy. It is exâ€" pensive for the railroads, as accidents are liable to happen, and the officials will not thank us for giving the snap away, but this is the way to get letâ€" ters through real quick,. with only a reflected dall copperâ€"colorâ€" ed light, instead of its usuarfull-mmm brilliancy _ _The eclipse begins at 2.11 a, m. is toral at 3.14, ends at 4.36 and leaves shadow at 5.35 a. m. lasting 3 hours, 24 minutes, The shadow of the Farth is 1,000,000 miles long, and at the point where the Moon passes through it is 6,000 miles in diameter, Hence the Moon travels six thousand miles, pin the distance Earth trayels in three bours and 24 minutes, 1LLUsTrRATED L®corcor® â€"The lecâ€" ture on Africa given last Thursday evening in the Town HMall by Revy. Mr Howard under the auspices of Trinity church, was fairly well attended, A lantern with acetylene light, . was used to throw numerous pictures on the screen while the lecturer expl«inâ€" ed or descsibed in a lucid way, The difficulties surrounding the missionâ€" aries in their work, the dangers they undergo in preparing the way for the gospel were vividly set forth. Inspirâ€" ation was drawn from the heroic work of such mâ€"n as Bishop Hannington,. who met martyrdom, of MacKay of Uganda, the * White Man of Work " who comvined with gospel zeal, medâ€" ical, engineering and mechanical abilâ€" ities in the interest of Missions, The transforming power of the gospel was well shown in picture of natives heâ€" fore and «fter gospel influence, Afâ€" rican scegerv. buildings, habits, &c., were illustrated also and _ a very good idea ~ouls be formed of Missionary life, Rey. Mr Bice gave a pleasing introâ€" ductory opening, followed by instruâ€" mental music by the Messrs Banks and McClocklins. Rev. Dr. Farquâ€" harson closed the meeting with &e benediction following the doxology. www t 4 4 4 _ > Published Weekly at $1.00 a year, Meetings will held in Elmwocod, Aytou, MHolstein Rand Dromore on December first, s@gond, third and fourth respectively, At the nfternoon nRetings at Elmâ€" wood and Dromore R, R. Elliott, Owen Sound, will spealRon * Breeding and Care of Dairy CowsÂ¥ and Mr Geo. Garlow, Markworth on 4 Eradication of Weeds." At Ayton ak\d Holstein, Mr Ellioit " Breeding a Care of Dairy Cows " and Mr COarl * Corn growing for the Stlow." t all the evening meelings Mr Elliio® some subject selected and Mr Carlaw NX Agriâ€" cullural E4ucation," _ A music® proâ€" gram wil be provided. All are cordiaily invited to atten Dax. Eno®, Grzo, BrNXIE, l Ptiulfil'o Ph; Dr. Barr, M. P., dies Suddenly. Ottawa parliamentarians and _ the country generally were shocked on Friday l«st to learn that Dr. Barr, M. P. for Dâ€"fferin, had died the night previously. He had spent the previous evening with a few of his colleagues and retied in best of hbealth and spirit«=. _ Not appearing for breakfast or luncheon, bis door was forced and the irulh rc=lized. _ The Premier and Mr Brorden paid tributes to the worth of the deceased and by the courtesy of the gover nment, his remains were sent to Shelboirne in a private car. Dr. Berr has been almost continuâ€" ously in public life since 1875 when he entered the Legislature. ~ He was one of the fur who supported the late G. l:".v r'ds‘;-tor" in his stand for proâ€" hibition. The lase Dr. Barr was born at Elizabeth owu, and at the time of his death was over 70 years old, _ He was eduvcated at London and Victoria Uniâ€" versity, «and after graduation comâ€" menced »ractice in Hornmug‘s Mills, Daufferin County. _ He was the firest member for Dafferin in the Legisâ€" lature, and ;'pfirnenwd the constit uenâ€" » £u0 a ex . srith *he exceptuon of two se« Jons, until he entered the Domision Honâ€"e in 1904. â€" Me married Miss Emiua E. Farmays‘ Institute, Pres. wise and greatly oblige us. Mrs Boyd of Stratford, spent over the week end with her mother, Mrs Sutherland. Customsâ€"officer Wiwn, Robertson, of Hanover, was in town on Saturday last on busiaess. Mrs W, B. Vollet has returned from a couple weeks visit with relatives in Hamilton and Toronto. Miss Margaret Harris returned home last week after spending the summer with relatiyes in Tiverton and Tomnâ€" to, Mr Ted Whittaker, who has heen attending High School here, left Monâ€" doy to enter banking with the Sterling Bank at Varna, near Clinton, Messrs John and Archie Robertson‘ arrived in Durham on Saturd;‘y night after their long trip to the u:_m and north., ey are of course with ex ences, rare and sivid, but John has not been in good health. We hope his own Durham air will put him on his feet again. Miss Fraser returned last Thursday from Chatsworth where she had been attending on her aunt during her last illness, This aunt, Mrs Wm. Fergusâ€" on died on October 25th, after a pain=« ful illnssudlnd was buried :n Chat«â€" worth amid many tokens of r We understand Miss Fraser wnll 'envv shortly for Chatsworth to remain Krh.p- permanently, The town will sorry to lose Miss Fraser, who, in business, social and musical carcles, h:l“ been prominent and public spirit« ed. Wemmeâ€"m mm Mr Arch, Davidson, of Owen Sound. ame home Thursday last and left aturday for St, John, New Brunsâ€" wick, where he has beeu transferred ‘or a season at least. C Morrat.â€"In Owen Sound, on Tuesâ€" day, Noy. 16, to Mrand Mrs H. R. Moffat, a son, Mrs, Docaro McCaxnX®EL, Mrs John McQueen received the sad news on Taesday that her sisterâ€"inâ€" law, Mrs Dugald McCannel, Boothâ€" ville, had died that forenoon,. She had been ill for some time and the hope that the usefual and precious life might bespared has proved vain. She leayes a sorrowing husband and seven children, (the youngest but two years old), to mourn her demise, Deceased was Annic, daughter of Ur _ and Mrs Chas. McQueen Boothâ€" ville, and sister of Mr Jno, McQueen of this town. Aunother brother, Nel Alex, is at home and her sisters are Mrs Malcolm McCannell, Boothyille, Mrs Don, McFarlane, Bunessan and Mrs Jas. Marshall, Boothyille MHer death 1« the first gap in her own famâ€" ily circle as wgll as in that of her parents, She will be greatly missed and mourned and the relatives will have the sincere sympathy of all who knew her, Interment takes place toâ€" day, Thursday. Announcement .. The undersinged has secured premisâ€" es on a central locationâ€"in the old Mcâ€" Kechnie standâ€"and has just placed in stock a carload of Doherty Organs and Pianos. These are of the latest styles and action and fully uphold the reputaâ€" tion of the great Doherty House, of Clinâ€" ton, one of the oldest and largest Comâ€" panies in Canada. New Music Emporium Tombstones and Monuments Orders taken for these. _ Best of work at reasonable prices. Cuts, samples, etc., on hand. W. 1. McFadden pPAeqJ Efp RMAr# 1A C. RAMAGE & sON, PamtErs axp PusLIsEER®S THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA is always welcomed at the Traders Bank, whether it is one dollar or five hundred. There is no formality about making a depositâ€" you simply fill in the Deposit Slip, as shown above. Savings Accounts are handled in the "Savings Bank Department " and our tellers are always glad to assist our customers in Branches elso at Mount Forest DURHAM, ONT. C, Eamaor® & Soex, Publishers, Obituary BORN polh t db %| t3 h t W t i 4 % 0 §¥

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