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Durham Review (1897), 25 Nov 1909, p. 4

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J eanonademnnteane veamemmeneeneeen e e o onk anmbent on 00â€" ""“"mw S tunning Creations THE CITY BAKERY| byny ce vucvoomn ay mimmnknh . 4 Dacs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY UUpinter HfitMinery Wonderful Nervous System Cor. Michigan Ave. andl Griswold St., â€"Detroit, Mich. 3 th th t1C€B : season adyances, we are iething new to ourlarge sto« ery. We have an extra lar; s. stvlishly trimmed with Tic season advances, we afe continually ething new to ourlarge stock of fashionâ€" ‘ry. We have an extra large display of $, stylishl); trimmed with rich trimmings atest designs, suitable for winter wear. ind a wide choice of different shapes as ras a distinative style in itself. â€"All our s very moderately priced. _ It will be to tage as well as ours to leave your order he week as we are always rushed at the in & W 1 MMMN 3 owing a very large stock of PUIS Of Ladies Electric Seal and Astrachan lined Coats, Scarfs, Rufis, Stoles erines. Coon, Wombat, and Rusâ€" Coats for men‘s wear, as well as a f Men‘s Fur Caps and Collars at very Men‘s Men‘s Men‘s Men‘s PAUrS OU NEED NERYVE L7 \ P1001, CNHC, \ RowE‘s SREAD \ ISALWAYSGOOLD EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDERâ€" MINED YOURr sYsSTEM | ~ W and strength, tired mo abie moods, premature Wa have and we will We guarantee curable cases of NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD AND °SKIN DISEASES, GLEET, BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet on Diseases of Men. If unable to call write for QquUEsTION LsT FOR HOME TREATMENT This is the condition our yooa ress ( H th tm;e:lâ€"_bisem of Men for almost n lifeâ€" do not have tofizporimcnt.. Consult us debilitates them will ° 1. Early Indiscretions r. etc US r memory, ) i customer, alyways a cnstomer is a trialâ€"we‘ll do the rest ht te0n, m epmepnrreiyet tell you whether you aro curable or not onditionour New Method Treatment is GUARANTEED TO CURE nes of all kinds of Cooked, ad Salt Meats, Groceries, THE BAKER, Gara fraxa Street, Durham for all Bakery Gooc OF CHARGE kinds of Cooked 5 _ Merry Christmas. | _A good program is being prepared. | All ladies invited to attend. \ _ Miss Sarah AleMillan, Priceville, | is yisiting her brother Colin this week. \ _ The fortball Clab are baving an: | * At Home * in Taylor‘s Hall on | Friday night, Nov. 26.A good time | is expected. | Mr Norman Renwick, who has \ been in the West the past three !lnomhs, returned home lass Saturâ€" | day night bale and hearty . \ _ Rev. Mr King, Holstein, will give | his lecture * Westward to the Coast " | illustrated with limelight yviews in l Taylor‘s Hall on Monday at 8p. m. Dromore Branch of Women‘s Inâ€" stiglles will fneet Wednesday afterâ€" noSn at 230 p. m. Dec. 1st at the home of Mrs Kendall, Topits : 1 Xmas#Candy II Xmas Dinner A 1II How to help our friends haye a Admission 20¢ children 10¢ Miss Maggie McLean | {riends in Hoilstain. Mr and Mrs Jas, McK moved into our burg. _ W them. t o e uds he kI Amos Sunday School are preparing < a Christmas entertainment to be 1d Thursday evening, Dee. 23rd. Rey. John Matheson, Priceville, eached a fine sermon in Amos Sunâ€" iv morning. ~The Review and Sun are clubbed for $1.05, â€" New subscribers for 1910 will wet balance of this yvear free. cramemeayt creamr®nnt n JMMM Wc _UJ May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer‘s market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Farmers‘ Weekly un gives in every issue. It has no equal as a Farmer‘s Business Paper. Good farmers rely on it, For price seo OUf elubbing offer,. ii Winter FARM PROFITS Jas. McKenzie bave ure. _ We welcoms 1 practica r to put : extremely x weeks until Christ he season for millin Millinery lly be closing. i grand climax busy season, till uncrowned ie â€" extrerpely is visiting THE DURHAMTREVIEW A bright little son arrived at the home of Lr Thos. Kennedy A eouple of weeks ago. «: Mr Kenvedy has been very ill. We hope to soon hear of his recovery. Mrs Geo. Moore accompanied by her sister Mrs Jolhn Orutehley spent Wednesday with their brother, Mr Jas. Hopkins and also called on Mr and Mrs Jas. Brown. Mr Henry Burnett and family are moving back to Darham after spendâ€" ing the sammer months on the Mcâ€" Kechunie ranch, They will be missed in this neighborhood. , Mesers Andrew and Donald Wat. son have perchased the McKechnie: farm and are as present doing their fall ploughing. _ We wish them the very best suceess in their big purchase. Miss Maggie McFadden treated the the young ladies of the neighborhood to a quilting on Tuesday where they spent a very pleasant afternoon. Mr W. R. Watson purchased a two year old colt at the Dansmoor sale in Durbam Saturday for a reasonable price. L. 104% v oÂ¥ ced insd OA Hitee PCLIES Mr and Mrs J. Levine of Darham, made Fome calls in this burg on Sunâ€" day last. & Mesers Joseph Brown and Wilam Zuelelt returned home from the west looking hale and hearty. few weeks yisiting at Mr Leasdale s. The young people of B. §, No 9 ire preparing for a box social which s to be held in the schoolhouse on Friday evening, â€" Judging from the amount of tims they are spending in practice, by the talents of the yarious performers, and by previous experiâ€" ence an excellent program should be rendcred and a good time enjoyed by A meeting is to be le‘d in the Presbytcrian church next Thursdas in the interests of the local option campaign. Bierworth and Bailey of Elmwood spent a part of last week | packing apples in this visinity. A number of the Crawford peopl attended church at Maleclm on Bun A number of the Crawford people attended church at Maleclm on Bunâ€" day. Rev. D. Tait of Teeswater, is conducting evengâ€"listic seryices there, consequeatly no service was beld in the Crawford church. em â€" Suinson. Lbad a stoning tee TORONTO tew days LMmis wee, ter, Mrs W. Lam Miss Pepper spent the week CNnd A> her home ne@:s Eimwood. The annual Xmas entertainment of the Presbyterian Sabbath School is to be held on Thursday evening. Doe. 23. It is to take the form of a Xmas vree and as they have decided so long in advance, no doubt an exceptional program will be prepared for the oc« Popular Place The Municipal Council of the towaâ€" ship of Artemesia met in the town hall} Fieâ€"bertoo, on Saturday, the 6th day of Nov. 1909. The minutes of last session were read and~ confirmed, Meâ€"ors Walker and Duncan, solicitors Tor C P R, waited upon the connsil rc olosing part of Harvey streot in the village of Priceâ€" yille, â€"Ascouuts as follows were presentâ€" ed, viz : W E Richardson for stationery 80e ; H Wilson, repairs to grader and scrapers, $8.85 ; T A Gilehnist repairs T . we ae m Ar . hip of Artemesi Cieshertou, on i Nov. 1909. The were read an Walker and Dur waited upon the of Harvey strec yille, â€"Ascounts Carsonâ€"Wrightâ€"That Byâ€"Laws 710 and 711 be now read & sedoud time.â€" U:l!l‘i\:d. Wrightâ€"Carson â€" That Council._do now go into committee on Byâ€"Laws 710 and 711.«â€"Carried. 4 Coupcil went into committee on Byâ€" Laws 710 and 711. Committee rose aud reported Byâ€"Laws 710 and 711, Wrightâ€"Carsonâ€" That Byâ€"law 710 be now read a third time, signed, sealed and eutered in By Law book, anud Byâ€"Law T11 be luid oyer uutii nest meeting of council. Deputy returning officer and poll clerks to be appointed are as follows : Div. 1â€"Thos Eliiott, W. J. Bentty ; div 2â€"Thos Clayion, J Bellamy ; div 8 ~â€"T M Bannon, George Moore ; div 4â€" A Gilcbrist, G A Cairns; div 5â€"Wm Miley, Archd MeDonald ; div 6â€"Geo Wariing, Ed Baker; div 7â€"Geo Melâ€" drum, War Waiker ; divy 8â€"F W Nich olson, W G Jamieson, Cersonâ€"Wrightâ€"That the report of Cersonâ€"Wrightâ€" That the report of the reeve and Mr MeKeuzme re building bridge on $5th sideroad, con 7, be renâ€" dered, and they be paid for their serâ€" vices as follows : Mr Boyd, $6.30, Mr McKenzio, $3.00,â€"Carried. MeKenzieâ€"Wrightâ€"That the report of the reeve ro repairiog bridge at Kaâ€" genia and on valiey road, be receiyed and be pe paid $4.50 for hlse services on the scama. â€"Carried, 4 MecKeozieâ€"Carsonâ€"â€"That Mr Duanâ€" can‘s ‘report of expenditare in bis diviâ€" sten be received. and hbe be paid $I5:00 valance of commission and $4,00 fos two days overseeing work with grader, â€"Carried, a& Carsonâ€"MeKenzieâ€"That the report of the reeve and Mr Wright on rebuvidâ€" Ing bridge over Saugeen river, con 18. be received and thoy be paid for their services as follews : the reeve $1.50 ; Mr Wright $1,00,â€"Carried, McKenzieâ€"Carsinâ€"That the follow. ing accounts be peid : D Mcloeod oil | m Diing0n woeek â€"drawit AuigadArdcale cas : ies C he hbad raised during the fall. velieves in cleaning up his Tarm ctting is into better shape, Alex MeDonald is spending ays this week visiting bis daugt. t Crawford Artemesia Council ind scrapers $5.25 ; D Meâ€" and repairs for grader The ; x 62 yds gravel. _ Reports vere read : The reeve, report ol er has lnwo o ul eek end end dalt n the [ We regret that arrangements we hiad made to baye this picture last week along with the obituary, failedâ€" and repairs for grader 75e : ) Cuiien 106 gravel $8.10.â€"Carried. Carsonâ€"Wrightâ€"That the account of T A Gilehrist for repairing grader, $5 25, be paidâ€"Carried. McKenzioâ€"Wrightâ€"That the followâ€" iog accounts be pmd: H Forster, reâ€" pairing road grader and scraper, $6,75 ; T W.lean rerairs to grader, scrapel Ed.] pairing FORt . §UAGET 92000 00 DC omemathe H Wilson, repairse to grader, scrapel and plough, $8.85 ; W E Richardson stationery, 80e,.â€"Carried, MeKeazioâ€"Wrightâ€"That Jos Wat wos wo ns oc son be refunded rate ®%n $650,00 of{ his barn bei: Carried. THE LATE \\'ri-,:htâ€"McKr.:uz?»aâ€"-'l‘lnt. the action f the reave and Mr Carson in regard to the Walkerton and Lncknow Railway Company‘s crossings in this township is hereby entitled and the reeve and Mr Carson be paid $28.85 each for their time and expenses in attending before the Railway Commission at Toronto, in connection with the same.â€"Carried. Carsonâ€"McKenzioâ€"That â€"the Clerk be instructed to publish the necessary advertisement of Byâ€"Laws to close up these portions of Harvey, Artemesia and Queen streets in the village of Price. ville, ocenpiea by the Walkerton and Lucknow Railway Company, to be conâ€" sidered at the meeting of this covnecil on the 14th day of December, at Fleshâ€" ergtm, at I1 o‘clock a. m. the expense of asuch advertising to be borae by the Railway Company, â€"Carried, MceKenzieâ€"Wightâ€"That the reeve, clerk, and Treasurer be appointed to arnu by fire.â€"Cur‘ Wrightâ€"MeKonz ( the reave and Mr reopa nd e auni Aald Council a LP LR hok 41 18 A. H. J fu LE n toddrprapnesprenteeniitst THE PEOPLES STORE & 29000000000800 #000606000006 $ McGrath‘s for Shoes megge ue ate 30 2 'iu'%fifimcnlr-l{l nâ€"MeK Dc of e a fi pend Something new in the overcoat line. The new College Overâ€" coat with high collar in Green and Brown Tweeds, striped or checked. _ Also something extra in Black and Grays with velvet collars. Before buying, come in and examine these. Rs Regent tailoring gives that perfection of fit and tarioring which assures a perfectly satisfactory and stylish suit. These are in Blue, Brown, Gray, Cheched, Striped or Plain, made up in the latest style All sizes for men and boys. snesoe â€" Thos. McGrath 2#+090000000004 Gotean2l+déd4244@ A large stock of Fall Shoes, A new Dress Shoe for men in a Tan Blucher heavy sole and lcather lined. Also a dark Chocolate. Also a number of Dongola Blucher and Box Calf, For heavy shoes we have the Maple Leaf Brand or the Sterling Shoe,. cen Often the Cheapest Rubbers and Gloves 1bY Agency for the Lifeâ€"buoy Rubbers, manuâ€" factured by the Kaufman Rubber Co. Repairing & Custom Work a Speciaity. Highest Prices for Eggs December wore mm anar m c JjJOHN McARTHUR journed medl n is an Issuer of Mar Durham, Ont. When bad weather comes, you can‘t help but want good Shoes. _ If they are not made right, you‘d better not have them. _ The shoes we sell are the best that money can proâ€" duce. â€" You can‘t afford to miss looking over our display of Shoes, which show at a glance their superior quality, with prices the Jowest, â€" They are the leaders, We have secured .90, being township | ‘essimnent on account| destroyed by fire.â€" | sightâ€"Th arsurer be al statem of the tre Fresh Groceries always on hand and Fowl taken same as cash, _ of Berlin, which are without doubt the best that are made for the morey and we are selling at the lowest prices. We ask you to come in and look over our stock, thi If _ Boots & Shoes 32 B â€" T3 Mew Fall Suits ROBT. BURNETT That the follow : H Forster, re J, and Irom . WO 19.8 to 1st of Jan grader, scraper E Richardson, ar UJ J Cullen for Forster, reâ€" | *anamenmmesnmemanememme ie 0000000 aper, $6,75 ; ‘ :____’_"_5._,.__â€"_5:,,â€"_-:_'â€"â€"_'-â€"â€"â€"â€"-'__‘ idey. seraper T P I s k unt e ue ie it ib NC Tp oc airorrar P minee aenie ar W Overcoats t the reeve» appointed to nt of receipts surer of tins p to the 15th id from the can‘t suit you, our Rubbers can. C MW 0 .\ We have too much space occupiad | with stoves and require more room | for Christmas trade. _ In order 1O secure the room we are determined , |\to clear out our stoves, ranges and . heaters and have decided to mark {|them all down in price _ Any person | wanting a stove or range can get a ) 'hargain for the next ten days. ) | We have a very fine line of stand y | lamps and hanging lamps at moderâ€" s | ate prices. _ Ordinary lamps very * | cheap. x| â€" By calling at our establishment you ®| ure sure to get sutisfied in Lanterns, "| which we are selling from 15 cts i to $3.50, § We are well supplied in Door Mats p ranging in price from 20 ets. to $3.00. 5_ Foot Serapers at 15 ets. s on hand. Butter, Eggs as cash,. â€" Bring them along. | We have a X cut saw for every | man in this section that requires one, | Also a Buck Saw and Saw Horse. ‘ Every boy in this country can earn | the price of a horse betore spring by | buy ing one dozen of our Mink Traps. ] We have some vyery cheap Stable |\Shoyels m.de specially to suit the | gutters. _ Also stable serapers and | brooms. | _ Another consigment ot Halters has ‘ljust arrived. â€" Some very suitable for colts. Skin Chapping, Sunburn, Redâ€" ness, Roughness, Chafing and after shaving. Put up only at If you ::r;a pested with rats buy one of our Devil Rat Tra{)s and you will not be troubled any longer. ‘W. Black If you get it at GUN‘5, it‘s good GUN‘S DRUG STORE Hardware! ection of fit and tailoring P w NOVEMBER 25. Dainty pieces will be pleased to know we are having a CHINA SALE, For exquisite and exclusive designs we do not believe that our present display of Ameriâ€" can and French Hand Painted China can be matched outside of the large cities. China rivals cut glass in the favor of women, Make your selections early we will he pleased to keep them for you until the proper time Raiph Comnor‘s new book © THE FOREIGNER " LADIES®‘ FURS MacFARLANE From 25e up at 17c From 75¢ up at 49¢ From $1.50 up at 98c From $2.50 up at 1.78 UNDERWEAR BIG 4 Allâ€"wool Blankets, $3, 4 and 4.75 p! Bed comforters from 1.35 to 3.00 es Lsr{e 11x 4 s1ze Flannellette Blanâ€" ets, white or grey .. .. 1.25 pair Lace Curtains, . .25¢, 50c, 75¢, 1,00 ea Honeycomb wool Shawls, 50c, 75, 81 Black sateen Underskirts, $1, 1,75 ea Flooa «y‘lcloth .. ...25¢ a square 5d Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide., . . 25¢ yd Men‘s Cardigan Jackeis 1,00, 1.25 ea Ruffs and Muffs Ladies and Childs Coats Blanket Cloth Bear Skin Ladies‘ Skirts and | _ New Prints and Ginghams now in Bee our 25¢ and 50¢ Dress Gooas Turnbull‘s Wool Underwear for Women Stanfielas Unshrinkable Wool for Men The Best Underwear Made. Druggists and Booksellers Town Office C.P.R. Buy your Tickets Here . L. GRANT Fiour, Feed, Seed & Groceries Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectionary PurgSpices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure Manitoba ours Fmme Salt Farmers Producé Wan W. H. BEAN MATTHEWS & LATIMER Iik He‘ Sells Cheap Call and see us. Underskirts For now on sale, Block, nt } 3â€" B C â€" \ Everyt NOVEMBER 25, Mockle Of The People Big Reduc Trimmings PRICE wort half W Al H No one ca Sellin ‘"‘The . at Mc Highâ€"C! Ameri C1 Me!

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