West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Nov 1909, p. 7

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ats men ble 1.To pr 3.00 ea â€"Blanâ€" 2% pair W a n LI Y 1.00 ea ‘garm® Pure 1J CA w n 81 gd vd ds / Sus H #| NOVEMBER 25, 1909 Mockler‘s Old Stand Crowded: Jammed to the Doors, Hundreds could not Get in Of J. Levine‘s Great Priceâ€"Cutting Clearing Sale The People knew the stock was of the Best and Levine is selling the best came till the doors had to be shut. No wonder the crowd » ever presented in Durham to obtain highâ€"gra Big Reductions in Cloth & Trimmings for Men‘s Suits PRICEâ€"CUTTING NEVER EQUALLED IN As Mr Levine does not wat worth of these goods he will sell t! half price. It will pay you to bu. tailor make them up or we can ma _ §§,00, sale pPrMIG@...... .. .e .6 > 6 >* 20 only finer suits worth up to $10.00 Suits 12 only Men‘s Suits, good tweed worth up Worth $15.00 each, browns and latest pockets and cuffs, $15.« In all sizes, Heavy Heavy Winter Pants, also nice patterns in lighter weights, worth §2.00 pair, for..... > Heavy Blue Denim, 75¢, for...... . ine The Celebrated King Hat, toâ€"date shapes, reg. pri Stiff and soft shapes. regu No one can Everything Selling the Stock of ‘The House of Quality‘ at Mockler‘s Old Stand : Beaver and Meiton Coats, also Tweeds, regular price up to $10.00, SOF...... i¢.¢â€"â€" vy and lighter weight values $1.50, for.... ... Highâ€"Class Tailored Suits regular value up to $5 American Fur Felt Hats Clothing Men‘s Trousers TREMENDOUS SUCCESS Boys‘ Suits Overcoats Overalls also Moleskin overalls ig Hat, new stock and upâ€" reg. price $2.530 sale price Hats afford to miss this S_ale. tar $2.00 values for and greeuns, with $15.00 value for. .. want to move one dollar‘s 1 these goods at almost bu. them and have your make them np for you. ; as advertised. No misrepresenldbiUOLL, h 4AAA V V4J VC C ""~~ VY 4 _ The Quality of the Stock is wellâ€"known : â€"Our prices speak for themselv You simply can‘t afford to stay away. Produce Taken as Cash and Highest Prices Paid tweeds, â€"regular z.00 for Of the Stock of the House of Quality on Saturday, Opening Day gular 980 1 99 to reg. 39,‘ & ++ ® b meeg oo sorke oomee e ue t e |. C m oi lall.s We _ | : 1.19 *.: ;sn es 69c White Vestings ( * Aesip se‘ Freppe Siged Hisiee vaiee Sfite. reg prices aipigy i) [ o pet quaiey tor mersasd cce ooo c c oroh MWMs | 4 To fhice: ©1.29 o o °0 Aepice .. o. ... on nds Nss y oo d t o i ol icls ... / ... " 1e [ iss Big Reductions on all Groceries â€"â€"â€" 22 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 ss this Sale. Mr. Levine is determined to realize on the stock before January Ist as after that date. We got the Stock cheap and we are selling it cheap. 5.98 3.98 5.98 9.98 Reg 12»4 cts., yard wid 4 PHC@Q..L i. ‘.Si‘s‘. Av‘e 25 Heavy English Untearable price 1§5C.........r... Extra good Flannelette.... Reg $4 0o Heavy Blankets for..:; s Reg. $5 0o Heavy Blankets for .. y * Bargains in Flannelette Biankets. Extra quality Blankets worth $1.25 for per pair White and colors, per yd..... Including Black Sateen, and colored m stripes, Sale pMC@.......eee e > k6# Hecther Bloom Underskirts, reg. $3.00 Reg. $2, 50 for Table Damask, Extra wide glass Towelling, worth 15¢ for Heavy Pure Linen Crash, worth 12%e for. Pure Linen Roller Towelling, worth 10c .. Extra Large Towels, worth 30c per pr.... Pure Specialâ€"$1.25 Ladies‘ Underskirts 59c. Men‘s fine Mocha Gloves, reg. price $1.25 to $1.50, sale price ...........k ...Â¥ ¥¥ 666 k6 ++ + Men‘s wool lined Mocha Gloves, reg. price $1.00 s C o e Men‘s Heayy Lined Horse Hide Mitts, reg. price 60¢, SAlG PMICE. .. ... . ..lkrk verr 6k 6 r 6 n k k6 +® Ladies‘ Kid Gloves, guaranteed, French make, reg. price $1.25, Sale PMICG. .. . .222 .666 k66 +4 Staple Dry Goods Linen Towels, worth 30¢, per pr.. cts., yard wide, fine patterns, sale reg. 40¢, for .. * â€"goe, for... © _ $1,00, for. Wool Blankets Table Oilcloth i iak € Fiannelettes Gloves Towellings No misrepresentation Linens Flannelette, . LEVINE een am? 59(.'. fof. :: 1.98 ols ~coML49 regular lt.pair °* 00c ® .-.--'$3'58 L <z 4+ 908 sale BC uhr 1oc Ae . .. 108 +180 3 4s %G . ++1098 ... 19¢ 19¢ 20e 308 be 59¢ the best of the Goods at iess than Mockler paid for them. crowd was delighted, eagerly seizing the finest opportunity highâ€"grade goods at less than cost price. Tweed Coats, worth up to $6.00, many different kinds, S@le PTMICG ... ... k.k k.k es n 6666669 Extra Good Coats, Ladies‘ and Misses‘, new and up toâ€"date, reg pr. up to $10,.00 sale pr. Fine Black Coats, all new goods, worth up to $12.00, Sale PTIC@.....} .. s k66 n e +6k 66606# Big Pile of Coats, your choice for.... .......+ Rich shades in the newest novelty Dress Goods value up to $1.00 . ... .. k se k k k 6k 66 k66 + 6n ® Panamas, Serges, Lu etc., all 60c values, sale price . Tweeds Choice patterns in dark shades, suitable for suits, reg. 60¢ valuies fOPL....... .e k k6 k66 k6 6k 66 ++ These goods are extra quality but light greys‘ always sold for 50 or 6 price to clear quick ...... k.kÂ¥ + 6+ Black Lustres Values up to 50¢, sale price. .. Its really a shame to sell such beautiful silks for so money. But here they go, Rich Taffetas in all shades for... . 75¢ Silks for 43¢ Ladies‘ Coats Dress Goods )n. The very goods you want are here â€"Our prices speak for themselves. ° e newest novelty Dress Goods Serges, Lustres, Cashmeres Light Tweeds White Lawn ANY â€" SALE â€" HELD HERE TORONTO w <~~ 330C light in colors, mostly or 606 yd, sale mss 10e suits, 9 C 1.98 3.98 6.98 1.00 little All Summer Muslins, Ginghams and Wash Goods, BELOW COST. Great Variety. No space to list, Hosiery* Underwear Heavy ribbed unshrinkable underwear for men, regular goc values fOf , . . , . ... ks 2k ks k8 +8 ++ ++ Flexo Knit unshrinkable, also fancy striped Unâ€" derwear, shirts and drawers, reg. 75¢, for... Extra Heavy weight, never sold less than $1.00, SAl€ PrIGG , ... .....4 w2 uk + n n en e ae n n 4 en e + Men‘s Heavy Socks All kinds, â€" Also fine Black Cashmere socks, reg. price up to 35¢, fOF. ... ... v..s ks k k ks e k k 0e# Men‘s Heavy Sweaters Fancy colors, reg. price $1.00, for.... .... .. .. Red and White, Blue and Red, reg. 75¢ values Ladies‘ Vests and Drawers Regular 50c quality, finely trimmed, sale price Regular value in Ladies‘ Underwear up to 35¢.. Wool and Worsted, all sizes per PAIL . ... .. .. + ks k k04 Boys‘ Pure Worsted Sweaters as the building will be sold Pure Wool Underwear Heavy Winter Hosiery Special FOR MEN . finely trimmed, sale price 37C ies‘ Underwear up to 35¢... 19C Winter Hosiery all sizes, reg. 35¢ yalues, 19C Durham Ontario mere socks, reg 19C In they ig‘s" ©4% en I

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