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Durham Review (1897), 25 Nov 1909, p. 8

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| | £4 Slowly the color faded from the beauâ€" tiful face; a great look of horror came into the dark eves; the pale lips tremâ€" hled. "I do not believe it," said Huldah @istress. "If you wHi om®? gIVC MWM * ider miss,"" she said in a clear voice, ‘the servants shall put this person outâ€" vide the door." "Read this first," requested the stranger. She lald a paper before the young girl, whose dazed eves «zgy that it was a marriage certificate, properly «signed «ad attested, of Isabelle Dubois and Clive Wynton. The marriage had been solemnized at the Church of 5St. Ashetoun. "Yet it is true. Send for Lord Wynâ€" tonâ€"let him confront me. Ask hbim, amd sce if he can deny that I am hi# »mul & la wful Roch never D* hgure to its ful} heig for him," she said; "I nial from his own lips And then she rang MUiy. .~@ CPAECG, N0 AN to appear of what she f ory entered, she said : " a« you can, Gregory, t Silverton. You will fir there; tell him t haste." "Miss Asheton, I strongly advise you, interposed the stranger, "not to put on your wedding dress. You will most cerâ€" tainly have to take it off againâ€"and that will be a bhumiliation. I am, indeed, Lord Wynton‘s lawful wife. He will not atte mpt to deny it." Huldah Asheton made no ansawerâ€" whe never looked at the stranger. Takâ€" ing up a book, she turned to the nurse, gnd said: "I will wait here, Lewis, unâ€" tll Lord Wyston comes." h‘s cal "mend for NiIM, . und see what he Mer con remble. ] t stranger 10 morning, Lord peet to see : An express his faces â€"b them. _ "rou." he g&spPEOM, . _ ENTE . 4 thoughtâ€"1 believed you wereâ€"â€"" She interrupted him. The glittering smile had died from her face; in its place appesred a malignant frown. "Never mind what you thought. This is my revenge. I have waited for it! I have sshemed for it! Now it is mine:" In her vindictive fury she bad drawn near to him:; her words were hissed in r8on wedding that we question "rem were wit n 1 eannot aecceps CHI " i Haldab, presently. er believe wWhat YOU saÂ¥ with despair, and in her triumph, w her pale, beautifu "You desired this revenge," she said, xith proud calmmess. "You have schemâ€" «d and planned for it, and now _ you nave had it. Go!" She waved her hand with an imperious gesture toward the Anar â€" "(Cis" she repeated: "vour preâ€" seree pollutes m "I will go qwic Wynton, and to she addded: Y Lord Wynton,. t Ar "I will go quickly enough." said Lady Wynton, and turning to her husband,. she addded: "You must acknowledge, Lord Wynton, that I have bad a full revenge. I might have warned you months ago, when I first heard of your npproaching marriage. but 1 wouhk! not. 1 resolved to wait until vour wedddingâ€" morn. 1 have_n»o ill>will toward you. Miss Asheton,""she said. addressing the he‘ress; "my¢ revenge was all for him. You are rich and beautiful:; you will anonm forget him â€" aud be happy with heiresa; _mV You are rich soon forget h «omeone else." She langhed vietory. Mis« dress n Miss Asheton was the miscrable n d Huldah Ashe man vour wi ‘Heaven help J then over a turne P OEmP TT CE C hen she rang the bell. "Send to me, Susaune," she ordered, No trace, no sign did she allow ; of what she felt. When Grof- ed, she said: "Drive as quickly «n, (Gregory, to the chureh «t . You will find Lord Wynton ; him ts come to me with all fident tone made Jane Lew!s Huldah A«beton drew her tall its ful?l beight "I will send lSha eaid> "T will take his deâ€" wis went quietly up to her "Ii you will only give the orâ€" ow ia Lps ad to her mistress w miss," she said. me here." sion of horror passed over his white lips opened, then the sound die\r away on »u‘"* he gasped. "You! 1 A Fair Invalid | t CYh ie turned to 1h6 HURRT | 0 5000 vres i 1 wait here, Lewis, unâ€" | ly, cruelly, usjustly and merciless)y . as ; comes." | you have dealt with me! I pray that 4 her eyes stray from f your heart may be tortured as mine is ; stranger. The latter ~â€"that you may die in life as I die !"‘ hat â€" disconcerted by | She raised her right hand to Heaven. "% ofty manner. "L will ’ swear from this day to look no more on " she said. "As I have the face of man or womaun. I hate my husband, 1 will remain | kind, aud will live alone until my death. | Now leave meâ€"you who have insultedâ€"â€" nnssed. and the straungâ€" r you who have shamed me t"* the solemn, clear voice | found a home ton. "answer meâ€"is this| "Oh! my de as one who wins a great Asheton took no notice; her eyes stray from atranger. The latter it disconcerted _ by auirea frier this is the first to broak man, bowed down the stranger, *radiant re mute. She turned face to Lady Wynâ€" house T1 lend wi where : he villa mte wma trioph! Oh as evidence "And *I w c until I hes ried, shrinking the Â¥ wns )Wn : dows on ant "Listen ned . Asheton ; ‘ynâ€" choice. I | zo _ one aid, | all. _ I emâ€" . it _ has vou| with my we she simply Jmf_l“fll peated: "Go." ‘ "Huldah," eried Lord Wynton, " truth 1 believedâ€"â€"" _ "I will go, then," announced Ledy Wynton, "L am sorry to have interâ€" rupted such a charming ceremony, but {»-('we must _ be _ done. Lord Nynton, _ my _ lawyer will _ have something to say to _ yours. Be Yd5Lrfas mmooEafr 1qHd:miwy migw ware when you try to conquer a woman sgain. I have «aved you from bigamy. Goodâ€"morning." t us o Sps i “Hn:h ';n'h- _said. "When your is goue I will speak to you, not then." She stopped out of the room, leaving despair behind her. "Huldah," cried Lord Wyuton, rais ing his white face to hers, "will you beâ€" lieve me that Iâ€"â€"" She held up her hand. Sudden passion scemed to take the place of her dull despair. AEREE M aash P + P h my womaniy my heart, amy You need not cuses. I will _ "‘Just so much as you have had on me. I pray Heaven to deal with you as hardâ€" i yulue Bm ced Auty ie esn Aasidhnk uns c uy Ho stretched out his hand to _ her with a cry of bitter agony. She turned contemptuously away. ‘"Lewis," _ she said, "follow mo; but first pack up that dress and everything belonging to it; bring them with you, that, if ever I s k. giunk _:‘ s . c am t'empted to pity or forgive, to like or to love, to trust or to believe, the sight of them may harden my heart, and reâ€" mind me of what 1 suffered on my wedâ€" ding morn.‘‘ "Huldah,"" he cried once more, "hear meâ€"only one wordâ€"hear me!‘ _ But, with stately step that never faltered, her proud head unbent, she quitted the room "Huldah," cried the astonished voice of Lay Evrington, ‘"where are you goâ€" ing? What has happened?"" The proud, white face was raised calmly to hers. "Ask your brother what has happenâ€" ed, Lady Evrington. I can only telr you that in this world I will never look upâ€" on his face again."‘ _ ‘Heaven help me?" groaned _ Lord Wyuton, "I am indeed undone!" ‘"You have quarreledâ€"and on _ your weddingâ€"mern‘! Oh Huldah, what will the world say*" A proud, contemptu ous look was the heiress‘ only response. "Where are vyou going, Huldah? Tell me!‘ cried the countess. "All I can say to you isâ€"farewell!"~ And then with stately step Miss Asheâ€" ton passed over the threshold of her house, leaving her hope, her love, her happiness behind her. By the time she reached London her brain had grown clearer, and sho could think better. She drove at once to her lawyers. The cidest member of the firm was full of wonuder. "Miss Asheton," he stammered, "I thougkt we thoughtâ€"we understood that you were to have been married toâ€"day !‘ "I was to have been married _ this morning,"" she returned, ‘"but the marâ€" riaga has been broken offâ€"I shall never marry now.‘" ‘‘T hope," he said, anxiously, "that there is nothing wrong?" "That is of no consequence," _ she returned, calmly ; "you will listen to my instructions. I wish to have my will made at once. To my faithful friend and servant, Jane Lewis,I wish to leave an annuity of two bhundred pounds; to you, my worthy solicitors, 1 wish to leave a thousaund pounds each ; all the rest of my property 1 wish to be sold aud the monâ€" ey to be divided among charities. At preâ€" sent I am going away . I do not wish anvone to know where." Some hours later _ Miss Asheton sat with her servant Lewis in the private rcom of a hotel in the north of Engâ€" land. *"You have dore what I told you, Lewis. You have brought _ away my things > ‘‘Yes, Miss Asheton; your luggage is all stored at the station.‘" ‘‘There it can remain until we have ‘"Oh! my dear young mistress, do not act like this‘ It is a terrible blow, a hard, bitter trial; but this is rot the ways to meet. it. You must not let it tura you against all your kind." _ The proud. dows on the "Listen to The proud, white face looked coldly dows on the weeping woman. "Listen to me, Lewis," said _ Miss Asheton; "you can then _ take _ your choice. I wili not speak of my sorrow; to _ one _ can _ understand â€" it _ at all. I wil‘ tell _ you _ ouly what it â€" has done for me. I have finished with my past lifeâ€"finished altogether. 1 shall never call myself even by the name of Asheton again. ! have sworn to forsake the world, anrd I will keep my word. If you are willing to go into exâ€" ile with me. I shail be gladâ€"vyou will ile with me, 1 shail be gladâ€"you will l quaintasce remain my faithful friend. But, first, On line you must promise never to allude to love. what 1 have suffered â€"never to gratify The sam strangers‘ curiosity, and â€" always to| _ At right stand as a shield between me and the | to see you whole world. Will you promise this*" l \In the : stand ds A 8I whole world. "C wwilt,. # only one thin with you." with you." : New Combination. "Now I have doae with the old lif«'."‘ A new combined electric lamp and said Huldab. The first thing is to find | shaving mirror has been produced. in a heme. Obt! if 1 could bury rmyseli | which the reflector can be atranged to alive!" , Imr..w the light only upon the face It wis some time before Mrs. Lewis ‘ below the eyes, no light falling upon could find a place sufficiently retired. the mirror or the eyes. "Now 1 have done wi said HMuldab. The first a heme. Obt if L cor alive!" . he said, anxiously, "that answered L« ingâ€"â€"to live of the room, leaving to the door and re wis. "I desire ind die for and h the ol life." thing is to find d bury myseli your wite not until in all is*" â€"| In the middle at â€"right hand edgeâ€" desire | Write at once. At last she secured the River House, and they went thither. One of the first things that Huldah did was to select a room of which she herself could always keep the key. This she furnished in white. and therein she placed everything that she was to have worn on her wedâ€" 1 ding morn. "If ever I am tempted," she said, "to pity or forgive, to love or to trust, I have only to enter that room." She was utterly indifferent about her own health and safety ; she simply longâ€" ed for death as a release from an utterâ€" ly wretched life. So she lived entirely cut off from the outer world, and the first external influence that stirred her was Mrs. Neville‘s kindness. ‘ Afterward came the accident, and the marvelous coincidence that Lord and Lady Wynton should both Lave been brought under her roof. She saw him laying near death, the strength of his manhoud gone, deep lines of care on his face, and the mighty love of old swept with resistless force over her soul. She forgave him. Next she saw him with ‘i his wife, and understood that whatever tie might bind them, there was no love; and her whole heart went out in pas I sionate pity to the man whose life, Eke her own, was blighted. She watched him as he left the house. She knew that great as her punishment was, his was far greater. He went back to a loveless, joyless life, She at least was freeâ€"she was not tied to one whom her whole heart and soul loathed.. She had forgiven himâ€"the bitter deadly. wrong was pardonedâ€"she was at peace. She could live out the remainder of her life now, calmly content. never again taking her place in the great world, but suffering in patience and silence. So time passed; she read of Lady Wynton‘s death, and her first thought was one of relief that it was impossible for him ever to find her, CHAPTER XV. The events which follow I witnessed myself. ‘Two years had passed since the terrible railway accident happened. which bad, as it were, transformed the. sweet, smiling sunny river into a grave.. During that time Huldah Vane and my, self had grown most intimate, She was greatly changedâ€"her anger and bitter ness,« her cold, hard pride, seemed to have left her. There was a gentle sadâ€" ness in her face, but no gloom, no sullen brooding. . She interested _ herself _ in many simple matters. . Still I_ could never induce her to read a newspaper, or touch a piano. She went regularly to Daintree church, but no one ever saw her faceâ€"it was never unveiled. No one ever intruded on her! and when the poor around Daintree spoke of her, it was with bleesings and prayers. All this time Lord Wynton‘s name had never once passed hber lips or mine. By common consent we avoided all menâ€" tion of the railway acceident, and what followed. | Lovely leafty June came round again. [ smiled to see how Huldah was improvâ€" ing. Kither the sweet summer or reâ€" turning health had brought a bright color to her face; her eyes were brilâ€" liant, her lips wore their brightest hue. One day when I went out, the river looked so beautiful that I felt I must spend some hours upon it. There was a pretty little nook that Huldah and L loved dearly. _ Sometimes we â€" rowed thither, taking luncheon and books with us. I went down to River House. T reâ€" membered afterward that, just as I was leaving, the housekeeper came to remind me that I expected my lawyer on that day. "I cannot stay inâ€"doors," I said. “l{ Mr, Rowton comes, let one of the servants hasten down to Lady‘s Bay." Huldah was perfectly | satisfied _ to spend the morning as I wished. _ She took her book; and we dispensed with servants, for I prided myself on knowâ€" ing how to manage a boat,. "Can your servant reach us without coming by the river?" she asked. I said "Yes" and told her there was & way through the woods at the back of River House, She began to read, We bad been there perbaps an hour when 1 heard & step behind meâ€"a . rapid footstep. £ did not look round, for L felt sure it was a servant come to tell me my lawyer had arrived. Presently 1 lifted my head and saw Lord Wynton! Whether he saw me 1 canuot tell, but he had caught a glimpse of my companion, and the next moment be was on his knees at her feet. "Huldah!" he cried, in a voice that painâ€" ed my heart, "is it really you*! Is it you whom 1 have searched the whole wide world to find? Speak to me?" Her face had grown very paleâ€"even her lips were coloriess, She did not look at him; her dark eyes drooped, and she shrunk back a litile. "Speak one word, Huldah!" he eried. j Her face â€" her lips were at him; her shrunk back Huldah!" he vea: "I sno turbed you. visit you w L reached yo your servan They told m Vane. I nev my lost love "There need be no mystery abs name,. Mrs. Neville," put in Huld am called Huldah Vane Asheton tlo be continuued.) Stamp Flirtation. Stamp placed upside down on the left hand corner of the envelope signifiesâ€" 1 love you. *= mame corner, crosswiseâ€"My heart 18 another‘s. Same corner, straight up and downâ€" Goodâ€"bye sweetheart. » Upside down on the right cornerâ€" Write no more. In the center at topâ€"Yes. In the centre at bottomâ€"No. On the rvight hand corner at right angleâ€"Do you love me? Ou the left hand corner at right anâ€" gleâ€"I hate you. k es % _ ‘Top corner at. rightâ€"I frieadship. fas. & & â€" Bottom corner at leftâ€"I quaintance. â€"On line with surnameâ€"Accept love. No The same side downâ€" 1 am engaged. At right augles, same placeâ€"I long crosswiseâ€"My heart is mystery about my put in Huldah. "I it would be use e um ue ie e t aosu‘s on o v s taP wish â€" your vour ac Local Physician Says Thousâ€" ands Dying in Europe Can Be Saved With Proper Medicine. What is it that keeps down cholera, cramps, and summer complaints in Amâ€" erica? Ask any doctor or live druggist and he will tell you "Nerviline." Just farcy, a million bottles are. sold every year to people who use Nerviline for stomach disorder, cramps, _ flatulence, and summer complaint. For fifty years in most Canadian homes no other painâ€" velieving medicime but Nerviline is kept. Nothing cures the aches, pains and sickâ€" ness of the entire family so quickly as Nerviline. s "As far back as J L.can remember, at LETTER | lmmas 50 years ago, P _|J there was never a NO. time that our house was without ‘Nerviâ€" 4672 line.‘ In the sumâ€" /A mer time, when the children ate green apples and got mitk with diarrhoea and cramps, it was Nerviline that cured them. My father used Nerviline freâ€" quently to cure gas on his stomach and acute indigestion. There are but few minor ailments that Nerviline does not eure, and I know of no _ medicine so nseful; in fact, so indispensible around the home as Nerviline.‘ TORONTO Bying of Cholera This letter, writter by Mrs. N. C. Butcher, a well known resident in Batâ€" tersea, shows the high opinion enterâ€" tained of Nerviline by those who have used it constantly â€" for nearly half a century. You‘ll never regret using Nerviline, Get it toâ€"day, keep it on hand for an accident or sudden case of sickness in your home. Refuse anything else offerâ€" ed you instead of Nerviline. 256 per bottle. or five for $1.00. All dealers, or ’i'in'em(fatxirrhomno Co., Kingston, Ont The Young Idea. The following are some gems â€" culled from the examination papers of one of our public schools: h "Sodom and CGomorrah are the tw8 largest volcanoces." "The office of the gastric juice is sitâ€" uated in the stomach." "Queen Elizabeth was one of the queens of England. She was famous tor her fondness for chivalry and cavalry and other wild game. _ "ITsthmus is a place across which build a canal." 3 "A mountain range is A V cook stove."â€"Harper‘s Weekly Minard‘s Liniment Cures Diphtheria GREAT TIDEA. (Montreal Herald.) Mr. Smartâ€"Henry, while you‘re at the ‘phone, just tell my wife 1‘il bring Mr. Swell home to dinner with me toâ€"uight. Clerkâ€"Certainly, sir; but Mr. Swell is out of town toâ€"day and won‘t be back. meal Mr. Smartâ€"L know it, but T feel as if I‘d like to have just one good square A RELIABLE MEDICINE Baby‘s Own Tablets are absolutely safe,. This medicine is as good for the new born babe as the well grown child, It contains no opiate or poisonous stuff. The mother who gives this medicine to her child has the guarantee of a governâ€" ment anlyst that these statements are true. This is worth something to every mother, for Baby‘s Own Tablets is the only medicine that is sold under such a guarantee. _ The Tablets cure such ail ments as indigestion, colic, constipation, diatrhoea and teething troubles, deâ€" stroy worms, break up colds and thus prevent deadly croup. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. woULD NoT sPOIL THE MOMENT. "Good gracious, we‘ve been sitting on & newly painted bench." "I know." "You knew, and didn‘t say anything?" "Don‘t be angry, dearest. You were just telling me you loved me, and I wanted you to finish first." Lifebouy So':;;Js dzlijhtfully refreshing for bath or tollet. For washing underclothing it is unequalled. ClenrlsgcAnnd purifies, A CLIMBER. (Meggendorfer Blaetter.) Herr Schulzerâ€"I am trying to bake your parrot talk, but he won‘t. Nowlv Knichted Parvenuâ€" Ah, he : I\‘(-vl:l_\' Knighted â€"Parvenuâ€" Ah won‘t talk to ordinary people now, PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatmeni free for trial, with references . from your own â€" locality if requested. Immediate relief and . perâ€" manent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write toâ€" aa;’ -tn Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 8, Windsor, Ont. A FRIENDLY FREAK. (The Circle.) A certain gentleman, on revisiting the village where his boyhood . had been spent, was grieved to see so few perâ€" sons whom he knew. At length, howâ€" ever, he found an old friend who recogâ€" nized him. C #* o 1 FOR ALL CHILDREN v latge They Ate the Crops in Nigeria So Fast Natives Gave Up Farming. In many parts of Nigeria, and espeâ€" cially among the hill _ regions of the northern provinces, baboons are one of the greatest plagues to the farmer and a source of menace to property and even to life. A Protectorate officer while enâ€" gaged in business in a mountain village waus informed by the local queen that her people â€" could not continue their farming owing to the raids of baboons. During the absence of the men a few weks previously these beasts had actâ€" vually come into the heart of the village and destroyed the crops, according to the Wide World Magazine. The natives are in constant dread of them and conâ€" tinually fear for the safety of their children. _ Sir William Wallace relates that he has seen droves of fifty to a hundred of these animals all in single file, and that lately he himself shot two enormous Lrutes who were grinning at him from the cliffs. They utter a nerve shatter ing and horrid bark. > & Py n onles s «e idns i. Aruhaints They posses a regular system of deâ€" fence and always have signaliers out to watch for the‘ approach of a possible enemy. These scouts are always the biggest mounkeys, â€" and they signal by barks to their comrades when strangers are approaching. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Garget in Operating for the Musical Touch. A baseball players had two fingers of his right hand pretty badly bunged up in practice, and on his way home from the grounds he dropped into a doctor‘s office to bave them attended to. "Doctor," he asked anxiously as he was leaving. "when this paw of, mine heals will I be able to play the piano?" "Certainly you will," the doctor asâ€" surec him. "Well, then, you‘re a wonder, Doe. 1 never _ could _ before."â€"Everybody‘s Macazine. Golden Seal, the root of the above plant, is a very useful medicine, Many people gather it in our rich woodlands during the summer, Few people know how valuableitis in dyspepsia, catarrh, and as a general tonic, "You told me that life had gone out whe and nd® â€" you‘re . go again." Many thousand pounds of this root are used each year in the famous catarrh remedy, Peruna. This factexplains why everybody uses Peruna for catarrh, _ "Yes, I‘m going to strike another mateh." Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds, etc. PERFECTLY SIMPLE. (Chicago Tribune.) "Maria, what‘s this salad made of ?" "Chopped celery, onions, vinegar, salt and pepper." "Â¥Yes, I can taste those, but what are the other ingredients?" _ ‘;1'hé--s-cr;i; of everything we had left from dinner yesterday, if you must know." > I was cured of painful Goitre by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. _ _ _ Chatham, Ont. I was cured of Inflammation by MIN ARD‘S LINIMENT. & 1+ A new story of Balzac is related by a contemporary. A burglar gained admisâ€" sion to the famous Frenchman‘s house and was soon at work, by the light of the moon, at the lock of the secretaire in the novelist‘s chamber. Balzac was asâ€" leep at the time, but the movements of the intruder aroused him. The burglar, who was working _ most industriousy, paused. A strident laugh arrested his opâ€" erations, and he beheld by the moonlight the novelist sitting up in bed, his sides shaking with laughter. "What is it that makes you merry?" demanded the ‘urâ€" glar. "I laugh,"" replied the authon, "*o think that you should come in the aight without a lantern to search _ my seere taire for money, when T can never find any there in broad day light !" Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. WR C thleg A PLAGUE OF BABOONS Sick Headaches Au air steam engine has been invented by a professor of engineering in one of the Western colleges of Amercia,. In this invention, a eylinder is filled with comâ€" pressed atmospehric air into which satâ€" urated steam is introduced. The â€" chief merit claimed for this system is that cylinder condensation is almost totally avoided by the high temperature of air compression and the high superheat of the mixture. The total annual cost of Germany‘s land and sea defense is now $977,â€" 400,000 marks, without taking account of the 600,000 to 700,000 ableâ€"bodied men who are kept from profitable employment, representing in productâ€" ive capacity as much as 1,500,000,000 marks per year. Parkdale, Ont are not caused by anything wrong in the head, but by constipation, biliousness and indigestion. â€" Headâ€" ache powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure them. Dr. Morse‘s Indian â€" Root Pills to cure sick headache in the sensile way by reâ€" moving the constipation or _ sick stomach which caused them. ~ Dr. Morse‘s Indian Root Pills are pureâ€" ]y\egc,:tam;, free from any harmful drug, safe and sure. When you feel the headache coming take _â€"Dr. Morse‘s Indian Root Pills Balzac anc the Burglar. An Air Steam Engine. Millions for Defense TWO STRIKES (The Circle.) MRS. W. A. JOHNSON BAYARD MeMULLIN the light of your n your wife died, ing to be married J. H. BAILEY mamma He‘d Been There. Motherâ€"Johnny, you said you‘s to Sunday school. Johnny (with a faraway look) EL ETTE Motherâ€"How does it happen that your hands smell of fish? Jobhnnyâ€"I earried home the Sunday school gaper, an‘ the outside page is all about Jonah and the whale,â€"Western Christian Advocate. Red, Weak, W eas>. Relieved By Murine 11 Murine For Your E?'e WiigLike Murine. t Your Druggists. Writ Free. Murine Eye MR ABLE TO VOTE. ‘The report of the lynching at Cairo, Ill., says: "Women in the mob were eager to handle the rope." Can any further proof be asked that these woâ€" men are as well qualified to vote as men are? Minard‘s Liniment Every afternoon just before twilight a row of cats of all ages, stages, gauges, breeds, tribes and then a few other kinds thrown in to sort of even up the balance of things, can be seen in the yard next to St. Andrew‘s Church, at Eighth and Shipley streets. All of them are eugeezâ€" ed as close to the wall of the church building as they can get, and there they lie in wait for sparrows which infest the creepinfg vines that grow all over the wall of the church on the south side. Every moment or so some luckless bKan'uw alights too near the %mund or chirps too loud, and some Ca immediâ€" ately makes a running jump up the vine, and before the bird can fly from under the leaves it is cat food. Sometimes as many as twenty cats can be seen in A row watching for their evening meal of birds.â€"From the Wilmington News. mommanansmmapenmmnenneommmmesn awnrrmst umm Aeninet ON 10000 000 B SUNLIGHT | en SOAP 1| ; With half the labor, and at half the cost ofâ€"other soap, washing in half the ! yet without injuring most delicate fabri ‘ _ JUST THINK! FR E E S C ;,.« ;’ f xt v \Gh ‘This elegant watch, ladies‘ or gents‘ size, stem wind and set, fancy o t (aP @ engraved gold finir-hmi cases, is a little beauty, _ We will sond you this E u gl® waich, ut’ARAI\TF,EU FOR TWENTY YEARs, ABSOLUTELY Â¥C & e FREK I(&ou wiil sell e %;4& § . ;“i“{ ‘:d wl':n'mb of 7 ‘,4-' aDm w Un s CteY*S iigh grade collar butâ€" PW PY Ti ~ ® ic% J o / tous at 10¢. per card ,,, lfir.', & tb ‘,__\\ * (4 buttons on each WPs NY i wik ¢€)/*" \' card), These buttons are \‘e?'(nnsellen. F. YÂ¥ hh__â€"+â€"> /’” l .. Write toâ€"day and we will send you a pa(‘k; w92 }â€" ED ;‘:-:Y % '::~_,: Cats Watching Sparrows. agos sell them and return the money and win this Lrrru® Braury Warou. And {ou can also win this LOVELY : TEA SET FREE without having to sell any more goods. COBALT GOLD PEN CO., you Without a Hoop or Seam Just as Good as EDDVY‘S FIBREWARE fon, stomaeh 2007707 322C 4 andld duvativa. Grand ‘Ton matisin, and Female troubles. A wild laxative, Grand Tonic and 14 to sell as each customer buying a box of Tlu" from you, receives, at ( y Pin, which we send you with the PIs, Do not miss the chance I‘on't send any money â€"Only your name and address, at once, and w by raail, postpaid, the 8 boxes of Pills and the Pins. When sold, rem{ will send you this handsome Violin, etc. just as represented, Write t Button Dept 19. Toronto, Ont. Addressâ€"THE D8. MATURMA MEDICHE C0., C Been There i;dl;olne the Sunday the outside page is all the whale.â€"â€"Western asy, Vaiery ARYCN e Eye Remedy. TY E?'e Troubles. __ You , t Boothes. 50c At Write For Eye Books. Romedy Co., Toronto. Address : Cures Distemper A HANDSOME WATCH FREE. Gold Finished Watch Decorated Tea Set said you‘d been ) THE BEST WOODFN PAIl Can‘t Help But Lose its Hoops and Fall to Pieces. You Want Someâ€" thing Better Don‘t You? Then Ask for Pails and Tubs Made of : THE DR MATURIN MEDICINE CO., Eyes. â€"Yes, y written, and we will send y im, with each box sold. Whe 11, immediately, send you thi ilis are sold and wetake back Afl‘:&uls..:mdold Watchk oomfio?‘ m m throw your mossy away. you desire to secure a WweK which u') koe; time and last well will be equal to any Solid Geld 'm. send us your name and address immediate» 1 'V‘ to sell 10 boxes only, of Dy, *uri-'- l-u-“xohflo Fills, at 25¢. a box. ‘They are the n-od{ on sarth for the cure of poor ud‘::nu blood, indigestion, headaches, constiâ€" pation, nervous troubles, liver, bladder and kidâ€" ney ‘“’"‘?fi and all female weaknesses ; they are the Great Blood Purifier and Invigorator, a Grind Tonâ€"c, and Life Bullder, With the Pllis we sond 10 articles of jJewelry to give away with the pilisâ€" this makes them easy to sell. gh is the et.u. d-lfldlnl De not miss it. nd us yourorder When youlare teld thom, send us the money b2 .55 en you have us the mo: 2.80 and 'i will rend you w ib bppree H _ _A GENTSâ€" or LADIES WATCH .._, SHIPMENTS sOLICcITED wRITE FOR PRICE LIST RAW FURS Established 1863 Ee e 000C Aluminum Coins. It is expected that aluminum coins of low value will be in circalation in France by the end of this year. lt is interest» ing to note, in this conmection, that the adoption of M. Naquet‘s proposition for an aluminum coinage in 1871 would have resulted in a heayvy loss to the French treasury. Although experts doclared it to be impossible that the value of the metal should decrease, it has now fallen to nearly half the price ruling thirtyâ€" eight years ago. we will MB 210 00 Bijou Specialty Co., Dept. 6. Hamilton, Ont 14 the Pins. When sold, remit to us t just as represented, Write toâ€"day, Toronto ISSUE Dept. 156 will mail ORILLIA, ONT. WANTED c. GoOFFATT Eddy‘s Matches opt. 57. Toronto, Ort, you 11 send you 8 boxes of our PiUs N. s ccembger O NE no. 41. 1909 en C d, When you have sold the 8 10‘ this handsome Air Rifle. e back what you caunot woll. AND SHIPPING TAGS BOYS AND GRLS This Sna complete,. pelling _ packages post cand oOs ANERRID OV Ming 30 of :,“’,,,,."‘. ckages . of yst caurds, Send us yOu ime and address and the cards to 8¢ll. , and we will promptly send Id, remit to us the &0. and TORONTO, ONT Watches to advertise ms of the blood, indiâ€" e liver and kidueys, fo Builder. ‘They wre the same time, a nice of yourlife. _ C 4 walnut stock, .YQ, this is the of Dr. Maturia‘® n in all cases of iseases, rhouma Shot Camor® free tly send rtment BRINGING TH BODIES Daring Inspectors Find Iwe the Kige, Rescuers Ering Dead Mine From Cherry Mine. n in 11 t Wb Accepts Balfour‘s Ch Quarter Ask M t101 as the Budg awiahs evals tion it t04 MR. HALD op}

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