West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Dec 1909, p. 4

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*| Men‘s Lined Mitts An abundance of Men‘s Lined Mitts from. ... 40c to 1.25 per pair Custom work & Repairing as usuaal at Duarham‘s Lirgest _ Shoe _ Store We are clearing our large Sb0 toâ€"date Millinery at greatly redt is a chance for you to secure smartly trimmed with Velve Wings, Feathers and Fancy newest shades and colors at a s per cent. We are offering special reductions on Men‘s Boys‘ Clothing for ihe Christmas trade. Fine t: ed Tweea and Worsted suits and Overcoats Reefers in a great variety of patterns at Sp prices. We handle only the best quality of have as usual a very special price Canned Goods for the Xmas shopper. A large assortment Linens, Gloves, Hosiery the holiday trade. T HE E. A. ROWE Drs. KENNEDY &KENNEDY Sole Agents for DISsSCOURAGED MEN ashionable YÂ¥ x â€" Millinery READER :s Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What it Nas C070 M TTA ul others, it wi‘l do for you. CONSULTATION FREE, _ No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS TLEEâ€""The Golden Monitor® (iustrated), on Diseases of Men. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARSâ€"CURES GUARANTEED. NO Treatment sent C. O. D. No names on bozes or envelopes. list and cost of Home Treatment FREE Sweeping Reductions in Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Bargains in Clothing Ars you a victim? Have you lost hope?t Ars you intending to marry? â€" Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? 4 Troatment will eure you. What it bas done for nundreds :l.' ons SUEs 7N uo e P Xmas Groceries ring special reductions on Men‘s and g for ihe Christmas trade. PFine tailorâ€" d Worsted suits and Overcoats and a creat variety ot patterns at special Is LIFE WORTH LIVING The Famous Kant Krack Rubber Men‘s high leather top Kant Krack Rubbers. 4.00 Men‘s mediam leather top Â¥* 8 50 Men‘s low leather top «+ 3.00 Men‘s high lace Kant Krack Rubbers...... 273 Men‘s low lace ** c« 1+ ++Smod Men‘s 1 buckle hi a++++2000 Boys‘ low lace * ¥‘x«‘+ +« 80 Boys‘ 1 buckle gum rubber.......... , .80 Theso are all best grade ur large stock of stylish and upâ€" greatly reduced prices. Here u to secure a swell Dress Hat with Velvets, Ribbons, Silks, and Faney Ornaments in the Progress HY)ortock of Handkerchiefs, Fancy and Gents‘ Furnishings for Headquarters for all Bakery Goods. BEST OF OYSTERS IN SEASON Choice lines of all kinds of Cooked, Cured and Salt Meats, Groceries, Flour, Sauer Kraut, etc. ROWE‘S BREAD IS ALWAYSGOOD Once a customer, always a customer. er ays a custome? uxt & Eie ty P s C ts Give us a trialâ€"we‘ll do the rest,. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. Rubbers ! Rubbers ! Having purchased a large stock of Men‘s Heavy Rubbers last April for fall delivery, we are able to sell you at practically last season‘s prices for cash. ’ EPE RRTTEC CCC saving from 25 to 50 BAKERY PHebeery CRP en e e k when you feel the symptoms of Nervous Debility and decline stealing upon you. You haven‘t the nerve or ambition you used to have. You feel you are not the man you ought to be. You feel like giving up in despair, You get nervous aud weak, have little ambition, pain in the back over kidneys, drains at night, hollow eyes, tired mornings, prefer to be alone, distrustful, variable appetite, loosemess of hair, poor cirâ€" culationâ€"you â€" have Nervous Debility, Our New Method Treatment is your refuge. It will strengthen all weak organs, vitalize the nervous system, purify the blood and restore you to a manâ€" ly condition. Pay When Cured. Brand Clothing MelLRAITH of Groceries and ; on Fruits and THE BAKER, Garaâ€" fraxa Street, Durham. â€"no punched goods uf the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Durham WHEREAG8 " Nhe MéGowan Milling Company " of the Town of Durham in the Connty of|Grey, has erected an oatmeal mill anfl grain élevator wilh-‘ in the limits of fhe Corporation of the: Town of Durhkm, and the total cost thereof when fiflly completed will be the sum of thirtfy thousand dollars or over : AND WHEREAS in ordér to the full completion, ere tion, and equipment of the said oatm@al mill and elevator, it will be necessdry for the said " The McGowan Milliny Company" to bor row the sum of Fifteen 'Fh,ousand Dolâ€" lare, which said shm of Eifteen Thouâ€" sand Dollars, sh@‘l be applied to the completion, erectipn and eqguipment of the said outmen; mill a.x?d elevator, and not otherwis@: OUR HOLIDAY SELECTING AND WBHEREAS the gaid " The Meâ€" Gowan Milling Coimmpany " propose to issue debentures of\the said Company to the amount of \Fifteen Thousand Dollars for the purpose aforesaid ; and has applied to the Municipal Counceil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham to guarantee the debentures of the said "The McGowan Milling Company," to the said amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ;* Axp WuEREAS the said debentures of " The McGowan Milling Gompany" will sell more readily, if guaranteed by the said Corporation of the Town of Durbain, and the said Municipal Council, in view of the circumstances, and the benefit likely to acerue to the said Town and community from the érection of the said oatmeal mill and elevator, deem it expedient to guaranâ€" tee the due payment of the sgid deâ€" bentures upon imaturity thereof, reâ€" spectively. We invite you to observe the care that we have exercised in selecting our holiday stock. Axp WusrEas it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one ttime and to make the principal of the said debt reâ€" payable by yearly sums during the porâ€" iod of twenty years, being t urrency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amquuts that the aggregate amount payabla in each year for principal and interesy in re spect of the said debt. shall be nearly as possible.equal to the amount\so payâ€" able in each of the uther Ninetegn years of sarid period, as shown in chedule ** A " hereto amnexed : nijed Axp WurrEis the amount of the whole rateable property of the Town o! Durham, according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is §615,741.00 : We could have purchased a much larger stock with oneâ€"fiftieth of the trouble, but we spent the time to select the nicest things because that makes Christmas nicer for all our custmors. Come and see. Axp WaurREAs the amount of the exâ€" isting debenture debt of the said Muniâ€" cipality is $52,927.41, whereof no pari of the principal or interest is in arrears : Bz it therefore enacted by the Muniâ€" eipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham, and it is hereby enâ€" actéd as follows : f If you get it at GUN‘S, it‘s good 1. THat the said Corporation of the Town of Durham, do hereby guarantee the due payment of the debentures of the said " The McGowan Milling Com pany " to the amount of Fifteen Thounâ€" sand Dollars, to be issued as aforesaid, according to the terms of the said deâ€" bootures. » 2. Tmar said debentares shall bear interest at the rate of five per centuwm per annum, payable yearly at the Standard Banok of Canada in each year during the currency «thereof, and shali be issued for the aggregate amounnt, inâ€" cluding both the interest and the annua) instalment of principal, due in each year during the period for which the gaid debentures shall run. 8. THat upon each of the said De bensures respectively, shall be written 0: printed the following form of guaranty : " Payment of this debenture, and the interest thereon, guaranteed by the Corporation of the Town of Darham, under Byâ€"Law No. passed the day of January A, D., 1910° 4. Tae Mayor of the sald Town of Durham is bereby authorized and directâ€" ed to sign the said guaranty ou each of the said debentures on the behalf of the said Corporation of the Town of Durâ€" ham, and the Clerk of the said Corporaâ€" tion is hereby authorized and directed to countersign the same respectively, avd to affix thereto the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Town of Durham, 5. Wauex so sigoed the said Corporaâ€" tion of the Town of Durham, shall be liable to the holder or holders of the said debentures and responsible for the due payment thereof at the time and place named thereip respectively, 6. TH:s Ii{-Law shall come into force and take effeet on and after the final passing thereof. 7. Tus votes of the electors cf the said Town of Durham shall be taken on this Byâ€"Law ai the following times and places, that is to say :â€"Ou Monday the Third day of January A. D., 1910, comâ€" mencing . at the bour of nine o‘ciock in the fcrenoon autl continuing till fire o‘clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the following geputy returning ofâ€" fcers : In North Ward at Clifton Elvilge‘s house, by Clifton Elnidge as deputy returning officer ; in East Ward at the Town Hall by H. H. Mockler, as deputy returning officer, and in Wext Ward at John Sngil‘s Office, by John ; BDmith as Jeputy returning officer. Byâ€"Law No. 568 GUN‘S DRUG STORE râ€"Law gnaranteelnfi Debentures " The MeGowan Milling Co.," of the Town of Durham. THE DURHAM REVIEW B. Ox Saturday the First day of Janâ€" uary A. D., 1910, the Mayor of the said Town of Durham shall attend at the office of the Town Clerk of the Towh of Darham at ten o‘clock in the forencon to appoint persons to attend at the varipus polling places aforesaid, and at the final enmâ€" ining vp of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interestpd io and promoting or opposing the passing of this Byâ€"Law, respectiyely, 9. Tus Clerk of the Conncil of the «arid Town of Durham, sball fttend at his office in theTown of Darham, on Tuesday the Fourth day of Jannary A. D,, 1910, at the hour of ten o‘clock in the Torenoon, toanm up the number of votes for and against this Byâ€"Law. DatED» at the Council Chamber:in the Towun of Durbam, this day of January A, D., 1910. SsCHEDULE " A " Referred to in foreguing Byâ€"law. Year Principal Interest Total 1911 §453.64 $750.00 _ $1208.64 | 1912 476.82 127.32 1208.64 1918 500.14 703,50 1208 64 1914 525,14 ©78.50 1203 64 1915 551 40 652.24 1208.64 1916 €78.97 624.07 1203 64 1917 507 92 595.72 1203,64 1918 638,82 565.82 1208 64 1919 670. 23 588.41 1208,.64 1920 708.74 _ 499.90 _ 120564 1921 738.98 464.71 1208.64 1922 T775.88 427.16 12023,64 1923 slier _ 888.97 _ 120064 1924 855 40 348 24 1208 64 1925 898 17 805.47 120%64 1926 943 08 200.56 1203.64 1927 990 24 218 40 1208.64 1928 1089,75 168.89 1208,64 1929 1091.74 _ 111.90 ~â€" 1809.84 1980 1146 82 67.82 1208.64° $15000.00 §9072.80 $21079 80 noTICE . Take notice that the above is a irue copy of a Byâ€"law which has been taken into eonsideration, and which will be finally passed by the Couneil otf the Manicipality of the Town of Durham, in the event of the aseent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one moifth from the Erst publication in * The Durâ€" ham Review," the date of which firgt publication was Thursday the 9th day of December A. D., 1909, and that the votes of the electo rsof the said Mungoiâ€" | paiity will be taken thereon on the day an‘l at stated. Every farmer should know that the grieo offered by the dealers for cattle, ogs, etc., is a fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper? What doctor or lawâ€" yer or business man would be without his business papert There is but one farmers‘ business and market paper, that is The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by subscribing. The Review and Sun are clubbed for $1.05, â€" Now subscribers for 1910 will get balance of this year free. for sale. A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and yacant lots in Durham Horses are becoming very valuâ€" able and you cannot get paid as well for flesh on any other animal, as you can for flesh on the horse. My horse was not gaining as he should for the amount of feed he was receiving, not buyving 1 lb. in six weeks. I then started to teed him International Stock Food, and after feeding one 50c package, weighed nim, and found that be bad gained 9U ibs. in four weeks, on the same amount of leed as he had received previously. International Stock Food is just as valuable in feeding cattle, hogs and sheep. If your horse has distemper, there is nothing more yaluable than a package of our Distemper Cure. â€"It your bhorse hbas a hacking cough, try some of our Heave Cure. If your horse is itchy, ury some otf our Loase Killer. It your horse shows signs of havâ€" ing worms, try some of our Worm Powder. It your horse is soreâ€"footed, try some ot our Honey Tar Foot Remedy. There is nothing known to me as valuable for human use as Suver Fine Healing Oi1 tor burns, bruises, sprains, scalds, sores, uicers, all liesh wounds, externai inflamauon, swellâ€" iugs, lame back, injuries made by rusty nails, ete. Also for animal use it cures burns, bruises, sores. all flesh wounds, hard swellings, eXxterâ€" nal inflamation, sprains, barbâ€"wire injuries, etc. Stock Food THERE IS BUT ONE LADIES‘ FURS UNDERWEAR C. L. ‘GRANT Ruffs and Muffs Ladies and Childs Coats Blanket Cloth Bear Skin Turnbull‘s Wool Underwear for Women Stanfielas Unshrinkable Ladies‘ Skirts and Underskirts W. B. Vourst, Clerk of Town of Putham Wool for Men The Best Underwear Made, the hours and places therein <I0 ARCHIVES TORONTO 500.14 525,14 551 40 €78.97 507 92 638,82 670.28 708.74 738.98 T75.88 814.07 855 40 698 17 943 08 990 24 1089,75 1091.74 1146 82 Clerk Mnyor 1208.64 1208.64 1203,64 120864 1208 64 Well Mr Editor as it is coming near Xmas I will endeavor to let you know what is going on in our burg. Mr Wm Baber, our postmaster, who was on the sick list for the past week is able to be at work again. We regret very much to hear that Mr Tom Dann is not improying i® health as well as his friends would like to see him. We hope to see bhim out again soon. Mrs Jos, McNally and Miss Irene are spending a week at her old home at Priceville. % 3 §* éor;;whear that Mr Dave Young is laid off work with tlood poison in his hand. is Miss Parks of Glenroaden and sisâ€" ter of Allan Park, accompanied by gentlemen friends spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr T. Mcâ€" Arthur. Mr Dan McLean and sister Maggie, Aberdeen, were guests of Mr J. Meâ€" Kechnie Saturday. Mr Hill of Markdale, with hbis clover buller, threshed for Mr George Torry Thursday. Bome of the young ladies took adâ€" vantage of the good sleighing last week and indulged in some happy moon light coasting. _ Hope snow will come again soon girls. A Xmas tree will be held in the Glevnelg Baptist church con. 10 on Dec. 20th, _A good programme of addre ges, songs, recitations and diaâ€" logues are being prepared. _ Door open at six p. m. _ Come one come all. Don‘t forget the date. The Hopeville branch of the Laâ€" dies‘ Farmers‘ Iustitute was keld in the house of Mrs Riddell, Sr., last week and was well attended. Eightâ€" een ladies wers in attendance and many important â€" questions . were brought up, amongst them an address and a nice present was made to Mrs (Rey.) Gibson, who was a good memâ€" ber and official and is now moving away from here. The Esplin church has been paintâ€" ed lately and looks well, Mr McLean, the ssudent who spent last summer here. was here last Sunday and preached a good sermon. â€" The people turnea out well to see and hear him. Our sick list.â€"William Dezell is improving and J. MceArdle‘s broken arm is doing as well as can be exâ€" pected. Another sick is Mr Neil Moâ€" Eachnie, Sr., who is now old and has been yery bealthy. The Rev. Mr and Mrs Gibson are to move away from here this coming week to either Hamilton or Toronto. Mr Gibson while here has beon a faithful pastor in his church and very fmendly with other church people and he is the cause of a better Christâ€" ian feeling amongst the churchâ€"going people of here. Bath Mr and Mrs (Gibson are highly respected and many are sorry that they are going away. They leave pleasant memories behind them and carry away many good wishes, Mr Landels Marshall _ finished whingling his barn last Monday. Mr William Hunter Br., of Droâ€" more, spent over the week end with friends here. *h _ Mr Alex Anderson drove to Godâ€" erich last Tuesday. Mr Geo. Schillemore left on Wedâ€" nesday for Englana. Mr Robert Brigham of Allan Park, lowered Mr Waiter Geddes‘ wind mill on Monday and put on new fans and ten feet more to it making it a forty foos tower now. The funeral of the late Thomas Byers took place to the Hampden Cemetery on Tuesday. The deceased gentleman was born 72 years ago in Eskdale Muir, Dumfriesshire, Scotâ€" land. _ When about 16 years of age he came with his parents to Canada and settled near Galt and then a few years later settled on the 17th con. Normanby where he resided until death called him on Saturday, Nov. 27, His wife (a Miss Isabella Hutâ€". son of Blair) predeceased him about three years. Their union was blessed by nine children, all of whom are alive and present at the funeral but Micheal, who is in Stoughton, Sask. John in Toronto, James at home, Elizabeth, Mrs Hugh Fulton, on the adjoining farm, Margaret, Mre Crowâ€" thers of Welland, Janet, Mra Clemens of Stoughton, Sask., and Misses Barâ€" bara, Isabella and Harriet at bome. About five years ago he underwent an operation for cataracts on his eyes and once more enjoyed his yision. Then for the last two years he has been a constant sufferer and was well { eared for by bis family. _ He was a member of the Hampden Presby terian church. _ The funeral service was | conducted by Rey. A. L. Budge amid ‘amid a large cortege of {riends and L a + neighbors. The sorrowing family I have the sympathy of the community, Mrs Andrew Green of Louise, spent Wednesday night with her mosher, Mra J. Derby. j uk io. Oaneth Reâ€"opening service will be held in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday, Dec. 12th at 10.80 a. m., 2.80 and 7.80 p. m. _ These services will be conducted by Rev. Walter Nichol of Bt. Marys. _ The reâ€"union will be on the following Monday eveâ€" ning, Dec 18. Ail are mvited. Nov. School Reports othâ€"May Muir, 4thâ€"RMRatie Mcâ€" Kilisn, Clin Gloric, uly Xcriuil, | @@0@0000000000000 0000000000 8. 6. NO. 7, ARTEMESIA 5thâ€"May Muir, 4thâ€"Katie Mcâ€" . :fi‘ m Waudby Hopeville. Hampden <t t l t e El":,GiIChri"'GChgel““\bs"uir andJVera. | :6 %. $O, 40. LR e S n P M ipiv u. cCean eq.. Garfield byte, James | sr4thâ€"Katie McCuai . Ida MeOuai Oliver, 8r 3rdâ€"W Willilmsoi!. Clark !Gerl;io uf(.;ul“g. u:: 45,_.;“:,..':. McMillan, Ed Dingwall, Howard Mcâ€"| Hooper, Bernie Hartford, Roy Mcâ€" Lean, Lottie Muir, _ Jr 3idâ€"R Wilâ€" | Dermid. 8r 3rdâ€"Gladys Tucker,. Ir lameon, O Henderson, Arch Whyte, 3raâ€"Islay McCuaig, Maggie McBachâ€" M Henjerson, Thos Chase, Sterling | ern, Minoie McEachern, 8r Pnd â€" Whyte, _ 2ndâ€"Duncan McMillan, W | Mabel Tucker, Henry Tacker, Almar Parrlow, R Dingwaly, Ethel Gilchrist, | Hooper. Jr2ndâ€"Neil Shortreed. Eva Jas McLe»n, M EK Whyte. . Pt 2ndâ€" | Hooper, Pt 2ndâ€"Mailcolm MeKinnon Fran Willianson, Rob Meade and Jas | Rdward _ Hartford. _ 8r lstâ€"Chas Whyte eq. _ 8r 1stâ€"Anme Gilchrist | Tucker, EMe MeEHachern. Ir 1stâ€" and" Elmer Muir eg., Auna Whyte, | John Shortreed, Archie McCuaig, Eivada â€"Henderson, Vera McLean, Rodney Haines, Stanley Whyte. Jr 1stâ€"Beatrice Those present every day.â€"Bernie Watters, Allie Parsiow and Ruby | Hartford, Leonard Hartford, Neil Muir eq.. Annie Dowe, John Dowe, |\ Shortreed, John Shortreed, ts * Average attendanceâ€"32, |_ Average attendanceâ€"23. H. B. McKinxox, Teacher. LiZZIE BiINNI®E, Teacher, ROBT. BURNETIT acsa & comppomaimapamesen e suoearermanmmur on ar Et â€" PECEMBER 9, 1909 We have them in all sizes, and a large number of different styles. â€"Lum bermen‘s Rubbers â€"snag proof and rolled soleâ€" one buckle or two buckle, low laced or high leather top. Heavy rubbers for hoys, buckle or lacced. Oil tan mocassions . _fgr e Overâ€"shoes s, £. xo, 10, acLExE®Le & EroREMOXT Sr 4thâ€"Katie McCuaig, Ida McOusig Gertie â€" McCuaig.__ _ Jr_ 4thâ€"Flossic Hooper, Bernie Hartford, Roy Moâ€" Dermid. 8r 3rdâ€"Gladys Tucker, _ JIr 3rdâ€"Islay McCuaig, Maggie McEachâ€" ern, Minoie McEachern, 8r Znd â€" Mabel Tucker, Henry Tacker, Almar Hooper. Jr2ndâ€"Neil Shortreed, Eva Hooper. Pt 2ndâ€"Maicolm McKinnon Edward _ Hartford. 8r lstâ€"Chas Tuacker, Eie MeBachern,. _ Jr lstâ€" John Shortreed, Archie McCunaig, Rodney Haines, ps _: 1 Lifi L §%scauls CÂ¥ w# AT WR aA DECEMBER 9, 1909 & SHOES stock was goods, as old goods J eweler making a st Also gre e are also This Page ~ da Lg"

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