West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Dec 1909, p. 6

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f Headquarters for Hardware & Furniture Any of our Skates make a very suitable Present for this time of year. We carry a full line of them, also of Skate Straps, Hockey Sticks and Pucks. _ Among our leaders are the Automobile Skates and Hockey Sticks. _ The goods speak for themselves and our prices are right. â€" See them and get the catalogue and calendar of Automobile I{ you are not interested in the.above, you may want‘a Carvâ€" ing Set, a Lamg, som> Spoons, Kaives and Forks or any such article We have a good selection of these, suitable for Christmas Presents. In selecting your presents do not overlook our Furniture display. It will be worth your while to call and see our Chairs, Rockers, Parâ€" lor Tables and Extension Tables, Couches, Ete., anyone of which would be a very serviceable gift. Lenahan & McIntosh. Lenahan & McIntosh Large The kindly influence of Christmas is increasing as the years roll by, and gift giving is ou the increase. _ We hasa an excellent stocsk of Glassware, Chinaware, Jewellery and nickâ€"nacks suitable for The stock is large and complete and prices will advance in the near future early at the low prices and secure your choice. G%, We havo the celebrated brands Suits and Overcoats Special red holiaqay seasoun. Tresh groceries daily arriving. _ Just received 25 sacks fresh made Quaker catmeal the best on the market. . B f Seo the House Furnishing Department on the Second Flat Skates and Hockey Supplies | which we are selling at LOW PRICES. We have a fine stock of Suit Cases and Trunks suitable for the holiday times. Sales CHRISTMAS GREETINGS G.& J. MeKECHNIE $ Cutlery, Etc. CHRISMAS GIVING urniture ated brands BROADWAY & FASHION of Men‘s and Boys Special reductions on Clothing and Overcoats during the Boots and Shoes '/> WVZ‘ i ‘"My wife bakes with ‘ CREAM OF 1 i es ;/ WEST* FLOUR! That‘s a pretty good sign, ~ & isn‘tit? I‘m the Miller of * CREAM COF THE WEST,* and / know how it‘s made. If I didn‘t know /(2\ * Cream of the West*‘ Flour TO EVERYBODY Groceries Clothing Says the Miller : cKECHNIE. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED _ “‘}" I':Il : hoi. i_::t KX\ ;’/%@ â€"â€"â€" ‘â€"*,â€" Spy e fi’&%flh" 2 gih“g\\/ ;“‘@* \I ‘(;1,_’ Cerdees E5. \ Northâ€"East Normanby Mrs Peitigrew and her daughter, Mrs Irving from the West yisited on our line last week. The latter intends leaving for her home abcut the 15th. We are sorry toâ€" hear thatâ€" Mrs David Marshall is under the doctor‘s care at present. â€" Hope she will soon be restored to her usual health. \_Mr A. MacDonald and Miss T. LByeu spent an | evening ‘lately at the home of Mr Mansfield Leesod. | Mr Donald Maclivride lost a yaluâ€" able borse lately. On'r“t;neher,' Miss Hasset, visited over the week end with Miss Sirrs of Egremont. Harry Gadd is home West. Vrs Thos. Storrey who has spent the last few months with friends here, leaves for her home in Winnipeg Monday of this week. Rey. Mr Matheson of Priceville, conducted the service here a couple of Sundays and Mr Kendall took his place at Swinton Park. _ Mrs I. Morice visited over the week end with Bentinek frignds. Mr Walter Ferguson visited Allan Park friends last Bunday. Jr Miss Lottie Fee is at present assist ing Mrs D. Marshall. _ Mrand Mrs Robt. Pettigrew spent Sunday evening with Mr John Morise Mrs Nelson Eden and Miss Ella Gadd yisited Mrs Samuael Oaldwel! one evening recently. with ‘ CREAM OF TUE Mrs Robt. Morrice had a quilting last Wednesday. _ All report & good time. 150 acres in Bentinck, buildings and soil good, everything in firstâ€"class shape. â€" Price $5000, 230 acres on the Garafraxa Road, 200 clear, 50 acres hardwood bush, wel) watered, first class buildings. Will be sold cheap to wind up estate. 250 acres in Bentinck, _ Five miles from Durham, fine buildings, good land, with a quantity of timber Must be sold at once, _ Price greatly reduced. 100 acres in Bentinck on Garafraxa Road near Dornoch, good buildings. price reduced from $3000 to $2300 for quick sale, 200 acre farm near Dromore, high class property, splendid . buildings. Price right. W. F. DUNN, Solicitor, Durham, On‘ ol Noi C B B 0C ie C s '\“%»’)\‘ NQ P e No Farms For Sale. 3A 1A Sm all rofits the THE DURHAM REVIEW Buy The old year is on its last footing and a ;w more weeks will bring us to the New Year. Fine weather for _ December will shorten the loog and dreary | winter which we may expect later on. Now is the time to ges out wood as it is excellent weather for oush work and those accustomed to use the axe from onr youthfal days will take delight in being privileged to be able to use it still although not as swilt as in days of old, but a coutinuâ€" al dropping we are told will wear out the rocks, (if allowed to use the exâ€" l pression), soa continual hacking with | an old axe will down the biggest trees in the forest, even it the blow is slow but sare and certain, Those of us who are old enough to remember . olden times when our brave fathers taced the forests of the County of Grey and built a smali shanty in the bush and chinked it with moss and left a hole on the roof for the smoke to ascend upwards towards the tops of the trees and when the howling of the wind blew fiercely, the inmates of the small dwelling would often be wakened fromjtheir slumbers by the roats of the tall trees nearby, casting sometimes forth branches which might perhaps light on the tops of the building. _ o This reminds us of an incident which happened betore we were able to do anything in the shape of work. A goodâ€"natured highlander jast out trom the Isle of Mall or some other Isle in the old land, commenced clearing up a small pateh tor potaioes n his 50 acre lot, not 100 miles owest ef Priceville. His firss act ot course was to put up a small shanty tor himself, wife and baby, Being a greenborn he had very little idea of how he should fell the trees. One day when in the act ot talling a large tree far enough away from theshanty bus near enough for the top co reach the roof, so thinking if he left the side of the tree was inclined to go without touching it, he was alright that the tree would go the direction he wanted, whether the tree did or not, but to his horror he found that the tree fell the way it was Inclined to go and landed the large branches on the top of the shanty where his good wile and baby were sitting vhinking nothing of the calamity thay was to happen them in a moment‘s ime. The roof broke in and poor Neil was in a fix and yelled ou; at vhe top of his yoice in his own good language, the gaelic, *‘ Am Cheil thu beo a Mhari, or are you liying Mary 2 _ So poor Mary miracalousâ€" ly escaped witn more of a scare than burt. But going back again to clden imes during winter the new beginuer in the bush thought nothing of chopâ€" ping 10 or 15 acres of a fallow, toresh ail bhis grain with the stick and a bhall flail, draw home al his wood in drags, chop is at the house, feed aii nis stock, go to Durbham mill with nis griss of some hait dozen bags ‘perbaps of frozen wheat (as it hapâ€" pened often to be «he case) walit in vhe mill for two days aud sometimes looger before his turn came, and af ter performing all this work he never even caught a cold and came out a tresh man in the spring and able to do his sammer work in first putting in his cropof some acres and then burning the brash and geiting his tallow cleared up for next year‘s crop, go to chrach (if any) with his homespuan suit, big boots homeâ€"made, traw hat and was as happy as the King. Buat yery ftew of these good old tough people of the olden duys »re to be found. They have passed away : we only can find the moalded inseription on the marble _ slabs, which marks their resting place in the city of the dead, but the world is passing on all the saime. On the 14th Dec., Tuesday evenâ€" ing of next week, the Aonual enterâ€" tainment will be held in the Presbyâ€" terian chureh in connection with the Sunday Eehool. _A good program will be given and a pleasant time exâ€" pected. All invited to patronize the Sabbath School entertainment â€" or Anpniversarys + )0 â€"â€"_ And then on Wednesday evening the 22nd Dec., a grand concert wiil be held in Watson‘s Hall under the auspices of that class of ladies and gentlemen called the A. 0. U. W. Ihis is to be without exception one of the best concerts of the season and all should avail themselyes of the opporâ€" anity of being there, as the comâ€" wmittee appointed to look after the affair, spares no time or means in securing the best of talent for the vccasion. "welse Donald Graham, Jr., is at present visiting hbis father, Mr _ Donald Grabam of this place _ We are pleased to see Donald so well after his recent spell of sickness in the far away west. Mr Donald McDonald, old Darham Road, Artemesia,. received the sad news of the death of his son‘s wife in the west. So death is on the move all over the land. _ A‘so the death of Alex Calder formerly of Egremont, who died 4rom the effects of a fall trom the top ot a bridge where he was working, some four or five hanâ€" dred miles from Winnipeg. He lived for three days after the aceiâ€" dent. He was buried at Winnipeg where his broshers are ; so another poor aged mother is left to mourn for one of ber dutifal sons. She is living with her youuger son Archie at Top Cliff, South line, Glenelg. Mr Arch, McCuaig, of Top Cliff, bad George Myers part of two days cutting corn and straw last week with his engine. _ The time is drawing nigh for muniâ€" cipal aspirants to make known their intentions. Its a sura case that Councilliors Nichol and Weir are to be antagonists for the D?Igt. Reeyeâ€" ship ot Glenelg for 1910, Too bad to have one of these good fellows thrown overboard and left to remain at home as tar as Council mattersis concernâ€" ed during the nexs 12 months | It is rumored that Exâ€"Reeve MeFadden is to be out again for the Reeveship against Mr Hunt, but is only a hearâ€" say so far as we krow, but nominaâ€" tion day will tell who is to run or walk and a week later who is g:lnfi to stay at home or g0 to Owen Soun 1O ARCHIVES TORONTO Priceville courthouse for 3 sessions dqring 1910. A week ago Sunday night the Rev Mr Berry preached a powerfal serâ€" mon on temperance or the evile of intemperance. â€" Mr Berry is a great temperance man. Last Sunday was gaelic day in the Presbyte:ian church. The poor old people that used to need the old language are nearly all gone with the exception of a small number. Were it not for the sake of keeping up the language of some of our foreâ€" fathers it would have been abandoned long ago. 30 or 40 years ago the old kirk used to be fuil of gaelic worshippers eVe? Sanday morniog. | Now every individual could have; two or more pews if they could use them. \ Diomore Bravch of Women‘s Inâ€" stitutes met at the home of Mrs Kendall Wednesday atternoon at. 2.30 p. m. 23 ladies present. The President gave a good paper on " How to help our friends have a Merry Xmas.""* Many of the ladies bronght some excellent cake receipts also receip:s and samples of home made candy. Mrs Kendall gave an excellent reading, " A Christmas Carol." Lunch was served and sing ing of National Anthem closed the meeting. The Janaary meeting will be held in Taylor‘s Hall when a re port of Gaeiph Conyention will be given, als> a paper on " Thoughts on the opening year." Mr and Mrs Hugh Sinclair, Yeovil, visited at Mrs Wilson‘s on Saturday. Pleased to see Miss Ethel Sterne able to be out again after an attack of the grip. Miss Ella Renton attended the Inâ€" stitute Convention held in Guelph this week, as delegate from Dromore Branch of Women‘s Institutes. Mr Lewis Renwick is homs from Owen Sound suffering wich a slight attack of, inflammatory ruenmatism. Hope soun to see him restored to good health. < Mr (George Lothian is attending the Fat Stock Show in Guelph this week. The Farmer‘s Institute held meetâ€" ings in Taylor‘s Hailon Satarday . Mr Carlaw addressed the meeting in the afternoon on the Eradication of Weeds and in the evening on Natare Siady. _ ar Elliott‘s subject in the afternoon on the Dairy Cow and in the evening on the cultivation of the soil. Muâ€"ic was provided in the eveâ€" niog by tha choir and the Boothville String Band. Nov. School Reports U Sadie â€" M«Gilliyray, â€" Mabel _ Beaton, | Mary McMillen, j'r 3rdâ€"Vernon Peu-| nock, Silas Edwards, _ 8r 2ndâ€"Allan | McLean, Emma Arnett, Norman Ueâ€" Douald, Neil MecFarlane _ Jr . 2u0d â€" Oscas Pennock, Edmund Poote, MultI McKeown, Arthur Pennock, Flora McFarlane, Viaa McNab, Tommy l‘)d-l words, Sadie McMillen, _Pt 2ndâ€"| Leonard McKeown, Van McArthur, Angus McGillivray, Clark Jackson, Elsie Beaton Mary Edwards, Josephine | MceNab. â€" 8r Pt 1st â€"Pearl I’x-nnock,l Margaret Jackson, 8e Pt 1stâ€"Johnuny | McFarlane, Johnay McGillivray. | C, D. FarqunaRsoN, Teacher, 1 8. 8. NO. 9, GLENELG | Sr 4thâ€"Maggie Ritchie, Susie Bell. | Jr 4thâ€"May Patterson, Johnson Allan | John Bel!, Wilke Weir, Lorne Aljoe, Jr 31dâ€"Chrissie McGirr, Irene Ritchie | Bianche Bell, Ruaby Meena, Emma} Atkinson, Lewis Newell. Jr 3rdâ€"/ Eddie Lindsay, Eliza Patterson, _ 2nd | â€"Maggie Beli, olaggie Lindsay, Lena| Ritchiâ€", Willie Matthews, Nancy Lawâ€"| rence, Everet Meena, Marth» I.qwrencei Lena Aljoe. Istâ€"Jessie Bell, Edna : Ritchie, Jennie Meena, Wullie Styles,. 8r Primerâ€"Artbur Lindsay, George: Bell, Maggie Atkinson, John Meena. Jr Primerâ€"Vidi Ritchie, Atma Ritchie:! Harry Styles, Mary Whitmore, i THos. A. ALLAXN, Teacher. 8. 8s, xo. 2, sEBv. & Gurx. Sr 3thâ€"Harold McKechnie. Jr 4th Wilhe Edge. _ 8r Srdâ€"Stewart Mcâ€" Arthur, ~Jr 3raâ€"Mae MeKechoie, Armetta McKechnie, Earle Vessic, Thomas Grasby. _ 8r P+1lstâ€"Esther McLean, Mabel Grasby, 8e Primerâ€" Teddy Middieton, Winnie Mitchell, Merron MceArthur, Campbell Mitcheli, Reba Vessie. Jr Primerâ€"May Mitâ€" chell. Robbie Grasby, ~ Average atâ€" | tendance 13. S 2 io w 8. 8, NO, 3, GLENELG. Grade 8â€"A Edge, K Ritchias, M Ector. â€" Grade7â€"M Ictor, E Edge, M Rutchic, _ Grade 6â€"C Ritchie, N Wilâ€" liams, J Kenny, C Mcilaliv, V Paylor, J Vaughan. Grade5â€"A Vaughan, P Falkingham, M Paytor. _ Grade 4â€"M Faikingham, K McNaliv, W Ritchie, R Paylor. Grade 3â€"B Eetor, L Falkâ€" ingham, C Paylor, @ Williama, R Bell J Ritchie, _ Grade2â€"J Morrison, L Morrison, N Mchenze. _ Grade Jâ€"A , BEctor, H Ritchie, T Morrison, J Boyd | Average attendanceâ€"29. ‘ J, L, MacpoxaLup, Teacher Report 8. 8, No. 2, EorrExMoX®T Grade Sâ€"firtg Allan, Agnes Allan | Maggic Woods, Earl Meads, & Gertie Poliock eq, Wilfrid Barbour, Sam Morrison, Margaret Matthews, Grade | 6â€"Bridget Woods, Anme Kerr, May ; Allan & Willie Woods_eq, Mary Kerr, , George McLanghlin, John Matthews, ; Gracte 56â€" Reward Mead, Robble Marâ€"} George McLaughlin, John Matthews, Gracte bâ€" [-hrmud Mead, Robble Marâ€" shall eq., Margare: Meade, Eva Mcâ€" Meekin,. _ Grade 4â€"James Finnigan, W m Finnigan. _ Grade 3.â€"Perey Mcoâ€" Kechnie, â€" Elsie _ McLaughlin, Ben Woods, _ Grade 2â€"Eimer McMeeken, Grade 1 (c)~â€"Lorence Chapman & Terâ€" Ruby McMeekin. Grade léu)â€"Annie Matthews. Aver:ge attendance 28. Rawr Torau â€" Paanhin % g:s':i; I"ii_l;ndié:xni-_gq. * G‘N‘l_de'l {(b)â€"Eiizaâ€" esa Finnigan eq. . UGradel |b)â€"HZAâ€" beth Woods, Blanch Allan, Jeanie Ker Dromore. 8, 8, McLEax®, Teacher, Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shortâ€" hand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Commercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamenâ€" tal Writing and in placing all its TsL ECV ET _ 4. uahnt wW. T. CLANCY, â€" MoUNT FOREST Business College The best prectical training school of Onâ€" tario. We offer advantages not offerered elsewhere in Canada, Our teachers are eXâ€" perienced, courses thorough and practical, and we assist graduates to good positions. The demand at present greatly exceeds the .illp}-ly. We prepare teachers for Business College work. Write forour free catalogue. edeppreeCPSTTTY i Staff and Equipment. ‘ The school is thoroughly equipped in teachin | ability, in chemical s%d elecu-(c.l supplies ung Aitings, &ec., for full Junior Leaving and Matric ulation work. â€" The following competent stafl are in charge : | THOS. ALLAN, PrlnclE). 1st Class Certificate, | Sub{‘ecu : Science, Euclid, English Grammar | Bookâ€"keeping and Writing. | MISS DONALDA MeKERRACHER, B. A., Grad |\__ uate of Queen‘s University, _ Subjects i Latin, French, Algebra, Arithmetic, | MISS AMY EDGE, Graduate of the Faculty of Education. _ Subjects: Literature, Compoâ€" | sition, Geography, History and Art. | Intending Students should enter at the begin | ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be obâ€" tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy | and attractivetown, making it a most desirable | place for residence. I FEKS: $1 per month in advance. Individual Instruction ‘gi\'cn n an Business Subjects. reparatory Course for those whose early educaâ€" tion has been neglected. 4# Write for particulars. J. P Telford, UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Picture Framing, Shortest Notice SHxow Rooxsâ€"Next to Swallow‘s Barâ€" ber Shop. Restpexncr â€" First house south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. wWINTER TERM FROM JAN. 3rd. sTRATFORD, ONT. Winter Term opens JANU‘AgY 3rd Durham School . A. McLACHLAN, Principal Flour, Feed, Seed & Groceries Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Confectionary PureSpices & Vinegars No. 1 Family and Pure Manlw{m ours Fme Salt Farm ers Produce Wan Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black and white Caps for aged _ people. Embalming a Specialty. OwEX MATTHEWS & LATIMER CENTRAL at the NORTHETNL] /; A. BELL chairman Rovx», ONTARIO For C. Ramage V in all Secverare Christmas Presents for Everybody 4 with Dolls Fanuy vupb & EHUSt! Poll Carriages Porridge Sets Doll Dishes ‘Toilet Sets Picture Books Shaving Sets Games Smokers Sets Mechanical Toys . Photo Albums Toy Pianos Photo Frames Mouth Organs Post Card Albums Drums Glove & Handkerâ€" Boys‘ Sleighs chief Boxes Fancy Collars Fancy Handkerchicefs and Toys 4@ Presents of all kinds. Candies and Nuts &c., &c. | BE SURE AND CALL ON SANTA CLAUS Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brantford {aris Plows, Spreaders, etc issell Rollers and Disc Harrows Adams Waggons and Sieighs Barber, Armstrong, Tudhope and Licensed Auctioneer for Co, Grey Terms moderate. Amt:fiemenu for sales & to dates, &c., must be made at the Review Of fice, Durham, _ a«* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to â€"____ Baynes Buggies. _ Armstrong and Tudhope Cuttess Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Haruess, Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing Peter Hamilton Farm Implements s Machines. National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Churns, Washers, Wingers Beatty‘s Hay Goods Promptness and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Yours for Business, Money tobe Made The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : 200 Acres Glenelg â€"Good frame dwelâ€" ling and one of the yery best and largest frame bauk barns in the County of Greyâ€"a gift at $2700. 100 Acres, Bentineckâ€"Fine brick venâ€" eered and frawe dwelling, frame bank barn and all good buiidings, price $2600 ; hardly the value of the buildings. Owner bound to sell. 130 acres Bentinck â€" 4} miles from Hanover, close to school and Post Office with daily mail. Brick house, frame bank barn, great saap, and Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property,. If you wart to Buy or Sell go to Miller i No charge if no business done. Railway and Steamship Tickets 0 you can borrow elsewhere. Debts Collected. No charge if nothâ€" ing collected. All kinds of financial business carefally and quietly attenâ€" ded to. ult points, _‘ S2. .00 C 0 Money to Lend at lower rates than "Always Prompt, Never Negligent.‘ . McPHMAIL_â€"+ Mclntyre Biackâ€"Lambton â€" St, Barclay and Bell‘s old stand by attending to this advertisement 4@~ Ceylon has a telephone office. Be sure & get Stinâ€" G H. STINSO N son S bakery goods and you will always be satisâ€" fied. _ We have a fresh supply of Buns, Doughâ€" nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand Cart Delivers Daily We buy our bread at Stinson‘s and think it is the very best too. _ That is what you hear the people say. D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. O C. BAMAGE, Durhan . B. Mchellan. H. H. MILLER, eS The Big 4. Fancy Cups & Saucers Porridge Sets THERE‘S . BEAN Shaving Sets Smokers Sets Photo Albums Photo Frames Post Card Albums Glove & Handker Model Bakery i ed 0n aw} gra alth it. levy We BP} Th do a no Who #m ize never blessir dou} one‘ Itive An m Don‘t Be Offensive Any L There is a Tonic T re ment That Cures. DO Yo ut M Su M d n Tess is One : Â¥ " V\ \!* 8 ipolas & is one ol nc DC cver shown. The brushes are : cbony, contain fine und are enclosed morocco leather cc Sent postâ€"paid, address in Cena« Y ukon â€"order by l RYRIE BROS., Limited W Leather, Asts upon request THAT ANY 134â€" 1%3 Yonge Street ToORoNTO 11 PERSPIRE SXCESSIVELY #++4 )R CA I‘l CMY Longcr onic Treatâ€" PALOGUE sted 144 peg C ib

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