West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Dec 1909, p. 3

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) 4{)4 WAaTCH ar pllls wilNOTT ln‘ MEDICINE PESTCTCD 0y is received. u:Z- to advertis® martunity to #06 AIL aaanne® rills we send chas ay awky CCCR OF] ng t & ...craz:‘... iy fll’ll""m 712eD dez and kide ses; they $°® J Foursntes a ces whie and Ask Maturie # Holl= timg and Ont x) DECAMBER 16, 1909 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BARCAINS For Men and Boys We have put the prices just right to give you Special Christmas Bargains. Just run your eye down this List of Men‘s Furnishings. You may find something interesting : We have all the Nice Things for Christmas Giving Men‘s Boxed Braces, a few special lines for Xmas, 50¢ and 75¢ Cravats Toques Fancy Slippers Umbrellas Muiffiler Squares _ Men‘s Gauntlets Ladies® Gauntlets Also a great many other suitable gifts for Christmas giving. We have the Largest and finest stock of the above mentioned goods in Durham, so you cannot fail to find what you require. We have the Largest stock of Christmas Neckwear in Durham, so it makes choosing easy for everyone. Prices ranging from .. zsc to 51-00 The Men‘s Man, e ve Men‘s Neckwear H. A. BURNETT se more Handkerchiefs than ever, besides som tiful Novelties in boxes for ladies and gentlem Come and inspect our Stock before going elsewhere erchiefs than ever, besides some kheauâ€" in boxes for ladies and gentlemen. Men‘s Gloves, lined..... 75¢ to $2 Men‘s Gloves, unlined .. $1 to 2.50 Men s Furâ€"lined Gloves.......2.50 Men‘s Sweaters........ $1 to 3.00 Boys‘ Sweaters........50c to 75¢ Mea‘s Winter Vests..1.75,2.00,2.50 nds by o y s Durham, Ont. Men and For Regarding the McGowan Byâ€"| Waurrras " The McGowan Milling Law in vour last issue, you tellus | Company " of the Town of Durham in your columns ure open to any one |the County of Grey, has erected an who wants to enlighten ratepayers | O&tmeal mill and grain elevator withâ€" or ask questions regarding said Byvâ€" 'II.“ the lu'mba of the Corporation of the law. _ To begin with, L am one who own 0 urhamy and the total cost vhereof when fuily completed will be admires pluck, energy and persevetrâ€" | the sum of thirty thousand dollars or ance in a man, no matter wuat he i8 n over : or where he comes from, and we| AXD WurrREAs in order to the fall have bad a splendid illastration of it completion, ereciion, and equipment this summer in connection with the | f the said ostmeal mill and elevator, McGowan mill. As a resalt of thatplack | }; c‘é“l)'w‘::’n"fffiff:;yof(‘,"fi‘fl‘; ys,’,“g,“ &‘: :nl?e -fii{fa:lv:{i?luc:' b::nt?t:lre lto-day row the sum of Fifteen 'ghouund Dolâ€" , elevatofr ) lars, which said sum of Eifteen Thouâ€" a‘clmguidg o:‘xlz. andk? benmit'g; du}x i sand Il)ollam. shall be applied to the all combin making a autifal | completion, erection and equipment of property that any town in the Provâ€" ll::i :I:I‘d t'(l)latmeul mill u:d glevu.wr. ince might be proud of. And all | * T OUnerwise : honor to the men ho have built it. | , AND WuEREAs the said @ The Mcâ€" They are well deserving of the gold G"“’“{;‘ Milling Company ‘ propose to medal : they haye acted the genile. | (*9U8 O#beninres of the said Company man all through. They didn‘t come ) Dollar ln in bamnl s ani & Y Doilars for the purpose aforesaid ; and here and say and do as others bave | has applied to the Municipal Council said and done before them, ‘*it you |of the Corporation of the Town of give us a free site, or a bonus, or a D.urh:uu to guarautee the dubentures loan, we will build you a mill. " | f, {he, said ) The old sogut of Not & ‘cént did they agk. . They | Company.‘ "to (the Saltt AmOUnt~0 bought the site and paid for it like Filteen Thousind Dollwes.; men, threw off their coats, rolled up | of*~Put rGowan Mithing Company " their sleeyes and went into the rOCK | will sell more readily, if guaranteed Vinke yiey wite iaging asd dig: | ol Darbas, and the sent Musioym were aA D igâ€" | o urham, and the sai unicipal ging it out, people were talking and Uounecil, in view of the cu'cumstnnc';.-. prophesy ing that it would eos. a lot aud the benefic likely to accrue to the of money, "tar . more, than Will Meâ€" | UNT30 UP pe td patmeat mill. and (‘;:v‘?_fiunt:hnuzbz !!I:‘WO!fld and nodoubt elevator. deem it expedient to guaranâ€" Vill thought likewise and consoled | ce the due payment of the said deâ€" himself with the fact that he would | bentures upon maturity thereof, reâ€" be able to borrow a few thousand to | spectively. get him out of the hole. But unforâ€" AXD WurREAs it is desirable to issue tanately a tew thousand woaldn‘t fill the said deveniures at one time and to the bill, there was fifteen wanted | Wake the principal of the said debi reâ€" more than the Company felt disposed | PaYyable by yearly sums during the perâ€" to advance apon the property. Bat i0d of twenty years, Lelag the curreucy they say to him, * we will give you of the sard debentures, said yearly +ums the money, take your note or debenâ€" being of such reâ€"pective amounts thai tare if your towu'gu.irantees it. " the aggregate amount payable in eaci f vear for principal and interest in re SUPPORT McGOWAN BYâ€"LAW Mr Editor,â€" Now, Mr Editor, this is the stic‘kâ€" ing point. the one that so many of our ratepayers don‘t ssem to understand. Let me illustrate a case a few days ago ; I met a man, or rather, the man met me. He was a Jittle ratty and his first salute was * well I hear vyon are going MceGowan‘s sarety for $15,000. *‘ â€"**Yes. " * Well " be says. " you may just as well hand him over the money at once and be done with, for you will have to pay it. " _ *"*Weil, ""‘ I says to him ** it Me Gowan was a poor man you might be right, just to hand it oyer to him and be done with it, but fortunately he doesn‘t happen to be that. He bas a fine property that he has sunk about $30,000 in, a property every way suitable for a large business, a business that seeins to be there for the making. And where could the difficuity arrive from an establishâ€" ment of that kind paying the interest on the money, amounting to about $700â€"with a large slice of the prinâ€" cipal added. In my bumble opinion sir, with the establishment well insured and a first mortgage upon it, we will not have to haud any over, not to the ex tent of u Aye cent piece. In leaving, that man said that 1 bhad pa, a differ ent face upon matters. With the reâ€" sult I fancy that he will support the By â€"Law. Again the remark is made that the MeGowans should not have gone into such an encerprise unless they had the money to earry it through. In going into an enterprise of this kind it is a difficult matter to count the cost and had they have done so and come to the conclusion that they were far short, the resalt might bave been that toâ€"day we wouid have nad no fine concrete dam, banking up the waters of the Saugeeu. ©There is another class who tell you that we have got the mill and why should we endorse their paper? Let themn paddle their own canoe. If they can‘t run the mill, some one else will. Sbhams on you, knowing the great work they have done, that you would turn your backs upon them and leaye them floundering in the mud. They say we have got the will. _ Well we bave got the mill a id we haven‘t. We have got a fine building, but a fine building withous the life inside of it is not a mill, and I have it from good autbority it the Byâ€"Law be defeated there will be no lifte there for how long I dont know. It may be tor years or it may be torâ€" ever. The grain, of which there is a pretty large amount, instead of being manufactured here, will be disposed ot and sent to a foreign market. Vote against it and you strangle the induetry in its intancy for a time at least. Vote for it and if carried, I am informed there are men in town who will put a few thousand into it, making it financially and other ways a strong concern,. You vote for a bonus or a loan : you carry it ; that mmoney sooner or later you haye to payâ€"you can‘t get out of it. This, gentlemen, is a different affair of course. There is a little lottery about itâ€"you may have to pay it. But the chances are a hundred to one that you don‘t. ‘The interest upon the money amounting to $700 with & part ot the principal added, to an establishment, a business such as it will be, will be but a drop in the bucket. I don‘s expect you will give them the medal, instead give tnem your vote;, by so doing you will show them that you appreciate the fine work they bave done. I |may say here that Iâ€"have no more | interest in the matter than any of the rest of you. We have too many empty houses in our town and any industry baving a tendency to fill up these houses it would be bad poiâ€" icy on our part to throw cold water apon. It is thought they won‘t emrloy many men, but when the establishâ€" ment is in fall blast, the number of men employed might astonish you. It will create a big oat market and bring farmers in that never were here before. Hoping you will all vote forthe Byâ€"law, I remain, pra 4 THE DURHAM REVIEW Th EDITO AXD WHEREAS in order to the fall completion, erection, and equipment of the said oatmeal mill and elevator, it will be necessary for the said " The McGowan Milling Company " to bor row the sum of Fifteen ’fhouuud Dolâ€" lars, which said sum of Eifteen Thouâ€" sand Dollars, shall be applied to the completion, erection and equipment of the said oatmeal mill and elevator, and not otherwise : AXD WHuEREAS the said " The Mcâ€" Gowan Milling Company " propose to issue debentures of the said Company to the amount of Fifteen Thousand Doilars for the purpose aforesaid ; and bas applied to the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham to guarautee the debentures of, the said "The McGowan Milling Company." to the said amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ; A Byâ€"Law gumntoeu:fl Debenture of * The MeGowan Milling Co:," of Axp WuerEkas the said debentures of +‘The McGowan Milling Company" will sell more readily, if guaranteed by the said Corporation of the Town of Durbham, and the said Municipal Counecil, in view of the circumstances, and the benefic lhkely to accrue to the said Town and community from the erection of the said oatmeal mill and elevator. deem it expedient to guaranâ€" tee the due payment of the said deâ€" bentures upon maturity thereof, reâ€" spectively. ts § Axp WurrEas it is desirable to issue the said deveniures st one time and to make the principal of the said debi reâ€" payable by yearly sums during the perâ€" i0d of twenty years, Lelag the curreucy of the sard debentures, said yearly +ums being of such reâ€"pective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in eacu year for principal aud interest in re spect of the said debt. shali be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payâ€" uble in each of the uther Niueteen years ot said period, as shown in Schedule ** A " hereto annexed : Axp WurREAS the amount of the whole rateabie property of the Town ot Darham, accordiug to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $615,741.00 : Axp WurrEas the amount of the exâ€" isting debenture debt of the said Muniâ€" cipality is $52,927.41, whereof no part of the principal or interest is in arrears : Bs it thorefore enacted by the Muniâ€" cipal Council of the Corporation of the Town ol Durham, and it is hereby enâ€" acted a» follows : 1. Txat the said Corporation of the Town ol Durham, do hereby guarantee the due payment of the debentures of the said " The McGowan Milling Com pany " to the amount of Fifteen Thouâ€" sand Dollars, to be issued as aforesaid, according to the terms of the said deâ€" bontures. 2. Tmar said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per centuwm per auoum, payable yearly at the Standard Bauk of Canada in each year during the currency thereof, and shall ve issued for the aggregate amount, inâ€" cluding both the interest and the annual instalment of principal, due in each year during the period for which the raid debentures suali run. 8. Tnatr upon each of the said Deâ€" bencures respectively, shall be written or printed the following form of guaranty : " Payment of this debeutare, and the interest thereon, guaranteed by the Corporation of the Town of Darham, under Byâ€"Law No. pussed the day of January A, D., 1910 4. Tmr Mayor of the eaid Town of Darhawm is herevy autuorized and directâ€" ed to sign the sautd guiraugy ou each | of yhe satd cébcetures on toe beliaif uf the said Corporaticu of tuo Town of Darâ€" ham, avd the Cierk of the said Corpora tiou 18 Lerevy authorized and directed to conutersign the same respectively, and to affix thereto the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Town of Darham, 5. Wuzex so signoed the said Corporaâ€" tiou of the Town of Durham, shall be liable to the holder or holders of the said debentures and respousible for the due payment thereof at the time and place named therein respectively, 6. Tnis Byâ€"Law shall some into tlorce snd take effect on and after the final passing thereof. 7, Tus votes of the electors cf the said Town of Durham shail be taken on this Byâ€"Law at the following times and pluces, that 1s to say :â€"Ou Monday the Third day of January A. D., 1910, comâ€" mencing At the hour of nine o‘ciock in the forenoon and coutinuing till five o‘clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the following deputy returning ofâ€" floers : In North Ward at Clifton Eivilge‘s house, by Ciifooun Eluidge as deputy returning officer ; in East Ward at the Town Hall by H. H. Mockler, as deputy returning officer, and in West Ward at Jolhn Sneil‘s Office, by John Smith as Jeputy returning offlcer, 8. Ox Saturday the First day of Janâ€" aary A. D., 1910, the Mayor of the said Town of Durham shall attend at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Darbkam at ten o‘clock in the forencon to appoint persons to atiend at the various poliing places aforesaid, and at the final sumâ€" ining up of the votes by the Clerk, on bebalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this Byâ€"Law, respectively, 9. Tnx Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Durbam, shali attend at his office in theTown of Durham, on Tuesday the Fourth day of January A. D,, 1910, at the hour of ten o‘clock in the forencon, to sum up the number of votes for and against this Byâ€"Law. DatEn at the Council Chamter in the Town of Durbam, this day of January A,4D., 1910. SsCHEDULE " A" Referred to in foregoing By â€"law. Year Principal Interest _ T« 1911 $458.04 8750.00 $12 1912 476,82 127.82 12 1918 50C.14 708. 50 12 1914 525,14 678 50 12 1915 551 40 652.24 12 1916 678.97 624.07 14 1917 507.92 595.72 1 1918 688,82 565.82 1% 1919 670 28 533 .41 1% 1920 708.174 499.90 14 1921 T88.98 â€" 464.71 1: Byâ€"Law No. 508 the Town of Durham. TORONTO Clerk Mayor $1208.64 1208.64 1208.64 120364 Total 1203 64 1208.64 1208.64 1208.64 1808 64 1208,04 | NOTICE l Uyu:uuus 'UI“B ©O B PERDUIIRUEEC Pl 1OC. Take notice that the above is a irue| Prayer meeting was held Thursday copy of a Byâ€"law which has beon taken | evening at Mr Jas. MceGirr, into consideration, aud which will be : finally passed by the Conncil ot the | Mr Johr Arnett was ‘“K"_l"d Municipality of the Town of Durham, in | with Mr Jas Hopkins for a few days :)l:‘e ovol:n of ;h; assent of the electors | last week. ing obtained thereto, aiter one month s s s s 8 from the frst publicaiion in " The Durâ€" I dLM;‘"g 1?""‘".‘8 ?oelety reâ€"ppen ham Review," the date of which fimie on IFriday evening last. {)ubliu::on 'AVM l'l)'bu;;t:);!' '-b'd’l:; “:.V“Of | _ Messrs Joe and William Brown are ecember A. 5t , &D 1at the + A votes of the electors ot the said Muaiciâ€" ',::':;e;e‘:::::.tged working at Flesh pality will be taken thereon on the day * and as the hours and places therein| Mr Henry Sealey had a rushing stated, bee putung his straw in the barn one W, B. Vouret, Bc day last week. 1930 1922 venience. You know how much when all lines are almost untouched. Our stock is at this minute complete from collar buttons to diamands. It comprises the worthiest goods that we could buy with our money, or that you can buy with yours. You can make your selections now at your leisure, and by ?aying a small deposit may have them laid aside for you until the *‘ event. ul day. +9 $15000.00 The Most Interesting Daily W, B Vourer, Clerk of Town of Durham, ‘The "‘Toronto Daily Star‘‘ is strong in special features for Women. There are the daily Home Pagesâ€"the daily instalment of a good storyâ€"tle Social and Personal columnsâ€"the illustrated daily Fashion Hints. But the "»tar‘s‘" strongest appeal to the wideâ€"awake woman is the unusually interestin@ way in which it presents the news of all the world, day by day. 7 There is not a dry line in itâ€"yet it is not sensational or in any way ‘"yellow." Just good, clean, wholesome, wellâ€"written accounts of everything that is going on that‘s worth reading about. Subscribe now and take advantage of our present rate of Advance Shopping This paper and *‘Toronto Daily Star‘‘ together for one yearâ€"§2. 20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 50¢. added to above subscription prices. Toronto Daily Star 1039,75 1091.74 1146.82 775.88 814.67 898 17 All you people know the benefits of early looking. You know you miss the crowds and Then why not take adyantage of these advantages ? YOU are invited to avail yourgelf of this priviiege. Watchmaker $0072.80 $24072.80 218 40 168 89 111.90 57.82 848 24 305.47 427.176 $1.50 A Year ercy G. A. W ebster Jewelryâ€"the Gift of Gifts. 1208.64 1208 64 1208 64 1208 64 1203.64 1208.64 1208 64 1208 64 1203.64 Mr Henry Burnett had a very sucâ€" cessful sale on Thursday, Nov. 25th, eyerything going at a reascnable price. Mr W. Zufelt is at present workâ€" ing in Collingwood. Jeweller easier it is to exactly suit yourselves Popular Place Intended for last week,. Optician. all that sort of incon # wan TB l $# Ion . t% Cl pe

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