West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Dec 1909, p. 6

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$ Lenahan & Mclntosh See the House Furnishing Department on the Second We are Largq Why ?2 _ Because we sell ou Small Profits. the Lowest Prices, ind in this way everything is kept on and neatest designs are always in stock. Lenahan If you are not interested in the above, you may want‘ a Carvâ€" ing Set, a Lamp, som: Spoons, Kaives and Forks or any such article We have a good selection of these, suitable for Christmas Presents. In selecting your presents do not overlook our Furniture display. It will be worth your while to call and see our Chairs, Rockers, Parâ€" lor Tables and Extension Tables, Couches, Etc., anyone of which would be a very serviceable gift. of year. We carry a full line of them, also of Skate Straps, Hockey Sticks and Pucks. Among our leaders are the Automobile Skates and Hockey Sticks. _ The goods speak for themselves and our prices are ri'ght. See them and get the catalogue and caiendar of Automobile Headquarters for Hardware & Furniture do Pants fr0OM.......s....................1.19 to 2.98 do Overâ€"rubbers worth 95¢ for....................70¢ do feltâ€"lined overskoes worth 2.00 tor.............1.50 Ladies‘ overâ€"rubbers worth 80c for...................â€"69¢ Big reductions in Men‘s, Lumbermen Rubbers. Panama Dress Goods worth 60c for...................45¢ Ladies‘ black woollen hose.........................:â€"25¢ Ladies‘ and Boy‘s toques.................25, 35 and 50¢ Christmas Gifts in Great Variety Skates and Hockey Supplies Any of our Skates make a very suitable Present for this time Sales He Inows how good it is by the tasty things his wife makss wi h it, and he feels sure in recommending it. * If every grocer would try his goods be‘ore selling them it would be a good thing.‘" do do ‘Cream of the West‘ Flour Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes in great variety. Special prices for Ladies‘ Shues and Slippers. G. & G. & J. MeKECHNIE "!, Busy as a Beeâ€"hive Cu tlery, Etc. The Campbeli Milling Co., Limited Toronto urniture CEE NOE ME NE GECNE o n mou e n ie c ons s 6+ ++ l d reefers worth 2.25 for... .. .1.69 ters worth 3.%25 for..........2.79 raver cloth, worth 11.00 for.. . 8.49 y 6 *"* _ 9.00 for....6.98 *L B " _ 8.00 tor....6.49 * € * 7.50 for....4.98 fOrs..+:r~+xircanss s v.«« cauiy Or ... r/.s.rss «+.A *i%ex>/4zM49 OK us «.. ¢s siererk ts on e en t B9 v+v s s s ssssss........1.19 to 2.98 Y5o for......â€":..*«+,+:«.. â€"YOG ; worth 2.00 tor.............1.50 @OOGALOL..«.«. «. 1x ‘sa4.* ; c« shOp Says the Miller : clntosh. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANT ED ‘ofits. the newest styles of goods at the is kept on the move, and the newest styles Jr 1stâ€"Stella McCrae, Nora Sproat Edna Browning, Irene Whittaker Grace Vollet, Sr Istâ€"Annie Brooks, Sarah Donâ€" elly, Jessie McUrie, Flora Nickol, Wiilie Clark. The Standard Bank pays interest on Savings Bank deposits from date of deposit to date of withdrawal. Every dollar of the deposit earns interest for every day it remains on deposit. Jr Pt 2ndâ€"Willet Snell, Elvin Scbutz. Louis Ector, Bell Lauder, Joe Whitchurchb. Aâ€"Myrtle Koch, Jean Morlock, Eddie McQueen, â€" Cecil Wiggine, George Billings, 2.175 Jr2ndâ€"Lottie Wilson, Willie Lawâ€" son, Eleanor Swallow and (Gibsou Watt, eq., Georgina Lawson, Marâ€" guerite Kelsey and Donald MrQueen, For Saue, CHEAP.â€"3%) Cords 2. inch Maple Slab wood, Sold in any quantity, Apply to Sr Pt 2ndâ€"Valerie Moran, Hazel Hutton, Edith â€" Hughes, â€" Charlie Wright, Harold Ramage. Sr 2ndâ€"Gladys Search, Vera Allen, Chas, McDougall, Nett:e Llioyd, Hi‘da Brooks. R,. M Darcavetr & Soxns Dornoch, 15th Nov., ‘09, Jr 3rdâ€"â€"Mary _ Melivaitb, _ Pearl Wright, Myrtle Sparling, Nellie Fluâ€" ker, Minnie Limin. Sr 3rdâ€"Ben Benton, Florence Barâ€" clay, Allle McGowan, Theresa Vollett, Mary McKechnie. JIr 4thâ€"Maggie Torry, Marguerite Hutton, Sadie McDonald, Edna Patâ€" terson, Oliye Wrighs. PusBLic ScHOOL DEPARTMENT. Sr 4thâ€"Helen Ireland, Ray Farguâ€" barson, Annvie McDonald, Mary Mcâ€" Queen, Irene Lawson. Form IIIâ€"Jr Teachersâ€"Nellie Hepâ€" burn, Janet Fietcher, Emily Edmonds Alex Findl«y, Catherine McDougall. Form Iâ€"Nellie Buros, Sarah Fulton, Mary Lougheed, Hazel Barber, Maud Everitt. Farm IlIâ€"Jr Matriculationâ€"Nellie Hepburn, Alex Findlay, Catherine McDougall, James Farquharson, Jessie Smith. Form IIâ€"Aonie C. Clark, Wilfrid Hunt, Mary Backus, Vivian Crawford, Margaret Mortley, Wm Petty. Durham School Report. H1onx ScHOOL DEPARTMENT. rofits Gudesake! but ye‘rrdesp‘rate thin !" * | "* Ay,"" quo‘ Watty, " things are + alter‘d, But its past redemption noo ; , | Oh ! I wish I had been halter‘d, f When I married Maggie Howe ! I‘ve been poor, and vex‘d, and raggy, Tried wi‘ troubles that‘s no sma‘ ; ~ | Them I boreâ€"but marryin‘ Maggy 7 Laid the capâ€"stane o‘ them a‘. Night and day she‘s ever yelpin‘ * Wi‘ the weans she no‘er can gree ; When she‘s tired wi‘ perfect skelpin, t | _ Then she flees like fire on me. ° | See ye. Mungo ! when she‘il clash on * Wi‘ her everlasting clack, 3 / Whiles I‘ve had my nieve, in passicn, ‘| Lifted up to break her back." * Oh ! for gudesake keep frae cuffets," F Mungo shook his head and s id, * Weel I ken what sort o‘ life it‘sâ€" Ken ye, Watty, how I did ? | After Beas and I were kippled, Soon she grew like ony bear, Brak my shins. and, when I tippled, Harl‘d cut my very hair ! For a wee I quietly knuckled ; But, when naething would prevail, Up my claes and cash I buckledâ€" Bess, for ever fare ye weel ! Then her din grew less and less aye ; Haith I giur‘d her change her tune : Now a better wife than Bessy Never stepp‘d in leather shoon. 1 Try this, Watty,â€"When ye see her ‘ Kagin like a roarin flood, l Swear that moment that ye‘ll lea‘ her ; That‘s the way to keep her gude." Laughin‘, sangs, and lasses‘ skirls, Echoed now out through the roof ; * Done !" quo‘ Pate, and syne his aris Nail‘d the Dryster‘s wauket loof, I‘ the thrang o‘ stories tellin‘ Shakin hands and jokin queer, I Swith ! a chap comes on the hallanâ€" ** Mungo ! is cor Watty here ?2" Maggy‘s weelâ€"kent tongue and hurry Darted through him like a knite Up the door flewâ€"like a fury In came Watty‘s scoldin wife. " Nasty, gudeâ€"forâ€"naething bein ! O ye s1 uffy drucken soo ! Bringin wite and weans to ruin, Drinkin hers wi‘ wic a crew ! Devil nor your legs were broken : Sic a life nae flesh enduresâ€" Toilin like a slaye. to sloken You, ye dyvor and your crew. Rise ye drucken beast 0‘ Bethel ! Drink‘s your night and day‘s desire : Rise, this precious hour ! or faith I‘ll Fling your whusky i‘ the fire!" Watty heard her tongue unhallow‘d, Paid his groat wi‘ little din, Left the house, while Maggy fallow‘d, Fiyting a‘ the rond behin‘, Folk frae every door came lampin, Maggy curst them ane and a‘, Clappit wi‘ her hands, and stampin, Lost her bauchels i‘ the snaw. Hame, at length, she turn‘d the gavel, Wi‘ a face as white‘s a clout, Ragin like a very devil, Kickin stools and chairs about. " Ye‘ll sit wi‘ your limmers round youâ€" Hang you, sir, l be your death ! Little hauds my hands, confound you, But I‘d cleave you to the tceth 1" Watty, wha, ‘midat this oration, Eyed her whiles‘ but duret na «peak, Sat, like patient Resignation, _ Trewmbling by the ingleâ€"cheek. Bad his wee drap brose he sippet, ' _ (Maggy‘s tongue gaed like a bell) j ‘ Quietly to his bed he slippet, } _ Bighing aften to himselâ€" ** Nane are free frae some vexation, IIk ane has his il!s to dree ; \ But through a‘ the hale creation Is nae mortal vex‘d like me." A‘ night lang he row‘d and gaunted, . t Sleep or rest he couldna tak ; Maggy, aft wi‘ horrorthaunted, | Mumlin, started at bis back. C Soon as e‘er the morning peepit, : Up raise Watty, waefu‘ chiel, # Kisa‘d his weanies while they, steepit, |! , Waken‘d Meg, and sought fareweel. : 64 F e : ugv::'l,en Meg!â€"And, oh! may , Keep you aye within hig cw ; Watty‘s beart ye‘ve lang been grievin, Now he‘il never fash you mair, _ Dâ€"ep the snaw had wreath‘d the ' ploughs, Watty, wearied a‘ day sawin, _ Daunert doon to Mungo Blue‘s. Dryster Jock was sitting cracky, * Wi‘ Pate Tamson o‘ the Hill ; **Come awa‘," quo‘ Johnnie, " Wattyâ€" _ Haith we‘se hae anither gill!" Watty, glad to see Josk, jabos, And sae mony neebors roun‘, Kicket frae his shoon the snawâ€"ba‘s, Syne ayont the fire sat down. Ower a board, wi‘ bannocks heapit, Cheese, and stoups, and glasses stood ; Some were roarin, others sleepit, Others quietly chew‘d their cud Jock was selling Pate some tallow, A‘ the rest a racket hel‘â€" A‘ but Watty, wha, puir fellow, Sat and smoket by himsel. Mungo fill‘d him up a toothfu‘, Drank his bealth and Meg‘s in ane ; Watty, puffin out a mouthtua‘, Pledged him wi‘ a dreary grane. * What‘s the matter, Watty, wi‘ ye ? Troth your chafts are fa‘ing in Sowething‘s wrangâ€"I‘m vex‘d to see yeâ€" Many of cur reaJders who are not Scotch will we are sure enjoy this classicâ€"of the Sceottish vernacular as well as the humorous incsdent it portâ€" raye. _‘ Mungo Blue " was the local tayernâ€"kseper at whose bostelry there gathered congenial souls. There must be quite a few who yet remember with what vim the piece was given by Adam CUranston, the blind music teacher, now of Dakota. Keen the frosty winds were blawin, Watty and Meg, TORONTO Lot 27, Con. 18, Township of Egreâ€" mont, 134 acres, 115 acres cleared and of good clay loam, all of which is in 100 acres in Bentinck on Garafraxa Road near Dornoch, good buildings, price reduced from $3000 to $2300 for quick sale, 200 acre farm near Dromore, high class property, splendid buildings, Price right. W. F. DUNN, Solicitor, Durham, Ont 250 acres in Bentinck, Five miles from Durham, fine buildings, good land, with a quantity of tinfber. Must be sold at once, ‘Price greatly reduced. 250 acres on the Garafraxa Road, 200 clear, 50 acres hardwood bush, well watered, first class buildings, Will be sold cheap to wind up estate, 150 acres in Bentinck, huildings and soil good, eyerything in firstâ€"class shape. . Price $5000. If not on sale in your town, write J. 8. RosBERTSON, Sec.â€"Treas. National Sanitarium Association, 347 Kinf St. W., Toronto. All information furnâ€" ished and stamps mailed promptly on receipt of arder. Not h single patient has ever been refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives because of his or her inability to pay. HE net proceeds from stamps sold will be used for the extension of the work of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. Theavailâ€" able beds were trebled as the result of last year‘s Stamp Campaign. BUY THEM. USE THEM. HELP THE GOOD WORK ALONG. THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU EVER MADE. oNE CENT EACH. CHRISTMAS STAMPS Never gloom when I come hame ; That ye‘ll ne‘er, like Bessy Miller, Kick my shins or rug my bair ; Lastly, I‘m to keep the siller, This upon your soul ye swear ? " * Ohâ€" 1" quo‘ Meg ;â€"" Aweel! " quo‘ Watty, " Fareweel!â€"faith I‘ll try the seas." " Oh stay still," quo‘ Meg, and grat aye; * Ony â€"ony way ye please." Maggy syne, because he press‘d her, Swore to a‘ things owre again ; Watty lap, and danced, and kise‘d her ; Wow but he was wondrous fain. . Down he threw his staff victorious, Aff gaed bonnet, aff gaed shoon, And for that day felt far mair glorious, Then he‘d done in honeymoon. ALExANDER WILsON. Meg a‘ sabbin, sae tu lose him, Bic a change had neyer wist. Held his hand close to her bosom, While her heart was like to burst. * Oh, my Watty ! will ye lea‘ me,. Friendless, helpless, to despair ? Oh for this ae time forgie me, Never will I vex vou mair." * Ay, ye‘ve aft eaid that, and broken A‘ your yows ten times a week. No, no, Meg !â€"see, there‘ a token Glitt‘ring on ma bonnet cheek, Owre the seas I march this morning, Listed, tested, sworn and a‘, Forced by your confounded girnin : Fareweel, Meg ! for I‘m awa‘." Then poor Maggy‘s tears and clamour Gush‘d afresb, and loudet grew, While the weans wi‘ mournfu‘ yammer, Round their sabbin mither flew. "Through the yirth I‘ll wander wi‘ youâ€" Stay, oh Watty ! stay at hame. Here, upon my kneesâ€"I‘il gie youâ€"â€" Ony yowâ€"youlike to name, See your puir wee lammies pleadin. ._ Will ye gang and break oor beart ? No a house te put oor head in, No a freend to tak oor part," lika word came like a bullet ; Watty‘s heart began to shake ; On a kist be laid his wallet, Dighted baith his een, and spake. ** If ance mair I could by writin, Lea‘ the sodgers and stay still, Wad ye swear to drap your flytin ?" * Yes, oh Watty ! yes, I will." "Then," quo‘ Watty, * mind, be honest ; Aye to keep your temper strive ; ‘ Gin ye break this dreadfu‘ promise, _ Never mair expect to thrive. i Marg‘ret Howe ! this hour ye solemn: Swear by every thing that‘s gude, Ne‘er again your spouse to scold him, ‘ While life warms yeur beart and: blude. j That ye‘il ne‘er in Mungo‘s seek meâ€"| Ne‘er put drucken to my nameâ€" ‘ Nevyer out at e‘ening steek meâ€" ‘ Happy could I been beside youâ€" Happy baith at morn and e‘en : A‘ the ills did e‘er betide you, Watty aye turn‘d out your frien‘. But ye ever like to see me Vex‘d and sighin, late and air. â€"Fareweel, Meg! I‘ve sworn to lea EVERY STAMP SOLD IS A BULLET IN THE WARFARE AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS. So thou‘!l never see me mair." Farins For Sale. Farm for Sale HELP CANADA‘S NEEDY CONSUMPTIVES Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallow‘s Barâ€" ber Shop;W O Gomaniprni it o Ascuut 4 RESIDENCE â€" First house south Lawrence‘s Blacksmi h Shop. Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black _ and white Caps for aged _ people. Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Intending Students should enter at the begin aing of the term if possible. _ Board can be obâ€" tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence FEES:$1 per month in advance. J. Pâ€"Telford . _ C. Ramaagae UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability, in chemica! and el:%trrml supplies and ittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matric ulation work. The following competent stail are in charge : THO8. ALLAN, Pflnclg‘l, 1st Class Certificate, Subiecu : Science, Euclid, English Grammar Bookâ€"keeping and Writing. MISS DONALDA McKERRACHER, B. A., Grad uate of Queen‘s University. Bubjects Latio, French, Algebra, Arithmetic. MISS8 AMY EDGE, Graduate of the Faculty of Education. _ Subjects: Literature, Compoâ€" sition, Geography, History and Art. Farm ers Produce Wan Fine Salt New Fruits Choice Contectionary PureSpices & Vinegars No.: hand, Typewriting. Commercial Law, Commercial Cotrespondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamenâ€" tal Writing and in placing: all its graduates. Each student is taught separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free, Day and Night Classes Visiâ€" tors welcome. Fall Term Opens Monday, Oct. 4 W. T. CLANCY, â€" Durham School Individual Instruction lgivcn in all Business Subjects. reparatory Course for those whose carly educaâ€" tion has been neglected. 4# Write for particulars. C. A, FLEMING, _ G. D. FLEMING, Principal; Secretary. "".l‘-.___w L nranara tonnhare far Ruat c Colfege work: " Write for our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. The best prectical trairing school of Onâ€" tario. _ We offer advantages not offerered elsewhere in Canada. Our teachers are exâ€" perienced, courses thorough and practical, and we assist graduates to fiood positions. The demand at present greatly exceeds the mMOoUNT FOREST Business College MATTHEWS & LATIMER Winter Term opens JANUARY 3rd at the J ~NORTHERNL /2 WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 3rd. STRATFORD, ONT. 1 !‘amll" and Pure Manitoba ours , Feed, Seed & Groceries A., BELL OwENX fovx», OXTARIO Groceries abjesl Chairman in CENTRAL For of aÂ¥ite E7 1NE EO PETEr Oe you can borrow elsewhere, Debts Collected. No charge if nothâ€" ing collected _ All kinds of financial business carefully and quietly attenâ€" ded to. "Always Prompt, Never Negligent," h!{wuy and ét;;;;hlp Tickets to niIl uces [[0, 20000 CC CACARmIpP ZITREIS 10 all ponts, Money to Lend at lower rates than Ryrele Seicd Wasii. I The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : 200 Acres Glenelg â€"Good frame dwelâ€" ling and one of the very best and largest frame bank barns in the County of Greyâ€"a gift at $2700. 100 Acres, Bentinckâ€"Fine brick venâ€" eered and frawe dwelling, frame bank hbarn and all good buiidings, price $2600 ; hardly the value of l‘fze buildings. Owner bound to sell, 130 acres Bentinck â€" 44 miles from Hanover, close to school and Post Office with daily mail. Brick house, frame bank barn, great saap, and ts 16000 1 N N o OMAE Te M Afitnt Bs o Riccs d Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property, If you want to Buy or Sell go to Miller No charge if no business done, Money to be Made Candies and Nuts &c., &c. BE SURE AND CALL ON SANTA CLAUS D. MecPHMHAIL_.~ Boys‘ Sleighs chiel BoxeSs Fancy Collars Fancy Handkerchiefs and Toys and Presents of l.llik.lndl. Picture Books Games Mechanical Toys Toy Pianos Mouth Organs Santa Claus has arrived at the Big 4 with a load of Christmas presents for everybod. SomE OF WHICH ARE : Doll Carriages Christmas Presents for Everybody by attending to this advertisement SON‘ S bakery goods and you will always be satis. fied.â€" We have a fresh supply of Buns, Doughâ€" nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand Cart Delivers Daily ; H. STINSON Model Bakery We buy our bread at Stinson‘s and think it is the very best too. That is what vou â€" hear the people say. DECEMBER 16, 1909 sure & get Stinâ€" eS H. H. MILLER, The Big 4. THERE‘S you â€" hear the . BEAN Fancy Cups & Saucers Porridge Sets ‘Toilet Sets Shaving Sets pra . ® % > fthaLps 24 % DIsTR th ul Aq th FURS, request. I1f you $ we hear whether â€" turn goods, expres Write for price fully furnished. Our advice to fit!, anoa are you the highes will keep up. We rem For Relo: 1

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