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Durham Review (1897), 23 Dec 1909, p. 1

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it. M M M A\ n ar VOL. Review and Weekly Globe . ... . $1.55 Review and Fatmers‘ Sun ..... .16 Review and W. Mail & Empire. .1 5 Review and Montreal W. Wit. ..1.80 Review and Family Her. & Star.1.80 Review and Daily Globe.... .. . ..4.40 Review and Daily World ... ... . .2.060 (World for 15 mos.) ___________â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"'â€"_"_-â€"_f oi on x o w on d h xxmexxmmmmemxHd| ~OW MNR2AR A 2 AMEOPicS 2 Gifts Worth Giving & Yearly Clubbing Offers. :2 Petticoats Christmas shopping is just what you make that is left and be firm about one thing. Do a ping as you can RIGHT NOW. Ourimmense prices to suit every purse makes it both pl Just to help you in making your selections gestions. Sable neck furs at .. .. . . $10, 12.90, 19 Mink marmot neck furs ...... «++ +6L Isabella fox neck pieces..... .1 15 to â€".6.00 to 9.00 Muffs . 5.00 to 7.00 throws ... . 2.50 to 5.00. Hockey Caps Waists Ladies Coats, Sweater Coats Men‘s Coon Coats 52 inchnes IONMB, *7"° 77" Fur lined coats up to ..... .75.00 Black Serviceable curl cloth lined, beayer coat, Men‘s fur collars . .4.00 to 5.00 Men‘s P Snlendid assortment of men‘s neckwe; * Plain silk in black and white. ValStS waist, daintily trimmed with ttons, silk lined at .. ...« ««rexdROGO Women‘s Furs, , NO. 51 PRICES PAID ng is just what you make it. â€" Plan out every day n about one thing. Do as much Christmas shopâ€" T NOW. Ourimmense assortment at a range of purse makes it both pleasant and satisfactory making your selections we offer these few sugâ€" $10, 12.50, 13.50, 15.00 ..... ... .6.50 to 13.50 clll..715toer0o50 I could a more useful gift be thought of. , 15.00 Muffs....$9.00 to 16.00 o 13.50 Muffs.... .5.00 to 12.00 30 _ Ermine and white throws Coney, Electric seal, astrachan Purham Revio®. The REVIEW to E It has bee botheBRpg me to KNU" w3 | what to buy Nfor Christmas presents. w | One glance in Re Central Drug Store :-, will relieve your Worry. Everything g there in fancy and eful articles and *« | at the most reasona rices ‘ x Diamoxp WEDDiNG, â€" Congratulaâ€" -c tions to Mr and Mrs Robt, Aljoe, Sr.. who on Tuesday last celebrated their diamond wedding â€" May the remaiuâ€" ing years of their pilgrimage be blessâ€" :;: ed with health and happiness, x % For Late B irg. â€"On Thursday \®% | morning the CentrNR Drug Store, Durâ€" ';: ham, will open 9 several cases of + entire new goods, $ h as Manicure fl Sets, Lagies Work boxe ancy leath ‘;‘: er goods, Toilet cases, Per ery, &c. E* | adopted for Uhristmas presents. w ul ie s 4 o tect A A large ass ent Handkerchiets at . A. H. Jackson is an 1 riage Licenses, l)urhauu. Window glas than ever al . Sale. ATITEY Special Uhristmas Music will be rendered at the evening seiyice in the Baptist Church next Sunday evening. Your last chan@@â€"Bring your oil cans and get them d at Russell‘s Canadian oil 150, Ameri oil 19¢ gal. PHoToGRaAPHS â€"S ial rates. $1.00 a dogen off on all sizes OUhrist mwas, F. W, KELSEY Only two. weel® more till we have to leave Mockier‘s ®gtore, Get barâ€" gains and save us mokg the gcmds. JN.EvINE \ If you w-.\nt\io please a Bdy friend | nothing nicer Waan A fincy box of l Webb‘s bon bons Chocolates at the NEUL â€" Trendr / Stmwe. : > Prices from Rey, VU, «_ CUMOE" L* _ Cunthit OH occupred the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday last, Dr. Fairquharson taking his charge at Moorefield fur Anniverst ary services, Both morning and evening some of Mr Camptell‘s former congregation from Kunox, Normanby, were present to listen to the muchâ€" loyed pastor and shake his band. Mr Campbâ€"ll as the years go by gains in presenvation power and has lost nothâ€" ing of the earnestuess that marked his delivery of the go«pel message,. orricers ELECTED.â€" At the last e rvabet FuP : wise us .\ 770 ‘5‘ DURHAM, Bearerâ€"d as ME R m Rnee." Chieftainâ€"â€" Jno. Hunts 0. C,. MeF.ysen,. 8 @is. S\'('y. and Trea Mai shallâ€"C. Metvou i ces e Ma Kay. lan. _ Tru A, MeLac Geo, Binnte. your & woune i 27 ) add.. good . postiion, gh‘er M Business Uoilege? Jan. 3, will not be disappomted will find the grost upâ€" iment, â€" including New [y pewrilers, Gregg and hand, Filling Phinew Ledgers and "ard Led school gives you the 1 | Aissatisfied at the end of are the judge of its l board may be had at $2 John Brown nnd_l:,rml J yN PCs * V | THE STANDARD BANK Pnd‘ m Cc id was then arranged. 1 is nothing for it but powers that be, so to day , convener F. Irwi P. Gagnon go to Har time to draw up A schedule, comprising i over, Walkerton, Che vent of Ohristmas MAE MorJock‘s, an â€"lssuer of Mar ham, Ont. nd paints cheaper &. K usselPs Closivg y ho; Established 1873 'nluulmveniencehhndbuhe(miyh&. It is opened in themmeodtwomeui:ulddnhfly.-dbdhmmbdqn&s w&nw'chechmtbeirmh&vidmla’m C o 2 9 oys q9 s o 5t L thore whe or draw checks over on OW MAAA CC C000 uD Thhfomollccomti.pmimkfl!mvuient!ord\ou who Ive some distance from town. You can openaSavinpAoeflflwithOneDoflu. Why not 71 do so at once ? New Subscribers, to January 1. WHgg CO+ ESDTTRT OS for it but submit to the . be, so toâ€"nght, Wednea-‘ er F. Irwin and Manager go to Hanover again, this aw up a five club single omprising Durbham, Hanâ€" rton, Chesley and Paisley. fi THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1909 n â€" OF CANADA _ " A Joint Account PpURHAM BRANCH John HKolly, Manager SRANOL AnM80 AT HARRISTON: Extra 8 Suits andp(;‘u OUlosing Sale, Oloaringnceé in Millinery at 8 Morlock‘s. macFarlane‘s Chh Sale offers 8 rare snaps to china igors. taiming a smial E/ «tick pin, house keys. this office. Bibles, PrAger Bocoks for alR0d: Central Drug for a Obrisftmas P fefective SEEEROE TY ols "af ro the ground. By heroic offorts Mr Martin and his sister saved their agod ind infiven father. Some of the forniâ€" o2 "rose cham Aormst ~servcl ing Co. Ladies‘ chatala ine, COP: small purse, some silver, a 4 s ty 2 u0e »ab4 inducements in Men® :oats at Alex Russell‘s nt. ry 1, 19i1, only One Dollar. * Address and _ ‘g{‘ir:‘.‘i PLpneus GPE" 11 E00 RARmED C CCCSGmi pected dfim‘ch‘:‘lt It is with feelings mingled of sorrow “:e io progres:| 4"4 pleasure that we learn of your reâ€" of any PYO8TES" | moval from this place, SOrTY to part with friends who have led us to higher planes for the byâ€"law | in social and spiritual life as well as our s will, on cO0+| christian dutics pertaining to such, yet , do likewise. | pleased to knOW that you have been Jw to enterprise | called to a higher position .which you at present, | ill | paye proved yourself worthy of, where you may be a still greater power for umevemeccmmmrcemmmee | §OOU 111 the advancement of christianity. 1 yhie) theck slem AnihWint ts | MRA GaR MCRCT 00 * Presentation eveemeeemet warm Words to Rev. and Mrs. Bice. cmnmmmmmm The coming removal of Rev. A. A, Bive from the Rectorship of Trinity led his congregation On Thursday eve: ning ot last week to give him 4 piece of their mind and a few other things before the separation took place. L _ waalre AUO As we intimated some weeks TK * the relations bet ween Rev. Mr Bice and his people bave hbeen of the warmest description, and while they naturally regret his removal, they reâ€" i ice at the promotion which shows I s C1_._ ahavracter and §NAAIL Y ® A goodly number of the congrega~ ion, then, as We have binted deterâ€" nined to invade the Rectory, takin® | : with them refreshments, music and & | program. Thoy were warmly welâ€" | | comed of course, and at an appropriate | | tine an address was read breathing | sentiments of warm attachment 19 | the vceupanis of the Rectory. _ M J. Kelly read the address while Mes«rs Robt Adlam and Jos. Aikinson preâ€" sented the articles which were a valuâ€" able and handsome leather grip and 9 purse containing gold, while to M Bice was also given a pNrSC containi9g more of the precious metal. A Mr Bice though embarrassed by the kindly words and the surprise of the gifts made an nppmpriuu' regly. He Told of the bappiness that bad been their‘s during the over four years he had ministered to them and was sure he nor Mrs Bice would ever forget the kindness that had come their way. He hoped that under the new CODâ€" ditions with a new Rector in charge they would still make progress in Onristian lite and fellowship. 1 e nepn o V The magnificent edifice in the 10W ship of Egremont will stand as a monu® ment of your energy, and though your personal guidance and influence may be removed, we hope and trust and pray that you may ever be kindly rememberâ€" ed by those you leave behind to worship God in the true beauty of holiness. _ Though we regret to say goodâ€"bye, it \ rejoices us to know that your merit has been recognized by the Bishop, and that he, in his wisdom, has seen fit to assign you to a position of greater useâ€" fulness, where the vitalizing energics with which God has endowed you may be spent with better results as a worker in his vineyard. In regretting your departure, weâ€" rc: gret also the departure of Mrs Bice, whom we ailso hold in the highest estecem. We hope you may both be long spared, and that the new field of labor on which you are entering, may be pleasant and profitable to you both. In parting, we ask you, Mr Bice to ac« cept this club bag and purse of gold, and you Mrs Bice, this purse of gold, in remembrance of your congregation in Durham and to regard them, not beâ€" cause of their intrinsic value, but as a mere momento of the pleasant relationâ€" ship in which you and your congregaâ€" tion stood during the years you were in Durham. $ Signed on behalf of the congregation : dncE aflat Two weeks ago tion in Egremont tion, and the add the same kindly â€" To Rev. A. A axp Mrs. Bics. Dear Friends ELC While we feel that the bright Sun> | / shine of success that attended all your | labors in building a church in this place and filling its pews as well as Â¥lacing the Parish on sound financial ooting has been a factor in leading you to a position of greater activity, yet we realize that the cloud of sickness and \ sorrow that visited you for a time may | also have been given you to Rrepare you . Pb etie Ape o7 vau must aiso Naye PFRC 6 C 90 Cns E P for the ups and downs which you must no doubt meet with in the many differâ€" ent places to which your duties will call you, and that together they may prove & | strength to you in the Master‘s work of winning souls to Christ, _ We take this opportunity on the eve of, Your deâ€" parture to spend another social evening with you and ask you to accept these two chairs, not for their intrinsic value but «8 soamctDing VY which you may ever give 4® a pruce in you! uCl ud LCB anu wBue 1col 14 Ad on y our lao ws ail the new Nes to wiich you are Calicaly you can 100k back to the frionds with whom you labored s0 harmoniously for five yearg» his character igo St, Paul‘s Congregaâ€" ont bad a similar funcâ€" address following shows ly spirit, St Paul‘s Church Egremont. feel that the bright sunâ€" ‘ ss that attended all your ling a church in this place pews as well as Â¥lacing n sound financial footing factor in leading you to a greater activity, yet we the cloud of sickness and weeks ago ¢. Mr Bice in of the John Kelly â€" Robert Adiam Joseph Atkinson the Town: In conclusion we trust that the same bleuin%that attended all your labors on our behalf may also attend all your efforts in connection with your advanced calling and that the church and God‘s KinEdom may profit much by your works and that while we show a mark of gratitude for your earnest zeal and sood work in this place ll\at we also 700 Aelus s etill works RHUCERTt /""" C earnest of gratitude for your earnest zeal and good work in this place that we also fut forth our earnest effort to still urther it so that when we all meet at iast in the Glorious Kingdom we may hear that welcome voice say weil done good and faithful servants. Signed on behalf of congregation. Saran TUuCKER, Jane MarhEw$s Saran McFaADDEN, Wa, Davis. Sunday last, and respected 1: some weeks of : borne with Cb resignation. Ho ered around her Published Weekly at $1.00 a year. Sunday last, the above wie l K onc W imd respected lady passed away afi« some weeks of_ suffering and suspen=e borne with Cbrmistian patience . aind resignation. Her danghters bhod gaote ered around her and alvernating hopes and tears for her Lfe have been setties at last for she passed away as awbuye in her Touh year. iy.c ag citann and Deceased was A was born at Port C was married in 50‘s of last century w ll s Mn o oe a member of the wered"""""" und whose brothers Thos, of Dau bam. awnd Joseph in British Columtbia, ate wlill alive. __.._342 ausle in theirt MATPâ€" al1ve. The yourg couple early in their marâ€" tied life went onto the farm on the 4th con,. of Glenelg and endured mwuch of the early stress and privation of the period with much of the unrecorded hneroism of the early selUiers. Mr Louâ€" der died in 1889 and Mrs Lauder, with some members of ber famiy, moved to Durham. Since then Ube large family bhaye become wideiy scattered, vbough always keepIO® up the loying 1 HEW "J° CV und AxuRhLrrs 44 Aer died in 1000 409 °C M o ou some members of ber famiy, moved to Durham. Since then Ube large family haye become wideiy scattered, vbough always keeping UP the loyving lhuk with the mother and daughLers a home. The sons ate John and James, Peoria, 1. ; Abrabam at Omaba and Thos. at Blair, Nebraska ; Joseph a Dovenpori, lowaâ€" The daugbters are Mrs Boynton and Mrs McKinley, Tor onto ; Mes Webster, El Paso, Nexas, and Lizze at home. The daughuers were all nere L0 ininister to the ‘oved one, two of the sons were here a few weeks »go, and John and Jas,. ave hebe 1 & > siAuc these 1herk Mrs. The Roil Cail was a Miss Morrison and Port Coiborne, Qor _ Bue d in Buiffalo, i1 the late entury to Mr Jas. Lauade!, f the weltâ€"kuown Lamily, T uO wanst North house. charge. Jas. LavDER *‘-l-l'.‘ ure,. O" 12 moâ€". qr«dh % EC METE T OS cash in ieu o!‘ Torspay. JAY i vo 4. i-‘. wl’ ,. bai & 1 o‘dGock. ~KCHML & redii , 6 per cent discount I0P eu of notes. 6 ; ; *‘â€" D. *MoPHAW, Auctionee® . ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO e same its ors on 1 your REVIEW BRANCH OFFICE m For the convenience of subscribâ€" y your ers, advertisers and all patrons, a mark we have 'opened. an office in L. C. cal and Karstedt‘s _ Tinsmithing _and 6 8180 Plumbing Store, where we will be o still on hand for business Monday to meet at u Friday from 2 to 4 p. m« and we may {| Saturday afternoons. cil done Orders for Job Printing or any copy or communications received on ut these hours or may be left at o ooo m any tume. ATHEWS | || it 1. C. Karstedt‘s Store, myiS. next McKechni¢e‘s W\ ._____._.â€"-________-â€"-// Lne spirii of Chrisimas. Hâ€"cucm w pay afis L us a beauifus spanil i 4 is a «pivit suspense [ 0A Poatks joy, love and kimdmess, L mce â€" and e dlies culidnoud . atd wouberhuood d goas toâ€" cuecda â€"waich cluster che pure®! wih c ng hopes must â€" sacied â€" sealtuneuts of ihe soul n settied ju sls 8t if ana cousitel‘s he puoot as aboye | D* lonuely aud ihe forloru, 1 «Y ud Lorgives and forgeis. lt qproject i iseil velove and betiiad the one 06â€" rison dn d uay : t wih ne well for the won )nt Sh s rear is lblhj â€"cuuon uf «sne 4 da d s tke d 4 t'll‘wml":l." Spmrn covi@es sc emiloe yeats P l-:m;l)'. Lhe Uhostin «s splul is eve! Aodin bham, and uew avemsues ol u> luiness; it is sotue , ave slill he horrors of war and amms 10 w ow it enupely ; it is Urying ) preved: their marâ€" well as to relieye sickaess ; it i8 pf n the 4th viding for the noweless, the awnforc4 d much of | «4* and the stranger wihin our ap ol ko on of the | t is seen at its best in «Be Hoâ€"pital 1 anrecorded Sick Children ; i has in a few pla . â€" Mr Lauâ€" | 494 hoid of eimployer and eauploy uder, With weading to coâ€"vperal l0u in business 4 ily, wmoved | 4 equitabre division of protius, the dlarge It is getiing a finmer bhuid on / e sfoctan We are very loath, with Christmas shadow over us, to remind those who have not yet acknowledged the accounts sent out to attend to them :|but it must C on aese in N* nayve noL PCR EMEA C TL a ds .entouttonttendtodnem ; but it must be done. _ They are not large in inâ€" dividual cases but mean much to us. Settiement direct with us will be much more satisfactory and economical than with a third party. C. RAMAGE & soNn. || REVIEW BRANCH OFFICE Newspaper Accounts. For the convenience 0f subsCTi« ers, advertisers and all patrons, we have opened an office in L. C. Karstedt‘s _ Tinsmithing and Plumbing Store, where we will be on hand for business Monday to Friday from 2 to 4 p. m« and Saturday afternoons. Orders for Job Printing or any copy or communications received ut these hours or may be left at K at L. C Karstedt‘s Store, . RAMAGE & s0N, PermTERS AND PUBLISBERS Lie spirii of Chrisimas. ience of subscribâ€" and all patrons,

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