West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Dec 1909, p. 4

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Alt W For Christmas Gifts ;4 kre \i We will put your order aside until you want it. Suitable Xmas Gifts W â€" Central Drug Store m -3 3332233333 2:03 332333332332 Men‘s Lined Mitts An abandance of Men‘s Lined Mitts from ... You may find it hard to choose something suitâ€" able and useful for Xmas Gifts. _ We have a large and well assorted stock of all kinds of wearing apâ€" parel and fancy Dry Goods to select from which you will find both suitable and useful. 40c to 1.25 per pair Castom work & Repairing as usual at Darham‘s Largest _ Shoe _ Store We are showing a 12 chiefs in Silk, Lawn and Li borders from 1c to 50c each. Which make a very pleasing gift. large assortment in Fancy Table Cor Drapes, Stand Covers, Tray cloths, J Towels and Table Napkins. UNDERT AKING __a Fresb Christmas Groceries at the lowest prices. PRICEVILLE AND DROMORE Conducting Funerals, The Priceville | At Dromore Sole Agents for Progress Close and Careful attention to evea‘y transaction, or night. CAI.L : PRICES MODE Snp;;l'ym; all Funeral Maufia.\_& We have a specially fine display of gifts in : M China, Cut Glass, Brush & Comb Sets, : Military Brushes, Fancy packages of 1 Chocolates, Ebonyâ€"Rosewood Mirros, etc : Christmas Handker_chiefs Our Post Cards and we have a la: We are offering Special Bargains in Men‘s and Boys Suits and Overâ€" coats, Ladies Mantles & Millinery. to annuounce that he is _t?nying on Fancy Linens The Famous Kant Krack Rubber Men‘s high leather top Kant Krack Rubbers. 4. 00 Men‘s mediam leather top &8 8 50 Men‘s low leather top «* 3.00 Men‘s high lace Kant Krack Rubbers ..... 2. 735 Men‘s low lace €* /+ +s > oo Men‘s 1 buckle hb vink @090 Boys‘ low lace tÂ¥ nek‘xs « L090 Boys‘ 1 buckle gum rubber................1.30 Theso are all best gradeâ€"no panched goods ards and Booklets are very dainty a large assortment to choose from. McHMILLAN . Wortock BUSLNESS at a large variety of handkerâ€" 1 Linenin plain and fancy asing gift. _ We have a Table Covers, Sideboard y cloths, Doylies, Fancy vei~y transaction, whether by day PRICES MODERATE. Rubbers ! Rubbers ! Having purchased a large stock of Men‘s Heavy Rubbeis last April for fall delivery, we are able to sell you at practically last season‘s prices for cash. including Catholic Robes, &c. Mr McMillan also does a MEALS AND 1ODGING for men and horses Brand Clothing MeILRAITH AN UNDERTAKING doing Embalming The Sunday School entertainment held in the Presbyterian shurch on the evening of Tuesday the 14th Dec. eeram . 0 on oo y e un men o C was quite a success. The evening T9 was somewhat stormy and grave doubts were entertained by some that the affair was going to be a failure, but where there is a will there is alâ€" ways a way and all those that turned out amid showers of snow and snowâ€" banks in some instances, found their way :o the large and commodious church, where in the first placs they | were entertained . to their bheart‘s Hwilheo by partaking of the excellent good things brought by the ever faithfol ladies who are always at the leading point in making their share of the program a grand succes#. This part being duly and well perâ€" formed by all who took a share in this part of the program, all went up to the main part of the chnrch, being pretty well filled. Pastor Rev. Mr Matleson occupied the chair and in his asual manner performed bis duâ€" ties well, _ Speeches by Rev. Mr Berry on succass in life were ably deâ€" livered. â€" Recitations from a large number of the scholars and the boy | ‘, singer, Master Douglass Staubury,| .. and hbis mother from Toronto ; he has an excellent talent for a teaâ€"year b old boy. Drill by a number of halfâ€" (':1 sized girls trained by Miss McLeod, well performed speech by Mr Roger |g, son, teacher, and excellent music by|p the Priceville choir at intervals durâ€" ing the eyening‘ and then tha distmibâ€" uting the contents of the Christmas Tree which yielaed its fruits against Nature‘s decree and the welcoming of Santa Claus, after coming apparently i fatigued, with two big bags of good things for the little folks. The poor| [ | old fellow is getting old now, for its a| 1 long time since he set out on the journey at this season of the year, | distributing good things to the small |! people. After a yote of thanks to Superintendent Moore in his faithfalâ€"| mness in performing is part, and to | Mc Rogerson as Bible Class teacher, and al) concerned in making the enâ€" tertainment a success. The crowd left for vheir homes after 12 o‘clock, Proceeds of the evening $48.00. The marriage of Mr Norman Mc Intyre and Miss Janet MceBachern daughter of Mr and Mrs Roger Moâ€" Kachern, south line, Glenelg, took place on 8th inst, at Durham, the ofâ€" ficiating clergyman being Rey. Mr Newton, of Durham, Miss McEachâ€" ern, now Miss Mclntyre, is wellâ€" known in the neighborhood as a â€"= | young lady who was well deserving of being the recipient of a good life part ner, of which it was her good fortune to be so lucky as to captivate the love| ’ and affection of one of the finest p looking young men on the south line, besides other good qualities and charâ€" k acier that his good life partner may t feel proud of in a busband. _ Th« C young couple are now bappily domes Y tieated at the old family residense, south lime, and its the wishes of all friends and acquaintances to extend to them rogal congratulations and 0 || happiness on life‘s journey. Stormy weather during the most ol last week, snow blockades on sideâ€" roads, while some of the roads east and wost are partly bare Th township fathers of Glenelg finisbed their course as well as other municipalities and some of them may bid adieu to council matters for one year at any rale. The Rev. Mr Berry is holding re i viyal meetings at Ebenezer, Egre mont, this week and last week and are well attended. Mr Mcleod got his sawâ€"null a going again and is now busy cutting up the remainder of logs left over from last spring. We youch the sentiments of all who formed acquaintance with Mr Robert McLachlan, formerly of this place, but now of Calgary, in extending to him and his young bride congratulaâ€" tions, wishing them much bkappiness on their journey of life in the far away West. Wishing Editor and Staff and all readers a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. As our burg has not been beard from for the last couple of weeks, we will bave to try and find a litie news for this week. The Literary Society announced that there would be aspellitg match at their regular fortnightly meeting to be held in the schoulbouse, where a good crowd gathe: ed on Thursday evening, but as all were backward about trying to spell, they decided to go bome and learn their spellings, Salem church Sunday Bchoo! held thair annual entertainment and Christmas tree on Friday last. The tree was beautifully decorated. a choice program well rendered and a yery enjoyable eveniog spent by sll presont. PMECCCTCC St. Andrew‘s church Sunday Scbool intend bolding their Christâ€" mas entertainment on the 2ist inst. A good program is prepared and a good time expected. ‘-‘l-lree:rs R. Hannam and W.Kins: | man are also sporting new cutters. i Will says he is going to do a rushing Priceville Miss Lizzie Watson is at present on the sick list, but ander the skilfal treatment of Dr Sneath, we hope soon to hear of her being alright again. Mr Will Maxwell, of Radison, Sask, is at present visiting friends and reâ€" %ew:ng old acquaintances around the a k. Mr J. T. MceMuardo has made himâ€" self a Christmas present of a new cutter and is now sporting the smartâ€" \ut and most upâ€"toâ€"date driving outâ€" fit in this yvicinity. Swinton Park & 4 4@ ++ W TN THE DURHAM TORONTO business now. _ 1D€ were purchased from of Daurham. _ _ _ Mr Frank Huston spending some time here. hok 1n80n We hope Roy has better WeA‘""" next time he takes a notion to come out to see our fair maidens. Mr Jno. Cooper made & business trip to Toronto last week. -idiss M. Leeson, of Varney, renew:> ed old acquaintances round bhere this week. rarss N WOCR. We hope to see Mrs W . Sharp, who is under the Dr‘s care at time 0 writing, around again soon. Preparatory services were held on Friday and the Sacrament of the Lord‘s supper was dispensed on Sanâ€" day UE V + Mr Thos. Derby is engaged drawâ€" ing gravel for a silo he is going to erect next spring. _ I wonder it Austin lost his way on Sunday night. Your scribe wishes Editor and staff aud readers otf the Review a Merry X mas. The Central Druj quarters for all kin Christmas and New young and old and your reach. If you get it at GUN‘S, it‘s good â€"Hand Bags â€"Hymn Books â€"New hil'!lh Boo Ne °C 0 o oceay‘s Every farmer should know that the Krioo offered by th@ dealers for cattle, ogs, etc., is a fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper? What doctor or lawâ€" yer or business man would be without his business paper? There is but one farmers‘ business and market paper, that is The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by subscribing. The Review and Sun aAFPD LC $1.065, New subscribers for get balance of this year free. â€"Boxes of Candy â€"Smokers‘ Sets, Etc. GUN‘S DRUG STORE «THERE IS BUT ONE * _ Turnbull‘s Wool Underwear for Women Stanfields Unshrinkable Wool for Men LADIES‘ FURS wmnnnnnll, i_2lll 4 2 uit 4 + UNDERWEAR Wishing my nu= merous custom= ers and friends a very joyous Christmas W. Black Review and Sun are clubbed for New subscriters for 1910 will Ruffs and Muffs Ladies and Childs Coats Blanket Cloth Bear Skin Ladies‘ Skirts and~ _ _ Hampden . L. GRANT The Best Underwear Made. | Drug Store is head> all kinds of beautifui | New Year presents fo‘ d and at prices within The three cutlefs rom Mr McLelian, ston is at presebt rime at his bome Church Hymn Underskirts cutters is visâ€" ERIREEOCE PC CCC H. Calp was pard $10.00 damages to threshug outft and loss of tme. A special grant of §25 was made 1o procure a nurse for Miss 0. Carter until she is able to be removed to hospital. An order was drawn in favor of the Reeve for $25.55 cost to date Egremont vs Bryau‘s suit. Jno MeBeth was paid $18 25 bal. due on tile making. ' apreavey . Wvel â€" 20009 Comy W abson OWY TCOR U O stmg: er had Jet contracts amounting to $120.67. These are completed. Ozders grauted, Comr Watson 75¢ fees: Comr Watson reported ditching and repairs to qulyert $3, telephoning 25c Comr foes 50¢ â€"Paid. Comtr MeArthar small jobs.â€"Paid. Comr Lothian 1 and Com work on ( pERIETT PCE CR CCR Sat s Comr Lothian bad expended §39 .40 and Com work on O. 8, road hail a day, â€"Paid. Com fees $4. and $1,50 for Coam work. ' * c n ANea t nsinnb e nh n wire fenses reading avd Lender tobe Byâ€"law No tions parsed. U1OnNs PATDEU+ On . motion of Lothianâ€"MeArtharâ€" accounts amounting to $1098,90 were paid, o eeae sn CSA /o. Comr Lothian took the chair OD motion and read the following brief adâ€" dress :â€" Mr Hast:s : In yiew of your retirement from Maniâ€" cipal affairs and the consequent severâ€" unce of your long connection with the affairs of our township, we, the members 0t this official board on our own bebalf, desire to couvey to you, in a public mauner, our bigh appreciation and esteem which we bave for you, Daring the wmany years over which you have presided as Reeve you have displayed a tine charscier which has won our reâ€" spect. _ We haye always found you ready to help us always ready and willâ€" ing to bear your full share in all the official work of the Board, VDIUO The Financial Statement was read avud adopted and 200 copies were orderâ€" ed to be printed for distribution. By your _ many â€" kindly personal quanties aud yoar acls of service, we inily realize m sense of our indebtedâ€" uess to you. _ While deeply regrettine your retirement: from Municipal work,. we songratulate yon on the many honorâ€" wble positions you have been ca‘led to fil: in our County Covneil, We tiuâ€"t your wey in the Providence o1 God may wtill be one of large service and of increasing blessing. _ But hbowâ€" ever large and enccessfal your foture career may be you will uot win truer or more appreciative friends than those who have sat with you around this tible during the past year. Kindly uccept of this acknowledgeâ€" menut of our appreciation and thanks for the kind avd c urteons mauner you h.ve always maunifested to us whil« p »siding as Reeve over the affairs of | mis Townsbip. TK. A Byâ€"law to encourage the orection of T T3 sne ust amil Ond Â¥r Hastie made a very touching rep v. _ ; CE 2s The other mambers and others gave a parting (ribute. Council rose. Sleighing is now good end business is getting brisk. Teaming bas comâ€" menced. T y se e h The Proton Council held their last meeting for this vear here on Wed nesday 15th, in David Bilton‘s local uption hotel. ‘The most otf the meetâ€" ings for the year were held in the municipality of Dandalk. _ There was a large number of ratepayers present, chiefly to pay their taxes, as the collectors were there for that purpose. There was considerable talk about who would be the candiâ€" dates of the Council for next year. The people, nearly all, talked of wanting a change of men all through. The affairs of the township were well talked about, especially the debt of the township was talked ovyer well, and the expenses that are talked about the im provements that are proâ€" posed for 1910, would sink the townâ€" ship in a heavy debt that would be burdensome for many years. The new improvements are as follows, in addition the usual expense ; to vote on a Byâ€"Law to raise $8000.00 for bridges in the swampsa, to build a township hall at Ventry or buy a vaâ€" cant church near Proton Sta ion, to make cement sidewalks at the vilâ€" lages of Hopeville, Cedarville, Conn, Veniry, Proton Station, and we exâ€" pect opposite the Dundalk cemetery. We expecs the Rev. Mr Gibson will soon be moving all his household goods to his new home near Mildmay. Our people here are sorry to lose 1{0 | good company of Mr and Mrs Gibson, but what is our loss will be other pwgle'l gain, and they will carry with them the best wishes of the people here. ® Married by the Rev. Mr Smith; Presbyterian, Mr Joshua E Calp, K f the Egremont townline, to Miss M. E. Tibbey, daugbter of air William Tibbey, of 2nd Con.. Proton, near Conn, on Tuesday 14th, at the Presâ€" byterian manse, Conn. The young cou%le are taking up their residence on the 9th con., Proton. _ Many conâ€" gratulations. Mr Edward E. Hockridge, our new merchant, bas been c«lled upon to moarn the death of his father. ot Cedaryille. The death occurred on Sanday 12%bh, and the funeral on Tuesday 14th, so the Woodland cemâ€" etery, the Rey, Mr Smith, Methodist, ct Conn, officiating. Mr Hockridge, Sr, was a prominent farmer for many years at Cedarville. He leaves a large tamily to mourn his departâ€" CERTC®® Watson found that Comr Hontâ€" F on m dn Eon S se k w O PEAAA CC td zes received its first and 2n0d avnd is publisned in Holstein tobe voted on in Jau 8rd 1910. w No 239 to bold Municipal elecâ€" Hopeville. Mc had expended $2.25 k the chair on following brief adâ€" \.mw @60000000006 9 \§ The Last Days % |¢ _ before Christmasi THE CITY BAKERY| E. A. ROWE DECEMBER 23, 1909 e q RUBBERS, xunnsa & FELTS pr Headquarters for all Bakery Goods We have them in all sizes, and a large number of different BEST OF OYSTERS IN SEASON Choice lines of all kinds of Cooked, Cured and Salt Meats, Groceries Flour, Sauer Kraut, etc. st: les. Lumbermen‘s Rubbers â€"snag proof and rolled soleâ€" one buckle or two buckle, low laced or high leather top, Heavy rubbers for hoys, buckle or lacced. ROWE‘S BREAD ISALWAYSGOOD Once a customer, always a customer Give us a trialâ€"we‘ll do the rest Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. mocassions for oi tan Men and Boys buckle behind. _ A heavy shoe all heights. Overâ€"shoes for Women Felt lined leather tops and leather soles Rubber bot toms and felt tops. All kind$s of Felt Shoes _ for Ladies and Children STORE Felt THE BAKER, Gara fraxa Street, Durham «shoe with one and Girls over Hea Hardw: Ally 0{ our S‘ of year . We carry Sticks and Pucks. and Hockey Sticks. mri‘bt. See them Lenah ln se‘echng y« lt Wi“ be w()rth y« lor Tables and Ex would be a very & Lenah Large Skates This roclamat Yt is as remain S« and we h \Just In Ladies Director Directo:i Habit F Sales ong H arri A n in | No El O 0 M hb!

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