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Durham Review (1897), 30 Dec 1909, p. 5

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low and ent E A D t m op. kle one verâ€" and botâ€" for Egg ays ~C O( made nrices. th 0 ASON 00S$ iTA mer rest *A t #4 #C I 4 4 : ) Heaclquarters for Hardware & Furniture Any of our Skates make a very suitable Present for this time { year. We carry a full line of them, also of Skate Straps, Hockey Sticks and Pucks. Among our leaders are the Automobile Skates ind Hockey Sticks. _ The goods speak for themselves and our prices ire right. _ See them and get the catalogue and calendar of Automobile Goods If you are not interested in the above, you may want a Carvâ€" 1 Set, a Lamp, some Spoons, Kaives and Forks or any such article We have a goad selection of these, suwitable for Christmas Presents. In selecting your presents do not overlook our Furniture display. + will be worth your while to call and see our Chairs, Rockers, Parâ€" \>r Tables and Extension Tables, Couches, Etc., anyone of which vould be a very serviceable gift. Lenahan & Melntosk. Lenahan &E McIntosh 1gw*t; Large This is the 19096 anniversary of the heralding of the roclamation proclaiming " Peace and good will to Man." It is as pleasant mow as when proclaimed and it will always remain so to the end of time. Gift giving is a natural result and we have secured an excellent stock suitable for Chrismas gifts. IJ ust arrived <Z"_ _ A new stock of D & A Corsets DECEMBER 30, Skates and Hockey Supplies In Ladies‘ and Gent‘s Rings do do Tie Pins do do Cuff Links do do Watch Fobs Directoire with four garters . ...« Directoire superior quality ... @1 Habit Hip..............m& Long Hlp.‘ Sales A large rauge of Ruchings in fancy boxes ... > Ladies‘ lace and jet collars in all shades.. ><>>>~ Ladies‘ silk elastic belts, all shades..}.<>>~>>>~+** Men‘s silk ties leading shades.. «e << > > > >>n*** Men‘s silk handkerchiefs. . ... > > > > 999 9~*** G. & J. MeKECHNIE $ gutlery, Ete. A Werry Christmas Rappy Ww ;-q;ality. . ... 1.00 urniture â€"=â€"to everybody> and a McKECHNIE Dress Uoods and menos CIUVLA!‘R * reduced prices. goc profit on a Man‘s Suit is better to us than $3.00 without sales â€"â€"Boots and Shoes and Goceries arriving daily. The highest prices paid for Produce In Ladies‘ and (Gent‘s Chains do do Collar Buttons do do Lockets In Ladies‘ Brooches ..... . . 25¢ and 50¢ _...... 25¢ and 50¢ ... ... . . 25¢ and 50¢ Goods and Men‘s Clothing at rices. goc profit on a Man‘s tter to us than $3.00 without Boots and Shoes and Goceries Mr. and Mrs. J. Levine of Darham epent a week ago Sunday at Mr. Jas. Brown‘s here. Miss Clara Maine, Hagersyille, was up tospend Christmas hoiidays and to renew old friencs in this part. Misses May Aljoe, Annie Lawrence Laura Whitmore and Lottie Brown are home from Tronto to spend their Chris:mas holidays. Mizss Annie McGirr and a lady friend trom near H«gersvilie, are spending Chistmas wich the former‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Thos. McGirr Mesars Thos and Howard W hirtmore are home from Woodbridge where they spent their sammer‘s work at threshing. e Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hargrave »nd children are spending a few days at the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Miss Annie Seott we are pleasad to learn is able to be home atier her sad accident of gerting her ankle broken, which occurred some time ago. May B Hopkins is home trom To â€" onto to spend New Years Muach sympathy is felt tor Mra Geo. Wilson and bereaved tamily at the l»s of husband and father, as Mr. Wilson was a much respected neighâ€", bor and work man cf this place. May and George Arnett called on Hopkins‘ Christmas evening. % Mr John MeCalt of Top Ciiffe is busy making timber in this part John is pretty bard to beat as a timâ€" ber man. The St. Andrew s church Sunday behool entertarnment and Christmas tree last Tuesday evening proved a grand success and with an ideal eyen ing the church was crowded to the doors. _ The program consisted ol choruses by the achool, songs, recitaâ€" tions and drills, all of an eatertainâ€" ing nature, after which Rey Matheson who occupied tha chair called on a large number of scholars and presenâ€" ted them with seals and diplomas from the (General Assembly for tha correct recitation of Shorter Jatechism and !pasz-a.:vs of seripture. _ Then came the distributing of presents from the tree which ended a very pleasant eyening for all. The proceeds amount led o $26. :: :~>_ KR‘ 3 A couple of sleighloads of young people attended the Workman‘s Conâ€" |eert at Priceville on Wednesday evâ€" \ening and report a good time, i Although the bachelor‘s club have been doing all that is in their power Uoar . ... .20¢, 30¢ and 40¢ Popular Place Swinton Park and 50¢ Small rofits to guard against ana stamp out the epidemic of matrimony which played so much kayoe in the ranks of the brigade during the past summer, the merry chime of wedding belis is now telling them that their efforts are all in vain as another valeed and much respected member has been sinitten by the charms of one of our most esâ€" timable young ladies. S. S. Entertainment at Dromore Russell Hall on Thursday evening last was packed to be door by a tine mixture of young and old on the ocâ€" easion of Koox Chureh 8. 8. Auniverâ€" sary. _ This is the first time it has been beld in the fine new hball and it was generally admitted it was an appropriate place to bold it. Rev. Mr Kendei! was in the ehair,. Santa Claus himseit was on the platâ€" 1 form most of the time, evergreens and other decorations and a fine exâ€" pectant spirit all bespoke Christmas. ‘The chairman was in one of his happiest moods and played apon the deligh:ful fiction to the amusement of tue children. _ He had a long proâ€" gram which was faithfully ecarried vat, a large number of the pupils baving individual recitaticus, while choruses were excelleatly rendered by a tull plattuorm of healthy looking boys and girls. _ Great praise must be given them also for the precision with which they marched to and trom their places on the plastorm, showing caretal wraining. Thecreai, for this and other teacures was largely due to the painstaking . efforts of two publicâ€"spuited young ladies Misses Eiiza Wilson and Agues Renwick, who, assisted by Mrs Kendell bad given great time and paius to the ‘p"epuraliun. e o . E CE Superiniendent John Adams gave the _ financial aud other statistics, showlng an eurultwent of 99 pupiis with an attendance at S« bbatn 3 ouod and church thast was highly flatter Ing. _ Mr C. Ramage, a teacuer in the Sunday Schoot tu the early days, was present from Darhan and g .ve a talk on **Look Up," with special refereuce to the lessons to be learned trom a study of the heavens. _ Mr Robt. Reawick, for over 30 years conâ€" uected continuously with the schoos as teacher or Superintendent gaye an address expressive of his pleasure as the great success of the entertainâ€" meut and at the welfare of the school, and Copcluded by giying a pathetic rendering trom Talmage of the lite ut a tamily clock which v ituessed the loyes, the liyes and the leaving of the passing generations. A teature ot the evening which gave great pleasure was the vioiin music by Mr Eakitt, oi Yeovil, acâ€" companied oy hbis daughter on the orgau. They were heartily encored. Phe singing by the tour chiid en otf Mr and Mrs David Loug was also a delighifal number, as it Was unexâ€" peciued, and the little ones did credit 0 cheis mother‘s training. _ Au elaâ€" borate lodian drill by six young maidens in Iudian costame was spieudidly rendered as was also a Slar drill, a snouw song, and some uthers. At an appropriate time Santa Claus came in groaning under bis burden of a saden Christmas «ree on which and around which were presents tor all the children, and special care was taken to see that none were missed. _ Mr Arch Clark made an eXcelleut Santa Claus, and doffed his ‘muame Op ‘° during the program to give two Cever recitations. _ The choir under the leadership of Mr W i Ramage gave an appropriate Christâ€" mas piece, bu, the program was w0 tuli to allow of more. _ Special menâ€" vion should be made of toe presentâ€" alion to Mrs Joba Garson, of a handâ€" some chair for her devoted work with the infavt class. Uf the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Durham A Byâ€"Law guaranteeing Debentures or * The smcuowan miuing vo.," Of the fown of Vurham. WHEREAS " T‘he McGowan â€" Milling Company " of the Towu of Durham in the County of Grey, has erected an vatmeal mill and grain elevator withâ€" in the limits of the Uorporation of the Town of Durham, and the toCal cost thereof when fuily completed will be the sum of thirty thousand dollars or over : $ f s AXD WuHEREAS in order to the full completion, ereciion, and equipment of the said ostmeal mill and elevator, it will be necessary for the sud " The McGowan Milling Company" to bor row the sum ot Fitieen Fhousaud Dotâ€" lars, which said sum of Eifteen Toouâ€" sand Dollars, shail vbe applied to the completion, erection aud cquipment of the sarid oatmeal mull aud elevaltur, and not otherwise ; C diEnk s . a. C AND WHEREAS the said * The «Mcâ€" Gowan Muling Company " propose to issue debentures of the said Company t . the amount of Fifteen Thousand Dotlars tor the purpose aforesaid ; and bas applied to the Municipal Couneil of the Corporavion of the Town of Durbam to guarantee the dubentures of vhe said "The McGowan Milling Company." to the said amount of Fifteen Thoyusand Doliars ; AND WHEREAS the said debentures of * The McGowan Milling Company" will sell more readily, if guaranteed o{ the said Corporation of the Town of Durham, and the said Municipal Council, in view of the circuinstances, and the benefit lhkely to accrae to the said Town and community from the erection of the said oatmeal imili and elevator, deein it expedient to guaran« tee the due payu eut of the said deâ€" bentures upou imaturity thereof, reâ€" spectively, §‘ s _AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue ‘ the said deventures ab oue time and to make the principal of the said debt reâ€" payable by yearly sums during the perâ€" iod of twenty years, kelag the currency of the said dsbcntures, said yearly +ums being of such reâ€"pective ant)uqu that the aggregate amount payable in each year for prmoipq',l and interest in reâ€" spect of the said debt, shall be as nearly us possible equul to the awount so payâ€" ubie in each of the uther Niveteen years of «ud period, as shown in Scheduie \ * A " hereto annexeo : Axp WBurRkEaAs the amount of the whole rateabie property of the Town ot Durbam, according to the last revised assessment roil thereof is $615,741.00 : Byâ€"Law No. 568 Axp WuzrREA#the amount of the exâ€" THE DURHAM REVIEW isting debenture sebt of the said Muoiâ€" cipality is $52,027.41, whereof no part of the principal or interest is in arrears : Bz it therefore enacted by the Muniâ€" cipai Council of the Corporation of the Town ot Duarham, and it is hereby enâ€" acted as foliows : * 1. TuHat the said Corporation of the Town of Durham, do hereby guarantee the due payment of the debentures of the said ©" The McGowan Milling Comâ€" pany " to the amount of Fifteen Thouâ€" savd Dollars, to be issued as aforesaid, according to the terms of the said deâ€" beoutures. UURUNTEDY 2. Anar said debentares shall bear inierest ay the rate ut five per â€" centain per auoum, payable yearly at ibe Staudard Bauk oi Canada in each year during the currency thereof, and shall ve issucd for the aggregate amount, inâ€" ciudiug botu the interest and tue auuual istalment ot privcipal, due in each year during the period tor which the said debentures shall run. 8. Txar upon each of the said Deâ€" bencures respectively, shall be written or printed the tollowing form of guarauty : " Payment of this debeuture, and the interest thereon, guarauteed by the Corporation of the Town of Durham. under Byâ€"Law No. passed the day of January A, D., 1910° 4. Tug Mayor of the eaid Town of Durhaim is bereby authorized and directâ€" ed to sign the »ard guaranty on each of the said debentures on the behalf of the said Corporaticn of the Town of Darâ€" h«am, and the Clerk of the said Corpora tion is Lereby authorized and directed to countersign the same respectively, and to affix thereto the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Town of Durham,. 5. WEX so signed the said Corporaâ€" tiou of the Towu of Durham, shall be liable to tuhe holder or bolders of the said debentures aud respousible for the due payment thereof at the time and place nuamed therein respectively, 6. Tmis Byâ€"Law shall some into lorce pnd take effect un and after th» fiual passing thereof. 7, ‘Tusr votes of the electors of the wd Town of Durham shail be taken on this Byâ€"Law as the foliowing times ano pluce=, tua: is to say :â€"Ou â€" Monday the Third day of January A. D., 1910, com meneing at the bour of nine o‘ciock is the ferenoon and coutioning till five u‘clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the following deputy returning ofâ€" fHeers : In North Ward at Cliftion Eivilge‘s house, by Ciuifoon Eluidge aâ€" deputy returning officer ; in East Wars at the Town Hall by H. H. Mockler, a» weputy returning officer, and in Weet Ward at Jobhn Sveil‘s Office, by Joh» Smith as depaty returning offlcer. 8. Ox Satorday the First day of Jan aary A. D , 1910, the Mayor of the saio LPowau otf Durham shall aitend at the offic« of the Town Cierk of the Town ot Darbam at ten o‘ciock in the forenoon to appotu peson> to atueud at the various poliiug place= aforesard, and at the final sumâ€" iming up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this Byâ€"Law, respectively, 9. Tuz Clerk of the Council of th« »â€"ard Town ot Durham, shati attend at his offce in theTown ot Duruam, on Tuesda; the Fourtu day of Jauuary A. D,, 1910, at the hour of ten o‘clock in the forenoon, to sum up the number of votes for and against this Byâ€"Law. DatEp at the Council Chamber in the Town of Durham, this day of January A,;D., 1910. Referred to in foregoing By Jaw. Year Principal â€" Interest Total 1911 $453.64 â€" $750.00 _ $1208.64 1912 476.82 127 32 1203.64 1018 50C.14 703 50 1203.64 1914 525,14 678 50 1203 64 1915 551 40 652.24 1203.64 1916 £78.97 624.67 1208 64 1917 507 92 595.72 1203.64 1918 638.32 565.82 1208 64 1919 670 28 538 .41 1203 64 1920 703.74 499 90 1208 64 1921 738 98 464.71 1208.64 1942 775.88 427.16 1208 64 1923 814 67 888.97 1203 64 1924 855 40 848 24 1208 64 1925 b98 17 8305 47 1208 64 1926 043 08 2060 56 1203.64 1927 990 24 213 40 1208.04 1928 1039,75 163 89 1208.64 1920 1091.74 111.90 1208.64 1980 1146 32 57.32 12083.64 $15000.00 $9972 80 $24072 80 mnoTICE Take notice that the above is a trne copy of a Byâ€"law which has been taken into consideration, and which will be fually passed by the Council ot the Manicipality of the Town ot Darh«am, in the event of tho assent of the electors being obtained thereto, aiter one month from the frst publication in * The Darâ€" ham Review," the date of which first pablication was Thursday the 9th day of December A. D., 1909, and that the Â¥otes of the electors of the said Muaniciâ€" prlity will be taken thereon on the day and at the bours and places therein stated, 3 1930 150 acres in Bentinck, buildings and soil good, eyerything in @rstâ€"class shape, _ Price $5000. 230 acres on the Garafraxa Road, 200 clear. 50 acres hardwood bush, well watered, first class bumldings,. Will be sold cheap to wind up ertate, 250 acres in Bentinck,. _ Five miles from Durham, fine buildings, good land, with a quantity of timber, Must be sold at once, _ Price greatly reduced. NebX C kh s h (oy e 100 acres in Bentinck on Garafraxa Road pear Dornoch, good buildings, price reduced from $3000 to $2300 for quick sale, 200 acre farm near Dromore, high l«»s property, splendid buildings, Price right. W. F. DUNN, Solicitor, Durham, Ont Lot 27, Con. 18, Township of Egreâ€"‘ mont, 134 acres, 113 acres cleared and | of good clay loam, all of which is in ; good state of cultivation, _ 10 acres of , hardwood bush, balance of soft timber. Good fences, also a good spring creek cruuinf the farm, â€" Good buildings, consisting of large brick house with all modern conveviences, large frame barm with stone basement and good stabling, driving house, pig pen and hen house, all of which are in good reâ€" paur, _ Easy terms ofxuyment. For | further particulars and price, write or ‘ ‘ apply personaliy on the premises to Axavs McDovaeaLL Dromure P. O, . Farms For Sale. sCHEDULE " A" W. B Vouuer. Clerk of Town of Durham. $453.64 476.82 50C.14 525,14 551 40 £78.97 507 92 638.32 670 28 703.74 738 98 775.88 814 67 856 40 b98 17 943 08 990 24 1039,75 1091.74 1146 32 Farm tor Sale 805 47 2060 56 213 40 163 89 111.90 57.32 Clerk Mayor Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shortâ€" hand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Commercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing. Ornamenâ€" tal Writing and in placing all its gradustes. Each student is taught separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free, Day and Night Classes _ Visiâ€" tors welcome. Fall Term Opens Monday, Oct. 4 W. T. CLANCY, â€" Principal The school is thoroughly equipped in teaching «bility, in chemica) and electrical supplies and fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matric ulation work. The following competent staf are in charge : ‘ THOB. ALLAN, Prlnc(rl. 1st Class Certificate. Bubjects : Science, Euclid, English Grammar Bookâ€"keeping and Writing. MISS DONALDA MeKERRACHER, B. A., Grac uate of Queen‘s University. Subjects Latin, French, Algebra, Arithmetic. MISS AMY EDGE, Graduate of the Faculty of Education. â€" Subjects: Literature, Compoâ€" sition, Geography, History and Art. Intending Etudents should enter at the begin ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be ob tained at reasonable rates, . Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence FEES: g1 per month in advance. J. P Telford . The best jrectical training «chool of Onâ€" tario. . We offer advantages not offerered elsewhere in canada, Our teachers are exâ€" perienced, courses thorough and practical, and we assist graduates to good positions. The demand at present greatly exceeds the su;lvf)ly. We prepare teachers for Business cCollege work. Write for our free catalogue, CENTRAL m ol UNDERT AKER and Funeral Director Full line of Catholic Robes and black _ and white Caps for aged _ people. Embaliming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Sgow Rooxmsâ€"Next to 8wallow‘s Barâ€" S OwEXx SouXxp, OxtaRIO, Individual Instruction gi\'cn in all Business Subjects. _ Preparatory Course for those whose early educaâ€" tion has been neglected. 4# Write for particulars, C. A. FLEMING, _ G. D. FLEMING, ber Shop. RESIDENCE â€" First house south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. MmoUNT FOREST Business College Durham School WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 3rd. )/3 SENTRAL â€"a" D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal Winter Term opens JANUARY 3rd at the J >â€"NORTHERRY ff} %[/Zdfl% STRATFORD, ONT. wore s e Fiour, Feed, Seed & Groceries Fresh Groceries New Fruits Choice Contectionary PureSpices & Vinegars No.‘1 Family and Pure Manlto{m ours Fine Salt Farm ers Produce Wan MATTHEWS & LATIMER Staff and Equipment. Principal, Secretary. A. BELL ‘hairman ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO C. Ramage Rarvot@re . uol ues W.C. PICKERING D. DS., LDS HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. KRooms J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M O.a‘.“n"""" 6t., ON"“L P. N-&' hice. "Bumoonts: "uuvne "Lhoos sae uhoigs BSts., one block west from foor of hlll. Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store HONOI. gol;A“DUA'l‘l 'l‘uon:;l University Grad nate College Dental Surgeon Dentistry in all its vranches, Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agent. Money to Loan [<suer of Marriage Licenses. _A gen â€"ral financial basiness transacted. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer A&c. Money to Loan at lowest rates, fAce, McIntyre Block over the Stan ( ) dard Bank, Durham, Ontario, Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner. Money vo uoan, , «»ffice on Lambron 8St., 0 ite I Walpole‘s Stables, PPO® #$â€"1a.m _ }4pnm. Telophone Connection No. 10 D. McPHMHAIL_~+ Cockshutt Plow Co. Ltd., Brantford Paris Plows, Spreaders, etc Bissell Rollers and Disc Harrows Adams Waggons and Sleighs T Derms moderate. Arrufielneun for sales a to dates, &c., must be made at the Review Of PP EBAE MEoes METREOT OR EVE ET NCE RPMIRC CC fice, Durham. 1* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. O or to C. RAMAGE, Durbam Baynes Buggies. Armstrong and Tudhope Cuttess Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing x Machines, » National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Churns, Washers, Wingers Beatty‘s Hay Goods Promptness and fair dealing will continue to be my motto Yours for Business, Meimbor College Physicians and Burgeons Peter Hamilton Farm Implements p C uh â€">p o p d a» PP â€" C w J. F.GRANT D. D.S., L. D. S. Money to be Made The Hanover C>nveyancer, offers : 200 Acres Glenelg â€"Good frame dwelâ€" ling and one of the yery best and largest frame bank barns in the County of Greyâ€"a gift at $2700. 100 Acres, Bentinckâ€"Fine brick venâ€" eeped and frawe dwelling, frame _ bank barn and all good huildin%a. _ price $2600 ; hardly the value of the buildings. Owner bound to sell. 130 acres Bentinck â€" 44 miles from Hanover, close to school and Post Office with daily mail,. Brick house, frame bank barn, great saap, and Many other Good Bargains in Farm and Town property, If you want to Buy or Sell go to Miller No charge if no business done, Licensed Auctioneer ftor Co, Grey Railway and Steamship Tickets to D EB T Notary Public, Commissioner, CuUNYEYANCER, &c. Debts Collected. No charge if nothâ€" immg collected _ All kinds of financial business carefully and quietly attenâ€" ded to. "Always Prompt, Never Negligent." «ll points, \ Money to Lend at lower rates than DJRHAM, ONT. (Lower Town McIntyre Biockâ€"Lambton St, Barclay and Bell‘s old stand by attending to this advertisement #@r Ceylon has a telephone office, you carn horrow elsewhere. Be sure & get Stinâ€" J. P. TELFORD SON‘ S bakery goods and you will always be satisâ€" G H. STINSON Model Bakery We buy our bread at Stinson‘s and think it is the very best too. That is what you hear the people say. . B. Mclellan. fed. We have a fresh supply of Buns, Doughâ€" nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand Cart Delivers Daily W. F. DUNN H. H. MILLER, eS THERE‘S

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