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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jan 1913, p. 1

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A MRS,. ]. C. NICHOL, Representative last John Kelly, _ SPIRELLA CORSETS yeap OrFice Toronto Big Millisery »Reduction Sale * have a aumber of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats that w will sell regardless of cost for Matrons, Misses and Childo. Jor their hberal ipatronage of 1912 which ,fiives the "best record of ;_'any year ‘during our twebhty year‘s nou 3 : Remember the special »rset Sale beginning Decemâ€" The unbreakable stay. and i SLOFe®. equn nd ( To Scuoon SEcrREtARYs.â€" id you a set of bills for callâ€" School Meetings for 25¢. ‘/â€"â€"A sevenâ€"soomed eottage 8. For particultars apply itson, eorge St., Durham. We thank our riany customers 1i clection Card Cor â€"their liberal p yR H A M Esginning Friday & Saturday &2 and Oth of November MISS L. MceAULIFFE f the i‘p of Bentinek tlemen ;â€" if many ratepayers I + allow my name to f many ratepayers I : allow my nameto ion as a Councilior clfully request your avor and your vote Box 107, Dacharm WM. G HASHIR | 11 18 28 ]'r @ an advantage sometimes: to keep a bank account in the names of tweo persons, so that gither one may nake. withdrawals. *Such an wm;aw."wmhn We shall be pleased to fumish parâ€" work of the Congress and was reâ€"apâ€" poiated to the position of State Treas urer for two years, declining the honor of the Presidency. â€" We quote ; "Mrs Ruiledge also says that while the Cougress does not advocate the franchise, those who are interested and do beheye in it have a great many sympathizers among the Congress. It has been done in other states and we realize that the time is coming when we will have it and we must be ready to handle the privilege wisely and well.‘ Durnax Lapyx HonorEpâ€"We have beenâ€" shown a copy of the "Texas Motherhood Magazine," in "wftch ap . pears a fine photo of Mrs Ge(\medgt' of El Paso, Texas, formerly Miss Jatia Andersen of this town. Mrs Rutledge we notice from a write up was bi"vd to speak at a "Child‘s Welfare".Conâ€" wress, meeting in Houston. Texas, and representing fouy slates.._She â€"mada B"R A N‘;C H,_ 18713 The Review wishes: all its friends the | 2E EC OPICS »OrEâ€"To. a Goop StaART.â€"Uniess a tbown league baorganized, the juvenâ€" ile teamâ€" will by all appearances, be the onlyâ€"hockey bunch Durbam will have ‘in the field this winters Op Obristmas night they set the ball aâ€" volling by bringing oyer Hanoger Juvenifes for an exhibition, ugf'n & closeâ€"clean game won out 5= 3/half & In our rush last week, we omitted to mention that on the Thurssday preâ€" vious a represeniative gathering of the ladies of the Proesbyterian church met at the manse and presented Mis« Laura McKenzie. cheir president, with a five dollar goid piece as a token cf regard for her un iring zeal in the fu: therance of the Society, especially in bazaar work. This came as a comâ€" plete surprise to iss â€"McKenzie, but tound words to warmly thaok them for their thoughtiulness asnd kindness, The Women‘s Foreign Missionary 8¢> ciety were represented the â€"same afternoon and on sehalf of their body presented Mrs Farqubarson with a life membership in their Society and yalued at $25 for her yalued services as President, Thisalso was a genuine surptrise and after a pleasant social hour was spent the gathering disâ€" persed, _ LAKD wrom ~SALE. â€"#3 acres good @nd, no buildings. gituated inside Durham Town limits. Spring: creek runs through property, ~Good chance for quick purebaser. ~ ~" * e n Apply toâ€" ; C. C, Huvipa®. The Farmers‘ Irstitate meeting wili ne held in the Town Hall, Durham, ou Wed, Jan,. 8ib at 2 p. m. sharp. Demonstration lectures will be ‘given by the district representatives of Dutâ€" ferin, Simeve and Grey. oh. .‘ " The [)uru.‘t" Brancbh of the Woâ€" men‘s lostrtute will hold ameeting on Weduesday, Jan. 8, in the Town Hall, Durham. CA lady lectureris expected to be present. Ail are cordlally. itâ€" vited ‘to aftend whetheramembers or not. r p > ects â€"The home of Mr and Mrs Win. Orr of town was saddene 1 Wednesday evening by th&dcath of their youngest daughâ€" ter, Gertic; a bright little girl of eight yearg.‘ The cause we learnwas diabat. i3, Weextend our sympathy to the sorâ€" rowing family. AN Earoxy Eastszn.â€"Easter 1913 wil be observed on March 28rd. This is the earliest Easter since 1805, a mitter of fortyâ€"eight years ago, Those who partic:pate in the festivi ties next Easte â€" will undoubtedly never again have a similar opportunâ€" ity so early in the year as it does no occur again until A, D., 2008 ninetyâ€" five years hence. was tuerr Rossery?â€"The sad case of John Colbert recorded last week is still in men‘s minds and a new i:”est is taksn in another phase of the®tragedy, He left home with $90. discharged a $50 obligation and ‘_evest disappeared for he had nothâ€" ing on bim when kitled, There is likely to be an investgation of the halfâ€"day preceding his death, in which other parties may figure in no very estimable light. That there had becu beartless and â€" britttRe fhdifference seems evident and if to this robbery is to besis«d the cqase hecomes more serious, The trail of the liqguaor traffic leads ever downward, * Happy New Year a.udt?zf:wf luck to the New Counecil, ... (¢ When this was ovek the meeting brake up, not a word of School or Lib. rary business being given ‘or even asked for, â€" This is a freduent oceurâ€" rence and as we havesuggested before should he remedied by baÂ¥ing a spec= iat night to ch&%}ua educafional affairs without: doubt the moa{‘importmt interestsn the town. § Sn try c Black, \Vm.."hf&.q?*r Calder, Wim., fl‘ffi Council :â€" ts xo 44 . Cochrane, Roba}!:“i Furnegux, Gedr&%u' ‘\_ ~Lenaban; l"ru.t_)'z‘. ; 3 , Lloyd, James _ "¢ (_> _ afeKechnic, Gag g8s _ Baunders, 8. P,â€" * . â€"Public Schqfl%-.l:f;"' w [Ruster, Hamilton A 20# ‘rairb, Jobna McGow.(Â¥. 2 Mr Saunders {followed, going into detail of the steps taken in getting tenders from, as they*wanted, local men. â€" His spoech, quite an able one to a eertain potut, showed . planly the difiicuities the Board had labored unâ€" der during an unfavorable year, _ He twitted the Reeve for inconsistency in seeking a 4th <term himself while he opposed zuch for him (Saunders.) Thaere followed a passage between th» reeye and ex reeve which furnishâ€" ed che fireworks of lhe‘-‘evening the poiat being the part the Dounty pays in Upounty bridgesinâ€"whith the meetâ€" ing scemed to feel the hdfl)‘!’slgy with Calder, PA % Whra * hew Smch‘nr‘é the: t)’é of thris town for 1 ‘Ailed, no‘mlore,g new council bhays fFvgfi'k Liénaban a‘:xi Jduk for good ser Vig Mayor, Reeve and by Acel Ite showed that in County Counecil matters be had efficiently guarded the town‘s interest and hoped that Co, Council would yet assume part of bridge maintenance at least. As for bridge he was willing to ast sume as much blame as Mr Black or Bd. of Works, and said it was unreasâ€" anable to expect men to give 4 or 5 weeks of their time and said responâ€" sbility should be saddied on one man and "let him eamp on the job," Uterk Vollet bat is o brign ab the, cloé of the houp y eg ~na mes for. Mayor, Moessrs Bi %0,} ton ~ and> Luiflaw, TheJast gmyg@Brretined and nextday thk Bth>® @ogsetUed (the maktter sn.hao& F”} hib by%»filiég straws or tossing J._l';i _Mr Black winrnings ,_, 2 Mr. N McoTatyreWBs nominated for reeve, but was hia ABresont and we. tnink hadâ€" no noti Â¥ruaning, feayâ€" ing the office to M ts s 5: Out of 12 coun ciifyigs, i‘nh_m:m(at'vd six did not stand3 P yÂ¥#$> John Smith, Dr D B Jaimisson, ; -at_fwb‘m‘dden. W Firtu, 8 McCrack6Â¥2 Oavyic Kinnce. We have no inte tÂ¥ â€"of using our notes to give doial the speeches Mr Biack made pel{i%thé Wost speech he lhhas yet mxule,é‘gjfi.'unting his ef. forts in and out of @®agil.for the good of the town. He‘i "“:!l_']ed against Mr, Laidlaw a little am%i‘;‘?"f‘ inbdantintie on zenus fersending w"‘f this town‘s cash to invest in f’;wlf‘t" property, Mt Laidlaw had |!§F"_vpm'tunity and used it to score Mz ~B“’"’k- ©I have been called a knoclkg»\ better a khoekâ€" erthan a #guareherg" He blamed Mr Black for avoiding»! %a0ces, and had blame for the wi*4> rt0omncil on thig dine, claimiog thgk WSte nsing 1918 taxes for T012 ohha / 20D8. *Some of erinan Black { blame alhe, Claltning taxes for 1012 you are aws; bridge in this tionremark Durbam : led a knoclg». better a khoekâ€" i figarehesg" He blamed Mr ir avoidings»‘ Fances, and had or the wifs~ momneil on thig iming ll’*’ wete nsing 1918 r 1013 obns / 105# +*Some of ) 4 NP PE “‘a are | jgip!g.a n this towi} was & tTadaâ€" rark bor #;."‘@niment " of E‘fnaed the\ NMuyor that "A yoodist," ,: 3 e, R’qlge:b&jr‘{'.__ y tl Xx, Gédt(efljuf + : 1, F'ru!_ié. ,; x) z. iE ames \"‘: 4s ; o * nic, Gag Bs ~ â€"~ e §, 8. p'râ€"g:-;-‘:!',; S e oR :hmi‘._:“'g; y3 ‘JiLQ. P. milton AD2BÂ¥ . S. MUIL. McGomefe & > © ; > . he: t‘j wes nf!{ng‘bb;li'e;' .for 19120883 re vacancies rore, e aRiRS _ Ati of the. i1 bhays on }h:geg('-%,: ban â€" acshe.1% a man#o. xd sery ;. <4 3"';-;‘, * xe dlet betbetcte bin at the, s houp * e 'fina'_uw.a for sers Bil ;Yton and> heYast 3‘?; ié@"retinred and fi 8t i§= 4 @os setued the a(;.':bz (pshidn by pulling ossing kepwers, Mr Black "A"" »Iulyl'e%% nominated for was hok\ Bre&ont and we 10 notid P# $ ruaning, leayâ€" e to Misoder. ¢ counciifigs. nommaled six and ; â€"Ay8#s John Smith, aisson, #_“J"Mitb'ndden, W Cracke ’?","D‘('.:viri Kinnee. no int;%bfi of using our e dot lfix? the speeches AY, JAN. 2. 4018~ | } oc 0. 0 <2s E § a Happy and Prosperous Year of"1913. E?‘“"“s IContest's in all _ _ +|_Cupid‘sâ€"Busy payt s stecee ) . ~ ; _ the Townships' +. _ Mclaryas Cfe bim at the ee names for . Gatton © and Pretired and o# setuUed the i8nby pulling ;Q‘.‘ ,JYas. P. 5 k. 8. MCIL: ning‘. hodies r6 vacancies ~ All of the ieifee except 18 a man#o bfi‘bqr;;tedé the Holstein Leader it A mild consternation was felt last week when the report got around town that the steel supersizucture for the Lambton street bridge was too short by 15 inches and that another j delay was likely to occur.,.; However itis not so bad as reported @and : work is in progr®ss, Before the present conr.cil goes out of office it is expected t;} be passable. _ ~* *CtÂ¥ , There may haye been mistakes dur» ing the eight months since the bridge weprt down dnd it must be sad that ‘the gcason* was an unpropitious one.. Placing blanre now is no good to any‘ Wim Ritchte who served histownâ€" ship in yarious capaÂ¥itjc» in the paet has for running mwate, arother of the present council Mr RottLindsay who last year made a ‘)_ri‘l’lipqi!," entry {ntol publio life. " No mattes wht of thoge . four is ébected,, Glenely ~stands ‘to*e wel served.» «* sfgl . #â€"* | . GLENELG For the reevesbip there is & contest bePween the present Reeye Wm Weir and on# of the present comntil, Tho,. Nitzhol, ° * mds z> Theâ€" question "of a Board of Trade for the town*of Durham has often been mooted, hut so far has resulted in no action, WeE are firmly of the opimion that an actye,Board of Trade working in harthonly with the Counecil woul® be a boon to. the town ard counâ€" try surrounding, ~SucH a body is not hampered as to size as is the council, there is room in it for »!! Gitizens who have the welfare of £h= town at heart, and iy the multitudé of eounciliors there is wisdoni. 8340X â€" Joseple Young, John A McMillan, and Gf-(fi‘gqj Peart were clected to the Coun@l by acclamatior, Peéart being a new mar. John McMitlau how cousits his‘years of service in the 20‘s someâ€" whrre. _ "x u. + Ays 34 i2 bue, butit stands as a . Jesson for the future. Which should be well learned by all town officials. wit E. A * BENTINCKâ€"*~. j ~Sam‘né] Putherbough is"again conâ€" testing the reeyeship with Alex Wit on winle Duncan Mcl:>an,‘Aberdeen, is out+oâ€"captureThe depaity reeyveship from Heonry Metcalfe i be cans. The COouneil nominses are W, G Hastie, F Shewell, Henry Alexancer Geo Brown, Robert Leslic, Jas Turn bull, j me,: Councillors ; A.D McLeod, W J OaSswel}, J 1. Grabam, G. Meldrum, Frag Brown and J.D Williams, *> PROTON : Reeve * J:Goodtellow reâ€"elected by acclamatio$f. â€" Council ; R Dunn, CC Hocktritge, A Richardson, A‘Gillespie JoBbn A Scott, Geo Metherel, O Wale, John Aldeorn. Deputy Reevye ; Holm. (‘-l.c"'c'l;u'nvav.gi;n) Council ; Whiteford, Robinson, Miller Baetz, Gerhardt, Glebe. s ;*~ BGREMONT > ;*..> The present Reeye, Johhb R Philp, is being oppbsed py ns opponent df last year John McArthur, Geo Lothian, a councillor of 1912 had the high comâ€" pliment paid hitn.of election to’depgty reeveship ty acclamatson, the present holder J D Roberts, #e‘iring owing to demanrds of hi¢ business. * â€"> The ,9011'11(51 nominees, ate Walter Fergnson, @has McBRow, «C W Robb, Jas Q‘l‘mthlll],_ c Let‘s have a Board of} Trade. * 1Ceve â€"â€"â€"â€"## 4 Aâ€"â€"â€".. ~â€"â€"â€"â€"Â¥ # @â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_._ ARTEMESITA* + â€" J BE Boyd and T R McKenâ€" ullors ; A D McLeod, W J The Bridge. normaAxNBy At 1&w‘clock toâ€"day, Tuesday at the home ofthe bride‘s parents Mr, and hlirs W m Lâ€"tidiaw,;;was golemnized the marriage of sheir daughter Jessi¢ and Mr Shicley Mclotyre "of Durham in the presence‘of only the relatives of contracting parties. M y N The ceremony was performed by Rey Dr Farquharson under a festiv« arch of eyergreenâ€" and poinselti», banked | with flowers and palms, the bride being charmingly gowned in an embroidered dress of white ninon ove, thite liberzy satin and carrying cream bridal roses AhdJily of the vailey. Thace wedding march Wwas playedl by Miss Lyla Kelsey. t 4 ; A pretty wedding was solemnized Christnims: Day at Fairview, the home of Mr and Mrs B. W. Hunt, Traversâ€" ton, when their daughter, Miss Mabel Evelyn, joined hand and heart with MÂ¥ Ira B.<~Walker of Saskatchewan, hei'. pastor, . Rev, Mr Prudham tying the nuptial knot. We hHave not. receiged particalars of the event, but learn the young couple left‘on a honeympon to Sarnia and other points, coming. back to her honte, before leaving to reside in the West{ The‘pige is one of’Ohngl";‘ most highly e._geem“'{‘m,t,ndiu ga A the â€" Warmest wishes for Mfifi hÂ¥#$pines$s go with them. â€"4" ‘g> _ â€" Ner going away costume ,'n:% brown A*weed with brown bat m willow plume. %+ ~ The gifts the bappy couple receiyed were as numerous as they were beauâ€" tiful, including geyeral cheques, silye and cut glass, â€" The groom‘s favor to the bride was a pearl and cameo neckâ€" lace. % + The bride has been eonstantly & resâ€" ident of Durham and ber popularity will in no other way be show» than in the way she will be missed, in social circles as well as musical, The groom is equally well and {ayorably knows and itis a matter of regret that they are leaving Durham. After a ahon,tr;y“hlr and Mrs Miller leave for their home in bnn ford. * # Cupid‘sBusy Holiday Season whitersilk Crepe‘de whene over silk witlh + shower boquetot cream roses Mer travelling suit was nary blue serge with blaek pluash hat trimmed with bird of paradise osprey. She was given away by her father and Mendelssolin‘s wedding: march was played by, the bride‘s youngestâ€"sister, Miss Gâ€" rtrude MeCom be. « They left on the 4 pm train for Torâ€" onto to spend a few days previcus to leaving for the West where they will muke heir home, Dunn, Moose Jaw ; Mrs McMillan, R. Laidlaw, Allie Melntyre, Toronto ; Mr Wil Laidlaw, St, Marys, and Mis W D Mills, 8t Catharines, MircErâ€"MoConms The home of Mr. and Mrs, 8. F. M& Combe, Durham, was the scene of a preity weddiog on Thursday, Dec. 26, when their eld‘éfit daughter B M Jewel was @aurried to Mr Lloyd L Miller, son of Mr. Ge0, Miller, Brantford,; ~ The ceremony was conducted ty Rey. 'h_n\; McCausiand, y*"Only velatives and in. vimate friends were present, _ db > Tha hHeaAl ooX gtnermenettend s on Astiakds s 1 ies m.s Maha2, The out of town guests were Dr and First in Dominion. _# |» Mclxtvxasâ€"LAWDLAW Warker~Hunt ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tox, 1 W D Regins ; W . €:aud mré Mr and~Mrs. D G. Dawid Saturday evening from P spend ten ‘days with their and Mrs J. Levine; lctv:‘ morning to attend_ the Charity Ball, U y s Rev, Mr and M*s ~MeQUans the pleasupe oyer Chdg“fi_pj taining: his motheâ€" #»d, brof mon from <ThornÂ¥#nry .‘ ~Thes rewmawining Tor a fesy veeke, °. remwining Tor a fesy wfltfi" MF ®d. Gartfcrd veude Suturduy week, ~~* _ _ yay "‘Mr Arthur Allinleadt act as accovutant 1a \he ] Elora, after a weck t ho Miss Jessic Mun: 0e, of vibtaig over 3&0“’*’ in towB. * z »A e Ma Jasper, M rived in town: M »nday his sister, Aing 0; Coowonst and other fbetativ: es# ~* NMrs Dr. MeMil pM; C Me Will tended the Tuesday. burned le Y2 \@» yisit tended tho>Grecny ding a / ‘ Mo. "Chas, | Alta., Teturg yille Xmas monthe" visit Mr and tended t Miss Nellie Bep‘m vacation with Tor Mr Richie‘ HMeard, © spent over Obristmag at rowsmith‘s. 3‘; Mr Juo, A; Black, of a3, from Thursday «i4 friends andâ€"relative». Miss Iglay Cam to spend the holid Fritz in Gaelpb, . "Nre W.F , Dm Sask., ll'flve@_.i” o be presenf at ister, Miss n|yres ,,;.’ J ‘Mey,. u?s% Hartpa‘f,’“ s .yely, came to f am on gâ€"old friends the wedding Mr Allie M Toronto for Laidlas‘ weddi Mis Jas. B L4 *.l the 7 : then dissol d ga 34 1 ND ling 39 it

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