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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jan 1913, p. 1

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Mar n Chareh it Interest Guaranteed ILSO and | NY SOUTH STOCK NIA PVE HA MAN‘s Chureh mith Shop ack R wl Opdens & Co Town Agent Holstein W 1913 pot Agent Yomen Pas “Bng Millinery hk Reduction Sale : The UcKinnon farm, Rocky Saugeen 3rd divisions of 16, con. 1, E. G. Clenelg, 100. acres. _ Immediate on given. . Apply to J. P. TErrorp, Durham. OF CEANADA BROWN, L. R.C. P., London s * England K Ear, Nose and Throat _ new Supplying the Needs weaD OFFiGcp I Torm of investment. _ TORONTO D UR H*A M BRA NC H, in Kelly, © P PA I _ We have a number of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats it we will sell regardless of cost for Matrons, Misses and m'en. ) : Nctober 19 ember 16 December 21 ATust received. The variety and choice in white uses this year surpasses anything previous ns have had to offer. _ This week‘s new oorivals are very choice. â€" Dainty styles at all REL_LA CORSETS at Hohna House from 1 to 5 p. m Farm to Rent S ~F. MORLOCK OL. XXXVI, NO. 2 Beginning Fnday & Saturday Sth and Oth of November MISS L. McAULIFFE STANDARD | * A New Range ¢ White Blouses You will find this store with its stock of deâ€" peudable upâ€"toâ€"date Dry Goods in a position second to none to meet your requirements. ong the New Arrivals here this k will be found a choice assortâ€" + Al New Dress Goods, also t orI NEW DUICODd GUUUVU _ Prints and Ginghams. *J day L, Representative Box 107, Durhat The old year flickers,splutters and soon dies out ; the light of the New Year comes to take its place, clear and beautiful "witit * promise of new aud better things. the special ning Decemâ€" e stay. and Durham Smnmlabuhuiadpdnd interest is the first essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal Lots 43 and 44i Comn,. 1 S. D. R Gienelg. one and a 1 M soes wesiood Priceville,. Good bu.ogs and water. Terms reasooanmable, Apply to J. F. MeLACHLAS, Box 260, Calgary, Alta, Lots 212, 213, 214, 215, on 2ad Range southwest Toronto and Sydenham Road, Tp. of Proton, contaming 218 acres. _ About 200 acres cleared, 8 acâ€" res bardwood bush. balance swamo and slash. â€" Large brick house wich furnace and telephone. _ Barn 64 x 48 with stone stabling. . Hay barn 30 x 6U Drigye house, hen house, sheep and hox pen. _ Three wells, one drilled with windmill and water piped into sbed Two acres of orchard. This fario is in good location, being two miles from Dundalk and $ mile from school, Wii be sold on easy terms of paymen Write or apply on premises, THos. H®xpERsON, Dundalk, On The Purhan Farm to Rert. 1873 DURHAM, THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 1913 The Review wishes all its friends and readers a Happy and Prosperous Year of 1913. for 1913 A z2l > OPIC®S Why suffer with Chilblains ? A 25: bottle of R»x«il Unublain Remedy inâ€" sures relief. MaeFartaxg &Co. " Rexaliâ€"Broak.â€"Upâ€"aâ€"Oold " is true to its uame. 25 cents a box, at Macâ€" Farlane‘s Fred A, Leowis, piano tuner, expects to be in Durham in a conple of weeks from date, Blank bills for calling the Annual School Meeting. _A Set sent by mail from this office tor 25¢. DurrmaxM Rixx® â€"Skating on Tuaes: day, Tnursday and Saturday evenings and oh Saturday afternoons, 230 to 8.45, Phone at Residence. No. 48 _ Phoneat Rink No. 20 The annual meeting of South Grey Agriculturai Society will be held in the Town Hail,, Durham, on Thursday, Jan,. 16, 1913, at the hour of one o‘clock p. m, The new bridge on Lambton street has been used for foot traffic for about a week. The iron work and flooring is nearing completion amd it will shortly be thrown open, / LAND FOR SaLE.â€"33 acres good and, no buildings situated inside Durham Town limits, Spring creek runs through property, Good chance for quick paurchaser. ___ $ 7 Apply to 0. 0, Ervipa®. PouutrRYÂ¥ Lectur®.â€"Mr George A, Rovertson, of St. Catherines, wilt deâ€" lhver a lecture in the Town Hall on the 2ud day of the Pouliry Show, both afternoon and evening. _ His subject is " Uuity 1a RPoultry." \ _ The Publishers beg to thank all who ‘during the last two weeks hayve reâ€" witted on sabscription, ~The label will h« changed in due course,. We are looking for many more renewals this month and hope those who are in arrears for a year or more will balâ€" ‘ ance things up by putting "the little } yeiltow Inbel! " a year aheud. Durham and South Grey Poultry Exhionition will be held in the Town Hali next Wednesday and Thureday, January 15 and 16. This is the third show and it promises to be the largest and most successful yet held. The Ontario farmer is fortunate in having such an able exponent of his eause as The Weekly Sun,. Toronto. It makes good reading for the thoughtâ€" ful. There is no other paper jast like The Farmers Weekly Sun, _ You s<hould be a reader of it, Tussoay, I4TH JanUaRY.â€"Ona this date Mis Jno. Colbert. lot 1, con, 6, Gienelg, offers for sale Farm Stock and Impiements, Some extra good horse flesh. ‘Terms ; 12 mos, credit, 5 per cens discoun: for cash In liea otf aotes _ Sale at 1 C‘elock. Some potsâ€" toes and turaitps for cash, Ruos Matrarwvsg. Auactioneer. A really me=gâ€"ifizent Centennial number of the = Bevish Columbian " has reached our office in which the werits of the Fraser Valley, its wonâ€" derfal possibilities and prospetts are hilly displayed. Of particular interâ€" est to this locality is a page devoted to the work done by the firm of Ledâ€" ingbam and Coper, the former being George of S. African fame and a Dorâ€" woch boy. They are extensive civic contractors. _ We thank the sender of this big number of 100 big pages. A Minxiout OELRBRATION.~â€"Quite a number of young men, some in quite a joyful mood, held forth on the main corner sometime after midnight last Saturday and seriously disturbed the peace and «lumbersof the neighâ€" borhood with the racket they created. We learn a number of sammons haye been issued aud some will appear beâ€" fore P. M to explain the why and wherefore of their celebration . Thursday of next week, Jan. 16th, the first Horse Fair of 1913 will be held. Mayor Black has several buyers promised, and some come anyway, such is the fame of Durham Horse Fair, Horses in good condition. wellâ€" groomed alwayssel! well, It was a quiet slgepy day in the booths of Durham on Monday, only the briege by law having to be voted upon. Only four votes were pollied against it and theso all in the North ward. It would be int&sting to know if these four really meant it, and if they understond the alfernative would be paying the whole amount in one year, * The vote was light and as follows ‘ For Against North Ward 26 East Ward 42 West Ward 53 Majority for the Byâ€"Law of 117. That Little Yellow Label. January Horse Fair. Our Byâ€"Law . GBo. BINNIE, Secretary. With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader The Baptist church was filled on Sunday evening last, a number from other churches being present to hear Rev. Mr Newton, a former pastor and for eight or nine years a citizen Vurham. Before beginning his course, he made touching referens his pleasure in revisiting Durham &nd old friends where he had spent some of the happiest years of his life. Rev. W. L. Newton addresses his old Congregation. His text was from Proverbs 29 ; 13, «* Where there is no vision the peok ple perish" and from these words made a thoughtful and impressive disâ€" course, He pointed out that many people were visionrary, yet never saw visions, The possession of vision was seen in Abraham, absent in Lot who saw nothing further than his herds, Some men toâ€"day blame opportunity, when it is really lack of yision that hinders progress,. It was vision in Moses that led him to suffer affliction with the people of God, for the greatâ€" er glory beyond. So with Paul and other Bible characters. ' Garibaldi bhad vision of a united Italy _ Calvin and Luther were men of vision, 8Bo in our own time were Sir Jobhn A. MeDonald and Sir W i. frid Laurier and imany otherleaders of thought were so because of this quality, _ Without such leaders the people would perish, which could be interpretea * wither‘ or *dry up‘ or * decay.‘ + This by way of introduction. 1n his application he said, we need a yision oft self our stave and standing beforo Goé. How few of us have clear yvisâ€" i0u of ourselyes, We are prone to look around us and not inwards,. The man with the five talents had visions the man with one saw only the napâ€" kin, Men become ‘ dried up‘ when they neyer baye a vision of themâ€" selyes, But that vision of self alone wou! not be encouraging ; we need a visici of Jesus Christ, his work, bis suffe â€" ings, must see in him a panacea f ¢ every ill and this obliterates every t God does not torgiye the sin of a wilf ui sinner, he wants full compensation and that is the reason he gaye us Jesus Christ, Again we need a vision of our rela® tonship of man to man, There never was a time when this was more needâ€" cd,. â€" The relationship between emâ€" ployer and employed suffers for lack of it,. _ Lhe wants, the sorrows, the aspiratious, the prosperity of each class snould be considered by the other aua there wouid be no withering. We need a yision of our purpose in vhe world, Too many think we are here to get all out of it we can, but the ue yiew was to put something in, Men of vision look to and act for the common good _ Same with the church bhow much can I get out, not what I put in,. Without vision a man gets smaller, withers, while the man who tries to muke che world beatter, warms his own soul and even warms the subâ€" urbs of heayen, We need a vision of the evils of the world as seen in results, We have to look beyond the single incidents and things in the mass, _ Tabulated state* ments show that 160000 fall yearly in the States and Canada through inioxâ€" icating liquor; 22009 meet death through railway accidents ; it we rightly grasped these results and simâ€" ilar results of other evils we would rise with indignation and demanda remedy. _ Heclosed by urging all to get ‘yision‘ of self, of the Saviour and of the world around us. A yeuy enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hopper on Friday last when the parents ard children of 8. 8. No. 1, Brant and Elderslie, assembled to bid good bye to their esteemed teacher, Mi«s Elizabeth Aldcorn of Prieeville. who is leaving to take charge of her bome school, _ After the friends asâ€" sembled Mr J McDougald was appoinâ€" ted chairman, _ In a tew well chosen words he explained the reason of the gathering and called upon the young ladies who presented Miss Aldâ€" cern with a lovely manicure set while Miss Lanra Stewart read the address. Miss Aldcorn was taken wholly by surprise and made a suitable reply, thauking the section for their kindâ€" ness, After the presentation short speeches were made by J McDougall, W T Hopper and J M Hopper, all of whom expressed regret at losing the services of their teacher, â€" Paisley Advocate. fofss Cerin" fi{ i . Lots 19 and 20, Con. I, N. D. R., Glenelg, cantaining 100 acres, 80 acres cleared. Good grass farm, well waterâ€" ed with spring creek, good buildings, 5 miles from Durbam, cne balf miie from Glen Station C. P, R. and from school, one quarter mile from P. O, Possession given next #pring. Appreciated Their Teacher. Dax McCCURMICK, Bunessan. Farm for Sale um 5 39 Majorities quite decisive were rendered in favor of Nichol and Lindsay as will be seen ; f REEVE 1 2 3 4 5 Nichol 46 65 54 34 65 204 Weir 88 18 12 20 35 173 DEPUTY REEVE Lindsay Ritchie REEVE 1 Putherbough 45 Wilson 3 DEPUTY REEVE Metcalfe 3 McLean 41 CoUNUQIL . Alexander 37 Brown 5 Fisher 0 Hastie 3 Leslie 1 Shewell 21 Tarnbull 2 LOCAL OPTION For Against The local option agitation brought out almost every available yote, but on the whole, it would appear that the electors did not fayor the byâ€"law | _ The figares tell the tale, & $ Alsfeldt Ayton Ford‘s Hamp. Blyths Moores Gleneden LOCAL OPT, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 For 33 28 14 Against 115 178 88 REEVEâ€"R J Shiel, acclamation. COUNCILâ€"First three elected . Baeiz 123 165 38 Whiteford 85 185 84 Gebbhardt 93 12% 23 Robinson 21 42 17 Glebe 18 67 13 Bentinck after three years‘ trial susâ€" tained local. option, by 346 for, 265 against. _ The majority is less than three years ago but yet sufficient to show that neyver again will Bentinck have license to sell booze. â€" Markdale and Mt Forestare joined to their idols and the liquor traffic will have to work more harm before it is driyen from its intrenchwments, _ Markdale failed to get a majority by 24, Mt. Forest by 11. Duandalk has sustained the measure. The whole province is interested in Owen Sound. Here the engines of the liquorforces were turned on in tull force, ammunition was poured in, in the full hope of capturing this spectâ€" acular stronghold, _ The efforts wete fruitless, The byâ€"law is sustained by 130, and not only so but the whole local option ticket for council is elecâ€" ted, _ We congratulate our County Town ; they haye in a sense been fighting the battle of the Proyince and have won, The contest in Normanby was deâ€" cisive enough, more than 2 to 1 against the measure. _ The German fpopulaâ€" tion in the main resent the idea of restriction, they were possessed with the fear that hotel accommodation would be cut off, not yet grasping the idea that there i$no necessary conâ€" nection between legitimate houtel acâ€" commodation and the keeping of a bar. Then, haying Neustadt in its midst, an incorporated yillage, there was a fear aroused in Ayton and surâ€" roundings that business would leaya the ‘dry‘ village for the ‘*wet‘ one and se the township has: shackled itself to the License system in the meantime, There were 78 places trying to put the actin force, Some have not yet been heard from at this writing, but 25 at least have won out,. In 23 others there was a majority for the act, but not the necessary threeâ€"fifths, In 10 places the liquor interest8 have obtained a clear majority, 1n 22 places a repeal yote was tried and in only one, the village uf Acton, was it successful. Â¥here are 828 municipalities in the Province of Ontario. of these 488 are without licanse and at least 100 more would be but for‘threeâ€"fiths clause In only four or live cases bas this: clause held local option, a majority generally being sufficient. _ No wonder Secy., Ben H. Spence says : "The result can only be des» cribed as magnificent, it is the besy, year we haye had." Skating Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evyenings. Admiesion 10c, vâ€"-Aâ€"l'u; *t;a.fi'nduy“nfumoom ; Admilsâ€" siop 100 ; Children under 14, 5¢. Local Option in the Province. How Local Option Fared How the Blections went in Surroundiog Municipalities # wyre OWEN SOUND Stewarts Clarks H. Hill A.Pk C Durham Rink. 21 + 4 @> »~ The Fortunes of War ol 53 28 13 10 67 0 10 16 19 BENTINCK 31 15 NORMANBY GLENELG 67 27 14 21 23 62 49 Friday evening of lust weeklhe now residence of Mrs, D, Greenwood and ber daughter Clara, was the scene of a happy assembly when a number of their former neighbors at Edge Hill met together and a . pleasant eyening was spent by all, During theevening an address was read and Mrs Greenâ€" wood presented with a hall mirror and Clara with an ebony manicure set,. Following is the address ; Dear Mrs Greenwood and Clara,â€" We, your assembled neighbors and. friends take this opportunity to spend a social evening together, to wish you prosperity and blessings in your new sphere of activity and to show in a small way our appreciation of your former connection with us at Edge Hill, _ Wa regret exceedingy that cireumstances called you from our midst but since Time prolls onward with endless changes, we find that these changes often help us to attain to our ideals and to develop in us pos: gibilities with which Naturo has en dowed us, â€" Thus although the logs of alink in the chain bindipg us togeth® er causes us true sorrow, yet, due to the prospect for your happy future in your new homwe, that sortow is someâ€" what modified. In the time spent in our neighborâ€" hood we have always found you Mrs, Greenwood, a neighbor in the truest sense of the word and a friend of ex« cellent worth and high esteem ever ready to help in any forward move. ment, Clara also has occupied no nÂ¥ean position in the community.â€" ready to giye of ber talent in the Sun. day School and wherever it served to produce pleasure and profit. Thus, since your remoyal bas meant aloss to our neighborhood we ask you to accept thesegifts as slight mementoes iot the esteem in which you atre both he d and trust they will always call to mind happy memories of your home in Edge Mill. We assure you that wherever you may be our good wishes shall be with you,. Signed on behaif of your Rdge Hill friends. 65 19 THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 18 81 34 DEPâ€"REEVEâ€"Holm, ace LOonDoNn,. ENG.,: Orrice > + NEW YORK Bank Bldgsâ€"Princes SL. Cor. William ar k nuRHAM BRANCH : S. HUGHES, Manager: Mrs, R. Ector Mrs Wm Edge Daniel Edge Address and Presentation 13 34 13 41 76 81 47 11 Cor Lam. Lonise Elim‘d 10 TORONTO 16 53 16 91 40 Capital Authorized . â€" . . _ $ 25,000,000 Capital Paid Up _ o« . : 11,500,000 Reserve Fund . . . > 12,500,000 ‘Total Assets s k Â¥ & . 175,000.000 59 13 81 24 11 290 Branches throughout Canada. THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA , *Savings Department at all Branches. 64 46 40 B1 bl Bo 40 04 57 Herb, Edge Maggie Firtk Mary Edge 16 12 WITH WHICH IS UNITED INCORPORATED 1869 T1 6I 46 13 40 18 18 Total 233 251 177 160 830 250 166 90 211 328 320 349 193 408 485 816 140 Pablished Woekly at $1.00 a vear, C. RAMAGE & SON,Posuser®s Mr and Mrs Walker Hamilton and little daughter Donalda are welcome guests at the bhome of Mr and Mre W. J. Lawson. Mr Chas, Pettigrew, of Biggar, Sask., came east a few days ago and will remain a month or two. Mr. Geo. Hughes, formerly at the t T R station here, visited bis broth» er Walter over the week end. o Misses Ethel Weir and Eva Atki son of Glenelg, left Wednesday : spend some time in Toronto. Miss Agnes Ramage left Monday to teach in 8, 8. No 2, Proton, about three miles from Dundalk. e Messrs Jos Reid, Cocil Wolfe, Marâ€" old Aljoe, Chas Farquharson, Robt. Laidlaw and Lynn Grant returned Monday to University and Colleges in Toronto. * Nr QOhas Doherty leaves this week to teach at Agincourt, near Toronto. Mr Arthur Kuisley returned Monâ€" day to Calgary after bholidaying mt home,. Mr,‘ Arthur A. Backus spent the week end with friends in Eimira and Glon Allen and this week commenced duties as teacher at Hutton Hill, . alizes on Monday evening. when a meeting was held in Calder‘s ball and a schedule drawn up,. TPhree teams are entered,â€"the Clerks (inâ€" cluding the Standard Bank), Cement (with Royal Bank), and the Fuarniture Factory, Gamesarill beâ€"piayed Wedn \Uv Allie Muir of Ceyion yisited Ab M Hugh McDonald‘s Tuesday, en route to Guelph where he will take a stock judging counrse, Mr Robt, Patton, Swinton Park, left this Wweek ilso for the same purpose. Mrs Donald Graham, of Priceville, visited at her son John‘s for afew days last week end., ic Miss Bella MceGirr left on Monday to commence a coursein Mount Forestb Buasiness College, «* Mr. and Mrs. John A, Campbell ang son, Alberta, are at present visiting his old home at Swinton Park and other relatives here and are leaying this week to visit friends in Detroit. Jobh»n spest iwo voears in the RevIEw Oflice and woent west where he develâ€" oped into a contractor in Railway construction ard has done well. One of {his big jobs was superintending the C. P. R, iwrrigation works at Bassano. City Hockey League in DurBam. league eA organized, whichâ€"we Mayor Black‘s silver cup, wiweb is the trophy, wiliâ€"beâ€"contestodâ€"for â€"tlhie ysbterandâ€"strong!y, â€"Tho schedules Clerksâ€"Mack Saunders, W. McGirs Eric Kelly, Caldwel! Marshall, Bob Saunders, D. C. Town, Cam Mebachâ€" lan. Cementâ€"Jim McLachlan, Roy Calâ€" der, Geo, Lliogd, Geo, Harbottle, E. A, Goodwin, Marence Darling, Guy Kearney. Factoryâ€"Thos. Cowan, Geo, Catâ€" ton, Al, Sannders, Jno, Lioyd, Bert Saunders, Dave Nichol, Bob Oampbell, On Reasonable terms, 200 acre comprising West halves of Lots I an 2, E:Ld Con.. W. G. R., Bentinck an acres cleared, well watered by â€""(’ido: ing creek, two b::sih'i Ol(‘hll‘fll! frame bouse, ar log barn,. Canvepâ€" ient to School and P. O, Apply to Lot3 on the same Concession, nme t 5 # Wfi local Lockey Miss Nellic Bur ach at Ohippewa January 15â€"Factofy vs. Clerks, lement vse. Clerks. 20â€" ent vs. Factory, February 5â€"Faktory vs. Cletks, 12â€"Clerk« ys, Cement, zflâ€"Cemen ve. Factory, : 4.: The pefsonnel of the team Rill be Farm for Sale. Jas. Pato®, s left Tuesday to Hill, near Tara, Coylon yisited Ab ild‘s Tuesday, en ‘ere he will take a irse, Mr Robt. ark, left this #eek Swinton Park

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