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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jan 1913, p. 2

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wtyâ€" TUE WERARY ®%tt q Women are weak, yet under a smile they will try to h.de pain ind sultering that any man could not bear patiently. If women would only remember that their frequeat failures of health arise from feeble "I sav,""* said a passenger on a trolley car, "‘don‘t you ever go any faster than this !** or impure blocd their lives would be smoother and they would longer retain their natural charm. When the blood fails then begin those dragging â€" backaches and heacdaches ; unrefreshing sleep that eauses dark lines under the eyes ; dizziness ; fits of depression ; palâ€" itation or rapid fluttering of the Keart; hot fashes and indizestion. Then the cheeks grow pale, the eves dull and the complexion blemiâ€"hed. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50.cents a box or s‘x boxes for 22 50 from The Dr. Wilâ€" Women should know that much of this suffering is needless and can be promptly . remedied. _ Pur.fy and enrich the blood through the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills and your suffering will vanish. Thousands of women know that Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills have brightened â€"their lives by making the new, good blood of health, and so toning up all the vital organs into healthy, vigorous action. _ Here is an instance from among many. Miss Cora A. Corâ€" nell, St. Catharines, Ont., says: "Ever since the age of fourteen { have suffered terribly with pains in my back, and severe headaches. I was also much troubled with indiâ€" gestion and had to be extremely careful as to my diet, and someâ€" times d‘d not feel like eating at all. Some two years ago the headaches became so bad that I had to give up my position, which was clerking in x store, where, of course, | was conatantly on my feet. I tock a ppâ€" sition in an office, where 1 could be seated most of the time, but even then 1 suffered terribly most of the time. As the medicine I had been taking did not help me I finally deâ€" cided to try Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. I got a supply, and soon felt th: â€" were helping me and I conâ€" tinued taking the pills for several months until I felt perfectly well. Although my doctor advised me not to go back to my old nosition, I decided to do so, and have not felt any ill effect. 1 never have backache now, seldom a headachs. and all} traces of the indigestion bhave disappeared. I cannot speak too highly of Dr. Willams‘ Pink Pil!s, .m{ I hope this letter will helo someone who suffers as 1 used liama‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, "If ver don‘t like it ver can git off an‘ walk,"" snapped the conducâ€" "Oh, my no,""* said the passenger. "‘I‘m not in such a hurry as that." PFrom »M â€"over _ Ame the wori‘s of MTNAY We publish aimple, straiwzht testimoni als. rot press agents interviews, from wellâ€"krown peonl«® T S MINARD S LINIMENT CO., LIMIIED Was Favorite Resort of Ben Johnâ€" son and Shad well. At the present time it would be difficult to discover a London tavern ever called by the name of ‘"The Dev‘l."‘ But in the eighteenth cenâ€" tury 1 Fleet Street London, still in ex‘stence, was so called. | "The Devil‘s Tavern‘ was soâ€" called owing to the proximity of St. Dunstan‘s Church and the fond reâ€" eollection of an interlude between the saint and the Evil One. _ This was Ben Johnson‘s favorite resort, and here he presided over a elub of which he was the founder. Ha wrote once : «in Â¥. /¢l "The first speech in my ‘Catiline,‘ spoken to Scylla‘s ghost, was wril after I had parted with my friends at the Devil Tavern; I had drank well that night and had brave noâ€" tions.*‘ s k DPEÂ¥IL TAYVERN STILL EXISTS. It was also the resort of Shadâ€" well, pillorized as Og by Dryden in Nis "Absolom and Achitophel.‘"‘ Nere the poets laureate used to reâ€" h:arse their birthday odes, so careâ€" fully written with the mimimum of exotion in the Augustan styie, and here Killigrew laid one of the scenes in his ‘‘Parson‘s Wedding.‘"‘ _ Swift, in his ‘"Journal to Stella," the human document of a passionate bwing, mentions dining here with A ldison and Garth,. Pope has emâ€" balmed it in the amber of his classic verse. â€" Here Goldsmith, in his prosperous hours, plaved at cards. +dimow are Themsolves to Blamg for Muct of Their Safferiag. and in 1751 Dr. Johnson assembled his merry and almost ‘amous party to celebrate the publication of the delightful Mrs. Charlotte Lennox‘s first novel, "The Life of Harriect Stuart."" Quickly Extracts Corns To use Putnam‘s Corn Extractor is to wet quick relief:. The sting disappears, toesa feel better at once. ; another _ application or two and the corn goes away Nothing . ever known acte so slick as Putnam‘s Extractor â€" it‘s so eure. so painâ€" less, so dead certain to root ont any kind s O a corn that ever grew on m:“‘- b:Itnnm'- Extractor mover fails, per ttie, sold eimmeouded by druggziste. pnt t« toem feel b« a another _ a two aod t away 1 known actf Putnam‘s it‘s so . 6t less, so to root 8 O a c grew on foot of man. Putna Gives Instant Relief TKE NAT!CE,. Not That Bad. NRHai. Corersy @eani LTNTW he Wrong to Work Twonty Hours Beâ€" When \Your \Eyes Nee d few years before that time. At 44 Sir Waliter Scott, the man of "douâ€" ble dignification‘‘â€"worthy in his ancestry and worthy in himsel‘â€" published his ‘"‘Waverley,"‘ and the rest of his immortal volumes were written when the man was past 46. Bâ€"tween the ages of 54 ard 59 Milâ€" ton composed ‘"Paradise Lost." Cowper was past 50 when ‘"‘The Task‘‘ and "John Gilpin‘‘ saw the licht, and Defoe almost 60 when his "Robinson Crusoe‘"‘ excited the adâ€" miration of the world. ‘"The Song of the Shirt‘"‘ and "The Bridee of Sichs‘‘ indicate the culminating period of Thomas Hood‘s career. He was 46 rears old when he wrote them. Darwin‘s "Origin of Speâ€" cies‘‘ synchronized with his halfâ€" century birthdav, while the "Desâ€" cent of Man‘‘ followed twelve years later. To occasionally pass a fatigue barrier is a good thing. _ But to make a habit of passing fatigue barâ€" riers puts too great a strain on the human oreaniscm: and the result is degeneration of the tissues. Cramps at Night Require Prompt R:medy _causo Edison Does.~** ",l Don‘t try to emulate Thomas Ediâ€" son in working twenty hours out of the twentyâ€"four, says a writer in the Nautilus. . His twenty hours‘ work is surely broken up by many changes. No human being can habitually work twenty hours stcadily at one kind o‘ work. You will find Edison reading, resting, playing, watching experiments, rovâ€" ing aboutâ€"all these things and more make up that twenty hours‘ j work of his. The day‘s work of an inventor, master of his own time and of the services of a thonsand persons, is not a suitable pattern for emulation. He is the only one of his kind. You are a different kind. If you need more s‘eep, take it. If you are tired after four hours‘ work, change the form. of your activity to rest yourself. _ | Deadly crampsâ€"the symptoms are nc. to be mistaken. Suddenly and without warning the patient experiences such agony in the stoâ€" mach as to contort the countenance and cause him to cry aloud for help. Then it is that the wonderful power of Nerviline can make itself feltâ€"it cures so quickly. "Last summer 1 was striken with a frightful â€" attack of cramps. I feared the pain in my stomach Don‘t try working too long for second wind. And having found it. don‘t work too long on second wind . Use a little gumption about ‘your hours of work and see that they are bâ€"lanced with hours of active physiâ€" cal play and plenty of hours of sound slegp. 4s Agonizing _ Pain Prevented â€" by Keeping Noerviline Handy On the Sh:44 _Fartigue' is nature‘s sure indicaâ€" ti~n that some chango of activity :s advisable. f Dean Swi‘t was 50 when he wrote "CGulliver‘s Travels."‘ John Stuart Mill 56 when his essay "Utilitarianâ€" ism"‘ was published, though the bulk of his work had been done a ‘"‘My cries attracted a neighbor, who came to my assistance, and in a moment or two handed me ha.f a teaspoonful of _ Nerviline in some sweetened water. "It seemed as if an angel had charmed away the pain. . In ten seconds I was well. Nerviline has a wonderful name in this local.ty, and is considered best for cramps, diarrhoea, flatulence, stomach and bowel disorders. 1 urge all my friends to use Nerviline. "MANLEY M. LEGRADE. would kill me *‘*My eyes veins in my fo whipâ€"cords. No home is safe or can Afford to miss the manifold advantages of having Nerviline on hand in case of accident or emergent sickness. Large family size bottles of Nerviâ€" line, 50¢. ; trial size, 25c.. all doalâ€" ers, or The Cattrrhozone Co., Bufâ€" falo, N. Y., and Kingston,. Canada. Manv a society somebody is a noâ€" body with money. * Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distemser. A Look Abead. Mrs. Justwedâ€""Just think of it, dearest one. _ Twentyâ€"five yvears from day before yesterday will be our silver anniversary." WUHUAT FATIGUE INXDICATES. A lady out shopping ordered an umbrella stand sent home for her vestibule, and only reached home late in the evening, where she had teft her new maid in charge. _‘Yes, mum,""‘ was the reply. ‘"‘The waggon cum wid th‘ cuspidore for th‘ umbrellas." ‘‘Well, Mary,‘‘ she said. "‘did any packages come T‘ x m cey * Manager (five and tenâ€"cent store) â€"â€"‘‘What did that lady who just went onut want?"‘ Shopgirlâ€"‘‘She inquired if we had a shoe department.‘" "«¥ "" * Medicine" but used tn i\]réoi-ihli'ijfi: ' d cians‘ l‘ractice for many years. Now . . dedicated to the Public and sold by * hruggl.-t- at toâ€"Ste p?t bottie. Muring ® 2 go@ birecfaive in aseptic Tobes, Beose A Case in Point Hilustrated. Some Women Want a Lot. The Best Time of Life. es bulged out and the y forehead stood out like As She Saw It. NoSmartingâ€"Foe‘s Fineâ€"Aots Quickiy. Try it for Ked, Weak, Wnury"lx- and Granglated Eyelids. ilustra Book in each Package. MUIMNE is com pounded b{ our Coulistsâ€"not s "Patent Medicine" but used Ih successfn} Phystâ€" Murine Eye Romedy Co.. Chicsse Try Murine Eye Remedy "Williamsburg.‘"‘ If you are in ailin@ health. have blood disorders, stomach trouble, or headaches, Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills will help you ovieckly. All drvgâ€" ‘gists and s+orekeepers sell Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills of Mandrake and \ Putternut. 285e. per box, five for ’$1.00. Sent postrnaid by the Cn; | producine â€" dust is prohiBbited. Householders are reavired in winâ€" (ter to keep the footpaths in front of | their premises clear of snow and |ice between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. | After 10 p.m. in the case of sideâ€" walks dangerous!y iev,. sand or ‘ashes must be sprinkled. Do Your Looks Quite Satisfy You ? And the Streets Are to Be Kept Clean and Safe. Police regulations intended to make Perlin (Germany) â€" streets quiecter by day and night, to come into force on April 13, include the following : No wirdows or doors of houses, flats, shops. or restaurants, in which music is being played, may be kept opn/o _ : "o8 7 .. No whistling, sing‘ng, shriekin@. skating or loud talking of any kind designed to endanger the quiet of the streets shall be permitted. Teamsters in charge o‘ wagons, trams or trucks loaded with re sound‘ng metal of any kind are forâ€" bidd n to drive in a manner caleuâ€" laed to cause nerveâ€"shattering noises. No paper, remains of fruit, cigars or cirarettes may be thrown into tho ~trest, and the dragging of elothes of any kind. women‘s dressâ€" es. etc., or anvthing else canable of tarrhozone Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. If Your Color is Bad, it You Suffer From Pimnles, Here is _ Good Advice. Miss Nogtie _g._,(‘allaghan. a wellâ€" known younw:3d@dy> in Midd‘leston, writes as follows: "I was affec.ed for two years with a rash. and ugly looking pimples that spread over my face.; My color was poor, and my blood evidentlvy comp.etely out of order. Certainly it was a most despairing sort of a case, because various treatments did but lttle to help me. A friend of mine in Toâ€" ronto, Ont., advised me to get Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills, so I sent at once for five boxes. In two weeks 1 felt like newâ€"looks improved, spirits rose, and I felt I was getting well. I have used this rewedy for a long time, and now wou‘ldn‘t be without i6."" Persons may not walk more than three abreast nor stop or concreâ€" gate for any period of time. Perâ€" sons w‘th umbrellas or wa‘lking sticks must not carry or swing them in any manner designed to imperil the safetv of the passerby. _ BERLIN TO HAYVE REAL QUIET. Uurdreds of New Bushes In Buck» inghom Palace Garders. Queen Mary‘s favorite flower is the rose, and some hundreds <f new trees have been placed in the garâ€" dens at Buckincham Palace. particâ€" nualarly where her Majesty can see thom from the windove of her priâ€" vare avartments Perhaps, as is only becoming in & former Duchess of York, she disâ€" plays a leaning toward the white rose, with the deep crimson rose next in favor. A new rose garden was provided for her entertainment last year at Windsor. Even a roval household has its domestic storm _ waves. Qucen Marv. who is nothing if not old fashioned in her ideas and ways, disaprroves of the luxurious tenâ€" derey of the age, which has spread even to the servants. Consequentâ€" Iv there has been retrenchment lately at Buckingham Palace. And when the household staff complainâ€" ed ofthe food provided recentlv and the Oueen heard of it she said they wore quite at liberty to quit the royal household. That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the sigrature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip in Two Days Â¥ec. Mirard‘s Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. Yree food for thought may be had at any public library. Dibbsâ€"Yes, but you are up against it if you want to trade back. Oneâ€"sided. Gibbsâ€"It‘s easy to trade your reputation for money. ED. 4. QUEEN MARY LIKFS ROSES. Only One "BROMO QUININE® @ine Resu‘ts in Two Weeke. 3 . es iss I8SUE 52 *149 i "All the attendant symptoms of indigestion, such as heart burn, palpitation, water brash, wakefulâ€" ness or disturbed sleep, bad taste Iin the mouth, nervousness, etc., ‘were present to such a degree as to incapacitate me for my practice as a surgeon. s J A Surgeon‘s Hanrd Should be the Firmest of All. "‘For fifteen years I have suffered from _ insomnia, indigestion â€" and nervousness as a result of coffee drinking,"‘ said a surgeon the other day. (Tea is equally injurious beâ€" cause it contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee). recsh Within each bloszsom are two ferâ€" tile seeds and a third, which is the home of a small, exceedingly acâ€" tive worm, whose performances are responsible for the queer conduct cf the bean. _ When this worm emerges from its prison it becomes a beautifully colored moth. â€" The seâ€"ds of the jumping bean blossom in the month of May. Then the foâ€" ma‘e moth denosits ons egg on the pol‘en of the flower. . ts A curious custom exists amongst the Riffians, a warlike tribe which is fourd along the rorthâ€"west coast of Africa The males shave the whole of the skull, with the excepâ€" tion of a sma‘l patch on the upper richtâ€"hand side. The hair on this pateh is allowed to grow to its full length, and plaited, so as to form a kind of pistail. This appendage is provided for the Prophet to grasp when hauling the owner up to heaâ€" ven at the moment of his death. ‘"‘The dyspepsia became eo bad that 1 had to limit myself to one cup at preakfast. Even this caused me to lose my food soon after 1 ate it. As the flower develops it forms a triangular shaped shell on two sides. w‘th a convex shape on the other. Within this the chrysalis deâ€" velops into a grayish brown worm about oneâ€"tenth of an inch in leng*th. t This woglt lives inside its cell for a period x morths, or until the widdle o ovember. Then, cliâ€" matic conditions being favorable, it bores a hole through the end of its shell and flies away as a moth. Secret of This Curious Product of the Vegetable World. The "jumping bean,""‘ which is alâ€" ways sure to excite the wonder of those who have not before seen the specimen of the vegetable k‘ngdom, is the product of a simall bush which grows in the northern part of Mexiâ€" co. "g t A bâ€"cup trial tin mailed for groâ€" cer‘s name and 2â€"cent stamp for nostage. Canadian Postum Co., Their Heights Vary in the Different Oceans. Although severe tempests often lash both the Atlantic and the Paciâ€" fic oceans into mighty waves, there is rerson to believe that the most tremendous seas are those that run south of the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn. Sailors in modern time« * neâ€" ver seen such waves as those desâ€" er‘bed by early navigators, which were iepo:ted to r.se to the height of one hundred or even one hundred and thirty feet. La Perouse, inâ€" deed, a serted that he saw waves in the Pacific towering to a height of nearly two hundred feet. In these more prosaic days we can only say that the highest wave yet measured lfmd an altitude of about fiftyâ€"two eet. That was in the southern ocean, a little north of the antarctic conâ€" tinent; and it is quite certain that the highest waves ever seen in that region did not exceed fiftyâ€"eight feet. The highest waves ever obâ€" served in the Indian Ocean were about forty feet. The highest waves in the North Atlantic are from twentyvâ€"five to twent;â€"nine feet, and in the Mediterranean, from sixteen to nineteen ‘eet. Ltd., V'Windsur, Ont Even the smallest of these mighty waves has great destructive power, for thev often travel at a speed of twentvâ€"five miles an hour. A wave thirty feet high contains thousands of tons of water, and when this imâ€" mense force is exerted against any structure. the ruin wroughtâ€" is likeâ€" ly to be impressive. The great size of the waves in high southern latitudes is explained by the fant that south of the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn there is neither windward nor leeward shore. and the prevailing winds are westerly. So when a westerly gale springs up. it finds a long westerly swell. the effect of a previous wind. still running. The newâ€"born wind increases the steepness of this swell and forms majestic stormâ€"waves that ~somctimes ~reach a length of twelve bundred feet from crest to crest. The average heicht in feet of cea.woves is about half the velo citey o° th* wi~d that causes them, recko~ed in miles per hour. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. JUMPING BEAXNS. sSTEADY HAND. By the Forelock. #J THE WAVES. Your druggiet will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Iwchâ€" OI~TMENTC faile to cure any case of Iuchâ€" ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. _ * Turbidity of Atmosnhere So Acâ€" counted for By Scientists. Â¥#rom many points in America and Fuarone come reports of an unusual turbidity of the atmosphere, which began last summer and still conâ€" tinues. This is manifested in a marked diminution of the intensity of solar radiation, so measured with the pyrheliometer, abnormal disâ€" placement of the neutral points of atmospheric polarization, a hazy appearance of the sky, and the preâ€" sence of Pishop‘s ring around the sun. From Dublin Sir John Moore wrote last August : ‘"‘The sky is conâ€" stantly covered with a thin film of nriform cloud in which no halos deâ€" velop, and through which the sun, moon and stars chine with a subâ€" dued, sickly brightness.‘"‘ Observâ€" ers in Russia, Switzerland, Sweden and Germany, as well as America, report an unusual lack of blueness in the sky. â€" There seems to be every reason to attribute these pheâ€" nomena to the presence in the upâ€" per atmosphere of an immense pall of dust arisin@ from the explosive eruption of Katmai volcano, in Alaska last June. Similar effects were observed after the eruptions of Krakatoa and Mont Pelee, and in those cases lasted for some years. Rnele Hiramâ€""If yer want ter have good dogs, yer must edjicate ‘em to it. I took as much trouble to rear my dog thar ez I did with my son Ike." ‘"But that dog is no good." Uncle Hiramâ€""Neicher is Ike." He was walking once past the Cr mean Monument in London with one of his sons. then a lad. Every one knows that the word "Crimea‘" is engraved on the monument. The boy pointed to the monument, and to the word upon it, and asked : "Father, what is that ?" ‘That,"" said John Pright, pointâ€" ing also to the worg, ‘""is a erime.‘"‘ John Bright‘s voice was unequivoâ€" cally for peace. Says the London Nation : A cheerful man can always get attention when he has a tale of woe to tell. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds, Ete. Culture Defined. Gabeâ€"‘"‘"What is culture?" Steveâ€"*"Culture is when you speak of the house beautiful when you mean the beautiful house." WHY KEEP CX COUGHING ? Here is A Remedy That Wiil Step t â€"= * Keep out in the fresh air as much as you can, build up your strength with plenty of wholesome f od, and tike Nsâ€"Druâ€"Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne. 74 & This reliable household remedy has broken up thousands of hacking, perâ€" sistent coughs, which were just as troublesome as yours, and what it has done for so many others it will do for you. neplected cough ? Then why &on'! you get rid of it? Yes, you can shake it off, even though it has stuck to you for a long time, if you go about it right. |__ _ d Naâ€"Druâ€"Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne contains absolutely no harmful drucs, and so can be"f‘ven safely to chilidren, as well as adu‘ts. Your physician or drrg@ist can confirm this stitement, for we are ready to send them on request a complete list of all the ingredients. Put up in 25¢. and 50¢. bottles by the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 317 YOoLCcANIC DUST IN AIR. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS That when you put a salve onto your child‘s skin, it passes through the pores and enters the blood, just as surely as if you put it into the child‘s stomach ? You woulJ not put a coar.e mass of animal fat, colored by various mincral crude salv s 2re) ints your child‘s bloud by way of the stomach? Then why do so by way of the pores? T ake no risk. Use a‘way: the It wi.1 heal sotres, ulcers, absces ses, eruptions, varicose ukas quickly than any oteer k own preparation, It is a ti eptic, quickly stops the mnl‘:, of a sure or cut, cures pil.s, inf.amed sore: and b‘oouâ€" in . Itisa combina.ion of healing powersnd scient: ic purity, Ask those who have prov. d it. All drunpisis and stores 50¢ boz or Zamâ€"Buk Co., Toronie. for pric¢. re h rhal easences provided in umâ€"Pok. * 2 m Bok contems no trace of any ansMal ol or tat, and no puiso. ous mineral coi râ€" Ing matter, From start to hinish it is purely herbal. Uncompromising. Two of a Kind. TORONTO l about the "good old timé&, â€" r probably the p nt | comfortable to in. | wor |the majority 0 eR |of ‘present century like to be put | to the year 1670. for instance? Durâ€" . ‘ing that year the following remark» able Act of Parliament was passed ‘in England: ‘"That all women ofl | whatsoever age, rank, profession, | Ior degree, whether virgins, ma‘ds, | or widows, that shall from after the passage of the Act impose upon, seâ€" duce and betray into matrimony ; any of his Majesty‘s male subjects, by scents, paints, cosmetics, washâ€" | es, nrtiflcia{)tooth. false hair, Rpan | ish wool, iron stays, hoops, highâ€" | heeled shoes, .Or bolstered hbips, | shall incur the penalty of the laws | | now in foree acainst witchcraft, | Isoroery. andsuch like misdemean-! ! ors, and that the marriage, upon | ‘comviction, shall stand . null and j | void." ' All sufering from Consumstion, Cou®*s, Ccolds, Beâ€"nchitis, Laryneitis, Werk Lun@s, or a Weak Throat, should write for marti« culars of my medisine. 1t never fails, !t satis%es you that it doss yow good. WM. R. COPELAND, 511 Pape Ave., Toronts, Ont. â€"i’:l;i‘lv“;”‘w"l'he English â€" suffraâ€" gettes.‘"‘ Ethnology. Teacherâ€"‘"Name â€" some of the manâ€"hunting tribes." _ # Regularity Dr. Morse‘s " Indian Root Pills \X 2 . County; coil nice elay l~»n + d CHENILLE CURT‘INS ‘ mores timber: <bree acres orchard, o~@ und a! kind» of he # hanginge, sise storv frame hovre: a number of outh i!4. ings; close to merket, railway station a> I LaC! CURTIINS DVEDL':‘.!Q CLEARE® | Jorge cheose frctory Rural moil delivâ€" wewnlnunesce usteiiinancameit n€ A. (erv. Would exchangeo for city. town or Worite & + us a c ut yours Gold Medalist, l village property or for sm>Per form. BRITIEH AMERICAN DYcIHO CO . Box 233,Mentreat | The Weetern Real Estate, London, Ont Mex 239 ®arina, Wis., 0. 8. A J. B. LeROY & CO. of the bowels is an absolute necesâ€" sity for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whoale bo!y. causing biliousness, indiâ€" gestion and sick ineadache-. Saits and other harsh mineral purgatives irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. Morse‘s Indian Root Pillsâ€"entirely vegetableâ€"regulate the bowels effectively without weakâ€" ening, sickening or griping, . Use Figure your proft in five years:â€"§ixâ€" roomed MHouse with all conmveniences, $2,500 to $2,530, bringing in $22 to $2 per month rent, and san be boug‘t with $530 or $600 down. . Will saa~ pay for itself, Write for particulars. If Toronto Keeps Growing The Good O1ld Times. | We o‘ten talk enthusigst » out the "good old timég," obably the p nt ; m ~p mfortable to in. | wo & e majority of the‘ eR |of E esent century like to be put backi} & k t Syrup and Sugar Makers have Chance ; to Win Goid Cash Prizes of $5.00 to / $100.00 in Our $500.00 Contest 8 In order to etimulate interest in vour svyrup anr cided to hold a prize contert for the best c2mp in by users of ours C1 3. 6E APGRATOR. involving the sum 81 §70000 will be m Sed o~ y« Every nser of the CHAMPION EVAPORATOR 1 ning a prize. We aim at quality, and if vou pride yourself on ard «sneer, now is saous chavee tn b t P oo pe mt Non users of the CHAMPION EVARORATOR ho the contest by purobasing n~e Write etrting number of trees you tap and we anired o. tht. Contest c!cses on Anrit 15th, 191%. Exb‘hit of samples from every comnetitive neer of the CHAMPION Evaroay ATOR will be denlaved. Jby «o esy _of. she Slpr merseermct in tb i marenifwent .show wirdows, Moâ€"‘r " 4°p%~> the lapt ton weeke in A~pi Closin« Word â€"Fond at ance for "~~‘ze Contost Cirsular," eiving fuil in formation concerning this competition. Mail This Coupon to Us RIGHT N J W THE GOOD HEALTH COMPANY / 171 Queen E., TORONTO And you willingly subject your wife, daughters and sons to this risk of disease, publicity and discomfortâ€"in all weathers â€"winter and summer. Proubably you never ~thought . of the outside closet in this light before.. Now you know. â€" Make up your mind to blot if of your farm at once. â€" Install a> Good Health Sanitary Closetâ€"it doesn‘t cost muchâ€"and you can have it right in your home. ~ Think of the convenience, comâ€" fort and protection from ill health. _ Make up your mind to have one without another div‘s delay. Let us tell you more about the Good Health Closet. ' % Just consider. Here within a few steps of your homeâ€"poisonâ€" ing every breath of air you breatheâ€"you have built a pest houseâ€"a& foulâ€"smelling ‘sinkâ€"which must be used by you and your family. P ks And it Is Sure To cOonsumpTION Brockville Ontario wl ts vemanptemnnmytrnes eemente There Can Be No Doubt About This 23tgg incubator $§ #» 75 â€" sn Brgcder 207 1G) ~ | The outside clos t â€"that ab minâ€" avle accumu ation of diseaseâ€"lacen filthâ€"is the curse of fa m lifeâ€" directly responsible t or nineâ€"tenths of theâ€"diseases existing in the ru.al districts. THE CGRIMM MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMiTED THE CURSE 58 Welllsg:on St., Mon*râ€"ai, Qus * Address FARM LIFE H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Cothermns $.reeL Toronto. ()NH HUNDRED ACRES IN OXFPORND County: coil nice clay lorm: "%® k W. DAWSON Toronmto H '1 OME WORK, #7 To $#10 PER WEYXâ€" We wart relisble partiee to knit for ue at home. whole or spare time. We furnish machire, yarn, ec. . Rend your name and address at onee for full nort> en‘~re. ‘The Can@adian Wholesrle Distriâ€" buting Co., Dept. W., Orillia, Ont. would ewell, J would seratch untll the blood would run and then form a seab. T f=lt as #f 1 cou!d take a knifo and cut the fiw*) on my hands. 1t would disiigure my fane and make it smart and burn and swell. 1 could pot sleep at night forâ€"scratching. "I tried everything I heard of withous gotting any beneft. I used fots of home remedies, such as lard and suiphur, and also was treated fordt. Then I tried Outicura Boap and Ointment and they gave me great ease. | used them about four months . 1 am happy to say 1 am never troubled now, The Cuticura Soap and Olntment cured me completely." (Signed) Mre. A. 8, Thompâ€" won, Mar.®, 1912. ‘The regular use of Cuticura Soan for toflog and bath not only tends to preserve, purify and beautify the skin, scalp, hair and hands, but assists in preventing inflammation, iniâ€" tation and clogging of the pores, tie common cause of pimples, blackheads, rednass and roughness, yellow, cily, mothy and othar un« wholesome conditions of the skin. Outicura Boap and COuticura Ointment are soid throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free with 32%â€"p. Skin Book,. Address post card Potier Drug & Chem. had a very bad case of oczema, . The trouble begzan with watery blisters and itched and burned until 1 was nearly crazy, 1t was on my ears, cyes, hands and ankies. I couid mkwpchohdctomuwormnn.'hs for the smarting and itching. My ears S'l‘.\MP COLLEL POR®â€"HUNXDR®ED D14 bs ferent Foreign _ Btamps, COata\orne, Album, only Sever Cente Marke Stomp Company, Toronto. C ANCER, TUMORS, . LUMPS®, ETC internal and external, cared wb out pain by our howe ‘restment Wâ€"e us hefore too lnte Dr. Bell!man Medical (o.. Limited. Callis Until She was Nearly Crazy, Began with Watery Elisters. On Ears, Eyes, Hands and Ankles, Could Not Sleep for Scratching, Cuti= cura Soap and Ointment Cured. (‘ ALL ETONE®, KIDNEY AND :*.a" K. der Stones, Kidnoy trouble, Grave‘! Lumbago and kindred afilmente pastive‘» cured with the new German Bonâ€"‘s "Rapol," price $1.50. Another now romedy for Niabetesâ€"Mollitne. and eure â€"cure, "Sanol‘s Antiâ€"Dinbetos" Price ®*%% !" Arueg.ste or direc. . _The Sanol Manu‘ turine Comnany of Canada Limited Winnipeg, Man. PBrunswick 8t., FProdericton by ENTYâ€"NIX â€" AcBins â€" Wddia o6 4@ buildings and anple erchard. abouk ce Taws fenim Te mj}#am JNDRED At RH®â€" a OUNTY MaLE r>. Good House,. â€" Buildines: Orcharé& #Vi0¢ full particulare of Good z'mun Baniteary Closet, and on easy term® c!v‘tn! tlhle excellence of your ally. i better get in line to s# en# Retneseens will quote you price « u on STAMPS AND COiNS oF FARMS FOR SA1# ACENTS WANTED MiSCEO1 ANEOU® 11 r moking we have de Please send me literator» chance of win . K. B.â€"â€""I aviup enter rt NOoTES AND COM It was Max RBeerboh marked that Walter J English as if it were a « age. It was ing observati fastadious in that fa fanlt. P were a dos m® efens dc-‘ic b"-' hu*u‘.fl' )‘ the masters @an © he has absolwtely It Inglish wWAas oultural cours« with the class* or with science fered, in «chols plorable lack :« method, no sch thod was inve i.g]_v appii was little t fine poems flessly 4: Cl4 88 laboratory. & ter LD M Befor wbl #r€ the LTS valuable ad &t tre ul pe Nx We {r B We fron hat that ta D 14 ©1 To H lt ax> Th h the hea‘l! know ev consume will agr« sem and A child with a emacisted bod; : difécult ments! Q.Nu‘h $ eour ulm“;h $ eourse struction and trai ty mve jb &)l O bygievne wour on W Ns # witainty wl be tlle® eved 1 wt e r T M j# lik€ rC TV 4 d "Jonnay | down the C &ust ont 0 1A 18« @qillppr 16 is S the CaÂ¥ )& the M uch id t D W X0.1 to nos6 w 6C 11 1 # m «itt M ‘s eAÂ¥ chl AÂ¥ H alter knnd ré gage more UiAt [ n 2 nd 1 H

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