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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jan 1913, p. 7

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c it nser 3y pport of the officers of the Govâ€" Roa onl <tp> ruled RIM. . a_ V ie HEEETAL _ RDilitY, [Sone hich the Chinese comfessedly posâ€" eas China is about one-tciord arger in area than the United tates. It is one of the richest naâ€" See tions on carth. It has more coal and iron than any other; it has I gold, silver and other mimerals; a| S great extent of timber land and as | plar fine agricultural land umix‘\'elopedl'on & 105 there is in any part of the yorld. [ a si ’T‘w great plains of Mongolia are | has gwu?f:!:’".' adapted â€" for /grading. "&ite ‘ith the resources of the country, | 300 Tove of neace and the intelligence | with of the people and witly‘a stable reâ€" | this publicâ€"China wil) sogn rank with | Forn great extent o‘ iimber land and as fine agricultural land undevelope« as there is in any part of the world The great plains of Mongolia are g‘ruliar?_v adapted â€" for /grading. ith the resources of r‘n: country, love of neace and the , telligence of the people anâ€"d _“:'tZu stable reâ€" public.â€"China wil‘ sodn rank with the greatest of nations. there wa to squeeze 1 trial and of they earned tributed an eommencing thos ey th n« The t l vthing om your feet that shouldn‘t thereâ€"whether corns, callouses or lumpsâ€"they can all be removed in short . order by Putnam‘s Corn Extractor, Think of the pain . you are saved when that sore corn goes. * It is foolish to experiment r 1088 w English as she is Japped" is the » of an antiéle in a recent numâ€" of the (A)ftal Review. f he Orie; capacity for using mothog #fongue with. strange its of ameonscious humor is well wn, but few examples are equal bis dgelicious sign on a Japanese vernment "‘The Chi warlike rs lligent an PFC anchu dynast CHINA ADVANCING RAPIDLY, Te ar m« Do YÂ¥ou Fci Moody, Irritab!;. Depressed ? ‘s the nary 3# When â€" That _ Langaoid, Lages;, Easilyâ€"Tired Feeling Comes, Your liver is Slow. p« ‘st y FOOT CALLOUSES REMOVED QUICKLY nt y earned n fiulr& Biggest Loafer in he e Admitted It. ary Thinks Republic Wil RBe Perpetuated. e in no reason to believe e Chinese Republic will not ctuated,‘‘ said the Rev. Dr. Smith, a missionary lately Tells How until the uprising which in the overthrow of the uated,‘‘ said th nith, a missior ‘rom Ching. are a great n ug the Chinese e becoming m Thev have ne and all others, men and in proveâ€"that Dr. Hamâ€" Hamilton‘s Pills, 25¢. a or 81.00, at all druggists keepers, Of pottp.id l’ rhozone (‘l), Buflllo, N. Ham ea. ihe system of govâ€" s for those in authority rom all classes of indusâ€" her workers the money . _ This money was dis iong the offceholders, with the Toti or Goverâ€" province, and going ne to the humvlest of > Government employ. vâ€"five years at least well defined and more directed efHfort among people to get rid of the asty and restore the xD« d se ordina |'ily‘ are not,, ‘"‘If you ha..ve any stomach trouâ€" They are docile, in | bleâ€"can‘t digest your food, use industrious. For 390| Grapeâ€"Nuts food for breakfast at s no incentive for tha“ea“’ and you won‘t be able to aman to endeavor to Praise it enough when you see how dition, because it by |different you feel.‘"" Name given made more money it by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, ivy from lnm for the ‘Ont M m litt]e book. “m : officers of the GoV.'RouI to â€" ‘Wellville," in __»_=#8 mukack Inlwe £00in novint m ts Wtc w »P000 * ~~.. * a great many able he Chinese and the ‘coming more widely ey have never acceptâ€" grace the rule of the e are from 300,000,000 people in China proâ€" Manchuria and Monâ€" o about 10,000,000 are atars. These 10,000,â€" eontrolled the Govâ€" ; unhappy. There was se! so, and my doctor wAs sluagilll, and this _ my poor color, my angour _ and despair. doctor gave me were , made me weaker beâ€" ere too active for my Dozens of my friends I)r. Hamilton‘s Pills, & $0 fll“d .M helpfn]. _used a pill that actâ€" as Dr. Hamilton‘s. comfortable to use, I hov might not help. I knew they had been «d in cleaning up my y did the work of a. d medicine combined. ) a marvelous degrese nilton‘s Pills, and I the most perfect kind using them just once of the richest naâ€" It has more coal s other; it has ther minerals; & nber land and as and un<eveloped art of the world. of Mongolia are d _ for . grading. s of the country, _ the dntelligence witly‘a stable reâ€" @ regime none ¢f allowed to use for : much of the monâ€" a N#L to Cure Quickly. 1 was young I was healthy like other ed from hm \ Llue feelings that V. Erlanger, well ster, who relates ence. She proved est for restoring for keeping the running . order. to using anything us feclings that e _ joyful spirits r â€" girls seemed irried I found I vorries of like R #4 g.mm‘m Ti 4 â€"â€"crkr ) * o We â€" tré Tead tha above tett M‘fll appears ‘from lime A u.m;'ot 4 al ability, !lonumc. true, and full of human ‘ssedly posâ€" | ks es â€" 75 wearlness full ‘‘That‘s a wellâ€"bred child.‘" ‘"You bet she is. Never corrects her @#râ€" ents publicly, no matter what Â¥he exigencies of the case may be." Moreover, the bamboo is a plant that can readily be cultivstetf If any particular species is considered the best for paperâ€"making purâ€" poses, it can easily be grown in any quantity. _ Asia, Africa, America and Oceania all have forests of it. For paperâ€"making, the cane is cut up into small pieces, of one or two inches, then boiled with sulphate of lime, bleached by electricity, washâ€" ed, machine rolled and pressed into tissue forms, and dried by steam. ] _ It is hoped that in the Far East bamboo pulp will enable Eastern mills to compete with the British and American imported paper of the finer qualities. The process of manufacture from bamgoo is a more expensive one than that from wood. It is thought that experiâ€" ments may cheapem the process and the supply of the came is practically inexhgustible. * ,’S«-ottish Engineers Have Perfeeted y Plans For Its Manufacture. ! Scottish engineers have perfected | plans for the manufacture of paper, | on a large seale, from bamboo. On |a site near Kagi (Japan) a factor has been installed with every roqul site to deal in the first place with | 300 tons of pulp per month, but | with room for any Xevelopment. In | this case the pulp will be treated in Formosa, and sfu'pped in rolls or | sheets to the paper mills at Kobs ; | just in the same manner as the wood pulp of Norway, Sweden, Russia and Finland is shipped to the United Kingdom to feed the Britich paper mills, | _ "Then I decided I must diet and \see if I could overcome the diffâ€" | culty that way. My choice of food | was Grapeâ€"Nuts because the doctor | told me I could not digest starchy "Grapeâ€"Nuts food has been a great benefit to me for I feel like a «ifâ€" ferent person since I begum to eat it. It is wonderful to me how strong my nerves have become. I awdvise everyone to try it, for exâ€" perience is the best teacher. * ‘l was greatly bothered with we stomach and indigestion, wita formation of gas after eating and tried many remedies for it, but did not find relief. A Western woman found some things about food from Old Experiâ€" ence a good, reliable teacher. ‘ Rhe writes : ‘{ think I have used almost every bre@kfast food manufactured, but noge equal Grapeâ€"Nuts in my estiâ€" Old Experience Still Holds ‘the Palm. For real practical reliability and something to swear by, experience â€"plain old experienceâ€"is able to carry a big load yet without getting sway backed. One of the houses, which is desâ€" cribed as the most magnificent 'g_ambh'lg hall in London, is furâ€" nished throughout with exquisite | taste and, apart from the drawingâ€" room, where the board of green ‘olot.h holds men and women fasciâ€" nated, there are a library, a smokâ€" Iingâ€"room, boudoirs, and darkened rest rooms for jaded players. _ This house also is famed for the generous scale of its catering. Champagne is uncorked with the freedom of mineral water, and handsome plate is set out with the choicost fruits. All catering is deâ€" ducted from a 3 per cent. allowance made the keeper of the establishâ€" ment, but bhe can well afford to treat his guests sumptuously, as in one night $200,000 to $250,000 may change hands. 1 believe gambling toâ€"day is heavier than in the time of Charles Fox," & wellâ€"known clubman is quoted as saying. ‘"It is rare when there is not some gossip about ;beavy play at certain westâ€"end clubs." It is outside the precinets of the clubs that the mania is found to be strong. The limited powers of the police are a serious handicap to its suppression. It is not enough to raid a house and catch persons in the act of gambling. _ The police must prove that the place is a gaming house, and to do so it must be shown that the owner is deriving advantage from the gambling going on there. ( hood of Witton Tervace, Belgravia. Stories are told of a wealthy proâ€" vincial logsing $25,000 at a sitting, and another case of an heir to larze estates squandering his patrimony within a fortnight. Public attention has been drawn lately to the opportunities afforded in Lomdon by the police raid on a gambling ostablishment conductod in ‘the Lhinkiy decotous) naienkeay ter to discover facilities for losi it over a gambling table. The 'fl:‘- ed youths of the capital need not restrain their propensity to court the goddess of Zm,une to occasional visits to Monte Carlo or Enghien, or the many clubs which flourish in Paris. pointed Gaming Houses. _ To thbse who know London (Engâ€" land) it is no news that, given reâ€" quisite capital, it is a simple matâ€"~ GAMBLING MANLA IN LONDON PAPER FROM BAMBOoo THE BEST TEACHER. Bumptuouslyâ€"Apâ€" They are t dnvterest. "*The Memory Lingers‘" ‘‘Maike it," said the foieman, ‘"‘eleven dinners and & bale of hay .‘ ‘‘"Well, gentlemen,"" said the bai liff, entering quietiy, "‘shall 7, % usual, order twelve dinmers?" __ At the present time there are im Russia 100,28%5 elementary schools with 154,177 male and female teachâ€" ers and 6,180,;510 pupils. Of these schools 56,910 ‘have been opened unâ€" der the reign <f ‘Nicholas II., the present Czar. BDuring the same period the nwmiber of industrial schools uas riwen ‘from 1,223 to 2,â€" 748. A teacher in the State schools now begins on a salary of $172 a year. â€" After five years he draws #200. after ten years $220 and the maximum is only #270 a year. WThe second day <zew to its close with the twelfth juryman still unâ€" comvinced. Under Alexander III. popular education made further advances, and at the end of his reign the numâ€" ber of schools had reached 43,38% with 2,970,000 pupils. Under the present Czar educational matters have received increased attention. Thus the schools opened by the zemstvos were granted a State subâ€" sidy of $190 for every fifty schools, while the teachers got increases in salary. Always Sold by Grocers everyâ€" where. The existing system of State schools was founded in the second half of the nineteenth century, when the e«lict of the abolition of serfdom appeared. Until the year 1860 Russia only had 4,077 public schools. When in 1864 the zemstvos were established, the number of schools increased rapidly, and at the end of the ‘60s there were in Russia 22,770 schools with 1,490,91%5 pupils. Crisp, sweet bits of toasted Indiin Corn, to be served with cream or milk. Education Making Rapid Strides Under Czar‘s Policy. Popular education in Russia is making rapid strides in advance ; so much so that the next statistics of people who can neither read nor write, not long ago officially estiâ€" mated at 60 per cent. of the total population, will certainly indicate a notable decrease. In the last fifâ€" teen years public instruction has immensely intproved. Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor, Ontario. tutes. If you suffer from any skin trouâ€" ble, cut out this article, write across it the name of this paper, and mail it with one cent stamp to pay reâ€" turn postage, to Zamâ€"Buk Co., Toâ€" ronto. We will forward you by reâ€" turn a free trial box of Zamâ€"Buk. All druggists and stores sell this famous remedy, 50¢, box, or three for $1.25. Refuse harmful substiâ€" Then came Zamâ€"Buk!| But he soon found out that Zamâ€"Buk was differâ€" ent. Within a few weeks there were distinct signs of benefit, and a little perseverance with this great hoerbal balm resulted in what he had given up all hope ofâ€"a compicte cure! And the cure was no temporary cure. It was permanent. He was cured nearly fl())ur years ago. Inâ€" terviewed the other day, Mv. Marsh said : ‘"‘The cure which Zamâ€"Buk worked has been absolutely perâ€" manent. From the day that I was cured to the present moment I have had no trace of eczema, and I feel sure it will never returr.‘" Post & Toasties in every package of Substantial Breakfast Pleasure In that time four eminent mediâ€" cal men tried to cure him, and each gave up the case as hopeless. Naturally, Mr. Marsh tried remeâ€" dies of all kinds, but he, also, at last gave it up. For two years he had to wear gloves day and night. This is the experience of a man of high reputation, widely known in Montreal, and whose case can readâ€" ;de be invektigated. Mr. T. M. arsh, the gentleman referred too, lives at 101 Delorimier Avenue, Montreal. For twentyâ€"five years he has had eczema on his hands and wrists. The disease first started in red blothes, which itched, and wher serateked became painful. Bad seres follewed, urtil his hands were ene raw, painful mass of sores. This state of affarrs conâ€" tirnued for twentyâ€"five years | MORE SCHOOLS IN RUSsIA. He Had Ecsema 25 Years and Docâ€" tors Said "No Cure." Yet Zamâ€"Buk has Worked Complete Cure. Always Delicious. "Aig Ready to Eat Direct From Packageâ€" A KODERN MIBRACLE Signi®Beant. ‘‘Yes, sir,‘‘ answered Bobby, ‘"‘an‘ mamma does, too." ‘‘That‘s right. But doesn‘t your papa say his prayers?‘ ‘‘Noâ€"he don‘t have to." . ‘‘Why, what do you mean‘?" °/ ‘‘He don‘t have toâ€"you see he never gets home till it‘s daylight, an‘ then what is there to pray about ?" ‘"‘And do you always say your prayers at night, my little man?‘‘ asked the clergyman. The preacher was calling at little Bobby‘s house. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. One On Dad. This sentâ€"in kid story is vouched for, but somehow or other it sounds strangely familiar to us. Someâ€" body will write in toâ€"morrow and tell us that it was in Hostetter‘s Almanac for 1869, but we‘ll take & { chance : A pretty girl always knows at least two or three girls who are jeaâ€" lous of her. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicage uo e 000 e e e s SE Try Murine Eye Remes . No Smartingâ€"Feds Fineâ€"Acts &xlckly. i’r{ it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Ilusâ€" trated Book in each Package. Murine is compounded by our Oculistsâ€"not a "Patont Medâ€" leine"â€" but used in successful Physicians‘ Prace fln Iiauio n Sn Beg c ie c and so a a a r Murine Byo gcln Aseptic Tubes, &e and 500 ‘‘Well, he thinks of himself a good deal." When Your Eyes Need Sare Trv Murine Â¥va Ramaily Nn Snensite . anca. animal led to the slaughter. On one oceasion I was working a gun when a bullet went right through the head of the man on the opposite side of the breech. On another ocâ€" casion I was commanding a position when a bullet came through a loopâ€" hole and struck the man beside me right in the neck. His blood gushâ€" ed all over me. Yet I was quite calm and undisturbed in the disâ€" clarge of my duty." "Why do you suppose he has such a vacant expression?‘ .. *‘Though I shot many a rebel in the defence of Lucknow and was several times smothered with the blood of men killed beside me, yet I am too faintâ€"hearted to see even an 1 L Adledasa ie APhax: ced s Heas of will over a nature inherently sensitive. In an intervieow in a Lonâ€" don paper three years ago, he said : Yet his own wl)rd;};mve that his heroism was not the simple daring of a reckless man, but a triumph Placing himself at the head of his men, ‘Captain Goreâ€"Brownâ€"as he then wasâ€"sprang first and alone into the rebel battery. He shot the sentry dead with his revolver. Over one hundred of the enemy were slain by the captain and a few of his men. The guns were successfully put out af action, and Captain Goreâ€"Brown brought his men safely baqk ‘to the Residency. He was one of the defenders in the siege of Lucknow by the mutiâ€" neers and was shut up in the resiâ€" dency from June 30, 1857, to Aug. 31. It was in August that he Eer- formed the deed of valor for which he received the Victoria Cross. He led a sortie in order to spike two guns that were laying the defences of Lucknow in ruins. Hero of Lucknow Who Feared the Night of Blood. Colonel H. Goreâ€"Brown, the "faintâ€"hearted"‘ V.C. who went through all the scenes of slaughter during the Indian Mutiny, won the Victoria Cross in the defence of Lucknow, and yet swooned at the sight of blood from a cut finger, died suddenly at his home at Shankâ€" lin, Isle of Wight, recently. He was an uncle of Colonel Seely, the secretary for war. Cuticura Soap and Cutleura Ointmont are sold throughout the world. Send to Potter D. & O. Corp., Dept. 53D, Boston, U.8.A., for free sample of each with 32â€"page book, FAINTâ€"HEARTED Â¥.C. DEAD. Clarkson, Ontario.â€"*My little girl, aged two years, started with & skin disease on her face, so I called in the doctor and he said it was eczema. ‘The skin was quite red and all scaly. I washed the parts well with the Cuticura Soap and then I pus the Cuticura Ointment on. You ought to see her now â€" as fair as a lily! "I suffered & great deal with piles. I had them very bad, and they itched and burned so I could hardly bear it. When I got the Cuticura Ointment I tried it. Now it has entirely cured me." (Signed) Mrs. Cyrus Ward, Jan. 1, 1912. Muncey, Ontario.â€"‘"Some time ago my fage was in a very bad condition with some kirÂ¥ of pimples. ‘The pimples were thickty m scattered. ‘The tops of them 7 q, were white; matter was in 7 thein. ‘They were quite large abd my face was sore and itchy and Jooked badly. I ‘. a had to scratch to be comfertâ€" V able and sometimes lost my " sleep. ‘The sores lasted about A / ¢wo months and I tried some ointments but didn‘t like them. ‘Then I sent for some Cuticura Soap and Outicura Ointment, used them for two weeks and I was complotely cured." (Signed) Alex. R. Oke, April 2, 1912 ;\W x Y t / them. : ‘Then In Bad Condition. Pimples Lar Face Sore and Itchy. Loof; Badly, Cuticura S(W and Oint \ ment Cured in Two Weeks. _ PMPLES THICKLY SCATTERED ON FAGE *SCALY ECZEMA ON FACE Possible Reason. sA EDO ‘. |Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets | Druggists refund money if it faile to oure E W. GROVE‘8 signature is on each box. ‘‘That bride across the way is the laziest woman Lever saw. She never does any work about the house." “W$ ZM't her husband make her ‘"*Oh, he simply worships her." _ ‘"‘That accounts, then, for her leading an idol existence." An idle rumor never spends much time in the office of a busy man. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ‘"Why, Willie, you don‘t seem to be enjoying yourself.""‘ ‘"No, uncle, I‘m having a miserable time. Auntie told me to eat as much as I wanted â€"and I can‘t." Not having coal is no disgrace. We‘ve been in that condition numâ€" erous times. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. Don‘t be cajoled into receiving anything from your dealer but ‘Nerviline.‘"" _ Large family size bottles 50c., trial size 25c., all dealâ€" ers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Bufâ€" falo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. an upâ€"toâ€"date, penetrating, painâ€" destroyer like Nerviline. ‘‘Please publish my letter the world over. I want all to hear of Nerviline." my blood by taking Ferrozone at meals. This treatment cured me permanently, and I urge everyone to give up the thick, white, oily liniments they are using, and try ‘‘One attack came after another, and lumbago got to be a chronic thing with me. _ I could searcoly get in a@ day‘s work before that knifing eruel pain would attack my back. I used a gallon of liniments ; not one of them seemed penetratâ€" ing enough to get at the core of the pain. I read in the Montreal Witâ€" ness about Nerviline, and got five bottles. Tt is a wonderful medicine â€"I could feel its soothing, painâ€" relieving action every time it was applied. ‘When 1 got the disease under control with Nerviline, T built up my strength and fortified ‘‘Three years ago I discovered that a ma n subject to lumbago might just as well be dead as alive."‘ These words open the sinâ€" cere, straightforward letter of H. P. Bushy, a wellâ€"known man in the plumbing and tinsmithing business. Thousands Still Suffering That Can be Quickly Curced "Nerviline."" Lumbago Cured Every Ache Gone Jerusalem is soon to have its own tramway service, as a concession for the purpose has already been granted to a French company, which will start laying the tram lines in the course of the summer. An English company has applied for a concession to illuminate the city with water by. the construction of large reservoirs near wells situated at a distance of about sixteen miles from Jerusalem. The municipality is also considering proposals for paving the streets and constructing sewage works. A modern fireâ€"exâ€" tinguishing apparatus and a teleâ€" phone installation are also to be provided. The project of constructâ€" ing a harbor in Jaffa, which has been discussed for the last thirty years, is likely to be realized at last. _A Frenchâ€"Belgian company, with the coâ€"operation of the Jaffaâ€" Jerusalem Railway Company, is said to have applied for a concesâ€" sion to carry out the project, for which it has raised a capital of nearly one million pounds sterling. The Government is reported to have come to an agreement with the comâ€" pany about the conditions of the concession, and only the consent of Parliament is now necessary. |Blfi Fair to Become Again the _ Chief City of the Hebrews. _ The latest indication of the proâ€" gress foing on in Jerusalem was the arrival a short time ago of a mas sive motor road roller, and the deâ€" cision to equip the city with an efficient tramway system, says the American Hebrew. The walls enâ€" close 209 acres, of which 35 acres are occupied by the temple encloâ€" sure. But owing to the impossiâ€" bility of housing the thousands of Jewish immigrants who still conâ€" tinue to arrive, building has been proceeding outside the walls to a very considerable extent. The consequence of ths presence of this external population is that first one and then another of the gates was left open by night, until toâ€"davy they are all perpetually open. Indoed, two of the gateways have no gates at all. Meanwhile the Mohammedan population is not by any means keeping pace with the Jewish, and the Holy City seems in a fair way to become onee more in fact as well as in name the capital city of the Hebrew race. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE pay KODERNIZING JERUSALE_ The Case of Harold P. Bushy. ISSUE TORONTO se o N o n In some communities the heaviâ€" est demand is for light literature. inithtibentiinltibt. Inlsice sal Then, in direct contrast, as if to balance the inferiority, the Bulgarâ€" ian roses are magnificent and their perfume, captured and condensed into ‘"attar,‘‘ contributes considerâ€" ably to the prosperity of the counâ€" try. _ The Bulgarian peasant is very primitive and his primitiveness limâ€" its his prosperity. If he exports in large quantities wheat, barley and corn, his wine, on the other hand, is mediccre and his tobacco much inferior to Turkish tobaceco ; his catâ€" tle are of an inferior breed, his ho"x‘-fes are small and his hogs thin. efficiency ol the Bulgarian army and the modern methods of the Bulâ€" garians themselves, and to believe all the stories written about the Bulgars one would think the Btate as enterprising as any American state of similar size. This, say the correspondents, is far from g’eing the caso. ‘CHARLES 0. MARQUE'I_'_TE. TRAYMORE liOTEL COMP Cattle, Horses and Wire Are All Inferier. T}!e BalkanA war has shown the Your druggiet wil OINTMENT faile ing, Blind, Bleedir 6 to 14 days. 50c Do not dwell too much upon your failures. Do not look back too much. Life will not bear this reâ€" trospection and indulgence in vain regret is not a fitting luxury for those who have their fortunes to make. lnrghroo commands an ocean water. eva.lflul in every chamber the latest development in sieam heati privileges. Capacity 600, Write for Halifax, N. 8. Sept 2 1905. Gentlemen.â€"I have naed MINARD‘S LINIMENT from time to time for the past twenty years. It was recommended to me by a frominent physician of Montreal, who called it the "great Nova Seotia Liniâ€" ment." Tt does the doctor‘s work; it is particularly good in cases of R}W@matiem and Spraine. For a long time the Vremya conâ€" ducted a bitter campaign amainst giving any contracts for rebuilding the Russian fieet to Vicker® & Maxâ€" im. Then came a signifcant interâ€" val of silence. Now the Vremya is printing a series of enthusiastic articles in favor of giving Vickers the lion‘s share in the enormous naval programme of $125,000.000. Fresh revelations of the disrepuâ€" table methods of the Novoe Vremya have been made. Its present furiâ€" ous campaign against Jews and forâ€" eigners fails to cover up the eviâ€" dences of corruption. lfljmrt?'n Liniment Co., Limited The mass of people who have been looking forward to feasting and holidays are grumbling deeply at the turn the Czar and court are giving the forthcoming celebrations. The Czar‘s griefâ€"stricken attitude over his son‘s affliction is weighing upon the whole country. Next February is the third centenary of the Romanoff dynasty. It was anâ€" nounced last summer, during the celebrations of the centenary of the Moscow campaign, that the Czar was to inaugurate national rejoicâ€" ings for his dynasty and there would be amnesty for many grades of prisoners and acts of benevolence to the poor. But the programme just issued is of a most melancholy character for the four succeessive days. There are to be church serâ€" vices in memory of the dead Romaâ€" noffs preceding and succeeding Peâ€" ter the Great, and then a service of intercession for the present generaâ€" tion. At the anniversary of Bt. George‘s feast it is the Ozar‘s cus tom to attend a dirner given to exâ€" soldiers who have won the Bt. George cross for bravery in war. He tastes their food, embraces the feet of the older men and moves among the tables with kingly words of greeting. At the recent celebration of the anniversary, however, he seemed so haggard and broken down with deep grief that the people forebore to utter a sound. He sat in a bent atâ€" titude near the head of the table for a few minutes then bbwe&hfinu-fii and withdrew. Russia Is Shocked Over His Hagâ€" gard Appearnce. The Czar kas made his first pubâ€" lic appearanse since the tragedy of his son‘s illness and the people are shocked at his changed looks, writes a Bt. Petersburg correspondent. BULGARIA IS PREIMITIYVE. PILES CURED 1N s To 14 pays AFFLICTION OF THE CZAR. Egiet will refund money if PAZO T fails to cure any case of Itchâ€" R Bleag.ing or Protruding Piles in Yours truly, _G. G. DUSTAN, Chartered Accountant Whenever you feel a headache coming on take NAâ€"DRUâ€"CO Headache Waters ‘Th headaches prom and surely. Do not contain opit);ns.”nror;;tne. phuoez':’ mm or other dangerous drugs, 25¢. a box at your Druggist‘s. rex NATI@NAL DRVG AND CHEMICAL co Ha Ti0W, Dat" attached with sea w T. c M t _ d on .. instrated bookiet $ view, bath attached with T 2 meme Ememmt ut m and as hopeless as yours can possibly be, l This is th:p:xp(-ricnce of Mr. H. J. Brown, 384 Bathurst St., Toronto, in his own words : ‘"Gentlemenâ€"I have much pleasure in mentioning to you the benefits received from yo-rg'a-l/ru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets and can cheerfully recommend them. I si bad confirmed dyspepsia with all it;uw”r:tched symptoms, -mf‘ tried about all the advertised cures with no success, You have in Naâ€"Druâ€"Co Dyspepsia Tablets the best curative agent fcould find. 1t is now such a pleasure to enjoy meals with their consequent pourishâ€" ment that J want to me:el?on this for the benefit of others." The fact that a lot of prescriptions or ;omlled "cures‘ have failed tofilp you s no sign that you have to on suflering. Try Nn-Dm-Cg“Dya::r* Tablets and see how quickly this sterling remedy will five you relief and start your stomach working properly. If it doesn‘t belp you, you get your money back. 500 a box at your ?mggint'c. Compeunded 3 the National Drug and Chemical Co, Canada, Limited, Montreal. 141 them still ! Bheâ€"‘‘Now you must admit thas women are better than men.‘"‘ ‘"Oh, I don‘t know. History doesn‘t say anything about seven devils being cast out of man.‘"‘ Sheâ€"*"No, of course not; he has every one of Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distemper. "Oh, we all must haveâ€"but have we?‘ said Hickenlooper. ‘"Has Jobkins any money 1 asked Hickenlooper. ‘"Oh, he must bhave," said Garroâ€" way. WAS A CORFIRMED OrsPErTic Now Piads it a Pleasure to Enjoy Meals Look for agent in yo;n:l;v;;n. ;râ€";;-dâ€"ir:fl" Montreal, Toronto, Qitawa, Quebece "BRITISH AMEEICAN COYEINC Co." DYEING! _ CLEANING]I ROoILERS exroh» ige for farm. 5 cent fare to city. s °© a + © » Thr. Western Real Estate, bonz. Ont £ Agers oLoer o Loxnox MARKPT ¢» ns« frame cottage, stable. W onld HOH! WORK, $7 TO 810 PER WEEKâ€" We want reliable parties to kni% for ue at kome, whole or spare tima We furnish machine, yarn, eto. . Bend name and address at once for full culars. The Canadian Wholcsale buting Co., Dept. W.. Orillia, Ont. Huxnxsn ACRESâ€"â€"CO0UNTY HBALTON Good House; Bulldings; Orchard Cheap and on eamey terms. aees e 02 0 Oe e .l.' w. .D-AWOON. Ninety Colborne Streo &3 buildings and apple orchard; about fAve miles from Hamilton. q:vmn.exx’ ACRES & buildings and anvple & ferent Foreign _ Stamps, Catalogue, Album, onl{b&\-en Centé. Marks Btamp Company, ronto. GALL 8TONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. é«er Stones, Kidney trouble, Ouv}l. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy, "Rano!," price $1.50. Another new remedr for Diabetesâ€"Mellitus, and sure cure, i6 "Banol‘s Antiâ€"Diabetes." Price $2.00 from @ruggists or direct. ‘The Sanol Manufacâ€" turinf (‘om“nny of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Man. H. W. BAWSON, Toronto. CAN(‘EB, TUMORS, _ LUMPS, ETC. internal and external, cured withâ€" out pain by our home treatment. Wrn’ us before too late. Dr. Beliman Medica Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. FHere is a case which seemed as POLSON ‘*?;%,*%°%** TORONTO SMOKE STACKS. vant ju.L:na New and Second ‘ hand, for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND " TAMP COOLLECTORSâ€"HUNDRED DIF For the very The Heart of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "*OTTO HIGEL»" KE STACKS, _ Agenis for Sturte Ven:isating and Hoating Systems. A Serious Question. D. $. WHITE, Pre Engines and Shipbutiders STAMPS AND CONS. Piano Action FARMS FOR sare ACENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS best, send your work to the 144

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