West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Jan 1913, p. 8

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:.““MW““ The Review and Grain Growers‘ Guide, Winnipeg, for one year 1 65 The Review and Weekly Globe _ The Review and Woeekly Mail and The Review and the Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witness The Revyiew and Weekly Sun for The Review and Weâ€"kly Advertisâ€" GC NOY OUO WOE sare«ccccrrceress es ire The Review and Weekly Free t‘reas IOr ONnO YOAF..............«..« The Review and Farming World The Review and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" yocate for 1 year.................... TheReview and Canadian Farm The Review and Daily Free Press The Review and Toronto Daily The Review and Toronto Daily The Royview and Toronto Daily World fOf 1 y@&F...................«« The Review and ‘Torouto Daily Glob@ fOr 1 Y@@P....,.....se0ce0000»+ The Review and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire for 1 yoar...... On Reasonable terms, 200 acres, M()nprhing West halves of Lots I and 9 Ind Con. W. G. R.. Bentinck and WCEEWUCE We se us C 2, 2nd Con.. W. G. R,.. Bentinck "fif Lot3 on the same Concession. 1 acres cleared, well watered by sor‘i)gsl creek, two bearing orchards. G | frame bouse, cedar log barn,. Convenâ€"| ient to School and P. O, Apply to ; for Eqspire for 1 year.................. SOF 1 YOUE....cccrrereccrrrerceverres 64x Preas for one : NO U PME ccssececcrcserecssers sstrersie Star for ! year....................... Newsfor one year.................> New Clubbing Rates. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising Agency, or, the Secretary of the Candian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, FToronto. Engquiry involves no obligation on your partâ€"so write if interested. Farm for Sale. Newspaper advertisements are the fingerâ€" posts on the road to right buying. They are quiock and safe guides to the places and goods most worthy of your patronage. Suppose there were no advertisementsâ€" what a worrying task shopping would be ! Think how you would miss the helpful inforâ€" mation that guides you to select the best goods and to know the shops where they can be best obtained. Your Best Shopping Guide experience how to avoid From soap to gas Ranâ€" disappointment and diss gesâ€"from shoesto autoâ€" satisfaction . mobiles â€"one gets from «caniut. un newspaper â€" Advertising &Thanks toj the high the information that is standard of present day _ essential to safe and adâ€" advertising, no person _ vantageousbuyin g, goods you need or the store Zthat sells them ! Your shopping wou‘ld be all experiment. You would pay out a lot of money during the siow process of learning by experience how to avoid disappointment and disâ€" satisfaction. How difficult to make up your shopping list without first knowing something about _ the ‘ATON, Prop., uickiy stops coughs, cures Swinton Park. &hMW' A “}‘ % 75 1 7 8 75 8 75 4 15 4 75 (Theodore Harding Rand was born at Cornwallis, N.S., in 1835, and has been Princifinl of Woodstock College and Chancellor of McMaster Univer: ntg. He wrote "At Minas Basin and r Poems." The selection that folâ€" lows is a fair example of his exquisite blending of nature and mysticism.) 1 Hail, first of the sgring, ‘ Pearly skyâ€"tinted thing ‘| Touched with pencil of Him | Who rollest the year! f Lo, thy aureole rim ? No painter may limnâ€" ; Vision thou hast, and no fear! needs to sohp at random. The advertising columns of a newsyaper give you just the information you require to make your best selection of goods or store, Leisurely, in the eomfort of your own home, you can plan and decide upon the purchases in view. By Theodore Harding Rand. Fair child of the light, What fixes thy sight? Wideâ€"open thy roll From the seal of the clod, And thy heavenâ€"writ scroll Glows, beautiful soul, With the shining of God! Thou look‘st into heaven As surely as Stephen, BSo steadfast thy will is! And from earth‘s inglenook Seest Christ of the lilies And daffadowndillies, And catchest His look. And a portion is mine, Rapt gazer divine, From thy countenance givenâ€" Angel bliss in thy face! I‘ve looked into heaven As surely as Stephen, From out of my place! THE HEPATICA. cures eo}ds.v and heals &A & 258 cénts. Taking Care of Farm Imple= shan, R.Cochrane. ments. \Court of Revisiog Keeping Implements in Repairâ€"Work for the Winter Months. The care of farm machinery may be treated under three beads : First, housing or protecting from the weathâ€" er ; 20d, repairing : third, painting, BHovsing,â€"On the average 160 acre farm there will be needed an cquip ment which will cost at least $1 000, Let this stand out during each winter. and it will not do good work for five years, If well housed, every tool will do good work tor from I0 to 15 years or longer. An impiement shed to house all these implements can be built for $200. If a $200 shed wil double or treble the life of machinery costing $1,000, it is a splendid inyestâ€" ment, RErairRing.â€"Repairs should be sysâ€" tematically made in order to haye the machines ready for use at the time wauted. It is a good plan when patâ€" ting the machines away, to make a note of what is needed in the way of repairs,. This note may be attached to the implement, _ It repairs are needed which must come from the factory, NOW is the time to let the local agent know, so that they can be obtained in time, The question as to how far to underâ€" take to do repair work on the farm will depend largely upon the person. ality of the farmer himself and his ability po haudle tools and execute the work. With a little training and practice, he cun repsir all ordinary injuries to the farmo ¢equipment, and, as a rule, in less time than it would require to go to the blacksmith shop, The taking apart of machinery should be avoided, except in cases where it is absolutely necessary to do so. The binder and mower and maâ€" chines of this class are securely put together in the factory, and if taken apart it is difficult to restore them to their proper adjustments, There are, however, inapy minor repairs which the farmer can make himself, ParntixG.â€"This is an a%u when appearances count for much, and a farmer‘s standing in the community is often goyerned by the appearance of his farm equipm@2t. Paint not onâ€" adds to the appcarance of an impleâ€" ment, but acts as a preseryative to many of the parts, especially if they reeve pojnted out that the byâ€"law also read ** services at all times" and inâ€" deed Mr Whelan adgigted this and was willing if notified to attend to any case, In the course of an able defence he deplored the difficulty of getting evidence, or cf people to stand by their charges, Coun, Lenahan asked hiin if his own evidence was not sufficient, but the constable pointed oat the varying opinions as to when there was a vloiation of law, especiâ€" ally in liquor cases, Anyway the old constable was appointed at the old salary. are made of wood, Always have the surface dry and clean before applying the paint. As a rule handâ€"wixed paints are the best A good metallic paint may be made by mixing red lead and raw linseed oil. The use of tools on the farm is of great valueas an edgcational feature, especially when the work is carefully performed â€" The tboys should be enâ€" couraged to use tools and held responâ€" sible for their care and the character of the work performed, The tool outâ€" tit will be of special service in keeping the hoy ecaploged and interested. and coutented to remsate al bhome,â€"F.0. N The council struck a snag when they came to appoint a Medical KHealth ofâ€" ficer, 1t appears that hitherto aedâ€" ico‘s charged fees as occasion agose but a law of 1912 compels Council to give a salary. Dr, Hniton, who was present, was asked what he thought a fair salary would be, and sook the council‘s breath away when he menâ€" tioned $75.00, The matter wes laid ever. We would haye liked to have seen Mr Llioyd give notice of motion to bripg the important questions he raised before anotber meetiag for full discuseion. The following accounts were pass ed H. MeDonald, cement work on DEIIGC...+ ... .+/s>s s s‘s «+1% s i+ + A WOO Bell Telephone Co., phones to Stratltord......... As«s.zies.¢. 1aQ Beil Telephone Co.. 8 mos. rent of phoee in Clerk‘s office...... 5 00 W. B. Vollett, salary for Dec.... 35 00 +# Dep, geturning offiâ€" cer, 6.00 : ptge, & express, 950 0 95 C. E. Kividge, Dep. ret, officer Propertyâ€"$9, P. Saunders, F. Lenaâ€" Town Conncil Continued from page 1 HOoLSTEIN LEAD Court of Revisioaâ€"W, Black, 8. P Saunders, W. Calder, J. Loyd, G: McKechnie. Charity Committeeâ€"W . Black, G McKechnie. G. Furneanx. Industrial Committeeâ€"W. Black, W. Calder, 8. P, Saunders, F. Lena, han, Dr. D. Jamieson and E. Limin, Board of Healthâ€"W. Blaek, A, Catton, C, Ramage. Publishers are having ( please allow usto use a slang phrase) a whale of a time at present adjusting their mailing sheets to the new post office conditions, and the end is not yet. at From Holstein and Varney now ra\ diate Rural mail routes and the effect is to wipe out several of the smaller post offices and later more will go. Boothville, Thistle, Tartan, Yeovil will soon be merely memories as far as the post office is concerned and we‘ll have to tell our friends that we live at‘“} and so, R. R. No. 1," We have gone over our mailing sheet pretty carefully this week up to Tuesâ€" day, 14th inst., at noon and made all additions and corrections to that date. However it is just possible that we may have omittsd somegne‘s name or their new address, and we will take it as a favorif any such emission are noticed that our attention will be calâ€" led to it at onge. If a mistake has been made it will go or and on in future mailing sheets till some one points it out. _ Please don‘t come at us a year from now with "you didn‘t change my label," Come at us right now by post card or persgonal cail, We have been quite unable to acâ€" knowledge individually all the renew: als we have received during the last few weeks. _ We thank every remitter warmly. There are still many however who have yet to attend to this duty and we hope they will not defu Canadian Pacific Empresses of *"* Kussia " and "Asia," An unusual opportunity for an around the world eruise all under the Canadian Pacific flag with its consequent standard of seryice is offered with the advent of the great new quadruple screw turbine engine steamships " Empress of Rus. sia" and "Empress of Asia." Special Around the World Cruise The "Empress of Russia" will sail from Liverpoot April Ist and will calj at Gibraltar April 4th, Villefranghe Apâ€" ril gth, Port Said Aprit 12th and will proceed via Suez, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bhanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama and arrive at Vancouver Saturday, May 3ist, From Vancouver to Toronto passengers may travel via Canadian Pacific Main Line or Crows‘ Nest Pass Line and may also travel from Ft William or via Great Lakes route to Port MeNicoll. The most direct connection to make for the sailing from Liverpool April 1st is yia "Eimpress of Britain‘"‘ from St. John, K. B. Mapoh 2ist, 1913. The " Empress of Rassia"‘ and ** Empress of Asia‘‘ are sister ships â€"593 feet long, 68 feet beamâ€"gross reg ister 16,850 tons, displacement abo at 34 GOO tons â€"â€"speed 2" tsâ€" quadraple sere wâ€"â€"turbin desâ€" andohe firss merchaat * built with the ‘"oruiser " se , a Kature which is especially adapted for speed and increases the stuabiliv, besides seearing morJ._ICO)M on the various decks. _ When ovean liners were built so thaw they should float with itwo oi their compatments filled with water, it was thou;ght a great thing, but the new ** Empresses ‘‘ can have four of their compa rtments filled and still float. The rate for the entire cruise is $659.10 exclusive ct maintenance beâ€" tween arrival time in England and diepartnre of the +*Empress of Rusâ€" sia." The Canadian Pacific AtJantic JE mâ€" presses are so well known and haye established so enviable a reputation tor safety, speed, service and accomâ€" modation. that when we say the ‘*Empress of Russia ‘‘ and *‘ Emâ€" press at Asia " are larger and faster thaa the * Empress of Britain ‘‘ and ** Empress ot{‘reland " it means a greatdeal. They embody the very lagest features of marine architecture and every known eonvenience and eomtort fer passengersâ€"the service and cuisine will be maintained at high *Caoadian Pacific *‘ standard. A similar eruis» will be made by the : Empress of Asia " sailing from Liverpool May 27th, 1918 Get particulars from Canadian Paâ€" o‘fic Agents, or write M. G. Marphy. Distiict Passenger Agent, Toronto, "R. R. No. 1" § LOCAL AND PERSONAL We are sorry to hear of the illness of Miss Sarah Brown and hope she may soon be around again. Mr Neil, who has been ill for some time, is improying in health. We are glad to see Mr McKengie around again, Mr Kennedy is home again from the west and wil} spend the winter with his sister, Mrs Bye. Mr and Mrs Markle, of Lumsden, Sask., who baye come on an extendâ€" ed visit to Mrs Markle‘s parents, Mr and Mrs J. B. Hant, haye gone to Fairview for a few days. Mr and Mrs Polefor, of Alberta, who have been visiting Mrs Burrows lett Tuesday to visit other friends in this vicinity. Next Monday evening the annual itizens‘ meeting in the interests of be Library, will be held in the L1â€" rary bailding, when the reports will be read and the election of officâ€" ers for the ensuiog year will take place. Everyone interested is exâ€" pected to attend. Messrs John Kadie and Dan McKin. nou from Beatty, Saâ€"k., arrived from the west last week, They made a call on Mr John A. Ferguson before proâ€" ceeding to the home of Mr McKinuon, near Priceville. Mrs M. Tribe entertained Mrs Me Callum of Palmerston over Sunday. The Qrange Lodge No. 2296 inâ€" tend to hoid a box social Jan. 24th, A large crowd is expected. A splendid programme is being arâ€" ranged. Mr John Sharp and family bave moved to Mt. Forest, where they will reside for a time before removâ€" ing to Vancouver, B. C. His hard: ware business passed into the hands of Mr Matthews and will take posâ€" sesgsion shortly, Mach gropeny has changed bands in our burg of late, We regret to see the old citizons leaving, but exâ€" tend a welcome to those who came to fill in the vacancies Ruamor has it that more changes are yet to tolâ€" low, McLachlan Philp 38 56 61 McArtbur 23 19 58 UEP. REEVEâ€"Geo. Lothian (acclamation) COUNCIL â€"+First three elected. Ferguson 52 60 Eud McRobb 27 49 67 Robb 85 py] 51 Another case of scarlet fever is reâ€" ported this week. It is to be hoped that it will not become an epidemic here. Miss Lizzie Walmsley was at Cli(â€" ford last week attending the funeral of a triend. J. M. Mattbhews will be ready fof business Jan. 21, and soligits a li%eul sbare of ycuar hardware trade. Read his announcement on this page. WepnEsoay, 29 Jan.â€"On this date lames Eccles, Lot 15, Con. 18, Egreâ€" mont, offers for sale, horses, cattle, sheep and swine. Some particularly good cows. Terms : 12 mos. eredit, 5 per gent dizcount for eash in lieu of notes. Everything must be sold as Propriector is retiring. Bale at 1 ofclock. D. MePHait, Auctioneer FRIDAY, 24 Jax.â€"On this date, John A. Ferguson, lot 7. Con. 11, Egremont, offers for sale a number of splendid horses of good breeds : 7 young cows, Holstein and Durham breeds and ether cattle : also sheep, pigs, turkeys and a collie pup. 12 mos credit. 5 per cent discount for cash in liea of noteg. Reâ€" serve bid on one span of horses only. Sale at cne o‘clock. F7 FA & A" Getihaint in O fen NaestataiipansssecadrenedPisiiniiran 4 : 1. is press last week. The figures then published were eorrect, except for | 1 astray for Philp in ward 6, and § and 30 too many for son and Mg in ward 1, which made no change in standipg. y for Fergyson sad Ms We sincerely regrat the result of the local option contest in Normanâ€" by, We understand the cold qir pipes which have been insialled in the school are giying good satisfaction. Mr Joseph Blyth shot a fine fox last week. From what we hear they are scarce this year. A large number in our burg are sick with grip. Mr Wm Bradley and daughcer Miss Lou left for the west lass week. Hastisâ€"Corxisx. â€"2 the residence of the bride‘s saurents, Elgin St., Lumsden, on Christmas Day, by the Rev A. Jackson Wray, Arthur "amuel Hastie, of Webb, Bask., to Yictoria Ethel, youngest daughter of Mr Johvn Cornish, of Lumsden, formerly of Orchard. We are baving a very beautiful winter so far and sincerely hope that it will continue so. Miss Hopkins was the guest of Mrs Jas Brown over Sundsy. ‘ â€" The Clerk‘s official figures, given below., did not REEVE TORONTO wâ€"â€"â€"# @â€"@ _ Sale Register. Orchard MARRIED D. McPHAIL, Auctioneer. Allan‘s Uromore Holstein Yeovil Mt. For CORRECTED YOTE 1N EGREMONT. IVES *Yhat might have proved a serion8 accident happened to Mr R Isaac one day last week while taking off a load of tile which he hbad just brought homea from Proton Station. In some unaccountable manner the tile fell, pinning him beneath but freeing bimâ€" self, proceeded to the house where medical aid was secured. Mr Isaac. as a result has been confined to his house for a week or more and is nursing a bruised leg. Mr Alex Findlay baving recuperâ€" ated from his serious illness returnâ€" ed to Ottawa on Wednesday to re sume his position in the Customs‘ Dept, ‘-â€"firvfid;;r Renwick is laid up with an attaek of la grs, Miss Alma Knox of Guelph, was the guest of her cousin Mrs John Moâ€" Murdo one day last week, a Miss M:ryâ€"'FirrV:dlsy left for Toronto on Wednesday where she will attend the Harbord 8t Collegiate. «l Mr and Mrs C Roeowick left hurâ€" riedly on Monday for Toronto on acâ€" count of the setious illness of their daughter Bertha, Mrs. C. Craig, who is ill with appendicitis. _ Latest re ports note a slight improvement in her serious condition. The Dromore branch of Women‘s Institute intend having an entertainâ€" ment in Russell Hall on the 24th of January. A good program is being prepared. Admigsion Is cents, and 25 cents for a couple. While driving along the gore last Saturday night, we learn that Oyril Weightman, a young man employed at Gid Johnston‘s, drove into a pond or bog of some nature and the horse, one hired from Durham livery, was drowned before he could secure asâ€" sistance to get it out. The animal was valued at $150 which he will be required to make good, A Bring your bogs to Holstein Tuesâ€" days. Satisfaction â€" guaranteed. Other stock will have my best attenâ€" tion. _ Phone 17 We extend our hkearty congratu® lations to Miss Minnie Wells and Mr. Wm Wilson who on Monday, Jan 18 were nlt:'mted in matrimonial bonds at the Manse, Priceville, by the pastor Rev Mr Mathesou. fii‘hM that day on & honeffsoon trip to Milyerâ€" ton and on returning will take up residence on the MeFadden place on 22nd con. * Ain‘t there a lot o‘ stuff in the pantry ?" * Yes, but that wou‘t last forever.‘ "Lc’ll last till you git another hus band, won‘t it ? You‘re a pretty good Jooker, ma | " Juisss Adams, late of the Town of Durham=~z The County of Girey, Â¥eoman, decedeed. ~*/~~~~~*~**~ Notice is bhereby givin pursuant to Ontario 8tatutes J911, Chap 2 Section »9, that all persons having claims against the estate of Wm.Jas. Adams who died on or about the Thirteenth duy of December, A. D., 1912, are reâ€" quired to send by ?mt prepaid or otherwise deliver to J P Telford, solicâ€" itor for the Executors. on or before the l7th day of January, 1918, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the securit (if any) held by them, duly corllflf!, and that after the said date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated this 24th day of December, A D, 1913, Joux C, Apnans, FrRraxcIS H. Apans, }E‘“""’" in ?" ** Yes dearieâ€"but we can‘t eat the house, you know. " * Dear Billy, if your papa were to die, would you work to support yow dear mamma ? " " Naw !" said Billy, unexpectedly. " But why not ?" ‘‘* Ain‘t we got a good house to live He Thought She Could Manage. An Qrangeville woman wase recentâ€" ly reading to her little boy the story of a young lad whose father bad taken, ill and died, after which he set him« self diligently to work to Iupporlfl hjwmself and mother, When she has| finished thestory, she said : )4 In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey In the matter of the estate of Wiltiam Joi:sss Adams, late of the Town of Mamma gave up, right there. NOTICE TO HOG RAISERS. by their Solicitor, J. P. Telford Notice to Creditors 47 57 Dromore R. M. TRIBE, Shipper reach us before going to 51 gpv_e_d'a ceyionl K. XC, ©", Ns MBY CBL 7 PRCDTY rtv. J. MALCOLM, _ â€" _ Pastor Sunday Scehoo! at 10, _ Services at 1J a. m, and 7.00 p. m. REV. A. E. MKARSHALL, B. A. â€" Pastor Sunda oo] «* 10, Service at 11 «.1 i n sAE K. at T pias. «_‘ DR. JAS. 4. WILSON, B. 1, Physician, Surgzeon and Accoucheur W‘i’l at ten‘; Eu:ngl 0:: Office at Ho Ho‘»tein Conyv=yancer Issue» of Marriage Licenses Money to los= at lowest rates, and terms to swm5 borrower, Fire and [J_!P [m- e plu‘ed i_f‘l lh_or(n}:,;m_\ New Blacksmith Shop Having recently opened this business alongside the Agriculturâ€" 1 Hall, I am now fully eqipped Egdo all kinds of work is Horseâ€" oeing and general blacksmithing and repair work. Satisfactory aud prompt service and moderate rates,. . When re quiring anything in this line of work, give me a trial, gages. Leases and Wills executed on shusvest notice, All work prompty attended to. . E. SMITH, Holstein The Grand Tronk Railway is the most direct romte from a|! points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalu. Only Double Track Route Round trip sourist tickets giving choice of all the best routes, togetâ€" her with full information, may be obtained from any G. T. R. Agent @ 'W"~;,_L_~v\ J. R. Gun, Phone ; . J. Towner CA PLEMING, FCA 6. D. FLESINO Principal Secretary _ OWEN sOUND ~ONT. Absolutely "no chance work." Courses backed by 32 years of experience. _ Every graduate guaranteed a position. %m Shorthand and Preparâ€" Presbyterian Church atory Depts. Methodist Church CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA and . THE SUNNY SOUTH JAN. 16. 1913 hly 1 W. J. SHARP , Phone 18, Depot Agent stein Drug Store m paid to diseases of Children. " Also Eye, nd Throat. * Eyes »sted and glasses pro Information free. “‘1 )l'l' #| j M § 17 DTA DBDaANK 18 CF CANADA SPIRELLA CORSETS Childre that we wi a»AuP Y Bupplyin TOFONTO THE 12 * Bic Among the New week will be fou ment of New I new Prints and VOL. Just received. ‘The v blouses this year surp seasons have had to « arrivals are very choi prices. 91 oo mans ~) > aefnng C merees .3 tnineges Farm to Rent WA. L. £. . P., Londun We have a number of ve will sell regardless Beginning Fnd 8th and Oth NIYOL, Representative n ty MISS L. on will find this adable upâ€"toâ€"dat cond to none to 1 -emd‘l:uo:t‘w- A New N HMC L 4 Milli Redu ind soon d Ociober Dasember 2i use . 43 White ace, Qica its proum vyeal ol

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