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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jan 1913, p. 1

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ng people rates, and hl"h-- and horought â€"ds, Eofl’ xecut k pmmpa; Preparâ€" on lgec. LBMING cretary liseases of Also Eye, " Eyes nd irch at 1 coucheur erest t gervice stein ns 185C# ;rh(lmj‘ m irling Spray ouche ed this r icpllnr- qi pped : Horseâ€" mithing oute nteed ch ces at 1} t Agent Store. ipal W,-z line o Licenses Shop UTH rs of juate a all i via 0. Ltd Pastor Pastor 118 proâ€" | T ANDARD Bz ANK] pesâ€"=â€"=»~» MXS. J. C. NICYMOL, Representative Box 1097, Darham posse DR. SKOWXN, L. K. C.P., ly 20 y 90 : October 18 Novomber i6 _ Dacember 2 SPIRELLA CORSETS We have a number of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats that we will sell regardless of cost for Matrons, Misses and Children OF CANADA | | Inaderenices o tsb Y\QAD OPF’CQ invaluable assistance in c TORONTO o ce 1 JR H A M BRANCH, 1 Celly [ i al 4) I Big Millinery Reduction Sale su>plying the Needs McK Eye, Ear, Nose THE Among the New Arrivals here this week will be found a choice assortâ€" ment of New Dresa Goods, a]so new Prints and Ginghams. 3r Just received. The variety and choice in white blouses this year surpasses anything previous seasous have had to offer. ‘This week‘s new arrivals are very choice. _ Dainty styles at all prices. VOL. S. F. MORLOCK Farm to Rent at Beginning Friday & Saturday 38th and Oth of November i «hn House, Durbam n 1 to 5 p. u3. m farm, Rocky Saugcon sions of 16, con. 1, E. G. 100 acres. _ Immediate n. Apply to P. Terroro, Durham. MISS L. MceAULIFFE on will find this store with is stock of deâ€" eadable upâ€"toâ€"date Dry Goods in a position »cond to none to meet your requirements. ember the special e beginning Decem» reskable stay. and A New Range of White Blouses The old year flickers,splutters and soon dies out; the light of the New Year comes to take its place, clear and beautiful with its promise of new and better thimes. Fangland and Thapat , NO. 4 of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collectâ€" ing drafts, etc. i In retiring from business, we wish to thank our many customers for their patronage and hope that the same kind relarions may exist between them and our successor, John H. Rose. Matthews & Latimer Change of The Durhim The Review wishes ail its friends and readers a Happy and Prosperous Year of 1913. Business 1913 Manager. 133 - /r. azme « m â€"/>â€"% n W i z> 9 9»:"; HNy2lk% . tely= OPIC®SE Varnep‘s outata netny as a tert transformer sta high vollage tine. jeet go through ! The annual m»eting of the L. D. Blue Lodge, met in Calder‘s Hall Jan. lith, for the teansaction of general business and the etection ot officers for the incoming year, The officers are as follows for 1914 ; Bro. Robt. Brigham, Dist Master; Bro. Thos B Tucker, Dep. Dist. Master ; Rev Mr Hartley, Dist. Chaplain : Bro. Thos. Ritchie, Dist. Rec, Secy ; Bro. Alex. Aljoe, Dist Fin. Secy ; Bro Ww Ritch« ie, Dist Treasurer ; Bro. Geo, Noble, Dist Director of Oâ€"remonies ; Bro Jos Brown, Dist Leoturer; Bro Jas Brown Jr, Inside Pyler ; Bro Robs Whitmore Outside Tyler. The officers were all duly installed. The excellent address which the past (Grand Master, Bro Geo Aljoe gavye to the brethren and was gladly received by the bhearty clap of the hands of the brethren. Robt, Brigham, D. M. Thos Ritchie, D, R. 8. URrOCERY BUSINESS CHANGES HANCD® â€"Atter over seven years in the flourm feed and grocery business in Durham, Messrs Matthews and Latimer last week sold out to Mr John H Rose who opens up for business, Wednesday, Jan 22ad, Me Rose is not a newcom er hayving previously run a grocery bere, and having been almost alifeâ€" long resident of Durham is well and favyorably .known and should have a snccessfal trade. _ Th« retiring mem, bers have coad ucted a flourishing hbus â€" iness but Mr, Maithews is in poor health while Mi. Latimer intends going West in the near future. They publish a retiring announcement in this issue. The Lambion 3t, bridge was open for traffic last week after being ciosed for over nine morths, In appearance it is practically swâ€"nilar to its ill fated predecessor, and with abutment ard first cost, has hbeen one af the most costly bricges the town bas erected. _ However its conyvenienc« is now appreciated especially by team sters after its lo=g absence and we See the Corduroy Velvets at 50¢ per yd and the lrrge stock of Ladies‘ Underskirts in Regal Black Taffeta, the kind that has tho rastle of silk and wearse better, _ Rvery one guar: anteed at Grant‘s, pointed Assessor Oth time _ This( nespesks efficient part in perforimir eult service, Preparatory Services will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Durhaw, on Thuarsday, Jan, 23, instead of Friday as usual, when Rey. Thos, Wilson of Walkerton wili preach. There will be only the one serviceâ€"in the evening it 8 p. m,. U>mmunion services wil} be held on Suaday and the Annvual Meeting of ine congregation next day Monday, in the evening. * Rexaliâ€"Broa«kâ€"Upâ€"a.Oold " is true to its name. 25 cents a box, at Macâ€" Faslane‘s Way soff. bottie of R + sures relie!. Men‘s Ne black «~tripe al Grani‘s. 31, when light refreshments will be afte, wards served. Anv one desiring an excellent phoâ€" ogtaph of Sin W ifrid Laurier, size 17 x 23, suitable for framing may have one by sending 15¢ to Uentral Infor: mation Offce, 63 Sparks St., Ottawa, when it will comein tube. District _ Uepu Clhmie of Listos Oddfictiows will ; Derhaim lodge <b ABpf. Ata Oonvertic : of North Welling ton Libcrals en Monday last, Dr, N C Wailsce of Aitns was chosen as ther staendatd bearer i . the next Dominior election,. _ Heis » young man of abil ity and a good spâ€"aker. LAND FOR SaLK.â€"33 acres good and, an oadlings situated inside Uurham Town limits, Spring creek runs through property, Good chance for quick poarcbaser. _ __ & 6 Apply to 0. C, Envipas The Cunadiau Order of Foresters willl hold the Lastalation of Officers in the Oddfellows‘ Hall on Friday, Jan. For TtH® 9tH TiMg.â€"Mr John A. Mâ€"Donald of Top Cliff has been apâ€" pointed Assessor of Glenelg for the Pth time _ This continued confidence nespesks efficiency on Mr MecDonald‘s part in performing a somowbat diffiâ€" I 100 istou or Unta i Varney are y Co desigt raey‘s outsta last 10 gligoe Shirts, white ans d, Me‘s 85¢ and Boys 50¢, r wito Chitblains ? A 25~ c@‘l 0 alblain Remedy inâ€" MacFartLan® & Co. Caas. Ritoui®, C. & it tw zes the town bas ‘v its conyvenienc« 1 especially by team ig absence and we thstand all future several decades. y (Grand _ Master el with a team oi istall the officers 0f s Wednesday eyenâ€" DURHAM, THURSDAY, JAN. 23. 1913 Let‘s see the proâ€" With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader O» Thursday evening in the Town Hsll, in connection with the local Poultry Exhibition, Mr. George A. Robertson of St. Catharines gave a valuable address on the utility side of poultry raising. _ Me discussed the varieties, housieg, laying qualities, jucuabators, etc, imparting much useâ€" fui information, _A plucking contest followed in which there were two contestavts, Hugh McLean and Fred Keller, _ The former won the $1 prize tor having his bird clean picked first, â€"23 minutes. Clerks take Opener in Town Hockey League Soft ice and counter events preyen« led a large attendance to witness the initial battle for the supremacy of the city league, but when the smoke or rather slush of the battle was over, the factory boys were down by 5 goals to 1. _ Too much Clerks was the reasâ€" on for the store boys though perhaps alittle lighter, all had more or less hockey experience. The furnitme factory seyen put up a closer game than the score would show and at times some fast hockey and spectacuâ€" lar play stirred up excitement, The furniture makers with more exper lence for their bew men will giye the Cement a hard run when they next play,â€"Jan 20. The Clerks take on the Cement this Wednesday and will have solid opposition. _ A feature of last Wednesday‘s game was four Saunders‘ brothers playing,â€"two for each team, Jim McL«chlan rsfereed. The line up ; tivities in which the women have fAigzured and said even the men were taking notice and striving to emulate them in the various fields of Home Mission work. To show the meed of Home Mission work he pictured yiyâ€" idiy the marvellous growth of our country when imamigration records showed that popuiation equal to a village of 1200 people was added eyery 24 hours Mis address was much appreciated and a hearty vote of tnanks was tenâ€" dered him. Dr MeTavish related the interesting fact that though not born in County Grey he was almost a native bay thg:beea,miiged in the Tp, of Sulâ€" livan. "~â€"A ~héarty welcome w ould awsit a futare visnt from Dr. MeTavâ€" A meeting of the 24 auxiliartes of the Women,s Home Mistionary Soâ€" ciety for the Saugeen Presbtery, to organize al! the various auxiltaries inâ€" to : Presbiyerial Society, was held in Ducham Presbyterian churgeh on Wedâ€" nesday, Jan 15th,. Durha{b being the oldest aux«liary in the Présbytery, orâ€" ganized in 1967, had the :l'lnncwr of enâ€" tertaining the first mo?ing of the Presbyterial, 4 * ish, Mrs Needham, one of the very capaâ€" ble traveliing Secretaries of the Soâ€" cie‘y, was the organizer and was also chairman of the meeting. _She gaye a very clear and business like address to the delegates and «cher ladies present, describing the needs of the In the eyeniag an 44 «i**"& ziven by Rev Dr McFavisn of Groayenor Bt. Chureb, Toronto. _ He had been inâ€" vited by the ladies to address theim on this opening occasion andâ€"he made good beyond expectations, _ Heoutâ€" lined in gravbic detail the varied acâ€" ton * Laterature and Library Becy,.â€"Mi Ada Motrison, Artdur Pionueer Secyâ€"Miss Wenger, Ayton Treas,â€"Mrs Youug, Pal.nerston, ~. Society and giving the vartous places she had founded auxiliaries, 19 in all in this presbytery so that with the five previously organized, it now conâ€" teius 24, _ The roll was cabMed by Mrs, Ramage and Mrs Campb>ell read the rules and regulations of the Society. Mrs Mark, Mt Forest, gave the dediâ€" catory prayer, and Miss Wenger, Ayâ€" ton read an appropriate chapter. The various. delegates also gave a short report of their Societies. â€" The annual meeting is <o be held the beginning of October. _ ‘The delegates from a distance were enrortained at the homes of the Durbaw ladies. ‘The following ofticers were elected : , Presidentâ€"Mrs Farqubarsgon Ist Vice Pâ€"Mrs Kendé, Dromore 2nd Vice Pâ€"Mrs MeKay, Harriston 3rd Viceâ€"Miss HMyndman, Palmerâ€" 4 h Viceâ€"Mrs McBachren, Cotswold Cor, Secretaryâ€"Miss A, 0, McXKenzie, Durhato s Rec, Secyâ€"Miss Kate Young, Clifford Mission Bd. Seeyâ€"Mrs, Leott, Clifford Supplies Seey. â€"Mrs, Oliver, Palmersâ€" Jaquary 15â€"Factory vs. Clerks. 242â€"Cement vs, Clerks. 202â€"Cement vs. Factory. February 5â€"Factory vs. Cletks. 13â€"Clerks ys. Oement. 10â€"Cement ve. Factory, . H. M. S. Presbyterial Orâ€" ganized ston Hockey Schedule Evenina 8kz on y.â€"AMiss NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr and Mrs John Wright celeâ€" brate their Golden Wedding. Wednesday of last week, 15th Janâ€" uary, 1913. Mr and Mrs John Wright of this town completed 50 years of marrtied life, ‘Fo mark the interesting occasion a family reuniou was planned and took place, all of their four surâ€" viyving children being present, These are Mrs Matthews, Markdale, Mrs Traynor, Lamtash, Samuel of Kingsâ€" ton and GPO'R%&!""'@W"‘“ Two children. John and Amwy. died in this â€" Partridge Cochins.â€"Cockerel, D. Connor; pullet, W. D. Connor Cockerel, W. D. Connor. N. Harâ€" vey; pullet, W, D. Connor, C. W. Lang. â€"â€" +. n ts T: Buff Cochins.â€"Cockerel, C. Lang, 1st and 2nd; pullet, C Io%ng-_ y T6# io. i thivar 6 Black Langshans.â€"Cock, J. H. Gilkinson, Listowel; Jhen, J. H. Gilkinson, Ist and 2nd. Cockere} J. H. Gilkinson; pullet, J. H. Gilâ€" kinson, H; Grasby, â€"_â€" _ . â€"_ â€"~__ Barred Rocks.â€"Cock, J. E. Metâ€" calfe, Hanover, ist and 2nd; hen, J. E. Metcal{, ist and 2nd; Cockerâ€" el, J. E. Metcal{, ist and 2nd W. D. Connor, 3rd and 4th; pullet, J. E. Motcal{, ist and 2nd, W. D. Conâ€" nor. Pen, J. E. Metcalf, W. D. Conâ€" dates 1863â€"1918. _ The presence of all the children under the parental roof at one time was congratulation and benediction itself, but‘ to mark the occasion there were gifts given as an expression of filial tove. To Mrs. Wright was given a silk dress, a gold jewel box and silver spoons ; to Mr Wright a fur lined coat with Persian lamb collar and a gold headed um brella, Light Brahmas.â€"Cock, W. D. Connor, N. Harvey; hen, N. Harâ€" vey, W. D. Connor, N. Harvey. Dark Brahmas.â€"Cock, N. _ Harâ€" vey ; hen, N. Harvey, ist and 2nd. Cockerel, N. Harvey; pullet, N. Harvey, 1st and 2nd. Pen, N. Harâ€" vey. White Plymouth Rocks.â€"Cock, W. McDonald; hen, W. MceDonald, C. W. Lang 2nd and 3rd. Cockerel, W. McDonald, 1st, 2nd, $rd and 4th ; pullet, W, McDonald ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. town. _ Bertha Maubefws. the oldest granddaughter and he}‘youngestsister were also preseat and teorge and Sam had each a child. _ Husbands and wives respectively were also present, also Miss Cooper of Toronto, a sister of Mrs Wright‘s and a happy,fpleasant time was spent which will never be forgotten. Mr and Mrs Wright were married on Jan. 15, 1863 in Eramosa township near Guelph and for nearly 830 years lived in Rockwood where he had a baking business, Leaving there they came to Durham and stavted the same busiâ€" ness, "Wright, the Baker," being still a common appellation, though ten years ago he gave it up and has since been employed in the Furniture Facâ€" 1O Y. year the number reached about five hundred, and this year they made another jump up and reachâ€" ed five hunared and fifty, Outside exhibits came here from Hanover, Boiton, Listowel, and other places, yet, notwithstanding the competiâ€" tion, our local fanciers were able to capture a good share of the prizes. Poultry raising in Durham and vicinity has become a profitâ€" able fad, and we think it should receive _ every encouragement, Many of the factory hands have engaged in the business, and they find it not only profitable, but . a healthful recreation They take much interest in spending _ their leisure hours amongst their fceathâ€" ered favorites, The raising _ of fowl, and the cultivation of even a small garden will help to solve the problem regarding the high cost of living. The following is the prize list: nor Two meals were taken together, the table being graced by a handsome wedding cake bearing the limiting The REevIEw joios in the felicitatiors and hopes Mrand Mrs Wright may enjoy many yeatrs in the evening of l:ife, happy in the possession of the love ang respect of family and friends. Buff Plymouth Rocks,â€"Cock, H. Grasby ; pullet, H. Grasby. _ _ The Durham and South Grey Poultry and Pet Stock Show _ on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, was a great success, both in the number and class of exhibâ€" its, This was the third _ annual show of the society, and every year so far, it has been growing better. Two years ago, there were about three hundred entries, last urasby ; dpl.lllet, H. Grasby. Portri 5:’3 ©Plymouth _ Rocks.â€" Cock, M. Wilson ; hen, M. Wilson, J Pertrid’&a ©Plymouth _ Rocks.â€" Cock, M. Wilson ; hen, M. Wilson, J. Latimer, 2nd and $rd, Cockerel, J. Latimer, C. H. Oynes; pullet, C. H. Oynes ist, 2nd and 3rd. nuy* Golden Laced Wyandottes.â€"Cock M. Wilson & Son; hen, M./ Wilson & Son ist, 2nd and 3rd. ~Cockerel, M. Wilson &:Son istâ€"and 2nd ; pullet, Ountinued on page 8. Â¥+ Poultry Show 1863 = 1913 m# @ & â€"__~__ e m GGreat Susccess Agcvicw. w. W . On Friday last there passed uwn),' at the good old age of 80 years, one of the pioneers of Bentinck in the person of James Cowardine, or Oarwardine,. For about three years past he has been cared for in his inyalidism by his only child Mrs, Wwm, Grierson, Ben tinck and previous to that time h« was a well known resident of Durâ€" ham for about 15 years, As a farmer he acquired a comfor« table competence and his relatives will be the gainers thereby. _ Abow 15 years ago he married Mrs Moffat, (formerly Mrs Sirrs) who survives bim, e He took a keen interest in muni cipal affairs and many will yetre member with what regularity he at tended meetings of Darham Council He was buried on Monday in a cemâ€" etery near Hanover, Rev Mr, McCausâ€" land conducting the mortuary serâ€" yices, It was decided to have a field crop | long cor competition in oats in 1013. _ The ofli~| The fa; cers for the year are as follows ; and on Presidentâ€"Wm Calder | still ma Hon. Ist Vice Pres.â€" G, Firth 1st Vice Pres,â€"D. Edge 20d Vice Presâ€"John H Hunter Dur Becy Treasâ€"Geo Binnie d"’i" To Municipality Directors : ;“"., on Bentinckâ€"Arch Park, W A Livingâ€" . "~" stone Normanbyâ€"Alex. Anderson, J, Wâ€"| Haye Blyth Closet : Egremontâ€"W. W. Ramage, W, A. pertect! MrIrwin of the Ohronicle was apâ€" prised only a faw days ago that his father was ill at his home in Clarkâ€" sburg and almost on the heels of the letter dame the sad telegram that he had died on Monday morning last in his 80th vear, _ Mr Irwin has gone to render the last filial duty, funeral being on Thursday of this week. Deceased was a natiye of Ireland and came to this country in the 40‘s of last century, in 1847 taking up the farm in Euphrasia where be spent the best part of his life, His wife died abous eleven years ago and he mover to Clarksburg making his home with a daughter, He was a rugged healthy man, industrious in the days of his strength and a family of five sons{and four daughters will revere his memory, One son and one daugh ter passed away before him. Aron. McMuraA® A well known Proton farmer was the aboyve gentleman, oceupying until some four or five months ago, the old homestead where his father, the late well krown Duncan MeMillan was a proneer. He, Archic, wont westJact summer and was On his way home, but was taken ill on reaching Cerion, near which his brother lives, The illâ€" ness. it was soon found came from a complication of typhoid and pnevâ€" monia, and it proved fatal on Thursâ€" day last, _ He was interred on Saturâ€" day in Swinton Park cemetery amid many tokens of syn pathy and respect He was 390 years of age and unimar. med, _ Foursisters and two brothers survive him. _ ‘They are Mrs Jas Patâ€" ton, Mrs Win, Haw, Mrs. Jas, Witson, and Mary, a teacher ; John near Ceâ€" lon and Neil, near the old bome. Archie was for some time treasurer of the township. The Directors‘ and Auditors® Reâ€" ports were préesented and discussed, Not much gain in the inancial standâ€" mg but stil} the Society is in a bettor position than last year, The annual meeting of this body was held on the 10th inst., not as many being present as should haye beer. _ The Directors wonld like to see a largerattendance at the Annu«l Meeting, when vital Anancial quesâ€" tions are discussed and plans laid for the coming year. Lawrence Glenelgâ€"W, Weir, Wim Ritchie Durhamâ€"Thos Petty Auditorsâ€"Peter Ramage, T G Lauder THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA S. Grey Agricultural Society wRdeR Tt EOV NT PTIE! Bank Bldgsâ€"Princes St. Jaxes CowARDINE The Roll Call Capital Authorized _ . . . $ 25,000,000 Capitalâ€"Paid Up _ . «â€" + . _ 11,500,000 Reserve Fund °_ ;. .. =p > 12,500,000 ‘Total Assets # R * a # 180,000.000 Jorx IrwIN wmiIRMHAM BRANCH : S. HUGHES, Manager. 290 Branches thronghout Canada. . THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA Eifi & ‘g" i Savings Department at all Branches. WITH WHICH IS UNITED INCORPORATED 1869 Published Weekiy at $1.00 a vear, C. RAMAGE & 30ON Punursa®Ers Haye you seen the Good Health Closet ?â€"may be placed in any home, pertectly sanitary and gives comfort and convenience without waterworks plambing, sewage. Many in this vi« cinity now have them,. COall and see Agent W. J, McFadden about one. Messrs Rubt,. and leave this week for C ing a month with 5j Abbie Robson,) is m Glenelg and Grant. Mr W S.evens the guest for a fes McDonala‘s Upper Miss Beatrice K wasa guest over t Buchan‘s _ She tine mezzo cont: dered a pleasing verian church on & Durnanxr Rixk® â€"Skating on Tues day, Thursday and Siturday eveniogs and on Saturday afternoons, 230 to 8.45, Phone at Residence, No. 48 Phoneat Rink No, 29 Miss Jean Craw Hospital Staif, B last week on a vi Mrs Munro and here, the latter : abgence in Sask, Whether the : long or not does i The fairs have Al and one hopes t still make it profi Mr, Wum. Matthos is yisiting his brotl ill and assisting in closing up the ficr thews and Latimer) ed hands. »Miss Julia Weir at the Prowbyterian Guild on Monday nignt gaye a yery full and interesting paper on "The Beamen of Blizabeth‘s reign. There was a yery large crowd in town and some 15 or 20 horses may have changed hands, largely locally. MrGeo Finney bought two horses and amongst the number purchasing one were Mesers Garyvey, Ayton ; Segal, Toronto ; Richard Barber, Normanby Hillgartner, Hanover: Dan MceAut« iffe, Dan McGrath,. Tnos Pollock, Ar, hold Noble, W Biack, Jas Wilson, Some western moa woue Lrying to srock up but fouud prices asked bere too bhigh, it being «llegod by some that they could ouy cheaper in the West. Mr, Robt Moffat, To tow n Tuesday and w as tond the surprise paroy bors of Mr and Mrs Th: Moifat as a boy, belped Chas Moffat to ouild Banks‘ now occupy sn there recallied yividiy ti Mr. Z@nus Clark Wednesday to atte his cousin Mrs. W., a Director of the Cement Co. DovGLras.â€"In Owen 8c nesday, Jan 10, to Mr ence Douzglas, a daug ATKIN8yX in Dutam Jan 19, to Ar and birs a daughter, The Fair last week showed a weakâ€" ness in the number of buyers present as compared with former fairs, â€" The Horse market it appears has deyelâ€" oped a weak spot foron Wednesday night when expected buyers did not arrive, Mr, Black telephoned three of them to Giad ail with the s«me storyâ€" a depressed horse market and they were not coming, TURrNBUOLLâ€"In B day Jan 14th, 1 Geo A. TDarabu Mrs W. H. Clark NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. William and Cedar Sts. The Horse ver tie She contr ] sing â€"o BORN m able to continue. CVÂ¥ d , Jas Wilson, 1 woie Lrying to rices asked bere leyod by some soul ir ai ck. on Tnesâ€" to M« and Mrs, U Fair on â€" Suanday, W in Ackinsof® ; wall last ) be known, ul purpose itions may k Portland i, on Wedâ€" 1 Mis Clarâ€" 1 Howel!l ter sp end M M m, (nee mother lHugh k., is eral

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