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Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1913, p. 1

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Pills It!“ asdttbk sever ICC! azy " lar- may pet ninth lull " and a s to... I ttbout Alan "Willis by " G grunt: Ar: ' time I Lola 19 and Glo-nPIu. A-II|MI charm! “and ed wit l, [In ius,r ' 51ml». Inn-n " [rum Bin. Slat 01'th Ctte I'll Pun-rum" “my . "AN' I The McKinn 2nd and 3rd di, posscsuon gw DR. BROWN, L. R. c. P., July 20: October 19’ November 16 December 21 l Will MRS. J span" her lo not sum “BAD OF'FICe new villa-o! div- TORONTO l .______..._. E URHAM BRAN CH, Johr "any, Ell) a I SIN m BANK x b. tr? @ANADA Ah” SPIRELLA CORSETS THE Cotycs That 'Make 0ood' YOU YULNG FELLOWS Eye ml Nose and gamma - -q.vu" VOL. .'rope. " 'i_-_ij_',:'_'_l' Let us show you the new Progress Brand models. We know .you’ll like them. 30.9, ' ts C. Nic 101.. tterreseatatMre " ‘\' [07. hmlmm Ill Farm to Rent at Hahn "our. Durham from I to c, p. m. Farm for Sale llh STANDARD tr h h it. MPl'RIE. Prop "rm, Rocky f't.uE"h' us of 16, con. l, . G. acres. Immediate Apply to TtiLFoRO, Durham. mrhnm. mun- rnnlnininu " .‘uwn. Um ttaut,' on in over an Acre of and.” the special " "veinnimt Decent" n-Juhle stay. and for Sale. l all. I, N. U. N... Ill) 'V'tet4, 80 acres " far-u, well water. 3, .4001] hulking", m. 1-m- half miie l P. R. and from r "ttle frnm P. 0. x ~pring. IRMH‘K. Hunesmm. ’9. Tn. " Norman- 'on. I. ll miles pod bran nu-n'dy made " any Tu. mpg I, N. D. R., ARE RIGHT ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES . MORLOCK (Hum-Ia, w - K bond? situated Some men may smile a little at the importance you p11t upon small differences in style and de- ago, but don't let that bother you. Your business just now is to "Make Good" and you‘re wise to the fact that good looking ctothes are an asset ; that while they don't malts: the man, they're Jiapin his job of making him- self. Be c.ri.tictl about style and no less critical about workmanship. Itiothet words ge'. all thats com- ing to you. W hen you find a style that satisfies you and a fit that,s tight and our name back of it, buy it, then you'll have it all--- not only style but quality. With- out quality style does not last. ,NO.6 stat',',,),',.',,",',']':'?,', this bank dnwlhowwmd .-aaswairapagtrsetltts ,aa.a--berrtaandte- 5th class-Cree Ball. Clarence Young, Arilfrid Andenon. lsnlwllt- Marshall. »llh-El~ip Sachs. Arthur [ Robinson. Clarence Thompson, Aaron iDiehel. St 3rd--Chtret1t't' Robinson, “and Widmeyer. Ethel Young, Olga Metzger. Alma Miller. Jr Sim-Hugh- ie Ball. Nellie Anderson. Sr 2nd-- (Hazel Yuung, Roy Thompson, Clara Schenk, Henry Horst, May Byers, Jr 2ud--witlie Fritz, Mary Garvey. Reuben Fritz. Adeline Pfetrer. Arthur Diehel. Sr Pt 2nd Marguerite {\Vhiteforll, Henry Fritz J, Pt 2nd-- }Myrtle Rnhinuon, Gertie Widmerer, iAUrert Pfrffer, Clifford Whiteford, lNorman Thompson. Br Ist-Freda 1schenk. bylvvster (hrvuv. J.- lar-- 1 Lavina Wether, Average nttendenee, :31. --. .. n .__.... mama“... I No.3, GLEN ELG. ' 5th chuos--C, Rnrhie. Sr 4th--C' memny. N Williams. Br 3rd--R ;Pay|or. K McNally, W Ritchie. Jr f6rd---L Morrison. J Morrison, d Wil Hiatus. C Paylor. Sr 2nd--il rsitrmie 'Pi. 2nd--H Ritchie, T Morrison, J Boyd. srist--W Morrison, M Buyd. .193 Timmons. Jr 1,t,-.E Andaman, E Ritchie. V Paylor. M Anderson. N. I. HEPM'RN. Teacher, No. 13. BENTINCK. 51h chv3s--C'iurertce Campbell 4th --Maritaret Alexander, Lulerlln Walsh. John \an-h and Robert Lid- ingham (q. 1humuereial-- Gunny Jones, George Alexander. Sr 2,nrl- Heetog Boyce. M uy Alexander. Fir?- cher Ridden. Percy Ludingham. Jr 2nd-Mnrie Walsh. Prtmarr--hrrr- row Ridden. Spatially cmnmendwi for attendance add put3cturelitr--He tor Boyce. Cumulus Mcuutivitxx,Te"eh+ iiiiijlitt iiiilttit'lit'/ School Reports No. 8 NORMANBY Tan W. S. BANNIE. Teaehert The Tiisi'riGir" wishes a]! j1t I"-'-'-') {flames --fltu MacFarlane & Co. Mr Karl Lumbar]. who is now at- t ”ding Own: Sound Collegiate. bus he. lt elected Treasurer of the Colletti. .au- Liter"ty Sod-4y fvr the winter 3 ter In. Men's Negligee Shine, white Ind black Ntriped, Men's 85c and Boys iroe, at Urant's. Our February Wall Paper sale com. mcncen Monday, Feb. 3. Watchfor bargains. Luann!“ given in sketching. crayon. w-uvr ro'.ur, oil winding and stencil. ing. S‘Pncil ngdmw:drosses, pillows, drawer t,eretfy, mu ains, beta for Rirlu' rrmnh. and ... 'rt"lta'g Dam ".u TUWH lit, runa lhr mul- mop for quick puuhas- There will be a Velox Demonstration by an Eastman Expert at ourstore’ Friday evening, Feb. 7. All thu new est wrinkles mil be demonstrated. Bring a negative " ith you. Prwhytmi sit Guild ml " William the Thlrd In Ireland." A ver9interesting ewning is assured and a cordial invit- ation is extended to all. On Mmuhyevening next,10l.h 'mst, Dr. F'ur+tlrat"ton will address the Thn annual cmwpalmn of theOrt. tulio Brunch nf Ihe Dominion Alli- nlu‘els totueet in Massey Hall. Tor. untn. rm Wn-dnesdny and Thursday, Frh. 726m and 27th. Ilhe meeting will be of unnuml inlevesl and import. attre A Frve Course of Lectures in Agri- culture with pvrtctit'al work in judging seed and [We stock is hung otrerwd to farmers and fat tnets' suns by the Grey County Depart ment of Agriculture. Markdale. Tlie lvctures will commoner on th. 'r h and Mme on Much 7th. WHIP fur Milli"? of course. PRESENTED To Hum! LAtrDEtt.-- IL Millard tlttruif, P, who is making a most successful mnce'rt. tour in Cn- tario, was presvmvd to the celebrate-d Harry Ltuder at “4qu Hall, Town to, on Tuesday night. Millard has ut- tained m unmidemhle eminence as an eutevttvinevatui on Tues-Jay night dis. cusRed with the great L under the pro- pmltinn of " (Mllmhan tour for next y:-:u.-W4|kwrnm Herald-Times. Eviden'ly the m nvmg picture shuw Is ptpulsr Ill thi, onuntry. Tot-0mm law year spell, $l.ll'5.000 In Iuovmg pictureshowa, with an nvpruge darly "tteridttuce,ot38,0ir0. There are fifty. tive of thetse show. in the city. Cam.- dinnn Inf, veur went in round num. "t'tr-, 818 450000 on the sumo unme- nwul. woh all “yr-ragt- (hin attend .nn " of Orr, 000. The total a'tendnnre -n CAI-Ml:- but yvar at moving piv- -m e "hows Was about. 18i,a500.000, REV. Mn MCGREGOR DRAIY.-s'uu. tmy 1uortiirtsr, list; tter. W. J. Mcer gum. qumnPr past. a, in Durham. was f-nund dun} in bed In his home in Vir. ml whoa.» he came from Park Hill ..h. U' liv -ymr.~ " n. Many old friends hm. w:lt war? to hear of the. demise pf .it:s :lAv-rml pl, 1ur and will sym- p [muz- wrl, ni iwo well known ' 'i.."':-‘ 7" ta til-2'4 “Ml Flora, in n.. ', " 'lt . a: uiyt'rivrtd, tdome t , I ' . " we: W'ts the cull-e ' MABEL LATIMER t AND FUR ti.va.--33 4cr9s gum m tr wr' In,“ situated inside ttrn an I'M-KI: Iimitu. Spring ereek mmsthrtuur'rtttroety. Good chance arRttr'Xe etc H. C DURHAM, iiifmnaNa, FEB. 6, 1913 Apply to C. C, Emma»: DUFF. Instructor PALMER, Atumrtant MacFarlane & Co ipiiGiik End readers a iia"irirsrtrrii' "tFiiiiito.E Year of I9I3. With which is incorpon olstein Leader When all gthers fail Carr's Cough Cure will give relief. 60c abottlc at Macfarlane’s. The Annual Excursion of the South Grey Farmers' Institute will be held on Salurday. June 2E". if there is no interference ith present arrange- ments. g; l Two rrmra;isovr Snow.“ has‘ been thtsiesrth in... in Vancouver. writes Mr D. J. Rimp'om .' Worst Witt- [or in 23 years according to 'rl tim. on." We had our turn but winter. / An enterIaInmrnt in theinterilso of the Y. RS C. E. will he held in Knox Chum-h, Normauhy. on Thurs- day evening, Feb, 20th, A good pro- gram is helm: prepared. The Ayton choir will furnish music and other talentls expected. Admission 15 and loc. Nee the Coiduroy Velvets at 500 prr' sd and the Inge attack of Ladies’ Underskirts in Regal Black Taffeta, th . kind that has Ibo rustle qt silk and wears better. Every one guar- anerd at Grant's, ww.xTm.ut.--That ubiquitous per. I)" 4.19 " thu- oldest inhabitant " sure. lv never saw a better. January than thi, Iov;diiy had this year. Since [“th um y arvivtd huWever Jack Froe.0 liar, been ~lmwing his teethand the trqumlnre [HHS to about zero with a trrotrirt' of colder. still. "As the dcshmgthert the cold strengthens " ruaw2iuaereet'rrrrStr6r.'---" Din ym He» the no! in 't" enquired Mr S. F, Morlock " Mrs Jno, Burgess, who wm passing him on Lambton St. on Tuesday. Sun- enough, itwas perched up in 'rt tree-the first id the smaon. It must have mistaken that last Junu My thaw for spring and bumped into. F'etrruary'e storm, _/' Ttw Feb. meeting of the, Durham Branch of the \Vonmn's Institute will be held on Thursday, Feb. " at 2 p. u). in. the home of Mrs C. Rrunage. Dur- ham. Mrs Fnrquharaon will give a. selected paper and Mrs u. Ritchie will speak on " friendship," A demon. sIrminu on moucilling will be givm by Mismlmm Ali-(inwan Roll (full. Fly. e.yhudy welcoming; n , NM! -an', (iJI. MxKech nid' luving bought an Interest in the busi- m-su hilhprln conducted under the num- of Frank Lnnahnn and Cu, at umv partnership has been fumed to be known as "Lenulran&rdcKeeh. nie." We extend to the new firm hest wiehw fursuccesm /Buth are re" puluhle business merfivith exprmence iguinvd in this locality and will make good. MARBLE FROM sssir.--Last wrek's Hepworth ngress features a new unllwry likely to be started there. the ulnluzmg of a kind of sand in their nmghhm hood for the manufaczure of imitation lllillhlt‘, door and window tunings. tt wer pots, etc. A company of Americans propose to go ahead, they ask nu bmus. simply tax exemp- tion and the council is only too ready to do that. Now, If some one would firid a means to utilize mm gravel we would he h tppy. A ONE Semen ticmhuR.--Those. who aw lurk-mg at the luuks for raising than interest on loans to towm from c, pur cent to cry per -cent, will find consolation in the tact that in Walk. erville the Bankshnva raised the In. urvst on Inunicxpnl loans to 0 per cent . The reason sis-igned is the high cost of living. A peculiar fwunre, however, in this arrangement is that while the banks get. more forthe m wan they loan, the depositon still trrvrive the old 3 per cent from the h-x ks. If living has raised. tho de. pun: Ul'i mud, feel the strain too, but tlv "nk,' was are appuenlly sLone lulu " IO th ‘1 point .-Ex. Factory Team Trimmed Cement. Themost interesting hockey game of the schedule so far was the one last W‘mlnvsduy night between the Ce. momt and Furniture factory septettes Nriv lwr had wwn any, each had lost a Ram? t) Iln- Clerks. and hoth wct'e Pilgl'r to gain the advantage. They put up a stronger argument than in previous mules too, but the factory boys wete materially strengthened by the addition of " Mulvey " Cowan to the line-up, and after an hour'sI bard. fast play, beat thecement by one qoal4--3. The closeness of thei acme kept up keen interest through- l out the game. Lance McGirr, the midget of the league. did the scoring 1 for the lone”. Bob Saunders was a sntiufactory referee. The line-up I Cement Factory Geo. Lloyd goal Jack Lloyd Til, Goodwin point M. (Iowan J. McLMblan pover pt. P. Daniel G. Harbottle rover Bah Campbell Roy Calder centrg Hnrry Vollett Lance New": right Al. Summers G. Darting left G Canon Clo-h Fur". Fatttory l "ureni Works 29-Co-ment vs. Factory. February 'r-tNcusrr vs. Cloths. 1r-oerulvs Cement. ----- o i------- Games to Play ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO won lost to play Met in regular meeting on Monday night. All present. The following accounts were order. ed pnid '. Jos. Billings, l3 loads gravel for, " m streets...............,...............,.." Geo. Arrowsmith. plow p0int.... Bell Telephone UO,..........-... Muil World, Marriage register W. B. Vollet, Jan, snl. a ptge... " coal to: clerk’s otBce G', Saunders 8 hrs work at bridge Geo. Watt, lumber for bridge.... It, Torry, sal. as stokevto Jan M M. Kress, cleaning pipes fireball G. Dinner. drawing boiler to ttridge.........,.,.....:.................. Hugh McDonald, work on bridge $t wire and nails... C. Ramage &. Son, printing....... D. P. Doherty, drawing engine 8 pl'nCIICL'E.: T. R. Whelan m bridge..... T, It. Whelan Irdl,,......,.... T, ft, 1Vlrelan In addition in Illa above two ao- cuuntq Were held “vet, that of Mr J P. Telford for various services as Sol- icitor and engineer tobe considered by Finance Committee and report at nextrueeting. Anotheu was that of the Stralfurd Bridge Co. certain thuges in it being considered by the (Council unwarranted. The Clerk was iinstructed to ask them to send a rep- resentative to meet the council at, the bridge with all letters and measure- ments in connection therewith. A. ll The sum of 8200 was transferred to the aceountot the Library Board be. ing the amount. levied for. that pur- pose. The report of the Auditors Messrs H. ll, Koch and P. Rummage was re. ceived and adopted 50 copies ordered printed and the auditors paid $10 each on salary. . Tho Otter ot C. H, Burgess, Toronto, ' t"rW,657,00aud accrued interest for dur bonds of 520000 was accepted. _,' Bylaws 626und 631 uppc/yinnng te- Ppectively W. P.. Patterson as collect. on of unpmd taxes and Geo, We.“ as caretaker of Town Hall at $85 was passed. The By-law for 84000 to meet ex- pense of Lamhlon St. Bridge, raceived its final reading. and We have not, ref to this matter tatuomtttme, Jii'irJS'v'e' been ered. tbiy informed iisacasaesu'a_e) that the Town Hall site has been chosen-z The town gave an option on their properly for $2200 and Mr Hahn an option on the north wing of his hotel to: $2100 and it is alleged these options have been accepted. If this be so. then the first move wrll be the " picking up " and tram- ferring the pres-em framed structure tea new site adjoining the present market ground and Clerk’s office. This task no doubt can be accomp- lished but at consuderahle expensm and We shall still have an antiquated building, provokiugly limited as to cap-why. and by no means creditable to this progressive town. Besides should accident hefal it in the moving --a possible cont1nRency--we would be drawn suddenly into the expense of perhaps 820000 to replace It. The building to be erected, for which an appropriation of 820000 appears in the estimates, will no doubt he tl htutdnome structure. adapted to our needs, coibmodious and all that, but will be a failure as to site if not of location. Much lesi than hill the itti. ttal expenditure of $4600 wauld have secured the George tit, corner, and the other half would easily have pro- vided the h'll required at that spot. and then there would have been a site and location of which this and future geneiulions would have been proud, our town would be notably adorned, no one would he inconvenii need; and not only beauty and utility, but the risk would have been improved. The thing has dimmed so long that We wonder if it is yet too [use for 2111 pride and good judgment to urge‘ consideration of this adminble site. A building there would he conspicu- ous from both bridges. from the rail' way and from the path of all envel- lers to the heart of the town. On the town in.“ site it Will be set buck from the street line and will be totally in- conspicuous until directly in front of it. No location for the convenience nnd adornment of the town and for the utility ofthe post ottiee could be more ttvor able: have the powers that be and their local advisers. oonaidered it Town Council. fully ? " there Agnin to he (allowed the futunus course of relegnting a. tine puhlic Inuilding to an obscure position. when an opening and opportunity to do othermse stands invitinsly appar- int...-.....-..-.. lf w 'Jackson. an}. an Trear....,1'25 00 " ptge, &statiotiery 7 00 [he New Post Oiiice. 17 days re light caretakmg town Work on hridge 8050 8211 62 17 15 980 " l5 27 " " 7i) "IT, Snlurdny In! there punt! any" well~known citizen. Mr Wm. Jackson of " the Glen," Glonelg. His Int ill' new was comparatively brief, in Not hemight be mid to have pnrrrd with. oat illness, a general breaking up ink . in: plume owing to old age. Mr Jockson was born in Co, Antrim', Ireland. in 1829 and thus mm in It) 83rd year. He settled on the well- known farm where he died tome 4tl years ago and to him and bis wife who died in 1874, were born the M119 and One daughter. One of the mm Thom, dud some years ago. John, Frank. Archie. and Sun are all in British Columbus. Frank having left forthe west only three weeks ago. Mary, the daughter. has been A ftuth. ful companion to her father ever since her mother died and‘was with hlm to l the last. The remains Were lntened In Trinity Church cemetoty on Monday last amid munytokem of public sympathy and respect. MrJackson was of n genial dilpoai- tion, kind and obliggng as a neighhm and friend, yet had astral; ot firm. ness in his make-up which all recog- nized. Though not exactly one of the pioneers his passing makes a anal-lo break between the past and the pres- ent. Reeve Calder had the sotiufaction‘ of bringing home with him from the) County Council a. check for .1“ in favor of the Continuation School Board. For some you” pull: e' County has given $1.50 for even, dollar of Government grant. It was felt that this did not do Durban jus- tice, so the calculation was made of 00. Grey pupils attending Durham School and after ulldcdnctionl were made it wan found that for 1912 the above sum was due the Bond under the County By law nroviding for the maintenance system The papeis were placed in Mr. Cat. der’s hands and though meeting with some opposition, he succeeded in having". passed. Durham Presbyterian Guild purp- ose giving a. play on Thursdny. 18th February in Town Hall entitled "The Union Depot." Admlssion 25c. Look for further announcements. 1 Hum Scuoon DEPARTIINT. Form ur-tur Furquhurson. Kath. leen Sullivan, Emma. mtrhie,Jrioia Rennie. Satan Fulton. Form Ti-Lucy McKelvue. Mary He. Al|isker, Ella Barber, Alix Edge. Frank Mollruith. Form L-tteta Roberta. Neiln Mar- shun, Edith Edge. Gertie McCutig. Mary Mcilraittt, PUBLiC Scuom. DIPARTXENT Br ttlv-Tilly Levine. Doris McAu- lev, Mary Smith. Mary Hartford. Myrtle Daniel. Jrtt1r-Uameron Waketield, Georg- ina Lquon, Gladys Bryan, Russell Gun, Ethel Whitman. SrBrd-L Ritchie. J McKechnle, It Clurk, J McLean, R Search. Jr 3rd-H Kress. A McGowan. L Smith. J Morris, tl Bell. Br 2ad-Evntst Wright, Muriel Snell Vernon Watt, Ruby Pilkey. Reany Snell. Jr 2ad-Ward Koch, Annie Smith and Cecil Wiggins eq., Madge Holmes, Katie McAuliffe, Wilmer Snell. Sr Pt '2ud-Harold Eden, Eva Wake' fuur, Nellie Falkingham. Evelyn Search, Beatrice Pllkey, Willi. Yollet. Jr Pt 2ad-Beuitus Stonehouse. LII. lie McDunuld, Myrtle Yirrs, Peter Morris, Carry McGlrr. Sr ist-Willie Welsh. Esther Mc. Combe,Melvin Ryan. Verbena Kym. Archie McKechnle. Jr lst-Mary Saunders. Magnet CAitte, Donald McDonald. Ada Allan. Alex Lawson. Additional School Money TIE tinht BANK ill: CANADA WNW". - ' erVI Bank Btdgs-WUas Sh Durham School Report Wanna JACKSON. The Roll Call ------.- ----- .-------- 9artt.ta! 'pe.thttt9ed - f . . p, . P,'figlf,'g', aria iii-UH" f s" v ' i' Rm Fund a e: P ' Totnt M a + . . . . “UN-1AM .RANCH: B. HUGHEI. Manager. 'trtttraaetitiorugmstcrttiiia. aEiiiitit ___ Mill or 0mm “up Department in" Bunches. WITH WHICH IS UNITED 'iiWiiiir6rihrctt was PM - at 01.00 . nu. C. BAIAGI t SON.PUILl-Ill Miss Bell. Binnielett an annuity to visit friend-in Mitchell and vicin- ity. Mr and In Jno Humillon of Crom- urlympenl part of their honeymoon with the farmer's sister Mrs J. B. Mellrnilh. Mu. Jean Brown. of Toronto. spun Bfew days at her lulu-I'm Mr Adam Brnwn. and left Monday morning for Phterlmm. Mo Iran“ and (humble! Mr. Dixon ot Mt.Forest, are visiting respectively duughwr and sister, Mrs J. H._Cole- ridge. Misc Niven, of Toronto, arrived In. weak to also chnrge of the 2nd clue: in nut-hum schooi, lately vacated by Mia Annie U. McKenzie. Mitre Marion Gun "m Thurtda, to resume her vac-J at diet, at Toronto Con-unto: y of M. us c. Mr and MrsA. t‘nsuvell. (ner tio. pbll. Jun of T, n to, are visiting her old frlledc M d elamves in and around Duxhun. Dr. Md Mu. 1mm tor Toronto when residence dating (h session, Muse Jessie Fquhmwu leaves lhil Wednesday Allelumn lo train u n nurse In the Sick Children's Hospital. Toronto. Min Loretta McAuliffe left on Tun- dar to attend no. Forest Buchan- College. Dr, Wnugh, Inspector of Commun- tion Schools. in paying his ofttcial visit to [khan School this week. Ila it. In” Moore, of Vanmuvor. B. C., who ha been on u plenum trip through Euope and Egypt forthe out you and. hut, in viailmn her friend. In Gilbert IoKechnie and her BtttBtg, In Show" cm! In Walker on her woy ho.- to the com. Conunmlotiou to Mr a. Smith Ewen and um Mabel Venue. who on Wed-haw last eartered wedlock'n bonds. The wedding took pace at the Banach mango. in few friends ot 1 the contracting parties being present. After. wedding l-epnsi at the homo of the bride's mother, the young couple. without fun or fume-rs, drov. to the groom's home in Benlinrh. The REVIEW joins many {manna in extending all good wishes. -------+ . 0‘ _,__. i 336} ThWLionheld su long by the m. Thos.' Louder In been tilled. we be. lieveby the appointment at Mr Mat. thew Rich-r6301: of Huherton to the "any. It in cumin (but Mr.R ich. “than bu the refusal of wand u the” appointment- go. no on. could ponsihly be more wot thy of it, Ever since the day when I Conserv- ative Convention failrd toxin Mr, Richnrdoon a second trial. when hit firtrt trill an sosueeeasfttt, there bu been a feeling that poetic juntlco uhould In Home wny be rendered to the candidate who wu never defeat- ed except by Ills own party. The present vunncy has turniled the opportunity. and hesituncy there has been none In those 'responsible tor making the nppodntmen t, Should Mr. Richardson tome to Durham. his welcome would be a most. generoul one. He bu many Eriondo here, and nu citizen of Our- ham but Would be pr nud to have u I fellow citizen. one w: h the character and caiihre ot'lutth. w Ru handsou. Sympathy will DB attended to him at the present t tn. owing to the health of Mrs. liicLMdson which in cumin; anxiety. BLAcic.-On Thursday, J an. mm. 1913' at the home of her son James. Uadt River: In” Isabella Smnh. widow of the lute Alexander Black, in her . . i' - momma” _ 'gr ," ' 12.500900 ..' . ' '" 180mm mam). wett--Vgtrtimt.-At be manso, Dor. noch, on Wetland: n29th January 1918, by Rev. N. Stevenson. Crew rud Smith Ewen. to Miss Mabel Venice. 90th year. -The New Registrar w YORK AOCNCV Ctsr.Wlltiam and (Mar = DIED son hit Mondny my will be in Parliamenury Tui. I I ',

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