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Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1913, p. 2

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tt In] Revolutionize Electric Lighting; M. Dmud, a French scientist, who hm discovered u mean tor the rrlliilcbion of what he terms "oold ight," gives some detail. of his discovery, which, it is thought, may revolutionize electric {ightipg ed an electric lamp in which the light in concentrated on 3 single point by Blamenta working monu- Iively; thence the light is profound through a lens magnifying a thow and‘old. Thus he has succeeded In concentrstinit a. 2,000 candle- power light on one point by " manta working successive]? thence the light in proieeted t rough a bus magnifying n thouaandfold. Thus he has succeded in coneentrot- in: a 2,000 otsndle-power light on one point, and in passing 32 volts hrs, an eight-volt lamp, which with the ordinary light would burst. 7 Starting on the principle" thit rest is u essential to mutter u to animal 4trtranjtult, he hu 0995?? actually make new blood, which than through the veins stimu- " the nerves. inoreaae the appe- Ite, give brightne- to the eye, a - of health to the cheek; and makes weak, despondent girls full of healthy activity. The case ot the J. B. Lassalle, Borer, Que., typical of the cures made by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. She says: “I was weak and all run down. My lace was pale and covered with pimples. My lips were pale. I suf- fered from pains in all my limbs, which would at times be swollen. I was hardly ever free from head- aches, and I found work about the brttse a bunk-n. 2w the least effort left me fatiuurd and breathless. I had no appetite, and notwithstand- ink“ that I was cunstantly doctorin? I seemed to be growing worse al the time. One day mother said that .he thought I ought to try Dr. Wii. liams' Pink Pills, and I decided to do Bo, [soon disoovered that I had: lound the right medicine, and after' using nine boxes I was once more) enjoying the best of health, and I have, not been unwell a day since." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail " 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- lianm' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. "COLD MGnT" DISCOVERED. Experiment. via) this lamp hive established that the new light is absolutely without danger, as no bust is given off, and it requires a hundred times less current than the ordinary lamp. It can be work- ed lv. a tiny battery, or smffirient motive power can be obtained from a iet of water from an ordinary taucet, or even a tsquirrel turning; a tad, can! Mint that 4 It ha thirty IF YOUR BABY IS SICK GIVE BABY'S OWN TABLETS Tho little ills of babyhood and childiumd should he treated prompt- ly, or they may prove serious. An occasional dose of Baby's Own Tab- lets will regulate the stomach and bowels and lump your little ones well. Or they will promptly restore health if sickness comes unexpect- edly. Mrs. Lenora M. Thompson, Oil Springs. Ont., says :--"1 have mum's Llnlmom euros Galas: Etc. Statistics show th: born of parents at th one one-third die du UH Springs. ont., says :---'U have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little girls as occasion required, 3nd have found them always of the greatest help. No mother, in my opinion, should be without the Tab. letcl" Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Bhen a person gets u that nobody loves him, it M ist l: to must be no -rork in the 'mtmont of pale, numb girls If your 1iaurhur u. him-lug, E- r. pale, allow mploxion, in do". of breath, espodllly on ping Dwain; it she In! tralpitation ot the heart, a poor uppeu'te, or n tendency to faint, the has anaemia “which means poverty of the blood. Any delay in treatment mu leave ber weak and sickly for the rest of her life--<ielay mAy even result in consumption, that most hopeless ot Au-. When the blood is poor 3nd watery, there in only one oer- hin oure-that is Dr. Williams' . k Pills, coupled with nourieh- food and ntle out-ofaoor ex- amine. Dr. 'l/d',,',',",' Pink Pills tween Find New Health Through Dr. William's Pink Plus for Pale People. PALE ANAEMIC GIRLS Mv wife is new wing GIN-PILLS ard tinda that in has been "all, relieved of the pain over her Rig-Jen. ' Fc, a box, 6 for fit,';, Sample free " you w ite National I and Chemical Co. of mm. Unit-7d. Toronto. In "I was troubled for nanny years with Kidney Dim, Ind gfriend told me to lake GIN PILLS After an.“ a few boxes I was greatly relieved, and the: Sm ~hin the twelfth box the pain. com- [Arm-1y fen me. 1- _ My wife is no! 'eimrfrN-rn.ts GIN PILLS DRIVE AWAY The“ Pain. In the Klan-ya. Mr. Thomas Stephenson, of Lachute Mill}. P. Q., Trite: ‘n- light, it is said, offers great aim-mes in photoRraphy, as its townie power is tour times : nf the magnesium Gsh light. am been tried with great auc- _ at th" Biarritz lighthouse, and “mum! is working on its appli- nn to searchlights for the Min- i War is less than se born . during th rate of mo te ot mom of parents twenty-onef eight per " at to thinking it is time to fl and nt. It When it can. to determining the reel merit of a modicum, no weight of ovi- donoe in more convincing than tho qtraightrorward statement of some reliable end well-known person who ha been cured. For this reason we print the verbatim stntement ot Jnnn E. Powell, written from hie borne in Carleton. " In a strong. powerful man. six feet tall, And weigh nearly two hundred. I In" been men-toned .n my life to lift great weights. but one any I overdid it, nnd wranchod my back badly. Every tendon and miracle w“ pore. To stoop or band was agony l land . whole bottle of Ner. viliue rubbed on in one day, 1nd by night I wan well again. I know ot no liniment possessing one-ha" the penetra- tion and pairvtmtrduirttr properties ot Nqrviline. I urge its use strongly as In invaluable liniment and lmunehold cure for all minor nllmenu, Inch as attains, sprains. ewelllnge. neuralgin, mintlcn. lumbngo. rheumatim. and muscular pain." Hurrah, No More This Cm Proves That the Best and Strongest Liniment Ever Made is Nerviline. It is known that the beauty of the natural pearl sometimes proves evanescent. To retain its shimmer- ing splendor it needs air and light. Acids can affect them, and emana- tions from the skin can destroy the precious bloom, which, once gone, cannot be revived. Sometimes, too, owing to their comparative tott- neu, they become scratched, and than a. source of anxiety to the own’ er. There is little wonder, there- fore, that possessors of valuable necklace: should seek to provide themselves with duplicates which may be worn without fear and trembling. A small metal point. passing over the uneven surface of the plate causes a, variation of the electric current, which makes possible the transmission over a telegraph or telephone wire of the lights and shades of halftone plates with re- markable regularity grid speed. No better medicine for curing pun was our put In a bottle than 'h,rviline--rtt'c it on and rub it in what. rubs out all aches. pains, and soreness. Large family size, 5012. trlal size Me., all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co.. Butralo, N. Y., and Kingston. Ont. Freneh Inventor Discovers Way to Send Pictures by Wire. Edouard Belin, a French inven- tor. has succeeded in telegraphing a photograph from Bordeaux to Paris in four minutes. Instead of thing selenium he prepares a pho- tographic plate the basis of which is bichromatod gelatin and the sur- face of which is uneven. The most interesting feature of M. Belin'a invention is that it is possible to carry about a small ap- paratus, weighing about sixteen pulmds. and immediately attach it at any telephone station. This makes it possible to phone pictures ”var long distances. of the clearness of transmitted. The reUults obtained seem to be in.advnnce of anything yet done in 1is_dirtction from the pointh view Fume, also, owns some exquisite examples; but the biggest pearl known is that which was once the property of the banker Henry Phi- lip Hope. Cylindrical in form, it is two inchen in circumference at one and and three and a half inches at the other. It weighs 1,800 grains and is valued at $60,000. more '"riALADA 191]. This INCI tl Coming to more room epochs, we find that Philip IL, King of Spain, paid 240,000 tor a. single pearl known as "Peregrina." Found in Panama, it was pear- tshaped and weighed 4 carats. Am other King of Spain, Philip IV., purchased one weighing 26 carats. It was brought from India. The wonde that is now ada is exenn Indian mythology ottoa speaks of tho pearl, attributing its discovery to the god Vishnu, who is said to have canned it to be drawn from the ocean for his daughter Pandaia. The records of the Romans, Baby- lonian, Persians and Egyptian: .130 mabs mention of it. There was the wife of the Emperor fuluru.1a., who, tor an ordinary betrothal feast, decked herself with pearls to the value of S330,000, and Julius Coca: presented Servilis, tho mother of Brutus, with l specimen vsluod " £50,000. ' A man who was rescued from the Seine at Paris was recngnized by a bystander as an individual who math" a comfortabiv income out of prvtrmded attempts at drowning. Charitable people who saw him saved always gave him money. The impostnr did not deny the charge, and the crowd gave him a, tsound beating and threw him back into 'the Seine. leaving him this time to get out without assistance. Worth “,0... The pearl in the oniy gem neod- ing "ottheshaodotman blaring to perfection, and history mom ample evidence of tho intense in oination it bur dycys exercised 'l'leEGRAl’IIS l PHOTOGRAPH. people of ever thet. It A - _ - . [Arm ll Two holes [on “I ll 3‘4. Church-Are your children being briught up to help them- solver? Mrs. Gotham-Are they' Why. I ean't keep a, particle of jun in the house more thin a. dart FAMOUS PEARLS " HISTORY. n Punished the Pretemier th Lame Backs the pictures Up to the beginning of 1912 the record for loss of time in the course of a single year in Great Britain as a result of strikes was about 10,- 000,000 days, and this total was generally regarded as an alarming one. Early in the year, however, an assurance that this record would be beaten hollow within the next twelve months came from Tom Mann, and this prophecy by the vice-president of the Workers' Un- ion has been abundantly fulfilled. Great Total tor Last Year, But Worse Expected In Britain. What. Great Britain is coming to in an industrial sense can be guess- ed dimly from a. study of some stag- gering figures concerning the loss of time that resulted from labor disputes in the your just ended, taken in conjunction with the prog- nosticntions for the future that are being made by the leaders of organ- ized labor. During the last year the number of working days lost through strikes was 40,139,400. the loss in wages owing to one dispute done amount;- ing to $78,997,500. This was the biggest strike in the industrial his- tory of England-tho national strike of ooesl miners in Much lust for a. minimum wage. ' The stoppage was complete in every 0031 field of the country, 1,- 096,947 workers underground and on .the surface of the pits quit work and the strike, extending over the full month of March, involved the loss of 31,567,000 working days. The loss in wages probably is put too low at 216,785,500, or $78,927,500. As if this were not enough, how- ever, huge industrial disputes dwarfing the great strikes of his- tory, are promised in the near fu- ture by Ben Tillet, the English lar bor leader, who has just. completed an organized tour of the country on behalf of the transport workers. When s'., 3rour11 Eoress'.ii, Needm LOSS BY STRIKES ENORMOIIS. Druggrtu at 2595m- per bottle. Murln-o care Eye Ive In Aseptic Tubes, inc-soc, Ml-tq-g. thttitttt Sm Remedy Co., Chlcnao If you have any two of Mrs. Painchaud's symptoms your Kid- neys are diseased. Cure them and guard against serious, if not fatal results by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. "For seven years my heart and Kidneys bothered me," Mrs. Pain- thaud states, "I was always tired and nervous. I could not sleep. My limbs were heavy and I had I dragging sensation across the loins. My eyes had dark circles under them and were puffed and swollen. I was so ill I could hardly drag mysvlf around to do my housework. Your drnzcist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any can or Itch. Ing. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in g to 14 days. 50c. The surest thing in this world is a, friend you ean't depend on when you need him. "What do you think of my new hat?” "Very pretty. I hope it'll satisfv you for awhile." "Of course it will. The color is not quite what I like, and the trimming doesn't come up to my expectations, and the sham- is not as good as it ought to be, but otherwise the hat is a splendid bargain, and I like it awfully well.” "A neighbor advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I found relief in the first box. Six boxes made me perfectly well.", Toads become torpid in winter, and take no food for four or six months. Ulnar-6's Llnlmont Cures Cars“ In Com. Mrs. Jnllen Palm-hm], for seven years a "tterer, Ind: quick re- Bet and complete one In Budd's Kidney Pills. Whitworth, Temisoouata. Co., Que, Jan. 27 (gpecial).---With the coming of winter the ravages of Kidney Disease are again felt in this province, and the fact that a sure cure is vouched for in this vil- lage is news worth giving to the world. Mrs. Julien Painchnud in the person cured and she “at” without hesitation that she found her cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. - Inward“: Llnlmont euros Distempcr. Many a man becomes resigned to fate after he finds himself all in from fighting it. IT IS "rllllllllll EWING Ill Tllf llllllll.ll EB. 4. Mow BAVAGES " KIDNEY DISEASE ARE CHECKED IN QUEBEC. FILES CURED IN I TO " DAYS No ts'rtttsruatr-Foels F'm--art. Quickly. Try itfor Red, Wonk, Wntury Hymn and (innulnted Eyelids. Illusmbted Book In emh linkage. MURINE is com- E'/g'd,1f bx ourUcuIlau-notn "Patent ediclno" ttt used lu successful rhini- etams'Praetieo tor runny yurl. ow dudlmmd to the Public Ind acid by Quays}: ng mimic mgr toque. Murjpo Try Murine Eye Remedy ISSUE 6--'18. W. M. FARRELL, Who he: been appointed Superin- tendent of Frei ht Service, over the Grand Twin: System, a, new oilioe. Mr. Farrell was formerly Superintendent of Terminals in To- route. Children’s Minds Full of Uncon- scious Poetry. Children are born with a taste for knowledge. They want to know, and they want to know the right things. They ask questions, and are not easily satisfied. They are fond of imitating what they see around them. They are highly ima- ginative. They clothe their ideas in concrete forms. There was a. time when they were regarded as imma- ture adults; we have learned that the main aim of a. teacher must be to give the right tone to the feel- ings-goodmsa in the abstract is of little nvail; the imagination must be stirred. We are accustomed to believe that there is little reflection on the part of children, gleams of thought which suggest a hidden mental pow- er working almost unconsciously. The little girl who "gathered sun- light in her hands and put it on hm- face" knew something of the effects of heat. And how full of humor are some of the sayings of children.“ was Punch, WP believe. who depieted Tommy after he had been smeroly mrroctvdhs oxclaiur ing, "I fink I'll go back to hrsasen, where I came from." And what a fund of suggestion was conveyed by the little" girl who, on hearing a running tap, said that "the water was coughing." _ - _ A Smart Boy. Willie was a smart boy and anxi- ous to [at on. His first job was in a bank. "Well, Willie, my boy," said his uncle to him as he met him in the street one day, "how are you getting on in business? I eup- pnse you’ll soon be maner--eht" "Yes, uncle," replied Willie, "pm getting on nicely. I'm already a draft clerk.” "1teallyt" replied his avuneular relative, "A draft clerk? That's very good." "Yes, uncle," remarked the bright lad. "I open and shut the windows new cording to order and close the doors after people have left 'em open." “Head feels Fine Breathe Freely Now” Improved My Tolee, Strengthened My Throat, Cured Me ot Hawking and Spitting. “I jun will: I had him year. no shout tIto grader-ml elect of OATARE mrzotmNtrrmc3cuo Norton. from m home in Georgetown. "My nose and throat were continually stopped up, and I was seldom free from I as in the throat. I coughed 1nd huvked and often a night couldn't sleep. Jun a few breed- trom . Genrrhowne inhaler and my head WI! cleared right up. My thro" trouble is now well and I haven't . ningle "urge of chb. Cutarrhowne made I. perfect. cure.” A: tho only II! to reach nun]: is by inhaling medicated air, It follows that the healing btlllml of Catlrrhomne can't fail to cure. It in B purely “an table antiseptic-soothes sud heals wher- ever it was. Complete oath, truMclent for 2 months’ use. price £1.00, including the inhaler and liquid for t111inir; smaller trial sizes ths. and 500.. Bll dragging and Morekeeperit, or The Catarrhozono 00.. Bufhuo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canals. um Emma E. Norton Olvu Oust Pram to "0atarrhtt-." The germ-killing vapor is inhaled at the mouth and Instantly spread: through 111 the breathing organs. Every case of bronchitis and catarrhr in rooted out, ttnd such health and strength is imparted that these troubles never again return. The poetry of life is frequently Been in childhood. We have this illustrated in the description of butterflies as "pansios flying." "A Mar is a. cinder from God's great star” has a wealth of unconscious meaning, But' perhaps-the flnest approach to poetry was made by a tiny tot, who defined dew as "the grass crying.” "Oh, auntie I" said a littl egirl, "Pve just, seen a pen- cil walking." The nurse, who had grown out of fairyland. explained that it was o.nly an ordinary worm. The success of the self-made man in due to self-made opportunities. CHAIR.“ or \'0l"l"llFl'L ONES. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO T HANDS comm : mm PIMPLES an" Ass Surgeons Tell Story of Awful Car- nage ln Balkan Struggle. The first real insight into the aw- ful losses sustained by the Bulgar- ians, the conditions under which their wounded were cared for and tho present state of the cholera epi- demic is given by Austrian Red Cross surgeons who have just w turned to Vienna. from the battle- fields and Constantinople. Professor Clairmont, who moon)- psniod the unit sent to Bulgaria, declares that the Bulgarian losses before the Chamlja lines were very great, no less than 20,000 falling in one day. According to some of the other doctors the transport ar- rangements tor the wounded were ovppallingly inadequate. The Austrian unit stationed near Kirk Kilia-se, where the moat severe cases wen heated, had on some days over a. hundred operations, a half-hour each. The work was carried on under great difficulties, often with irtsufheient food. The surgeons and nursing sisters under- went great hardships on the jour- ney to Kirk Kilisse, and on arriving there spent the first five nights in the open air and with only tea and bread 'm which to subsist. Speaking of the cholera outbreak the Austrian Red Cross surgeon, Dr. Wimmer, who has just returned from Constantinople, declares that. the disease is still rampant there and that it is all over u entirely erroneous. When he left Conatzsn- tinople fifty to one hundred deaths were reported daily. Hundreds died without receiving the slightest care or medical attention. Dessert; ers were apparently with deliberate intent allowed to die; like dogs with- out any attention being given them. It takes three seconds for a cable message to cross the Atlantic. Cable costs about $1,000 a mile to lay, and the total amount existing at the bottom of the sea. represents a. value of $250,000,000. Dr. Wimmer states that Austrian doctors found that injections of Vienna Paltaufsch n serum gave wonderfully 1"d,f,','l,ih results, sav- ing 45 per cent. of the cholera cases in which it was used, while the ser- ums used by the English French and German doctors saved only 40 per cent. " are An. Ville EM. Manned. oas --"Mr mu mmd with nail pimple- on my bonds. which iwhed no that it km the non: “pins. and I - the Mt- u-ntchinc it. I did not know what to do with lay-elf. I beanie-oth I did not In" tho butt to do my work. Myhnndlwuoniioovuodwithlittlewnm puppies For three weekl I had my - do" up to in than not: tam tho bed. for I ton-ed and mod on out I and. than " bloody on the bed-board. I hadnuil'etodforthreoyouilikothllwh. I - an Marti-omens foe Cancun Bow and Cuticun Ointment. I decided to and toe unple- oe than. T "Al-oonuIreceivedthem.Inppued the Cuticun Ointment and wnhod my hand. with Outicurn Soup " night baton going to bed. This stopped the itching a one; I continued to use them. using not quite two boxes of Cuticurn Ointment with the Outlaw-n Map, and I montirely cured. My husband had n burn on once! hi. hands He momma it two nights with Cuticurn Ointment nod has not felt it since. We have great contuentw in Cutiteara Soap and Ointment. and I assureyou I shall 11 all who sum-r Witlt the same di Just! about thtsr- " (Signed) Mrs. Roger Hebert, Dee. Cutieurts Soap and Outlaw- Ointment no rank: by druggists and dealers every whore. For a. liberal free sample of each, with 32-9. book, send post card to Potter Drug & Chem. Com. Dept. 310. Bum U. B. A. Itched So kn Cold'Sofes Are your hind. chlpped, cracked or lore ? Have you " cold crack. " which open end bleeg when the akin is drawn tight? Have you e cold sore, frost bite, ehitbiains, or a "raw" place, which " times mekee " agony for you to go about your houeehold duties ? it so, JHm-Buk will give you relief, and wrli heal the frost-damaged ikin. Anolnt the sore places at night Zum-Buk'a rich healing essences will Sank into the wounds, end the smut- !ng. one will heal quickly. Mrs. Yemen, cf Portland. says : "My hands Were Io lore and cracked that in was nanny to pat them near Weber. When I did so they would smut; and burn u if I had welded them. renamed uituunable to get. relief front anything f u on them until Itried Zulu-link, u It succeeded when all also had failed. It closed the big and“, (no we ease. soothed the influmurtion, and in u very abort time healed my hamu." lam-M also emu aha/lay, roher. who!" grttt'ft ,sloers,foetertrV mm, can Mad. and an ' about“, pin: la. rim-warm, 61c. 03m, {aw-u. hmim. “Kink 1Ty?.y J'. ad a n _.---- --. _. a n ”m- o " -.-A 'lir";'r/i'G Ciu'i/;GFirruyrie" yams a. "gens. But Co., Toronto. Mo 50: a boa, 20,000 FELL IN ONE DAY. iiiiiiii'iiViuiri/ tutyy, Pt Giriiiiiia the Itching at Once andogntirely Cured- hed So Kept from Slee Inst Passed the Nighfts_ 'til1flll'i'!?l The Vent Yet. _ Johnny handed the (allowing note from his mother to the toaets" one morning: - Dene Teecher: You keep toilin' my boy to brethe with hie didrun. Maybe rich children but trot du- trum", but how About when there father only makes 81.50 s day and has got five children to keep! First it's one thing, then it's another, end now it's diatrnml. That's the worst yet. Ant-cure rum- will b. anal u. "rum. mum. "iitetiru'tt out now cry. The In. "tteerie' tuned. lentil; Chicago en 10216 p M. for Bomhol'n Cali. fnrnm, the In [Nanciul‘ curl-ad Lim. Ited. 1001?: Chiearo 3:50 pm" le- thun three day on route, provide the but at everything in railway travel. The China Ind leln Hail lanes Chic-co duly It 10:45 pan. tor San Francisco Ind has An [elem mustrated literature on Bpplica- man to B. H. barman. G. A., 1'lsu'i and \nrvh 1h'gtstayt'U By., " Yuan tit., Toronto. three "" on mu everything in nil Ind hum [nil I 10:45 pm. tor Sun 'reler ryuttetf.f, {33% 'iiTCiunnet, a 30:1]: Western By., 66 y, n . "Bo you have been to France again, Mrs. Comeup l" "You. seems like we can’t keep any from dear Paris. Indeed, my daughter say: we're regular ParLitaus." only an. “Inovlo 00mm!" That to LAXATIVI: [mono QUXNXNE. Look tor_ttyt iueetyrt1't ELIE- (Aliava The upper deck of B. M. s. Iron Duke, the new British battleship of the Dreadnought type, which will be ready for commission by Janu- ary, 1914, is to be specially armor- ed against airship attack. There are house flies. "éi'ii'a;oai is Two De, tu. IIn-rd'l LlnlmoM ‘- ILI'WB. "I would any an! 1 do not knot of a medicine thet, bu stood the an of Lime like MINABD'R IJNIMFINT It bun been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I (an remember, and bu out- lived down of would~bo competitors and human." “How many of these sheep got out of here l" asked the angry farmer. "I don't know," replied the new hired man, rubbing his eyes. "After I had watched five or six of 'em jump over the fence I seemed to lose the count, for that always puts E to sleep." The publish" of tho betrt Fauna"- met In the Muhlmo Pruvinm in writing to II! Ila-tee; _ - . h. L_ I my boy or (In. Lu W. -7, will send you so an of In“: (ad 1 not (six beautilui end- in each to t) nod we will and you the _ all a can your shoes BOW. Add“ Why Not Save t In Mkidleman'sFrof and Ship Your IPEND HOCKEY " Blul rig. " cents. In the inure“ of urity of good. involv- lnt tn outuy of ue,"duia, into “prizes INT". than 3‘. tar... win) down to Convention in "mind to new of the out“! should you own I "on and In!“ to let th not. 1mintt one of our FA'M'0RM'ofgir. write you up and we will anew You,'-- om on then onwr content and may win a cub outfit. Prim will be glut! [or the but an In by April 15th, cloning date of (mmlwunun. tar will be frh.itrit.ett.'trt the 'ttttFire:" slaw Bur." Mantra-l. durum the last two week. l Don't fall to wrlte " one. for any of our ' the fullest tttformation. _ THE GRIMM PRIZE COMPETITION That oiedid. po1.ith' S-or nr kirb. All M HOMER: THE WINTER IN CALIFORNIA. WE HAVE ITARTED A Wash Day "unnamed " The 'ohtt.on_rf.or, Co “dbl. Montreal. Can. Makes the Clown us White as Snow nifty-eight kinds of 'lllS"iUr". "(hi-oi iiAi, ‘n Cum DIPMM'W IM MANUFACTURING COMPANV " 1Afotumtrtortswt., Montreal. Que. Try " ft . q Je" an” t, {Ixcr 1\! t,1 I ~‘, . . t ' qt 6.9“. {2.2: T Mod ,totl DEPT. e or oomoetition, gauruita" tiGrGierF"Ginir"ii'. tttFics":, sham windows ot ”The Moettrrnl Inst two week- ot'April. tor may or our “M. 'tmet-t cm»;- gm“: SKATES FR EE I II a“, “(m of all chime te - II your we and address and w. w dnd other WM! to "ll " 10 cetttg not). Wk.- sold.rnf.i, P' the Ill-me, rd ail W pm. Write 00-day Lil WARREN co. $75 "" to not the but vulu out ot It. Ind IN "Otttt, "up to on. mung bow Inn] tpet auras-r1 out "mod to your nods. You In: n can rile. thus reducing out of "I. It"! “HIDE“ at. Frput and cut-r can vi: It. TORONTO. IN e will give this splvndid Iarc, Moving Picture Machine and Mag Lantern combined tree to any bu; who will all 40 Beta of our henna tui embossed Enter and other pot-.1- cudp It to cents I set Gi beuumu ttft.' istsee.ih at). This machine ie go. ons, 3 slides, lamp, l lease. .nd..everrthltitr giving a show. Send u: your name wdny and we will lend you the cud: m " When sold‘lend u- the money and we will lend you the [hole outtit, with all charges Prupisd. mmtiitijiiiiiiyt " MOVING PICTURE MACHINE FREE. , -'--- -" _ ts In“ Mm 3nd at. I no“: am on to bought. Worth t'i1",,'lC',.'," Ue otiesh .10. r1 ttttD PAR! OF MK At - G 'rMtghrldl,'l, hr" Bunk Hf: - " all quick. Prints " Very my OI! acres “our. x no: Mock hon-e; 'l'lln. to ninth-t and In" Mots“ motdred " Going to Hon Real Eat-w. London GRIII ara "ION EVAPORATOI F IgY u! Guelph. on g",.','.', OOLLBC'NBF WWII»; '9'... fan” Stamps tn Album. 'tlt,',",',', Cents Hanks Conn-II!- "WW- w “in" name“ 9mm: co, . . ulna. “Nth!“ FREE TO 67518 ll l1 lawns! And acorn]. ru- out train by our home 'peHtrto" Ill before too hm. Dr. Bellman Co., Minna. Colllnnood. Ont G ALL STONES. KIDNEY ANI, I I do: Sta-u. Kidney troub'," n lambm and kindred ailmemn 1.. . cured with tho new German )1. "Sinai." prim [1.50. Another new r, tor Bilbao-Helium. and tum "t "anon Anu-Dicbom." Priee r/ tg't,ii"t or “not. The Sunni 5'.‘ tttr 'lf Conan-y ot Canada 1,: Winn trr-v"-.,..., I . "trttcrt 0 Men s Salts -c', We will I!" this mum“ Braoelet tn. of all chum to any girl or you) ‘M! who will mi I "a of our ttarde. to - and other Wuhan at " mm. s on (“I b-tthal cards In each so: Bond your name And we will mm , " the curda. When sold mud up 'l, H. cud we will and you the brunt-In Men-II "there kids I teach u Ilow." observed a whw recently. “In fact. I'm In rend the papers. The m proposed the following r my arithmetic class: .. l! diea and leaves 31.00001 fifth is to so to his “Me. to his son. Que-sown: daughter, oneeighth to l, and the rest to foreign What doett each gm ." l said the littlest boy in promptly." HOMER- WARREN CO. m. "tt-.ettrtoBon6_usro'. "l um: IN. enclosed far mum: und 0|er T Inland” “when“! "We!" r - . . an... Venom. Add". DILPDJS: Dov! I 800 W 3mm. tum m I. DAWN”. Toma. “VI on: ONE lumbar.“ (no, In.) II dttNemtt -tiotrs A, “Hub " " - -___r_ ---. .. In... __ _,__.‘ a... Work it can“. “on. _ rumpus, -- gr MI BULL!!!) GOLD BRACEI FT DEPT. u, TORONTO. ON') k-term, - LIVE WILD Bil “W. 'Palrann, 1 Dim. mm; column In... hu"'" ir-Fa van! a form my“; STA-PI AND CO'NS '. u. TORONTO. " -- «w. V -"e"w .. I. i m art-hard, ,U'm'iil " m barth ttnrr. F, "‘1“ all Inn's! Rtlthm Priet Hundred. Owner ny,v‘ "re " r to Nprthet The \‘IL’m was Ill 1 1m . W a " I £3.11 my. _ortrird IIICELLANEOUI no it oomph“ with} 't lttr.T, 1shitrney, good manning N rum: xi AL to COM On; In. A“ - " or... q.tte so Im " a m.! In: m hm. a "6kaitkt head ol um. I-nd you a': my "00 on. ”on” . tot Lamina. If it . .. r. m to You tl..., ' " (for but an: axe!“ - Btopqitcirs "mo- 'ii"Hiir"airc'; .vslb 3.7154353 ha Ont all m; for ' ova. Gold Moduli! nucu an». If?" . LTD 1“!"anin " mi.- ”In LAD- "I'd. and fro. " II. tlr " For PRNA'F

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