West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1913, p. 4

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.. as (t The Central Drug Store (ll gum is Valentine Year 'it""""'"'"'""""""":"-., 'tff. il {f The Central Drug Store a; The f?view and Grain Growers‘ Gill 0. Winnipeg, for one you 1 65 The Review end Weekly Globe for "ar.............................. tr 75 The Review Ind Weekly Matl and Empire for] your......... ........ l 75 The Review end the Femilv Her- old-ml Weekly Star for 1 your 1 90 The Review sn-I Weekly Witness Jot I ye".............................. I 90 The Review and Weekly Sun for The Bevievrend Weekly Advertis- "forone3eu........................ 180 The Review and Weekly Free Prue for one yep"..-.............. 1 90 The Review end Farming World to-..................: ......... 1b0 The Review And the Farmers' Ad. vocate for-...,................ 2 50 'l'lieReview and Canadian Farm [all "Br.................... ........ l 90 The Review and Daily Free Plot! ford Tm"-,........................... 3 " The It view end Toronto Daily Star L' t ye"....................... 2 GO The Review and Toronto Daily T New-lot one 'msr.................. 2 50 The Rovievv and Toronto Daily . World tor: PM..................... 3 " The Review nude Toronto Daily Globe for tyertwr....,..............f. 4 " The Review om] Toronto Daily M xii and Empire for I yeah"... 4 75 JAMES R. GUN, Keep Well . Get Well For all kinds of Commercial. Printing of Highest Quality, Try the Review Job Dept. . Stoves! Stoves! New Clubbing Rates. As long as you can, but when you do get ill, As soon as you can. With the present change- able weather it is a very easy matter to get a cold. There is nothing better than " Gill’s Grip Capsules " to break up a cold quickly. Have a box on hand and when you feel a cold coming on, take a few capsules and note the results. A: the saying goes "the proof of the pudding As in the eating" so the "sale of a pre- paratio n a sure sign of its worth/' CHILBLAINS is another very troublesome complaint. Our " Chilbain Cure " gives instant relief. Remember both these preparations are guaranteed. Money back if not satisfactory. We also have some Coal and Wood Heating Stoves. We have some choice second hand Cooking Stoves and Ranges which we are offering at very low prices. Do not let these great bargains slip through your hands. ti. T. R. Town Ticket Office . BLACK Phone FURHAM. J'etr. 5, 1913 "finourperewt........ 240tt Oatmeal per sack .... 2 75 tt 'Chopper cwt........ 1 35 a 'B-heat.......... 50 M 1failWtseat...........8 90to Spring Wuent........ 90 t: Oata,feed............. 33 tl 10am. milling.......... 33 b _Peas................. 90to :Barlev............... 50:4 Butter................ 18to "Eggs........-...-.. mu Potatoes per bag....... 60 t: yDncks................. 12r (Geese.................. 12m 1,'rttrkeyg..........,.... 18‘ lHens.....-............. 8‘ Durham Markets. Why suffer with Chilhlains ? A 25; hotlleuf Rex tll (‘hilhlain Remedy in sure-n relief. MAPFARLANE a Co. Several housed in Durham. thte nice cottage in Lower Town. You can get them in all styles, from the most elabo. rate to the neat and artistic at all prices. We have a great variety to choose from. . For the girl you love best is always appropriate on St.’ Valentine's day. A Handsome Valentine 'tl? A .11.JAcKsos, Durham For Sale Durham _... 135 tot ... 50 to ....3 90 to8 .... 90 to 240to290 275t030 33 to 34 33 to 34 90to 100 50 to 55 18 to 18 IO to 19 60 to co 12 to 12 12 to 12 18 to 18 8 to 8 100 55 18 19 Ii We feel tsotndent he will make one ot the most progressive wardens 95 95 EC. P., Edinburgh. The following i year he also pat in a. special course lol three in wins at the Post Graduate I School, New' York. He has been a ierisiG of every Council Hanover ’ has ever had --MWie " years ofeon. i tinuoue gerviee-with 10 acclaim-u _ tions either as mavoaor reeve. 119,1 made no move tomude the warden-1 snip until he saw an opening at thei, November session of the Countv Council and was quick to take ad- vantage ot wbathe foresew l and thereafter put ups Well organized battle Winning one with ease. The warden elect is a good judge of men {wows when an opportunity occurs. Is an adept organza and seldom or never gets defeated Settling in Hanover in the eaaly eight fl he practised his profession for some tCeen years when he cros- sed uverto Scouun and inatew moqths jqcured the degree of L. R. The Warden elect tor Grey Coun- ty, Dr, W. A, Mearns was born in Conestoga’in the County of Waterloo and moved with the restot the tam- ily to the township ot Normauby when about two yearsot age. lie was educated at the Ayton Public School and afterwaidq at th, Col-i lingwood Collegiate Institute and; ‘taught the above public school to ( _ three years pmvious to entering ap- on the study at tut-dicine atTciuit, Medical College, Toronto. In this institution he took a brilliant and varied course of 4 years winning all the scholarships and specuil mes," during his time. and graduagd nail gold medalist taking the highest’] standard ofmarks ever obtained by 1 1 any other graduate during the ttis, I; tory ot the College. I l Sketch of Orey's New Warden Now if it could be shown that the Batfalo cunsumer paid more for his meats than his brother in Canada, the ease would stand proved, bat such is not the ease, theretbre the Yankee farmer gets $222.0 more than the Canadian tarmer for a like beast and the Canadian consumer pays as much, yes sometimes more, than is paid in Buffalo. - {Grey has ever had and do hdnor to (late Barham ahtttiettt/tl'iet,v..tale' Cottntyavd ttimel.t., We -A boy's foolish and false cry of ; " fire " in n theatre, caused a. ptnle: The Warden's Address. in which two women were killed r... and f dozen had to be sent to the _Dr, learns Seeks tMivtttieed Legial hospital. I re Roads Ami hymn“ Buffalo market highest by tlt 85 or a uifferenet, " $22. 20 on the awr- age fat steer ot 1200 lbs. and the dif- lerence has frequently been more marked. --Lord Roberts, victor in many battles, is reported to be entering his last battle with Death and notex- peered to live long. Iiestionis, numb!) on relorm of 9X" If within the power of the county "sting SYN-”ms" taxation. Mr Itow- c nun-ill would Pitt-ttest) hespvak that ell propqsesand Sir James 1.'p.pole.i' astri-numw "ttor: he put forth to (if ihe givmg ot "rty.'ts' to munieipali- at an posxihle) "erure railway mm. Hes to "b.,tPte, t.his 'D'iitefi! it theyl munimlinn s,etwl,.n Owen Sound and choose. tSimply it tneamrueal Op-l . A . tion as to methods of assessment. Mrl Ueaford aml Ilia-why taulnnie proper It we” trusts the people. Sir James) Ll'mlppux‘luimli accommodation as be. Buys "noeheeker board legislt1tion,"ltweeu the P‘lalwll and western por- ___,,...__ » _ llium of the mummy. Surely should ' ". l the almesnid city and town, combined Farmer y Consumer. l with theslrenglh of the whole coun- rr- :ty in a jninl. and determined titort be At tty' last eletujon, the ponsnuiqr 3 put forth in this Imhulf. the long felt was frightened thatthefrxces ot his,'; . ' HI: . ed sapplirss mould go up i the larmeri Wllnl can 01‘ (on t e Becure . got more for his produce. Thai this; lu conclusuop I resppetNlly tsolieit is not neeeagarily true can easily be' yuur best cu operation and assistance shown. Here is a recent instance: 3 in tranrntctinFr the business of the Live stock market prices as shown l county. . . Live stock market prices as shown l in the Mad and Empire one day Fast week were '. . , Toronto prime Steers, per cwt$8 75 ) Buffalo prime Steers, per cm " 90; ---3lanitottlin went tt Dry ,. last week, the vote taken 0n the Canada Temperance Act resulting in ama- jority of over 200 forthe measure. This Act, is the old Scott Act. now so amended " to be practically Local Option. ---The latest scheme ot Lloyd George to farther his lil'ework ot "cutting a path through thejungle that humanity may reach thelight" is a great lam measure to lilt the lot of the actual toilers out of the sh ugh that even modern conditions have left them. A feature of the scheme is a minimum wage ofoue pound a week for term laborers and " plot of land for each of them. Of course this is to meet the stern "PP" sirion utthe privilettéd classes, bat past successes of the Asquith unwrn- mentin old age pensions, free med. ical insurance, me, lead one to ex- Peet that this greatest at all propos- als, to better the lot of the toiler, will also succeed. In liu'rutltrmlespeeiallv in farming districts. as species oi feudalism still exists. Tuesday last the second session of i the Isth Legislature of Ontario Open“ ed with great eelat. The session ' promises to be of more than usual mil Lerest. At nu period of his career; has Sir James been so closely pressed l or public quealions as he has an pres- ‘: ent by Leader Rnwall. It is “new. ally admitted that Mr Rowe“ has} the ear of the country on several“ qlustions, numb]; on relorm of 9“ inning syszvms uf taxation. Mr Row-‘ ell proposes and Sir James opposes‘ the raving ot liberty to munieipali- l ties to change this syslem it they‘ choose. Simplv it meansLch-nl 0p- tion as to methods of assessment. Mr It 'well trusts the people. Sir James says "no checker board legislation," - -Lottdonderry, Ireland, furnished a spectacular election last week by returning a Home Rule member by I majority of 57. This gives the Home Rulers 17 seats in Protestant Ulster, the Unionists having 16 The rwst of Ireland is overwhelmingly Nationalist. -Aiter (our days' debate the Home of Lords threw out the Home rule bill by a votn ot 329 to 69. They will have another chance to dn like. wise next session, and if the Asqu th government is Mill in power Home Rule will go into lorce May 1914. -thtr neighbors to the South are Inning a nntablo change in length- ening the Presidential term to six years. If flnally carried as now oat- lined it will debar Roosevelt. Tumor Wilson, or any futuro President trom trying tor a second term. THURSDAY, FEB. 6, 19:3 the: eaqu iChairm'an Warden's Committee - Messrs Johnstsn. McKnight. Philp.-Mr McKnight, Cnalrmnn. Home of Refuge-Metra" Dobie. Leask and the Warden.-Mr Isaak, Chairman. Cummunienlone and Memorials-- Messrs Breese, Hampton. Lippert, Mc- Quaker.'R. B. Miller, MeTavmh. Met cults. Thomson. -- Mr McQuaker. Chairman. Printing-Memo Campbell. Cor- dingley, Chisholm, Ennis," Johnston. Klagcs, Legate, Lemon, Lindiay. MoLennan. Morrison. John T. Miller, Skid, Wilson . --Mr McLennan, Chair. man. .Edtteation--Ut'tssrs Beat, Bell, Brre.se, Boyd, Chishdm, Calder, Dohie, Dr Member. Leanne. MeTav- ish. McKenzie. MeLennan, John T. Miller. Mchie, Nichol. Philp, Shiel Sing. Thomaon.--Mr Philp, Chair. man. " Fmance and hwmgmertt--rMeasrs:. , Bell, Best, Bzeeze. Calder, Camp-l I bell, Cordmgley, Ennis ii'Liiii2'/ I Hampton, Hershey. Johnston, Kluges' Latter, Leask. Lemon. Lippert, John! IT. Miller, McKenzie. McKnight, Mon; 'Quaker, Mc'l‘wish, Nichol, Philp,) :Shiel, Sing, Thomson. Wilisoo.--Mrl EBlcese. Chairman. I County Property - Messrs Bell, Best Cordingley, Campbell. Davis, Dobie, Ennis, tr'rodfellow, Hampton, Balm. Lemon, ertt,N.,.iei'ei,"' R, B Miller, McKnight, icnol. mug, Wilson. Lothian.--Mr Cordingley, [buds and "ridgeseMessrs Bow Charmin). Calder, Davis, Qoodfellow, ll, Int, Juhnssrn, Kluges. Lulhian Le 19k. Lindsnv. Lutate, Mchnnan, Murrison. McViuie. Metcalfe, Me. Kenzie.--Mr Mon ison, Chairman At the close of the election for [ Warden, the standing committees tor who vcar were struck as follows :1 l Reeve Calder it will be noticed. ap- l [ pours in three Commi tees : Finance. 1 _ Roads and Bridges and Education. l, gliceve Nichol of Glenelg is on For; 1Mice. County property and Educa-i CG, ; Dep ~Reeve Lindsay on roads} ‘and bridges and printing: Ruevef ; Wilson of Beniinck on finance. county i j property and p"irWuptand D.ep-reovtsi' illclcavfe on roads and bridges and; I communications and memorials , f THE DURHAM REVIEW {predict that tii. DjiGrGTiirtr-isit in another role in the not very dil- tant fumre.-Post. Dr, learns Seeks advanced Legislation re Roads and Bridges. 1n has addresstothe County Court. eil, Warden Mourns advocates mnny progrmive steps. which. " carried forward. should bring the County ot Grey to the front in a few ' ears. The doctor is an enterprising; wide-Awake man and a good legislator and with him as presiding otfieer, the business orthe County should be well looked aflpr. ' Following " the address: To the members of the County Court. cil of the County of Grey: Again I am of the opinion than; cotupt'eheirstve view, as a whole, ot all county brillgl building should be taken With the ulject of determining whether or not tris county is getting full vuluv for the large amount of quney expendrd. “ Standlng Committees in County: Council. , Gentleruen,-l beg leave to tendel to you my sincere thanks for the hon. or conferred upon me in e1eeting me to the responsihle position of Warden of the County. To the utmost of my ability, I as sure you, I shall strive to uphold the honor and the dignity of thug County Council and do all in my power to see that every memlwr and every muni- cipality waives Farr play and justice I would draw the attention of the Council to the up: that our procedure hy-luw has becoine antiquated and that a committee should he appointed to properly revise the same. It, is also my opinion that the Leg. islatuye uhruld in metntuitUized by the Count-H. praying that a titted length of anpv‘ouch, else a. detiuite In..xiinum panel) age of grade for sin h nppruach in A” bridges situated wiibin local Illllllil ipalitiea and likely to cmne within Ihe 300 foot span as dweuuiiied by tlte municipal Act. A detinitv. and clear amending of said Act In this t'eslrt't-"r would save much contention. mrumleirtanding and lit. ig tion. It, is now quite a number of years since this comm-ll looked into the matter of at county good roadssystem, (now adopted by s ‘venlecn counties in the province). and possibiy anothwr invet,tigoion 2:]‘lng this line would |anP "dvHutii,etsos and keep this annuity ulnrasl (-f the limes, Yours truly. DR. W. A. Mann‘s. Warden. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Also Saturday afternoons l Adam. lion 10e I Children under " Ge. Skating Tuesday, Thursday Ind Saturday evenings. Admission 10c. il/ "Let him alum I'm on him": ll l burst from the pulpit,- "it will dd it i i ‘ !b il it work down owre the ho , B" can: y l a . ' It. , gthe baunle halt tarpin' as it no Ink: 1,318.: me. Nota coma. ma. treeni. non ‘acowe; through Lug port of the: , (wicked, clear qt all gulle and wie-! , [kl-doess. it' catches the face of the' ' l tutriehteoas interloper, and gently ' wing it aside lies shot, and the' " ( righteous have, ma brethren, "lump-l . i' had once more." _ l Thursday, Feb. 13--Geo. Marshall. (10”. con 3, Nonuunhy. will sell by public were“ funniatock, implements [and ppnsghold furniture No reserve l Sale at l'u‘clock, *5 and under. cash; ’12 mos credit, 5 per cent " for (ash, . . D, McPhul. Auctioneer Wednesday, Feb, 12--Wm. Hunt, Holstein, will sell by public auction, farm stock and implements, ti) cook stow and buy. Everything to he' sold without reserve. axle at 1 demo]: " and under, mob ; 12 mos credit, 6 per cent at! for cash. There were many headshakings " the book was closed with the famil- iar thump and some of themtelt I dittiealty in keeping themselves from ascending the pulpit stair and glying htm a shake of the hand. 5 "No, it will notdo; an inwick is fimpussible, and stramash would da nae guid. tor a' consumes are ayont -ltbe tee. Bittl'll jist, ma lreens, and " be ready wi' war besoms, try to idraw canny through the port, lowly (and reverently, and wi' the richt {curl on." A breathless silence en. lsued during the time the preacher _ was supposed to walk down the rink {to the crampit. Peter, the handle. P.aid afterwards he could see at the Yee the whole thing as if it was be- fore him. Carefully. he said. he; ’saw him lilt the Blane and wipe the l {Inleofit wi' his cowe, adjust the' :prampit and elbow out, put it on the lien line a dagle on the water. i At length it [as apparent. to all that the stone was on in courge. For Curlers Only. AnOld-Tlme iii-ii" Deescoorse The late Rev. Dr. Wetter-cane. parish minister " BireetnetttA, Scot- lend, was I most exemplary min and a keen curler. He was. it " peers as chnraeter. Hie wind up to a discourse on the (We of 1 great curl- ing match wee considered to be me finest piece of pulpit eloquence ever heard in the panel) of Birketueuck ; "It was n cold day end there were not many torw.rd-three in the east gallery, four in the west and shout a dozen scattered through the " hit bizgin." The weather Wes cold and the Tramp Chorus executed by the teet of all to the last palm was perhaps excusable 1 but they all warmed up when the preacher after a long pause said. "Lite. inn breth- ren, is like unto e game " curling. Without so bit reg tee cover our bare bodies. We are sent out into this esuld trusty atmosphere. But we gather c ass " We gang, before we [me to enter on the great, great struggle. And not we gang, reckless ot the frosty friendships we meet, wi’oor besoms and cor carpet beuchels and nor crampits an oor cheese an' breid. And " we enter on the slippery. treacherous board some of us ts' and ithers again tnmmle through the thin ice a' thegither ; bat we help ane neither " best we can, till we come to a place where itcan beer us. Then ma' brethern We get ready nor be- sums and sweep the ice clear o' the snaws ofmischeef and villainy, and lay the rinks for the great bonspiel ot existence. _ "Orarastle on the girdl," said Peter who fanvied he saw a' the stanes as ifthey were bet re him. Noo, ma brethren, rln doon the doevil and his rinks " muekle as ya like, bat dinna on o' ye think far a single meanit that they can“ pity. No, nu! they're ts' elever--t may say owre clever. "Would ye na try a Int inwick on the piila.' o'lleriemption?" said John slowly, apparently ts_ihseted. And for the sake of bringing it heme Inuit clear ta ye my brethren, there is mysel” skippin' the rink o' the righteous. wi' John Patterson our hsithru'elder, matnird harm ', Wil- liam Watson, second ; and Peter the beadle lending. And in the rink o' the anriqhteotts there is Luciter and his chosen representatives in this parish, their helpers and successors, and aible‘t' ti, vile maybe than them- selves--1 mean Geordie Thompson the iieiiher and ma brither Tam, the horse dealer-. and Geodie, need I say skippin'. Noe, we hue curled awa' a. while, Sometimes we were up ;and whiles, ma brethern, they played strong. and we worked our righteous besome and soopit rhem out tt' thegither ', and sometimes we played a wee hard and they carried us through a' ice with :heitinlernal beeotus o' corruption. And whiles We were weak and no owre the " score I'm sorry to any. and whiles we Were " the ice 5' lhegither. Bat at times we played continuely and carefully and with the richt. strength and the rieht curl on, sailed through the narrowest of ports, and refusing a' the wiles of the wiles ofthe fast-worked besoms of temptation stuck hard and last at the pothd of success. Bat oh l ma brethren, it has come to the last heid. and the laststane. and oh '. it's sair to say. bat we are par. and the unrighteous lie the shot. And, oh ! if ye but saw boo it‘s gair- dit, jist an inch o' its cheek bare through the only port. If we played It hard, ma brethren, We would lift our ain nearest stane me, and it would be IS bad as ever. Ma breth- ren, what am Ithen to due ? Durham Rink, D. _hfcPsrhp, Auctioneer nle, Register, has»: wwvwenvwvav 'i""i""bsie'ieiimbtiwtreieot_ diiti,i , "m. J. ii,j:i'i,i,,'ii,ii! GRANTS AD, l '*i""i"N""tiests i Vi? iii C. P. R. Town (Mice - y". tixasarsaemagnarsiarsisasonmaey.ie: -- - - “MI-‘4‘. 5“qu UL' 3U“! cariru w "W I IVE tdi our Candi”: Correspondence Depart- , "e-ttIt-i- men: in Windstar, Ont. If you desire to ace us actually swat! can Mcdécal In??? in throit u we so; and was ‘upum nour 'nsoroccow "etorCorreapondeneean Labontory for Canadian business only. Addreu all has?” Wows: DRS. KENNEDY G KENNEDY. Whine. Out. 1 I 'hetoe nun-ma it!!! 280 yards New Curtain Nett Also a lot at Pure Linen lace and Insertion at lk peg Udiesp Dull-n " DAL---9~ ~- - - -- - uvu ll " Def): Lagijeg’ Callus in Robespierre Stocks, Fancy Jlbots. kc Excelsior mummies , Men's Lined Jackets, Etc, ' _ While wishing all Presperous New Year/I to the _.'--. E... CThh". mm nu "can? Emui mt: 'la an 'ated roIe.giig?hii, toiiii',',t" aaa"'. NO mm USED WITHOUT warn-m CORSET. PRIVATE. No In... on boa . .huhttratri 'mtiii?""iiaia q-iiuriaid-eiaWg"ra7i"odiit' Ih,tritjljifthtprat)mttemt YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED 1rEtt-rttrtpm6ept new or later one“ have broken dgwn your system. You f ecl the symptom a stealing over mu. Mentally. huicnlly and “any P_"""utthsmttarouuiisdaErdGiiiirii'tE 'k'i'u"lal1'i'lrt1utli'i%lg'/h:l Are ausvlctlmf mwmlosthopef mm tttteetdirttttorn t Ha (lil,lli,ll, 'r'l.l.i.r'l'fotl tNl,Srf,t, Hue you any weakness? our Kn {IITHOD um will cum you. In: It hudono for other: It will do for you. Couch-tie- tet. _No 'n?Wrprtit? has tested you. “it. for an haunt Mm... a..- Jan.- ,_, --e - -_-e-_N.. “v ow - IYNrWlHml very lite blood ot.thes victim and when eatt leg-mun complicatmns. Beware ot Mn. HETHOD cure. all blood discus. At this season of the year you always have a hankering for them. Our shipments arrive fre- quently so are ever fresh and tasty. Take a box home with you. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods - tlo NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN WT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. MAB YOUR BLOOD BEEN OlOIAOEO? Brp.tpttpomt1x'sGsts M =,,t'e, Ind “would“ " lilo Hogs! of)!» vigtim (Ed un 1aym.1.remdiatat (mm the m END"! mmn In. In". ‘\‘I4r .-- " |-____.,,, u Cor. Michigan ml and dis% iii' “C: L GRANT Try our Fresh Oysters Choice lines of Cooked Meats, Plain and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Groceries. etc., etc. an}: EroTe’éEECEeB‘t. L',",'."?,',;,', l 'ali w New new at your "r"'rr "V. “flax roan-0| “wvumwmww Varicose Vein: When I wolf-5d hard an ttfr, won! become ,tsitty.sutdlraautienlaidio toromknntmo. Little. hysician told In. on ops-sum w my only tgtg-M, I . fund several specialism. but noon band out Pg mud VII my money. [commenced to took upon on doctor-u we better than gum. One day my ball-5km my why! mot! work a gulch and Exam him "If; condition. noun.“ no to con-1t. Du. handy & cnuedy.na (madman ttstatettt from them Name! and knew they Were square Ind skillfuL I m them and got Tn taw METHOD Tau-run“. My progre- vu .orttewttnt new and during the tirst month's treatment I In. ”who: dirttmrmaed. Boomer. [continued treatment for three month: Vagu- nnd was rewarded with 'cornpletecurer. [could only can 81 . m In a whine Atrtr, 9H: getting!!!" any I am earning "t and m lama A dav. slew Goods . Just to Hand " . 1rpe%-etotmtttt rtittnutatttrmthtmmtttert ';'rliri,'3's't,t. I??? .1. ','MA'fg,',f U" will" would income 'em3gttt M nouns-l dine-II. They th Heath! em 'll',',,',] the Bratrtrrt “111.09."; awry. 'sh1'l'r"'l8ll'diot'I'. “hm-our NEW Gait, memo: Intermen- have hunk 'ii;t3'lwlth"N over mu. Mentally. tfs"l1Ul'.?lfg'l wheel-Who. Ui'ii'tod'l'i'l'fll2l2t'iUllgr'hnil R. Town Office Ill Itttettto.ttt Grade must be addressed my friends a happy and wish to call their attention + "hriesiirttose,s,e,'t' may R 19,. m Jd,t: 'd3Rry'." "153»:ng D. F \ , p N 'istioiriiied.' --V 7'! "GF. s wot In a machine “when n day. WYGDOCUST. in " tg, Lace, New B, .Arri vim Often the Ghana FEB 6 191 Small Profits Ch mbr Laiie The Kit“ Also a fe THE n ll He R( It "

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