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Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1913, p. 5

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l3 BED? 3335-6 NT. goods we a fre- me. on nun-cal [ED Milo. til it: 3i'! .3 .,r',.ili, one,,tiraTae' [,vi. F I {2:} urs . 5": Quite a n % J a good " 3: being cle New Dr: 3-? -.r,' New Prints C'.-, New Curtaf 3.- In White. Embroiderie ',": Flouncing. 52 '. 2% Laces and New Ba 'iii' Arriving l '.. The . Im 2” Rated fm iid ( R'! -fl'dlC,ir3', illtilB, _,'rc_' Trye Arnonz's srdiii tu", are Here New Prints at 10 and 12% New Curtain Goods In White. Ecru, Bug.............) “wag Embroideries 7 th Flouncing. 46 ins. wide from. .6th, to $1.25 per yd fl bw 24 ins. wide from. . . 25c to 50e per yd Att New Dry Goels for Spring: New Boots tiy Shoes Arriving Daily Paying a big price does not always mean it satisfactory result. This is par- ti-ulmly true of Wall Papers. Our stock is selected with that (are and judgment “ii mm vnsures a pleasing effect, even when papers of moderate price are used. Ne cwdialiy invite you to inspect our stock now. It is e, veritable flower garden mid is mmpcsed of the newest designs. J, S. MCILRAITI'I. Also a few pairs in PATENT LEATHER r quhr ;51) and loo. out they go at. . . . . . . . .$Z.50 of different makes, small sizes 2'.: to " reg 2.75 and $3 lines Often the Cheapest FEB 6 I913 Small Profits Charming Wall Papers For 1913 (Mr stock of Tapestry, Axminster and Velvet Rugs is very large and it is mm nl of the newest patterns in the neatest Oriental tints LL column, 6 and 12 ft wide, in the newest designs and a varied assortment " patterns to ohooge from. A neat stock of Floor Oilcloths. aces and Insertions " one 4 -»ur 40e. Broomsfor...... ......280 I" ' Mei; ~uhnie's Pm. Soup. 8 bus for. . .26e S -» our \Vumen'a Funnel lined Shoes... 1.75 ti e our new Fur Sell! which up are selling 5:25 'per eesirediistitm. Try our Light of Asia Black Tea..85c per lb. See our stock ot Woollen Underwear. A full smelt of Men‘s and Boy's uttrttterman'ts Rubbers. The Highest Pri Ladies' Dongola Bals Quite a number of Furs are still on bind and a good selection may u obtained. They are being cleared " reduced prices. The . Imperial' and ' Maple Leaf' makes. Rated for ideal fit, comfort and style. You a s ' get comfort in price when you buy here. Alt kinds of Footwear and Rubbers. Floor Coverings on 2nd Floor. Reminders ROBT. BURNETT McKeohnie’sWeeklyNews We have In stock 35 pairs We Want Your Butter and Eggs. Highest Price Paid for Fowl. Terms of Sale, Cash ' t; J / MGKECHNIB nan-amt The Down Town Shoe Store urs I .......23o reduced to $2 Batter, " 11':an Always the bent Ail wool Panama; 54 inches wide. ,. All wool Serge. 52 inches wide . . . ... Fine: WoolSuitinzs . ...... ...... .. .. All wool Irish Poplin. 40 ins wide. . .. Ottoman Cord 50 inches wide . . .... .. Bedford Cords. 40 inches wide,,,,., All wool Scotch Tartan plaids . .. . . ..' Shepherd plaid, 40 inches wide.... .. Scotch Tartan plaids/40 inches wide. Dress Goods a; at: am a'ar. tl/d an? We are sorry to report ttpt the condition ot Mr A. Mearns " not much improved. On Tuesday evening of last week a large number of young people from Hanover assembled in the Hampden ehurch to have a joint meeting With the young people here. Rev. Mr McLean conducted the usual prayer- meetrng. after which a programme was given and refreshments served. Mr Thos. Young has also men on the sick list for a week or so. Mr and Mrs W. Henderson gave an enjoy able party to tho young peo- ple of Hampden. on Friday night. All feport a good time. Mrs Monkman and Mrs Survin, who have been visiting With their sister, Mrs A. Anderson, returnedJo their home on Thursday Int. The meeting of the w. F. M. S. will be held in the church on Thurs- day, Feb, 6 at 2.30 p m. All the [alias are naked to attend. The men are busily engaged this week fixmg the telephone from Chat swatch to Willuungford. Messrs John and Will Pears are viaiung frien"s m Klncardine this week. Mr Asket Allen and Misses Maggie and Came Mornlcy of Domoch. spent Sunday With the former’s sister M rs Henry Kuhn. Mrs Print. spam. noon m Chatswonb. Mr Jug Buchanan and family visi. ted at. Mrs Cummings' last Mondav evening. Sum; of our village boys and girls took m the party at Mr Davey’s. Mukle, last Friday evening. Miss Bertie Roberts arrived home on Saturday afLer Visiting her sister in Toronto. A plemant time was spent on thr Willustnsford sGuug, rink last Smut day uflenmun and evening. Muses Annie and Nellie Collier left this week for Toronto where an} mtend to remain let some time. Mr. Robs Moths of Toronto waited at. Ins old Inmrlnre for tha past week. Mr Jack Ray spam. Tuesday even ing In the village. - -- " . Miss Hattie Sutherby of Shallow Lake Inn cums to the village to sum dressmaking. We wish her every success. Mrs W J Mcl"arlane waited friends in Mt Forest. one day last week. Mr Bpn Firth of British Columbia, mum: his aunt Mrs D. Firth, om day last Week. _--. 3m; Steveusrm and MISS Bessie Campbell called in the burg one day his week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilitehievtgited Paisley frimda for the last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Ritchie visited hie nihs in the Glen one day recently. Mr, Jas, ll lge yismud friends a Orangemle a leV Gr, last Week. Williamsford 'plb"8't tiampdeo Edge Hill Thursday after- Large Sales 25e 25c THE DURHAM REVIEW Dear Mrs McDonald, We, the members of the Craw- ford Presbyterian chmch. have met to-night With you on a. most pleasant occuswn, and at this time wish to ex- press in some tangible form, the es- teem in which you are held by us and our appreciation of your 1abot8 tor the weltUre of our congregation in tho pa t, both as an organist and a teacher in our Sunday School. and in everything that was for the good of the congregamn. On Thursday evening, Jan, 23rd, about 32 oi Crawford friends gather- ed at the home ot Mr and Mrs J. A. McDonald and presented Mrs " Donald with a purse. Mr W. Cook read the address. while Miss M. E. Fischer presented, the purse. Alter the presentation Mrs McDonnld made every suitable and lengthy reply. in which she thanked the kind friends tor their gilt. also that both she and Mr McDonald welcomed their friends into their new home, after which iolt lowed short addresses by Mr Wade, Vancouver. B. C ,and Mr W. Cooke, Crawford. The evening was then spent in games and music. After lunch wss served and singing ot "God be with you till we meet again," all went home feeling they had spent a very enjoyable evening wnh their host and hostess, Mr and Mrs J, A. Me Donald and wished them many hap- py years 1n their new home. To Mrs A. McDonald. It is with feelings of pleasure that We realize thanwe are nongoing to loss your service and infiaenee In our ecuigregatiun. We are glad to know that you and your esteemed partner are going to live in our midst. Recalling the years of service and iaithlalneire, ot both of you' in the past, We respectfully ask yon t; accept. this purse as a token ot our regard and accompanying it are our earnest wishes was you maybe spared many years to continue the good work. In behalf ol congregation t William T. Cooke, . James Hobkirk, M, E Fischer. Unusual Way. of Serving Celery and Winter Apples. Among the uppetlzlng relishes so much used is tsttltred celery. " a change from celery stuffed with cheese, try the following: Select tour tender stalks ot celery of the same length and cut in halves; stul! with a mixture ot equal parts of chopped raisins. dates and figs. Arrange them in star shape: on a round plate and garnish with eel. ery tips. A dainty luncheon or supper dessert, says Good Housekeeping. In apple cup. Here is the recipe.' Select medium sized firm apples; scoop out the centers from the stem end, leaving about one-fourth of the core at the blossom end. Cook In a ail-up made with equal parts sugar and water until the apples may be pierced with a fork but are not in danger of breaking. Remove to the serving dish and till each apple with a mixture of chopped raisins, dates and figs. Pour a little of the slrup over them and gar- nish with whipped cream. If desired uncooked apples may be used, in which case the skin should be left on. Red apples are the most attractive The piaited rug can be in a round form or a long oval rug. Some women 'urg emphasizing one color, and there. fore the lon'g strips are dyed by any of the directions tltet come with reliable dyes on the market. The Hand Woven Sort Are Again In Favpr. The hand woven rug or the colonial squares have come back to favor In the general return to the colonial styles of interior decoration that have swept over our homes. There are many forms of hand wov- en rugs. the braided form being the easiest. A single braid ot three strands I: made of strips of cotton materials of many colors. sewed in long strands and collected in large balls before the braiding is begun. e In! no: Csmg and ' "ma out: irtd “WI id‘uuchl" u hooked rug may be made of pieces of linen, silk, gingham, etc., and a. piece of Burlap or bagging. -- - The small pieces are pulled up through the weave ot the Burlap by means of a rug hook. The strands are drawn tightlrtm the under surface. and when tinhhed the wrong side re- sembles a series of plain stitches. 0n the upper side there are loops one Inch deep. The whole material is filled In with loops in single patterns. amines. circles. borders, etc., are marked 0!! and then t1lled in. When tlniirhed these loops should be eat about a quarter of an inch " the top. The result will be a soft. solid pus. Address and Presentation APPLE CUPS AND STUFFED CELERI. WHAT TO EAT. COLONIAL BUGS. Crawiord. /iii Behind our Winter Sale Gig _ii,i'i Men's Furnishings/ii 1ipgigMgggal5Nilgagggllgllg=glliillglliNiltgltiilllgllglkiW. S3.SS'it,!,5,?,Hlaiu' iii The Ideal tUnis' Furnishing Store gtomm'awm “M“ a _,,,,.-,...,,.-,,..'...,,,,-.,, ----- )i?/l'"e1'Mfifiut%1'eA0rtrrt"sto ot Rqtgtr' Du :'fi9lei::rg:rcxsesuzxstygarieaegxigtrttxlgririg a}; PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of one month from the date hereof, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham will take into con- saderation, and it no tsufficient objec- tion be made thereto, finally pass a By-law of the said Corporation to close up that portion of Saddler Street extending from the Westerly limit of the Town plot of the Town of Durham and thence Easterly to the Easterly line of limit of Park lot number four on the South side of Saddler Street produced Northerly m a direct line across Saddler Street. Dated January 23rd. A. D., 19t3. WILLIAM B. VOLLET, ' Town Clerk, Durham h y Lots 19 and 20. Con. I, N. D. It, (He-lwlg. containing 100 acres. 80 any; do ed, Good kt "Hug fan-HI, well WM: F max}. spring creek, good hulldmgr‘, 5auies from Durham. mm half mile from Glen Station U. P. Baum! 1min Mt tl southwest Toronto and Sydenh-un Road. Tp. of Proton, contalning 218 Iii-res. About 200 acres cleared, 8 ac- u-u hardwood hush, balance swamp and slash. Large brick house with furnace and telephone. Barn 04 x 48, with t,tonestabling. Hay barn 30x w, Drive house, hen house. sheep and hog pan. Three wells, one drilled with windmill and water piped’ into shed. Two acres of orchard. This farm is in good location, being two miles from Dnndnlk and f mile from school, Will he sold on easy terms of payment. Write or apply on premises. Tums. Iluxoangm. Dundalk, Ont. whom, one quarter mile from P. o, Possession given next spring. On Reasonable terms. 300 acres. mmpriging West, halves m Lots 1 and 2.2nd Corp, w. G'. R.. Bentinck al Lot3 on the same Concession. 1 acres cleared, well watered by spring creek, two hearth orchards. Goo frame house, ced 'J.U barn. Conven- ient to Bchool and P. o, Apply to JAB. PATON, Poop., Swinton Park. Hue The I1ne rpsidenlial rroperty in Upper Town. 7 rooms. eel Br, ete, next. to the C L. Grant residence. For Ierms. apply to Also part m Lot 29, To. Glenelg, rm. l, E.G', It, containing 46 acres bout 1 mile from Durham. Also .1 stone lesident‘o containing " mum in Lower Town, Durham, on i-rufruxa st. with over an Acre of round "ttached. Arraneeutentstttart be made at any To cleanse the system of undigested food tout uses. excess bile in" the liver and waste mabler’in the bowels will impair {our health. The best system ”ulnar in FIG PILLS. At I” dealers " Ind 50 cent: or The Fig Pill Co, St Thom". 98 anus situated in Tp. of Nonnum- y. Lot l&2 hf 1, Con. I, ll, miles with of Dmhmn. Good brick house nit hank burn, "onvepiently situated [M n good home. . Also part ot Lot 20, Ttr. Glenelg, Opt. Lots 212, 213, 214, 215, In add. Renae A few of the many bargains offered for the next few '.1 I o,,,,l2,',",y"g Agent. Monev to Lo... da s are worth our ins ction: L": y,'r1"1','h,1yl1"tt',/:,yti'tga. Agen y y pe " cted. Corduroy Caps, worth Sh to l.25, for only. . . . . . . Ah: tk DURHAM. our. ii.s,Wet Town Curly Caps, worth 75c, toronly ................ 35c CI: -_------. Sweater coats,-only a tew left at. . . . . Reduced prices t! J . p. TELFORD Overcoats gaming}? 'it,',v2itc11geol1, (gtii iii, cd't"1s/f,5'z,?/?l,/ii"j:flmes'i'lrd'i --- . . I army in t oati. Child's Mocho Gloves and Mitts, worth 6lic for. . . . . Ilic X, F ( Pre,,': [il,',?,",',.",: '82.. opposite Child’sToques,worth50cfor..................25can:‘ “""”’ "“"" -, Fur Collars, only a few left. . . . .. . . . . . .Speclalorizeo t,f,r D. McPHA/L-’ There is a reason. It does'nt lie in the goods 6; but in thepeeessity of our making room for Spring X Goods. To clear our Men's Furnishings to the X lowest possible point, we offer you inducements in a the way of . tlet Price Reductions li Snecial Reductions on Men's Underwear -and Fiannel SE Shirts. Also Snaps on Fine Shirts. A iew Overcoats, quilted lining and fur collars at special prices. Reduced Prices on all Winter Goods GEO. S. BURNETT House and Lot for LEATHER LABEL OVERALLS & SMOCKS AGENT Property for Sale. PUBLIC NOTICE possession - Neglect D.“ MCCORMICK, Bunessan Farm for Sale. Farm' for Farm for Sale that are Simply Startling Mus. W. WEIR. Prop. Lot 29. To. Glenelg, , containing 46 acres D, MN 'att K. Prop, TORONTO Call and examine our Stock. 300 acres. Telling oi the 12liT,l, made in con- bating the terrible 20t century pu--- Consumption. Notwithstanding the enormous increase in population in Canada in the past few years, it is more than gratifying to be able to record that the fight which the National Sanitarium Assoeiatiort are put- ting up against the “whine pu-"-- eonsumpuop-is proving . winning one. Prior to 1896 denim from firr,',"tt't were on the increme every year. In 910. deapite the greater number of citizens, the figures in Ontario alone showed I decrease of 1118 over those of ten years ago. Isn't this splendid testimony to the noble work going ont Maybe you Gven't . father, mother, sister or dear friend of your own new. but wouldn't it feel good to help some poor soul in the throes of the dread diocese to get back into the wage-ensuing euatt- to return cured to wife aid tomd once! Our proud boast is that no needy Con. qumptive has ever been refused minimize. to our Free Institutions at Weston and Muskoks because of poverby. But the Eood work cannot expand without your indly sympathy and math! help. SPECIAL CRUISE ' AROUND THE WORLD a?” goal t “.3133“?! the drudhileuo f - and Equlumont ge ac Mt t.wage-ti.rqreur-)' 1.61“”:ng to return cured to wife arid loved one" ge,tt,ogl)up',rrlli)1ilfiqlr)'e'l; way:- Our proud boast is that no may Con. l Mun. bs.,torttmJyu.ior Lecmuz and - gmmivgjnu elven- been refused “Rhianna. l tltttwffi, P" “new“ competent - our we nstitutions at Weston and I I " Pr 'indsl IM- Muskokn because of penny. But the! 'ertldd"id'2,yi. 11:335.. Till',?."',.' E?“ work cannot expand without your: - ---- indiy sympathy and mug-m help. I Int-mu an?“ ”Islam '1',t.r,t'd'lh'll . The need u up“. Egon are blessed . 'dah'ff2i'il'lddr4pa.? "Alt,', In mlhthat when of " lungs, good 3 mmvemm mum in molt I',"),',','... tlt., of your M, "than; 'tr/ISS' of Ita, s-Ilml m mt nun I a tk .dln usher. l 2,t',,1'h't one. The alumni Thur?!" - . 't I teeett- to 'f/t 1133113305: nutc,hoyem humble, “$.12vzfigfilnfzé’mn,‘ ttse new Executives . . ”122:, asetirmao d the I FiGehiiitott-"en"it""1 of kmmledai. pk-“ .39.”...3.-- . .95 So,_ytcl.y rump-emu .drnntt.. Send Mung your mite, however humble, to MR. W. J. GAGE, Chairman of tho Executive Committee; or to Mn. R. PM)“, Bee. Tron, " King Wat, Empresses of Russia and Asia TNew C. P. R. Pacific MeBtntiitips) The Empress of Raul: will leave Liverpool April lat. calling at Gil" rnltnr. Villefmncm- and Port Said. proceeding via Suez, Colombo. " mmg. Singapore. Hons: Kong. Shanghai. Nagasaki. Kobe and Yokohama, arriving at Vancouver May M, 1913 Empress of A“; “ill sun] from Liverpool May 27, making similar cruise. Most duvet roman-lion lnr April Int. sailing is via "Empress of Britain' from SLJohn. N.B., Mar 2l Toronto) _ - Every penny you and [on to Up. Exclusive'of maintenance between luriyul lime in England Mud departure of 'Empress of Russia} Rate for Entire Cruise, $039.10 Get particulars from Dan. Paeitic Agents or write M. G. MrutPHY, D. P.A.. C.P. Ry. Toronto RMa cFarlanc, Agent, Durham _ mime (152mm E.ri.i5r:.'.-rr. aioel EirSE?i.'. Mit ttttot"--" with Print. lath. EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN A In M tutu-Int nu. M. THOMPSON. m». A WINNING FIGHT In Centre of Shopping and Businem District, TORONTO muon- '-tta.m H... 74,... Won-Cumulbuon between 0m - 'tegMtttMt.Bt.U noun. wig. PICKERING‘ B. n s, L n s Over "'Ckiitiiiirii1iiiiiiiG' Otttee-oeer Jewellrv stone and - site Post OtBee. Ree (“ADULTS Toronto Emma. am an» Dental m tiulr,'Mri; when. ARTHUR B. JACKSON _ New Year replete 1xith Plenty ;Prosperity and Happiness, is "he Season's Wish to you from Of Mt Morn-n hu . teh phone in " III- denoe In Cc) Ion. Ml t.htl.'.htt Arthur menus for “I. O to "e.. mun be mm. n the new“ um.Durhw. I." Corrtsr'onr'tettmt then. of to Ceylon P, Ir will be [to ' “Wm. Tum on an "etrtiou w UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Picture. Framing, Shortest Notice Snow lbtoMtr-Across ftom, Middnugh 5="di"12.Tff. "to in pruper tension: Mot. rim and vitality. Premature decay and " ral weakness Ivened at cure. rho-phenol . make 'ou a new man. Price 83- bor or (we toe $5. Jailed to anv nddrecs, Tho iialiai "rel 00.. It. Quinn-Incl. Ont. V m futures every nerve In the body etyt.yr2t.et!.rtt it: proper tensioqtrMtoeq House. - Bummer- First house south of Luwrence’w Biacksmlth Shop. The follnwin Mun table will be in effect. until fartin- nul ice . Read down read up n.mpan pan. fun 6.253."! Walk-11AM 10.5 2.40 1t,t7Jk37,letwe Humvrr ar've 9.42 12.17 6,553.45 Alla." Park '93! 12.18 7.10 MI)? Durham v.19 11.56 Tart." MoWillinms 9.(M|ll.“ 7.34 IN' Prim-vil'e 8.561131 7.454.235 u’ve Sauchl. leave 8.4511.” Connecting with trauma to and from Toronto. Only one change between Durham and Toronto. Speed. comfort and ufetry. Come to us for tickets and informa- tion. We ue also agents for Allan sud Dominion line steamshim and C. P. R. ocean linen. J. [GRANT D. 0.3. LO. B. ItoNoR GRADUATE of ion- '.i,tteyi.tt, crummy! 80qu Osl- Electric Restorer for Men Durham . Continuation " nmluqllUUl, ”mused Auctioneer tor Go. Urey New Year Greetings, l9l3 Notary Public, Uo"uuimftoeter, W. H. BEAN _ A. BELL Full line of Coat hulk Ruben and black and while ,Cupa for aged people. '1llLO_rAitrE)t., M. Embulmlng fa Speciality ln' can; of Ontni-io. J 'ifG'h'Gl,'l,I Newl D. lePHAlL. Ceylon or we. RAMAGE, urhun Minn THE BIO 4 School 61mm CD ttt [ii

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