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Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1913, p. 7

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In” Friend, ONE m (it AGRICULTURAL h1hapEWn.rrs ilf fllillll ntttttt Series of Experiments Made With ments in the Czar’s Kim A despatch from St. Fourth}; “ya; An extensive and” of expert‘ ments with agricultural implement” cu carried out by the Rania]: Do.‘ partmont of Atrritrlture during the .etr4errt of mu. with a viaw to put- tine an end to the dependence of Russia on Ameriéan manutnetur, are Over 100 nape“, move". havrnkos and other implements manufactured in Canada and Viri- ous humpean countries were put to work under the supervision of ot- iVials of the department. A con- ndnrable number of these imple- mpnts, accnrding to an oMeial re- port jun! issued, successfully stood the team under varied and difheult Ill, HAPPENINGS PROM ALI. 0"I TIMI [H.033 " A 'iUTB11Fut. Canada. the Emptrr and the - in General “More You liven. Canada. . Landau Fair will get a Provin- c.n Want. I). In th Mr ('reutrute, T. Tuckett, a prominoat brawn-is man of “winch, died " the 2m.- of fifty-three years. Tho Warden of Hastings County mil pay the fares of all members of M" ('nuncil to the good 1toads, (mun-mum this year. The Steel Corporation is to seek '.ncorporatiort from the Ontario 1xaRir,iatt1rey for s new city st its Canadian plant near Sandwich. Mr, Thus. Riley of HImilton wam shot and killed by her huthaod. ltr, Brian McEnany died " “Hunt Forest at the age of 101 ih"'upattts of a rooming home in London had exciting escape- from s fire Tho women of Ireland are de- manding enfranchisement. The Nationalists won the London- derry seat by a majority of 57. The House of Lords rejected the home rules bill by 329 votes to 69. More than thirty sufhagerum were committed to jnil in London for two weeks. Special union will be held in Great Britain in the interests of woman suffrage. . _ The trades unions bill Snowing the use of funds tor certain poli- tical purpoaes was read a third time in the British Commons. Chairman Underwood annoaooed that tho Democrats would reduce tho duty on boots sud shoes. - prams!» Taft will decide upon the qestion of the importation of wood pulp and ptper from Quebec. man, tored much relief. . "I never suspected that coffee might be aggravating my condition. (Tm is just as injurious, because it mmmm caffeine, the same drug fmmd in coffee.) I was down- hearted and discouraged, but pny- ed daily that I might hod something to help me. ,“SquL4ears ago, while at a friend's house, I drank a cup of Pustmu and thought I had never usual anything more delicious. . “From that time on I used Poa- tum instead of coffee and soon be- Ban to improve in health. BO that [um I van walk half a dozen blocks or more with ease. 1nd do many other things that I never thought 1 would be able to do again in this world. A _ - , “My appetite is good. 1 sleep well and find life is worth living. indeed. A lady of my acquaintance said she did not like Postman), it was so weak and tasteless. "I explained to her the differ- ence when it is made ruhtcboilr! “I explained to her the differ- em-e when it is nude right -boiled according to directions. She was glad to know this because oofrear did aux agree with her. Now her folks am they expect to use Postum the res: of their lives.” Name given upon n-qumt. Read the little book, '"rlw Road to Wellville," in pus. "lerv's a reason." ar "There's a reason.” Pustum now comes in eonpentrat- ed. powder form. called Instant Postury, It is prepared tw stirring . level teasmuufn] in . cup of hot water, adding sugar to taste, and enough ”cum to bring the color to nulden brown. there'y no flute: and the navor u always nnifunr. Sold by groeertr- 45 to M-eup tin 30 eta., 90 to 100- cup tin 50 eta. . A b-cup trial tin mailed for gro- cer’s name and g-eent stamp for stage. Canadian Postum Cereal a” Ltd., Windsor, Ont. Doctor---"" you of insomnia you pay my bill! doctor; but I slt that my wife goe at: at nights ”any", "For over iittoen years," ttrites patient, hopeful little Ills. (e',') an, "while a coffee drinker, I suf- red from Spinal‘lrrimtion and orvmzs trouble. I was treated by] wd physicians, but did not get} NEWS ill A PARAGRAPH el Vail. teamster, wu killed G'x'll.ii. yggls at Brighton. THRESlll-ID IIIIR. 'ee with her. Now her folks J' expect to use Postum the their lives.” Name given unmet. Read the little book, load to Wellville," in pkgs. Great Britain. 15 Lon I Years. United States. '01) tulmit that I curedgthe Grnorgl Hospital with a bullet min. Then wh.v_don't i. in his right temple. as the result. of ill."' Patient-im','," revolver shot fired on Thursday I sleep txrsoundly now . morning by Winiam Andrew Wise- goes through my pock- . 1y, police constable. at another man ta And takes every; who stole two bottles of milk from l, delivers wagon. _ Its Made With Farm Imple- the Czar’s Kingdom , I sleep 'y"tditie--notabiy those coming from Canada. 0th». " "- - " -_--- “0......“ from Canada. Other, of those‘ tried were found adaptable to Rue- sian condition», and it in mud that they can be manufactured equally well in Russia. The Department of Agriculture it sending out copies of the report to eo-operative socie- ties and Local Government Boards all over the country, as the Russi- an farmers are largely supplied through these sources; The GOV- ernment hopes to induce agricultur- ists to substitute other implements -e.P__- """e'"""""i". for the American machines gener- ally in use. Seventy-two per cent. of the business in this kind of ms- chuTery is now in the hands of manufacturers in the United Sum. NM"! $5.000,000 Left by Baht. Ar- lington tor Missionary Work. A despatch from New York say! '.I One of the largest bequests ever' made for missionary work is dis- closed in an appraisal of the estate of Robert Arlington of England, which was filed in the Surrogate Court on Wednesday. Although the value of the entire estate is not given, the personal property alone is appraised at 84,593,000, all of which is left to two London mis- sionanv societies-the Baptist Mis- sionary Society and the London Missionary Society. The will di- rects that the money be used for "giving to every tribe"of mankind that has them not and which speaks a language distinct from all others accurate and faithful copies of at least the Gospel of St. John and (the Gospel of St. Luke, together with the hook of the Acta of the Apostles. printed in the language of that tribe." The will further iprescribe-s that at least ten or twelve l persons of vac-h tribe shall be taught lhow to read. Provincial [linger Interceptor] a Valuable Shipment: A despatch from Toronto says: Another seizure of alleged contra- band furs has been erorlod to the Superintendent of Provincial police, this time from Sioux Lookout. A shipme-nt of furs aggregating $22,- 000 iruvaluo, consigned to the Hud- son Bay Co., Win intercepted in transit by Provincial Uifiver Orser. It consists. of silver fox, bear, skunk, mink and muskrat. Inspec- tor Greer has been sent north to investigate and Mr. Frank McCar- thy has also gone to represent the Hildson Bay Bro. ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Their Royal Highlwsm-s Will Rail in the Spring. A dospatch from Ottawa says: It is belivved in well-informed circles in the capital that the official an- nouncemont main from Govern- ment House on Thursday stating that her Royal Highness the Duch- ess of Connaught would return to England in the spring for further medical advice, and that his Royal Highness would accompany her on leave of absence. foreshadows a later announcement that " their Highnesses are intending to leave Canada permanently, and a new Governor-General will have to be appointed next autumn. _ Lake Supt-riot Corporation lim- ployee Caught Between Cars. A decpotch from Saut Ste. Marie, Ont., says'. Emil Laplante. a cun- ductur employed in the yards of the steel punt of the Lake Superior Corporation. was instantly killed on Thundav afternoon when hc was caught between two can whilo making a coupling and his life was crushed out. Be was twenty-five years of age and married. living on Northland Street, Steelton. s" SEMI-ID Winnipeg Constablv Tried to high ten in Milk Thief. A despatch from Winniirett says: John prik. Ruthenium. is lying in the Grnvrzgl Hospital with a bullet in his right temple. as the result of a revolve} shot fired on Thursday morning by William Andrew Wise- ly. police Constable. at teaot.1,tttr Pun Crown Princess of Germany. SHOT DIAS 1N MISTAKE. A HUGE BEQl'EST. ('ONIH'F'I'OR KILLED. ' g :sr-l WORTH $21000. GI'OIYI I... "" tIAUIII FIJI). “NTIIS o! AIIIIGL 55 Iatr, "In. " te.'"-". 2, 81.15 to 01.9 on Iota our " e. . Buckwhen-No. 2,-5ic to 530. Bree-No. 2. me. Rolled‘ ottta--Per In; ot 90 pounds. 't.. 221-2; per barrel. "N. wholesale. Wind. not to Moutreal. . _BarlerrAhrod mulling barter, autumn. iriiireLiinitots. bun. t19 to m. _in bags. track. Toronto; shorts, 322; Pi.d" gllnu. pas; "tttrio bran, 819 to teo, m b idt,tth m. _ mama. low Finn. patents. $5.30 in into bun; wound patents. $4.80 in Jute In": - bakers", $4.60 in Jute bags. 2100mm bags, ten cent: more per bar. Ontnio Ptour-Winter wheat flour, 90 Wh cont. enema. 'tis quoted at 34.00 to tar'" E--0oidqrtorage, emes, Oe to case Iota; fresh eggs. 25c w 26c; new-laid. gt. Me to 33c ___ _ "ui/G-c-eau. -ncw, " S.4c large, new at IVAN old I i51-4c to 151-20: 3331-, let. Butter-Lat-rt butter nuotati, Creamery prinm 31c to i2c; do., to 300; dairy prints, Sic to 2h (baken’), 220 to ac. . . IIoner-Backwheut, N, pound in tins and 8e in barrels; straimd (-lowr honey, 121-20 a pound in Lil-pound tins, 123-40 in 1bpound ting; 13c in 5-pound tins; comb hour, No. 1, $2.60 Vet' dozen; extra, 55 per dozen; No. 2, $3240 “or (1112011. Poultrr--Li" chickens, whokmhawc to 0mm. o-wo, Poultry-Live ehickens, whoMsttle, lot. to 110 per pound: fowl, 80 to 109: dwls, llc to Ide; live turkeys. 15c to 17c; eggs. 9c txt 10c. Dragged poultry, a: to 3c above live quotations, excepting drew-wed turkeys, at 200 to Ma. Betutts--Primetg, 82.50 and 82.60 for hand. picked. Potato-Ontario potatoes, 850 per has; our lots, 150; New Brunswicks. $1 per bang. out of store; 900 in our lots. Spnntah Onionster case. $2.36 to 52.40. mm Hay and Straw. Ruled har, No. l, $13.50 to $14.00: No. 2, $9.30 to $10.50; No. 3, 38.00 to 39.00: Baled straw, 89.50 to £10.00. "antral Marlins. Montreal. Feb. 4.--oau-Camadian West- era, No. 2. 4ti.N to 42c; Canadian Mreist. urn. No. 3. 401-30 to 41c; extra No. 1 feed, 41e to 41tatt; No. 2 local white. 38c; No. 3 local white, 3] cogtai No. 4 local vih‘ite, Me. Bnley-Hln. feed. 550 to 560; matting, 76c to 800. Buckwheat-lo. 2, Mc. to 57c, Flour~Mnn. spring wheat ptstenti1, firMg 85AO, amends $4.90. strung bakers' $4.70: winter patents. choice, $535; straight rol. lord. 84.95 to $5; do., human $2.30 to $3.35. Rolled oaur-Barrehs, $4.50; bags, 90 ms., 52121-2. Bran-ON. F1hortr-t22. Mid. tllingsr- $27. Mouille-t,30 to $35. llnyiNo. 2, pm- ton, car Iota. $13.50 to 314. ch--- Finmt westerns. 13; do customs. 121-?» to 123-40. Butter Choice" creamery. To; do wounds. Mc. to 260. F,eivr-ermm,-2tc to 28m do., newt-ted. 19e: do., No. l amok. 17e; do No. 2 stock. 140. potatoes-Per bait, car lots, 650 to 75c. United States Markus. Minneapolis. Feb. 4.--Wheat, May, 313-40; July. 893AK' to 891-20; No. 1 hard. 875-40; No. 1 northern. 86c to 811-40: No. 2, 83 5-40 to 85140. Corn-No 3 yellow, Me to 431410.. Oatsran. 3 white. 30340 to Mtue. Rye, No, 2, 56e to 58e. Bran, $19.50. Flour. an. changed. Duluth. Feb. c-wheat-No. 1 hard, VII-k: No. 1 northern, 861-40; No. 2 north. ern, 841-4c; July. 895-8c to 895-40 asked; ‘May. 901-40 asked. Montreal, Feb. 4.-Ihoiee steers. 86.50 to $6.75: good at $6 to 86.25, and the lower grads-a from that down to " while Minion bun-hers' cows brought $5.50, and good " m 85.25. with common tselling at $3 to $4 per 100 lbs. Bulls ranged from $3 to M per 100 lbs. Lambs. 87.25 to $7.50 per lot) lbs Sheep. M to 85.25 per 100 "ML for awn and at 8425 to $4.75 for bucks and culls. Calves ranged from $3 to $12 each. an to size and qunmity. Rolwted Inn: of hogs were made at $9 to $925 new 100 Urs., weighed off cars. and in a tew in. stances as high as $9.50 was paid. Toronto, Fob. 4.-Aeattle-Faxport. $6.75 to $7.10. Cattle fhoie Iut.ct"e) 56.75 to 86, um... mum. i"ee_eee" - 50: good mpdium. $5.50 to 85.75: common. 33.75 to M.75: cows. $4.75 to $5.25: hulls. " to $5.25: ounnem. $2 to $2.50. Cali-- flood veal. $8 to $9: common. $3 to $3.25. frtockrsrs and Powders Sum-rs. 700 to 900 pounds. 83.25 to M.M: feodintt bulls, 900 to 1,000 pounds, $275 to $4.25; yenrlingn. M.10 to $3.50. Milken and Springs-m - From $50 to 87" Shot-p and La%tur--Litrht PW”. $4.75 to $5.75: he'wy ewes. $3 on $3.50; 111mm. $6 to $3.50. Hotrre-$8.75, fed and watered. and SB At), 1.0.1:). Two Hundred Mujnrity in Favor of Temrreranee het. l dewstch from Little Current, Ont., says: Manitoulin goes dry, as it carried the Canada tempnr- anco act on Thursday by about kwo hundred majority or more. Several small polls are yet to be heard from,, but they cannot turn the pre- sent standing. The town of Gore Bay gives a majority of one for. and Little Current 69 against the not. The township of Rowland. where local option failed a year MrPit went. two to one for the act. art. The township of Howland, where local option failed a year agn. went two to one for the act. The township of sSandfield's voto was 38 for and 8 against. Was Well-known Physician. Politic- ian and Banker. A dospatch from Toronto says: At 3.30 on Friday afternoon, Dr. Beanie Nesbitt, late President of the defunct Farmers' Bank, sue: cumhed to a six months' illness. He died at his home, 71 Grosvenor 'street, with Dr. Graham Chambers and In: Walter McKeown. Mrs. Nwhnt. and her daughter at the 1-,edsii.rle. Dr. Nesbitt was 46 years old, His death has been expected daily for the past week, owing to tlse maievoleuce of the heart dis, r‘aw and Ilright's.s disease, which wasted IlH‘ one-time rrwnial ductor In Cl 7211"“ of himself. At noon he became uuconscious, and at three-thirty he passed quietly away. Cut Ws Throat With a Razor in a Winnipeg Hotel. " despatch from Winnipeg says: Twenty-four hours after he had cut his throat with a. razor, the body of Eugene Delano, a member of a prominent New York. family, residing at 12 Washington square north, was found Thurs-tiny night lying unclothed on the floor of his bedroom in the Royal Alexandra Hotel. OR. Hh',AT'TIF, .NENBTTT DEAD. M 1NrT0ULI.N GOES DRY. BANKER’S soy SUICIDES. country Produco, Wholualo. can». Gram cm In. nu- I... n ”no. a. A". leo Stock Markets. uuotntions . "e'.-- '33:; do., solids, P' :c to 27c; interior opand. in tings and 3-40 to 150. and d (these, twins, ' to Me in 26c; strictly FP, Blunt-u Platin- Woes of " npo’s Poor In Auction. Loui- Wain, the famous at Lun- cier, of London, Enghnd, who spent séverd monthsin America ro- cently, passes come criticism on, that country in the tom of a letter to London Truth. This weekly pub- lication is now printing . series of articles signed "A Vugabond in New York," which purport to give the experiences of an Englishmn down on his luck in the great mistro- ‘polis, and who worked, as . news- ‘paper man, . waiter, and, in fact, _ in almost, any capacity in, the lowest strata of the _grtt city. NEW YORK CIUEL To ALIENS. "Tho Vagabond” says tint New York is quite abnormal. It isover- flowurg with immigrants who are fighting and scrambling for a foot- -ing by every available means, tsnd unless they can be sure of being absorbed into one of the great em- ployment streams or of being helped by their compatriots they are thrown back upon the turmoil luf struggling humanity, even upon lthc gutter of life. "Inga somewhat vague manner Mr, Wain points to. ‘the Jerson for the Ilugilalmmn, which is to abandon the madness tlust characterizes him in his dealings not only with for- eigners. but with his fellow coo- trymen abroad. He continues: "Americans should be more sym- pathetic for the poor aliens. They should be more unselfUh genomlly. While the city of New York grows in lordly grandeur a. crushing out of individual nationality and tbl, weeding out of stubborn foreign _ patriots as undesirables goes on.l Americans speak with pride of the! money spent by their millionaires' for building institutions hospitals, art galleries, and such like, but it they were themselves in the mass and were approached to bear a fair share of taxation, with the object of further ond more systematic de- velopment in this direction, tho' suggestion would be received as an outrage. _ _ . "National pride in America. does not consent to giving 'anything which would involve, a. sacrifice to its pocket. tgeitUhnesr, cornea first. The creed of the dollar is in the babel of different tongues gal-bored together at the portals of the United States, and there is in it a. hate of bitterness which it would pay Americans to soften by assumv mg a. more charitable and tolerant attitude toward the penniless for- cigncr." No More Neuralgia, , His Headache Cured Fifty your. ago Nerviline vu- noodfrom coast to count. tshut in thousands of NM” thin trusty liniment served the entire tam. ily, cured tdl- their minor ills mud kept the doctor’s bill small. To-day Nerviline still holds first rank in Canada Among pain-relieving remedieis-rreareeir a home ’you can find that doemn't use it. From Port Hope, Ont., Mr. W. T. Greens'. way. of tho Guide newspaper staff. writes: "For twenty years we have used Nervi. line in our home, and not for the world would we be without it. As a remedy tor all pain, earache, toothache, cramps. head. Ocho, and disordered stomach I know of no preparnrirott so useful and quick to re. liew as Nerviline." . Let every mother give Nerviline a trial: it's good for children, good for old tolhr-- jyuu can rub it on as a linimcnt or take ‘it internally. Wherever there in pain, Nerviline will cure it. Refuse anything but Nervtline. Large family bottles. 50v.; trial size, 25e., tat all dealers, or The Catarrhozono Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. and Kingston, Ont. A Journal!“ Tell: " Tho Adv-um“ of Knows Norvillno Handy On the the". Anatomic Condition Results from Sluggnrilly Habits. Lack of muscular exercise is the first result of lyimCin bed. As a result the appetite is weakened, the digestive action slows down and the innsulvs of the stumach and abdu- men cease to act upon the intesti- nal mass. When the body is in a recumbent position the heart works with the least fatigue, and the cir- culahion and the functional activity are decreased. But unless the subject is excep- tiomslly vigumus all the benefits are counterbalanced by dangers. In bed the subjeot is shut away from fresh air and sunshine. The result of that deprivation is a con- dition similar to anaemia. Butthe suprmne mvnace to the weak or the aged tts,utfitned to bed is the clogging M the pulmonary circulation, an action which frequently results in passive cungrstion of both sides oi the lungs. PM this reason the sim- ple fracture of a bone may be the cause of death, because when the patient lies in bed there is no move- ment of the muscles to act as an in- eentixe to deep breathing. Ruby Rose Cold Cream NA-DRU-CO LYING IN BED WEAKENS. A toilet delight, with the exquisite fragunce of fresh roses. Makes chapped hands smooth and spit and keeps them so. Preserves the most delicate complexion against expotute to the severest weather. Try it- you'll certainly appreciate it. NATIONAL onuo AND cum-“cu. co. or CANADA. Lmnco. I“ In 259. opal jars. at riur druggist's IllllllllTll taliWjllfllllf "tTIttMrttttt I!" " - I". 1'"! QUEEN “TV 'revlneinl We Death‘m uln- - lumen! - Terente's Nu Bttt--Petttt" at numeracy. The denth of Colonel A. J. lathe-on remove. from the legal-tune A member who. next. to the Premier himself. had the record (or long nenlu In the Home. In ( nbeenee wul mete I urge can. tor Colonel _ Kahuna. even In the any. of oppmillon‘ when he we. only e priute member. In uddnoue in his attendance to duty. It we- I run day when ht: seat in the Home I“ "can. Not only wee he coneclentlp one to n degree. thereby duet-In. tron - member: who only report in the "Tot-r tor the purpose of drawing their 1neulonul indemnity. but he took I real {personal interest in nearly every tofu: ‘thnt came up for discuuion. This w do inure" in all sorts of subjects wan one of the distinguishing churu'teristk-s of Colonel latheeon's mental make up, and it had not a little to do with mnklng him such . metal member of the legislature. He m not " frequent a speaker In some (iiiiiii but when he did ttpettk it law not because he llked to be in the limptizht, but becauu he had informs! on or III opinion, arrived at after due thought. which he considered would be ot beueitt in the deliberation. an "no"!!! and "only. I would any the outstanding feature of Colonel Kathmn'a char-cur wns his " solute uincerity. It he made mistakes they were mistakes about which there could be no suggestion of crookedneau or double-dealing or other unworthy motive. This fact was recognized by opposition us well an by lriend And while his critics frequently attacked him judgment they never attacked his probity. . Colonel Mathew": was not Q great. orator. He spoke in a high key. and with consid- erable effort. But his soeoehes wen made interesting and carricd weight became of 0:9 sincerity and the conviction behind t em. A bacheior to the end ot his days. Cot. onel Mathmon was frequently made the butt of jest: in the Home on this ne- oount. All these. however, he took in good yum: Bad often. retugned tram i.n kpd,. It was appropriate that when the flua1 . call came it should find him in his " rary. for the late Provincial Treasurer wu an inveterate reader. Woman 'uttrturtste' Progress. ' The lwal women suffrage movement is letting a foothold. A year or two awn when the issue first began to liven things up in England. the interest here was pret- ty mild and academic. and one rarely met any person, even among women. who ever. not excited on the subject. Thanks to the L spectacular doings in England and to a persistent propagand by a few local en- thusiasts. lhis 'll',Wlo',, of thinga isl, changing. Quince is now a live topic ol i _ducu.issiort, And from 1.3”de WEED). menrly ever-yous profess to he mildly l in favor of women "ttr---"" they want. ‘ ‘ed it"-itere no crystallizlng strong de. '_ftnite and opposing opinions. Some of the ' strongest "anus" are among the wnmonl themselves. and when such are in the dig. l cumion the urgumon! is genornlly 13011194. I As an issue in practical politics the nul- l {rage question has no (at been a negligible ( quantity. It in a question if this can tre,', said truly much longer. A conference of' men interested in the movement was held the other day and a permanent men's organlntion formed. It in interesting to note that two of the most prominent male t,'ig,yitg1i"e in the cause are W. F. Mac. enn. M.P., and Dr. Ju. L. Hughes. Chief Inspector of schools. _ . The thy-Conner Problem. We are having a belated dieouuion on whether sky-screw” ought to be allowed. With two building: touring dkywud from " to 18 dun-le- it seems a. little late to lay down I decree they. 10 stories shall be the limit for the rent of the city. particularly when plans are rend! for a hotel and one {or two new once buildingn. one "id to be lfogrtho Royal Byttk. to run. twenty amt-lea. The corner of King and Yonge Btreetg promises noon to look like a canyon. Yet on the whole "tttimont in favorlble to the skyscraper. The! Appeal to civic pride, and they furnish light. airy and convenient ofBoetr. It is estimated that the new Royal Bank building will ac. commodate 2,000 persons. It, like up c. P, R. bulldinz and the Trader: Bank build. ing, in order before it, will be able to announce thet I is tht, tallott billldlyg in the British Empire, tor, curiously. the American continent. the part of the world that has the moat unoccupied land, is the only place where the land saving devino of building Riva-tannin! hi! taken root. Most European citing have low buildings. mid are prevented by law from having any omen "any of Toronto's bsnk buildings are! fashioned after the Enrlish model-low and ornate. This vlanh of English urchi- tectura with American architecture prom- ises to make down town Toronto exceed- ingly interesting from an architectural standpoint. though it ruins forever may prospect of symmetry or consistency. Party Politics In Unlvonlty. The proposal to introduce puny politics into the undergraduate body at the Uni. versity of anunto may 1vod to cumm- quoncrs. From tho earliest times to the present day undergraduate polities have been volurlvsp. and to the outside- puNir. meaninglew. There have always' been two parties. but thnir plutlurms \wri- gener ally joke platforms without reference to political party lines or anything ell-w of a serious nature. The present mmommn Webs to bury there old parties in the dvud "past and to habit; the students 1in their unde r dune ' ins; '90}pr ti kite . ‘sry E,?fil,", dome out in”! ly mi ividro ‘as Grits and Tories. diseumsirursand de. ibatiug the public issues of the day from \thia stuildpoiiit._ _ ‘H uuu "bh"h0r%'*"v. The backers of the movement any thin would give them a real prvparnion for public lite after graduation. that now they are learning murh about the Poli. tics of ancient Rome, but {nothi‘ng abqut the" of "Iris-:1 C1221; .m 1'c'aTs'c..'c"s'v, nut that the undcrarnduateg or Cidrrd discuss Dolmen without harm or molesta- tion.' On the other hand the University of To. ronto, being a Mate institution, the dig. cussion of politics therein might raise nome delicatr situatimm. Sir James Whit. ney made a somewhat nraculnr declara- tion on the auth-t. in which he seemed m threaten the whole movement with ox. tinction. It is claimed hv Lilwrnls thot at prevent they greatly predominate numvrionUy at the 1'riiversitr. Whethl-r this fact has anything to do with the movement or with Mr Junol' hostility cnnnot be stated. Tttr Scnrhnrn Watprwnrkil' dimcuity, "‘0’ “mm! Teo week. is hat one of many engineering 31-0le which are puxuing ttir' brains 0 a" citizen-: who are inter. ested in municipal problems In the pre. sent mnment. Por “ample. tho city's $750.000 ftltrtttiort pi'Vnt has been made the object of attaek. It is charged thot it in imking at the tau-.0! sevvrai million gai- long 3 day. The Ink:- run both wayn. anxnntimou leading the water out of the plant and -etintort letting -potFted wait-r in. Thin is very disquieting. The plant was bum under the direction of Enrimxor Rttett, an Amer-ion: expel-i rib pttted to btt one of the beat in his bursi- HPFfl. Re denies the aluvr.uratiomt Ind ha“ barn permitted the ortnorturnitr of provimz them wrong. with, it is uraid, mi'midenhlu “an...“ In nu. onu- the u-i'iznn who up“. Re d'enien the swam“. t barn permitted the mmormwity of them wrong. with, it in mid, mm some”. In this (-260 the citir.e wants Ytt know in irsformed thnt l mm: on the arcuracy or otherwise turi me-tvrs. which are m I to the ttow, The oitizon in -’ to" The" (hm-b in (Mr Vi' ' V I'H““ m! Whix'h thrs 271““ 'V _ _, 'rl l l" "1 locked in (mmruvvray mr Vr'rrt xvi-1 I Here. ton. there in :1 mn‘ze or “mum: and oruritieeriridifhul.ties with which the av era” lichen finds it hard to grasp, though he can understand the fact that “a matter what happens there in going M be a bill of seven] million dollars tor the city m pay. Armin. there in troubie over a section of the sown-nu system now well on m. ward: mmplofion. One of the outlet: Into up), Lake which wu taken oft the land: n tho oontrttetortt come months "o, III which hag never been um}. k said to In" been I-',',?,',"."",,',',': to pieces and h I‘M r",',',',',?),";',',,',? use an. The ttte in that Toronto has such I - pondnnn amount of, ririe 1111qu under way that. the revenues of pano ownmhin are being taxed to the Titrtib "nder the vii-cumin“: it would not mm to be cannula: if certain emu of Judgment Ind of vacation nhouhl - In. thoth the friends of good BOT. crane-gum hoping they will be a but iarrdtt, though it ir much when ‘ A Englnurlns Problems. TORONTO doubtful if he ig the This Bracelet no. otqittiidtliettitg- TO ANY GIRL NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Mr. Rogers of the New York Globe Says It Is Best Medium Between Seller and Buyer A despatch from Syracuse. N. Y., says: In an address before the Ari nocintion of American Advertisen‘ at Syiacyse on Wednesday Mr. Rog- ers of The New York Globe outlined an aggressive policy which the. al- socintion is embarking upon in or- der to emphasize the superiority and importance of newspaper " vertising as against the Jrenefitts otr tained by advertising campaigns in the magazines. Mr. Rogers said, in part: "Much of the lost motion and waste in modern business is represented by a misconception of the relations which should exist be tween the seller and the buyer of publicity. According to my (my ception of the proposition, the ad- OPERATION FOR FILES FAILED Zuni-Bah Was Then Tried and Only Possibility of Fort William W . . ',',tef, n flrt , {Reuters Being Filled. -C ',ht,tl',nlro,'h,l Ity,',, light: A despatch from Fort William if the Eiii'miiiiLi Hotel tittv8.' " says: While there is a possibility of suffered for vears with bl‘cetiin ‘the elevators in Fort William be- piles The pain was so bad at 'ie,',')',', I Owning f1lled before the openimr of thlti could hardly walk and 'i'ir/ty,e.,t.t,i,tn,, it is only a possibility. . . , accordin to J. A. S wers. mung" dinary remedies seemed utterly un-lUf the Lt, Shimiers' Clearanm able F0 give me any case. Fielly) Association here The storage on» I t'cltf to ihndgrgo 1"ri',','a"rrtli',"l,: i‘pucifv of the (,iivaiJr) in G"rjrozi. an wen o t e acre ea 03-1 . . ( _voital in Spokane. There the eplmately 3'2,000,000 bushels, and ot u, F T . r, P |the 57 vessels in the hurlmr I3 000 - gforiiied an operation and (lid all they l 000 bushels making a total suing; i$;|:dinflor 'eidot l “will? '"ll 1 capacity of 4500.000 bushels, Tie a_ y., t ', , "A 7“; it, i are about 1s,0amt00hurhels of grain months the trouble started again and the piles became as painful as ever. I tried linimmms. hot poul- ticea, various 'pile cures,' and in. deed everything I could think would be likely to do any good, but still I continued to tsuffer, and the shoot- ing, burning, stinging pains, the dull, aching and wretched 'worn.. out' feeling that the disease causes continued u bad us ever. . "One day I read ebout Lun-Bukl and thought I would try it. The first one or two boxes gave me more case than anything else I had tried, so I went on with the treatment. In a short time I began to feel al. together different and better, and I new that Ztuu-Buk was going to cure me. Well, I went on using it, and by the time 1 had used six boxes I was delighted to find my- self entirely cured That. was three years ago. and from then to the present time there has been no re- turn of the trouble." Druggists and stones everywhere, Me. box, or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Ottawa Laborer Kills Wife and Poison Ilium-It. A despatch from Ottawa says: Cyrille Lepage, aged 45, a laborer at the Booth anills, who came here from Quebec a few years ago. shut and killed his wife, aged forty, and committed suicide by taking Paris green, at their rooms; 87 “had street, shortly before noun on Fri- day. According to the Woman's mother, Lepage came home Friday morning and said he was going 3'0 kill his wife and himself. Tlu. mo- ther rushed out to summon the po- lice, but when assistance arrived Mrs. Lepage was found with two bullet wounds in tho head. and the man had taken poison. Mrs. v: [urge "ii'i"euTrro'ute in a hospital, and Lepage succumbed about half an hour later Feared That Heal. Humphrey and Nine Men Drowned, A despntch from London Hays: Lieutenant Humphrey W. Smith and nine bluejnckets belonging to the crew of the British cruiser Perseus are believed to have been lost while watching the pirates on the Oman coast of the Persian Gulf. They had been detached in one of the cruise'r's cutters which, it is feared, sank with all hands, during a recent gale, as no trace of them has been found. A clever man is never a favorite, because one-half of the world in jealous of his ability, and the other half is rabid at not being able to understand him. M [RIDER AND tiU1C10h'. mtrrrsiii siiiints IArwr, Thir lgungioy Imam " {"9911 n 9.5! nude ot rolled cold pm. at “My " Send us your none and nun-outlived rm ‘0 no" of East” cod qthqe “I. orll posh-um. to all it I. - I I belutllul cards In not Bet). '5- c '" the Inney. and to will “you lot. all vlartoc‘pnm. HOMER-WARREN CO. THIS WATCH FREE TO ANY BOY Thin "Rulroud King" Watch " an ulnwluu-ly M an” tituekeepet It in sum mud and “an: at. double dun-pron! bark. and u?!) he cho- In either nickel or gold {mu-h an Ragn- , tar Inn'c mo Send us your nun 5M k' lun- and w. will pend yon 10 not; " vertioer should Ibuoluhly do.“ that every medium In wk“ " spends money delivers known and proved circulation as a put-quid“ of the mulrut. Unless thin in done you place a premium on the In. of false tstatements." Mr. - showed how newspaper advertising won the most Game-dams aod “tit factory medium of rt-nchin‘tho co.- sumer to-day, ind ndii"igseted in proof of his contention: the [allov- ing main argument: Newuplpor Spice can be bought in exwt w cordance with the distribution ot goods and in oo-operation with Iyrl.- lling effort for 100 per cent. emol- oncy priced to the hour undead)- led to take advantage of chnngin‘ conditions. GRAIN CONGESTIO‘S l'NLIKELY A deep-uh from Fort William says: While there is I possibility of the elevnturs in Fort William bo- coming filled before the opening of navigation, it in only a poaaibilit.v, according to J. A. speerts, nun-gar of the Lake Shippers' Clearanno m Brteeyis Victim munch-d Btu-nae. It " Thought. " Waterloo. A despatch from Berlin, Ont., says: A serious cue of smallpox was discovered on Samuel Street on Thursday morning. The victim in believed to hove contracted the dis em in Waterloo. where his brew ther and family are trfflicted Ind are in the Isolation Hoepitnl. The [ mtient vu removed to the loot! isolation Hospital. And his house dis quarantined. Budd-by school. Which wu attended by the children of the victim. has been cloned. and lthe pupils have been ordered to bo VIN; nited Fire Damaged lawn [hm-I. Chiea. an. to Extent of $15.00.. I A despatch from Chicago Pa."' iThree mun And one “(man were :burned mdmnh. three mun serious- ily injured and l down (when cuf- Jere-d less hurta _in I ibre which (early on Thundu destroyed. a" llc','.'."-. Hotel, A tent-mm Brick ‘struciure at 350-55; yy.th with Street. British Labor Party And-st A" Bill Which Bart Won". A deapateh from London says: The British Labor partv on Thum, day (initially declared itself in favor of Woman suffrage. By I. vote of 850 against 437 I confcyence ot the representatives at most of the trades unions o' the [Mind King- dom, now sitting in London, admit ad I resolution instrtteting the labor members of Parliamrnt to up pose any franchise hill in which wonwn were not included. ._---. Contract for Bunk-ship "an Bree Place-d. A desputch from London says: The contract tor the battleship which the fishy Sag-s will pm- sent to the Admiralty bu been placed, and it it expected it will be in communion in 1915. The Youth-“Scientist. any that trees contribute to the heat of the atmosphere." The Dunce--"That's true. A birch has warmed In. many I time." Some 'men make the mistake of thinking that experience doesn't know what it's talking about. Em! and other rrort-ertrdrt to all“ " to can. A at as: beautiful unl- in ml at). “on now send I the money. so! ,,.,rtu-avoutuxreush.a1iesure I. will out ororud. HOMER-WARREN 00. a, elevators, and shunt 9.000, I in the vessels. according to Mr DEPT. II. " ALLPOX IN BERLIN. FOR W0 M IN til'rr'ith G E. Til E M A LA I' Pit I‘ISIIN T. F0UIt L] T F',ti LOST. “r r. a. renown. FT

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