West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1913, p. 8

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H Tue 119th and Town» Duly Now-h: one yo~r.................. The Roview 1nd Tomato Daily World tor "M......-.-. The Ravi-v ad Toronto Dnily Glob. toe I you, The raw Bart Towns Dnily Mail d Empiro for t you...... Right Way to Stow Puma. Wuh tho prunes and soak them overnight tn cold water. tn the mom- vin‘ cook them slowly in the water In which they were soaked. adding sugar tom-ha tteeoeitgee.ttetearoat. The Bowie. 3nd Grain Bro-ow Gouda. Winnipeg. foe on. you Try Kevin- ud Wail, Glob. for you... Tb: Rainy “d Woolly Mail and The 30th And Wail, Sun tor tr."......-..........-............ l 90 The Bovuw and Weekly Athenia- or " tMt-..-.................. I 80 The Knit. and Woolly Freq Press to: on. you. 1 90 The Ben"! uni Panning World rt-..................... ......... ttto The Kevin! and the Fumon' Ad. vocate tor, you... . . ............... 2 MI TheRotruw 1nd COIIIdiIn Farm Th, [19va and Ditty Fm Pun Emma for 1 par..-............. Tho Review Ind ttto Funily Ber. nld not] Weekly Sm for 1 ya: Tho Review and Weekly Wino. aaiatrutiiTerFlares au Ua hill: the that! and but. tt tt so can. TY Ryitw and Toronto DIN] CZriilr1riCtE “o-eeom enema-00000.0- dd not] Weakly Stu foe 1 your 1 an no Ravi-w and Weekly Wm for I "tIW.............................. I 90 " Royiow and Wukly Sun tor tri.................................... l 90 he Renew and Woolly Advenia- or " on.3031........................ I 80 to: I rear.........:.................. . fotl "ar............:................. Sui toe I "ae.....................".. New Clubbing Rates. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising Agency, or, the Secretary of the Candian Press Association, Room 503. Lumsden Building, Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your 'ttrt--oo write if interested. _ Your Best Shopping Guide Suppose there were no advertisements-- what amrrying task shopping would be! Think how you would mis, the helpful infor mation that guides you to select the best goods and to know the shops where they can be best obtained. Newspaper advertisements are the finger- posts on the road to right buying. They are quick and safe guides to the places and goods most worthy of your patronage. How difBeoft (to) make. up your shopping list without first knowing something about the goods you need or the store that sells them! Your shopping would be all experiment. You would pay out a lot of money during the slow process of learning by experience how to avoi'd disappointment and dir satisfaction. Thanks toi therhigtr the information that is staadard ol present day essential to safe and ad. advertising, no person vTntageoustruring, _............ 2 50 no Duly ............ 2 50 so Daily ', ............ 3 "l mo Daily ............ 4 " m 1).in I you...... 4 ol " " B75 ITS 196 " My m There Is a simple remedy for destiny- tng Insects that are unname- bond on household pets-dogs, can. We. eta-which b not generally known. but 'se-ttart-ttttttstr-its tumult; Itullmplybmhthe animal with the vat-sh Vim you. toee have been hailed. When prepar- lnc the vegetables for dim: ”plenty of water in the vessel in which they ere honed; then, when the potatoes are thoroughly cooked. pour this water " into In bucket or pan. When it ts al. moot cold apply it to the Inn of the wins! with a spam or cloth. akin; can that It so“: well into the skin lf tho animal has long Bair or thick fur; than with a loft scrubbing brush (a mllbmh will dot scrub the ma. ”panting the hair as you work. Do not rinse this " with cietr water. [at it dry thoroughly tmst; then wash the animal with clear voter and a good strong soap. The tint ap- plication is generally effectual, but if the use is a stubborn one " had bet- ter be repeated a few times in order to destroy the eggs. This “(also {Ema for the pal-nits In which mange originates and b said to destroy plant lice lino. Cream of Mushroom Soup. Peel and cut one pound of fresh mushrooms. put them in a porcelain lined kettle. cover with a quart ot light stock (chicken or veal) and cook until tender. Press through a sieve ttmereturtting to the kettle. add three or four tablespoonfuia of saga and cook twenty minutes longer. when you may trea,qott " anti add one quart of raided milk. “Take one eupfttt of the soup and mix with the beaten yolks of {our eggs and slowly pour the mixture hack into the soup Spree at once needs to sohp at random. The advertising columns of anewsyaper give you justthe information you require to make your best selection of goods orstore. Leisurely, in the comfort of your own home, you can plan and decide upon the purchases in view. From son}.- to gas Ran- ges-droat sh us lo auto. mobiles -oue gets from newspaper Advertising the information that is Special Around the World Cruise An unusual opportunity for an around the world cruise all under the Canadian "acific flag with its consequent standard of aerwce ll offered With the advent of the great new quadruple screw turbine engine steamship: " Empress of Rus. sia.” and "Bmpresa of Asia." _The “Empress of Russia" will nail from Liverpool April lat and will call at Gibraltar A ril 4th,' Arillefranche Ap- ril 8th, Port gaid Agril 12th and will proceed via Suez, olombo, Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama and arrive at Vancouver Saturday, May slat. From Vancouver to Toronto passengers may travel Via Canadian Pacific Main Line or Crows' Nest Pass Line and may also travel from Ft William or via Great Lakes route to Port McNicoll. The most direct connection to make for the ending from Liverpool April Ist is via "Empress of Britain" from St. John, N B. March 2let. 1913. The Canadian Pacific Atlantic Em. pre~ses are so well known and have established so enviable a reputation tor saiety, speed. service and accom- modation. that when we say the rt Empress of Kasai. " and "Em- pr1 " at Asit: " are larger and inter tha t the tt Empress ol Britain tt and bs Empress ot Ireland " it means a greutdeal. They embody the very latest features of marine architecture and every known convenience and cumtort ter p,sseogers--tlie service and cuisine will he maintained at high "Canadian Pacific " standard. The tF Empress of Russia" and " Empress oi Asia " are sisuer ships -.503 feet lone, 68 feet beam-gross register 16850 tons. displacement» about 31 000 tons-~Bpeed 20 knour- quadruple tusrew--utrttine engines- andthe iirr, merchant vessels built win: the "cruiser 't stem. a feature which is espvci My adapted tor speed and increases the stability, besides Beeitrtuhr inure room on the varinus decks. When occan liners were built so than any should float with two ft their compunmems filled with water, it Was thought a great thing, but the new .. Empresses " can have iuur of their compartments filled and istill float. The rate for the entire cruise is $6219 10 exclusive oi maintenance be. tween arrival time In England and departure of the "Empress of Rug.. MB. " "A similar cruise will be made by the . Empress ot Asia "tsailing from Liverpool May 27th, 1913 Get particulars from Canadian Pa- oifie Agents, or write M. G Murphy. Drama: Passenger Agent, Toronto, On Rwuonuhlv terms. 200 acres. wunprising West halves at Low I and 2, 2nd Con., w. G. R., Bemipck try) Lor3 on the wane Concesuion. 100 acres cleared, well waterpd by 'TIitttr. creek, two Marin orchards. Gnud frtune house, Jhr,'JU' barn. Conven- mm to Bchool and P. o, Apply to JAts, PATON. Prop,,, Swinton Park. ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics We will send shsolntely free, tot FREE the asking, postpoid. one of our --- “we “TWO books twtth in- sert). on the common diseases at stock Ind poultry. Tells how to feed sll kinds ot hour and light horses. colts and Inner. milch cows. calves nnd fattening steers. also how to beets Ind feed poultry so that they will lay so well in winter as in summer. It tsontaina no recommends from all over Can-d1. from people who have used our goods. No ftmner should In without it. You can fatten csttle and hogs in I month's less time by using our Royal Purple Stock Swine. than you could possibly do without it, thereby saving a month's feed Ind labor and the cost to you will not be more than $1.60 for six pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. It you have a poor. minersble-look- in: animal on your place try it on this one first and see the marvellous result which will he obtained. Our Stock SpeeitU will increase the milk flow three to tive lbs. per cow per day, while being fed in the stable. A We psckage will last a cow or horse " days. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC will make your hens lay Just as well in the winter as tn the summer. and will keep them free from disease. These goods Ire pure and unadulterated, We doyot use quiche)»; tle “wanna... .ww. _.,. ..-. _. F... _ to make a. bra: puknn. manly ditterent from any on the mar' " at thg present time. Royal Purple Stock Speeifte, Me ttekest foul 60g pekgs.. in an air-tight tin, for 81.60. Royal Purple Poultry Speeifle, Mg and 60¢ pout. and $1.50 air-titrht tins tttat hold four 60: pckgs. Royal Purple Lice Killer, Mtt and 500 “all 80e by mail. not?! s','g'.vl" Gall Cure, Me 3nd 50c this; 801 m . Roy-l Purple Sweat Linimcnt. 6t)e bottle: '" by mail. Roral, Purple Cough Cure, We tin; 600 br, TheW.A. Jenkins Mfg. Cm Canadian Ptutit1tt Empress» of " Russia. " and "Asa.” "an. -_" _ __ _ 1taral {"919 brunet-nu qt "29.9%.‘19': Royal Purpw bump {es ,yi Booklets 'siii'ii, 'ATG "ii'iiiiriiiG, "SKIES i" férhe ml . 'tph"'" Worm Powder, Me tttut 806, In an: . lanai-cured only by - miy be uitained from Wm. Black, Hardware; S. P. Saunders, Harness, Durham 2,'2,'2hl ‘ WEE?» amfiasfi'afiw‘fimw“ v,i'i'iE'tll'i)t w _'i'l'iii'iti""t'3'fiil'i' "tret" A w, mm -, in" 'e. “I " . you 'l'l1tt.' 'll'l.UP%'g " tttthtm ' . I. Farm for Sale. HOLSTEIâ€"Nâ€"L EADER Mr. he Ecol". mid tttWNV for R. B. No, 2, moved to Holstein on Mon day where he will be more convenient. to his work. Mr Ind Mrs Eccles mll bf much missed in our community. Mr W. Hume unlined tran Owen Bound on Wedneadny lust where be [and bpen engaged " County Auditor. Mr Geo Reid was the guess of Mr, Jan Allan a few as” In: week. Mr Faulty Clark vol I delegate to we Dominion Grunge Convention held in Toronto Int. weak. . Mr Maurice Selby has engaged mu: Mr John McMurdo to learn the blackpmithiug trade. Mr and Mrs Kendall visited Swm- tyn Park friends on Monday. DROMORE SCHOOL REPORT 4th ciai-Uordon Huscie. Elsie Sea ter, Irvine Geddea. Florénce Rum- age. 4th Br-Hugh Findlay, Mildred Rum, Campbell Watson, Wilfrid Renwick, Gladys Eoclea. 3rd Jr--- tJectlAtrhiturn, Ailre Molielvie. Wat. ter Hastie. Sarah Tucker. MMjui-ie Bum-r. 2nd Sr-Haltie Baxter, Pruy Runwirk, Maggie Mekeivie, 2nd Jr-Beryt RaniP, Hamid Atrhi. an", Kenneth Fi..d.a.y. Maggie [sham Paley Harrison. A warm and enthusiastic weicmm wusiendered to Dr. w. A. Meurne the newtreleeted Warden of the county of (hey, on his arrival home from Owen Sound on Saturday after. noon, where the County Council was in session. In spite of I blinding snowstorm, Dr. Menrns was met M the depot by the Hanover Citizena’ Baud, the members of the Town Goun- eil and tb large number of prominent cioizene. who escorted him to Ihe Town Hall, where speech-making was indulged m for 4 couple of hours. Mr Daniel Knechtel presided and a com. plirnentary tuiurero was read toihe Warden-elect by Aid. Wilson, on he- halt' of the Town Council. The War den replied in n. giacet’ui manmr. Speeches were made by 0. H. Witt huu. LS. Wilton. H, H. Milier,A. Derby and Henry Metealfe, Depuiy lReeve of Bentiuck township. Wednesday, Feb. 12-Wtn. Hunt, Holstein, will sell by publcc auetiott, farm stock and implements. Also cnok stove and hay. Everything to be Sold without reserve. Sale at 1 o'clock 85 and under, cash l 12 mos credit, 5 per cent off for' cash. D. MCPHAIL. Auctioneer Thursday. Feb. 13-Geo. Marshall. lot l, con 3, Normanhy. will sell by puulic auction farm stock, implements and household furniture No reserve Sale at 1 o'eiock. 85 and under, cash: 12 mos credit, c, per cent " for (ash. Rye Future For Pigs. For fall litters there is nothing quite equal to a patch ot rye. On the rye they and their dams will be more healthy and growths. In an open win- ter or where the ground is not cov- cred with snow the rye field will tur- aish almost ideal green feed for tall pigs " weaning time. Where green feed is not provided it too often hap- pens that little or no growth is secured on tall pigs. in that case the profit is lacking, as a small amount of growth will not be slum-lent even to pay for the feed that has been eaten. A patch ot green. luscious rye will change all that and make the profit where other- wise there would be loss.-Farm Prog- Winter Protection of True. Mulching in spring and summer in very valuable for transplanted trees. but is dangerous In winter. an the straw furnishes in hiding place for the ground mice, which would ruin the trees by eating the bark. The winter protection of the young trees should be the mound of earth, a foot or so high and eighteen inches in diameter. -Natlonal Stockman and Farmer. The Valuo of Drainage. Drainage removes the surplus water, Improves the character of the troll; makes the available supply of water more abundant. warms the soil and in. crosse: its available food supply, aerate- it; prevents eroslon and heaving, in. creasea plant growth. " - _ _ ------ Welcomed the Warden. Few people understand the real value of green manure. Accord- ing to Dr. Hopkins of the Illinois station. animals digest and thus destroy two-thirds of the dry matter in the feed which they consume, so that one ton of al- falfa or clover plowed under would add as much humus to the soil as will three tone of clover fed to live stock and returned " manure to the land. even " there should be no lone by fermenta- tion. Green mennrlnz hen the edvnntnce of returning all the substance of the plant growth to the soil and of deetroying the weedn. while mounting in theor- dinnry we: doe- not return nil ot the plant mwth. not done it de. em the weeds when it in new mttftesh. Dromore GREEN MANURE. Sale Register. M. E. {nexus} Teacher. D. Mt-thl. Auctioneer ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Barrie who have been visiting relatives here, hope to return home this week. “rand Mrs Marne of Lumsden. Mam. left cu route for their home last Wednesday. Our dealer has been successful in procuring another cuload of coal,. Mr. Wm Ramage and Postmaste? Sharp are engaged this week and:- tiug the Township books. a The Holstein Choral Societv will organize at the parsonage on Thurs. day eveuing. Feb 6th, at 8 o'clock. All wishing to join this Society Will be welcome Don t fail to be pres- ent " the first practice. Mr and Mrs Ferrier Bailey of Meta were the guests ot Mrs Philp over Sunday. Mr. L. B. Nicholson was called to Brampton to the bedside of his moth- er who is very ill. Rural Route No. t. Holstein, along the nth and 14th cons ' Egretnont, was begun last Saturday, Feb. 1, when Chas, Hunt, who has the con- tract for mail carrying, commenced his rounds, Mr A. R. Hershey, barber, intends closing his shop ior a week or two. He is going to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he expects to undergo treat- ment. Mr Hershey has been faith- tul in his business here and we hope this brief absence will mean increas- ed bealtis to him. ’ The Preparatory Service will be held in the Presbyterian church on Friday at eleven o‘clock when Rev. Mr. Cranston of Palmerston will preach. On Sunday the Sacramen- tal service, wi 1 be held, the pastor preaching. ' Dr. Wilson has recovered from his illness and is busy again. A large load of the W. M. S. of the Methodist church, drove to Mrs. J. A Main's for their regular meet- ing. A splendid meeting is reported. To secure the gavernment grant, Drayton Continuation School Board has been compelled by the Inspector to engage a third teacher. Mrs Rus. sell Cragg, formerly of Holstein, has beer engaged as teacher of langu- ages and other subjects. Mrs. Geo. Hunt who has been con- fined to her bed with a slight attack of pleunsy in better again. [ On Mon- day she took train for Hopworth to Visit her sister, Mrs Seim. It you are in need of a good Sew. ing Mwehine, see or write D. P. Cole- ridge about the Raymond. Our township representatives have been accorded prominence in the County Council committees. Reeve Philp has been honored with the Chairmanship of the Education Com. mittee and is also on the Finance and Warden‘s Committee while Dep.- Reeve Lothian is a member of the County Property and Roads and Bridges Committees. Miss Clegg, of Mich. is the guest of Mr and Mrs Jas Durrant. KILLED AT A Cnossmu. Edward White, a section foreman on the C. P. R., was killed on Saturday last by an extra freight train under cir- cumstances that seemed to demand an. inquest. The accident occurred at Bright's crossing on the Owen Sound road, three miles south of Mt Forest, in a snowstorm, deceased and his mate having their caps down. White heard the train and called to his companion, who crawled on in time but White was caught. The Jury's verdict was “accidental death." 5th class-Total 680, pass 388. Vi- ola cameron 515, Jennie Brown 519, Horace Hill 508 Hugh Brown 497. Iva Murdoch 495 Wlllie Orchard 458 Ilene Dmmm 442. lnta McClocklm 425, Florence Main 371, Gertrude Pettigrew 355 Harold Baird 33o. Sr pd-Total 580, pass 348. Wil- tte Main 390, Pearl Drumm 383, Ruth Reid 356. Melford Rice 322, Ann Cams 32:. Arthur Kerr and Mabel Reid absent. Jr 3rd-l‘ota158o p. ss 348. Mar. gate]. Mnil 413, Mamie Walling 203x Ada Rice 106, Mary Bye 214x Ernest Sutton I77x. Arthur Irwin 45x, Sad- Ie Hamilton (absent). _ l 't Jas 1 "tut. and-Total 380, pass 228. Viola McClocklin 276, Merton Pettigrew 245, Nex.Hi.sas 229, Ednn Haas s76x "Wk. W. BURNETT, Principal. JUNIOR ROOM Jr and-Jack Sutton, Nora Blown, John Murdoch, George Baird. - Pr and Katie Baird, Agnes Or. clout, Daisy Irwin, Clinton Rice, M McClocklin. Mamie Pettigrew. let A-Marie o'Coune1l, Frank Dingwell. Pearl Diugwell. Burrows Smith. _ [at B-tttta Stewart. Bertie War. ling, Joe Ellis, Austin O’Connell. tst C-Addie Haas, Charlie Sur ton, Grace Baird. LOCAL AND PERSONAL All kinds of Coal tor sale. Apply Holstein School Report. tilts [lung 59,, L-‘MM . ........ '1'" Murdoch 157x, George Brown Coal for Sale W. J. ATKINSON, Holstein B. A. BRIDE, Teacher. February certainly cum in like I hon and yenerdny the but could see his shudow which indicate: . In Week a winter yet. Mrs. H. his; gave 3 party Friday evening in honor of her sister Ethel vibe is home from the city for I abort Visit. We are glad to report Mu Joe Black improvmg nicely. Andrew in plea sufftrrsug from the "grip," We are glad to hear chm Mr Joe. Matthew: who recently moped from our midst. is doing o good buoinese m Holstein " reported by some of our community who called on him last week. Success Mr M. Miss Vera Foster. Egerton, visited lust neck Wllh Miss Mabel Scott and with a number of friends enjoyed A plenum. time Friday evening. Mr (Inns - " running Mr Ge 1 "Wm." trander'a gasoline outfit sawing wood I fS'll It. this last weck. ‘3 I It Mrs A fl Burnett Visited hurt wash at Mr Jan Mttebell'e, Veutryz Mr Watt of your town called at Mr. Geo Wledmun's last. Friday, The agent for the Owen Sound Lumber Co. visited this communuy last. week offering a lnndsome sum for good muerinl. Skating has been the amusement I'm-slump“: uninv- these lust two weeks as fields of ice |Sundquchool ,, 10, my... ll mm. Ire to be seen in all directions owing , . Y. P. h. 0. E. st T pm. to the changeable weather. 1SIN. J. IAMOLI. - m Mr Hurry titernte and daughter, Laura, went to Toronto last. Wednel- day returning Friday. (Intended for last week) It is with deep regret that We pub- lish the death ot one of our oldelt and most esteemed residents. Mr. Wm. Bradley who died in Winnipeg on the 18th of January. Phe deceased had lived here tor a number ot years and was trustee. secretary and trans- nrerof the school tor more than ten years He had not been well tor some time, though he attended to the various duties oi the farm until last November. About a week before his death he, accompanied by hi. two daughters. left for the West. 5th tGtrsr--G'ordon Mellroy. tttv- Lillie Hamilton, Clinton Bum-ton. Bessie Drimmie, Thelme Brown. " 3rd -thtrrie MoArthur, Inn McGilli. vray A Mann”, N Bunstun. Jr 3m -Ruhy Philp, Annie Nicholson. Am. gnu McDuugull. Gurdnn Lung. Sr2nd --Donald Matinee. Earl Cm “on. Uol. on McArthur, Leslie Eccles. Jr 2nd --Alex Hendermn. Murry Mearthur Normal. Drimmie, Roy McKenzie Sr 1wt--Hazel Campbell Elgin Lamont. Jr tsr-Wilford Bunston, Mary Drim. -mie, Alex Nelson, Bob liendeuson. Average attendance, 34. Some from burg attended the " social in Holstein on Thursday night last and report a very good time. e had just hitched them and went back to the stable for something be had forgotten when thev begun to run and did not stop till they reaeh- ed H-‘lslem. No damage Was done. Mr uoeflin had . good chase alter his horses last Thursday morning. Anv one desiring an excellent pho lounph of Sir Wtltrid Laurier, size 17 x 22, sunahle for framing umy have mm by sending Km to Cenu-nl'lnfur- mation Office, 63 Sp trks ISL. Ottawa, when " wul come in lube. l [ T he rxecutise of the Surgeon Pres. hyu-n in] of w. F. M. S. was held at the home of new (Rev) J. Dull Mor. rison on Tuesday. There mm in at tendanre Mrs Paulin and Min Hawk. Mt. Fares! ', Mrs Knudrll, Dmmme: Mu I‘nzquh-umn, Durham! l M m M tl. culm. Mrs Hoistettvt and Miss HIM er, sun, Holstein; Miss Thynne and Mo. Donaldson. Palmerston and MN It N Grunl, of the General Board. Toronto Arrangements Were made tor {he pro. gram of the Presbyteriul which meets in May in Durham.--Mt. For. est Cnnhd. The valumlo 200 acre tum. mil-y lor ti. 5 5 and N. h 6, cou. 0. Arthu- tuwnbnvp. Go. of WPllingtnu, with". 4h miles from the town of Mt. Forest. is ofreeed for sale In. a bargain Ind with terms almost to suit pmchnaer. 196 acres cleared, hnlan'ce timber land. well fenced. Good cowl'mtnble house, one hunk hrn and one fiat barn. Soil is in butaotm state of eultieation, convenient to schooi and church. Ap- ply tor other pan Licularn and term. on the premium or to the undersigned, BICEAID “AFPANY. W. lore-t or J. J. COOK. It. For“: Bring your bogs to Holstein Tues- dua Batistt"stion gnu-mud Outer nook will have my beat amn- tion. Phone 17 R. M. TRIBE. Shipper DIED VSAT' t'omrssr.r-Thtre passed NOTICE T0 Mo RAISERS. Yeovil School Report. Hopeville. _--------------- Orchard Farm for Sale. Fl, J. WILSON. Teacher. " If You‘re!“ 1'” us, Ba. Miller 100 acres 1 mitet%t"h. of “r llhmotord 1: good turn. mo. ant-red toe wholly In: [hull the nodding. vould can. 100 Acres mar Mount Fore-t. chop a under 34.000. 800 are- near Donnell (It Georg. Twnmley'u farm) n (In. well-law"- ed puee. on which Ir Tumult, and: "Janey. altered at I “out hon-(Ola. 200 acres new Louite. good form. our: buildings. timber worth moot of me price. l50 acr" near Durham. weti.improved and cheap on ulmut '4000. 300 acres in Ewremum. (Dr Pettee' farm) good “new, owner In the Wrat nth-led at. u map. 100 um new Listowel. one of the heat bums III Perth Go. Splendid” improved. k,karnitsttirttirtr cheap " .7000. v, North-west In“. for sale or ex- change. Above no 900"? Methodist Church Sunday 81;me at. 10. In“- an. m. and 7.00 p. m. REV. A. E. “RSHALL. B. l. l DR. Jas. L. WILSON. I. A. Physician. Surgeon and A000“ omett at 80.319111 Drug 3m. Holstein ConVeyancor Issuer “Wino-m Money to loam at lowest St and lama to suit borrower. _ ' god Lots 43 And " Con. l. 8. D. R Glenelg. one and A half miles Brettt of Pru-evjlle. Ghnd buildings Old utter. Terms I-eulonuhle. Apply to J. P. McLACBuN. Box Mo, Canaan-v. Alta. ciul Mien! an paid to d Cl tif/Ae,",' and chukka-n. 1 " ya. Eur. Nose. "nd Tbroat. 7. thoroughly -.~sted and “luau we. pevly fitted. A (ch-b1. anch "tumor: we: kill. Than yin- gWggt', (at; null-:1 In t (in M n port on Brgtarrt. an: ill trg' harm’s. Ed. That a. at I , or or Int-mind to. rel‘mhh compulieo. Duds. Kori» gag“. Lenin: and Wills “rented an sbuuw_nolice. All work prowl) y Dr. de Van’s Female Pills The Gran" Truck Railway is the most ireet route from all point: Em :hrongh Cumin via Chicago, Detroit or Bulfnlo. Round trip arariat ticks" giving choice of all he best romeo. toget- her with (all Information, may be obtained Iran any G. T. R. Agent J. R. Gun. Phone M. for: “at J. Tower, Poone In. Depot Ago-t a: dmmlst for '.t' Fun mun"! WWI)” v If KEV! i., m'n'pt. u A ", Mn Had than? " mu!- _ 1 book sealed. t q?“ NIt r' l 1rlurs and thrrtttorN India“. A x ..\ JAVINDBOBIUI’PLYOO..M.M “one“! Ace-u be m _ s ' 1tiii.i,iii) .3:on “an 3‘ ts M “A we 5:. interesihd aad otqesld know INDIVIDUxL INSTRUCTION permits stud MS to begin with us any day. ' nations guaranteed to graduates Stuff of specillilu. Information free. c A Ramps. F c A G. n. FLEMING Principal Secretary I. rpgb” I " run Chum OWEN tir9UND ONT Only Doubt. Tuck Route W FEB. CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA and THE SUNNY SOUTH to Work . Earl. w. J. SHARP Farm to Rent. smile of my - ICI- n will Pay you to It, I76 ‘ "T8ERs, 7,7 iii-l4 at the $3M? in (borer Deeds. 27 at ll " )lm

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