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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1913, p. 1

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Female Pills I Too lazy IUD. --er"e" 8, 1913 HIS M unanimou- ik.'alcr'li'a'"ehT p. Vin-iii. i OUT]! "ator ma: (IN' ent eat ID. lat El THE Town Hail, Durham, on Friday, Feb. let, c. RAll tOE, Secretary. The AI HUGH GUTHRIE, K. C, M. P., Guelph ti. ti. MILLER, Hanover The McKinnon farm, Rocky la.uE"8 2nd and 3rd divismm of 16, con. l, .10. R. Glenclg, um acres. Immediate possession given. apply to ' J. P. TELr'ORD, Durham. MRS. J. C. “I: 201., Kept-mun“: rt " 1U7, Durham mare] her lo not 3: II 'TORONTO L_____ DURHAM BRANCH, John Kelly, __E), an - 1 E)grjNx LAN Reform Convention trf' @AMADA SI'ZRELLA CORSETS y J YOUNG FELLOWS M ', ml w, sipg of the Liberal Association of South Grey aa'constituted f y huh “amnion and Provincial purposes. mll beheld in the VOL. XXXVI. at,1.30p.m..fonbe Let us show you the new Progress Brand models. We know you’ll like them. 201-209 That 'Make Ood' “.05 All adl Farm to Rent lhe I tt4tttt' SaaNr:si'iiror, It é} [LPHJIPr the special rslt' lwuinnimz Decem- H-w-‘kahle stay. and and other prominent Speakers will deliver addresses mm of Liberal principles are cordially Invited. F. MORLOCK South Grey y. W. A. MEARNS, M. D.,President God Save the King l KISS-hwy ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES Election of 0iheerts and other business. Some men may smile a little at the importance you put upon small differences in style and de- sign, but don't let that bother you. Your business just nowis to "Make Good" and you’re wise to the fact that good looking ctothes are an asset ; that while they don't make the man, they're a helpin his job of making him- self. Be critical about style and no less critical about workmanship. In othet words get all thats com- ing to you. When you find a style that satisfies you and a fit that,s right and our name back of 1;,be {airmen yon'II have it all--. not only style but quality, With- out quality style does not last. iiaTi"GGG'kntint.h.enarnes ottwopeestathto mama We may make withdrawals. Such III "iiGiriiul1ika'yointac.crnt." iii'iiiiiiTGWe 'd'iéhnnnh' w- 98 acres situated in Tp, of Norman- by, Lot 1&3 of l, Con. 1, " units south of Durham. Good brick Immu- and bank him, conveniently situated and a good home. Also part of Lot 29, Tn. lenelg, con. 1, E. G. R., COIILMDiIlR 46 saw: when! 1 mile from Durham. Also 1 stone residence containing 6 rooms in Lower Town, Durham, on Gumtraxa tit. with over an acre on ground attached. Arttutgements can be made time tor possession. isaa+ntatreee.eirnesto Hear Hugh GutW_§outh Grey Liberal Convention, Town Hall, Durham, iiht ititittlittiti, Property for Sale. III. D. MvCRm. at any Prop. Lil] Prof. E. Katz, the German Eyesight Specialist, will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, on Saturday, Feb. 15, and Monday, Feb. 17. A Boat Susi»! and Ouncert will be mm m Muluck sent-M on Friday, Feb. 21. A good prug was is being pro- VuJLJ. Admlnivn 15 cems. Ladies: bringing boxcu icct All puriiesuwiug the firm of Mat- thews & Luiuwr wull please call on A, H. Jacisson and uncle same at w-Le as the husiuews of the than mast tre closod om mun ut delay. Come to the humorous play, "Scenes inn Union Depot" in the Town Hall, tomight, (Thursday ', given by the young people of the Prcsbyterian church. Ad. mission 25c to al: guns of the hall. The annual conventtcu of the On- tanu Bram-h of nbe Dominion Alli- ance Is to Inc-0t in Massey HAM. Tor. unto. on “'cdnesthy and Thursday, Full. 20th and 27.11. The meeting wnl be ot' uuuuml ml must and import. A short time ago friends of Miss Hunt, daughter of Mr John Hunt, pre- sented her with an Invalid chair. The family kindly acknowledge the timely gm and Uetirre to thank warmly the un. known donors for their sympathetic and thoughtful action . NINE Tne Wuunu's In mute met Thurs- tloy In! tut th.. hunn- of Mrs C, Ram. age- and ('(Ilniudring the stormy ele, uwnzu wilhuuv, twenty-six ludicr- gathered, Au itvcrostinR paper on "F: whdshlp" WAS given by Mrs chats. Ritchie, “Hula Mrs (Rev) Farquhar- son guw a. fully prepared paper on b, Women Ill thr, olden lune " which Wm: alteuuwly listened to. Miss Jean McGowan was an hand showing proofs at her stenviumg as well as demon- stratum Ilm won; Nam, month the annual At Hume takes place and this ynar hvld m Dun mun Town Hall, I? MONEY ty'Tourcy,--Miss E. Gun, of the Fancy ticvde and uuriottestore, Upper Town. went into the house for " ahou Linu- one-(My last week and (In returning found but a purse in n sirtswet. Ill her. were had been opened avu|$SJKlAuhxll~ extracted, a five, a; taro and " our. The thin was during tor he Ind u g” m mod the counter to Hurn‘hr druu‘r. Suspicion falls Irtt ttbt, you), last " wu- of Whom has " rr-uit a “may tt pumtion, and whos" nus: inirrvsistw.ru t be promoted by l':llmy.-l lo at Helarxlmlory or Other I'm-Saummry init utum. Suapicnn; Was Eluum'd t-y the Lads seekluu ‘ohangv fur a lvll shortly after and by our of them moving some new foot. wear. Sonw rnquiries by our con snide in n deiettive way mightre. sult m diw-owri :g the guilty on“. and n lawn em uld he made, Such exploits uud.smwned, lead to turthwr dep- “in t ion, CotrNTY Oquum LODGE. -- The Ot mg» in ;;:--s ui’ M'. Fnrest district "ill celebrate tht. "glorious 12H!" thi, yaw in Guelpn whilathelodtter. of the Din-hum tl~trict will no to Hanan-i. Tim (it I lsiun WAS made at the Iltek‘iiug of me County Orange Lmtge fur Smith they here Tuesday when reprewntatlveu were present from nearly every one ofthe tttteen lodges comprhnntt the two districts. thsrrict otticers vs'portrd a satisfac- 'ory incl-pure in Im-mberstnp the ppm year. The following omens was vle-cu-d s--Uounty “aster, W. Ritchie. Glenelg ", Deputy County Master, Wm titevemrn, Nut-mmby; Treasurer. Kohl. Edrm, Varney t secretary, James Wilson, Durham: Chaplain. Res. lit? Manley. Uurhaun'; Financial .oacrltr.t, A, Asjo-, (Hem-lg l Direct- or of uncut-mien Peter McQueen. (JetlmvilIe; lecturer, Jim. Anderson. ytt.Forert; deputy lecturers. Wm. Luwrwnce. (“Pm-lg and Wm. Memu I‘III.MI. F-l't‘w. V Rev Dr F..rquiiarson gave a most in. teresting lecture to the Guild on Mon day night, dealing with Irish history and especially with the features of Eng. lish conquest and government that had left such irritating and rankling memor- ies in the breasts of the Irish people. He said there were three points of disagreement that at various times had caused friction ; the land, differences of religion and matters of trade. Begin. ning he dealt briefly with the so called ‘ conquest under Henry ll and rapidly passed in review some features till the Tudor times were reached when the land question was the burning one, the arrogant overlordl having no compunc‘ tion in turning the original owners and occupiers off their ancestral lands. In the Stewart period religious differences began to embitter the relations between the two races and events took place and deeds were done by both parties that have' lefra lingering bitterness even to this day. A graphic description of Cromwell's cyclone of destruction was given and imagination could picture the ‘terrible sufferings and tragedies that I must have token place. Dr Farquhar t son is simply overflowing with his sub- ; ject and we “will: leVISC all who car. ; to be present at t' e next lecture which i deals with lre‘ianc in the days of Wm. I",','.:',':,'.,',',',', and the years immediately preceding. _ _ DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEB. 13, 1913. With which is Incorporated the When all others fail Carr's Cough Cure will give relief. 60c abettle at Macfarlane'a. An euter'attunent in theinterests of the Y. P. BAY. E. will be held in Knox Church, Nornunby. on Thurs. an evening, Feb. ahh, A good pro- gram in belug prepared. The Aytun choir will furnish music and other talc-min expected. Admission 15 and 10e. Bee the Coxduroy Velveta at Ott per yd and the large stock of Ladies' Undvrskirts in Regal Black Taffeta. Mankind that has the nude of silk and wears better. Every one guar- snteI-d " Grant‘s. Shall Durham have a New School? M r John Waugh, Inspector of Con. tinuation Schools. was in town last week for a ample of days and, in com. pany with Inspector Campbell, made a vhumugh exumlnulon of the clasws in the three room.. He is extremely trrrstifr'd at the large attendance. in this leapect surpassing many High Schuuls and even some Collegiate tn. stitutes. He met the Continuation Selma! Board in the evening and (gave the re. sult of his visitation and opinions farmed then-from to amere quorum ofthe Board Those who heard him Whho‘d that awry Citizen of the town had heard the talk, and an impresai‘m Would have been formed that would lend to speedy action inimproving the educational facilities " tius town- No institution of the town he insist- ed was so valuable as the School and if people Would only look at the mat. ter In the proper light they would not he long till they had a building on a par with the human element being taught therein, He had many compliments-nw the energy and t-iticlencs of the stuff and Ui,- expenence allowed him freely to my that, We had a. grade of intelligence 'tnook the pupils much above the awn-nae. He had been pattieulaHy pleased wnh the answering he re. cewed that day and he had come to the conclusion Lbru 1 was a pef1ectiou on Ihe people of Durham that they had such an inferior building to con. duo the wuied work via Uontinua. uuu School The character of a community, can be iuuged hatter by its school accum- quuntlon than by any other puhlic hunding. The School building was u mar-nu"! of the community and no in. ',tuution paid better dividends than a mclntolproptfvly housed and taught. He drew from his own observation fact:- to pxuve his contentions, especi- ully humming Burlington, where a. dormant cWt'." pride was loaned on ths very question and which produc- ea " building winch gave character to the town and satisfaction to the citi Betts, not only from its appearance but [rum the awakened educational activ- ity which resulted. The school. he said rendered a ser- Ytce to the Lord as well as did the church and a poor and crowded schonl nuxldmg often left a legacy ol semi. blindness. of dcufnesa. of weak lungs and other disordered functions. Referring again to the virtues of the stuff and the brilliancy of the pupils. he said norhing more could he desired along that line, " Eyerylhmg is mum but. your building, everything is mm but yourselves." He intimated pretty plainly at: this mneuug and elsewhere that. Durham Im- lthly to lose its Model School null " migin even he possible that this retrograde step would hung with " detettonstion of the Continuation t3cnoot, What com"- Council. our citiznns. our public bodies think of it? Du!" hum has had continuouslv nModel ‘Chuull herc since 1877, thirty-six years ago. a record equalled only by two mixer poinls in the Province. Mr Al. lan and our Model School has brought Durban Into notice. Its operation here has been something for even tho Continuation School to look np to, it has stimulated higher education. and. though this is lower ground, it has been of tttnuttin 'oenelit to the town. ‘10 our opinion there should be no delay, bat steps should be taken at. once toavert the degradation of our trducaticntU standing. An option I. held on almost the only availahle site in town and it will be a disgrace which wilt carry known punishment if Dur- hun does not at once take steps to provide at an early in date no possible a soluble building for the purpose of higher education in their midst. “The character of tho community can ha judged hater by the school hnnldmg man by any other war" Fmo chunhes may be the result D xianry, public building; of'politicag " pull," bt idgen are no absolute neces, my. Fatt the school, oh I well the sch. ol I "it was good enough for their fr'hnri um mothers. tt will do." It Darhvrt is to be truly progressive' th're mud be steps taken to provide 5 lmildmg for the Continuation School. LIN I AHIU A Bentinck JOHN CLARK aauaausauasJltttt Feb. 6. sit) there passed away at his home near Aberdeen one of the oldest if not the very oldest of the pioneers of Ben. tinck. John Clark. Br, He was born of hardy highland stock in the ialnnd of Mull in tits' (Ar-gone year of 182! and mu thas in lu, 9bit year. ' Niiiie yet it hey he oaTGkirtt his parents to Ummdnand they joined the settlements of their race in the town ship of Vaughan. He remained there till 1817, when with the rare courage of the time he plunged into the forest and it took up " the property on which he was to live fop6.?, years of his life and which was to Ire the birthplace of a nuuwruus family. The land ottiee at. that time was in Elam and he paid f80 for the 200 acres. Hecamu back in 1818 and “got " deed " in lint-year. In 1849 he was married to Catherine McKechnie and in 1850 the young couple drove “illiuyokeuf oxen and three cows the weary miles between Vaugh’m and Brulint'k. much of the road " |.:wing the blaze as their only guide' I ism story that can never grow old, the awry of thecooge ul‘nyoung u-uple {icing life in the forest, not ‘Vllb'llll. its iiaitgers, certainly with LLlldbhlp, attacking with keen axe and stunt lteart the covering of trees whi h Lad to come down to Ire logged, in bu burned with infinite toil, before the semblutt‘e ot a civilized home could take place. Mr Clark’s father was a cooper and thusthn son had become handy with Vols and-the young 1mm made many whit't for him self and neighbors as they Crime in, the making and repair- ingot ox voices, bows, grain madles. kc.. and even " hen death entered the wttlcuient making coft1ng for the dead. Mia fit-rt mop was cut with the tsickle and the titst gt ist was brought to old Nathan Duauuore'a mill which stood when. the new Furniture Factory dun is now built. Here the grist, in ~pic spun new bags, had to be left till the funding day owing to press of habitat-sat and the good man no doubt ( weut home to inform his wife that patience would have to be exercised another day before they would have the imprint; pleasure of eating bread made from lh heat raised on their own land by their own toil. But alas, diu- uppoiutment was in store. That night the mill took tire and grist and lungs went down. or, up in the den. ~liuclion that followed and a new dit. ticulty was created, which no doubt was duly surmounted. He trad tutulhvl' experience he loved to tail. He and another took ngriit to ingli.’ will near o. Sound and the throng Wits so great that they would have to wait two weeks before their turn came round. Fearful that the delay might cause a mild starvation at home a. visit was made to Owen Sound and a quickener secured that induced the miller to take the Ben. tmck buys out ot their tum and send them home reloicingt. Similar tactics Were employed With tuillers at Kelly’s mill in Durham in the olden days, the ethics " the transaction being given but slight consideration. lie Ind Monies of encounters with the den Zens of the forest, he loved to tell of, On one occasion some wolves came mowiiug round where he was burning it th fallow," he ttune fire. ln'unds at the foremost but soon ap- pearing Its be gaining in boldness ow. to their number he left them in pos. session fun that day. He had a. nor. row escape how u hear on another occasion and " might havegonelll With him had not his faithful dog taken bruin's attention by turns while he made judicious tracks for home. Amid such experiences as these the days and the yams passed by Time and inclination both were found.to advance school and church Interests and a debt of gratitude is due to the pioneers tram their descendants tor the praiaeworthy attention they gave to the t'sner things of life while en. lguged in the stern Itrugcle with na- ture to proaure material things To this worthy couple were born nine children, Fight of whom are still living 'r-Mrs John Smith, Aberdeen l James. of Saugeen; John, of Coch- rune, Northern Ontario; Mary. Mrs Joseph Byers. Sash. l Bessie. Mrs Duncan Moriimm. Glenelg ', Malcolm. Principal " Peterborough Schools; Maggie, Mrs McGiliivrny, oi Bruce and Annie at home. The mothen died about 12 years ago, since which time Annie has been the faithful compul- ion and nurse of her aged father, The remains were luterred in La. tona cemetery on Saturday last, an ex:osordiutuilr inclement day. Rev. o.. Fnrquhnrson conducted services. owing to the ittditrpohitioo of decent- ed‘s own pastor. Rev. Mr Stevenson and old neighbors and friends paid the bo,t uihuw to the representatives of A; former genctatlon, The distant mom hers of the funny. John and Mary: Were unable to get to the tuner“: Holstein Leader TORONTO Pioneer Gone on Friday, Feb. Il the other It: were onset". Ibouah Multolm only met it on the way to the In! resting place. .. .. .. .. " Therm of yme Who dune“! our infnncv upon their knee And told our marvelling boy hood h . ttends slow tttteirturarttto happenings h, land 1nd an. ow If? they blotted trot" tlse 9|AH‘“8 that be, .. .. ..The tide relummg tt hrs!- Sweeps them from our sight, Time roll. " come-lets n um." ----- . - ----- New Rural Thetlr.t Rural Mail Delivery ~lurt-\ inn from Durham begins on 1st of March next. The mute. - rill be designated " R. R. No. l. Durhuu; will go by Lumbton Street. to th" 20d Com, E, G. R., (ilenelg, thence north past Edge Hill and Glenmaden to the townlino between Glenelg and Hol- land. thence went to Dornoch and south to Durham by the Gavel Road. A similar route from Chutuworth meets this at Uornoch and hence the stage line between Durham and Chats- worth will be discontinued, _ MrJ. H. McFayden is the contrad- or from Durham it, R. Nq LIX route is being advertised for This 2nd Con. of Bentinck which mil be It. R. No.2. Similar routes are emanating from Hanover. Elmwood and sin? other points so that the day ofthe small country post ottiee is about to end. We will take it as a (“or if parties will notify us at once of R. it, changes in their address. There will be some confusion fol a while, but all will not adjusted soon. Next week we shall give some ot the details of the change taken how. small pamphlet issued by the Poet Otfice authorities. Secure your seat early to hear the "Union Depot" concert on Thursday night, Feb. 13. Admission Mc. Dr. Brown. Eye, Ear, Nose nnd Throat, wall be ht Kuhn Hotel. Dae. ham. Feb, ltr, Hours 12 to 5 p. In. Eyes tested and glasses supplied Hones run NEXT “meg-Tm» Fabruuy Fair falls on the 20th Inet. and contain signs point to n sauce-Ital one Recenc horse sales in Toronto have shown brisk bidding and buying. indicating a revwing niuket. Mr Black is pushing along an usunland has the promise of several buyers foe this fair. Western needs are looming up agein, making a better market here. Get borne: in good condition and well groomed. The Clerks merry romp cupwarde, emblematic of the town hockey chant. pionship, was interrupted last Wednes- day, when in their second meet, the factory boys held them to an even score, 6--6. The game wan close and exciting throughout with the Clerks always in the lead by one or two goals, when not tied. With "Mulvey" Cowan on the line up, the factory were much more formidable than at their previous meet, and at halftime it was anybody'a game, 8--3, Just before, however. Cowan had met with a painful accident in bumping his head against the boards, cutting the scalp and requiring eight stitches In dressing. Consequently the tactorr lost his aid in the last period and the clerks dropped s man to even sides. Till within 7 minutes ofthe close the clerks were quite Certain of the game, being 6-4 ahead, when renewed vim by the factory evened up, the last being shot by Catton after ttbrilliant dash just before time was culled. Jim Mc- Lachlan's decisions as referee were favorable to both tesms. Clel ks Furn. Futon y Cement Works THE Iltlflit BANK Ili: CANADA Factory Tied the Clerks 1'd'l'fltg!Nd'll “a odiFihiGT, "UIHAM BRANCH t B. HUONII. Humor. Feb 1S..AYerks VI. Cement. lQ-Cement n. Fatal-y. POGO; ------ie----- Games to Play Mail Routes Gupta ii7iriiirr" . " ..~ - . i n.5oo.u M Fund .2 g. " ' ”$00.0 Total M . 4, . . ' . "0,000.0 mtiiiiiiii BANK OF 0mm won loot tied -diaiituert-t Jul 8mm WITH WHICH IS UNITED V macaroni» 1369 ”I. COMO-"II- C. WI t ”lulu-mum Mr. l. Fred Smith mum“ this week (mm Multan. Min Agnes McGirr visited " her home over the week end. In [inky Cub-m in visiting ho sister. In W. Caidee u meant. Mr. A. McCabe, cement director, of Toronto. wan in town on business In! Wednesday. Mm R. A. Lawn and con Ale: vii. ted her daughter Irene in Toronto this week. Mr. Wm. Lawson is able tobeout againatter being laid up with erysip- clan for a couple of weeks. Mr. Herb Dunsmoor was operated In Walkcrton Hospital for appendicitin +114 is recuperating nicely. In loom McFadden. druggiuom Pickering. in vhttmg his parents. MI / "a In In... Menu". in town. V In Albert Moteheou. of Benoit, In vital-g her ulnar. Mrs Mt'Anully in town. " " 32 you. since she was last lure, “to. L. Grant and Dr. J. F. Gum were in deu-ton Friday last attend In; the (noon! of an old friend, In; Roam. Me Will Jasper who hu becn visiting his timer. Mrs D. Greenwood and other friends, left Saturday for Ins home in Kidney, Man. Min Jenn Fntuiee of the long duo tance telephone “an. Toronto. rclurn- ed Monday utter hon-laying a couple of weeks with her parents. “in Don [livid-on leaves this weokfor Florida. where the will mend thet remainder ot the winter with her cousin, the McDonald'u of Detroit. Mr And My. Will Johntton Cauw over from Maude Int wevk end with . view to paying their hamm- hold tux-nun" when they will in tu. ture mule. Mine. Adeline and Mattie Watson and brothers, [ears Frank and Alfred of Paisley are visiting in Durham, Edge Hill uld Prkeville, Imong the Ritchics and other friends. Mr Chance C. 'A,ue,las .isktcd ions-a. relative. on: the week end and left Monday to manage a jcwcllry busmeu in Barrie. Mm Douglas is waiting her ”rum her: at present. \ "I Dough" Munro. of Eyebrow; Sub. came home last Week m spend nubile in his home town with wife and huhy. who preceded him by some inch. [his looking wellnnd enjoy- mu the wet. ," Many in town will regret to [can that" after cnmination by Toronto speckl- icto, Rev Mr Newton " given little hopeof recovgry, 'He was not in good health when Waiting here New weeks ago and in now in Goderieh. “nun. N Mawrrtr--.rtaott--itt Mt. Fore" on Feb. 5. 1918. by Rev. L. Spencer in tit. Pauli OhuOch, MI Wm. Martin to ill-00.10““ Wlllou. _.--' Coming! Coming PROF. E KATZ the well-known German Eye sight Specialist, will be at the Saturday, Feb. I5 and Monday, Feb. I7 Prof. Eats is recommended by [hull- and: for hie good work in relieving Eye sight trouble. eye strain. heed echo in every one. Will tot eyes by the new method them never fails. L . . 'yy?E4P3. Middlugh House. DURHAM E. KATZ H399??? Rial}; -sm LU I F

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