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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1913, p. 4

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I t tf"""""""""""""'"", w L w The Central Drug Store , (i, The Central Drug Store i twining; ”$5333.93 33:5 This is Valentine Year Stoves! Stoves! colla'rs, $3.0 for... . .s. . . .. $16.3" 1len's sheepskin lined coats to clear, each................ 3.45 Regular 7.00 for . . . " . . . . Regular $10 and 812 for. . . . Regular $15 for. . . . ... . . . . . Extrgquujty Costs with fur Clearance of Men's & Youths' Winter Overcoats Men's Tweed Suits Men's Scotch Tweed Suits worth $10and$12for............ "lt Men's worsted suits worth 816, Men's extra quality well tailor- ed, worth $18 for. . . . . . . ... 9.95 Ail the Goods in the Store marked down below regular price. I have succeeded in buying a bankrupt manufacturer’s Stock of Men's Suits at 50c on the dollar, manufacturer's price, and l'will offer them to the Public at less than regular cost to turn them over into cash in Two Weeks, and also to clear out all the Winter stock we have on hand at actually less than cost prices. Every purchaser will save a big margin on his money by buying goods here, as there will not be another chance like it again. Call early and get your share of good reliable up=to=date goods at a small price. Sale Commences Saturday Morning, February 15, 1913 W. BLACK We have some choice second hand Cooking Stoves and Ranges which we are offering at very low prices. Do not let these great bargains slip through; your hands. We am have some Coal and Wood Heating Stoves EXTRA 'ff'Elirif"Mlll rrY0]llllflii,ij, Phone 3 lDlllbbWUlhll ........... 5.95 IT/f $13.50 For the girl you love best is always appropriate on St. Valentine's day. We have a great variety to choose from. You can get them in all styles. lrom the most elabo- rate to the neat and artistic at all prices. A Handsome Valentine $3.95 5.95 9.95 LENlllllllllillllE a CO. A Big Reduction in All Kinds of Shoes Men's Furnishings .‘LUUB IJACILR LillulKl’lu t'ov"ovo, reg 1.50, sale price each. . . . . . 98C Black Cardigan Jackets, reg 1.00 (“dull 1"op..................... 490 Men: awe-Mora, regular 1.00, sale price ............. ..-...... Mk Mans durable Workingmen Top Shirts, in dark and lighter colors, reg. 50 and b'0e, sale price. . . . . . . .. Mc Maxis Black Fur Collars, reg. $5 ls, Le (-lem'ed out at hrdf price, 2.50 Mimi‘s Flannel Top Shirts, brown, gm ll and blue, rog.1.25 for.... Mc Mens Black Cardigan Jackets, for Men, Women and Children (tlr-a-ec-if-ce";';':'."",","':!';,',",;;,' 7 . i James R. Gun .m. . mum, - Durham, on M ' ditilitzToditllliiiiill G. T. R, Town Ticket Office 'iiCtirti,FiuTutTd'dle raw: l { --Reeently the electors of the par- ’; Ash of Lemorale. in the Province all Quebec voted upon the question otl 'prohihition. The vnllage has six lbundred inhabitants. When the bal- , rlots were counted it wen found that' '13s electors had voted easiest the 'l bar-room. This must have included .l nearly every one on the list. Agelnss‘; the by-lnw not a single ballotwui --News t the success of the parcel post system in the United States canes from Batavia, o., where no intant was transported by Uncle Barn from .hehome of its parents to that of its grandmntber, about a miie die tent. The parcel measured 71 inches which was Within one inch of the limit, and the postage was fifteen cents. . Wa ask our thousands of readers to think this thing over, We are open for suggestions and our columns are open tor brief amazes intended to strengthen the argument to may in Ontario and above all to make In grain production we cannot per- haps hope to compete with the west, bat in the {coding of Stock, in Dairy- _ ing, in vegetable growing, in fruit- growing, in poultry piodaetion, in bee-keeping, in sugar-making and Itll other lines of farm activity the Coun~ i ty of Grey can more than hold ital own. It is high time the Press, Farmers’ Clubs, Granges and Farmers’ Insti- tutes and Agricultural Societies join- ed in this " Stay in Ontario Ft move- ment and "Stav in Grey"’in par- ticular. We believe that an organ- Ized publicity campaign could he made that would result in centreing attention on l ur good county and try showing actual results, already ob- tained by our best Agriculturists open the eyes of many who have not given thought to the possibilities of Intensive (arming, on smaller areas than many now hold. in the spectacle witnessed every spring for some years back ot seeing numbers of Ontario citizens leaving forthe west, lured there by golden prospects of prairie products, while in many cases. the same enterprise. contentedly used at home, would pro. duce results not imagined at the present time. Not every one knows that a move- ment is under way throughout On- uric known as the "Stay-in-On- tario " movement. It has ips origin ight THURSDAY, FEB. 13,1913 A GREATER GREY, A Greater Grey. price. Be wise and take the advantage of purchasing your goods in advance and save big money by it. on Friday. Feb. 28th, 1913. at 2.30 o'elock in the afternoon forthe pur. poae of receiving the Annual and Au. ditors' Report. for the election of Di. rectors And for other businesg, D. McPaAIL. Auctioneer. THURSDAY, '27Tag Ihtu,--0a this date Adam Pettigrew, Noxmanhy, on Gru- vel Road, near Orchard, ofrerg for sale Fun: Stock Implements. and Home- hold Furniture. No Reserve. 12 months' credit, 5 per cent discount forcash in lieu of notes. _ Notice is hereby given that the An. nual General Meeting of the member. of the Grey & Br use Mutual Fire In. snmnce Company of H.anover Will be held in Millel‘s Hall, Hanover. Ont., Thursday, Feb. 13-Geo. Mars-hull, lot 1, con 3, Normanhy, will sell by pulnlic auction farm stock, implements and household furniture No reserve Sale at 1 o'elock, 85 and under, cash l 12 mos credit, c, per cent off for t ash. D. Mrl’hail. Auctioneer MONDAY, 24111 FEn.--Dan McInnca. lot 21, (Jun. 1, S. D. R., Glunelg. other. for sale on above date, Paras Stock lmolements and Household Furniture. 11 inomhs’ credit, 5 per cent diacount fol. mush in lieu of notes. Sale at: 1.60 o'clock p. m. promptly by taking a few doses of our WHITE PINE EXPEC- TORANT. We have it in the 25 cent size for ordinary coughs and colds, and in the 50 cent size for cue: which may prove more obstinate. If you have just caught cold, a " cent bot. tle will cure you but you must get it not neglect that cough. An apparently trifling ailment often leads to extremely serious con- sequences. The We: thus to do would be to cure RAISED IN TWO WEEKS $3000 CASH MUST AE Sale Register. H. H. MILLIR, Secretaly. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO D. MCPHAIL, Auctioneer. DO IT Notice Gray Flannel regular price 20e perynrd folw...” ... 14c Gray all-wool Flannel, reg. price 300 per yard, sale price. . . . .'. . 22c Roller and dish Linen Towelling reg. 80, sale price per yard. . . . . . lic able underwear. Reg 81 & 1.25 Men's fleeeo lined underwear for.. Boys Fleece Lined, all sizes... . .. The Big B Men's Mechanic smacks and overalls, sale price eaeh.. . Men's Underwear Pennants heavy weight unghrink- SENIOR Roost 5.1; cl,cct---John Nichol, James Car- son, Edna Burke-tr. ‘llh‘Ray Mac. Lean, Ursie Matheson. Irene Mach-an VietorU MacMillan, James Smith. Average mundane». 23. JOHN L. MCDONALD, Teacher. JUNIOR ROOM 3rd ehurs---Matthew Uonkey, Flora B Madman. Kane MncTuggnrt. Dor- othy Canon, Ellie MacDougull. 2nd .--Arurie M Macho“). Reta Clarke, Wretord “when. Joe Warning. Br "t--18ttmrt Moore. Luvrenee Sac-ken. Ethel Wnitel. Jr $irt---glex Mach") 1'rtmer-a9rr Kanold. Fanny an". I Barber Clark Russel " back to his _old stand where he will attend to bus. [mess to suit his customers. Donna“, Rat-a MacD'ot'xgalLHEr Is; Neil MacLeun. Priceville Continuation and Pub. lic School. Monday morning the 10m February frosty, but the wind is south east and is generally more penetrating than any other direction. Too cold to gather any news this time. Agua the e funlr ga leor airson am malum a reobhnidh. or its cold enough to freeze a bear. Me Aldcom, merchant. is again in the old stand selling goods. Reeve Nichol of Glenelg and hire, Nichol spent a couple of days in Tor- ontolast week. Mr Nichol wuaa delegate to the Fairs Association held in Toronto hurt week. Mrs McDermnd who was visiting her brtrheriritrlaw, the Messrs Me. Dermld of To; Cliif, returned to her home in Chicago a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McMannis of Rivers. Man, are at present visiting Mrs. McMannis’ old home on the South Line, Glenelg. at her fathers. John McDonald. It is going on 7 years since she lelt this part and no doubt sees slot of changes in that time, . They spent Emce New Year's at Mr Mehiaunis' old home at Que. bets, some 75 miles below Montreal. and will be staying here till March. before they return. We were pleased to have a call from Mr Dim McDougall, accompan- ied by his friend Mr. A. McCuaig ol Top Cliff. Mr McDuugall Intends to be back to We West again by the middle of March. The past week kept up n continual storm and was February in charac- teristics all right. Show is piled on roads running north and south and we notice that the iields are taken in some places fer a highway. Our churches Were sllmly attended last Sunday owing to the inclemency of the weather and bad roads. Average altendnnct‘, M. J. Bus, Tetueher, Dry Goods Priceville ‘4'?!“ ’ J. C. Nichol's Old Stand, Durham 'ilr66ilmbsFeesiesiirotie ",t"i""il"""i'iit 'i"'""'""""""""":: t . GRANT'S AD. , [,i/ While wishing all my friends a happy and ,Presperous New Year, I wish to call their attention to the 280 yards New Curtain tht Also a lot of Pure Linen Lace and Insertion at & per yd l -A:-..9 r41-“ ., n . - - Ladies' Collars in Robespierre Stocks, Fancy hints, kc Excelsior Handkerchiefs Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. At this season of the year you always have I. hankering for them. Oar shipments arrive fre- quently so are ever fresh and tasty. Take a box home with you. For all kinds of Commercial Printing of Highest Quality, Try the Review Job Dept. THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods .75 .85 39c 29c While wishing all Try our. Fresh Oysters C. L GRANT Lined Jackets, Etc. A big reduction on all dress goods in Venetian, Tweeds, Worsteds, in all shades, low. er price than usual. Choice lines of CM Menu, Phin and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Groceries. ete., étc. New Goods' . Just to Hand e Ladies' Coats E. A ROWE £33 sieoottostroiiniriinsai'i'; FEB. 13, 1913 teiEttS" ii: Often il FEB. Ch ca” Sm Pre W

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