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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1913, p. 5

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PEP. 13. 1913 mi I will ntcr stock . ts there rim}? price. l 17:?! 3 lress ceds, low" 175 3.95 IN "ICC rznting ars, W D Its hit .,5S, if! 'li'aii. '/i'dit"dsi'l, Often the Cheapest New Dry Goods for Spring ill are Here a . . a N :w Prints at 10 and 12k N cw Curtain Goods a In White. Ecru, Biege. . . . . . . . . . . .at 25e per yd tl E nbroideries . g Fi oacirut, 46 ins. wide from. .60c to $1.25 per vd m. New Boots (ili, Shoes / rriving Daily L Aces aml Insertions 0f! .ut the Cheapest FEB. 13, I913 of different makes, small sizes ar: to 4 reg 2.75 and $3 lines Also a few pairs in PATENT LEATHER rcgulur 5n and 4.00, out they go at. . . . . . . . .$3.50 Small Profits Kharming Wall Papers IV encn _ (h stock of Tapestry, Axminster and Velvet Rugs is very large and it is t 'npm‘ d of the newest patterns in the neatest Oriental tints. Li'mleums, 6 and 12 ft wide, in the newest designs and a varied assortment i r patt, ms to choose from. A neat stock of Floor Oileloths. this one ot' wur 40e Broototor...... ......zaso Try Mek clmle's Pate Soup. 8 bars for. ..25e 3-0 our Women's Flannel lined Shoe... 1.75 Sce our new For Sets, which we no selling " 25 per cent reduction. Try our Light of Asia Blink Tuna!» per lb. See our stock ot Woollen Underwear. A lull stuck at len‘a nod Boy’s Lumber-urn Rubbers. . . . S. MclLRAlTH, Ladies' Dongola Bals urs '. e cor , is f Pu Earl THE PEOPLE'S STORE Quite a number of Furs ate still on hand and a good selection may be obtained. They are being cleared at reduced prices. Floor Coverings on 2nd Floor aracing, 46 ins. wide from. .60c to $1.25 per yd .. 24 ins. wide from. . . 25c to 50e per yd a ' Imperial' and ' Maple Leaf' makes. ed for Ideal fit, comfort and style. You I) i.,'t't comfort in price when you bay here. 1 r.inds of Footwear and Rubbers. Highest Reminders ROBT. BURNETT ing a big price d, that always mean a. satisfactory result. This is par- true of Wall Papers. Our stock is selected with that care and judgment mums a pleasing effect, even when papers of moderate prior are used. idly invite you to inspect our stock now. It is a veritable tloser garden mposed of the newest designs. 'hlldfethrrie'tiWaikblilem We Want Your Butter and Eggs. Highest Price Paid for Fowl. We have in stock 35 pairs cl , Terms of Sale, Cash urs I The Down Town Shoe Stora J. McKECHNIB reduced to $2 For 1913 Always the Beat All wool Panamas. 54 inches wide. .., All wool Serge. 52 inches wide. . . ' .. Fine WoolSuitings . ...... ...... .. .. All wool Irish Poplin, 40 ins wide. .... Ottoman Cord 50 inches wide...... .. Bedford Cords, 40 inches wide, ' .... All wool Scotch Tartan plaidis . .. . . . . Shepherd pltrid, 40 inches wide. . . . .. Scotch Tartan plaids. 40 inches wide. Poultry and Dried Apples ress Goods The gtormg of we put week hue almost blocked some of $110de god before long we WI“ agsin be joking through we pitch holes. Miss Beesiis Ming". spam . few days last week with her friend, Mm Annie Lawrence. Misses Terms and Olga Robinson ot Woedbndge spent the latter and of the week at the home of Mr Thou. McGlrr. Mr, and Mrs. Root Scott and fun- ily of ledlng. Sadr" are spending the week mm Mamas in the neigh- homund. The Mummy Watmn of Paisley. Ire spending the week with relatives in the Vicinity. MM) Agnes lieGurr, tench". near Shelburns 'lent the week end at her home here. In spite of the storm on Thursday eyening. a. large Lumbar turned out. to the Bible Class at Mr Thou Mo- Girr's. Dr. Farqnharson led the meeting and Wus nuch aprreciated twall. The mee ing Will be held Hus week at Mr. S unnel Patterson's and will be held In Friday evening instead of Thursday. Mr Her/ry anence intend, bold. irgtut auonon sale on Monday, Feb- 17th. 5th Ch<~ -C Ma} r. Br tth-." Pat- wrut-n. -l!’ ')--Y. Lindsny, M Bell. B. J ,l--o' Urn. L p joe. Jr 3rd--M Alki' :' P, W MW“ NH. 2ud--V Bit. Cutie, o its”. u I an»; and M Whit. umrwcq , l ”Nth“ G Bell, A Lind- say. 5: rr-d MD, Mt. Jv1st---R Me. Furlnne. It Unis, Primer-Milford A'jue and G Lindy y eq, Emmurj'm Scorn Teacher, No, b', GLEN. ' BEN, aurtviastr--Jittt Ht-~venson. Sr 4th-- (‘nrrw Movth'y. J: trh--Boto Mortley. Murruw Stew-mm). Ruth Ledingham, Wnlvid Iii-1k. Jt.io'ui---Beswie Vansun Mull“: Coiliclo', Kalhlcen Cottletd, Florence (hm-m. Sr gnd--Petet Lvdinghaun, ll "ohtPicard, Florence Vaughan, Howzud Smith. Jr 2nd~ John \Vdson. br-home Brown, Sr Pruuvu--ittie Mot-Hey and Nel. sun Sclmefer (q Sr Ptirutt--Leo Cof- held, Chtrr"te Brown, Julia Brown, Kathleen Ray. rmtRAM, Veb. Flotsrpcrewt.v-- Oatmeal per sack ... Chopperewt-- Baetwheat....--. FullWheat.......... Spring Wneat.... .., 021w,t'ecd........... Oats, milling-...-. Peas................ Barley..........-- Butter.............. Eggs............... Potatoes per btsg.. . .. Ducks NA). 'A (LL ENELG 5th Char -C MN} r. Br l Durham Markets. School Reports Green Grove Wue:u......... ,ed..... ........ nilling.......... as per bag.,.,... o-----..-.-'.."- ., _ w, A“ M. BLANCHE REID, Teacher, J'eb, 12, 1913, .. 240to200 .. 275to30. . 135 to150 . 50 to 50 " 90to8 95 .. 90 to 95 ,.. 33 to 34 .. 33 to 34 .. 90to 100 .. 50 to 55 ... 18 to 18 ... 19 to 10 ... 60 to 60 Large Sales 12 to THE DURHAM REVIEW 34 34 100 55 18 10 The meeting ot the W. It. M. S. and W. H. M. S. met lat Monday in thn church Quite a number of the ladies attended. We are sorry to hear of the Rev. Mr Stovmsou's illness, but hope to hear of his recovery soon. Mr Thos. Dargavel, of Winrton, went a few days with his brother, R. Dargavel ol this burg. A number of the young folk! took in the party at Mg John Mckenzie" last Monday and report a very good time. We are sorry to hear of Mr John Ray’s accident. who had the misfor- tune to tali and cut his head. We are also sony to he“ of Mrs R. Dar- ttavel's illness, but hope to hear of their recovery soon. . Miss Annie Alexander left last Monday for Hamilton, where she in. tends taking a position. We wish her all success. A few of the young folks around spent a very enjoyable evening at Mr A1eerandet's last Friday. Mr Isaiah Melosh is seriously ill with pneumonia and heart trouble. Well Mr Editor, news has been scarce around here since Xmas, too many soft days for skating and no other amusements for the ycung peo- ple mat times are quite dull, But unweycr times are looking brighter, thom Weatette guys that have been lurking round all winter are getting thu notion in their heads of going beck and we really believe that some are not going back alone, Will says he is and so does Ned, but what does John say or Steve ? Mr Andy Hay, of Dromore.wbo has been engaged with Mr J.lI. Richardson for the Winter, has re- turned home. Andy will be greatly missed as he was a favorite. Mr Thus. Hardy has returned to his home in Owen Bound, after spend- mg a week or " renewing his many acquumtnnces round bore. The dance " Mr Harvey au'er. son's last Thursday night was a de. cided success. good music and a jolly lot from Prieeville, Top Cliff, Yeovil, Boolhville and S.P. Some did not return till 10 a. m, next day. Mien Ethel Ferguson has returned home from the Queen City, Mrs It. Alucorn was a Toronto vis. itnr last week. Misses Jennin Haw and 'erguson and Messrs Robb Geo. Ferguson and Bar: 1 holidaying near Stratford. Misses Mary Wright and Sadie Heard have gone to Toronto lor a couple of months. Mr and Mrs John Campbell have returned to their home in Alberta, afterspending a couple of months at the farmer's parents here. Mr and Mrs Herbie Haw gave the young people of our burg a party last. Friday night. Which was a grand suc- cess. All report. an enjoyable time. Pulling Out Teeth The Toronto Star says: that since the lat ot January, Toronto practition- ers have been attending clinics whore dent ll patients have been placed under the power of a newly-discovered Crer. mun drug that removes the sense of pain while leaving the brain clearly Conscious of what is going on. Experi. ments with the anaesthetic have been thrown open to all members ofthe medical and dental professions. The difference between the new drug and chloroform is. that the latter ren' ders the patient wholly unconscious, reduces the action oftho heart, and is upphcnhle only will: a. trained.'phy. sir-i 'n standing by. It is administered only for serious dental operations and cannot be taken by everybody I leaves " unckenlng effect when consciousness is regained. Tue newlrintroduced drug gets rid of practically all such objections. While it is breathed in just as choro- form or gas, the deadening taction is exerted only on the nerVe centres. leaving the bum) unaffected. A pa. Llem having an entire row of teeth extracted 5an upright. in the dental Chill! and calmly watches the open- tor's pincer a pry our one atteranother. He may even laugh if he chooses, or tell a. funny story, But the point is, he feel! no pain, and yet knows and Bees everything painful that is going London dentists claim that a drug known as tuunnaphone--evidenuy the one used in Toronto-has been known and need here for the past couple of years. While the town council of Whitby is said to have appointed Dr. C. F McGIllivray, medical health onicetr at 825 a year. on a tender system. Dr, F. Warren, who has occupied that " flee for eight you: ata yearly aver- me of 8100 a year will not relinquish the position. ' Dr. Warren has been notided by the Provincial Board of Health to con. tinue his duties, and the interpreta- tion of both the old and the new Act is that the medical health otticer can- not be dismissed except for miscon- duet, leaving ftho municipulity. etc,, and with the approval of the Provin- cial Board of Henllh. . Wedding bells are ringing. Old M. H. 0. Won't Give Up. Until this year. w. Warren bu Swinton Park. Last week's budget am _ v" I mrw--Hnrqcmuresagi'i"s _ _ TORONTO llllllllilllItlgliltltIt is now a Picnic. rsiTcC.tiiti i Marion t, Black, Haw are iii Men's Furnishings)) Fit Ne, i2 A l I: 3:3 LEATHER LABEL OVERALLS & SMOCKS AGENT Ea Y.' tk 'ii'issgaaagsiesynxsixiegssriegriierrlir?irt.i been paid by his tees, bat this year the y,', mamaxxgxxxxfiaxxsxxwfixmsmafi new Act reivtirinir a salary, Dr. War- ren has asked for 8100, or to no on under the fee system. EEi-nmsmmmsmmxssm‘J.uq._gurron.n.3;£5 The Ideal Gents’ Furnishing Store EIOfgygugtm-fl Dr. W’urren, who saw the Provincial authorities has called a meeling of the Whitby Board of Health. Dr. McGillivmy is president Ontario Medical Astrociattom On Reasonable terms. 200 acres. mmprising West halves ot Lots I an I 2.2ud Con., W. G. R.. Bentinck a. -, Lot3 on the same Concession. 1 nor-es cleared, well watered by sprim‘ creek, two tigiM orchards. Go frame house, ced " on barn. Conven- iem to School "ud P. o, Apply to Jim. PATOS. Prop,, _ Swinlon Park} Several ho'useq in nice cottage in Lower I X tk I ' . a Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark Circles Under the Eyes ' are all sign: of the system being dogged. The Liver Ind Bowel: Ire xnnctive and who Sloumch is wank from undigested foods and foul an“. the great fruit remedy. wilt nuke you feel like I new puma. After taking mm bow of your Fig Pulls for staunch and liver troubles I feel strong Ind well my! able to do my own work. Mas A. H. Sacaman Sold " all denlorl in 25 ad tio con! be". or mulled by The " Pill Co., St. Thomas. Ont. Behind our Winter Sale of There is a reuon. It does'nt lie in the goods but in the necessity of our melting room for Spring Goods. To clear our Men's Furnishings to the lowest possible point, we offer you inducements in the way of . . Price Reductions A few of the many bargains offered for the next few iN: days are worth your inspection: ii, Corduroy Caps, worth 500 to Lts, for only. . .. . . . 40c 9:3 CurlyCaps,worth Ric, foronly o..........'.". 35c Fly Sweater coats,--) a few left at. . . . . Reduced prices ti a We will Ive w a bi sun on all Ov- I f,lyt!s2itt?. ercoats lift. 5Now is if, tinge to get one if, Child's Mocha Gloves and Mitts, worth 65c for. . . .. 25c My Child’sToques,worth 50cfor w..........-..'.'. 2lic a: Fur Collars, only a few left. . . . . . . . . . . .Special prizes 54 Special Reductions on Men's Underwear and Flannel If Shirts. Also Snaps on Fine Shirts. in A' few Overcoats, quilted' lining and fur collars at special 99 prices. 'l?: Reduced Prices on all Winter Goods if GEO. S. BURNETT MacFarlane & Co. SALLOW SKIN FIG PILLS Farm for that are Simply Startling For Sale A Genuine Reduction. Come and see. Commences February 3rd Wall Papers Winnipeg. J an w, 1911 in Durham. One Call and examine our Stock. F C. P. R. Town Office 200 acres. JI‘llt m of the of PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of one month l from the date hereof, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Durham will take into con- sideration, and if no "ffieietst objeo- tion be made thereto, fittnlly pass a lay-law of the Mid Corporation to close up that portion of Saddler Street extending from the Westerly limit of the Town plot of the Town of Durham and thence Easterly to the Easterly line of limit ot Park lot number tour on the South side of Saddler Street produced Northerly F a direct line across Saddler Street. Dated January apd, A. D., 1913 i . WILLIAM B. VOLLET. Town Clerk, Durham SPECIAL CRUISE AROUND THE WORLD Empresses of Rugsig and Asia (Nun C. P. R. Pacitie 8teamsuips) The Empress of - will leave Liverpool April let. calling at Gib. raltar. Villefnmche and Port Said. proceeding via Suez, Colombo. Pe. nang. Singapore. Honk Kong. Shanghai. Nagasaki. Kobe and Yokohama. arriving at Vancouver May 31, 1913 Inputs of his will sail from Liverpool May 27, making similar cruise. Most direct "snnection for April In! sailing in via "Empress of Britain' from St John. N.B.. Mar 21 Rate ior Entire Cruise, $639.it Exclusive of maintenance between arrival time in England and departure of 'Empress of Rustin! RMtserartqae, Agent, barium Get particulars from Gan. Pacific Agents or write M. G. MURPHY, D.P.A., (LP. Hy. Toronto lt..... Reduced prices w u abig snap on all0v- x, w is thetimetogetone if, worth65cfor.....25c X PUBLIC NOTICE W. C. MRI!“ B. D s, L BS Hanan GRADUATE of Tom Univ . Adult: f Sal , of _i'iqtl,qi1t. of$x$¢iuw Over J CNTER'b cm to t'mN1.1'tlt, Alt-insomnia tor a}. a t cal-an belllde " the Rom! Ill “W' at corneal-undww add than. of Ceylon no. will be manly l grandad“. 'trmartuvpplicattou to Barrister, Solicitor in Supra-at court low-y Public Commissioner Money w Loan. nice on anhron tit., opposite U wupole'. Stablm. D. MoPHA/L-’ D WWMIMIQt-l men-1n ht an denatquylon. uw, I Ertttttuttriettr I: Speciality. 'icuripramiag, Shortest Notice It-tt M surname in the body "ittety.8.'d it. proper union . renal. rim and vitality. I’m-tun: doe-V ind All sexual: sseaknettg averted u once. Milo-0| vu 'l1it"sli,"l, I new mm. Pncc '" lrrr, or two tar " mod to mv Iddren. “a Book“ I)"; a... It. Catharina. on. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director ter, IPo'"s--A4trrs fromL Middaugh Wou L / 'ts ck- let house south d w eeu Blue smith Shop. The 2'lhet timetable will effect until furt er notice . and down r mow-m P" tcaw.1lr Wauket um I” d,trJk8hieave, #aoolrer. nt've yy, Electric Restorer for Men 1 - and Equipment. the school In mommy eqm In t l Mlltan cheated irli),y,1l,'i?,,',rh'itr'iii' a has; ac., tor mu Junior Leann: u: MIS' lwvotk. Tho tonowxn. comma. ion In - a Mac I Ind Proving“! Kod- I , Wank?“ Chm was“ 7.101.” Datum 7.2124.le MoWillmnm T 7313‘ Pr%eville 1455.51.19“ 8":ng . leave l, m-tna Mahmud cuter n the u fii,i2Ttr2t,tl2ttlllt Roam m a . “mutant “mm In H »uog|ouv_e_m “an it I moat tl'h", iriiiiiiiur've bGiiisrt. lenve 8.C, 11.30 Connecting with than". to and from Imam). Only one change lwl ween Durham and Toronto. Speed, cumin: t and may. Gone to us for tickets and informa- tion. We ue also agents for Allan and Domlnlou line noun-hip. and C. P. R. can linen. LEM Aucdonoor tor Co, Grey Durham. . ©ontinuatior? New Year Greetings, 19l3 "TG7Gai9fiii, Boo] In a ye . hifl,'S'f,. . In ADM. . ”and on“; a; In mun-r itiiii,ti nod “was have every “VII!” for t C mp. punctuation and “mum o 'nowltdu. “an: ”new moan-Io. " “WEI; J. P. TELFORD Full line of Cal holic RR and black and white 'upa for and people. A. BELL D. lcPHAlL. Cea'lon or to c. RAIAGE. urham All-u Par k School p. In . 10.5 _ 9.42 0.83 M. 19 9.09 tenth-p [mu 12.40 [2.17 P2.a, Ii.64 IL44 ”.31 11.!)

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