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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1913, p. 6

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li, _il, 3 lunar. I” m can. In. The thing: that are put " until to-morrow are and”): ffnished just " hours late. A"’I‘tl'¢ rum '1” be quoted n: vnmhiv mm“. ulnrdmg the finest loan» on [he Lots Angelou Limited. legnn' gun-4:0 daxly 10:16 pm. for Southern Cult run. tho an Francine Overlund Lin hed Invinl (‘hiru'o 0:30 p.lll.. le- than three a." on route. provide the but ot "Hymn: in runny navel. Miln- ud Jan-u Mail xeno- Chicago y It D13 9.. for 8a- anino and In. Att. lu. Illa-tux“! Ill-nun on applica- n to B. II. Bennett. th A., Chic?» um! ort.h Wooten. I," U You. at., opal-o. "Did yuuue git anything?” whis- pered the burglar on guard its has pal emerged from the window. "haw, de bloke wot lives here is a lawyer," replied the other in dir [int “Dnt’s hard luck." said the Erst.. "Did youse Hose nnyi'intrt" . " Dutch, though . at hemmed in by large m ernmenu, hold a high I and Iorvous. in fact a complete wreck, in ' 5.4.4: sometimes hue to re- , '. '. . Vi fwr a couple of days or nm t' mln 'HH‘. I found no help Y! ”sun THE wmnn no CALIFORNIA t La If a box from The Dr. ly Ms.dioirhs, ('4'. m., htt ll rd n meek" are at all unwell do not ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, will find new health and Sold hv medicine deal.. D I} Brt rted herself M 'lla hat P mm r women it given DNIC WILL DO M nly feel youn what Dr. Wil a done for m kvill ce am "’ch mah ll id) m nd m tl h the hi, . v.1; |<H-V!'~. and Him-hm and (“INN “\(“i'l fur tiit.ain \pt‘vial in, ‘IIilllwl‘x ii- (3. 4 WIN" undergrud'b ttttss li b t'll Ms (Fun-e i-n the ('ullegv frd' 1‘. 73h “'15: 'rd, “Hun ('ulll' HI mm» and Nut at High Tnh'c- with Nw v3 'tl- 1s King! Edvard did. Ho hm whurd assurciatiam fund)?!” pron) tmrvzuurl,v for the Magdalen I wound eleven and has run with the l beach». which arc kept up by i Magdalen. New College and Trin- ‘ity. Tle has studied hintory--rnod, jern#\vit~h Profs. Grant, Robertson {and Lionel Smith. and “civics” [with Sir William Anson, French lwith M, Bentlion and German with iProf.. Piedler. Of ttndertrrnduue, {chill he balongs to Yineent'o, the ‘club of “Mun” Indigood M3110, to Bullingdon. tho horny ah. . which King Edward joined. “the , Gridiron. which isanttttRv a dim :cluh. He has than: mam more doorb- to “nasty-Mo and don alike than 1 km desire to be mn- od like everybody duo. " um l'rmoe. attPr pquerry and private have spent a fairly graduato's li'e--fur p MI The army d, Ind Mum leaving the service I and that he was refused admitdance to his club in consequence by the conservative hall porter. It 1.snsunmsur, A BOUT TROU tl ped above the tsnkte something if ter the fashion of the rah-rah trow sers of tn-dny. All of which u merely preliminary to the reBeetiort that antiquarian: in England discovered that last year was the centenary of trottaers. Previous to that blissful year men were fumed to encase their legs in broPchcs which came just to the knees or in pantaloont,, which ship It u 51: obscure subject. and one which my be argued about, at great length. For there are wild tribes to-dar in the tropics who regard clothing as a useless impediment, but who wouldn't for the world ap- pear in public without a cord deto- rated with shells amund the, waist. Also there are savage gentlemen who look on clothing with acorn as wnzmhing cffeminate and will have nothing to do with them. In Japan, at least until recent years, nobody paid any attention it one went to an outdoor bath in the altogether. "I Custom 13 its metator ot What " Good Porn. - There is A dispute among the gentlemen who ransack the past as to the origin of clothing. Did it be. gin as a. string of beads, solely for ornnment, and did modesty finally result from the wearing of clothed Or did some social leader in the cave dwelling days decree that k was bad form not to wear an apron? And wadid tho habit. result from I dawning sense of modesty? ed from it. and the JT M' cam ling p rma ted with tl t than Kin; andra. Bu h " c chapr"i, 4vr rsrllcall, at 8 breakfasts murc‘ often in the ' Common mum mixes than in 'n "ttttttty, and lunches and Pt', ha is fat tt " m he tranutlvn to ' more readily. there was prejud nveatitrator has d ms Vgentlomen n could be shown he t'utht pan-men hulk tug "lg! H and the wrung Prince midvntly inherited it hit If Jsefs had such obv s m the wav of con as W Ed w at d: I’d“ Ptic " If all. in spite 4) tutor, sevms t1 normal under a prince. H4 t rd 9 way that t ut ms me chant m It " m h .VW SEEKS He " n ll BID. 4. he “Tum. "tlw-rranie at “‘nforhm grerrs mv. Braid“ W:ttcrhu, Bridgin- (xpm'iuny ve-clwisterwtl) to I'vmind Iva uf mar 1lvteat, Waterloo Rum] and Wanton-hm stpoet. there :nu Water-hm hotels, Waterloo aca- tlernies, Waterloo public houses. Waterloo eating houses and Water- loo shops of all kinds and descrip- tions. 'The India wear Waterloo bumwts and th egentlemen Welling- ton hunts." Snid to Be Cause of Infants' Dis- - orders in England. Recent action of the health au- thurftir's in England against a drug- gict, or. as they call them in Eng- ‘nvll a "ehruni.st," for mailing an %:.r';:n:\‘ I'm d that cantaiqmd " suffi, 'O nor form 30 weak and nervous I could not hold a cup of tea without spilling some of its contents. "l felt a benetit after taking the first box of Dudd's Kidney Pills, and eighc or nine boxes cured me so t-m'npll-u-h I can now walk a mile' "My sickness," Mrs. Godin says, “was caused from a nervous break- down and what the ductors called incurable Bright's Disease brought on by cold and long weeks, of nurs- ing. 1 sufFued for five years. "I was twated by three doctors and was a. patient in two hospitals, hm graduallx' got weaker. Reading the experiences of other sufferers like myself lead me to try Dodd's Kidiwy Pills. At that time I was Sir: 'dill {EH ft, Toronto, Ont., Feb. 3 (Special).-- Mrs. Alberta Godin, a nurse, liv- ing at 40 Wright Ave., this city, has been interviewed in regard to her reported cure of nervous or Kid- ney Trouble by Dodd's Kidney Pills She states that the repurt is true in every particular. DOCTORS AGREED TORONTO NURSE In!) BRquT's 1Hsihtils'. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her after five years 'iiitreritt--I'eit a bene- It after tirtst box. STUNT! OFTEN h POISON. uh d Lu Mingus." nu hmen’t used Dodd's Kid- 'ills yourself ulnmat any of neighbors will toll you they a cure Kidney Disease in any amt. of starch Wo torioo in t in nut III this country the HELD Eli? tf TEA 'al oificor of health of i Ruthmd. Dr. Chris- Y1 H btw1ninst as 18am o-‘u. London brc “a f W Fared that W harmful 'll n Lt “Chest Colds, Bronchitis - Can’t Be Cured I By Caugh Syrups The price of sugar is likely to fall. Most of the sugar in Europe is beet sugar, and the crop of sugar beets last. year has been enormoun. For the whole of Europe the crop ex- ceeds by thirty-six per cent. auto! lut your. . In addition. the quality is extra fine; in some tests the beets were lmmd to have seventy-one per cent. more sugar than those grown last year. Between the great yield and the superior quality the smount, of any" produced will be nearly twice u M. Me. and keepers mrw f': Canada Record Crop of Boots in Human- This Year. The high cost of living has tum bled Europe almost as much as it has this country. There seenu to be one ray of comfort for 1913. symptoms of Tho tt1reetotrertudn FOR it "is a. “salons pas: so and ever will be To-dny. if the history of the put ten years has not alread' enabled. it to do w. the Sudan fulfy juBtihos its or:iutonco nod the munvy that is so agreeable, so often effective and so economical in treating poor oomplexr ions, red, rou h hands, and dry, thin {mg falling hair. Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment have been sold through- out the world for more than a generation, but to those wishing to try them with.. out cost, a liberal sample of each will be sent frvo with 32-p. book on the C8tTt and treatment of the skin {mil hair. A;!drics'(hditotret,' Deg/L. 251.), L'usruru, 'd. SA. Sl'liAll MAY Br', LOWER. If you wish a skin clear of pimples, blackheads and other annoying eruptions, hands soft and white, hair live and glossy, and scalp free from dandruff and itelr. ing, begin today the regular use of Cuticura Soap for the toilet, bath and shampoo, assisted by an occasional light application of Cuticura Ointment. N o other method Do You Wish to Im- prove Your Complexion. Hands or Hair? " " l N SELF hu'ppmtT1 N ll zone THF glMP .um p a; 'e.'-'-;', - a “a / " EN n-hozmm _ i A complete on to last “We bard 13119? aim" 500. All STOMACM WHICH ISN'T AFFECTED. II' In: Butfxalo, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ts-)))) I All dr I) druzwinn and More id from tho CrorPhrr N. Y., and Kingston s reputation in world. outfit with gumeient two month, and an ruhlwr inhaler can” with 21nd: inhrt.ter, " rm euro a. useless H w to te 0 THE mm. fl that wapo pos In Easier Way. "Her pawn“ sent her to Europe in the hope that she would get mar her infatuation for young Flub- duh." "An easier way would be for them to let her marry him." No man is ever so aloud but what there is some cause to be sorry for the woman who married him. mm tio, t um my T sneezed "Marc‘s lemonl Cures ommnm. That's why he wr a pt luv» h-r mam 3mm. Non Hulk-stud to tie. and mm M III-IIVIM a m Tar. and “k' y Murillo Eye Hahn n Ail-mic Tub-m, gar Murlnd Eye Remedy Go., Chicago day Mlnard‘s LInimont Cum Cargo! In new when Your Eye; Heed Bare bathed “ led and lllmk on Elm-k Baek. : ground ’fo'lll ”Mort Distance-s. , If on ' screen of black velvet at a distance of 10 feet from the spec- ;tutor letters are pasted, some blue, Swine red, they will not. appeur to be ‘at an equal distance 'rom the eyes. To some persona tho ted letters will seem nearer than the blue letters, while to other persons the contrary ,effect will be manifested. n provide the h DON'T NURSE GORNS TRY THSS REMEDY To produce this otroet both eyes must be employed. When one eye is closed the letters are all seen at the same. distance. On upeaing the other eye one set of letters immedi- ately appears. to take a position in advance of the others. ' The explanation offered for this effect is that a sort. of stereosoopic illusion is depending upon color. The image of a blue oNect is shifted by tho eye toward one side and that of, . rod object to,rard the other rec If on looking " blue Mad red " tars on n block buckground placed 10 or HI loot may you use the rod lemma "an" than the blue, screen " onrhalt of the pupil of each on on the outside and you will see the red latter: min, behind the Man one". " you norm-n the pupils an the wide, Gtwtsrel tho "our, you will in" the rod lower» ulvuncn arpparrntly "till further aheuul of tho blur. 0mm. If, on the other hand, you naturally 34-0 Um blue in Mlvnlwv, some" the lunar nidm of the pupiln of your (“um and “no rwl Wlll mum- to llm l'runL mum mo ll iiirirrtte l cumin! a; " can (IVE/rib! TRICKS 0F COLORS Yon can't be d Somme [It m Pl ape! Pulling: It n hr aged and In' uen " I'll pr with the pm: l _ r . "‘" ’ EA LIMEIy if you'll only I We F (Ot Ft S hus, l .” - ' 'a, a ...2j..?.h?.,'.:.L.--.., t " I Recieve Ea lc' yi- d four, met Henry tr, l'p To Him te it w ha t G it “HI, w St rm Fuh- rhnnlc. and we. latter papa n his Papa M wh the Mr, n n l on their We: in the feed put Spolm'o ', Liquid Gunpound. Oh. the remedy to ntl I " then. It am on the Mood and gland». I It to“. the that: by “pawn. the dia- ~ous um. lt undo " the trouble In 'Ilttcr how they no "exposed" Abno- luwiy {we "on numbing injurious. A I child cu: 11th at. it. Gold by dry:- cbu Bead in... Galen. WI All W m Spohn Medical Go. mm m lutormulou “CHIN. "I... U. I. A. (KL-"’1': (NujliF'i'i'ii'i' In H "That wun't n bud epignm on the Magistrate’s part." said the somewhat educated tramp who hnd been convicted tor vagrnncy. "What did he say?" asked the trnmp's pal. “Seven days,” came the re- ply. "That ain't no epigmm, is it?" 'Wm sure it is. I asked I. [arson once what an epigram wu, and he nu, “It's a short sentence that sound. light. but gives you plenty to think about.' tt Tait LAXATIVE 330310 Quinme Tubku Dr gum Mull! mom-y if it fail. to cure E. ' GROVES “mum”: " ou and; box. up, CARPET Ilnud'u “Mm-M Curls In .11 mm of DISTEIIEI. PINK EYE, INFLUIIIA. cost». "o. oe all honey. "'"t"'t,'" oolu. amnion. -A a w Percival DePuysier in positively fright» thinka whit. would h to him if he hadu't b pun-ems. Success may be I hard work will solve "SPOHifTHEM" when buying your Pia: - insist on havtno an " cents. OTTO HM?! Piano Action Why, man, it's outragt how little it would cost 1 Close_t:;i3gllt 'in gum-Tm will appreciate its [Minn Iliad now to get rid of th how. That nine out of every ten cases of directly traceable to the outside clone disease and filth. rr " CURE A COLD ON on: DAV It Has Been Proved Brockvillo Ontario WE HAVE STARTED A White as Snow Wash Day to get rid of that outside it's outrngmm! DIE mystery, but it. UNIOMD” n Fl h “'0" ru l cy anal! and his entire (an very turner wh o cum! Especinlly when you to inst-H a Good " at A? rm n " m3 nuprcuuy when you conlider I to inst," a Good Henith Snnitury onw. Inuginé GU 'our family and convenience. "lb no vmnr ro LOOK his horror to remain force your farmilr---s TROUBLE d roman! on M. W. DINO... - Whom. Strut. form ((000 am nu or' soc “an I with Throo Hausa-z luv Bank Bartt, Hunt be no]! quick Prme m wry low, ijpTd,ttg hummus FARMS IN L Mutual». Alberta and Ruin-rho.“ that can}: bouill. Worth tho mum-y tor I Irina; ii, (more!!! IMvzmn of Ontttrmio on my list. " you VA“! a In. "ottolt Hull inf: o NR HUNDRED At'RF.R e o, than"; no“ (run-11y loam. home: {use bank burp: other nu ingu- rinse to nilwoy .toiteat um I: Am»?! Geo. In". Thummtord. or W Ben, Estate Evian". Innrlnn K. w. DAWSON. Tarot-m V.' , I TAMP COLL}? TOP} HAVE out! PIT' " illness, on the farms are tet-tut horrible sink of winter and P' iNF, " IIU w F‘RII FOR SALE STAIPS AND COINS YR mm TON allows run up your 'e will show you " ELLAl-IOUI lt within I 'e. 9’29- wife and I summer. on nrxnuzp_ (may) mis an outside he“ ox PORD rm. ' "PM eee U ”for” u that. upon you In the GH'HPH "ee" hurt - that any tNeedr. ri')") gh- - teil I 'oee in tho but chum-rm: l talter than H " m gnu-ml w: run - had boon a aha In! and caved “an n “I b minded. in ”mg- tn be m bod not taken can Brrwy G" 2,7'tt in" hm an r him Sh' unnmm . Ado-w In)" gnom- bum a to thr wot-1 (he happo lace It Hm m t'fl by :ny vh- ”I Mame” tsh they had him-M do. In the a h [Ian-1 out “111w no! elm-"I nun. rows whom he N "In, of the Mad an 'r In one ttotre, union sham , Incl". - - or" um .iiUNa. in brtd you Mer Tdo dark in ill Dyna-d t the doudun w" M with IN. Tia-sun - “a an Mott no"). “he Md St-tno pm “I 9mm an 1mm! thet' on

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