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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1913, p. 1

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' 1913 - - I fg1tiii,'i a an i L Mat edma y g. pt. t'paaaut%t, Too I"? Chm Female Pills Wont! ",'t),et'. CTION n Agent m Acht E Bar nth III Inked rah-t0. "utr any hlta SIM he 3557 ter " an Fania} t.NO 1| 1: South Grey ( » Reform Convention E THE Fr VOL. XXXVI, NO. 8 Town Hail. Durham, on Friday, Feb. let, gag!) OFFICE i7lii"iriiiGUia" TORONTO l. o--------'"""" DURHAM BRANCH, John Kelly, - a U U - I HUGH (iUTHRlE. K. c., H. H. MILLER, Hanover C. RAMAGE. Secretary. EMANK tAr fe, AWL S r." IRE! , 3rd div YN) YOUNG FELLOWS ru ftirraNrsii"iit)tt Kinn and other prominent Spenkers will delm Ml mihr rents of Liberal principles are cordially Invited. . T' be In "r, Farm to Rent Let us show 1 Brand models. them. SI NI (101.. Repregentntive H x INT. [)mhnm "tltl'-', of the Liberal Arsocinzion of South Grey as constituted l) amnion and Provincial purposes. will be held in the Il Farm: Rocky STARR" 98 :u-ns situated in Tp. of Nonnum- mms m m, can. l, Fi.. G. _ by, Lot 1& 2 of l, Con. I, 1.}_miles 1"" "crcs. Immcdiate _ south of Dmham. Good brick house . Apriy to and bank barn, conveniently situated l TLLI mm. Durham. and a good home. l Also pan of Lot 29. To. Glenda, ----"e" - . --eee 't"er, con. l, E. G. R., contmning 46 acres -- - -.--m--oq.m about 1 mile hum Durham. 2.1 CORSETS ies m wwher the special le bee,inrtirtte Decem- ureakmhle day. and tor the y. W. A. MEARNS. M. D., President God Save the King! That 'Make 0ood' Election of Offiee" and other busmess. VARE mam ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES Some men may smile a little " the importance you put upon small differences in style and de- ' - . - ' ,A‘A__ sign, bn‘don't let that bother you. Your business just nowis to "Make Good" and you're wise to the fact that good looking ctothes are an asset ; that while they don't make the man, they're a help in his job of making him- self. Be critical about style and no less critical about workmanship. In other words get all thats com- ing to you. When you find a style that satisfies you and a fr. that,s right and our name back oi it, buy it, then you'll have it all--. not only style but quality, With- out quality style does not last. 'i'iUiiira.,urd ahilitr to realize Cii'iiiiiiiuiai0.iutetl.et you the new Progress ' We know you’ll like MORLOCK rcvRrrrut,ehraieltnd /iiiriiiiiirtSeFtaattiueet Hear Hugh Guthrie: Alsonstonezesideuce containing 6 Moms in Lower ann. Durham, on Gamfraxu tit. with over an acre of ground allachul. . - “4...!“ at nnv Arlnngemems can be tune tor possession. iht 'riiiiaii, in'thc who with Bath-aided IOID Property for " mil deliver addresses Guelph D. MPCRIE. made at any Prop. I 26. Lots " and 55, Concession 3. E.G.R (Hem-lg, Will be an! cheap. For p at titular!) apply to The Anuu .1 Meeting of the Nation" cl Portland Cement Co. wilt he held in Iloronto on Wednesday next, Feb. A Box Sucinl and Ouncert will he held m Muluck school on Friday, Feb. 21. A guod program is being pro- sided, Adwiuiou 15 cents. Indies bringing boxes free. Minn Cory. Assismnt teacher in the Continuation School, has resigned her pusmon here, to take etfeet at the Easter holidays. A new teacher is I-eiug advertised tor. 'tviii"") F.i"..i,')j.)0lPlllcs v, u. _ l Borges L l ' B I" in M 'strut G. "y. ex MG Home Slmcot ' I -- "-r-rt- All parties owing the firm of pe mews aLMimer will please cull On A. H. Jackson and settle some at once as the business of the ttrm must be closod on: without delay. An eutertatnment in theinteresta of the Y. P.S C. E. will be held in Knox Church, Normanby. on Thurs- day evening, Feb 2thh, A good pro- gram in being prepared. The Ayton Chair will furnish music and other talent IS expected. Admission 15 and IOU Mr W. Calder, President of the Ni. lional Portland Cement, Co., has luau. ed a writ against A. McCaba for 810,-l, 000 for libelous maternal)“ contaiuvdi lms circular which he had recently "sued to the Shareholders of the 00/ SCOTT OF THE ANTAWNC' .-od our Inside pups will he found a tine de- tsiled account. of the dinagter to Capt. Scolt after reaching the South Pole,-- also a m tp of his iourney and the spot where he now Her snow covered. Al. reedy there is talk of an expedition to hung his remains hon”. Ameetinq of the Shareholders of the National Portland Cement Co, will he held in Unuler's Halt, Durham, ot, Saturday. Pets. 22. 19l3. at 2.30 PAM, to discuss the busmess of the year in View of the approaching Annual Meeting. Allwlthm reach kindly at. tend. FARMS CHANGING HANDS.-- Thi" winner " witnessing many changes in hum property, the pwngra " must omen gum“ was; Mr, Dayld Mic-1 has will the pF6perty salons; mssoei. and mth his nume to Mr, T. Grashy.1 and got"' wet in March. The Jacki ion tum in the G en has been sold toi All M: Ewen, Don Mchrmuck‘s farms near hy has been naught by Mr. Wal- _ ter Bum”. Adam Pettigrew, dow" Urclmrd wuv hasalsn sold and takes with him to the west tho last of tho Pettigrew name around belief”! IV" wish them all welr"uihheii. ventures. AT HANOVER CArvsrvaL.--Quite a number of young people front town took advantage of the line evening, Monday hy driving over to Hanover carnival. It was a big success and one of the but "hit," of the night, was the presence in grotesque costume of the . whole Dunn family" of Durham, The members of the family were Mio. en Ham-l Caldwell, Laudell Landon l Edna Limin. May Young, Gladys l Whitmore, Messrs D. 0. Town, Jack Davidson. C Darlingand C. Marshall. They carried " the eomie prize, hut arrived toolate to compete for other I events. Faun TRIP TO utivrr.-.'rhe 0n- tario Department of Agriculture has decided to conducn a competition among those who have taken the 'our to eight weeks' Course In Agriculture, To the young man in each County showing the largest net return!3 from an acre of land the Department wilt provide free rrarwportatton and living I expenses to attend the two week/ _ Courue in Live Stock and Seed Judg- ing at Guelph in Jnnunry, 1914. The Department's reasons for conducting this competition are flrist, to demon. strate the possibilities of an acreot land, and, secondly. to further-Increase the interest in the tour to eight weeks' Courses In Agttculture. Further par- \Ltculars may he obtained from the De. partment of Agriculture. Markdale. Conunowoon News :--That the old historic county of Simcoe should pay ', Llihute to the county of Gray in vdu- l cational nit-ire is anomalous if not I pitiful. Yet it is a fact that annually [ the Collegiate Institute of OwenSound , drown pupils from this county whose proportionate expenses have to be paid by our county council. Thin year the nmount was $110.77 Simcoe has: three huge towns while Grey has only one; Mmeoe should have three schools each is good as Grey's one, hat in vublic estimation they are not Bo. Tune was wh-m the Collmgwood in. stitute drew scores of students from the county of Grey and even from the town of Owen Sound. Among there I are muny prominent men of the coun- ty ot Grey Such " Inspectors Huff, l Burgess and Campbell. ex~warden ! ' B-tll and me resent Warden, Ur. ' Mun-ms. .qu HA member for Nor h I trey. Mr Vii-HI on). "Id by the way, oerardPlI Ball Is now member of the I Home of Commons for his riding. Since. Collegiate might woke up. '. at A. H. JACKSON, 33mm. THURSDAY. FEB. M, 1913. 'i"iiiiiir""iipiiriherat Convention MEMBER Durham. With which is incorponted the Rental. Leader The Van-hey L. O. b. No. aw, will hold a Box 800M on TueIduy. March 4th. A good program willbogivon. Admission Ilk. Ladies bringing box- es, free; if not. Me, Levine's Sale in Durue into last for ten dare men and orte the ale “mod people have got “that valuc for their money and it is no dittbmity for you to make a little {butane by 30m; to Levine's to buy pistons an the sale lasts, in all lines of dry goods land readrurwear for men. women [and children. BOUQUETS you Yr. BmToB.--" Who says farming does not pay in North Dakota?" writes Mr Malcolm Camer- on, of Westhope, formerly of Ben. tinck, utter realizing 81500 for his halfahnre of the crop on his Nrm, and he living comfortably In the town. " We are haying fairly good winter weather with just enough‘lnow for good sleighing. Bo for we have es- osped the storms and the blizzarda that usually come to N. Dakota. in the wmter season la Dee, and Jan, we so: ideal weather. Feb. has come in rather cold with thermometett '35 be. low zero. He throws us some Imu- quels which furnish a spice to ye edi. tov's life, like this t6 Mr Haulage. lam sure all your readers areintiturted to you for your very spicy. clean con. duetml p-sper. The Ravmw‘has been a standby for your party and we peo- ple in general and is always a welt-owe vit,itor to our home. " The local hockey race has tlghtened d up andhecome more interesting since I the Factory tied and the Cement team l last Wednesday night trimmed the I Clerks. It was the latter'. first loan but the Cements had no easy task. They were reinforced by At. Saunde rs one of the best of the factory line-up, and with Cum. McLachlan " the Clerk‘s lineup through ioisposition, the cement team ttrushed a hard game one goal ahead 3--2. The marl men took the first two goals in 10 min., but the Clerks had evened it by half time and in the last half Jim Mclnchlan went thru his opponents the length of the ice and shot the warming goal. The game Watt perhaps tmusteet yet. and at times some neat, 2 and 3 men team play was shown, Dnrmg the ttnal ten minutes the Clerks buzzed around the opposing nets but could not even the some. Mulvey Comm l , refereed. l Cement Clerks ; Gen. Lloyd goal Eric Kelly E.A Goodwin point D. 0. Town Jun McLachlaneoyer' Johnston Allen Geo. Hat-bottle rover C Marshall Lance MrGirr centre W. McGirr Al Saunders right wing Bob Saunders Roy Calder left wing Muck Ssundela Cements Won Close Game. We are sorry to say that Mrs Sam- uel Lawrence, who has been confined to her bed for the past three months, is not improving any, Mr C. Moorefwhcv) was hurt in the bush some time ago, is able to be out again Mr and Mrs Robt. Parslow, of Ar- ttttttttSta, visited Mr and Mrs Jas Hopkins and Mr and Mrs W. Arnett and their aunt, Mrs LaT'rence, re- cently. We ate pleased to say Mr ford is improving in health. Mrs A. Lawrence and Mr Brown re- l ceived the sad 'news of the death of the formers father, Mr Wm. Wright, at Philadelphia. He was well known around here as he has spent the past many summers, until last summer not being able to come, with his two daughters Mrs Jae. Brown and Mrs A. Lawrence. In forum years he was a resident here. We have no particulars of his death. The old i gentleman was eighty years of age. Clerks Furn. Factory Cement Works Mrs Wm. Firth. of Durham, spent part of Friday and Saturday with her mother, Mrs Jas Whitmore. The L. O. L. 1192 held a meeting " their hall here on Tuesday night and four of their members took the Royal Arch degree. Mr Chas. McGillivray is spending a few days with his Mend, Mr Isaac Hooper. Mrs Robt. Whitmore and son, of Durham, spent a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs J as. Hopkins. Mr and Mrs Thos. Moore visited frisnds at Edge Hiil on Sunday. Mr and Mrs R. J. Scott and famity of Fielding, Sask ' spent Wednesday last with his sister, Mrs W. R. Wat- son. Miss Ada Aljoe is spending mouth with her mother, Mrs W Aljoe. Migs Sadie Whitman: came home from Toronto 3 week ago. Mr John Amen of Durham, visit- ed his brother, Mr W. Amen on Sun- d y. G, May McEachnie, visited her cousin, Mes 1 recently. Popular Place w------.-.------- --.-.-..-.L, won lost tied hnie, of Hopevillc, Mes Geo. Hopkins B. Hart- of Ar.. 'iGiG Tiai, iGham, on Friday, Hugh Guthrie, K. c., M. 9., in Durham Town Hall, let Feb. A letter received by us from Mr Guthrie sates that he will b. on hand on Friday of this week " announced. Many there are who have not heard the hrilliunt young parlitunetttnrtnrt will seize this opportunity to hear him. Every Liberal in the district should be present to receive at tirtst hand a breath of the political Atmosphere that prevails at Ottawa. Liberal Convention. Mr Guthrie " a clear, convincing speaker. regmded as fair as be is den and all Liberals at any rate should make it a point to be present, ------ . ----- No, dear reader, this does not mean l n Union Station for Durban. however much it might be desired to hove the G. T. R. and U. P, R. under one tool. and the thing is perfectly feasible if the beggars weren't so stuck up on their own importance. No, the head. ing is the name ot the play presented last Thursday evening in the Town Hall by the Presbyterian Guild, some ‘40 performers taking part. and fur- l ulahing an agreeable evening. The hall was about three quartem full and when the curtain to“ the platform was arranged to suggest a Union Station. There was the Ticket Agent (W. B Hunter) looking out of his wicket, a lunch counter In charge of o. S Hunter, railway benches. pla- cards, excursion bills, &e., &e ' all in- tended to be suggestive of n railwny. added to greatly by the railwuy uni form and deep voice of the Depot Master and train announcer who called .out at. intervals the departing trains, (Dr. Grant.) A very motley crowd was travelling that day and the petty little foibles land lapses and odd things one sees lwhrn abroad were fairly well repro- duced. Mrs Larkin, good woman, Rot acquainted with quite a. few folks during her weary wait of6 hours--l Maggie McGirr. Mrs Broin--Mi McGowsur--had trouble getting hen drowsy kid-- Harold mumtire--wtK ened up as the train came in. Fussy Mrs s'ttyder-1s'dith MeiLenzie--htul o wealth of bundles and huketl piled on sent and floor, and land cakes l or. dered her daughter Miranda-Bet) Teirovd-- to run to the can for be!" forgotten umbrella. Ucrelesa Miran. da drops a basket with extra, wrapped tor safety in her green silk waist - Alas! Uncle Totut--Luidwelt Mar. shtsll--got them out of the dimculty. Mr Joner-B. Feraumm--tvM1 a baby forced on him to hold, while the dis. tracted mother. Jean McGowan, searched for an older one and Mr ‘Jones. on his way to be married, was in a dreadful funk and his train due in name 80w One could not but be lorry Marti-dale. poo! mati--E. I who was kept movmg by his ( wire-Islay Campbell. Josh! One could not bat be lorry for Mr 1 Martindale, poor mat-e-E. MeGirr-- a who was kept moving by his shrewieh I wife-[slay Campbell. Josiah Potter 1 --D. u. Towu--got bedly cheated ln t jewellrynnd was told by Nancy, his l wite--Allee tutunke--tbat he bad made a big goose of himself. l Uncle John-Caldwell Misrshnll-- made a. wrapping tiae porter end Frank McIlreitb as e boothlech made things ehiue. A College quarretre-- Grunt. MoCJmh. Allen Bell, W. Me. Goweu, Peter Rename. enlivened the station With harmonious eonge. Three "tuso-ru-vi-tot?, Sedie Me. Donald, Bueie Kelsey took fun out of e dade--CUretM" Derllng. Mrs Hum- tner-sur Your-nt a telegrem to ‘ reletlvee eeking to delay the funeral e day so " ehe could etreighlen up. Russel Gun and F Morloek were two llelien musimene. A rather-Will [ ggcaowtus--come" to (he depot to eee hie two children off, Marguerite Hut. 1 ton end Arthur McGowan. ' Two colored couples. Lstr--Artttur , Remus end aeorge-u2ordon Gun: Eliov-Rotrin Ferqnbereon end Me whiter-ues Cemphell. were blocked _-, tot the occeeion. at end In Linton - , n _-__- u-..|..u_ The Union Depot. Two colored couples. yt-Aye"! Rulings nod oeor1pe-A2ordon Gun; tyiaa--Rerbin Fsrquhnnon and Mr white-Un Campbell. were blacked for the occuion. Mr and Mrs Linton --gaek Uuyidoou and Zettat M-halt-- were In snxlcty oveu the elopemonc ot their dauetster--t"- Bunk: with a you" man-S. Emma. -. , "r" "V“‘mhIVl TORONTO It would he impouible to give the many laughable nilullinnl. Much good dramatic talent was displayed and a few omel- exhibitions. with a little more sertootsestsitt rehearsal. l-y the younger performers would depl- op u. lot of Intent talent. Special mention uhnuld he "ode of the put taken by Mrs N. W. Camp bell in overseeing ttw reheumls. as prompter. ee. She tsed an auxin"- worrymg time thnt no one would t'uv.T but must. have been grunt-ll atlhe success. MONDAY, 2km FEU.-- Dttt Mclnn rs lot 21. Con. 1, S. D. R... Glunelg, offers for mic on Above date, Farm Stork [molemems tad Household Furniture. 11 months' credit. c, per cent discount fol. cub in lieu of notes. Sale at 1.00 o'cioek p. m. Tuvaacn'. 27T- Ftru.--ott mus (lau- Adam Pettigrew. Nonnunhy. on Gru- vel Road. near Orchard. offer: for sale Farm Stock Implements. and Home. bold Furniture. No Reservv. P2 months' credit. 5 per cettt discount for ca sh in lieu of notes. Wicosason'. 26TH Fmr--0n this date E. IV. Hunt, lot 9, con. 9, Glen. elg. will otfer for sale. Farm Stock. Implements. Ac. Bale at 1 o'clock sharp, 10 mos. credit, 5 per cent per "uuunoit for cash in lieu of name RUDD MATTHEWS, Auctioneer. TUESDAY. 4TH MAncu.--On this date Donald McCorInnck. lots 19 and At, con l, N.D.R.,Glettetg, will offer for sole Farm Stock and Implements an d Household Furniture. Sale at 1 o'ciock. Tenus: 11 mos. credit, 5 per loam discount for cosh in lieu of notes. D. MCPHAIL. Auctioneer. A sum of 832 was realizo Induction of Rev R. B. Ledlngham Some short time ago the Presbyt' " l ot Swift Current resolved to m- are an ' effort to form into an 'tljiiitiiiiil charge the mission points ot Ravens- erag. Glenbryan and Vancuard. l The people solidly responded, and ' satisfactory representations from them resulted in giving good prom- ise tor the proposed step. Rev. R. B. ‘Ledingham B A., who has bad charge of the Indian work at Round Lake until recently and who occupied nth-l " fields previously with much cred- it and success was asked to come and duly become the choice ot the peop- le. The Presbytery met on the 26th December last for the induction. There was a large turnout and every indication. not only of harmony. but alsoa determination and eotifidenets in measuring their responsibility in undertaking a new charge. 1. Urstu1 [Ural a Inn y district tome south. ' ment with the Math ll entire tield has bee Presbyterian chum " Vanguard is nota l being 3 terminus- , leiust--it has sprum - alle fast, even for h and servesalargel ,, is every prospect at in atom: of some dl is future. A Manse ' d be bum there and Pambrun. Mr L only minister oi a T'"'" in the entire field, ad tery is eonf1dettt ch do n strong cause w ' iuk.-Ltresbyteri' ie. ee-ee-ee."' he re: " " an- to _ Ill UP. k 1W0 Vin u. 0.9"! . - 0.9m THE ROYAL BANNNF CANADA --------oi------ Sale Register. was. “In" -.. smacks-ms. rug-mun "men: -----iq- D, MCPBAIL. Auctioneer. D. MCPHAIL. auetiouver 271‘. "u.--0n this date Feb. 21 v..._. n" - - a ttnt M Up A '" '3 M Fund f ' o t' Tom And! . + B, . ie! Sim . "I B, . . ---. vm/iiiiiiiiii iiirigid hi latin “W -' - v new»: “WM nu MEI WITH WHICH IEUNITED q-tl-"'"""-'"'"-,---; macaronxrco was W - " tL00 - c. man t 30!.“ Mrs W. (Rider will not receive until Friday, March hh, when In Finlay Graham will receive with her, Mrs Rom. Hopkins. of Hutton Hill, is sick with pleuriny. Mr Wm. Sell-f In: been leoumn: " duh-mu plum for Farmeu‘ In. stitute merltng- for the past (hm weeks. Min Nun Brenner of Camilla, n Wi2 Model aludent. visited Misc Edith w. In.“ over. thr week end . Mia Mon-y Hudson. of Allan Put. retttrtted Sumduy after waiting her nuclei. the Pearl's inynetseitt and her lllnl. Mrs Geo. Furnenux. in town, Mr J. G. Mitchell, of Swift Current. Sui" visited from Thuuduy to Mon. dny at. Mr John Mecoskery's. Min [any Cunpbell left for Toronto this week to visit his aunt and other friends. Min Jean Blown ho, accepted . position as haul millxner fot I ttrm in Petatrborongh for th" coming teturodu, Minus Jean McGowan. Winnie Warner and Miss McAuliffe left Mon. day to attend Miltiuery ()pvningsin Toronto. -' Min Lsura lchenzio Intended the funeral of the Ute M: L, H. Yeoman. in Mt, Forest Int. Urn-k. Mn 8. F. McCumh is in Brantford attending the post-nuptial receptlun of her daughter, Meg Lloyd Miller. Mr Thus. Mottat. Owen Sound come“: town Tuesday to visit his vet.'. tivca.t.ho tbrtrut family M Edge Hill. . Mr Don McDouguu leaves thus INTI? to return to Winnifred. Alta ' utter roaming two months in and around Durham. - Mun;in um neighborhood will lo, greet to loom of the panning of Dr. Ar. chic Gum-aim. of Butte. Montana. who died there recenuy. Mu In. Atkinson went to Toronto hut week to spend u week with he! doughter. In McClure. In Neil MoKechnie in spending a couple dare in Toronto this week. Mr Roy Aural Ion 'tur to visit Shelhume friends. " R. Tony Ind non bred left Tue-any for Applcby, Edam Co., to attend the funeral of her father, who died on Hominy, Mr lchllum. of Manitoba and daughter. Mrs Eclor. left Tuelduy to visit relatives in nghlm. Mrs IcCAushnd returned Tuesday be her home in Thornt'urr, Utett vioit- In: since Ohm-mm: with her son here, It". N. IcUnusltnd. Mrs Thom Banks, l her brother, Mr Dan L to o. Sound last week, mninina to visit tor " In Thou. Beaks, accompanied by her brother, Mr Dan McArthur. dreve to O. Soundlnt. week, the tanner re. maining to visit for some time. Mr sud In Robertson from near Glennie, Bruce Co., visited at his [is- terU home. Mrs A. D. Browning. Mr Jack McDonald left Monday to not an relieving C. P. K. agent at Shel- burne. I Mr sad It: Ala McCormick. of the Boo, have gone to Florida for the re. wniuder of the winter for the iattit 'a hum). which has not been good for Home time. Her sister. Hi" Mew some lime iiJiitous, accompanied them Mr sud Mrs Ferguson, returned lat Week. after Intel": sitters. Mrs [and Rocky Gunmen. Mrs Jan. Dornoch and tter brother, McQuu-ne. Bentinck. No Funnmuu‘ New Yr.am--Felwu. uy In no longer to we the heglnnlnp of the Chinese New Year. After the Junuery let lo the New Year of our l celeetlll woman. no they will cete.' huts it in the mum way an we do. Not only that but in future all Chin- (rt calendere will lu- fashioned all" the etyle oi the western countries so then no mistake cm he nude. Tble will menu a wholesele alteration in the year hut the Celestial: intend to We up-to-dete. The old luehioned idea 1th.: we. euppoeed to pron“ union. 1'ST,'l',' and which name of them [ undue-Ir! our. of phylum up all , ldebueo u to begin the New Year r4tttst, in going to he dropped. s. HUGH“. Mun-'0'- . a tts,tttttt,thttt ' i I 1.600.000 . b. 12.600000 . ' tief,ooaooo new you mm or. William and Cedar Sts Ferguson. of Chicago, sebum uniting the In; lunchie McLean. ' Mn Jag. Ledinghlm. whrother. Mr Duncan

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