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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1913, p. 3

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y iABLEIS ls" um: Cu A1310“ .. sun. moo! o It“ MIN al left tod M112. If.“ " N ml. raw: 7-9 m 1n let“- a ch. H rum no ooo arte mod! ALI. anal. H18? ' " / Ml. hell , vol we], NTB ur. mr "i?,' " " h, n NAZIM PASHA IS KILLED Turkish Government Overthrown and Cesiion of . Adrianople Repudiated A despatch from Commtinq’k' Days: A crisic in Turkish silks cum on Thnrrday with dramatic onddenneu. The Grand Vizier, Kiamil Pasha. and the Ottoman Cabinet resiznml, and Mahmoud Shrike-t Pasha. f ourwrly Minister of War and commander of the consti- tutiunal army which enthnoned lehmt-d V. as Sultan, was eppointr ed Grand Fizicr. On Walnuldy the Grand Council, representing the intellect and wealth od the na- tum. pronounced in favor of peace “mm, a. eny price. Ott Thuraduy a vast. orow.d drawn from nit classes of the proletariat declerod for war rather then peace without Adriano- " mo Water Sunny In ttoutttt--Mydr. Hume Syslom on the Betertqttm-- mu loom at nanny "all. The wry by; beon atstatod by tho re- laurhnde question of whether water will run down lull. The question ”no: out of the plum for . new wnm works nyl- hn to can our in mimo- dollars. the noun tor which was vow by the rate. x'uon on New Your: Dag. At pro-out aroma] Inex- supply cone- thronth . Uf, OIMDMI' into the bio from the tand and Inn. more or bl unprotect- ed on the In. bottom, Ind therefor. “able to Injury or total “auction under ex- Inmo weather Ind ice conditions. From the Inland the mun " pun-pod -to the city " - of . tunnel and" the bar Undo: this unte- than in . 43n- on of dOllIMloll to tbo lmho pipe. and use more or I... "note an.” ot gunman getting into the tuna! under . "vanilla! buy. It to In?“ under the new aim to numb: t l new pumping pith " the "Doro t'l " DOM an nil“ out ot the my. Here tho lat. ha! . rock hot- em, " 'trt)etetsirhed tron the and bot. ion " the Mud. sad thmmtth an. not an be bond om under the bin. a tuna! vhu-h would so": " an ideal intake lit being abunmely unexposed to the - ral-u und being " ; location tu,ta' an I ett poll ti n. A punch: . iih Te. top or 3:. r1163 to which the mum- vmuld be pumped would be tom. 350 tert above tho 1mm of the city. and the plan .n to let th-- water trom thin w-u-rvmr run down to the city by foroe tho plan In -oir run ot [tantalum “K 0: un- ti tee N o the by - pr) of w. tho " ten-Kata! to a sownml place. There seems so doubt that Mr Ruwvll'n teuureYarwe plum". will remain m the tantrum ot "pa-,VmNJO. but he app-randy takes the round tttnt he I. leader. not ot a Prohi- Gl'l,'l, pqrty. but of the Liberal party. nut that temperance in hat one of the huh on which he appeals for gunman. tISIS/a, in tor an “manning mute]: of the lecithin". though it nay not he gov-non- u hr an actual lucid-cm in nun-nod. ple. And because the crowd was bat-kw! by general public opinion the Guwrnmnnt surrendered 5nd relinquished ofhce. making way for the same man whom the popular Wllin (1,ii!WllllllflQ i. huh-ed form l "A tittie “lint. but hiker in her." wan Governor Sir John 1 THE WHITE PLAGUE SERUM Famous Berlin Doctor "as Placed It At,thr. Dis- posal of Minister of the Interior A despstch from Berlin, Ger- Ian)‘, says: Dr. Friedmaun--indig- ”at, over the fact of certain physi- cians declaring they are in posses- sion of bu tuberculosis tyerum. when” in declares what they have is inefteetire or positively harmful Lpurd. his remedy at the distro- no! J th linigtcg of th,e Interior " tCIN;. One prominent Ber- tin physicinn attempted to get. rriedmarP bacilli from the body of . ' kna- iwnlntnd lw . man WM Pnedmln" NTEIESTINC BIT! OF - FRO. THE QUEEN CITY. re "t Inn-Una by the New Y I the "Minion he local compel no ftrert orlucinm much-hip when "ordisttt Ut the re. tho Hydro loom. money. in alum.) low C . They nun [itieq widen!“ mm out of u M: to be damn mem mm Oppmiiti of spec! HOMO De I “shall A Tax Intern! Campaign wt That, Mr N W Rnyvf-l An All“! on In. Hydro. hr k and: f ontat w mm 1 * Alan. Mon tha "iur. Oni, prominent Beryl ‘vsician attempted to get? hm bacilli from the body of who had been inoculated by um. and use!“ he suc- . Others scouted cultures 0m Doubling Expert A "plea, Revival". Th . . thing. but with the spirit or her l, b do {Somali who sticks to ytr hum. her." has the vuy that heat.- an te E ue may help him to sir John Gibson introduced Mimt mend h I ways. “been be h be " the pun noommonded , expert. who collected 525.000 for their report. m ot that. expert; with he scheme will not do. All not run down from numciont pressure to I oorpol f Oman w York a hiih no t the an! m for every man Th , Hydio Bl New York "ure when}, or the led the coal. to . that whereas we been doing r ago it would 9t road to pron- [ m a ditterence qua-maze ought M here but. Lo legislatnnv sums math amnion: thin y of max " null mul andertak th rowed on o Electric " c meme pet pub mt ance who.e ot the of m but a plat. to be seen:- aft-mum DO the movement brought to the, flip alter the revolutions of 1908 and 1909. On the other side, of the account: The United Kingdom sent 1,660,260 gallons of spirits to Canada, being only cxrcodod by 2,406,388 ganons to Aus,'ralia. Canada last year sent 387,401 rwts. of bacon, value £1,175,527. In 1911 the figures were 615,807 (wt-3., value £1,793,940, and in 1910 411.935 ems, value £1.449,637. Only 27 cuts. of Canadian butter was received against, 61,936 in 1911, and 10,805 in 1910. Cheese, 1.352,- 570 cwts., this figure corresponding pretty closely to those of the two wars previous. Canned salmon, 211,616 cwts., against 169,070 for 1911, and 264,760 for 1910. Canada’s imports of canned lobsters are far the largest, being 28,764 cwts. against 4,090 cwts. for New'raundland, and only 1,782 from other countries. Fifty-threo thousand loads of hewn wood arrived from Canada, 895,000 loads of dressed wood, for. lowing (with a big drop) nearly three millions from Russia, and 1,M0,000 from Sweden. The total amount. of wheat in ported into the United Kingdom during 1912 was 109,582,639 cwts. Canada. sent 21,551,100 cwts. The United States, 19.073,994 cwta.; .Qrgentine, 18.783,700 cwts. ; British East. Indies 25,379,400 own. Cams. da's figures of 21}; millions of wheat sent to the United kingdom are the aeoond largest among the wheat imports. In 1911 she sent. 14 millions and in 191016 millions. The value of last year'ss Canadian wheat supply was 28.844,953. Sign!) Pasha, the former War Minister and commander of the Turkish army, was shot dead dur- ing the demonstration here on Thursday night. Enver Bey and Talaat Bey had given explicit or- ders that no blood should be shed. But Nazim Pasha’a 'side-de-camp fired from a, window of the Porte at Enver Bey and his companion, and they returned the fire. Their bul- lets killed Nazim Push; himself. In mime of this tragedy there was no disturbance of order elaevhere. authorized Mayor Fischer-to issue a proclamation ordering the vacci- nation of all persons resident in Waterloo who have not. been vacci- natvd within seven yum. It was reported to the Council that six new cases have developed, and all the schools, including Sunday schools, have been ordered closed. Details of Canada's Exports and Imports for the Last Year. The British GovormmsntU return of the trade of the United Kingdom has just been issued. The.follow- ing statistics have special interest for Canada. Other Unitorl Kingdom exports to Canada include: The , include Her recent visit was for tho purpose of ill-arugula. a great. rovivnl mud to col- Ioet until for I. memorial to her father. I!" Booth is I tnicul revivalist and who forked her great. Indiana“ in the hollow ot her hand. The number of Canadian cattle imported in 1912 was 6,800, value £142,508, against. 42,396 (£781,436) in 1911, and 78,691 (£1,442,781) in 1910. x James Whltney was moo present to add his word ot commendation for His: Booth and tho Salvation Army, which flit Jlmvs has for many yum greatly sdmired. Miks Booth. who in now commander of the Army, " well known in Toronto. though Ihe but not been here for aim your”; Bnih-r plates Galvanized s Ste 1912. Cutlery ..........2H9ptito Hardware ........ 117.196 Carpets .......... 450.119 Haberdashery .... 117.323 Lim-n piece goods. 346.652 Waterproof app']. 222.363 Glass h earthware. 468,463 Writing paper ..._ 14,861 Printing paper '.. 146.756 En Booth on her initial meeting In Mu- may Hall daring her recent vieit, 1ir, The Old Lady Well, what made you so late this time? The Old Man (trying a new 1. :0) "Why. I took Sozzle home from il, . club and his wife made me take hi v back again. from the bacteriologists with whom Friedmann conducted some experi- ments twelve' years ago, and who has been claiming be preserved the original culture. Friedman: had not planned to disclose the remedy so soon. but declares he is unwil- ling to have his name associated with serum: being employed by his rivals, nanny of whom, moreéver, have been Attacking him bitterly. Friedmann bu been deluged with offer, to visit America and pen-eon- ally introduce his serum, and has about decided to do so. OUR TRADE WIT" BRITAIN. 1g tron " 'plates ........ 5.801 nizod show-ts ... 96,248 d plates ....... 7.039 bars and shapes 14,276 Hue of the f Try This "ne. aiaurre.ent to add Tons, Toms, 1912. 1911. . . 68.024 91,024 . . 6,563 8,748 . . 737 L739 . . 2,801 6.696 urther exports 1911. Sun, 100 103, 20% 370.151 140,682 280.115 too, 702 395.124 22.597 12 as 259 4 26 Alli NEWS Ill A PARAGRAPH A young Norwegian] girl of ”Ven- teen, Miss B. Millared, of London, died of heart failure on her way to a factory. St. "mos' Methodist Church, Montreal, will not be sold, but the building may be moved to a. 00mm of the propeArty. Bishoi, O'Connor, of Puterboro', died Thursday ni b " St. Joseph’s Hospital pp the erf 75. -- - ca. Fisher. Avssistant Postofrice Inspector at, London, has been ap- pointed w succqu pr._c'ampre1l.. A delegation from Northern On- tario asked the Government for an tright-n-mile extension of the Nip- issing Central. A deputation of shipbuilders ask.. ed tho Dominion Government for protection against British and United States competition and aid by way of bonus or subsidy. A ruling of the Speaker in regard to tho ouffrage bill threatens to de- stroy all prospects of carrying the woman suffrage amendment in the British Commons. Tho gushes: section of Fort SIP katcheww was destroyed by fire. Col. Sir Wm. Henry Manning was appointed G-Qverporpf (urmsicus.. _ gm Canal law and defended the British attitude in respect of pro vision regarding tolls. HAPPENINGS PRO! ALL 0". THE GLOBE IN A NUTSIl-‘LI. Great Britain. Lord Roberts' youngest, daughter will be married in February. h Cunarder Lusitania met with I serious accident that necessitates heavy hepairs and her removal from the sailing list till April. United States. The United States despgtched f naval force to protect. foreigners In Mexico. My Headache Cured, Tired Systems Re-toncd Hoadachen never come to than who u” Dr. Hamllton'e Pills. and thin tact in vouohed for by the Anistant Manager of the Poultry Succee- Magazine. of Spring- tuid, 0.. Mr. J. B. Callnndvr, who written: "No better medicine than Dr. Hamilton} Pills. We use them regularly and know of marveloul our" that resisted every- thing elle. They cleanse the whole tyi- tom, ad u n tonic on the blood. enliven digestion, help the stomach. and make you feel strong and well. For headaches, indigestion Ind would: disorder! I am oontldent that the one prescription is Dr. Barniltottu Pills." Canada, the Empire and the World In Galen) Before ‘0" Even. . Canada. Toronto may establish houses for \Vrrkingman. - H L. J General. Mexican rebels fired on United States troops patrolling the iyrrdet. Turkey decided to abide by ad- vice by the powers, and cede Adria- nople, reserving the Aegean Islands for further consideration of the powon. A Promlnon! Publlshlng Man Says the Gulch" Gun Is Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Being composed of natural vegetable remedies. Dr. Hunilton'e Pills possess great power, yet they are harmless. They mid all organs connected with the no- mach. liver, and bowels. In mnuquenoe. food in properly digested. the blood is pure end nourishimr, the body is kept strong and reels“ (ii-ease. All drugziata and smrekeepere sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 26e, per box, 5 for 81.00, or h- mail from the Catarrhosone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. When You’re Dull. Tired, llvstloss Day and Night h'omething Is Wrong in the Stomach. St-liouls Are Closed and General Vaccination is Ordered. A despatch from Waterloo says: A special meeting of the Town Council was held here on Thursday morning at which the health an- tlmrities reported the existvnce of smallpox in the corporation and ad- Vile that a general vaccination of the residents be ordered. The Council adopted the recommenda- tion of Dr. Baumann. M.H.0., and The girl who.is ambitious to make a name for heme” usually ends by accepting some man's. Senator Root attacked the Pan SHALLI’OX IN WhTOL00. J. A. IAGKAY & COMPANY Money Talks T HE tir" 13ortaideratiott. when in- venting surplus hunk. in the security of the mouoy invented. Iurtruttnetst in First fang“. Imam. xuarnnreu security of prin- nun] and at the same time yield- tho Inventor from 5 to 6 not oent. . w. nun be Mad-to mu pud- ouhn q! ”in tulu which we "not has the mu emu-Iv of known“ so In." Dunn. m Count-In sud In“ inn-ton. We can 01hr high-clan had- in domain-Mom ot “U. OM. Ind 31.000 oooh, no an tho null 1|- LIIITID Inn-Mun BMI, loyal I.“ II“. IOITIIAL T000070 now hnvo on bud. Superintendent of the Middle Di- vision, who has been appointed General Superintendent over the Western Ontario line, of the Grand Trunk, including the Northern line. flflnlllllir (Ill IHE fllllil The Farmer of To-day ls Eager to Koep Apaee With Latest li MOM led go. Probably few of our industries have occupied so much attention on the part of the scientists during the past few years an agriculture. This is not surprising, inasmuch as the development of the land oonsvti- ttttes the sheet-auteur of prosperity of any nation, while, moreover, tho farmer up till a few years ago was the most, conservative workman on earth, content, to follow the load established centuries Mo. The soil has been vastly improved both by treaimenr and feeding, crops have been multiplied and develoPed through the efforts of the scientut, and wanteful methods of working have been superseded by mechani- cal means of high perfection. Tho latest development is an effort to bring home to the farmer the use- ful "maid-of-tul-work which he is neglecting-electricity, gays Cham- bem’ Journal. . In America there are travelling commercial demonstration shows which tour the country in the same way u ..iGitiCULTURF, IS (H't'l'l'YlNG Arrri?iTi0h' 0F tirlr'.NC1i. A spacious canvas tent and alcontained what seemed and proved multitude of mechanical devioes,lto be precious stones, diamonds. one and all dependent upon elec, ',The waste paper, which is shipped trinity, are hauled why powerful l to tho factory in bales, arrived only electric trucks from place to place. i a few days ago from Now York. The When the. show reathes a. promis- 4ind corisisttxl of a few rings and a ing centre the tent is piulvd upon [ large number of unset stones. The a. suitable piece of ground, and the i discvveivrs brought their find to numerous tools are set up under Cornwall, and a local jeucller pro working conditions. In one comm“ rrrnincexl them genuine. The dia, machines may be seen coupled to! monds are Worth several thousand tiny motors to perform such operar dollars. tions as pumping, driving thrash-l _.-_..Jl-_._ ing-machines, wood-splitting, bone»| 350 PILGRHIS DROWNED. crushing, and unloading hay, being ~__ set in motion and stopped by the Mohammedan Caravan Overwhelm- movemcnt of a handle. In another ed by a Flood. section the advantages of electric- . lighting are driven home; and (tn-l A dt,',s,puch from Suakim, Egypt, other is divided by partitions to my l says: Three hundred and tft.?. Mo- present stalls in a cattle-shed lhauimedan pilgrims from India. to where cows are being milked by i, Mecca were drowned on Wednes- electrical devices, with charms, etc., id” by , flood which overwhelmed whining merrily near by in the pre- l the entire caravan at its encamp- ptrration of tho milk tor Ji'iU/2'il,iiint' midway, between .the sacred purpoMMr. Not a. single duty on iii.,? city of Medina, Arabia. and the farm is overlooked; electricity is Port of Yembo, on the Red fee. A applicable to all. Outside, electri- sudden avalanche accompanied by otrlly,-driven trucks of all descrip- great torren.ts lot water swept down tions, from a small, light van to a the mountain in the neighborhood hea,vy wagon, are shown doing of the camp, carrying away In its haulage work of various kinds. In path people, aniprls. at.td tents. another place there ia a small work- Only fifty of the 400 pilgrims com- shop fully equipped with bench, an- prisms .the caravan were saved and vil, lathe, and so on, such as may have 81TMM) 1'.1tltf. Yembo. be found u in any u -to-da.te iso. ----.--- TCT,:, lated 'dh/T/UI' repiiiirs of all de- TURKS LOST IIHUILY. soriptions may be effected with ,, --. 1eleetricit,.v as the sole source of Destrateh G'ivts Particulars of lenergy. Nor is the domestic side Damage to Fleet. iforgotten. A despatch from Constantinople is shown the way to lessen the " rduousncss of her labors in cook- ing, washing, ironing, sewing, cleaning, and so forih. The point that, strikes the spectator is the small amount of attention the var- ious machines require, and the ease and simplicity of their control. The campaign on the country-side is being carried oh with commendable energy; and a similar movement might be inaugurated very advan- tageously in these islands with a view to popularizing electricity. One American company is spending over $100,000 upon this Ctb paign of education and dl'i'lhede'dfll, and, judging from the results so far achieved, it will recoup itself "several times over, as the travel- ling electric farm is nrovintt a, far more valuable advertisement. and effecting more practical results in regard to sales, than pages of new» PH"" advertisements and acadmnir- discussions. It is “showing the goods.” to quote on American ool. lloquialism, "on the apot." So far as returns have been made up leap year did not swell the mar- riage statistics.' In fact, the num- ber of weddings was below the aver- age. The English marriage rate is on the down grade. Many reasons are given for this, but those mostly responsible are held to be the ad- vance of the feminist mqvement; the increased employment of wo- men and the rise in the standard of living. The last cause is said to be the greatest factor. Ten years ago the kveratte marriage rate in Eng- land and Wales was 15.9. Last year it was down to 15.3. Weddings In Leap Year. A n ttinerant l' irons. The Farmer's Witc- iitiiirilt.'i) Gtt bompiled by J. Bruce Wahirr, com- missioner of immigration. Through the agency of this vast army of im- migrant emissarles and through the redoubled efforts of the department of immigration, Mr. Walker expects to see all records for immigration eclipsed this your. Speaking on the immigration outlook this year, he Inid: “In view of all the circum- stances therefore we are justified in predicting s very considerable in- crease in the numbers of immi- grants entering Canada this year from Great Britain, Europe, the middle, western and eastern states. In fact, I look for the largest Vol- ume of immigration this year that the mmement has ever known." (.irls Escaped From Fire in u Boarding School. A despatch from Montreal says: Some in their bare feet, all of them in uightgowns, a, few covered by kimonos and dressing gowns, har,- tily donned. twenty daughters of prominent families, pupils in the select boarding school of the Misses Edgar and Grermp, made up on Thursday morning as strange a. load as hbrntreesl police control wagons ever carried. A fire which broke out in the school building on Guy Street, drove teachers and pupils out in a, hurry shortly before 5 o'clock. All tt away without per- sonal hum, ut very few sued anything except, the Binurieert cloth- Ing. As some of the girls have their homes in the city, the police patrol was called to distribute ihem Lucky Find In Rag-room of St. Lawrent-e Paper Company. A d4yspatkyh from Cornwall says: On Thursday while four employees in the rag-room of the St. Lawrence Paper Company, at Mines Iloches, were engaged in their regular oc- cupation of sorting paper, rags, etc'., they came across one lot which contained what seemed and proved to be precious stones, diamonds. The waste paper, which is shipped large number of unset. stones. 'The dimverers brought their find to Cornwall, and a, local jeweller pro- nounced them genuine. The diss- monds are worth several thousand dollars. Mohammedan Caravan Overwhelm- ed by a Flood. A despatch from Suakim. Egypt, says: Three hundred and fifty Mo, liammedan pilgrims from India to Mecca were drowned on Wednes- day by a flood which overwhelmed the entire caravan at its encamp- ment midway between the sacred city of Medina, Arabia. and the Port of Yembo, on the Red Sea. A sudden avalanche accompanied by great torrents of water swept down the mountain in the neighborhood of the camp, carrying away in its path people, animals and tents. Only fifty of the 400 pilgrims com- posing the caravan were saved and have since reached Yembo. A despatch from Constantinople! saw: The Turkish losses in the na- val battle with the Greek Beet off the Dnrdanelles on January 1% to- talled four officers and M men killed while 164 others were wound, ed. In the course of the, fitrht a Greek shell exploded inside. one of the turrets of the Turkish battle. ship Torgut Reis. killing and wounding every man in it. and disabling both of.the ”inch guns.. Severe damage was also infhVtod by the Greek pmjectileu on the Turkish battleship Asar-i-Tewenik. The Turkish gunners declare that they inflicted important losses on the Greeks. I riltr, DRILL SAVE!) 20 LIVES. Modal l'rr-sontod to George Cowan, of St. Thomas. A despair}: from St. Thomas says} Gourqe Cowan, an employe of a 1mm! uhoe fat-tow. has been pre- sr‘ntOd with the Hamilton life-sas- imr. medal 'or saving the life of the daughter of Mr. Crisp from drowTt- ing last- August, when she WM blown off the pier at Port Stanley. This is the fourth person Mr. Cow- su has named Iron: drowning. Bad Blood -rt'ir. Horse’s " [nail-n Root Pill. k the direct and inevitable result 'st irregular or connipuod bowels nod clogged-up kidneys .nd skin. The ttndigested food ind otherwt"te mat.. ter which h “and to accuausUt. poisons the blood and tho whole Iystgg'n. pr. Moan" Indie Root Pflh 3:322; t11li'i,iliai'3itii! use and trend: to My ter tho GGLdi REE [h io iieiiti'hr tth biood--ami 9:21.. skin. openh INS SAVED FOUR LIVES. BIA/IIONDS 1N BAGS. 'ik-twud-tiota TORONTO m'CLAY BELT NOT ALL G00!) A d-teh from Ottawa am: That than in n wide: reed minion- caption that the whole of the clay belt of Northern (hurl. it " for fuming we: stated on Wednesday lliol‘lling by Professor B. E. Eer- now, dean of the Faculty of For- estry in the University of Toronto, during en address at the annual meeting of the Conservation Com/ mission. The chemical analysis “fl eighteen of the more promising', soils. he announced. shows aevenll of them to be undesirable, end but: one up to the standard of a ttood virgin soil. Though these facta may hold true and the timber conditions of the country may be disappoint- ing. yet, stated Dr. Fernow, the outlook for agricultural develop- ment is undoubtedly bright. but too sanguine expectations nre being en- tertained and should be guardodl against. In some respect: the re-. moval of timber from sections ot) the country in northern Ontario) may have a good effect. but in many 1 cases the effect will be the reverse. 1 An intelligent direction of coloniz- ation is nveded, says Dr. Fernow, It takec from 33010 3.30. and own up to $7.3. per acre (n propnre Hm land for farming, and therefore Il is not clump laud N: far. lu'xi‘ldw rout chips, pmntst. elm. “lily lrn and out: may bu wwxtiiytctl In .sie'd good (Mums. Th,. southern Home Prof. Fernow’s Warning In an Address Before the Conservation Commission good rPturna. The southern slope of the clay belt, however, offers bet- ter conditions. Many settlers will be misled into taking up unsuit- able lands. Dr. Fernow tecornmendod that it would be well for the Provincial Government to investigate the land in question thoroughly and exub- Iish an experimental farm there by PRICES (lf FARM M!llllllll gem. No. l northern, tht; No. 2, 921-2c: o. 3. 900; food wheat, 650. Ontnrio What? No. 2, 93c to No tor var Iota outaide, “using down to 100 for poor grades. . .. “to": no. not sumac "In” suntan or “Inn; "TGGho Oata-No. 2 white, 33c to Me It western potato. m, to 580 on track. To. mnw. Manitoba onu--No. I C. W. 0:". Mt-k; truck. bu pom; No. I C. W., 40c; No. 1 Iced. 400. for prompt uhipmem. corat--Ameruntt No. 3, all rail, Toronto l, Duluth. Jun. gi-,-.,,'.'",?,'.;,"..";, t hard. 5871-01“, No. l'nor urn. 861.0e: No. , do., 941.80: July. B91-2c liked: lily. - hid. Llu “col Marketa. Montreal. Jan. M.-A few of the Mn lasers brought u high as 80.75 to “no. but the bulk of the trading Wfts. dune a! " while can hold ttt from 85 m b", and bulk " train as to 04.50 per no poundl. n to qualitg. Eve sheer cold It 36.5 to $5.50. 1nd lush Ind cal a n " to 04.50. ‘while Imb- bmzm w, 01.26 Ind 07.60 hm m poundl u to gin-lily. vam- Irln1'ed from " to $10 one . as to rim uni quuiw. (when! lot. of hose mid u Isms to 3915 per 100 pounds. 'Ori-red or can. "In. " cum. can. can” "a. 0m».- " than ma an... ou. Bttirhmt--No. t, 510 to an. ttrr-No. t, toe. Rolled Dam-Per bag of so pou $2.22 Id ', uper burol. $4.70. wholesale. W nor to annual. Barlesr Good vaulting. 63e to 650. llllfeed--Man£tohn bran, " to m bun, try-k. Toronto; sharia. $22: 1 diinim, ta,. Ontario bran, $19 to $20 In”; st1oro,ott. -. -. .1 lo iriisiioira Flour-First gnu-nu. ' mm barn; second patents, 3‘.” i1 bags: qttrorttr bakerl'. $4.60 in f te In cotton In". ten cents moro p3- l Ontario Flour-Winter when In ttis cont. plleMl. is quoted " ' picked. Potatoes-Conifer potatoes, 85e per bu; car iotts,e75e; Now Bran-wicks. .1 per bag. out of “on: 900 in our loll. _tiptsttitih onion-Per out. 32.56 to Bt.. Wholesale denier! an telling to the undo I: to]!ovu:~ Smoked Ind Dry Salted tEar-Roh--- f%sohed, its-lo to "tt: ham. nodium. th. to “1-20; heavy. 151-24: to 16et Melina bacon. 180: long ole-r bacon. tom And new. "tae to " 340; Inch (plain). 21 ltr, bag-h (951111011): Pe.. ... " . L Green lens-0m. of pickle. In to" thin smoked. Pork-Mort out. $86 to " per burrel; mesa pork. 821.50 to tst. Lard-ri-. 131-20 to 13 bar; tubs. 1354c to Me. 310 00 Intro-l Country PM. Montrrtrt. Jan, 28. chevsr--rittettt went- erns, Ur; do.. finest eagstrtmrr, IM-K to 12349.. Butter Choirettt creams". 291-10 to 29Mc: do.. anaemia 25r to 2%. in! - Fresh, 30e m Me; do.. adorn-d. tb. m th-, do., No. 1 stark. 24 to 'ov,. do.. No. , work. 16e w 26e. Pol-mar Per but. (“If loin. 65c to Nr. ' Gum No. 1, Minv,eapoliy, Jan. N Wheat May. 877-80: July, 99th: No. l hard. 8353-; No, 1 northern. 863me to "740-, No. 2 do, Ill-80 to 8TT ". Porn No. 2 wow. 42m to Me. On: No. I white, 30 to Ill-k "ee-No. 2. " to '9ts, Brot-li9d0. "our - Unchanged. - -- __ - - _ " "Yes, and I hue no doubt the (dd masters would hn'o Humid"? uhle respect for me if they knew wut I paid tor them." " to have them Toronto. Jan. M.-Por cull butchering cutie from " to 06.50 In paid: tor mo- dium from 85.60 to “J and tor fair from .5 to £5.50, Good to choioc no" "and from u to 35.50; medium: "on II to cs. and common (to. " to $4. Good bulk bronchi about 35. - docien "a "Bome of those pictures are gem: in old molten." said Mr. Cum rox. Toronto. Jun. 'K-N I my“ _Whe_at;l:lnl§o iie--No. t, nus to sun 'surirriatiGn'i.uGnTf tiitdr tuna "Of course. you are very proud Country Produce ~Wholmlo. “Jam. track $13.50 to ”to $8.00 to VD!) 0bllxatlon Both Ways. laud HIV Unit" S"!!! "and. Br-tttttng. Provisions. and therefore it So far, hen-tides B, em. only ' xpected to yield ' southern slope Buled HIP-W. 39.50 m and Straw roronti--B.ird buy No. 2. $9.” to "0.50 " Iota out t hard. , It. Do {a A”. A despuch from Toronto any” Hon. Ju. Dutt, [MI-of Action} bare, aud'llr. Aubrey White, De. puty In” of Lands, Fm mud lines, In.” taken exception to (the mama ot meesaur Fernov awarding the ueuitateaa, of parts sd {the northern Ontario clay belt, hr 1tanning. which both the Rural an! tree-growing poo-m: could it thoroughly well tasted. "Rob!” said Mr. Whito, nrheo woken to mum”. '1’er Femow wu up in that put of the country only fivo or six days. and probshly all the oountey he out ‘1. that along the line of railway hum a. hand-car. From that he goes ahead and pronounces judgment on 20.000.000 new.” Hon. Mr. Duft all: “PW!“ Fernowhs remark- - to hm. conveyed an padrely err_uteisp.. im.. mansion. m refers to 18 wimp“? which were analyzed. An far an t 1m "are the only 18 amphu SI hieh have been Analyzed were 51mm.» of Abitibi will mlymd l court of the chemistry u the Ontario Agricur in 1905 and 1906. My which are given in th port of 1906. Whats said u to the value nr 3.1x: tatiot, of chemieal soil analysis. and the) have bah. it will be admitted that experience is the true and find an. Since that time there hm been I grant development in tin north country, sud the Chop re turns from New Liskeard, llama son, Nonteith. Charlton, finale ban and other districu [move onn clunivoly tho fertility of the soil.’ King lulu-s Indira: of Widou " late, I've-IR Cal-loin. rise Spanish king has signed . 0r cree conferring on Dona Maria J . Cnnnleju, widow of the ill {and and deeply lamented premier. a dukMom giving b, her the title "t Duchess of Omsk-jack, “ill! rt'st'r- sion to her children in due AUk't't‘S~ sion Elan In those formal Spanish Gazette of nounoe the issuing nobility and the nobility cud the grandeesh Spain tor the widow of Don Je ('anah-jas. Therm ”630ml , crown the life romance- I rut When Canalejas 00011 premiership for the first ' (lumen of the Madrid tl who had entry to the pub court circles turned a a der on his wife and hint, her birth and station wore exited as theirs they Imp would be debarred from an court functions. famil; Then Canaleiar went to Kins: Alfonso and aid: "Sire. where I enmr my wife enters aim: and I rune for her all the recpeot that is due to the position of the. wife of Spain'. preuiief. If thir is denied me I shall place my resignation in your mgjesty'l hands." - The king soon put mum-rs on A proper footing. mo TOUR FEET OF SORE CORNS . - __. from 1 tMyrtt, To: is left III Dun only Plum-ml m roeurtgttgtetsded n in 25c. ham”. Re bummed loudly of the piou- His dear,old mothrr uhml h. mum Be never “id . word aim»: Dyapepsia trifh he MM m uh B1otrtm--t understand he fell in to I fortune. Slobblwh'ot only into it, bu right through it. Quite any new th a corn Jun apply Pam o I (nu-net with Savi " g g 21 u,',',",'.".".".', d . Accou n ts {3:314 (NT. “mm-”n. “(and is credtted JAM aer. APRIL. JULY Ill ocTouH. ll ti. rite ot Accounts may be opened by In.“ and are nubirci In dwquo te,',',':','."" One Dollar open: all The Union Irust Company, Limited t P CAPIT L It, nesenv‘ " , 500000 A h'PhNIs'N INN! INCH. Tonal. m. Cor. any uni lid-col In, Tom‘o. What u Fall to. Ittore. for dr If“! n "in "mission. I'm-1m - 4% P worms does the recent date tut of a patent o nitod that and ttnal there bu t in the H mo It do 'do " It " 'i

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