West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1913, p. 4

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-,lit',t"tttttt"t1f"":t:t:ttt.t: trite Central Drug Store i.) The Central Drug Store (ll {3333233 .999:99SSii:e:etita:s 333% I) . . _ . - -.-- T" 5 This " Valentine Year for I "P-........................... The Review tad Toronto Duly 483“ fort "ar....................... The Ravi": and Toronto Dally Now-hr one your.................. The Roviuv and Toronto Daily - 'World foe "tm.................... The Rovirw ind Toronto Daily Globe toe 1 "tsr....,................ Tho low 3nd Toront Daily All" d Empire kr I ynr...... The Raviowud the Farmers' Ad- vocate (onus... ................ ThoReviow and Can-dim Fun: tor I P"..................,..,........ The Review And Daily Free Press The Ravi"! 1nd Grain Growers' Guide. Winnipeg. for one year The Kevin! Ind Weekly Globe for "ar-.....-..............., The Review and Weekly Mail and Sup". tor I "ar......... ........ The Review and the Family Her. ald and Weekly Stu for I you The: Review and Weekly Witness ihe Review 3nd Weekly Sun for te"--........................,... The Renew end Weekly Advertis- " for or-........................ The Review nod Weekly Free Press for one Pi...........,.... The Review end Puma“ World Enjoying Winter Sports will give you Health. Wealth and Prosperity. _ - Buy a pair of our snow shoes. Get in the kame, have the enjoyment and produce the above mentioned results. fort "ae.............: It is misery trying to work in the bush with poor tools. Call at our store and we will suit your taste with a good X cut saw, at a low price. What can you expect to do with that old worn out nxe. Have a look at what we can offer you in chopping axes. Any kind you like i'auging in price from <oc to $1.9: James R. naught. - Dirt... on G. T. R, Town Ticket Office What is any town without a Skating Rink. Patronize our good rink and enjoy yourself durtng the winter. I _ For promptly by taking a few do“. of one WHITE PINE EXPEC- TORANT. We hove it in the " cent size for ordinary coughs and colds. and in the so cent size for one! which may prove more obstinate. " you have just cough cold, a as cut bot- tle will cute you but you must get it not ”glut that cough. An ”patently trtt1tq ailment often leads to "tr-et, onions con- uqmcca. The win all. to do would be to cure New Clubbing Rates. all kinds of Commercial Printing tc. of Hfghest Quality, Try the Review'Job Dept. chopping axes. Any kind you 111;: in price from 50c to $1.25. IT HARDWARE . BLACK " 75 195 Its0 160 50 90 90 90 You can get them in alt stvles. from the moat elabo- rate to the neat and artistic at all prices. We have a great varietyto choose from. For the girl you love best is always appropriate on St. Vateutitre's day. ' 501: 961mm. in In sir-light tin, for $1.50. ‘Royal Purple Poultry Streeifie, Mn and 500 l pens" and 81.60 air-tight tins that hold four Me palms. 'Roynl Purple Lice Killer, Me and We than: I we by mail. I Royal Purple Gall Cure. Me and so: tins; 30. I by mail. Royal, Purple Sweat. Liniment. 50: bottle; We I by mail. llkmll Purple Cough Cure, 50c tin; 60: by man . I Royal Purple Disinfectant. Me and 50e tins. lRoyall Purple Roup Cure, Me tins; 80c by ' mu . , Royll Purple Worm Powder, Me tins; Me by I mail. London,Canada Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets may be obtained from TheW. A.Jenkins Mfg. Co. Rap! Purple Stock Smirk. Foe pektttcr four will make your hens lay just as well la the winter as In the summer, and will keep them free from disuse. These goods are pure and unadulterated. We do not use any than Mer to nnln a In" W. entirely dittvrent trom any on the mar"it " the present time. You can fatten cattle and hose in a month'l lea. time by min: our Royal Purple Stock '9peei6r. than you could possibly do without it, thereby saving a month's feed and labor and the coat. to you will not be more than $1.50 {a aix pin or 81.00 for one steer. It will keep your bone. in about condition with ordinary feed. If you have a poor. miserable-look- in: animal on your place try it on this one tirst and see the marvellous result which will be obtained. Our Stock Speeifie will increase the milk Bow three to live lbs. per cow per day. while being fed in the stable. A We package will last a cow or home 70 dam. A Handsome Valentine We will send “which free, for FREE the ukimr. Datum, one of our "I-tr. Inge tu-page book: (with in- Bert). on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares, mild: cows. calves .nd fattening “an. also how to keep Ind feed poultry so that they will by " well in winter as in summer. It contain. 860 ncommends from Ill over Gun-dz, from people who have used our goods. No tanner should be without it. ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics Mr Ju. Byers treated tbe Hamp- den people to I very successful party on Fridaylut. We extend our eongratuUtior" to Milan Isabel Fallon Ind Janet Kerr, who were sucocuful m pulsing their recent examination in music. Mr tnd Mrs Wm. Hunter visited with their daughter, Mrs D. Gilmour recently. Miss Janet Kerr spam I for days with Hanover friends lot week. Mr and In irasr, Anderson no vil- itine the farmer's parents here. February ulna an now on. Wntcla the men hustle. VEOYAL PURPLE J'OULTRY SPECIFIC m. Black, Hardware: s. P Saunders, Harness, Durham Manuhsetured only by lliatupden The " Empress of Russia " and " Empress ot Asia " are sister ships -.593 feet long, 68 feet bfsatn--groU register 16,850 tons, displacement about 34 UOOtuns--speed 20 knots-, quadruple 8erew--tttrbine eogines- andthe first merchant vessels built with the ”cruiser " stem, a feature which is especially adapted for speed and increases the stability. besidesI securing more room on the various decks. When ocean liners were built so that they should tioat with two 0 their compartments tuud with water. it was thought n great thing, but the new " Empresses " can have four of their compartments tilled and still float, N V v -- "-eF.999rF ulvuliwviulu and every known convenience and comfort ter Iumsntrers--the service and cuisme will he maintained at high "Canadian Paeifie tt standard. The Canadian Pacific Atlantic Em. presses are so Well known and have established so enviable a reputation tor safety, speed, service and accom- modation. that when we any the “Empress of Russian. tt and " Em- press at Asia " are larger and faster than the gt Empress of Britain tg and tr Empress ot Ireland " it means a greatdeal. They embody the very latgsc features oi marine architecture The most direct connection to make for the sailing from Liverpool April lat is via “Empress of Britain" from St. John, N. B. March 21st, l913. The "Empress of Russia" will sail from Liverpool April Ist and will call at Gibraltar April 4th, Villefranche " ril8th, Port Said April 12th and will roceed via Sues, Colombo, Penang, gingupore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama and arrive at Vancouver Saturday, May 3lst. From Vancouver to Toronto passengers may travel via Canadian Picific Main Line or Crows' Nest Pass Line and may also travel from Ft William or via Great Lakes route to Port MoNicoll. Canadian Pattifle Empreuos of .. Russia " and " Ama," An unusual opportunity for an around the world eruisc all under the Canadian Pacific flag with its consequent standard of service is offered with the advent of the great new quadruple screw turbine engine nteamshlps "Empress of 'Rus. sia" and “Empress of Asia." Special Around the World Cruise The good Orange Tories '. Sun he. ing Tetrarcb, tt are giving the justice denied by the wicked tuui-lfreneh Laurier. Deputy Speaker Bluadin scores a bullseve. It is moved and seconded that Brother John Ro-s Rob- ertson do send a copy ot Mr Bloudin’e letter to the members ot The Order next time the spirit prompts him to protest against French aggression. PP"rrs g.“ The Orangeist-Nationalist combin- ation seems to' be doing nobly. Laurier is held up to execution in the lodges as a Catholic and a French- man. .who is ending and abetting the advance of the French language in Ontario and is put beforeL'Evene- ment's readers as a foe of his mother tongue who denied the necessary help to translate blue books into French. Mr Deputy Speaker Biondm has I pretty wit. As he says. it is amus- mg to tind Me Sproulo and Col. Sam Hughes whooping it up for the " Im. mediate " printing ofall the national documents in French. L. Evenement does not neglect topo'mtamrat to adorn Mr Bloudin's tale. It says 6t tous les bone patriotes " will rm joiee with it over this reform and adds that this has been done " dur- ine a time when Sir Wilfrid Laurier. the fetich ot the Liberal party, coun- sels the Krentslvguardiiuiis M Ontario to speak the English language every- where else than in the family circle." The Nationalists are having a heap oi fun out of their allianee wilh the Orangeists ot Ontario and the way in which the combination is working out. Mr Biondin. the Deputy Speak. er ot the Commons. who not so long l ago was telling how the French- Canadians had to shoot holes in the British flw to gain their liberly, in a letter to frletttr-published by L'Eve. nement of otetietr-te11s how the Government has organized a corps‘ ot ten expert translators who will see to it that blue books and other Gov- ernment publications are translated into Fren n and printed in that leng- uage as soon as in English. The ker- nel of the letter is in the last para- graph ', tt Mr Sproule has given proof ot admirable good-will in this affair, and it is amusing to show that all this is occurring u der the Speak- ership ot Spronie. Sam being Tet- rareh, and Borden Prime Minister, The Globe of recent date has the follcwinu pungent editorial under the above heading ; (lllterhtrfrattt6tttettt THURSDAY, FEB. to. 1913 s' Sam being Tetrargh." Feb. 19,1913. v.-..fld0to2go :k..... 275:0301 ...... 135tottio ...... 50to tio .......8 99:08 95 _ ‘ " .“rm‘w Irr.N-.t, k - n.” . - m - - - _ 'rt d .- Aw an“? , . n33: - - B. g. _ . m a,-.._a,;m-r [ w, Cir" A ', l 'r, . an,” ' ls '?r?tNgiikrtSMm :35”: "tsa'". 'rr _" “$4; _ _: , 'tits- ". ' up BtlTE .‘ r \‘H, -'rr'r ", ". _ ..r an I“ fed".; "p , -. _ _ t _ 18to 19to 12to 12 to 18 to l2 l2 18 18 19 Tex-ml: 11 mos. credit, I per cent, (Ii-count for cub In "ill of not». Don. McComeacrt, D. Holman. Proprietor" Auctioneer. V Hon-Know Imam-nun: ; I cook ittove. l parlor Move. 1 cream separat- or, 1 sewing muhinn, drew-rs, tables, wash can“. bed tstettds, mnttuesoea, bed opxlnu. churn. I cupbonrd. l couch, l bureau, stove pip", I wring- " and other nrtlcleu too numerous to mention. - IMPLEMENTS .. 1 Peter Hamllton binderOft. out, with truck. nearly new; 1 nulky rake, 1 two furrawed plow, 1 walking plow, I not sprung tooth hart-own, 2 net. iron burrows, I need drill. 1 fanning mill, 1 pair boll sleigh.) turnip lower. 1 turnip slicer. l acumen 1 large cutting box with car-l rier attached. run by hum power, I 'trimUtone, 1 grain cradle. l Ipl'ly pump, 2 - kettlm, l wheelbarrow, I l cross-cut saw. a quantizyof boy for! cub. 1 eel single harness and other'; utlcln. . 1 icnw. 1 heifer rising 3yeare old can posed to he in calf, [steer rising2 years old, 1 heifer rising I yams old. Sateen rising 3 years old, 2 heifers rising "ear old. 1 near rising 1 year old; Pigs-l brood new Iupposed to (arrow in May, 9 young Pitt. , 45 hens. Lot 19 a 20, Con, l, N. D, R., Glehelg. The following I FARM STOCK J I mare ; Cuttle-.a cows supposed to bein calf. 1 furrow Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture Credit Auction Sale (to return to " land at Bethune, ‘Sask. Mr. A. Sibbnld. a student " Knox Collette. Toronto, spent Sunday at G W Collins. He intended conduc- tingmhe services at Domoch and Willismsford that day, but was pre- Vented on account of the bad roads. -Chatisworth Con, o. Sound Ban. Miss Mary 0 'tfield len Monday to attend the Millinery Openings in Toronto. Mr Chas McKechnie left Tuesday to return-to his land I". mum... We were pleased to haw, Rev. Mr. Stevenson fill the pulpit on Sunday after being laid up for the past two Teeks; also glad to have Mrs. Dr. Smllh out after being laid up for four weeks. The Women's Institute will start on the 2nd Wednesday in March. The first meeting will be held at Mrs It M Darttavelb. Every lady is invited tojoin aunt have a socml time once a month. Remember the date 12th of March Mr. N. Wilson has two children under the Dr's care. We hope for their recovery. The Dr is kept busy as there are very tew houses that there is not someone sick and under his care. ll. Dargavel's mill vard is iilline up and It lookalike a busy summer. Pleased to see Mrs R. M. Dargayel is improving, also Mrs. J. Watt. February has been very stormy though the last few dnva have been very favorable. Hope it will con- tinue. ,,,,_ -_....., u. comforts of Info In their new home nave lately moved into their fine new brick house and on Friday night was opened in the good old housewarming style. Their numerous relatives from Bootlmlle. Prieerille, Proton Station, Swamp College and Swinton Park, along with their minim”: an. Mrs. D. Johnson's and Mr. Andy Wright's sale on the 14le met was a decided success. A lovely Jay and a large crowd being out, the stock went at avery high price. Mr Reba Knox was to week and purchased I draught horses. yr. J. ll. Richardson of men are now working dy’s swamp. -Conttaetor McCormick it ent teaming logs from Mr Ferguson's. He has purcl timber lot from the Furnitu: lot on the town line and has her to deliver in Priceville. next we wonder ? Mr and Mrs Donna Ferguson treated the young und older people to a party lust Wednesday night. Music my supplied by the B. Park orchestra. Gums. dancing and fortune telling were the mlin features: of the evenlng. Mr Wm and Bert Knox plated their gots of haulin Mr J u Knox'a woods. The Mme: Willa no " patient viliti friends around hero Swamp College. 80: may not return homo. CVV'V' Fw-UOWI Miss Gertie Bay of Mt 1forest in waiting Mr and Mn Al" Riehnrdlon. Geo any: No. 12 skim-03d is wright. The Mum Wilson of Smtfotd no at proaent visiting their many friends around hero elpecitny u Swamp College. Some rumor they mu: not nun-n 1...c,, The tttttmg of the put week hen blocked meet. of the eideroede but the letter end of the week being mild, the fume" hare turned out end broken them end now ere quite pemble. Mine genie. {key of Mt Fem: in Feb_rngryr has Tuesday, 4th March. Sale at 1 o'elock Swinton Park. Dornoch Richards-on and Ina 35mg ,.. --- ten Knox hue pom- of hanliuglogs from e and has the aim" Prlceville. What Jormxck is at pres- from Mr Doug-Id has purchused the ) Furniture factory ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Toronto last ihus span of in Mrs Hart Broertt-h'iiseher That we adjourn to meant Lamlash Monday. the 313: day of March ttt 10 B. m. for trang.. action of xenon! business. Pisttber--trhewen PM Duncan CSitpon be pnid " 25 for gravel, 8htsrttslltprrytn Than James .Ytuttit be paid $3 50 for wood deliv- ered to F Bryden. carried. _ Fischer - Stu-lei] That Robert Twunley be paid $14.50 for gravel. ling svmmplm 32, con 9, carried. Brown--Metealfe That J H Smiih be paid $100 as salary for collector 1912, earned. q Ii'lttelter-8hemsil That Mr Ends be aid t3.75iorrttpplyine itrovisiom, to lllht curried. 8lttorell-Brown ThabJamesGar- nor bepaid $104.00 being salary as treasurer, carried. . Brown-meter That .r. Torry be paid 82 00 tortwu sticks of timber for bridge t.ot 30. con 4, carried. Fiseher-- Brown The Municipal World be paid $344 for assessment roll and forms, carried. Diseher--8heweu That clerk be authorized to notifv Peter Black of " emr in assessment ot 1912 and mat he he .i'nwed to pay to Lrensurqr the amount ot taxes due and prevent the property being returned toconnty treasurer unpaid. carried. Meteaife--Brown That clerk be authorized to look up bv-lawa and Deeds of Deviation lots 50, 57 and 58, con 3, S D R to obtain all necessary information re said Deviation with a View ot having a road ct legal width. Carried. M tealfe--Fiseher That Clerk ob. tain an itemized ace mm: from Brant treasurer of all money spent on town- line B & B 1912, curried. Brtswti--hhseher That owing to taxes of 1910 lot 49, Elmwood, being returned to County treasurer unpaid, we recommend Clerk to have sums cancelled, carried. Fischer-~ Shave]! That by-law Nop, be flnally passed, signed and sealed, carried. F'iBeher--Shese.u That Robt Britt- ham be assessor and than: by-law be introduced eonfirming his appoint- mane. carried. Robt Brigham was the only appli- cant hr assessor. Metealfe--Brown That auditors' report be atcepud. abstract Mate men: be printed and each auditor paid $6.00. carried. J, B. Cmatar, Township Clerk 1i+b6s*siesetriestrsiivt, 8hewell--Brrmrn That report of Reeve and J W VicLers for examin- ing intotreasurer's securities be ac- cepted and each be paid $2.00 and $1.00 to registrar office, carried. Noi, Donald McLean. Ruben. Cor- lett. Duncan McLean. No 2, By Remy, Wm Grtersum, Chas Lawrence, No 3, Andrew Meyer, John Patterson WS Willis. No 4, Louis Deitz, Thus Clarke, Herman "ebrienert. Nu 1, Robe Ledioeharn, Hugh " Lean, Alex Melhmvld. Nu y, Wm Livingstone. John W Lunney, Alfred Redford. No 3, Gen Schenk, Dan Kobe, James Park, Geo Leslie. No 4, Joseph Huey, Wm G Hustie, Jae Tullock. Con 14 and 15, John Maxwell, F O’Brien, John Crimmons, Alex Me- McGregor, John Becker, Gustave Miscke. James Hewitson. James Lowe, Oscar Mess, Wm Barefoot. Con 12 and 13, John Getman, Jos- tph Hoey. Thus Clarke, Thos Cross, Jns Walker, John Honess, Thus Baaiey. Con 10 and 11, Mono Eby Elmwood Guy Heifer, John Sasks, Wm Hastie, Leo Snpcrnault, Jo eph Teasdale, Alex Campbell. Con 8 and 9, Wm Weis, Alex Black Hy Sshrienhardt, David Burgess, Louis Mahn, Louis Posner, James Smith, Donald McDonald Alex Brown. ConBand T, Fred Monks. Onto Knorck. John Wells. Hv Kedlord, Irvin Brown, Thus Redford, Wm Lunney. Con 4 & 5, H L Weddow. William Disney, Ibarsry Siegel, D Chittieg, It Trafford, Thus Hopkins, Thou Torry, Con 2 & 3, N D R, Hy Weidendort. Fred Buck. Sam Hopkins, Wm Schmidt, Wm Healit, Gran Wise, Ben Comte. Durham Road. John Hillgartner John Jucklin. Robt Herd, Moses Don. nelly, John Wells Jr, Henry Rely. Con 2&3, SDR. Ed Reland. A Birr, Wm McGauchiu. Ge) turvls, Phlilip Eva, Mark Willis, James Mather. Edmund Johnston, Con 2 & 3, W G It, Robt Cerium. Dan Campbell, cm Shewell. Alex Fletcher. Duncan McQuarrie. Archie Wilma. David Lamb, Wm Mchck- en, Thou Fulton, McKell Griemn. David Donnelly, Wm Petty, Chas Petty. MesteaW--Brown That u 2il,T. ttttintroduced appointing the allow- ing: Pathtmmiérts, Pound-keepers and Fetttse-Viemsri. Pathtntusters Garafraxu Road, Colin McIntyre, George Shane. Duncan McArthnr. Dun Wilkie, John McKechnie. It Noble. Daniel McArnhur, Thomas Russel. 8htnmil-Brown That the new IndGFisoher beacommiueo to in- vestigate road allowance lot 81 and M, con " and if may deemed to neumry have the timber sold by public motion. Meenths-.atiseher That the fol- loving to appointed sheep vain-tors ; Rote Tummy div No I, Thom" Lawrence No I, Andrew Mugwoed No 3, Thou. Clnrk No 4. Minutes otttttrt meetidg were read and ttotttirmed. Put-smut to adjournment Council met " above time and pines. Bentinck Council f Fence Viewers Pound Keepers Laminate, Feb 8, 1918. if? ',t""s*sssr 1t,t,tfttti""-c,t, :1; GRANTS AD. 'll, Men's Lined Jackets, Etc Also a lot of Pure Linen Lace and Insertion at & per yd Ladies' Collars in Robespierre Stocks, Fancy we, a; Excelsior Handkerchiefs 'fggggyggg1Igxtggge=MlgllglRXlh'lRli%llgltFlllfNg 280 yards New Curtain kett TTC E All _rc:tTi'rhtmttisiuuu"ueLt" be addreued " to our Canadian Corr: yondence Deput- "melt-art-i- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally can at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we neg-and treat .0 ”as.“ in our 1,1,'ind.ti0r.ofrices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters in “his: DRS. KENNEDY A xrmnv “" " - DRS. KENNEDY & “army. iv", Write for our private were... ii_'r,tiCiNp2ij.lliri v ' Semi for Booklet on Dion... " “a. I "THE GOLDEN P ZJNITOR" FIE: ""Q;)te;'ear-4t 1fwsahutoei.vtt, "rot-as-sure I "-2-faC-.,- '?rrf] for “on. Tm Dns.KENNEDY& lltliNlillElltr Cor. Michiqan Ave. and Grimm“ (a n 4.44 "2-; While wishing all Presperous New Year, I to the . ULCERS, Bolts, SWOLLEN GLANDS, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD} ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY NEW METHOD TREATMENT YOUR Blldnli IS TAINTED Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. At this season of the year you always have a. hankering for them. Our shipments arrive fre.. quently so are ever fresh and tasty. Take a box home with you. _ THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods C. L GRANT '. Michigan Ave. GLiiiegi"iic Try our Fresh Oysters Choice lines of Cooked Meats, Plain and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Groceries, etc, etc. \Iew Goods Just to Hand E. A. ROWE des. t__ p, I F' my friends a happy and wish to call their attention - -ev -- I.“ - - - comm clear, ulcers, p‘mpln and Now}. h 'RI Up. counted gland m Mined. tulle. out hair grown in min. the eyes hem Irrieht, ambition and marry Mum. Ind the Emma Walnut hm bu opened up to 1m "r.utirreqo_artdbetus "to guuuhowquickly our rvmmuec ','hl%2A' all evidencel ofdlsenl‘. Under!!! “mum "1 the tie Meta, TM thy y#trs_t- .,,,____ - ---v\\.l“ - In“ ll Mother [wreath or ac aired. our tret rmucdacs and 'tfl'uf',U1Nl'ara1"d 1 pct- sons in the blood ud cxpcl than from an n. stent. our vast expvneuco in the teqqt. '/ti1tf, 2,t"te,y'J, 22:19 mummy; C mp ivato cases em.» ea III Re I I ure Without. experinwhuug. Wedobudu- m: the plan-rd 0.17 for qho land. You Derive. it you give my Mood than. con- h' J.. Is, he‘d“... and)“. "IMO" to _ 7V v. _..-_._ "e--. - - 5'...“ cure fortueset compmuu. Then in no el- cuse tor any penal: having A “wind the. Imml cryptic!” and Molding. o m mun-nu “All; mWIlui - BI . "n_, auV, our big. sh1t.t1eCtF,FieRi..ri"k"ia"iWGi"e" YOU CAN ARRANGE YO PAY Ann you w cum JP, 1Pitte 'P_tltttts 33W ot All that CONSULTA” iON m FEB. 20. 1018 in l Fart, Jeri Fluuncinl New B Arrivin Often the of differott era' to 4 h aces and l mall J. [ Profits " aw Lurt; In White S .e the 3b B. 20, 19 take l stock Curtain Grocer Ladi urs I Why l The Hig THE Also a f The al so our It Ho ll H [ea “I rind “a hill dt Hi

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