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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1913, p. 8

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After taking nbml halt a box the head I preparation is that lt keep: for months, when stopped and my appetite improved I and a poiishing iron need not be M l have jun f1tsulsed the ilfth box and lee I -----.- n» wall as aver. I an heartily recom- l, Cunning Coll-n- l mend Fig Pills for stomach and liver', When the coat collar become: long. troubles. In Mn: Erasox l It may be cleaned In this manner» Du., Sold at ull dealers m 25 and 54 “at: solve one "It "It In ttra parts ttlet lunea or mailed by The Fig ;'sll Ct,. ttoi.- I'lmxumq. Out. _ - Annlv this mixtum with n gum-m (‘IMIN'I' COMPANY mm. on TH: Tor Pmcntr-0sswa, Pets. IT-." the Government. does not. continue to pm- tect, the cement Industry and noun-w to re-onul the duty null-lion of any pvt cont. enforced tram June In. to Oetotree 3tstiot, it will not he with. out luving bad due. mu hing from the Canada Conant Company, the Cunt dian merger. that full advantage wilt be taken of connitiono to obtain the highest price possible for cement to Glued. during period. of restricted supply, so that latter it mit be able Ott' of its accumulate reserve to meet im. purtatlonn from the United States at enlighten prices. Th” is the principal feature of tho eorresmmdenee tabled In the Home to-day detains mth the action of the Govm'nmenl in remitting h All of the cement duties for four unn'hs "tlast summer. With Biliousness and Sick Headache Only-r}. Alberta, July 8, 1911 I In one“ sulfate: for . long time with Biliounnou. Sick Headache and Liver trouble. Nothing seamed to do me any good. I had nlmost given uplu deapnr when I deouled to try Tn. booklet. is issued nt2Seentsn cupy. by the Chandra: Incl- Puh. Co. 358 Huro- Street. Toronto, and it in wH by I" lbs lending newsdealers. .. The Fun- booklet is otutred u [all of inlormnllon u a qn'"tNtet it ot mac-t." lo Ibo happv and true way an [Malina Jamaal put- it. on. the new lune, which Int-Ind" many now feat. an»; 3nd iruptovesoentts, such as 3 vol. and amp of the Dunnlnlon. Presents A striking uory of the wonderful " nnco of Canal: in a .inttte you. We nmv talk In billions. The public win volcano to. 1913 Bdiuion ot "5000 Put: that Can-in.” compiled by In“ Yoigh, the no. knowlednd authority on things Uta- ndian and the Author of “Through the Hurt of Canada Ton thousand cop. ies an now mid nonnnlly. which tind their In] all our Canada And the Empire. Indeed the world. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available ' through “i recognized Chadian advercisiug Agency, or, the S actuary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsde A Building, Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your p - write if interested. 5000 Facts About Canada. S I _ F F b', RED FIG PILLS Newspaper advertisements are the finger- posts on the road to right buying. They are quick and safe guides to the places and goods most worth y of your patronage. Suppose there were no advertisements--. what aworrying task shopping would be! Think how you would miss the helpful infor- mation that guides you to select the best goods and to know the shops where they can be best obtained. Thanks to the .. high standard oi present day advertising, no person Your Best Shopping Guide " 3 .From soap to ages-Kim- ges~from shoes,to. auto. mobiles -one gets from newspaper Advertising the itiiormation that is essential to safe and ad- v l 1. l g , Jusbuying, needs to shop at random: The advertising columns of anewspaper give you just the information you require to make your best selection of goods or store. Leisurely, in the comfort of your own home, you can plan and decide upon the purchases in view. To Glaxo Linen. Dissolve one ounce of yellow soap with half an ounce ot borax in one pint of hot water, add two teaspoon- tuls of glycerin. the same quantity of turpentine and a teaspooutai of com- mon salt, with a quarter of a pound of white starch. Then add a pint more water. The great advantage of this preparation is that it keeps for month, and a polishing iron need not be used. Lengthening Sleeves. With the preponderance ot long sleeves in the realm of fashion, mlladx mast bethink herself what to do with the gown of last season, perhaps a spring, or, it may be, a late winter gown of cloth or silk she wants to bring up to date in this particular. A very practical and withal chic and stylish way is to remove the cut! of lace, silk or other decorative fabrics from the elbow ot the frock and maid a lower sleeve in the form of a deep cun' shaped to a point or in rounded etteet at top to extend over the end ot! the upper sleeve. This may be piped with silk or satin or braid trimmed at edge, and the tmit, it suitable. may be designed to finish the sleeve at wrist. Apply this mixture with tt upon" and rub well. vantage it possesses not found in the average laundry receptacle in the drop button. Instead of being latched firmly at the end there is an envelope tlap, secured with buttons, which, when open. allows the clothes room to drop through easily. trttitsa-rtinittoimsatmtsoases on.oftut-ttthedmodu1n. Onond- The Laundry Bag. Every bedroom would b. "aqtttpped wrrtthettoodsixed,strrindt,t2troq. dble. We laundry bu. A m MODEL m GENO!“ l I 'l,ilt,itg,r,iii,,.te,,ti,l,l,,!4i,r,, Young Mrs. Housewife will be can. cated to discriminate, " her grand. mother could, between shoddy and " wool blankets, pure Meta silk and "filled" silk which out: after I few wearings. She will not only learn what not to . ', but what,wu§é.’ t11rers and p $954,133“ trust. Oue of tte ttms he the magazine is to an; broducer a ' consumer into corn. mon knowledge tor their mutual bene- tit. Moreover she will have a chance to exchange ideas with other housewivel In the "clearlng house." If she is an expert tn some branch of household art she may contribute her knowledge in a special article. and green on a ground of butt satin give this simply cut boudolr gown an oriental suggestion. The braid trun- ming and cord at the waist are of dull silver cord. Dainty boudolr slippers of butt satin have pink crystal but- tons, and embroidered toes. Housewives to Have Publication Con- taining “Inside Information." The Housewives' league of New York city will publish a magazine to be de voted to solving the cost or high living and the proper way to buy supplies and their current price. Negligu do Luxe. The negligee pictured is a luxurious affair that is suitable to be included in the troussenu of the spring bride. A Lingerie Help. When the ribbons have to be re- placed in lingerie take a very small hook and eye. sew the eye on the traru ment where you commence to run the ribbon In and sew the hook on one end of the ribbon. Then when you want to run it in you have only to hook the rib- bon in the eye and run It through the holes. It is qulte a time saver when one la busy and doetm't have time to sew the ribbon ln every time the gav- meat la washed, and tf left In It la Icon faded. Tea In Thermos Bottles. Something very new in the way of a tea party is to give it with thermo- bottles Instead of the usual kettle and teapot arrangement. One hostess had two thermos bottles wrenthed in new ers. in one of which was ten already made and in the other hot water. The convenience will be evident: bat what about the opportunity that pouring ten ghee tot the display ot a dainty m and hand! Orange Cream Cherriea.-Bota some dried cherries in strained orange Juice for twelve hours and drain them " the end of this time on a sieve. Stand I. cupi'ul ot fondant in a saucepan of boiling water and stir the fondant over the the till creamy; then add a few drops ot orange Juice. Put the pan containing the cup of fondant on the table and dip the cherries in this one at a time, coating them well and um in; them out with a spoon. Place them to dry on an oiled dish or paper. When set place each cherry in a. small paper Glazed Caramel Walnuts. - Have ready acme shelled and halved wal- nuts. Take a piece of fondant or marzipan paste and place a walnut on either side; leave them to harden. Meanwhile put half a pound of granu- lated sugar, halt a gill or water and a tiny pinch or cream of tartar into a pan and boil it all to the “men” then dip the walnuts Into this, core ins them thoroughly and leave till not on an oiled slab. Danish Noutrac-Roaat three ounces of Spanish nut kernels. remo skins. then chop them up and: with tire ounces of blanched sweet “moods and one and s ttalf ounces of enn- died lemon peel. Mix with this three- tonrths of n pound or sifted sun: and mix to a paste with the sum: whipped whites at two eggs. Spread on a sheet or water paper in s layer about half an inch thick, cover with a second sheet of water paper. press well be- tween two sheets of tin to a solid piece and place in the oven for one and a half hours. The oven should be I very slow one (160 degrees). When cold cut ' into bars. Aurthur Cook- Will Havo No Trouble Making Thou am Any girl unvened 1n candy making my turn out the following sweet of the recipes are followed exactly: Embroideriea done hi made: of pink or Bum, SATIN WITH SILVER CORD. THEIR OWN MAGAZINE. HOMEMADE CANDY. I-lol,.:?;":?));;'}"""' EEKDER in The" Km“! and Weekly Advertis- The Review Ind Weekly Free Prose for one you The Review end Farming World {onyen..................... ......... The Review and the Fermeru' Ad. vocate for: you... . ............... TheRoview Ind Can-(lien Farm The Review and Weekly Mail and Empire for 1 you The Review end the Family Ber. ald and Weekly Star for 1 your The Review and Weekly Witness The 15th and Weekly Bun for The Review and Daily Free Pun for l ven........................,,.,.. Tty' Bothy and Toronto Dally The Review and Grain Growers' Guide, Winnipeg, for one year The Review and Weekly Globe Tly! Boyiaw and Toronto Duly One of the members of the choir while going to choir practice on Pri. day evening, had the misfortune of driving his horse into an open ditch which Nature's Beautiful had neatly obliterated. As a result the cutter was upset and when righted it was found the seat and back were separ- ated from the rest of the cutter. With some slight alterations however, they were able to proceed on their way to Mr Wm. Philp's, where temporary repairs were made for the return journey. The Rain: ind Toronto Daily Globe to:1yaur..................... The um and Town: Daily Mil d EmpiroSo‘r I yum"... This Monday evening a dance is being held at the home of Mr and Mrs Major Eccles. as s parting fare. well to Mr and Mrs Thos. Harrison, Jr,, (the latter nee Muss Mabel Ee. cles) who leave on Wednesday fur Toronto, preparatory to going wast. Amos choir was generously enter- mined " the home of Mranths Wm. Philp on Friday evening. Mr Austin Hum recently purchas- ed I fine new 2h. Inch tired waggon from Agent Avrowamnh of yourtown. Ho recently patch-sad from the same firm a brand new cutter. A laud of young people from Dur. I" d I'arney spent. a plan“ '...v. l, ttter/ai-sri-O" and Mrs W. Bu, " recently, under great thftieul- We pothway rough and the " handout excitemeut of on input thrown in, when can in good com- pany. with accompanying good mono. time we": plnoantly sway. After the oinging of Anld Long Bytttt and a vote of thanks to the lost and hostess I“ went home delighted with the en- Mmmt had. The recent. storms having closed up all the sideroads. it behooves all who are not well acquainted With the roads to get home in dlylngbt. Ite. cent tracks m the morning have: mysterious and lost-looking appear- Inca. Me Den Coleridge, in company With a Mr Robertson. an oftienslot the Bell Telephone Co., took a trip along the 20th Con. estimating the coat. of installation of additional ghoneu on that. line I week ago. The Women’s Institute held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Wm. Philp on Tuesday the nth inst. In spite of the inolemency of the weather agoodly number of ladies were present and listened to two ex- cellent addresses given by Miss Ag- nes Renwiek and Nurse Fettes, the former on ': The Bath Room " and that of the latter being " The Ideal Home. " The Amos Church Missionary So- ciety held their monthly meeting at Mrs Robt. Isaac’s on Thursday. The choir of Amo- oburch jouh nerd to the boapitcble homo of Mr and Mr and Mrs Wm, J. Plulp on Fruhsy mgbt In: sad spent. a pleas ant (awning till well ty.uinuushe On the same evening a. dance wt" bald at the home of Mr Walter Fer. guson on the occasion of a woodbee held that afternoon. Oar teacher, Miss Mary Buckua. spent the week and at be: home in Banninck, while Mr Jul. Lotlnan via- ited his couun. Mr Geo. Marshall. ol Normanby. Mrs Tlsoa. Bothwell, after a three monthg' yin". wnb her parents and friends. rezurns to her home at Islny. Alta., on the Ist, of March. Mr and Mrs S. McLean have both been ill with la gtippe the past week. Mr Arch. Calder purchased a fine horse at Mrs Hanuam's sale last week. Mr H. Haw left on Wednesday to visit his father In Cobourg, from where he will,',proceed to the West. Mr John Fairbairn paid tallying visit to Dromore friends on Sunday. Better luck next time. Irig'u. Mme Maud Hamilton spent. a week with her friends, Mr and Mrs Adam Pettigrew, belure me latter have for the west. In: Mrs Bryce and children left for Toronto on Wednesday on route for Bryceton, Sask. my: Byvjow mid Toronto Daily , 'tFV-vs-r:-:".-:.. for} "fr-rut-ev-_-v.. or ttle 090 ”any.._._._.._.._._......:.... for I 'Mr...-....-.- for, 'tar-YV-e-l.--. New! to: one "er..-..,...,.". Mar fot I "ar.....................:. Wogld for yrgr..,...........:.....'. North New Clubbing Rates. ____..-._.__ Dromore (lf,,?,.',',,',,'.,'.,',?,::., TIA. nhnrnln {an-p. pad was king NTamo ARCHIVES TORONTO " 75 190 175 160 190 Mrs Doyle is still quite ill. Miss Marin Brown has contracted I severe cold and is at present confined to her home. Mrs J. Dowung was quite m Sun- day evening, butis much improved, Rev. Mr MIIcolm was unable last Sabbath to “be his work " Fair- bairn in the afternoon. Mr J. W. Hunter supplied his pulpit. Messrs Amos and W. G. Merriam are working at Holstein for ashort time.--Chatsworth con, o, Sound Sun. For burzaius in Hardware call on J. M, Matthews, the new hardware man, Holstein. Everything going at cost Mr Wm. IIutttreports that he was well pleased with his sale of Feb. 12. Mr J. Sharp. who at present is in Mt. Forest, intends going West soon. A very sad accident occurred last week at the home of Mr Wood on the 10th when his little daughter while playing with a knife, pierced her eye. Last Saturday Dr. Wilson accom- panied the parents and child to Tor- onto to consult a Specialist. The child is at present in the Sick Child. ren's Hospital. We hope that favor. able results Will follow the treatment there. The stauffer-CouttsrBain Concert Co. will give a high-class entertain- ment in the Ag. Hall, Holstein, Fri. day, Feb. ttt Admission 25 and 35c. Plan at Edwards. On account of sickness at the par- sonage the Choral Society will not meet this Thursday evening. We thank Mrs Gus, Johnson, ot Wiunitred, Alta, for kind words a- long with renewal. "Cauno- get along without your valuable home paper " she says. The death of John McEachem of the 10th of Egremont on Monday, after a couple of days' illness, re- moved from this vicinity still another of the aged pioneer residents, so many of whom seem to have been dropping " recently, like the sen and yellowleaves in autumn. De- Bring your hogs to Holstein Tues- days. Satisfaction guaranteed. Other stock Will have my best atten- tion. Phone 17 to Mrs Cavers, of Toronto who was visiting at the parsonage for a few days, returned home on Tuesday. at-ac,', was 96 years of age and un- married, living with an unmarried sister, who survives, aged 88 years,--- Confed. Mr and Mrs. E, E. Hoekridge, vis- ited Councillor Huckridee. Cedar- ville, Sunday. before leaving tor their new home in Mt Forest. Councillor Alex. Gillespie is cri- tically illand the Dngives very little hope. The choir of the Methodist church has been unorganized and many of the young people added. We feel certain that in the near future we will have an excellent choir. The Institute Box Social last Fri- day evening was a decided sucCesa. With Rave J. Goodfellow in the chains splendid program of dia. logues. comic quartettea. solos, reei. tations, male choruses and orchestra music. tall local talent)wns given and enjoyed by a fall house. Mr. Ainey McPhail very successfully auctioned the boxes. Proceeds $41. Misses Maggie Campbell and An-g nie Robb, Egremont, were visitors) in our village hm week. l “” l Resolved that the following 'ttttte Misses Flossie and Agnes Mark, is, paid: Wrtght. Telford & McDon- of Mt. Forest, spent Sunday in our! ald, advice no claims Cyril Whlmnn burg and assisted the choir. for loss of horse. $3.00 ; Ratnatto & Inspector Campbell visited our seat 1 Son, printing Financial Suntemems. of learning on Monday afternoon. l ballots, 17.00 ; 8t1btsoriptionts for The choir of the Methodist church, Mun-LWorld, 5.75 ; Clerk. telephon- has been unorganized and many ofl Ing, 'ir ; {manure and 8'“er iutdi- the young people added. We feel l tors. r009 ' Y:1. ish.trp, a” ot Itll, certain that in the near future we! Numinatlon._ 39J; 5, McClocklm. will have an excellent choir. l use of Counctl room, - oo, There is not much talk about rural mail delivery just now, but we are informed that we shall have it in the neat future. Our skating rink was visited by large numbers last week. Miss Alice Ramage, Durham, vis- ited the week end at Mr Adam Petti- grew's. Reg L' Hanable was in lit Forest Monday on business. NOTICE TO ti00 RAISERS. All kinds of Coal for sale. Apply LOCAL AND PERSONAL Coal for Sale W. J. ATKINSON, Holstein Hopeville. Orchard It. M. TRIBE, Shipper Council met. Feb. 10th. Ilium“ adopted. Lothian-Robb-That, the tender of S. Robb for tile making be accept- ed as tellows : 20 in. at 400, 16 in. " 306 and IO in. aL30¢.--Curried. Cour Ferguson reported that he had examined the Tress. swollen in the Registry tMiee and (ound them statisttustory. Cost ol semen. 1.55. The valuable 200 acre farm, being lot B. k sand N. b 6, con. 6. Arthur township. Co. of Wellington. within 4h miles from the town of Mt. Forest. it offered for sale at a hug-in and with terms almost to suit pmchmr. 195 acres cleared. nuance timber had. well fenced. Good commit-Me home. one bank barn and one an barn. Soil is in fhnst.elasm state of cultivation. convenient to school and church. Ap- ply toe other particulars and term. on the premises or to the undersigned, RICHARD Gunmen. It. Forest or J. J. COOK. It. Fem: [ 1totrtr-h'ergmsort--Tut the Sheep Inlpeuors for 19t2 be reappoint“ lor1913, VI! : Wm hiandden Div. No l, Jo. Sudden No 2, D Allan, Jr, Nos, Jno. Sinclair No 4, Jun. Dur. rant No 5, Allan MeDottgall, No li.--- Carried, Jno. Sinclair. Sheep Inpeetor. ro- ported that he had enmlned the damagesto sheep belonging to Neil Calder, worried by dogs, which he estimated at $18 00. Resolved that he be paid two-thirds according to law. Alter declsrnion In: uken order granted for 12 00 Inspector's fees, 50e. Alsn damages to Alex cat. dev 3 sheep, 9.00. Buchanan taken And order granted hr 6 00, Inspect- or'slees 50e. Alsu damages to Alex MeGillivray's sheep, 12.00. Declar- ation was made and order granted for 8 00. 1ntrpeevor's tees. 50e. Meitobb-ltobtr-. That foregoing report be adopted and murder be drawn tor 1,25 cost of search and 1.00 Comr'o expenses.--CUrried, The Auditors“ Report was prewar ed and (one over caretnliy. By-law 272 to appoint Pathtnagtcm passed the usual reading. List will be published later. By-law 273 to appoint collectors was passed. H. Hopkins wuup pointed collector for N. D. and In. F. Durranteoneetor fer S, D,, ulnry 40.00 each. ltobb--Latbian-- That the Audi- tors' Report be adopted and meg be pald $10 00 for their services an the clerk get 200eoptes printed for " tribution. --Carried. The reeve was served with notice of claim irrm Cyril Whitman of $110 tor loss of horse on baseline S. MG. A. Con, 19, by getting into n pond on said road. Legal advice had been taken by our reeves from twoimport- ant firms, a disposition to settle was maniieeced from Both parties and Mr Whitman offered to settle ior $75 and after a lengthy discussion it was moved by Lothian, seconded by Me Robb that Council pay 855 in settle- ment ot all claims, which was car- ried mum. The post office building in Holstein Just vacated. Good opening toe dressmaker's shop, milliner, shoe. maket or for otherlinea of business. Rent very reasonable, Apply " once to D. P. COLERIDGE, Holstein. 'ttiii.i1',l'lllll1-gt:,.t, the accoum ot Dr ilson for placarding and at- teudance on indigent: be refunded to the Board of ilealth.-Carried, The Building Committee of the Public Library Board on Tuesday of last week accepted the tender of Wal- ter N. Hutchison, of Clifford, for all the work of erecting the new Carneg- ie Building, except the electric wir. ing and heating, at $8r45. The shelving is included, but not tables. chairs and other furniture. The contracts were signed on Thursday tnoraing.--hit, Forest Rep. The deputation appointed to wait on Dr Norman C. Wallace " the North Wellington nominatioh as Lib- eral Candidate, met Dr \Vailace in Drayton on Tuesday afternoon and laid the matter before him. The Doctor, though appreciating the hon. or and the spirit in which it has been offered to him stated that for petun- al reasons he would have to decline the nomination. His decision will be generally regretted throughout the riding among Liberals, as Dr. Wallace was pretty generally conced- ed to be the best available man. There are howevee. a number of other available first-chess men in the Bid- ing, any one of whom should win out in an election. According to present appearances that election may be on within a few months and the executive of the North Welling. ton Reform Association will probab- ly arrange for another convention at an early date. --Cotsted. F'ergmson--Lothio--Thet we now adjourn to meet on Monday, Much 3m to receive tenders for cement and general bmsinei--Carried. D. ALLAN, Clerk. Egremont Council Farm for Office to Rent. If You was: to"... -4 count-M too - l "tutgouttt ot “r illumuford a good turn u-o. "ered for gummy Ieu nun the mildtnv wnuld com_ I00 new near Mount Forest, cheap 'st under “.000. soo mm "ear ”much "" George Tummley‘o farm) a In. wen-improv, ed plan on much ter T'Iluley nude money. altered " a [rut tau-gun, 200 new. Pf.'"' layup '.r..ee.f.try: 200 let;- be" [Ml-o. good (an... on". buildings. umber worth mom-t of the price. 150 um nou- l)urhnm. well-improved and cheap at about woo. "l um in ligament. (Dr Petter' arm) food p are, owner in the w at!" at a 62.499. & Phi istree arnt a in”. 100 um new “novel. on. of the beet fttt nu " Perth Go. Bplondudly improved. Antoni-hing" cheap II 87011). North-tut Inu- for ale or n- dumps. m. "* game's; Petr, ttt: Bal. Miller ”DUNN CHIN. Sand-y Bohoolalo. Borde- n tl B. III. an. too p. In. REV. A. B. man. B. A, Finer PrmstrrteeHat Chum]: dn rt5ch MM . I Bun 1't'M1h."r8.fy""' DR. JAB. L. WILSON, B. A. Physleun, Surgeon ml Loco-dour S ial ultontlan Id lo d t "é1",flt and Charm. t Al,» E; Ear. Nose and Ate'", . y- BLV. J. IALOOLI. once a Lots 43 And " Com I. B. D. R Glenda. one and I half an!" we“ of PrIceville. Good buildings and water. Terms maonnhle. Apply to J. F. IchACHLAx. Box no. 0w. AIM. W. J. SHARP Holstein Conveyance!- - of Inn-(o mum . i am Study i t “W! . NO VACATION QEQQYm’d Female Pill: tho HARVELa “roar-o other but at: t'ott.'ntt'tg tIhr.. ma tttt9.-lod. t Ct: an " ttrutef_dy_tef1eg' gull-II- Smooth Rondbed Electric ligh ed sleeping are. Su. perb dining car service. Ask near. ett Grgnd T'unk Agent for full in. formation. literature," eta or write A, E. Dull. D. P. A., G. T, K, Toronto 1.1.0... It": M, fun Agent J. Toner, Phone II. Beret “at Pom c La Prairie Ef/dire' Watrous Iofield _ The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway lt, the shortest tttd the nickel: rorstt' between Winnipeg, dh"lri',e,d lid monton. Fast trains leave Winnipeg at ' p... “I, "' n P at“, ”Sunday [33w "in; Gaaiirsiuue. -i,ri," perlr (bed. P mm. new and mm eomu m shone-u notice. All It): 'i1'lGh",' attended to. - to loan It Iowan. ten! to um liq-roger. Are Yon Going West? on .0. F“ u, mm-miéii.lm. on Gm Al.- - M iran" - you io In 15 Inter-Med Ind ”mun: \nuw to Rivera Mina Saskatoon Clinton Mor- Iii " The STANDAi 04:ande C1tewFtiterB-b. . "MI, (Amunde'um Cum. . . . . . H0. Cover“ Municipal Old Call Lon- - Bonds, at. . . LOI- amd Mm: . . Bank PM Head Ohm and Bra-uln- From Report to Don SPIKE! LA ColltSE RESOURCES hi 480,85 e new tt “1.2M 2.766. Moi, 28.6% ST, ll ures the re SC 1er Nb.

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