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Durham Review (1897), 27 Feb 1913, p. 1

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r Goon. lumen. Hey you). 1:93.09. farm, th moot Inn-sled r and), " cont. I of the Mondld', rhvnp at In eed tn. cheap " Iy Bar. to In! L D. R Int. of water. I " a route Fulh' he Were .215; u Speq who " ite A, room ISO "1 od .. 1'1: my uptown! P- Ion or OX- All. Ed - and My " “The STANDARD BANK of CANADA ki, Mas. J. c. Nrcmth, Representative " N ltr7, lhuh am Cahunhnd-dNoI-ud cuevrruegenherB-hs. . Gov-uncut Wham Cum. . . . Duty“ . . . Guru-en. Municipal ”MI. . “hummus. . Madman!“ . . . M Pte-. MOI“ Jamal). . . . . . “Ansell The Jar tsold in um SPIREL LA CORSETS 'oll NEH CONDENSED From Report to Dominion Government, Mst Jan., 1913 VOL. m :Kingon. farm, Rocky Saugccn ltd divtr.ions of 16, con. t, .. G. seltt, 100 Ana-gs: immediate 5: Human)" the special ‘nrsv- SHIP beginning Decem- The un'mukahle stay. and Farm to Rent RESOURCES ivcn. Apply to J. P. Tenant). Durham In“) body 18 driving: Ford"--more than Ji-U‘UOU m service. New prices runabout shy; -tourrng car $750--town cat $iooo-- wnun all equipment, I o b.walkervtlle,Ont. (kt particulars from Ford Motor Company n! Canada, Limited, Michigan and Four- tuenth Streets-or direct from Walkerville. Weigh the car-not its price. Both are hght. But the Ford is the: one car whose low price does indicate its high worth - the lemon why 3011 mast " get busy " Hrduy - if you want ,a Van- adium-built Ford this season. I. S. “INTER & SON, Durham New Even year we introduce our tJ'"Ar Spring and Summer Waists in February; this year is to be no exception and you will see in our store.the most exquisite styles and bewitching patterns ever shown in Durham at the price. Laces and Bandings Are you planning your new Summer Dresses? You will have noticed in the new style books how extensively laces and band- ings are to be used with the dainty materials this season. We have just the very things you’ll want in these goods. Drop in and see the new trirntniugs- then plan your dress. 341.234.487.92 I $5.54 I ,652.65 2.766 m. 18 2.501.007.» 28.890.667.57 . MORLOCK STA TEMENT I 10,000.00 362.2 I 3.99 996.029.0l 58.64522 alsts Ram Fad. S-phl Pain aodRe-edforh- . The Roview and Grain Growon' Guide. Winnipeg. for on. you 1 60 The Review and Weekly Globe for "ar---r-r-ft-y- SI " The Review and Weekly Mail and Empire torl vear......... ........ 1 75 The Review and the Familv, Her. ald and Weeklv Star lorl you I 90 The Review aniWrekl) Witness for l "Br..------. I 90 The Review and Weekly Sun for '.v"r.--r-yr-yy-'t 190 The Renew and Weekly Advertis- er for one your” 1913 iiiht El maximum Review. New Clubbing Rates. . t2.429.275.00 $4 I 234.467 .92 77.59755 2339,6431!) 32.0l I, I 53m l .N0.027.59 3.310,79l.77 The Rev'igv'v to New Subscribers to Jan Mt. Forest unior hockey team plays Durham Juniors an exhibition gum. here to-night, Wednesday. Mutt-hen in quantities. mm mu. tina, . " b' ' only 10 team. Lots " and trib, C,0 tteetoiou 3. E.G.R Glenelg. In“ be cold cheap. For par titular!) apply to All parties owing the firm of Mu. them, & Latimer will please call on A. H. Jackson and settle same at once as he business of the ttrm must be closod out Wit u. ddny. .' iuce we chance of t n ' tiran of F. Lena" tr' & Cu. to that of Lenahun & McKechnie. I now who the liberty ot thanking my many Customers for their past pan onaae Inn wish in the future to retain thor good will. Faun Lanna/m~ BRANCHING OCT. The new hard ware and furniture firm, Messrs Lena. han & vicKechme. as will be noticed by their advt. on use 4, are adding a new line, that of plumbuu and timsrmthing. A lirst-clast, man is being engaged and fuli supplies mil be kept in stock. The firm I8 to be congratulated on this en terprise, as it tins a» local requirement. Then' 0 I'\‘V\- ' ' It'" a bout r, 0 oik. of the town’s old" re . dents, Mrs Jtss Vullet. mother ot our town clmk and one cf the early pion- eels. coming here in 1855 to live. She. Wm 90 y i mm the 15!. of December. We the nd nu! sympathy to the tam, sly In Inrir hvn .vemem and next week we hope mhwe a. fuller account of hrr Me. ex. .vvr at Gleuelg, and presenter Mr Hunt and family with a robe and ', sum-o! blankets, before they leave for their home in the West. which they ,intenquriglna it1_.ctto_typ1t (r Wreks. [They Will he missed in Zion churn?" where they were all filithful Milken and in every movemen- which was fur the uplifting of mat.. tiud they helped. F wermir:7rmrwaouusm--'rhere are a) number of the veterans ofthe Fenian Raid otMtsts residing in Durham and vicinity and these were gratified a few days ago to receive from the Govern _ ment a grant of 8100 each in appr_ecit tion of their services at that time. Bonus" iyears ago each received a section M land in New Ontario and many years ago. a medal Those remembered we Messrs Adam Robson, Matthew Duns. Geo. Ryan. Sr., Sam McCracken, C. L. Grunt. Thos. McGirr, Jas. McGirr, Elias Edge, Adam Weir, Sam Scott Robt. Allan, 1Cfte> 0.. indny nigh ' Slat rebrunry. tho memue: a of Zn n l hurcb. Tl-nVrraton, met at the home of Mr E. W Hunt iy'aiiil' "r-isis-el,?..', Pt1sjt9 ot,',' & OPICS iW _ Mr Dull Grey County Representa- live of the Ontario Department of Arr. ri.. ulture, is now in Scotland securing farm Inholers for Grey County bus. mers. This is a purely county scheme and adopted to try and help the bos mer to his greatest prohlvm. the prr- curmg of not only gumeient labor hm almoeiriru,mt llhm, " is his duly to hrlpahe farm 't' wherever and whim- I'VFI' pmnhlc. M As use of him. Mr but! has wm luck word that hem A. le m fill mare nppliralium than he an iviirsted, so if any more furnwrs require help, " H not too late to send nwpplncatmn for more men. Appli. Canons to be addressed to the Depart- nwm of Agriculture, Mnlkdale and will be forwarded on to Mr Duir in Scotland. 4herr-tt:hyttttr-A well know“ young man in Durham and vicinity died last Friday in Russell, Man.. in the person of W. E. Theobald. "Wes" as he was familiarly known, for a number ofycars conducted a gents' furnishing star. in town, until Bor 7 years ago he went West and has recently been traw elling for the widow Co. of My” LL . W Deceased wusanatme o t. crest and was extrcmclo popular in athletic sports, figuring in many hard fought lacrosse battles for Durham and his hometown. In baseball and hockey also he starred. but in every branch of athletics he was ever a true sport- Many who recall his genial disposition will regret his passing in the prime of life. goodly number of buyers were present and 32 horses cheeit.,.lg.eearTr'rr unfortunate that ram fell all morn-' ing, " otherwise it would probably have been the biggest fair yet. Many good horses were thus not brought in, which disappointed buyers from Montreal. Simcoe and nearer places, who were ready to pay good prices for s number in first class condition. It behooves all who have animals to dispose of to get them in the best possible condition for March tair and make its bumper. Mayor Black would be pleased to rc- ceive contributions from merchant. and others benefitted to sssist in de. 1 him Wm wtll regret ha passmg m we prime or life. i d tttt Donald McCormack, lots 19 and A h l f 20, con 1, N.D.R..Glenelg. will after for muc arger crests than usual " sale Farm Stock and Implements and tcndcd the Horse Fair last week and Household Furniture. Sale at l the town wore an excengly brisk " o'cloek. Terms: 11 mos. credit, r, per pearBnce. qaeraelrluiuur-."it cent discount for cash in lieu of notes. b-teausutiisinusCu-Auats- A D. MchuL. Aunt uneer goodly number of buyers were present SATURDAY, MARCH 8--Oht" Shevell 22:10:: ':a't"e'"thcl't'-ekq-,' MM" w ' lot 0an ul 16 and 17. con 3, W. G. B. . u a e . n. ram fell ' I norn- Bentlnck will sell by auction at. 1 tng, " othgrwne it yould probably have o’clock. .tarm stock and implements been the biggest fair yet. M?” good No reserve. 10 mos credit, 5 per cent horses were thus not brought In, which . off for cash. R, 831cm AM, Mun-many”! lump" Cram Mann-pal, , Auctioneer A. H. JACKSON, Durham DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEB. 27, 1913. W At aunt's. With which is incorporated the Holsteh Leader An nu mun-n dun me than of F. Lot- abut & 00 must be nettléd try cab ite tree. Men's Negligee Shirts. white and h! wk .~triped, Men's 85c and Boys 60e, ot G: ant's. A challenge hockey game between the Cement and ClerUteam willbe played in the rink Wednesday evening of next week. Tut. V. [my L. o. L., No. 689, will tvrtd.. Box 50 id on Tuesday, March 4m. A good pl ogmm will b. given. Adllnlllhlnll 13e. Ladies bringing box. up, tree; if not, 250. LAND FOR tsaLtg,--83 acres good and. no hail-ling: situated inside Durham Town limits. Spring creek runs through property. Good chance for quick parcht'ser. Apply to C. C. Emmott. “AS FORD AtimNCv.--Aa will be not. iced by advt. on this page, A. s. Hunt. er & Son have taken the agency for Dur. ham and district for the famous "Ford" cars. They purpose this spring erecting a garage to the rear of the hardware store with entrance from Lambton St., and will keep a full supply of parts of any kind tor repairs on hand. A SEMIIH'S FaLu-Whsle walking down “I...” .n the path in his yud to empty ' Pun of ashes. Mr. Geo. Ryan Sr. elm. " on the ,it‘e last Bat. tatdty ulglr and sulfur“! serious in. ju x. Finding himself unable to rise he t mud ov 1- nu his hands with “r pal l and called to Salli MC- ()rackeu whc wan passing. With the assistance also of some factory men. who were going home at " p m, be was carried into the house, Mrs Ryan being absent and no one else at home at the time. Here his right hip bone was ionnd broken and the leg was set in splints. ble is fun ed to lie or. his hack for a few mocthr', not, being able to sit up. It was a seven; Injmy to one well uWnyeurs and we Hunt. he may pull through and the lume knit neatly, The Durhum Poultry Association lit-M their annual met-ling in Mr. Jackson‘s ottice on Feb. git!) for the election ot onions, ete," Arts-e- Auoci. ation had a. vely prosperous year lbaving a lalger show nndn better ( ms " buds, The receipts for the 'yE-ur nnmunled to $285.04 and expen- ldi tire 8272 32. leaving a balance on lmnd of $13.32. The officers elected fur the full-min: year ttrp; llunormy Pre/tdent - R J Bull M. P. " Vice Prvs. - D Jam ieson M P P Pr. 5 ident w-William Black. ht Vice Pvesident-C. ll. Dyna. 2nd Fr -w. J, Ritchie. 3rd .. --C, W. Lana. secretary-Was, A. McDonald Trmwurer-E, A. Hay. lytrectorst w. J. Ritchie. C. H, Lung. Wm. Clarke, A rthnr McDonald N, Harvey, J mnes Gibson. H, Graaby, Miles Wilmn and W. D. Connor. Executive Committee; A. H. Jack son, N. Harvey and Wm. Clarke. Auditors : Adam Brown, Jr., (7. W" Lang. As will be seen elsewhere the death occurred last Wednesday of Wm. lr- vine. ot Habermehl, one of the best known and respected men of Bentinck. For many years he acted as Township Treasurer, his integrity and ability be ing everywhere recognized. He served his township in other respects also. He became known to South Grey in 1886 when he received the Libernl nom- inltion for the Legislature, but wee de. feated by the late John Blyth. He took his defeat with a good spirit and mingled with Liberals in Convention and otherwise ever with hearty good will " long " strength was given him. An affection of his eye: compelled him to give up much public work for some years. He was a splendid type of citi- zen and his passing will be regretted by many besides his mourning family, who have the sympathy of a wide circle. Durham Poultry Association i Ion. Monday, March IT--, Glenelg Centre Turednv March 18--lh Swiucnn Park BORN 1ieAsc--bT Toronto, on Bundav. Feb. 10th, to Mr and Mrs Wm. J. [me I TUESDAY. 4'rn MAncu.--0n this The Roll Call. Sale Register. WM. IRVINE 'Fhtmp.,FK' Dug. C. Ferguson. John Meagher, . i, 1914, only 75 cents. Annual Meetifig of South Grey Liberals Hugh Guthrie, M. P., makes a Stirring Address. It was hardly expected that a large meeting would be secured at the Cots. vention of Friday Inst. it was not a Nominating Convention. (which " ways arouses interest) and the state of the lands might well be expected to hinder umny from coming and it did. yet the Town Hall was filled with a representative gathering and it in safe to say they dld not go home disap- pointed, Hugh Guthrie. K. u., M. P., is one of the rising parliatuenttuiat" on the Lilierul side. a clear, convincing speak- er, nhoumling in energy. there can be doubt that he will yet be heard from " higher up," Pres. Menus, wisely. (aye him the whole tune its he had to have by l p. In. train and he tilled up evi-ry minute of it with fact, And argu- nu-m. rem icuo; at limes gem run! up- plunge. He enjoys being reckoned among bl the titrhtiug hunch" at Ottawa. " we an- in n minority at 46, givmg the Nat ioualists to the Conwrvnlives, when) lliey lucluug." The prawn-n! to give a money grant of $35,000,C00. practically $5 for everv man. woman and child inGnml I. he oh oacterized as '. so nmel and radical in its effect. thot no govemmem should force it mung!) without a. mandate from the people'." l, needed calm consideration and it Is the duty of Liberals to en lighten the country on the two meth- ods. He Malt with Mr llazen'a boast that bite sum could he taken trom the sur plus, but if this were done the neces- sitiesof capital account would require still more bot rowing, tor there In Rpt. uully ashortage now. Ihrtererreil to he unity of action in Parliament in 15:00 when every Conservative lined up wnh every Llheral in voting fora Canadian hum Navy the only (mim- tion Mr Borden mote wnwlhutlhu wing! '. speedy " should be put in, and I it Was put in. Now they went'lmck on their lecmd, to give thin gift. tlr', 1mm an it, “’15 being called now tor th, [V have bl en half n dozen changes since the mom-ire was introduced on 5th Dec last. He unwed that there was a greater surr- or emergency in 1909 than now, yr? (‘onaervalive speeches rung with olri _ctions to a money grant. it was tri. blur-Canada's autonomy would he in danger. kc, Liberals thought so too, thir,ks so you but their opponents hild thrown consistency to llne winds. The Ltuu-ier proposal was lo have two fleet unite, om- on each minnow and this plan Was endorsed by the British I Admiralty an the line policy, Mr Burden. pondu'ing to the ignorant , habitat“ of Quebec to whom B money cont] ibut ion is less objectionsble than a local navy, began to talk Dread. nought», anything to win. and the coalition of the Nationaiists and Con. gervativen was plainly seen in the Drummond election. Nrtluthrie stat. ed that he had charged ll] parliament than: written agreement existed be- tween them and it had not been chal. lenged Mr Borden and 10 of his now Ministers voted that, no contribution Ira given to Brit. tin until the people wie consulted. Now they proposed doing just that thing. to please the I .iznré who spoke of hauling the B “mph tbtg in the dust and of shoot. lng holes thrm gh it. Mr Borden haunted in 1912 about going to Britain till McBride (who favors local fleet units) came back. then he was going, and took with tum siguiticuuttly, Pelletier to watch for the Nationalists. Borden's speeches were now linging against A Canadian policy. Australia has now what, all here at one lime wanted, a local navy and in commended by Churchill, whole policy in 6s to lead, to the outlying culuuies the establishing of navy units." He quoted authentic fitwrets from British experts to show that Britain" superiority in Dreadnought' over Germany was suttieierst to allay all fears and the preponderance in Cruil- era. Destroyer', he. won even greater than Dreadnougllte. He quoted As. quith’s famous words': " There is not now and never was amoutent when the power of the British Empire was not overwhelmingly supreme against any possible combination." Churchill Balfour. Beresford all expressed the same sentiment. m the hearing of Bor. d -n and Pelletier, yet he comee home and sets aside all this. One of the hast ports of the speech was his dee. larmtiou that. Germany was not a. war- like nation. her activity in navel l building was for her own needs and ‘ protection of her own trade route. ‘Tha retgn of the Rainer was now I long one and it had beenareittn ot pence t Where one the emergency ? Be appealed to the endience if one of them ever heard of Mr Boeden'l policy In 1911, u erJndeuudlo m" before the people than. A stor- sot “no'e”wu the "spouse. It we. talked of in Quebec only where union f Ilitt orator! drew harrowing pictures _ l of thiseruboweiied Ion. fltrtttinte in ( ',, Rtitaitt'e wars. l J. " If they have 35 millions to spund’ n . gift. why not give It to home mar- kets, when they were .0 keen to pro- tect the home market " was a state. menu loudly rbeered. The Home is " present inc-gully constituted. "The comm renal“ no known. redistrilm- tion ehould uke plum and 86 husky fellow" wlll prove to the guvernment that they have struck a snag." He referred mthingly to the not, r ioul Rogers nnd the electionm Mar. donald. Mam. and later to the un- Icrupulous ccnd uct of revealing public grants to itttuettt?e elections in N "' ' Sootin. To build our own navy. to protect 1 our own shores. our own trade routes! was Imperial as well as Canadian pol icy. It. was an insult to Conadianl to any we can't man them. Local naval units was a fair diviaion of responui- I bility. Mr Borden'n attitude in desir. ing repruautatives we. putting the clock of program back. The proposal of Sir John Ward of New lowland that the colonies be repnaenled on the Board to determine pence or war. was supported only hy himself. It Bor. den not a neat rebuke when told that his proposed member would not he a' link between the governments. The patliament of Great Britain is not the [ tie that binds '. the Crown of Britain Is the tie that binds and u is ettonner now than ever before. The more free. dom, the stronger the tie. " Do we want any more links ? " He (Guthrie) thought it an injury. He pointed out the absurdity of Asquith in a real emergency consulting with represent. atives from S. Africa. New Z-aland, Canada or Aurtralia. Don't loll me. Canada cannot. build a navy. We can do nnything any other white nation can" w“ astutemem loudly applauded. " If Spain. Portu. Couu'nutd on paw N. A very intomsung event took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Wm. Law. reme an Friday. Petr. 21, when their children and grandchildren cathend together to celebrate the golden wed. ding of the esteemed couple. Fifty years have passed since “WI. liam Lawrence and Eleanor Mnme were proclaimed man and Wife by the Rev. Alex Stewart. The newly wed. ded couple went to live on Lot 6, con cession 21, Egremont and rosidrd therefor " yen. tiii, they moved to Dm ham six years ngo, The martial union resulted in an issue of four son: and four daughtel til John and Joe In Egremont. Wtll on the homestead, Tom in \Velland. Mrs Con. Ector, Arcolu. Snak. Mrs w. J. Manddrn. Glands. Mrs W. Ector, Welland. Mrs W. A. McDonald. Dar. hnm. The family (except 'l'ottt.Mrg W. lever and Mrs u, Ector) together with grandchildren were present an the function which consisted of an ad.. dress 3nd presentation followed by ssumptuous dinner, the address be. lng read by Nina McFodden and prev ontntion mud. by Gertie and Eh. Lawrence. To our Father and Mother, Grandfather and Grandmother : We have gathered here to-dey to mark an Incident of importance in your life and ours. which occurred 11fty yeere ago. During these you.“ you have spent life trerther emid great. trials and much happiness. At times surrounded by your children. only to see them one by one drift " to make their We, inthe would. " must. he a pleasure to yonu itis to as to see this reunion whica win moth I period in the history of your funny, which will be remembered by all. We hove gathered herein order to rhow our greet love toe you end to en- deevor to convince you of our appre- cmtion of oil you hove done for us. We at you to accept thin puree of [old as e token of our love for you and than" with you any be spared to In for many year- to ccme. THE Iltlflit BANK Ill: CANADA Following is the addrmm l -v - LUG" WM Jail Branches. m. can" - W am 2rUgv-db%tterSh' thr. m Your children and crnndohildron. Golden Wedding Cap!” mixed , . . nm'rws' .,' e." p"- "URHAM BRANCH: S. MUGMEB, -iii"raaeitimmesteaiia. aitiitiitgttiggrtFaltlli Va ---- WITH WHICH IS UNITED 'rWo7tirotutE1t use Pam Wet“, " 91.00 t "a. C. BAMGI * 3011317311qu Min Jade lunme. Toronto. w" home Oper Sunday to see her brother Douglu. before "turning to the west. Mrs John Inbound Ctratsworth is whiting for a bor dnys at Mr J. P Huntel'u. Mr Will Buchnu Ian Tuesday (or Toronto, where he may likenposi- Huh. ""m Munro John Kelly, w. J. McFld den N Slant". Y. F. M 3-qu "trd h, W. Cumphell an» in Toronto Ibis week amending the motor show, ' Mrs Calder is in Toronto this week " tending the Annual Cement meeting. Mr and Ill. T. McGrath are spend. ing the week in Toronto with friutdr. III Archie McPheeid visiting friend- iu Toronto thin week. - “our: Wm. Calder. J. H. “when... aonJ. H. Coleridge. Geo. ammonia. J“. Ic-Lachlnn and Boy Calder of the Cement once trtatf, an- in Toron- t " the Cement Annual meeting/ Rev. Dr. Farquharson was artntire to fill his pulpit Sunday last and will n t for another or pcsaibly mo nbbaths yet, being confined in his home on med seal "vice, with a muscular nffcctxon of the hem t. His congregation nnd many friends trust he may quickly regain hie usual health, Mr R. MacFarlane. in taking in tin Motor thaw in Toronto. Mr. C. Ramnge is in the city Mo Wednesday " the Annual meeting " the Cement Commny. Our congratulations m-e in order this week to three [mid couples. who take their vows mil Wednesday, Miss Edna McCrle, south of town. In Mr Wm, Noble. of Reminds: Minn dinme Keller, of Varney to All (has. Hatton of the west, hut formerly of Vuney and Miss Annie In vreuce, necently Mencken of Swintnu Park, to Mr Dan MoConuick. of ' saw-o vicinity. Mr Guy Kearney rcsigncd his positron in the Royal Bank to take charge ot ithe grocery busintu. His succcuor cu telleris Mr L F. Noble "om Ton” hum. 'L'.lt.>"' Mr William Bell. cumrutm uutt builder, of Chicago, was a guest for a couple of week m his you-ins} MI and Mn Joseph Filth. ul' lawn and was more than nwlwmed hy his little, Ion Robbie, who resides with Mr and Mrs Firth. Mr Bell tvl,0 Fiyitssd hi0 aunt. Mn McArthur, of rnmessan, he- tore ramming to Ulncngu. Mr Graham, a linden! 1n thc'ology " Knox College, Toronto, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Funny. owing to the pastor's illness, and delivered two thoughtful discourses, On Monduy he visited hi: cousins. Mrs than Petty In. Mr Ju. Moore The series has revealed the Let that there is excellent hockey material here, and had this been realized at the open- tng of the season. a strong Northern league or O. H. A. team could have been entered. The matches however, have given opportunity of developing a|| promising local material and neat year till doubtless see Durham again enter a league team. The fittstl standing '. Clerks (let Mayor Black's Cup. Last Wednesday night saw the cur. tain pulled down in the local hockey league. when the Cement trimmed the Factory F--4, and thus ave the Clerks the championship 4551;; Factory "td-l-ctr/Tit-lilac, been tied with the Clerk, then necessitating a play " of the tied game three weeks ago. Play throughout was Fast and a decided im. provement evident in both teams over the earlier matches. At half time the factory were S-l ahead, but the Ce. ments in the last half pulled thc game out of the tire. . . able. tho new Royal hank teller, proved an acouieitlon to the cement team. Clerks Factory . s 25,000,000 . . , “500,000 . 3 12.500900 . . too.ooo.ooo won lost tied goals for m YORK “[NCV or. William and Cedar Sit. ‘~OOO Man-gov. V. I2 " "e ’u’. W ,2. t Evit, -%ce, if ",ttraitust ' and . that Mack it , nutiful tereat. l' I how .gthen. Mwar , and the. . and the A nd Aintt In; new unity ere-t- L men 1 not Ils- my of it 'h In

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