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Durham Review (1897), 27 Feb 1913, p. 3

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" , Mu m. MON rlavor by the In and IN! H and and uid to REVENUE FROM CUSTOMS Shows an Increase of 34 Per Cent. in Figures for Ten Months. - A deapat During the ginning of of January Canada l1 during the 191171: the SUUIH POLAR ill?hillllllllll " " Tm Hlli'l‘ LEFT GREAT BRI- Thiy IN tra. t ', i- met, in PCM, which prowd‘ A“ _isteatee of an Antarctic cont-i- i mom and the wealth of animal life m the floor od the Antarctic so”; the Larson oxpeditionot 1893, which 1osrrvered King (ha! 11. Land My! f rged to 68 degrees 10 minutes msrrt,h hstitode; tho Leonard Kris- tvnwn expedition on the steamship Ann-unis in 1894, on which C. E. r. rchgrevink took passage M a mrnunou sailor. bud which entered up“ Sunni may: first Landing w the Antarctic Continent. at Cape Adam. The Adrien de Gerlache ex- TeL'tirrn, on the Belgian ship Bel- .1». in 1898 and 1899, ran the first . 'it' of Soundings from Ctspe Horn v the South Shetlands, and the rhip being caught in the ice at 71 " . rm-vs, 30 minutes south Inf-Nude, chi-m explora- were the first to Ty?tca'. the “a, in the ADM u The Memory Lingers" f are rapidly growing in In favor. Post Tongues no economi- etl, nuke lean work for the buoy housewife and 51am everyono u the table. .u-rved either with creun or good milk, or preserved fruit, make . most appetizing dish tcr bmkfast. dinner, or cup- These delicious Med flaky bite of white corn have a delicate taste that is very pleasing " this time of you. Sold by Grocers everywhere Post Toasties I. Cook Sail“ Into the Ant. rctie on Main”, Con-is- mioit that Year. r'nrtadit" Man Coral 00.. m. Vila". mm Ready IVY ultal Undo of Canal. in ry. 1913, was 075,871,000, u t 802.6%.000. nu increue of reoo0,000, or nearly 20 per F'vr the IO months ending ".' 31 last the total trade vs: '3 ooo. as "nintrt $711,199.00!) ary the customs mulls. d amounted to $94.39,”: the corresponding period in the customs revenue w“ 252, the increase being 5M. This works out st " a of over " per cent., or e-third. patch from Ottawa an: the 10 months from the be- of the fiscal year to the end In Recent Times. on _ Capt. Wm. Smith, with I rruuwlttsrytanagt discovered n Sht‘tlands. L], a Russian discovered and, 69 deg. " min. math, farthest south. In the M Capt. Palmer, in an ' sealer. sailed still far- I Capt. George Powell, a with him, charted the )rknny Islands. In 1823 [arms Weddell, English, 'idiur. 15 mins. south, and Cam. John Bistros. Bri- t An l n tarot th Antarctic trip on new“! f Capt. James Cook of Navy, who was commia- he Admiralty in 1773 to My vessels. the Resolu- lwnture, to examine in- rnvt- of a great. southern He discovered South xl the Sandwich group " Cooked an " W L John ”new, 1m- Enderby Land. In ', h naval expedition “lunatic circle and mama net! Bt Clark Ross. with Debug and Terror, xpedition under Meals if dmad ditions in nineteenth ' Nares ex- ateamship ich proved m in the corresponding period in the last fitretd rear, Ln increue of $173,133.000, or nearly ont-quarter. The imports in January last were 862,752,000, as against 838,6et,000 a year "o, u: increase of $14.090.000, or not far short of 40 per cent. ; for the 10 months' period the imports were $519,445,000. an increase of $128,000.000 over the '421,1u.000 of tho 10 months' period of 191t-12. Victoria Land near Cape Adamo, and spent the winter there. In 1902 and 1903 Erich von Drygalski tyator- od the ice pack neu- Wilkes' Ter- mination Lsnd. Sledge panties and views from a balloon located Etsi- ser Wilhelm II. Land. The exports in January, 1913, we" $19,370,000, u ugainst 019,- 527,000 in January, 1912. In the 10 months' period just concluded the domestic exports were $298,022,000. as against $246,442,000 in the ”mo period a year ago. In 1902 and 1903 also, Otto Non} enskjold, a Swedish geologist, ob- tained funds from his countrymen for an expedition on the Antarctic. On Nov. 8, 1903, the Uruguay, 3 w 1in ship, sent by the Argentine Government, found and rescued Norxkrrskiold. From 1902 to 1904, Capt. R. F. Scott, on tho Discovery, with Lieu- tenants Shackleton and Wilson and a well-equipped puny, planted the British flag in 82 degrees and 17 minutes south latitude, and spent a bitter winter in the region, in which the temperature frequently (at! to 50 degrees below zero, and " times as low as 68 degrees. 7 A later and more snooewful south polar expedition was that of Lieut. Ernest Shackleton in 1908 on the ship Nimrod, with a party of fifteen men. Siberian ponies, dogs, a '1"l- tor war, and other equipment, with which he entered the 180th meri- dian. On October 5, 1908, a party of five started to find the magnetic south pole. which was reached on January 16, 1909. Bharhleton't, Great Attempt. On October 29, 1908, Shackleton and three others set out for the south geographical pole, following roughly the Nah meridian east. They reached 88 degrees 23 minutes south, beyond which they could not go owing to the exhaustion of their go owmg to the exhaustion or men- food supply. In the same time as '3ha4rkleton'a oxprditiori, Charcot, a. Frenchman, undertook an expedition into the Antarctic on tho ship Pourquoi Pas. In sportsmanlikts spirit. haw- evor. he refusod to enter a field which le thought the Englishman had smkod out before him. A Gorman Antarctic expedition recently returned to South Ameri- ca, having made no discoveries worth while. Dr Mawoon, an Australian, and a Japanese expe- dition also made recent v0yages in the Antarctic. dent Joseph Smith. Salt Lake City, I'tah. ecclesiastical head of the Mormon Church, to President E. J. Wad. Alberta State of Zion, an- nouncee that a $100,000 temple tor Canada will be erected here, build- ing "rperatiortis to be started this Bummer. 1.200 Were Burned to Death on a rarra Near Galt. A diuepatch from Galt says: On Friday afternoon the large chicken house, 165 by 25 feet, two storeys high. on the farm of Dr. H. F. Mac- kendrick. a mile from Galt on the west, side of the Grand River, was (mini!) destroyed by fire and 1,200 inw‘n' burned to death. The blaze was caused by a spark from the =t0ve in the feed house, and the “hole building was blazing within " few minutes. Premier McBride Refused It on Bela" at Government. A despatch from Victoria says: Sir Richard McBride made the sn- nouncement in the Legislature on qunesday night that as a matter nf Government policy it was impos- vible be grant to women equal fran- chise with men, a condition asked tor last week by a large deputation of women representing an sections of British Cdurnbia, Willie had been forbidden to try him new skates because his parents thought the ice was not safe. Con- sequently. when he appeared in the doorway, dripping wet, there was trouble brewing. "Don't lick me, ma," said tho, offender, "henna I've just saved Aree men and two women from drowning." “How?" demanded his mother. "Why." explained Willie, “they were just going on the ice when I broke through." NO HQITH; FRANCHISI IN B. C. WORMON S ARE PROSPEROL'S. "Oh, that is the thing that makes the avenge a aker whey etllod on at a Le'JCrll,"t' up aod declare that he is not prepared to make a speech and then go on talking till he proves it. ' , Saved Three Men and Two Women. Del-ed. "What is the meaning of the word tautology I" _ _ _ _ . CMH' K ENS WERE ll0.\ t1TED. A dawn}: from Cardston, Alta., 3's: An ofheial lctcr from Preai, TSGult's First Trip. IE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH llAl'l'l-ZNIVGS mom ALI. 0'33 THE GLOBE " A IUTBIIFLL Cluck. the lupin and the "at“ I. Om"! Baton You Eves. Cunt. Montreal has more than five thou- sand cues of measles. 7 The Senate rejected a bill by Senator Clown to forbid re-mar- riage of the guilty party in a, di- vorce. _ Over 6,000 person: no expected to attend a ro-union of the Shana family, of Waterloo county, in J une. Sergeant-Major John Martin, one of the few surviving veterans of the Crimean War, died at Lindsay on Thursday. " FPetXr: the eitrht-ymsr-old son of Gustav Skendel, accidentally shot his four-year-old sister, at Morden, Mun. Pontiac is the name aekseted for the new city to be built around the US. Steel Corporation's plant near Sandwich. Downtown London merchants have refused to deliver goods to the newly annexed suburbs, and the women of those districts have insti- tuted a boycott. . . Brfure Judge Malouin, in the Quebec Superior Court. osiury ren- dered a verdict for 815,000 for Con- ductor Frechette against tho The House of Lords rejected the Scottish tempeg'anoe bill.. . The Home Office decided to prose- cute Mrs. Pa.nkhurst for conspiracy in connection with the blowing up of Mr. Lloyd George’s house. _ CPR on account of Ge loss of a leg and other injuries. Major McCalmont, Unionist, was elected unopposed, to succeed the late Col. McCalmont as member for East, Antrim in Ulster. Viscount Haldane, by permission a? the King, will attend the Ameri- can Bar Association meeting in Montreal on September I. Capt. Cameron, while fishing in Ireland, was pulled into the water and drowned. He managed to shake hands and say good-bye with a. gamekeepex who tried to save him. "he U. s. Senate has ratified an extension of the arbitration treaty with France. -_ - The U. B. Government decided to intervene to secure a fair trial for ex-President Madam. The, graft. charges against the seventeen Detroit aldermen will bo tried in Detroit, and not in Mt. Clemens, tho Bu tame Court re- fusing a change of yenue. . The New Jersey Senate favors votes for women. It now goes to the House. 7, A fusing a change of venue. Isadore Stein testified that Robt. Rubin, a. New York fire insurance adjuster, had hired him to set flros. Members of Rubin's family denied that, Stein had often visited his home, as Stein alleged. Wintry weather prevails in France and southern Italy. Following a sharp fall in temper- ature, it snowed heavily in Sicily and throughout South Italy the past few days, there being a. heavy fall of several inches. A - The German Roichstag adopted, by a. majority made up of claricals. Socialists and three Radicals, tho measure repealing the anti-Jesuit law. It is improbable that the Bundersrath will concur. A despatch from Toronto says: As the late C. M. Hays, President of the Grand Trunk Railway, who went down with the Titanic, had part of his estate in Ontario. his will was entered for probate here on Thursday. The total estate is worth $762,298, and is left to the widow, with the exception of be- quests of $10 each to four daugh- ters, Marjorie, Orian, Louise and Clan. In a. oodicil the deceased expressed the wish that a 1ity insur- ance policy for 825,000 should be payable in equal amounts to his sister anda. brother, David M. Hay; Will of the Late President ot the Grand Trunk Railway." Regulating for the Government of Harbors. A despatch from Ottawa says: An order-in-Council his born passed arnyvdicg the regulations for the gnu-amen: of public harbors in Car.adtv, giving the harbormasters the right to decide where vessels carrying explosives or inilammablo or dangerous goods shall moor or load or unload. A fine of 8100 my be impvsvd for violation of the reguhstirrsu, with $10 more for each twelve hours of continued 2ioltv- tion. Wm. MeGuinem and n. McNair “Mime ot Flxpioriion. A despatch from Cobalt, says: Two machine runners, natives of Nova Scum. were instantly killed u the 200-foot level of the Hudson Bay Mining property in Gowgand. late on Thursday. They were Wil- liam. M. McGu'mees and D. Mc- Nair, the latter aged 27 and aingle. They were working with hammer drills and drilled into an old hole containing powder It the bottom. DRILLED A MISSED HOLE. CARRYING EXI’LOSIVES. LEFT NEARLY $900300. Great Britain. Irnited Stan‘s. General. l IN TRE INDIANA SENATE. Sensation When Chapm- Wu Ordered to Stop Prayer. A despatoh from Irsdianspo1iis, Ind., aye: Lieutenant-Governor O’Neill caused . semtion in the'; Senate on Thnredny When he utop- ped the Rev. E. R. Henry of the Emmenunl B.ptisrt Chanel: of this city, who was making the opening prayer, end said ..--"Btop making . political epeech." The minUter had prayed for the separation of the rum tradio from the sum end for the dny when Indium would ro- fuee to sell to men the right to make other men drunkarda, mur- derers, f1lling prisons and benevo- slant institutions. The Lieutenant- lGovernor, who had been showing signs of impatience, vigorously banged the marble slab with his gavel and commanded the minister to stop. He ordered the journal to be read, and Rev. Mr. Henry im- mediately left the chamber. Where Gold Has Been Discovered 1nd Proved. A despatch from Victoria. B. 0., say-2 Rich placer digging, in Swan, Silver and creeks ik?wins in- 9W6“, uuvuI - ‘0'»..- -"""EN --- to Testin Lake at its south-eastern end are reported to have been re- cently discovered and proved. The reports come from official Govern- ment sources. On receipt of the news Hon. Dr. Young, Provincial Secretary and member for Atlin in the Legislature, made arrange- ments to proceed to the field of the new find. At Atlin he will go'over- land by dog team and eled to the lower end of Testin Lake. The dig- gings are reported to be from three to six feet deep, and the gold taken out is said to be coarse and to greatly resemble the gold peculiar to the Atlin country. Stampedes from Atlin are now occurring, and it is reported that some four hun- dred claims have been taken up on Testin Creek. Flve-year-old Boy Killed During an Altercation. A despatch from North Bay says: A row in the Italian colony on Wed- nesday night resulted in the fatal shooting of the five-year-old son of James Demaroo, a. contractor. The shooting took place in the house of Liberto Conte, who had an alterca- tion with Antonio Deccio over money and took down his rifle as he says, to frighten Deccio oft the premises. Several men present tried to take the weapon away from Conte and in the melee the trigger was pulled. The little boy was standing near and received the hul- let in his breast, living only a few hours. Conte and Deccio were both arrested and locked uh pending an inquest. Manitoba Farmers Purchase Limits for Future Use. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A transaction which promises far- reaching effects was consummated a few days ago, whereby the Grain Growers' Grain Company purchas- ed timber limits near Fort George, B.C., comprising about 300,000,000 feet of lumber at. a price of about $1.50 per 1,000 feet. It is said to be the intention of the grain-grow- ers to hold this as a reserve supply, with the idea of establishing lum- ber-yards at different points in the Province for the purpose of supply- ing farmers and settlers with lum- ber at reasonable prices. Promior Fisher of Australla “ill Contribute. A Melbourne despatch to the London Standard states that Pre- mier Fisher, in conjunction with others, has agreed to make an ade- quate contribution to the fund for those dependent on the South Polar disaster victims. The despatch says that since the Canadian Parliament proposes to make a grant the whole overseas dominions, which are par- ticularly indebted to the courage and heroism of the explorers, should co-operate in making a substantial gift. King George on Wednesday donated $1,000 to the funds being raised for a. memorial to Captain Robert F. Scott and his four com- panions who died on the expedition to the South Pole. The amalga- mated total subscribed now amounts to $100,000. Rumian Cathedral of the Holy Trin- ity Burned. A despuuh from St. Petersburg says: On the eve of the tercenten- ary of the Rumanoff dynasty, Rus- sis has lost a. cherished relic of the greatest of that line of monarchs. In the early hours of Thursday morning the cathedral of the Holy Trinity was li, strored by hre through defective heating of its “oven. It was one .of the most notable historical buildings in the RutstGr-pital, tnd wu_tho gut: Lunacy-u Wyn-mu, gun.- "I.“ - m-- church built on the mug}; og'l of the New; banks in 1803, by Peter the Great. who himself often wor- shipped and sang before the altar. Two Men Drowned at Shula Creek. British Columbia. A despite}: from Vancouver. B. C., says: Two men were killed on Thursday by being washed into the mine tunnel at Simh Creek near tytANPEDE TO ATLIN, B. FATAL SHOOTING AFFRAY. (‘HERISII El) Itt' SHIA .N RELIC. LUMBER FOR SETTLERS. FATMATY IN MINE. TH E SCOTT FU yo. we IllilaTll t!lllllr'iln!lllf,lil1 TM Open " "tteeqtF" " Conny Rul- donoo-NOI Toronto 'trm..- Polmal Iota. INTEREITIIG CIT. " GOSSIP FRO. THE QUEEN CITY. Toronto has had the privilege ot wit. neuinl "Rerod1ado," the grand opera which Archbilhop Bruehui ordered an oompnny not to produce in lumped. Some of thou who our the open her. were limo-t inclined to wish that the Archbishop had made his edict include Toronto, end were inclined to "ford Hie (ix-we u more than ever a pubic benc- howr. Not that objection can” be when to "Herodinde" on the ground of immor- nllty. Booms of performancee or. teen ll Toronto and Momma! our! your that must give ittthtitely more Olen-e to pure minds than would this modern French composition based on tho old tale ot Bible at". Nor in it otrevt'i." in mmmonfll. as has been some other In” reproduc- tions of - based on the suns story. Then ts no head of the swan on . ttut. ter or lily of that business. The behead~ In: is supposed to take place MHind the scenes, its .otsompliehmettt being sn- nouncod by the headsman " top speed running scroll the rear of the stun. m. wespon was supposed to be bloodstsined. but I will "to" that no one saw In] bloodstninl. But the incl. ie that "Hnrodiule" in one of those tremendously (than: one?“ with the moat r/Teal",' type of music. and not I an; e melody from uteri. to ilnilh. The musical criticl all agree that the performer!“ was one of the moot perfect sud the open. one of the grenteet that Toronto hu ever new. But I um not . musical critic. To me it was interesting to pee and hear 'once; but I would he" to be paid to so to it n per-and time. And I must confess. too, to an exceedingly de- veloped weaknem for grand open of I oertuin type. "Trovatore" 5nd "Aids," tor example, induce ruplurcs even when sung in Italian, of which I do not undemiund a word. In the plot of "Herodhdo" Mussel-let. the composer, has discarded the historical version of the story, He nuke-u Herod. king of tho Jews. fell in love with Salome (pronounced Fall-0mm with the accent on the ttrtrt syllable). while she in turn levee John the Baptist. It is Hemdlu the queen who demands the hem] of John, because he had attronted her in public. At fimt Herod declines to behoed John. because of the ofNnee to the people. but hastens to do so when he tInd. MI hu efforts to subdue Salome full, because she loves John. Salome then kills herself with a dagger. And retribution mines m Her- odins when she titttU that Salome is really her long lost child whom she had deserted as an infill)? for Herod. - _ u It is Probables that Archbishop Brucheli'c nbjovtions were based on incident»: of the performance. mob as l mpmentntion of the host, and the carryinc of palm have: One of the most. striking things in the performance Wu tho tsotttraat of the lumen: intUribht John the Btotipt, c]_ad_in "iiGiiGlliiiiCAv%iirrtii" in. iushod 11mm. with the luxurious costume: and but)!“ of the noun. It is omciale announced that it is 0!- vented the new Government House in Charley Park will be ready for occupy non early in 1914. The [dining In“. ment of expendlturen upon it to due ha- been made. an. ...... .... ...'.. ......O146.M50 Laying out grounds ...... 16.45233 Already spent. on Home .. 195.227 6 Total ........ .... ......84i8,56068 It in expected that upwards of another $100,000 will be required to complete the qditioo so that the total oogt will be some- thing over one-half I. million dollars. Meanwhile the Lieutenant Governor in re- siding in tho Ben-diners ruidonoe u the corner of College and at. George Sta. where all the mate function: are bring hold. " to who in to be Sir John aib. Ion'l succeslor at the expiruion of hi- term this yeqrnthgro It still po_hlnt. - Criticism: of the location and delizn of t‘e new house up nil] being but Not much is being paid in public, possibly on account of a disposition to wait to no what the t1uirrhed structure in like. Then criticism may all blow over, or there may be a oomstderable outburst. Toronto‘t “II; Syn." Some month: ago Mr. W. P. unclean ot the Toronto World. in one of his chub uteri-tin pin-eel. advised the people of Toronto to :01. “his eyes." Like mtny of Mr. Hudson's original shafts the phrase stuck. T-hil in no doubt due to the (not. that with his journalistic genius he Kra- phiellly described in attitude of mind universally recognized. Everyone is now getting "big eyes," and W. F. Maclean. in his delightful little skim on the trout page of hi. paper, doea not hesitate to make record of the various gun-uric; .to the "Mg eyel" procession. One of the latest to be recorded under his list la the Telegram newspaper, which the World had previously dubbed an the chief exponent of the den ot "woe York." The reason the Telegram Tot into the list of convert- la that it pub inhed the other day an as- timate of population, and f1rured that tttere was little doubt that Toronto will hive a million people by the year 1923, that ig 10 year: from now. It published two tables, the fimrt showing the growth of the city lines 1837, this being as tul. owBc- 18L. ............ .......... ...... 53,000 1871 .......... ........-. ...... 70,867 1887 .......... .......... ......126.169 189t .......... .......... ...... 183,1N 19tt .......... c......... ......425,4t)7 It next published In eatimatq of popula- tion for the future. the estimate being compiled by applying the luv. percent-go of growth to the future. Thin tuured out as follows:- 1918 .......... .......... ...... tli.280 1923 m......... ........ ......1,109,WT 1928 .......... ........ ......i.3M,918 1955 .......... ........ ......1,o82,021 1930 .......... ........ ......1,ti89,016 1943 ..mm...... ....m... ......2,255,uW 1948 ..m..t.r.. .rr..e.. ......2,693.285 The Telegram then went. on to detwrlbe the territorial expansion that would need to take place in order that the city might keep pace with its growth in population. This. ot course. Win the pun that pleased Mr. [salon], a he bu mo 1.200 when of suburbs]: property which. if Toronto kap- on growing, will come within tho city limits. Parana) now hu an area of 18,983 “new, that is 446 mm to every 10.- 000 at oovutqiom Tu Reform and Temperance 1ettitgltstion continue to be the two biggest Inbjecu in Provincial politics. It is curious that n is the former rather than the latter that should hue calmed noticeable tiititsenBion in party ranks. The outeider might have eupposed that the Temperance question. being no largely a supposed matter of conscience. would have been the tirtyt to have produced a cleavem. With reference to the attack- of the Ottawa Civil": end pom other. of the more earnest advocates of h: inform, it in ditBcult to judn as yet whet will be the ettect. Apparently the breech has tone too tar to be healed. One story in explanation of the vehemenoe oi the It- tnck is that it tinds some iuttpirailou in the old disentiaiactinn union: capita'is- tie intereutn with the Whmley G'orern. ment'l Hydro Electric policy. The Ottawa Cttilen is one of the s'r-nc o; pal-er» owned by the Bentham family of itn'n‘i- ton, who hue inure-4.. in ttw (‘ttarnct Power as, one .ot the lei-net pn'lw owned power companies in the vaince. New who no “new with the ttttseth-s, how. dtr. not 1eetPuef "wtt',flrp'h,t,1 tyitl,fru3,s1librt Was the Most Noted of British Bridge Builders. A despatch from London says: Sir William Arrol, the most noted of British bridge builders, died on . n " III- - - -_e.._H- - _ um, b ruin Wi mm; tuFtn 1.110,an Reformer: with A ohlrwurinio broad- side. no bu told them an their theory tdf, the tgtt'/,'.t"'i pouring of Henry no And not In: more. an that if it " put into enact an next logical cum will be the nboliMon of the home. of Tor. rlsge, and of resliriett. _ Thursdu. SIR WILLIAM ARROL DEAD. 1837 1847 1857 18c. Tho New Government House. A Tramondo Ill apart. Tu Reform Controvony Toronto'l Populauon. Toronto's Pttpultttlort. "a? 10.811 21,025 DOUBLE TRACKINGTHE CPR. Will Spend $16,000,000 to Complete Work of Last Season and Begin New Ssctions. A despttch from Neutral up: The Gin-din: Neiho Railway will spend 'l6,000,000 on it: eaten: linen during tho coming sewn. This expenditure, which in Lppmv- ed of by Sir Thoma Sinughneuy, Proaident of tha oompmy, will not be wholly for n_ew_work, u a lent. “In millions of the amount in to complete work commenced last dimmer, including . portion of the new Lake Shore line, and the ex- tension from St. John's to Farn- ham Junction, and the Forsythe street branch in Montreal. The majority of the new works will be double-tracking various parts of eutern lines, which will cost in the vicinity of nix million dollars. Sir John Simon. the youthful So- licitor-Geneul of Great Britain in blessed with the gift of the sub in an especial degree. He has estab- liehed something of I record by speaking for nine and a half days on the telephone question. Accord- ing to a shorthand writer's o0mpu- tation the speech contained 410,000 words, and filcd (331 pages, yet Sir John only used the briefeat of notes. To wind up an able lawyer and let him talk for this length of time is a. {rightfully expensive business, but Sir John Simon long ago proved that he is worthy of his hire. He is not yet forty years of age, and has attained his high position tsole.. ly by his own abilities, His father was a Congregational minister, who managed to send his son to Fette: College, Edinburgh, and later to Oxford University. Sir John's rise at the Bar was remark- ably rapid, and in 1906 he entered Parliament as Liberal member for the Walthamstow Divilio.n of E93615. I _ THE PATIENT WILL RECOVER. The bullet was located by means of an X-ray photograph. and the only hope of suing the pationt'l life was by uperntion. Late at night the patient was progressing favorably. and his ultimate recov- ery is looked for. Rare 0prrn1lon Performed It Vio- (aria Hospital, Montreal. A despstch from Montreal sayo: At the Royal Victoria Hospital on Friday Dr. George E. Armstrong performed the rare and remarkable operation of removing a bu'let from the pericardium or outer membrane of Uinvanni C,ollarelo's heart. tuiueu, -waa shot b} his son dur ing a quarrel last_Sunda._y. BILL WAS DEPEA'I'ED. Women's Right to Tote Rejected II N. B. Legislature. A <1th from Fredericton, N. B., aye: In the Legislntun on F ridny the resolution of Donald Munro, M.P.P., of Carleton Coun- ty. for permiuionjo inteoduese I bill unending the New Bruneyiek Election Act. no u to give women the same right to wok " provin- cial election. they now enjoy in municipal olectiona, was defeated 31 to 10. LONG-DISTANCE TALKER. ‘mnin line from 1a1ington to Sir John Simon. TORONTO aria L. Quip! Junction on tho MO subdivision will bo doub1o.treah" for 5 distance of thirty miles, And it is expected the tort will be In- inhed by November. A is propoud to doubU-tmck between lip-loud. which in the junction bot“ tho min line and the Tomto-Sudbury ‘brulch. 1nd Port Arthur, condo. m distance of 136 miles. It is intended to annually double-track the entire Toronto- Sudbury line, ' total distance of “3 miles, in order to handle grain after the close of navigtstioet on the lakes. Another important Work to u commenced this year in the doublo- tucking of a small straw!) of " teen miles between Aginoourt and North Toronto. Pr-Heat Pol-euro of From " umni [new In the Amar. -A dupuwh from Peri. - Raymond Poincare. the new Pred- dent ot thes French Republic, in his Brat new. read to the two Home. of Parliamoot on Thursday, made some pointed reierenoeo to the neoeaaity u increasing France's military (omen. Bo referred to the resapoatsibilitit* of the preeemtv time, and quoted the adage that “Peace is not decreed by the will of one power." He said it wan impouible for any nation to be cfrais1r paciho unless it was ulvsayl ready for w". A France with diminiehed power and exposed by her own hult to dofia,noea or huruilution. would, he said, be France no mare. It would. he continued, be a crime against civilisation to allow the nk tion to decrease its forces while other nations developed their- ( without cremation. saturated with oil, a hand saw and an electric lamp. Later in the day they were taken before the Bench Justices M, Richmond and charged with msticiousrly setting fire to the building. One of them hurled a. heavy law book.at the head of the presiding Magistnte. The evidence not being complete. the case wan remanded, bail being refused. One of the Prisoners Thrown I Book a the laminate. A despawh from London say-z Purwing their course of violent at. tacks on property, suffragettos, at 3.15 on Thursday morning, burned the tea pavilion in Kew Gardens. Two young women, Joyce Look. and Lilian Lem, were nrrestod when hurrying away from the firus, carrying bags of inifammable stuff, While I. Vancouver Street Was Thronged. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C., up: Shadowing their fellow- oountrymn through the busy crowd; that thronged Hating; Street on Thursday afternoon, two Italians caught up with A. Gionivi about T o'clock, abbedos bank roll which J,'liflur'l"l,11it in Bank of Montreal bills, and made . safe get-away before an alum was given. Womn Who Killed Seven Children Now Insane. A d, watch from Charlottetown. P.E.l.. saws: Mrs. Patrick Magee, slayt'r If her seven children, sen» tenoed to . life term in the Bor- choster penitentibry, was brought back here on Friday. . raving lun, we. Since the woman’s incarcera- tion in the Dorchester pcnitbntiary who bu been giving I great deal ot trouble, and it wu finally decided Sentenced to Immediate Death by the'Justioe Department to w move her to an insane uylum. ‘IW K "e....... - _-___ __ __,, tut-nu. Nothing BO 00min nnd mink-I u Pmnun'u Corn mmrm it, rm, A bw, ____4. on. It huppenl our, time you with "tr-rt'."--"'. " "Do you know. John, I have I wry small mouth. In the mirror it doesn't look large enough to ME my 101131103: MIIJTANTS BON' (‘IIALE'L TO BE READY FOR WAR. Itll MENUS“ LIST WINTER Montreal, ttuk" at V his [an "tisuctioat with al PILLS. "It 'droMsmereat. plummhfoml you that I have 'med GIN PILLS for about six month, and that uni have done me: great deal of good. have 11-11th fora coupled yarn. and In. 1r1eterkryr.d and! [tom it eo.otcuana.umititosxmto. m "soc. dux,6 hr tou mu tee, j Git." Montreal Man (:0an Mo 0“ he!!!) by. “In. em PILL. Mr. AZBuAudryof 597 Nee. Street: 21m. in?» iR..$P. [HIKING ROBBERY. A SA " Ch SH. F41: 1-: In... free“ gin-t and Eiii' ”Mimi rent. ' how m. unity NIL me. not way And uric: a. ind . the ". And vling “in; heir bu sus- any g' of no Ah. " Evil, " NT " it I

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