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Durham Review (1897), 13 Mar 1913, p. 1

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lly at The ons conannmemmenemmine sn ss 5 _ Clearance Sale ?; and Branches . . . Q}‘lm. Â¥o M : % Jank Premises, Head Office ash on hand and Notes and Cheaves of other Banks . . Cz y â€" by Banks . . . & vernment, M and ther Debentures . . . . 1 Loans on Bonds, etc. . . ans and Discounts . . . s 5y * t Ap tÂ¥ From STANDARD BANK of CANADA STATEMENT Deposit to secure RESOURCES CONDENSED Report to Dominion Government, 31st Jan., 1913 First Quality Feed Corn ___â€"-$1.05 per cwt. SPRING MILLINâ€" ERY OPENING DURHAM, attern Hats and Millinery Novelties MISS L. MeAULIFFE je% fl?**#&*%********’f'* & k ;)pring _ Millinery Opening Saturday, March S HUNTER & SON Hardware, Seeds and Grain tss ce ofhe To ofi ie oip offe ie o afpe ie ie ap oe se sto e on Saturday,March 15 On the above date we will show an excellent selection of the very latest models for Spring and Summer wear. Will be pleased to welcome you to our display. $5,541,652.65 $41,234,487.92 2,766,192.18 2,501,087.30 28,898,667.57 110,000.00 362,213.9 9%6,029.01 58,645.22 . MORLOCK Aod Following Days 1913 Beginning The PQurham 11 15 NT $2,429,275.00 $41,234,487.92 77,597.55 2,339,643.00 32,017,153.01 1,060,027.59 3,310,791.77 The Ladies Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Print dresses from $1.15 to $2.00 each at Grants. All accounts due the firm of F. Lenâ€" ahan & Co. must be settled by cash or note. March winds will have no effect if you use Rexall Face Cream 25¢ a jar only at Macfarlanes. Come and share in the Irish night the Presbyterian Guild are having on St. Patrick‘s Day, 17th March. Admis: sion 15¢. ‘The Presbyterian Guild bhave purâ€" chased a Wright piano through Agent McFadden for use in the basement of the church. Mild spring like weather prevails this week, so much so that knowing ones are predicting an early breakâ€"up. Roads are almost gore in places. Lots 54 and 53, Coneession 3, E.G, R. Glienelg, will be eold cheap. For parâ€" ticulars apply to Dr. Brown, Neustadt, Eye, Har, Nose and Throat Specialist, will be at the Habo â€" House, Durham, Saturday, March 15 supplied. All parties owing the firm of Matâ€" thews & Latimer will please call on A. H. Jackson and sertle same at once as the business of the firm must be closod out without delay. Everything Irishâ€"even to the menu. A program of Irish contests, song8 and readings, will also be given in the Presâ€" byterian church on Monday evening, 17 March. _ Be sure and attend and bring your humor with you. Admission 15¢. The Women‘s Mission Circle of the Baptist Ohurch will hold a Social eyenâ€" ing in the school room on Thursday evening, 1@th March,. A Missionary program of great interest will be falâ€" pwed by refreshments. Admission 10s. Two picked teams from the town Hockey league played an exhibition gawse last Friday night, the team comâ€" posed chiefly of Clerks winning 10â€"6. An allâ€"star lineâ€"up is being selected to pl.y Flesherton here on Wednesday night in the return game. The Lime Light Rxbhibitron adverâ€" tised to come off on Saturday eyening in Durham Town Hail promises to be of unusual excellence. It is under the auspices of L. 0. L , No. 632. Mr Jas. Stubbs, of Peterbore, has been engagâ€" ed for the evening and an excellent program . is plauned. Amongst the views are w series representing the great Passion Play at Ommeraugau. | The sale at Levine‘s store, Durbam, will continue for 10 days more as there are plenty . of bargains left yet in men‘s and boy‘s suits and overccats, A full line of dress goods, Ladies‘ coats, waists and suits which haye got to go at big reductior, prices and your chances are good to save a bg margin by buyâ€" inz from Levine‘s bargain store, ing â€" from LeyIng s DAFRATIT CCCA Cs Durham. ‘ Next Sabbath, March 16. UnloN Services of the Methodist and Presâ€" byterian congregations will be held, owing to Dr. Farquharson,s prolonged illmess. Rey. Mr. Prudham will oecupy the Presbyterian pulpit in the mwornâ€" ing and bis own in the eveJi’nJ‘zJ There will be no nfornibg service in the Methodist, nor evening service in ‘ the Presbyterian Church. s u" d@ustrial Committee of the LOWN ®F l we may or may not hear more of it. Mrs Chris. Firth last week was unforâ€" tunate enough to get more brokenbones, She had not quite recovered from the effects of her fall from a stairway, but with the aid of crutches was gaining strength. Rising from a chair, it in some way tipped and she fell heavily on her left wrist, breaking some of the bones in thst member. Even this new accident has not dashed her spirit and her many friends hope for a complete and speedy recovery. ‘They propose to employ 10 or 13 § men at first. The proposition is not | gilt.edged, bot the impromptu meetâ€" l ing turned the matter over to the Inâ€" | dustrial Committee of the town and Sn tm in ul k Review to New Subscribers to Jan. Last Friday a gentleman from Guelph, at present running there on a small scale a factory for the manutacâ€" ture of metallic window stripping, was Intowr. The Mayor and Councillor | Lenahan got busy and hurriedly call ed a meeting of as many business men as they could reach io listen to the proâ€" position of Messrs Jacob and Furber, ‘ These two are in partnership and are anxious to expand their operaâ€" tions by making a number of new and standard articles such as wash stands, kitchen sisks, cabinets, &c. They have no capital to pub into ‘the busiâ€" ness, only some machinery and stoo k. They desire the formation of a joint stock company to place $4000 or $5000 banking strength behind them, and they will give their skill and best enâ€" deayors to work up a profitable busi. ness, one as techoical manager, the other as traveller and their services to be requited by the company at $1500 a year each. A Prospective Industry. Eyes Tested and Glasses A. H. Jac«son, Durham. DURHAM, FTHURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1913 n in UBOC CVEMIUR murmmri?i’flifig n evening service in Cbhurch. h last week was unforâ€" et more brokenbones, |â€" » recovered from the | from a stairway, but crutches was gaining ; from a chair, it in ad she fell heavily on With which is incerporated the Holstwin Leader Attend the "Murpg-i” Social in the basement of the Presbyterian church on Monday, 17th March. Rexall Wine of Codâ€"Liver Oil will build you up, after aB, attack of La Grippe. $Ia bottle q@ Macfarlanes. Another Horse Fair is billed for Thursday of next week, 20th inst. Mayâ€" or Black has assurances of buyers being present. 8 The many friends of Mr,. and Mrs.. Will A. Arnett (nee Eta. Booth ) Delor aine, Man., will leara with sorrow of the death of their yG@ungest child on Sunday, Mar, 2nd. 1 The Sacrament will be dispensed in St. Columba Church, Priceville, on Sabbath, 16th inst at 11 a. m., and at Swinton Park at 3 p.m,. â€" Preparatory service 3winton Park,‘ Thursday, 13th ‘ inst at 3 p.m., Priceville, Friday 14th nst. at 3 p. m. 5 St. Patricks cards @8d Pennants at the Central Drug Stote. L. 0. L. No. 632 will give a limelight exhibition in the Town Hall, Durham on Saturcay evening, March 15. Mr James Stubbs of Peterborougb, has been engaged for the occasion and an excellent progiram will be furnished. See bills Admission 25 and 10c. came out with fAying colors. The judges aswarded bim first place and the gold medal, tak pg into‘considera- tion the matter, its arsangement and the dGelivery of his discourse. The subject of Mr Clark‘s prizeâ€"winning oration was **Has India benefitted uuder British Rule ? " A housefal of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr Gillan Boyd, Glenroaden, on Monday evenâ€" ing to give a piece of their mind and other things to Mr and Mrs Allan Boyd, who are leaying for the West in a few days,. The assembling came as a surprise to the parties, but a yery pleasant eyening was epent, the adâ€" dress below being read at an apDroâ€" lprlate timeand a presentation made of a handsome purse haying in it a iod sum of over $20.00. Mr Boyd on beâ€" half of himself and wife made an ap propriate reply and several pleasant hours were spent in neighborly chat, music, &¢., before the fAnal goodâ€"by es were spoken . Following is the address, Dear Mr and Mrs Boyd,â€" We, your assembled friends and neighbors, in this the eye of your deâ€" parture from our midst, take this opâ€" portunity of epending a social evening together, and of wishing you God speed in your new sphere of life in Western Canada . Address and Presentation The occasion that calls us together | e toâ€"night is one to which there are | V many parallels in life, for time and again we are called upon to say fareâ€" | C well to friends and fellowâ€"helpers. These changes and partings cannot | e but give rise to feelings of melanâ€" | ; choly and thoughts akin to sadness, yet our feelings are modified by the | 1 fact that, owing to your industry and | 1 progressiveness, & bountiful prospect is awaiting you ‘mid your new envir. | onments. To leaye the haunts ot our | nativity and all the dear associations | of youth, to make & home for curâ€" selyes ‘mid new conditions and strangâ€" ers, is no easy task, but itis otten ne. cessary to do so in order to accompiish our ideals in life. The true spirit of neighborliness sand hospitality which has always cbaracterized you, will make your removal a keen loss to the social life of the community, and, to assure you in more than mere words | that our feelings are truly genuine, | we ask you to accept this memento of : | the occasion, not on account of Its inâ€" ) | trinsic value, but as a slight token of | | esteem in which you are held by your â€" | large circle of friends, And as you .\ leave for your new hotie there will » | accompany you the sincerest wishes of ) | us all for health, happiness and prosâ€" 0 | perity and may the old, familiar faces and sweet memortes of Glenelg find a q | place in Memory‘s Eye, " when to the , | session of sweet, silent thought, you® . | summon up remembrance of things ,. | past." Signed friends. Mr and Mrs Allan Boyd, on behalf of neighbors and i, 1914, only 75 cents. Mars Isaac KUNSENHAUSER, Startingly sudden did the call come to the abovelady on Wednesday, 5th Maich, 1913. She was moving about the room in presence of her daughter. Mrs Bailey, Mulock, with whom she has resided for the past three years, when the latter beard a peculiar sound and turned in time ¢0 save ber mother from falliog. â€" Simple restoratives were applied but death was instant. anecus, and there was no long agory for the loved ones to witness, the heart bad failed and ker journey war over, Deceased was born in Baden, Watâ€" ‘ erlco Co. 77 years ago on 20th Feb. last and subsequently resided, with her husband, (who disd in July, 1910) in Carrick, Brant and Bentinck, To them were born 3 sons and 83 daughâ€" ters, alt of whom suryivye : Leviin Hespcler ; Lizzie, Mrs Jobn McKelvie, Brant Tp. ; John and Isaac in Hanâ€" l over ; Lucinda, Mrs Wim, Reid, Lethâ€" bridge, Alta.:> Hannab, Mrs Wmw. Bailey, Mulock, About 13 years ago advancing years caused the aged couple to move to Hanover where they spent 10 years, and for three years past. the deceased has been kindly ministered to by her danghter, Mrsa Bailey, Besides the immediate mourners, one brother of deceased survives, Mr Enos Hunsberger, of Baden. he being the last member of a large family, The last named attended the funeral as did a brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Amos Snyder of Baden and daughter Hannah and M» and Mrs Jos. Schartz, of Hayesâ€" the last member of a 1# The last named attended as did a brotherâ€"inâ€"law, A! of Baden and daughter | Mr and Mrs Jos. Schart ville, The funeral took place « last to Hanover cemetery tokens of sympathy and r vices at the home were C Rev, Mr McDonald, of M\ the grave by deceased‘ German Metbodist minis CLETCY The funeral took place on Saturday ast to Hanover cemelery amid many ‘ okens of sympathy and respect. Serâ€" vyices at the home were conducted by Rev, Mr McDonald, ot Mulock, and at the grave by deceased‘s pastor, the German Metbodist minister. Mr and Mrs Bailey desire to thauk friends and neighbors for kindly symâ€"« pathy and assistance in their bour of sorrow. Hick Son0o0L DEPARTMENT ~wy" Forw 11LIâ€"K Sullvan. R Farqubarâ€" |" son, E Sullhvan, V Rennie, M Kery.. Form l[â€"A Edge. M Hutton,. V |1 Fluker, M McAlister, B Pelty, I Form Iâ€"E Edge, R Roberts, H Me. y Dougall}, N Marshall, R Evcles. ‘ Pusuic Sexoor DEPARTMENT Sr 4thâ€"Tilly Levine, M Smith, M Hartford, Harper McGirr, D McAuley, _ Jr 4Athâ€"C Wakefield. R Gun, W Marshall, V Lioyd, G Bry an Sr 3rdaâ€"L Ritebie, J MeLean, C Mcâ€" Girr. R Search, E Browning. Jr 3rd â€"L Smith, H Kress, C Camâ€" eron. J Morria, A McGowan, Sr 20@ â€"KR Snell, M Sneli, V Watt, E Wiight, D Heather. Jr 2adâ€"A Smith, W Koch,. C Wig. gine, K McAunsiffe, $ Donnelly. Se Pi 2ad4â€"W Vollet, J Murray, M Bryan, M McKechnie, B Eden. | _ Jr Pi2adâ€"B Stonehouse, C McGirr | eq., J Hepburn, P Morris, A Kress, '! 8r lstâ€"W Welsbh, E McComb, M Ryan, A McKechnie, K Kelsey. Jr Istâ€"M Bryan, A Wars, M Cliffe, A Allan, A Lawson. Misses Bella | visiting friends at present. Mr and Mrs A. McLean spent a! evening recently with Mr and Mrs A W Byers. Mr W. Mather, of Priceville spent Sunday at Mr A. Park‘s. Mr and Mrs Henry Byers entertainâ€" ed a few young people one evening recently. We are pleased to repo Mearns able to be around his illness. On Wednesday evening of last week Mr and Mrs L Marshall gave a party to the old and young of Hampden . Mr and Mrs Marshall and family are moving to the West and before leavâ€" ing, their many friends took this ocâ€" casion to show their regret at their departure. _ An address was read by Mrs M. W. Byers and Mr and Mrs Marshall were presented with a suit case, Miss George a btooch‘ and Mr . ©® â€" 2)0 01014 ammnline Durham School Report CapEd 2 BA C oodpae o2 departure. _ An address was read by Mis M. W. Byers and Mr and Mrs Marshall were presented with a suit case, Miss George a brooch and Mr George a pipe. Mr Marshall replied, thanking the people for these tokens of remembrance and for their kind wishes, â€" They will be much missed in the nei gixbo}hood. One years year. Lot No. 2and 3, Con, 5, Glenelg, 200 acres, more ot less, will be sold or rented, eitber whole or separate. For further particulars, apply to Damigt McAvuirFrE, ‘ Durham, Oot Obituary d § 4A General Purpose Colt rising 2 old. One Clyde Colt rising 1 Both firstâ€"class. F. McK1®xON, North Line, Priceville, Ont. For Sale or To Rent. Bella and Hattie Byers are riends in Ayr and Welland «â€"â€"# # Hampden ONTARIO For to report Mr Albert around again after TORONTO Thursday last the above body of enâ€" ergetic ladies beld their annual Atâ€" Home, this year in the town ball, at a notwithstaading ths blustery weather and filled in roads, a Liir representa« tion of counatry and town memberse and friends were present . Mr lewin was an efficient chairman ‘ in and had an interesting program te | ,; call off. The meeting opened wilh |g "* The Maple Leaf Forever," followed | by Mr Irwin, who comp wed the pres | ) ent state of advancement to that of !, twenty five to thirty years and ; a thought though in some things tha olden times still had the lead, as in | the matter of bread, which to his | q idea bad a sweeter fliavor then than now. â€"He suggested that tUe Instbitate i branch out further by going oot among the needy and aim to show y them approved methods of how to f cook anda sew. Mrs Stonehouse eonâ€" tributed in fine effect two numbers ‘ " My Ain Folk" and * Mary of Arâ€" gyle " ; a solo, * Three for Jack " by Mr P. Ramage ; a well given recitaâ€" tion by Miss Flor. Barclay and two brilliant piano solos hy Miss Rita Irâ€" win, helped to make an attractive proâ€" gram. â€" Rev. Mr Prudham, of the | Methodist church, was present and gave some timely thoughts on char» acter and how to achieve to haye it, | A trio composed of Misses Lee and ; Morrison and Mrs Geo,. Lawrence on violin, piano and autoharp respectiveâ€" i ly, provided sweet music, A bumorâ€" . | ous recitation by Emnest McGirr and a j | prelly piano duett by Misses Le«h wl (Sum e uo s® Ao. von Women‘s Institute Atâ€"Home. Een ofies o0 m and Gertie McComb finished gram proper,. At an appropriate time Girr was called upon t« dress to cne of their mem MeCrie, bofore her deps As the chairman stated, the real program was to follow, in the nature of a good and tasty luncheon, which needless to say was done full justice to by ail, this enjoyable evening was closed by singing thé National an Ahem.4 Fcliowing is the address : ‘To Mrs Davin McCnri® ; * h: L0 n ocm c o0 dn T ts lt 3 mtc udca tndvics is ulc We, your friends and neighbors and members of Durham Women‘s Insti tute, take this opportunity of express, ing te you our gratitude and esteem and to show our appreciation of you and your work in connection with our Institute, It is with feelings of the deepest regret that we think of your departure and that of your family for the far West. You have been A faithâ€" ful and diligent worker and attender at our meetings and for several years our efficieat president, always willing io help and work for its agavanceâ€" ment, often at the saciifice of private interests end we must give you due credit for the success it has attaineg. 1 vaur new home we wish you sucâ€" In your new home we wish you suc: cess and prospcrity and perhaps you will have the privilege of continuing the good wourk of organizing aud beâ€" ing a charter member of a new Instiâ€" tute amung new friends in Sack. As a tangtble reminder of these sentâ€" iments and of the happy bours we spent together in our society. We ask you to accept this brooch and be assured that the hearty good wishes of your old friends of the Durham Women‘s Institute for suceess, health and happiness to you and yours, will follow you to your new bome. Signed on Db men‘s Institute 2 bull calves, both LhorougMMTC!" Durbhams, one 10 and other 11 imos old, red and a roan, Apply to Joux® Ecxkuaror, Top Cliff, .109 61 ofl on Ts 0 1 3fi c uh is iesA Wt hamâ€"three houses for the price of one, Two are solid stone and brick eight roomed houses,. Two rooms solid oak floors and trimmings. Two m antels furnace, cistern, good garden, young orchard. _ One frame seven roomed house. Must be sold as owner is going West. Apply on premises or w:‘lle QOue of the best in‘veltmenl:s in THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Mrs McGirr, Mrs Ramage For 'lwhall' of Durham We» Capital Pald Up =¢A MFundup a> f-“' Total Assets ~+ w 4n * 0 * _ """‘" l C 290 Branches throughout Canada. McGirr, Mrs Ramageâ€" | _ pot 9, Con, 3,8, 2. s *C"C® mm l sCrOR, r Sale. Lot 10, Con, 8. 8. 1. R,, Glenelg, | acpes. , both thoroughbred | pog4 Coa, 4, 8. D. R., Glenelg, 10 and other 11 08 | acres, C PPTE year uts miIRHAM BRANCH : S. HVGHES, M. Larmu®rs, Durham ; THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA Savings Department at all Branches. the pro WITH WHICH IS UNITED 1 Publighed Woeekly at $1.00 a vear, 0. RAMAGE & 30N,Posuismzas INCORPORATED 18eo ( M1is. Dr. Mahan who has been visitâ€" ‘ ing at her father‘s, Mr. N. Mclatyre‘s | since the New Year, visited the parst week, ber bushand‘s people in Lambton ‘Umml y, ind was joined Monday there by Miss Vida McLachlan who will Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Munre and little son, returned to their home at Eyebrow Monday after spending some time with their parents in town . accomprny her to Regina to visit for an +xtemd.d time. Nrs. R. P. Legate of Ceylon, visited from Saturday to Tuesday with her father N1 10. Coleridge who is very ill, id oak antels : _ LADIBS : Remember the special younng;inlll Corset Sale for Easter, Beâ€" comed cure a pair before the bolidays. . The Cns unbreakable stay and not sold in stores Misses Mamie Munro and Jean: Crawford haye returned from Buffalo General Hospital where they have completed the three year course, t Mr. Wiw. Ritchie, 8r., of Edge Hil is 7\'7isiting in Windsor this week. Mr Chas. Pettigrew, who has visiting old frie nds and acquaintances in and around Varney since OChrist" nas, returned Monday to his home at Biggar, Sask. Mrand Mrs Adam Petâ€" tigrew left from Varney Tuesday, to make their fauture home in the west» lern provinces. m Durâ€" Mr D. Coleridge, 8r, who resides with hie son James on George St., passed bis Olst birthday on the 10th inst.. but to all appearance will not see another, About two weeks ag> sy mptoms of dropsy appeared which may prove fatal, thougb heart. lungs and stomAch seem in perfect condiâ€" ltion Mr. Victor Jopp, of Rocanville Sask., is visiting the Edge‘s and other friend@s in and near Darham, after spending the winter in Toronto, Heliâ€" fax and elsewbere. as a hockeyist . Mrs:(Rev.) B. B. Weatherall, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jno. Mckechnie at present. Mr. Arch. Davidsonof theC. Office Staff at Port McNichol, recuperating his health for weeks. Mr Allan beli for a €COUPI® * â€""****~ has been seriously ill from weakness ef the heart. Me is not yek out of d inger, but is recovering and we hope this mild weather and kindly care will soon see him around again, n i 500 lbs. Neilsons and Wellards chocoâ€" lates at the Central Drug Store. In answer to many jenquiries, we may say that Rev. Dr Farqubarson is pecovering nicely and through not taking his work on Bunday, hbopes to be able to do so & week later, BORN McuovoAuL. â€"In Porbam, on Satorâ€" day, March lst, to Mr and Mrs Arch. McDougal}, a daughter. Row®.â€"In Durbam, on Nonday, 16th March, to Mr and Mrs E, A. Rowe, a DIBV Warks®r.â€"In Buffalo, on the 16th inst., Mrs Aaona Walker, (formerly Mrs Stover) and daughbter of Mre Jobhn Firth, late of Durham, in ber 50th year. ‘The 3rd division of lot 9 and the 1st divislon of lot 10, W. G. R., Bentinck, 100 acres. Lot 1, Con. 11, Glenelg, 100 acres. Lot 16 and half of 17, Yon. 2 E. G. R. Glenelg, 150 acres. Lot 8. Con. 8, 8. D. R., Glenelg. 5C acres. repap ies o) 52 on \ MRS. J. C. NIQGHOL, I-Hum‘“" Box 107, Darham acres. son. Allan Bell for a couple of SPIRELLA CORSETS ww +t t M Farms for Sale. Apply to NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. Wiltiam and Cedar Sts. 11,500,000 G, & J, McKsouxi® Darham. N. D) R., Glenelg, is bome a few woeks 54 N# "u

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