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Durham Review (1897), 13 Mar 1913, p. 4

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oce nnd.‘ \_bort hi Dowi Ll‘. as stt ‘hanag th: o. The C ing r joini; Byne well thenr ing &b Mr who I last w Hopk» the pâ€" ber ho * cre®# over p carr, !and_. dreap eord. Tb agt Swin. inc3$ Lawr Ms. Bent: with ® rcnes 7 Mi, spen* if @% Ai€ ore® which i 18 trie of a an 6 ceng caks Mis Mr. kne AlE To pla hie â€" #no on hh« C -â€"‘u "Z CE P H CG NAY :3391333 300022 2332 332 z:#&:& EFE&FE&eEF m The Centr3‘ C The LConrcal w ~ 2t s 5__ l:f Central Drug Store (ilobe tor 1 year The aw and The Review and Weekly Advertisâ€" er for OME YUORUK c«rrencensceresscarcuers The Review and Weekly Free Preas for one JJOMN «+s vevecs cxt uce cen The Review and Farming World NOE OeE nersrontstrrEer vviens The Review and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" YOCtRO NOK EYOME+«s . x s««rsasverrcees TheReview and Canadian Farm tor I Oe senererressuersserve009e000002 The Review and Dail y Free Press 1'nllveor.............................. The Review and Toronto Daily Star for 1 WOE corserssserersresserere The Review ard Toronto Daily Newst~r one WOE cas serir6¢rerewere The Roview and Toronto Daily World for ME +13 +r6ev 4000000000 . I} The 18 ew aud Toront Daily Mail _ d Empire for 1 year...... The Review and Grain Growers‘ Guide, Winnipeg, for one year The Review and Weekly @lobe for Ob ecs reetercruremelr chvrewers vee The Review and Weekly Mail and Empire for 1 year......... The Roview and the Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witness O EYHUIME scueesrectnenceensansls onl .. . .4 w ofi > The kind that makes every woman happy. We also have somo great bargains in Second hand Cooking Stoves and Rangss. _ Now in stoc‘, there is an "Empire Queen" with high closet, x s: ervoir, six holes, fitted for either wood or coal. _ * Further there is a ‘*Perfect Idea‘" . high shelf, reservoir, six holes fitted for ce . With hig T â€"al and wood. Also a "Crown Huron," six i o condition, fitted for wood and c i"‘m‘) in first class Then we have a "Wa ’,'oa . shelf, six holes, fitted for .&*Â¥" stcel range, high â€" wood and coal. lIf you waut » p S weo can suyp); y _ sw or second hand heating #*,oyp For Do not forget that we are Review sndWe(klySunlor New Clubbing Rates. all kinds of Commercial Printing of Highest Quality, Try the Review Job Dept. Happy Thought Ranges aad ‘Torouto. Dllly ‘:’r\f. BlJA‘:j ' ) \", of this community, because k4 {~* #Â¥o pesple have learned that we C s take utmost care in filling ption entraSsfed #pas ; «that we uever use poor, old we ney*s:9‘abstitiste, and that we give you prompt o 1 L ‘r Drug Store. HARDWARE , # 5‘c moderate prices iptions to us, wo ma tter what physician writes that they will be filled exactly as prescribed . one year 1 60 for .4®»" steel range, high â€" wood and coal. «w or second hand heating #* awa 1 75 $ I 2 50 1 80 50| _ Your medicine, Fig Pills, h | wonders for me. _ ‘The rhern 75| kave entirely left me and L thing to your remedy. You are 75| to publish this, R. H. G: 05 90 555555:‘555““ Drug â€" Store j 80 90 0o Of) selling a great number of At all dealers 25 mailed by the Fig PIl can be cured by aud liver remedy. RHEUMATISM, Lumbago and Lame Back | Purnmarm, Mar. 12 | Flour per ewt .... .... !Oatmeal per sack..... ‘Chopper OWE.«.« +/« >] Buckwheat...... .... [UVail Whent...........§ ‘Spring Wueat........ pOuty feed...;........ .. Oats, milling...... .. . Fers#.:.::.....:.+...r.s . Parley............... Patter..:.......;. ... FaRy..: +/irrasrai.. . Potatoes per bag. .... . 1 Ducks.~*_ .: * . Our Drug Store has become "The Prescription Drug Store" Bring us your Prescriptions. We fill them with pure, fresh drugs. Durham Markets. J. A. DARLING Dispensing Chemist Brantford FIG PILLS _ R.H. Gauntax _ 25 and 50 cents or PlH Co., St Thomas, the great fruit kidney d, Ont., Aug 3, 1911 ig Pills, has worked F‘he rhenmatio pams me and I owe everyâ€" Phone 3 & 12, 1918 .. 2 40 to 2 90 .. 2 Tb to 3 0: & â€" 1 35 to 1 50 ® 50 to 50 ..$ 90 to8 95 +* 90 to 95 33 to 34 33 to 34 90 to 100 50 to 55 20 to _ 20 20 to 20 1 00 to 1 00 12 to 12 at liberty Jj This is not pI P * 1 flects diseredisy @2898 nows and reâ€"|â€" which has to r on 'zhe Governmens Mr Lucas â€"@port it. What is worr coping wi . Mas outlined no plan‘ .* bilities* .Sh the difficulty. ‘The _ (0f Prov: _ Aave to be mes, but ther _ liaâ€" the _sRoial Treasurer has ref +008 t . Houseto discuss the mar â€" â€"28¢d in all whether the necessary ‘ @P_ Or to be raised by special taxes _ «+Ands will Such disregard of ther _.O" by loans, ef finance has no para)‘ â€" ~ital questicn cial politics. iel in Provinâ€" So suceessful has the United States parcel post proyed that already have come requests for its extension and development. Some ask fos the raisâ€" ing of the weight limit to a hundred pounds, and many more for its placing on an entire posision of equality, so ! far as the public conyenience is conâ€" cerned, with the regular letter postal | service. This is only what was exâ€" | pected whenever the public realized | what the parcel post would effect as a | general medium of distribution. Parliament _ Buildings, Toronto, March 10th, 1913. In spite of careful attempts to make light of the matter, the fact is graduâ€" / ally besoming known throug hout the Province that in Ontario finances, as revealed in the Budget statemer « by Hon. I. B. Lucas, there was * defScit last year of $245,000 07 T8Y" inue a¢â€" count and that this year * me deficit up to the present, not inf'mdmg the extra supplementary > o§:$males is ’-313,0“). The total wili be ;nore than that of last ye‘ 4e u* 7 [ ‘,l‘ffét;fxl:fi“ ANCE ISSUE definiion. of tie _ /‘ is a perfectly fair Temperance qr _/ Government on the li 1estio0. ‘The Liberal policy ot Aheb introduced. # â€" Sb the Bar has been reâ€" Conservasizy 4t0 the House, but the ity to @ay °5 who had an opportunâ€" backwaut 8 & torward step, moved rempey +5 iostead. In the recent ment‘sy _ 4200 debaze,_ the Governâ€" as fay resolation did not go nearly i"‘/ as their proposal last year to *°" ish the treating eystem. That # us their positive cure for the evill‘ 1" £ the liquor traftice as opposed to Ablish the Bar. This season they | simply stand on their past record, ‘ whatever that is, and the abolition of ’ the treating clause is relegated to an | obscure, minor and qualified position in their resolution. Local Option and other temperance votes in the last tow years haye proved that Oatario is progressing, and that it is moving (UiCk L y â€"â€"â€" to wipe out every bar and eyery clab license (and therewith the treating system). The Whitney Government on this question and om others is not in line with the progressive sentiment of the Province. They may haye the supâ€" port of ‘Reactionaries‘‘ in their *‘ policy of do nothing ‘‘ but " reactâ€" ionaries *‘ are not going to be allowed by the people of Ontario to rule this Province. | With the express companie® it has jus# been as with other public services in the hands of private companies Secure in their fancied monopoly, shey have leyied a huge toll on the public and what made this all the more reprehensible was the fact that they were to all Intents and purposes identical with the railway companies to which they were and are subsery. ant. The Canadiamn call for equal faâ€" cilities with those enjl;:yed by outside countries within the Dominion is ten just to be denied,â€"World. & 0. 0 EOS MARTCEOTOVU that no handâ€"clapping or demenstraâ€" tion of any kind would be tolerated from the visitors to the Houase. Sir James‘ anxiety to suppress demonâ€" strations at such a time only emphasâ€" izes the fact that the Liberals have got a magnetic leader. PS USITP bat . 3 L1 cant incidents was Sir James Whitâ€" ney‘sanxietv that there should be no applanse. When Mr Rowell rose to speak some University men in the gallery began to applaud. Sir James was on his feet in an instant and wanted it to be distinctly understood shaw .x s \ 1 12 t TE eV AEOoE ish the Bar policy. Vismors were present from all parts of the Prevince and unfortunately some were unable to gain admittance at all. Half an bhour before the House opened eyery gallery was crowded and many peoâ€" ple had to stand. One of the signifiâ€" Risrek c Euds ag s s itc 0 w.oos C So suceessful has the siycy l | _ Mr Gpo, Wright sustaimed a slight A Magnetic Leader. sealp wound while binding a loal of mes.b ]The chain rlipped an4 be Jost in s his balance and fell on some logs be No more striking proof of the pepuâ€" | 4 o A n B8 _ larity of the leader of the L\Epoiililetlcn | side his sleigh, c e ns in Ontario could be given than the Mr R, Aldcorn has disposed of his amazingly large crowd thas fAlled, stora and stock to Mr Howard Watâ€" ehverg gg:lllery an:i spot of ;{ap&l;):g.&nal ‘son, of West Toronto. â€" The trnnnc-{ the Legislature last week when tion took pI I * Rowell made his speech on the Abolâ€"| .¢" *°°* P!2% last week and Howard A series‘ of small pamphlets have been issued by the ‘‘Central Inforâ€" mation Office, Rooms 606â€"612 Hope chambers, 63 Sparks St., Ottawa," which place the whole situation in the clearest light. These pamphlets eig ht of them, may be had tree, and as they have been prepared with a view of enabling the general public to intelligently grasp the significant points in the present naval discussion, they snould be sentfor. A post card to above address wili bring them. Cly Rartan Recsten A Poor Statement. Parcel Post. **<@...__. , MAR. 13, 1913 ar J# tor‘s *n hoor a¢ _ Mr. J â€"kipson. Fw _ .*. "% overy 4mes Weir, Dromore, spent Wmm â€" 18 week end atthe home of Mre wig‘ .. Weir and other relatives in the inity. °__ Mrs. W. J,. Dixon and son Joe of , Dromore visited this week with her y ] liislsul:rs Mrs Thos. McGirr & Mrs Jobhn ell. arr Walter West. W ,, vishii;l:; é:? Atkinson from Artemesia Joseph Ar â€" Week wigh Messis Jas. and ar Les, Watson ho,d & sale on Friâ€" day last. ar Watso n mmtends moving in DRundalk, Ar and Mrs T. (, Broughton and family left for, ther new hone * Sask, h & The family remedy h "‘Shiloh costs so little _ Wedding belis a (Details later.) nr and nmars W, y Durbam, visited MB Porter, ars A. surchison v er, Mr W. Stewart, ars Jos. Ferris. at Mr. John McGirr‘s The Bible Class meeting at Mr. Andrew Sceutt‘s on Friday evening last was well attended. The next one'auwillrbe b id on Thars. evening Quite a number from this part took in the Women‘s Institute "At Home*" in the Town Hall on Thursday evenâ€" and report a good time. Shiloh PA Mr. Robert Aljoe returns home 'tbis Thurs. to Fieldin# Sask, atter spendâ€" {0g the winter at his home here. _ Mr R, Aldeorn has disposed of his store and stock to Mr Howard Watâ€" son, of West Toronto, â€" The tramsacâ€" tion took place last week and jigwn.%i takes possession 1st April. /Mr Wat son is a 8. P. boy and is known well here. We are sorry to lose Mr and! Mrs Aldeorn. They intend to go ml' the West. Mrs. Ross and family of Kelliher Sask, who has been visiting with ber mother, Mrs. Sharp, ard other reâ€" latiyes, returned home on Monday. Miss Minnie Andrews, teacher near Laurel had the misfortune to tall and break ber leg. She returned home last week. We hope that she will soon be able to be around again. Mr and Mrs ia;‘lblc Watgon bhave :mned to theix new bhome in Dunâ€" alk. Mr Bert Broughton, Collingwood, is a wigitor im our burg. You get a big package for the price but every particle is mediâ€" cine, good medicine, too. It is not filled with cheap meal just to make it look a big bargain. Just as good for Misses Edith McNaulty and Tens Ferguson left for the Queen City on Monday. Miss Mamie McNaukty, of the teleâ€" pbhone staff, Dundalk, is home for a few weeks‘ holidaya. Some of our youth and beauty atâ€" tended the party at Mr Geo. Leaped‘s last Friday and teport an excellent good time. Our CONDITION POWDERS will tone up his digestion and appetite, clear the eye and give gloss to the coat and lightness to his action. THB DOKRNAANA RRVIBEN A horse often needs a bitter tonic as well as does a man. How is your horse ? Is his coat sleek and glossy ? Is he full of life and action ? Or is his hair stiff and dirty looking ? Is he moving slowly in a tired fashion? Do his eyes indicate good health ? Mr and Mrs T. G. B family left for the West last. Mr Breughton s! settlers‘ effeots a wee Watt Knox went in Watt. will be greatly â€" the Park by some. Mr and Mrs John Parsiow left for their home in Coronation, Alta., laet Monday. Mr Sam MoLnnT érr,:'ia conmnfined to his bed with an attack of rhenmatâ€" ic fever,. James R. The weather of the last week has been cold and stormy and roads are in bad shape that things lave been quiet around here and many aro laid up with cold and la grippe. 1 Condition | Powders | uggist, â€" Durham, Ont, G. T. R, Town Ticket Office Cattle, Sheep and Hogs wAlO" EKnox has gome ° Euo alâ€"â€" 1* k. Phillips is umd ho 4 * "Aare at present, br‘ * tl e o::- of his speedy recor ex;; we hope to Gree Swinton Park. tor the West on Saturday Breughton shipped a car of ] _\V. W. Lawrence, of s a woeek ago and Mr went in charge of it. greatly missed around .A Grove â€"G. Broughton and visited her brothâ€" 1 also hber sister, are still ringing. and wrgs W. G. Tuesday March 18â€"Dug, a~ PÂ¥rgaoss on, lot 2, con, 18, Proten, wil}sell! farm stock, implements and furniture. No reservye. 11 mos, credit, 5 per cent off for cash, Sale at 1 ‘o‘clock:; Lo# alen offered for cashb. Wm. Aldeorn, D. D. McLaugPÂ¥ir, Fred York, J. A Thompson, 4& . Orr. Jour:ban Latimer, °R. PlieArnnradl son,. Geo. T Wright. Caswell â€"Graham. â€"â€" That â€" the thanks of this Council be tenderei Mr McGrath for his generous offer oat a ball for us to meet in toâ€"day and we thank the electors for their kizd reâ€" markse. Carried Grabamâ€"Caswellâ€"That the next meeting of chis councik be held at Eagenia, Ca.ried: Council Adjourned.. Fenceviewers: A McBae, R. Whittaker, D. McMilâ€" lan, Jas. Blair, John Boland, Alex,. Henry, David Foster, Geo. Moere,. Wesley Breen, J. A. McMillan, A.. Carruth«rs, W. H. Hemphill, Rebt:. Plantt. TORONTO be secured and placed before the members of this eouncil as soon as possible it necessury. Carried Grahamâ€"Caswellâ€"That this counâ€" cil prepare a byâ€"law to appoint a Clerk and fix his salary. Lost Graham â€"Caswellâ€"That the Reeve is bereby appointed to take legal advire re the specifications on the gravel road areh and legal opinion Grahamâ€"Caswellâ€"That whereas there is no law to regulate the assessâ€" ment of municipalities supporting Continuation Sehools s:milar to that for union public school sections, our Hon memger for the Legislature be requested co look into the matter with the Minister of Education and bhaye such legislation enacted as will meet the requirements of the case.â€"Car. Artemesia Townsbi 4 bat Priceville on Say P Council n;el: all the members pâ€" . *"029 , last wit in the chair. _ pe "C8eDt, the Reeve were read ap" , ~*!®9tes of last session municatiop _4 Cunfirmed. â€" A comâ€" of Owen _ . Was read trom Alex® Hill and a» Bound re steel for bridge, rate» vétition signed by some 300 @ â€"Jayers was presented asking the + ancil to retain the services of the _present Clerk. prox. Carried. McLeodâ€"Brown â€"â€" That whereas there is a bridge in this municipaliâ€" ty on a leading road trom Collingâ€" wood co Durnam, which is over 300 ft long and will haye to be built soon and that a great deal of the travel is by parties of other municipalities, and whereas special legislation was granted to part of our township to form a separate municipality, we would ask that ous Hon. Member of Parliament would ask for a suitable grant to rebuila the same. Carried Brownâ€"MoLeodâ€"Thas this counâ€" cil call for tenders tor an operator on the grader for the comingseason, the tenders to be in the first day of May. prox. Carried. _ Grabamâ€"Caswellâ€"That whereas it is stated the Hydro Electrico Comâ€" mission is likely to buy the power at Eugenia. from the Georgian Bay Power Company and in the event of it being sold the concessions secured to us by agreement with the Georgâ€" tan Bay Power Company shall cease we desire to enter protest against said sale unless an «quivaleot is granted this municipality for the conditions we were to receive, inâ€" cluding taxes on a stated assessment of $40,000 and a reduction on light and power and a copy of the resoluâ€" tion be forwarded to our representaâ€" tiye in the Legislature, the Hon I. B, Lucas with a request that he press our claims. Carried Signed on behalf of your old friends and neighbors ; Maggie (ieddes Mrs M, W. Byers Geo Willis, OQ. M. Snider And uow as the time of departure Graws near we desire to leaye with you these small tokens of regard to keep green the memory of your many friands here. Therefore we ask you toacceps this suit, this brooch and this pipe and we sincerely trust that you will make many true friends and that a kind and proteeting Providence will reward your labors and give you health and prosperity in your new home. Byâ€"law No. 753, to appoint road overseers, fence viewers and pound keepers was introduced and read a first and second time and laid oyer until next moeting of rouncil. The evening was very pleasantly and secially spen: and was one not to be forgotten. You have been with us in our joys and sorrows and proved yourselves good meighbors, ever ready to say a kind word or lend a helping band. Mr Marsball made a very suitable reply in a few well chosen words and ggked all for the beautifal presâ€" Following is the address ; Mr and Mrs Landels Marshall, Miss Mary George & Mr. Jos. George Dear Friends;â€" Some time ago we learned with regret that you intend leaying our neighborhood. The address was read by Mrs. M. W Byers which contaimned good wishâ€" es tor the ftuture, although mingled with affection and regret at lesing them by their removal. bors The occasion was made in view of their early departure to the West and at ;an appropriate time a Keunmion was made to Mr, and rs Marshall, also Miss Mary and Mr Joseph George who make their home with chem. Wednesday evening last Mr. and Mrs Landels Marsball entertained a number of their friends and neighâ€" Artemesia Counc: Sale Register. , Pouandkeepers D. McPHAL, Auctioneer: Hampden +â€"@â€" ++ 34 444A i on t & Ae efeoke Qeofeefesfeofacts sls ofof o ul §MacParlane & to. CA CE AAg Anl kandguidnm pusiness only, Address all lettors DRS. KENNEDY & KENNED Â¥, Windsor, Ont. , Write for our private address. P o Dres.KENNED /8 KENNEDY Rip ~HOTICE /s bubbrssacdid i. li & bsl READER: No matter who has treate « Books Freeâ€"*"The Golden No=*~ QUESTION LUST For pons ‘ ) fi <$ 1= j h? B 7 . ';@ :_ ;i/ 4_:; ‘&n A & » "ad Aopitxe «/ yc‘ â€"(GD) c asAs 4 YC fM #\4â€"I V N27 ; <Cipo . s y 9 7/ per yd. We also have some mice PV V TT Our New Method Treatment eueed‘ the bra'l: becomes active, th pear, the nerves become si> m:iseocg vanish, the eve become y an ‘th.o_glm‘-nl. physical an â€"A en 79 wret bar hl w t 322 4c more vital waste from the s Don‘t be backwar d about asking to see them. We‘re afraid to show them. Try us and see. We havye a good assortment of id cakd A Aoa 4 ® Thousands of younr and middloâ€"azred me» , g:}uzh Early Indiscretions, Excosses a~ 1 Bic mfn?mploms consult us beiore it is top i dent gloomy, specks before the eyos, w . Hdnr‘yl irritable, palpitation of the hess/ . | as} mrnp es on the face, eyes sunkon, holiow ene ifeless, distrustful, lack energy and streagth, t moods, weak manhood, premailure decay, i YOU wiLL or: Whss HL _ seglle SM Ge 2s (eZales alezal 2 ola e ec ale Sale Sala iala Solp ‘obe in oo alelate e "ebe in e eb ce «oalaal i ele ne At this season of the yesr yoi hankering for them. Our shipgnm quently so are ever fresh and tasty. home with you . Highest pifces for Butter and Eggs. We would like to show you Headquartrers for Confectionery and ati Bakery p Drop in and see us THE CITY EAKERY IÂ¥" NO NAMES or PHoTo3 : T "@ /WÂ¥ @ BB / Us EB I .'.,I'S- Kl & E{' ’( :‘-{\ E‘“ Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold -S-t:_E)‘et-roit, Mich. Try our Fresa Oysters If it‘s QUALITY you want at lowest prices, we have it. New Kid Gloves New Flouncings, Sideâ€" Frilling. Ladies‘ & Gents Crochet %ies Also our Dress Goodsâ€"they are nice Our famous yd. wide Silk at $1 anally call at our Medical 1» & in our Windsor oflices 1 for Canadian business onl mapdty~Adhes Aucau S _8‘ We will cure you or no o‘clock Table Cover with Napkins to match Choice lines of Cooked Me#s, Phain and Fancy Cakes, Fresh Grocw:s, etc.. etc. . L GRANT EVERYTHING PrivaTtc NERYVA! E. A. ROWE II Cured by the P OME TRAEATMENT s VVrrrv y y SED WITHCUT WRITTEN CONSENT .1 IS BERILITY . Town Offhice pi e yesar you aiways h Our shigments arrive AND CONFIDENTIAL ~C GURED ers from Ca Canadian C 1 Windsor, O1 Or an hones A _ WRECK . AL"‘ RPISKS and 1a ake : hat ¢ MAR. 13, 1013 dsor, O in Detrc reatme~t nonest opinion Free of Charge on Secret Diseases of Mcx. Canada must be addressed 1 Correspondence Departâ€" r, Ont, If you desire to Dgoit as we oe(elennd treat Cmpon nce ana 88 all loetters as follows: Now in. Come and fi see then. ® x NT ON REQUEST in she rfooke ofy ofe sigy = to a promature prare i have any of the folâ€" us and weak, desponâ€" 88 i Take ediment in urine n r memory Iéhmhancab\‘ Bore throat, etc 1 Often the Cheapest NCW DI‘ New Prinot: New Curta Laces and New Bu Arriving Embroideri MAR. 13, 19 of different ma regular 3.50 an Small Profits Eresh fr Bring us the and we will Ladie 191 uC UrSs ! Also a fe Q to Me seivapt The Hi THE 5. Mcl Quite a | a good s being cl: In Wi F'OUII W e R() e We Hig

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