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Durham Review (1897), 13 Mar 1913, p. 5

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13 it x o i * a o n »eandfi.a ressed FS WÂ¥ THE PEOPLE‘S STORE 4e e reaeaean II Often the Cheapest In White, Ecru, Biege..â€".....«...at 25¢ per yd Embroideries Flouncing, 46 ins. wide from . â€" 60c to $1.25 per yd t 24 ins. wide from ... 25¢ to 50c per yd Laces and Insertions New Boots & Shoes Arriving Daily New Dry Goods for Spring are Here Noew Prints at 10 and 12ic Ncw Curtain Goods Often the Cheapest MAR. 13, 1913 of different makes, small gizes 2‘; to 4, reg 2.75 and $3 lines J. S. McILRAITH. Also a few pairs in PATENT LEATHER regular 3.50 and 4.00, out they go at........ .$23.50 S mall Profits !‘resh from the Factory iu the newest designs and iu the neatest patternsâ€" Bring us the sizes of the rooms you wish papered and the height of the ceilings ind we will tell yon at onee what you want, We have a large assortment in the newest oriental shades, rich in appeatrâ€" auce though not too costly. We cordially inyite you to have a look atthem. 1913 Wall Papers Ladies‘ Dongola Bals We carry a full lHine of the E. $S1.00 corset arriving. ee our . MeKeohnie‘s Purs for 25C. urs ! Se# our fine stock of Dress G selvage of every yard. $1 per yard. Fresh (Groceries are coutimually riving. See our 23¢ brooms. ‘Try Quite a number of Fursare still on hand and a good selection may be obtained. ‘They are being cleared at reduced prices. The ‘Imperial‘ and ‘Maple Leaf‘ makes. Noted for ideal fit, comfort and style. _ You also get comfort in price when you buy here. All kinds of Footwear and Rubbers. ROBT. BURNETT Groceries We Want Your Butter and Eggs. Highest Price Paid for Fowl. McKechnie‘s Weekly News‘ss: We have in stock 35 pairs Terms of Sale, Cash RUGS (On Second Floor) . & J. MeKECHNIG The Down Town Shoe S#ors urs reduced to $2 Corsets Always the Best T. Corsets, the best in the market. _ See the , fine Our stook is full in all lines trom the finest to the heaviest. Come and select your Spring Shoe. Boots & Shoes Poultry black silk with our nrme on the We are glad to sce Spring coming as it is much appreciated after a long dreary winter. We are glad to see Mra R. Darâ€" gavel able to be around again after ber serious illness. Sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs E. Leuck, while on a yisit to her grand father‘s, being taken down with a very bad attack of syphoid fever. We hope to eoon hear of her recovery. Mr Brice Dargaysl left on Friday for Toronto, where he intends taking a position. We wish him succeas. Quite a number of the young peop!® around took in the farewell party at Mr Chas, Vaughan‘s on Friday uight and report a good time. Mr Vaughâ€" an and family leaye on Tuesday for the ‘Vest. We wish them every sucâ€" cese. Mr and Mrs Alex Mclntosh spent Sanday with her parents, Mr and Mrs Dargavel, Miss McGillivray, of Bruce, visited with Mr and Mrse C. Mcintyre last week. Mr Jack McKenzie spent Sunday at Mr Chas, Mortley‘s. Mrse A. Yaeck left tor ber home at the Soo last Thursday, after visiting at ber parents‘, Mr and Mrs Martin Coffield. Mr Join Waynofskie, of Port Mcâ€" Nichol, who was visiting friends in the village, returned to that Port Satâ€" urday, accompanied by his brother Edward, â€" The boys will be greatly missed. Mrs Camming bas moved her groâ€" cery business one door north of the old stand, where she will have a choice supply of groceries always on hand, Mr Thos. Maddan, of the County Town, spent Sunday with his family in the village. Mr Chas. Grohofskie is baving a credit auction sale of his farm stock and implements, Owing to poot bealth he is retirng and hbas rented the farm to bis son Lewis. So we may expect wedding bells ringing soon, as Lewie says it is not good for man to live alone. again. _ Mr and Mrs Amos Stafford, of Berâ€" keley, visited Saturday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Thos. Moore. Mrsicumming, who has been lald up with a sprained ankle, we are glad to report ske is able to be around Miss SelenuiMoom entertained a few of her schoolmates at her birthâ€" day party Thursday evening. Messrs James Connor and Tim Casey visited the former‘s coustn, John Jonnor, ef Eden Grove, oyer the week end and report a good time, Thos. Moore, of Helland Centre, was in the village Wednesday. Miss M. Williamsford On Second Floor Dornoch F. Martin, of Keward, Dried Apples THL DURHAM REVIEW spent Sunday with Ms and Mrs J Collins. Miss E. Armstrong, of Moggie,. is at present engaged in the dress aud mantle making department with Miss Southerly. xrs P. Tiffany, who has been visitâ€" ing her brother at the King Edward, relurned Saturday to her home in Hepworth Mr Cbas. Arnett has sold his farm on the north line to Mr A. Ford. Mr and Mrs Wm. Porter, of Swinâ€" ton Park, spont one day last week with her sister, Mrs A. Hooper, Mr Finlay McCuaig and sister, of Top Cliff, visited Mr Jos. Brown‘s on Wednesday evenicg last, Mrs Geo. Hopkins spent over Sumâ€" day with her parenots, Mr and Mrs D. Allen in Darbam, Mr Robt. Lindsay, Jr., intenads goâ€" ing West a week trom Tuesday, We wish bim good luck. Mr and Mrs A. Aljoe and children, of Hanover, spent a few days lately with is mother, Mrs Wm. Aljoe. Arrived too late for last week \ Mrs. Aldred and Mr. Roy Aldred left Taesday for their bome in GCeylon Sask. after a two months vimv‘vy»J friends around Varney. We extend hearty congratulations to Miss Edna McCrie and Mr. Will Noble wh» were married on Wednesâ€" day lastt The young couple will reside in Darham. Miss Jennie Barber entertained a numbere of friends at her home on Friday evening. The time was pleasantly spent with music and games. Miss Eva Blyth is suftering trom a slight attack of pneumonia. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery . Miss Taisie Gorden yisited relatives in Varney last week. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs Harry Wilkinson is quite ill at pre® sent. Dr. Leeson is attending bimâ€" Mrs. Will Long had a number of the ladies to help her quilt on Friday last and the eyening was spent very pleasantly. Owing to the storm on Saunday Mr. McCabe was unable to make his entire route with mail Monday. After goâ€" ing about six miles he was obliged to return home. We congratulate Miss Minnie Kelier and Mr. Charles Hutton who were united in marriage on Wednesday last. The young couple leave for the West soon. o A number from Varney attended, a farewell party given in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Marshall at their home on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and family leave for the west in a couple of weeks, Following is the address presented to Mr and Mrs E. W. Hunt, Traverston, which explains itself, and to which event we made reference in last week‘s issue : " Fairview Farm," Trayerston, Feb, 21, 1913. To Mr and Mrs Hunt and mem bers of the family : Realizing that you are all soon to leave the neighborhood for the disâ€" tant West, we, your nelgbbors, friends and fellow associates, haye assembled together in this dear old home, to exâ€" press our sincere regret at your reâ€" movyal from aur midst, to express also out heartfelt and deep appreciation of your noble, christian character, your sympathy in times of trouble and your readiness to assist in everything that tended to elevate and promote the welfare of the communuity. You, Mr Hunt. kave filled responsâ€" ible positions in municipal and cburch life and most honestly, fearlessly and faithfully have you filled those‘"posi. tions You, Mrs Hunt, have proved a wife, mother, neighbor and friend, that has won our respect, esteem and admiraâ€" tion, and these sone and daughters, with their parents have ever been ready and willing with hand and head and purse to assist in every cause that was for the betterment of the neighâ€" borhood and the church with which you were identified. We shall miss you, sadiy miss you, bus will ofb remember the happy hours and seasons spent together and these memories will inspire us to betâ€" ter fill Life‘s duties, We desire you to accept these little gifts as slighs mementoes 0# out goodâ€" will, respect, esteem and love, and inâ€" dividually and unitedly we wish and pray that @od may bless and prosper you in your new homes and that in that new land you may find a wider sphere of usefulness and helpfuiness to those about you. Signed on behalf of the community : Thos. Glencross J. J. Peart Address and Presentation Popular Place Varney EVes P DCR C mely illustrated weekly, Largest cirâ€" 5!1y’.|:lrnuumfl ‘Torms :gl, W. R. Jack red lon l . ... it c* xl'% ;-'v «l %, : age. vill| & l nesâ€" : s will is l » Tuesday, March 25 See and have a demonstration of THE DORENWEND TRANSFORMAâ€" TION. They will give a charm and attractiveness to an otherwise plain face and will assist any woman to keep her youthful appearance. Thep are superior to all others in effects they produce when adjusted, in quality of hair and efficiency of work manship. Wigs, Transformations, Pompadouts, Bangs Braids, Ete. } @*#* WA |call and see THE DORENWEND| %. 1 ‘SANITARY PATENT TOUPEE,| @ _ \ > o \ which is a perfect protection to the 1e a |head. _ For natural effect, strength, ‘;Lz § | durability, hygenic qualities, they are | c ]unexcelled. Besides this they will â€"â€"â€" â€" .‘ make any man appear years younger. Th protected in all countries and may only be purchased from us, Do not fail to call and see them, and remember date The Honse of Quality Hair Goods, 5th classâ€"Jim Stevenson, 8r 4th â€"Carrie Mortley. Jr 4thâ€"Bob Mortâ€" ley, Morrow Stevenson, Wilfrid Black Ruth Ledingham. Jr 3rdâ€"Bessie Wilson, Martin Coffield, Will Vaughan Kathleen Coffield, Florence Coffield . Sr 2n0dâ€"Peter Ledingham, Harold Picard, Florence Vaughan. â€" Jr2ndâ€" John Wilson, _ 1stâ€"George Brown, Br Primerâ€"Nelson Schaefer, Hattie Mortley. â€" Jr Primerâ€"COarrie Brown, Julia Brown, Leo Coffiield. Braxcu® Re1p, Teacher, No. 7, GLENFLG. | 4th classâ€"A B Anderson, E McMilâ€" lan, 8 ) Arrowsmith, M Burke, F Mcâ€" Vicar. â€"8r3raâ€"M Anderson, L Meagâ€" ber. J P McMillan, T McCormick, A MceCormick. _ Jr Braâ€"J McVicar, F Dunbar, A Sterling. Br 224 â€"P Dunâ€" bar, H Meagher, Jno Black, F Mcâ€" Millan. Jr 204â€"E MeDonald, N Mc« Millan. 1st â€"N Biack. Sr Primaryâ€" F MceDonald and N Meagher. _ Jr Primary â€" M Black, B MeDonald. Average attendance, 25. A. C. MoMiprax, Teacher, EAmonto on all excursions. Comfortable tberihs fully equipped with bedding can be secured at moderate rat«s through local agent. No. 9, GLENELG. 5th classâ€"C McGirre. Sr 4thâ€"E Pat* terson. Jr ithâ€"M Lindsay. &r 3r4dâ€" E Ritchie, J Bell, L Aijoe. Jr 3rdâ€" W Matthews, M Atkinson. Bodâ€"V Ritchie, O Bell, A Lindsay, G Bell, A BRitchie, Jristâ€"R MoFarlane. Prim. erâ€"G Lindsay, M Aljoe. EmzasekTH ScoTT, Teacher. No. I1, BENTINCK. Sr 4thâ€"May Doonelly, Aonie Smith Irene Vollett, M axwell â€" Grierson, James â€" Langril). _ Jr 4 hâ€"George Langrill, John Petty. Geoige Noble, #r 3rdâ€"Evelyo Sharp. Sibyl Lawâ€" rence, Mildred Webber. Jr 8rd â€"â€" The "Empress of_Asisa" will leaye Liver; Durban, Colomba, Singapore and Hong Kon: 14 days at Hong K&ng, "Rate for entire cru gween arrival time in England and dopa £MMERETW PP eq., Cecil Mountain, Gertie McCaslin, Sr 2adâ€"Myrtle Lawrence, Isabel Alex« ander, George Ouff, Lawson Hopkios Jr 2ud â€"Wesley Noble. Aonie Armâ€" strong, Alex Knisley, Harold Mounâ€" tain, Clifford Ritchbie, 1st â€"Polena Noble, Willie Grierson, Muriel Langâ€" rill, Stanley Sharp. Primerâ€"Grace Ritchie, Howard Lawrence, Frank Hopkins. ‘ 2. en IDM t ts ahe Reuben N;t-:ie. Hilliard Armstrong, Annie Mountain and Margareb Smith C C s aop cgng id ie THE DORENWEND COY. OF TORONTO, LTD. LADIES : Remember the special Spirella Corset Sale beginning Decemâ€" ber Ist. The unbreskable stay, and not sold in stores. ong Koug School Reports. with an immense stock of the Latest Fashions in Hair Goods. A Style to Suit Every Individual. Full pul'ti;hlnrs from any C, P. BR District Passenger SPIRELLA CORSETS Round the World via "EMPRESS OF ASIA" No. 3, BEN. £GLEN. CANADIAN PACIFIC ARTHUR A. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta . C. NIQCHO: Homeseekers Ladies with Thin Hair! Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West A Free Demonstration is Offered to all " Gentliemen If You are Bald" ONTARIO EXCURSION®S i'g';porenund !lm:f Kon'§ adriving Yanoouyer AMB €7, IMBMI UE , ‘"Rate for entire cruise 63 9,10, Exclusive of meintenance beâ€" in England and departure of‘ **Empress of Asia," and stop oyer mt Backus, Teacher. ox 107, Dorham leaye Liverpool June 14, calling at Madcira, Cape Town, d Hong Kong airiving Vancouver Aug 80, Vessel remn!nl TORONTO makes eyery woman beautiful, and all who desire to make the most of their apâ€" pearance have the opportunity of payâ€" ing a visit to Zit.;("l‘otonto; who will | be at the P. L. Agiant or write M. G, Murphy nger Agent, Toronto PROF. DORENWEND * BEAUTIFUL HAHKN HOUSE DURHAM For Setilers travelâ€" _ Fettlers and familics ling with livestock without ulivestock On Reaao‘r’\vnbleh t‘erms. l200 ulcrea. comprising West halves of Lots 1 an 2,5:1% am.. W. G. R,, Bentinck fi Lot3 on the same Cancession. acres cleared, weYl wat.ereg by mrri.m creek, two beurin% orchards. G frame bouse, cedar log barn. Convenâ€" ient to School and P. O, Apply to Several bhouses in ‘R’urham. One | nice cottage in Lower Town . | A. H.Jacksox, Durham | LAND FOR BAaLE.â€"83 acres good and, no buildings. situated inside Dusham Town limits. Spring creek runs through property, Good chance for quick purcbaser, Apply to _ ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics We will send absolutely free, for | FnEE the asking, postpaid, one of our . sucmmeamasum . NATZC 64â€"D2KE. bOOkS (with | inâ€" . sert), on the common diseases of stock and . poultry. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares, milch cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in winter as in summer, It contains 360 recommends from all over Canada, from people who have used our goods. No farmer should be without it. You can fatten cattle and hogs in a month‘s less time by using our Royal Purple Stock Specific than you could possibly do without it, thereby saving a month‘s feed and labor and the cost to you will not be more than $1.50 for six pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. If you have a poor, miserableâ€"look= ing animal on your place try it on this one first and see the marvellous result which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific will increase the milk flow three to five lbs. per cow per day, while being fed in the stable. A 50¢ package will last a cow or horse 70 days. @ ROYAL PUKPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC . "udug tatece dback o mer e â€" Saunders, Harnese, Durkam will make your hens winter as in the sumn free from disease. Th unadulterated. We do PVU LCC EWTTTYT EPE ICCICT T will make your hens lay just as well in the | winter as In the summer, and will keep the1 | free from disease. These goods are pure and | unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler | to make a large package, entirely different | from any on the marvet at the present time. . Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50e pekes. ; four | 50e pekgs., in an airâ€"tight tin, for $1.50. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25¢ and 50e | vekes.. and $1.50 airâ€"tight tins that hold four 50¢ pekes. | Royal Purple Lice Killer, 25¢ and 50¢ tins ; 30e by mail. Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25¢ and 50c tins; 30e by mail. Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 50¢ bottle ; 60e | by mail. | noya!LPvrvle Cough Cure, 50c tin; 60e by | mai | Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25¢ and 50c tins, _‘ Roval Purple Roup Cure, 25¢ tins; 80¢ by , TheW. A. Jenkins Mifg. Rniâ€":l:l’nrph Worm Powder, 25¢ tins ; 30¢ by mail, Manufactured oniy by Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets may be obtained from , Fronts, Waves, Switches, 103â€"105 Yonge Street, Toronto No charge for berths Farm for Sale. $9 Settlers For Jas. PaToN, This Toupee is Swinton Park. C.C, BiÂ¥1DGE !J. a. HUTTON.M. D. C. M ‘ol"ncl:: Over J. P. Telford‘s office, nearly opposite Registsy OfC. lullgmcn Becond house south of Registry ; office on east sige of Albert St. OFFICE HOURS §â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p m. 7â€"9 p. m. Telephone Communication between Oflice and Residence at all hours. W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L DS HONOR GRADUATE of Toron versi B graduate of Boyal Q e Ontario, PbropiBfprons dTUrtane Fioaise Officeâ€"Over Jeweliry store and o site Post Office, pee HOHOI. GRADUATE 'lbtuugo‘.l;!nlvudn. Gra Denm fl its vranches. ARTHUR H. JACKSON | oderate. A em for salgs | gfl dfi&&m& umem !{cvlu | & Correspqndenoe add | t.&g to Ceylon l'.o.p?v'm bo.e promptiy | attended to, Terms on @ppiication to Barrister, Solicitor in Suprg Court Notary Public Commissio Money to Loan, ffice on Lambron 8t., opposite O Walpole‘s Stables, Insurance Agent, Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses, _A gen Tal fiuancial business transacted. . Durham ae _ _ _ a #@r Mr MyPbail has a telephone in his resi dcn*{:l Ceylon. pa Electric Restorer for Men J. F.GRANT D.D.S., L. D. S. 2 yas long, r_'fl'.,nâ€"-â€""“ to its proper tension ; restorés tim and vitality, Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make’Iou a new man. Price ‘8 a box, or two for $5. ailed to any address. Scobell Prug To,, 8t, Catharines, Ont, 21 3 B} 8} 8| DLacalinnal re in the b Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director _ The followini timetable will be in 1eflect until further notice * | Read down read up | a mp.m p.m. r.m 0,3}!.15 Walikerton 10.5 12.40 }0.4 ,8.87'lenve Hanover ar‘ve 942 12.17 ffl.fifi‘&g Alian Park 0.83 12.08 |4.104.00 Durham 9.19 11.04 (1.214.J1, MoWilliams 9.00 11.44 i 7. j Priceville ©.06 11.31 |TA§4.9Blar‘ve Saug.Jot. leave 845 11.20 | Oounoctilg with trains to and from ‘ Toronto. nly one change between § Durham and Toronto. Speed, comfort ‘and safety. Twilled Sheeting 2 yds wide.2¢yd Heavy bleached sheeting, 2 x Full lne of Catholle iobes and b\:jk and white (Caps for aged people. Embaiming ‘a Speciality. Picture|Framing, Shortest Notice Sgow Rooxmsâ€"Across from,Middaugh House. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey yaswide..:..., .+« ... .108 ya Bed Comforters from ............â€" ... ... 1,25 up to $5 each . Floor Oilcloth, .. 30¢ a equare yvard Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide, 25¢ a yd New Spring Prints all now in Call and see them REsIDENCEK:‘â€"First bouse south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. Notary Public, Commissioner, CONYEYANCER. &c. BIG 4 DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town Come to us for tickets and informaâ€" tion. We are also agents for Allan and Dominion line steamsbips and C. . R. ocean liners. are in charge : “2;"1 | .2 d se d id 2 dp ce vertail IEC Wn reasonable rates. . Durham is a he aird attracti ve to wn, making it a most 46# tor residev ce recomd of the §chool in past )u.a cational sard o m‘.‘:‘ th t’ spare no see tha‘ and mfl- have every tdvamne for lha presentation and acquisition of knowlcd@e FEES :$1 por month in advance. WM. PARQUEARSOX. D. D. Intending Students should enter at the be me nf the term if possible. _ Board cut be J. P. TELFORD Fall line of Catholle Robes Staff and Equipment. is thoroughly equipped in tunh.ls %w and el?él.rtml suppii06 s, &c., for full Junlor Leaving and )usg' B work. The following competent ) cherge : , A Principa) and Provincial Modâ€" M'.:o?%dlcr. ® jst Class Certiticate Continuation D. MePHAIL, Cefi'log or to C. RAMAGE, Durham A. BELL LACE CURTAINS W. H. BEAN 27 in wide . 40 in wide . 30 in wide . 54 in wide 60 in wide 60 in wide CALDER‘S School 25¢ pr 50c pr .75¢ pr 1,00 pr 1,00 pr 1,50 pr

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