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Durham Review (1897), 13 Mar 1913, p. 7

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tra Vigorons Health Restored t Ruwlom Woma Seemed to Have Lost all Ambition, Was Pale and Anaemic, Mado â€" Wonderful Resovery When Dr. Hamitton‘s Pills Wore Used. €ne4« m antie Covernment Labor Bureaus Protect ‘Their Homes, POR GERMAN WAGEâ€"EARNERS. H Minard « W compounded acmrdqu to an exceptionâ€" @lly good formula, from pure ingreâ€" dicnts, by expert chemigts, ,If ‘you are troubled with your stomach jxDm. ask rour Druggist aboiut Naâ€" ruâ€"Co i);;spcpsia ‘Tablets, compounded by the Kationa DPrug and Clhemical Co. of Canada, Timited, and sold thromghout th« Dominin= at zsoc. a bor 142 "KAâ€"DRUâ€"CO _ DYSPEPSIA TABLETS _ There is only one exp‘anation for the numbers of entbhusiastic letters that we recceive praising Naâ€"Druâ€"Co Dyspepsia Tablets, and that is that these tablets certainly do cure any kind of stomach trouble. _ S L vou that of your tablets curing such cases as wine I decided to give them a fair trial. They proved satisfactory in my case." The remarkable success of Naâ€"Draâ€"Co Pyspepsia Tablets is such a success as can only come to an honest remedy, compounded according to an exceptionâ€" th» Domini Here is a FEliza Armswe« me. I tried remedy after : without any lasting good. H. of your tablets curing suc mine I decided to give them "hev proved satisfactory in ve Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills should + used by every womanâ€"that‘s hy I write this letter." No medicine invigorates and reâ€" ‘ws health and spirits like Dr. amilton‘s Pills, 23¢. per box, five r $1.00, at all druggists and storeâ€" cpers, or postpaid from the Caâ€" rrhozone (Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and IM A« ablets IY Proved of Great Value to Ma me€ Fruth by Aceident. adi be n Ont Qu A J n ttiy, Canso, .N.0.: pleasure I write to inform ir Naâ€"Druâ€"Co Dyspepsia proved of great \'af:e to remedy after remedy but sting good. Having heard typt med 1 took a great housekeeping, but it all the time. Mrs. neighbor, looked well her health had been )r. Hamilton‘s Pills. It er actually sick," orman â€" La Pierro, known resident of 4 m e or municipality est in and even lity for the man es this not in the or philanthropy, ition. f M lls as a physic it Dr. Hamil n m Limited Dorais, ,mpletely letter from Miss n (VPE, M ma A T w h il s a rift in the mate peril. nicipality in nitude has a nge. Nationâ€" bined into & r and bowels ssary public easons. Emâ€" blic works is ind â€" married lét;\v cured 0 rs of suffering INARD‘S LINI x rich and er â€" make. ied by writâ€" «t or any of strOY municipal pality of a demaâ€" ith that itaining there man«d custo 500 ince int ge atc the ild TV nt 18 In Japan the Male Workers Are Outnumbered 2 to 1. Japan‘s inner life contains quite as many problems as that of any other country. One of the most serious is the relation of capital and labor, and herein woman takes an impyrumt. part. E 5 ‘"In no other country in the world,‘"‘ says J. D. Whelpley in the Century Magazinc, "does a larger percentage of women participate in wage earning. In the United States for every eightyâ€"six male wage earners there are fourteen feâ€" male. In Great Britain it is sevenâ€" tyâ€"five, in Germany cighty to twenâ€" ty, in Italy seventyâ€"cight to twentyâ€" two, while in Japan there are nearâ€" ly twice as many women as men on the payâ€"rolls of the country. "It is the testimony of all large employers that the women are the industrial backbone of the country. The employment of women and children is the secret of the comâ€" petitive power of the Japanese texâ€" tile and other light handicraft inâ€" dustries, and it is for this reason that the possible operation of a law enforcing sanitary provisions, and even the common decencies of huâ€" manity, in factory life is viewed with alarm by the manufacturers in their necessarily strenuous comâ€" petition for foreign trade. "‘The new law limits hours of emâ€" ployment, forbids the use of chilâ€" dren under certain ages and the employment of women at night and in dangerous occupations. It can be understiood, therefore, whence comes the delay in even promulgatâ€" ing a law which takes effect fiiteen years after its promulgation. The moneyed classes and tho ‘"interâ€" ests‘‘ necessarily control a legislaâ€" tive body like the Japanese Dict, many members of which are elected by a most amazing and open sysâ€" tem of corruption and vote buying, a system which puts to shame in its effrontery the worst days of ward politics in any gangâ€"ridden city in the United States." The chief bookkeeper in a large business house in one of our great Western cities speaks of the harm coffee did for him. (Tea is just as injurious because it contains cafâ€" feine, the same drug found in cofâ€" ‘"About three and a half years ago I had an attack of pneumonia, which left a memento in the shapse of dyspepsia, or â€"rather, to speak more correctly, neuralgia of the stomach. _ My ‘cup of cheer‘ had always been coffee or tea, but I beâ€" came convinced, after a time, that they _ aggravated _ my _ stomach trouble. I happened to mention the matter to my grocer one day ard ho suggested that I give Posâ€" tum a trial. ; ‘‘Next day it came, but the cook made the mistake of not boiling it suthciently, and we did not like it much. This was, however, soon remedied, and now we like it so much that we will never change back. Postum, being a food beverâ€" age instead of a drug, has been the means of banishing my stomach trouble, I verily believe, for I am a well man toâ€"day and have used no 4oors | Lancet leine fee.) #I mecicine. "My work as chief bookkeeper in our Co.‘s branch house here is of a very confining nature. _ During my coffeeâ€"drinking days I was subâ€" ject to nervousness and ‘the blues.‘ These have left me since I began using Postum, and 1 can consciâ€" entiously recommend it to those whose work confines them to long hours of severe mental exertion.‘"‘ Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. "‘There‘s a reason," and it is exâ€" plained in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Your druggist will refund money it PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itchâ€" Iug, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in Dr. Minchin of Di covered that garlic is in treating the dre Many a man who is sure he is right hasn‘t energy enough to go ahead. plague. He declares that garlie is not only of value after other treatments have failed. but that it is highly efficaâ€" cious in all cases where the feet, hands and joints have been affected, and that amputation has, in a numâ€" ber of cases, beon avoided by the simple use of garlic. It is also reâ€" commerded that the patient eat garlic, raw, at least ones a day. As is perhaps natural, the mediâ€" cal profession has questioned Dr. Minchin‘s discovery, but further investigations seem to fully confirm his findings. The scientific name for the active principle of garlic is allyl sulphide, which is a powerful germicide. For this reason, people who are in the custom of eating garâ€" lic are far less subject to any form of tubereulosis than those who reâ€" frain from the odorous vegetable. The "garlic treatment‘‘ is not deâ€" signed to supplant the outdoor treatment for the two complement each othor. Garlic is the specific for the disease ard living out of doors is the treatment. â€"London Why â€" Pungeat â€" Yegetable Is So Beneficial. Ever read the above letter? A new ons appears from time to time. Thoy ars genuine, true, and full of human interest. ‘"My wife and I drank our first up of Postum a little over two ears ago and we have used it ever ince, to the entire exclusion of tea nd coffee. It happened in this vay : i 10 14 days. 500 GARLIC FOR TUBERCULONSIS. Head Bookkeeper Must be Reliable, wWoMAX THE TOILER. PILES CURED IN 6 TO i4 DAYS CLEAR HEADED. Dublin has disâ€" is of great value readed â€" ‘"white HER SYMPATHY MAKES HFER SPEAK DAME MAYER TELLS HOW SHE FOUNXND A CURE IN DODD‘S KIDNEY PILLS. "For three years I was a very sick woman. _ Rheumatism, headâ€" ache, palpitation of the heart and Bright‘s disease were my succesâ€" sion of troubles, but Dodd‘s Kidâ€" ney Pills cured them all. _ I used twentyâ€"four boxes to complete my cure, but they certainly made me well. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills cured Dame Mayer‘s ills because they are all caused by diseased kidneys. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills always cure diseased kidneys, and with cured kidneys straining the seeds of disease out of the blood, the rheumatism, Bright‘s disease, headache and palâ€" pitation of the heart are bound to disappear. i Suffered for Three Years From Rhcumatism, Headache, Palpitaâ€" tion and Bright‘s _ Discease â€" Dodd‘s Kidney Pills Cured Her Kidneys and Made Her Well. Huberdeau, _ Argenteuil Co., Que., March 3 (Special)â€""I am| always glad to tell of my cure, beâ€"| cause I sympathize with others who | may be suffering as I did.‘‘ So says | Dame Joseph Mayer, well known / and highly respected here. | Her Majesty Possesses a Burial Ground for Her Animals. In her garden at Marlborough House there is touching evidence of Queen Alexandra‘s love for dumb animals. %s _ ‘‘I will never be without Dodd‘s Kidney Pills in the house." _ At Sandringham one used to find such evidence in the large variety of dogs that visitors were permitted to see, and in the unusual thoughtâ€" fulness displayed in the treatment of the horses and ponies, especially those exclusively used by her Maâ€" jesty and hor daughter. _ You never heard of a case of kidâ€" ney disease that Dodd‘s Kidney Pills would not cure. But the Marlborough House garâ€" den contains a more direct illustraâ€" tion of this trait in Queen Alexanâ€" dra‘s character, for it possesses a burial ground of some of her fourâ€" legged favorites. It may be that visitors to the mansion have not in every case seen the little cemetery, which is not visible from any of the entrances or windows. To find it one follows a curving walk half way round the garden, and there under tall trees, on neatâ€" ly cut and carefully watered turf, one discovers four tiny gravestones. The scene is so fresh and fair that at first the presence of a burial ground is difficult to realize, but the inscriptions on the stones, and the care with which moss is preâ€" vented from growing in the clearly carved letters, prove that it is not only a cemetery, but one on which affection is still bestowed. Five pets of Queen Alexandra lie beneath. What they were and when they died is told with preciâ€" sion in every case, but the one which possesses the largest stone (the height being about cighteen inches) bears a most striking inâ€" seription with the heading ‘‘Poor Little Boxer." As to the other stones, the most recent is exceptional inasmuch as it records the death not of a dog, but of a rabbit, these being the words cut on it: ‘‘Bonny, the favorâ€" ite rabbit of H.R.H. the Princess of Wales, died June 8, 1881." The stone bears no date, nor does it name the soldier, as he evidently was, whom Boxer accompanied to war, but the truth is that the masâ€" ter was the Duke of Connaught, who took his fourâ€"footed friend through the Egyptian campaign of thirty years ago,. and a‘terward gave him to the Princess of Wales, now Queen Alexandra. When this grave was made twelve years had passed since the royal mistress of Marlborough House had been moved to do honor to a dumb pet. Then the epitaph was ‘"Tiny, the favorite dog of H.R.H the Prinâ€" cess of Wales, died March 16, 1880, aged eighteen months."‘ The Death Warrant Delivered No defence can be offered when you apâ€" ply Putnam‘s to a sore cornâ€"the offender has to die. Nothing so certain to quickly cure corns as Putnam‘s Corn and Wart Extractor; try Putnam‘s, it‘s free from acids, and painless. 2%c¢. bottles sold by all dealers. Sound judgment is usually noise less. "Ouly on som» minor matters,‘‘ replied Mr. Meekton, after careful thought. _ ‘"I believe 1 recall that she once expressed an intention to love, honor and obey, or something like that." Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distemper. qQUEEN ALEXANDRA‘S PETS. min ED. 4. Does Trifiing Exceptions, your wife ever change her ISSUE 10â€"‘13. Street Vendors Raiga Bedlam of Sound.~ An analysis of the street noises of Pekin has been made by the corresâ€" pondent of an American newspaper and ought to be useful when the antiâ€"noise â€" crusade _ reaches the Orient. The great cause of confusion he finds is the various street vendors, each of whom is armed with a noiseâ€" producing instrument by which he advertises his trade. The barber has two prongs of steel through which he draws a spike and thus makes a loud whir. The seller of sweetmeats holds in his right hand two brass cups which he jangles together. The buyer of old clothes taps a small drum with a bit of bamboo, getting by this combinaâ€" tion a plunk, plunk, that attracts trade. . The man who has wicker baskets to sell beats half a gourd with a drumstick, the clothes seller swings a drum which has two bits of metal attached to it by strings, the toy dealer strikes a brass gong of a peculiarly penetrating tone, the knife grinder claps three blocks of iron together, and the seller of charcoal announces his coming by a repeated tap, tap on a block of wood. The watchman introduces a little variety. He is armed with a woodâ€" en drum, which he taps in different measure to mark the different hours of the night. PIMPLES BROKE OUT AROUND CHMN Ease That Sore Joint Nerviline Will Do It Burst and Formed Ugly Scabs. Burning, then Itching., Had to Go Without Shaving for Weeks,. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointâ€" ment,. Skin Perfectly Clear, The Champion Clog and Pedestal Dancer of Canada Tells How to Keep in Triin. "To limber up a stiff joint, to remove every â€" senge of soreners from _ tired muscles I can tell you nothing compares with Nerviline. ‘It is really a wonderful liniment, and I use it continually, eimply because I find it keens the muscles and joints supple and entirely free from pain and stiffness. _ I _ earnestly recommend Nerviline to every person that requires to use a strong, pevetrating, painâ€"subduing liniment." For Rheumatism _ Nerviline is a wonâ€" der; for Bciatica it cures where others fail; for Lumbago, stiffness and cold, noâ€" thing eurpasses | it. Keep â€" Nerviline handyâ€"it‘s good to take inwardly, deâ€" «troys internal pains quickly, and is just as good for outward application. â€" Large family size bottle, 50e.; emall size, 25¢., at all storekeepers and druggists or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo. N. Y. 181 Close St., Toronto, Ont.â€""I was troubled with facial cczema for nearly ten years. The first signs were pimples breakâ€" Ing out and then bursting and forming nasty ugly scabs around my chin, Very often the sensation was that of burning, then Itching so that I scratched the sore. I had to go without shaving for weeks at a time. I tried many patent remedies but did not find & permanent cure. Every spring and fall the discase appeared at its worst. I someâ€" times got rid of it for a few months, then it returned as bad as ever. !*About six months ago T received a samâ€" ple of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and found great relief after & few applications. I purchased two boxes of Cuticura Ointment and some Cuticura Soap and used them as directed and now my skin is perfectly clear. I can shave with pleasure." (Signed) Wm. MacBean, May 27, 1912. Few men in his profession are better known than Mr. Thomas Hogan, of 27 Fortification Lane, Montreal, who writes:â€" Not only are Cuticura Scap and Ointment most valuable in the treatment of eczemas and other distressing eruptions of skin and scalp, but no other emollients do so much for pimples, blackheads, red, rough skins, itching, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry, thin and falling hair, chapped bands and shapeless nails, nor do it so economically. A singlo cake of Outicura Boap (25c¢.) and box of Cuticura Ointment (50c.) are often sufficient when all else has failed. Eold by druggists and dealers throughout the worlo _ Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32â€"p. Skin Book. _ Address post card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. 43D, Boston, U. 8. A, Via Chicago and North Western Railway. On sale daily. March 15th to April 15th inclusive, from all pointe in Canada to Los Angeles, San _ Francisco, Portland, Balt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Vanâ€" couver, Neleon, Rossland, and many other points. Through ‘Tourist sleepers and free reclining chair cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For full information as to rates, routes and literature, write or call on B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Youge Street, Toronto. A woman frequently changes her mind. That‘s why she is able to give a person a piece of it, and still always have enough left over for the next one. Substance Obtained From Paper Treated with Zine Chloride, When paper pulp is treated with zinc chloride there results a visâ€" cous mass. â€" Bodium chloride (or ordinary table salt) is added to this. The mass is then thoroughly rinsed with alcohol, and is finally submitted to the action of a press whose platform bristles with a number of fine metallie points or projections. These penetrate the mass, forming tubes like those in an ordinary marine sponge known as ‘"‘canalicules." The block thus obtained is of a spongy consistency and is both inâ€" soluble and unalterable in water. It is smooth and pleasant to the touch, and is not susceptible of puâ€" trefastion. It is a very ingenious employment of the celluloss to which we owe so much. STREET NOISES IN PEKIN. Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast Ancther Mystery Explained. MANâ€"MADE sPONGES. Whose Lungs Is Affected. A correspondent of the Manchesâ€" ter Guardian, while declaring that the ominous rumors in regard to King Alfonso‘s health may be exagâ€" gerated, says they are certainly not without foundation. He did not inâ€" herit a robust constitution from his father, who died of consumption six months before the birth of the preâ€" sent King. Concern Felt About King, One of His mother‘s care resulted in an increase of the strength of the young monarch, but nothing could make him a sticug man, His stoopâ€" ing shoulders ad trailing gait tell their own storiss. The expression of his face is often of such ghastly weariness that his subjects are now forbidden to take snap shot picâ€" tures of him and the police vigorâ€" ously confiscate all cameras. It is credibly reported that one of the King‘s lungs is seriously afâ€" fected, and the family history is sufficient to account for serious conâ€" cern about any indisposition of this kind. A French palmist has made a "reading‘‘ of King Alfonso‘s hand from an inked impression, and the result is far from being a happy one. Bhe declares that the line of the heart is almost absent, which indicates â€" sensuality and eruelty. The head line shows brain trouble, which will develop in middle life, while on the life line is marked a serious but not fatal illness when about 30 years of age. Every Weak Throat Quickly Strengthened And Bronchitis Cured CGrand Results Follow _ the _ Direct Breathing Remedy, Which Cures Without Drugging. The country is fairly wild over the wonderful recovery that throat sufferers are making every day with Catarrhozone. From ocean to ocean come letiersa telling of rapid curesâ€"and cures when the comâ€" plaint wae chronic and long «tanding. It‘s a brand new principle upon which Caâ€" tarrhozone worksâ€"not a single dose of medicine to takeâ€"nothing to upset the stomach or spoil digestion. You ean breathe through the Catarrhâ€" ozone Inhaler medicated air that is full of healing, soothing â€" balsams, fullâ€" of piney antiseptic essences that resemb!o the air of the pine woods in the Adironâ€" dacks. The piney vapor bas a truly marvelous action on weak throats, 1t brings strength and health to the bronâ€" chitic, stops that â€" hacking, drritating cough, prevents hboarseness and difficult breathing. You can‘t find anything for weakâ€"throated people on earth more beneficial than Catarrhozone. It means heaven on earth to the man that has had bropchitis, catarrh or throat irritation, You will realize this the firet time you use Catarrhozone, which is a scientific preparation specially â€" designed for disâ€" eases of the nose, throat and bronchial tubes. _ Get the large size, it lasts two months, costs $1.00; medium . eize, 50¢; sample size, 25c. All storekcepere and druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co., Bufâ€" falo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. Dr. Arthur Newsholme, chief medical officer of the Local Governâ€" ment Board of England, says that in spite of a marked reduction in the general deathâ€"rate, due to imâ€" proved social and sanitary condiâ€" tions, the deathâ€"rate among Engâ€" lishmen between the ages of fortyâ€" five and sixtyâ€"five is increasing. Doctor Newsholme thinks that the cause of this increase is the moveâ€" ment of the people to the cities, with the consequent change from agricultural to industrial pursuits. The English Mechanic and World of Science, on the other hand, beâ€" lieves that the difference between the present deathâ€"rate and earlier ones merely reflects the toll of the feebler lives that improved hygiene and advancing medical science ‘had saved in infancy and youth. Try Murine Eye Remeay. No Smartingâ€"F eels Fineâ€"Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelide. Hlusâ€" trated Book in each Package. | Murine is compounded by our Oculistsâ€"not a "Patent Medâ€" feine"~ but used in successful Physicians‘ Prace tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub« lc and sold hé‘l)mgginu at 2e and w(')wr Bottle, Murine Kye Ive in Aseptic Tubes, %¢ and S0c. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smartingâ€"Feels That is LAXATIVE BLOMG NUITMLUCR Look for the signature of E. wW. uROVE Cures a Cold in One Day,. Cures Grip ‘n Two Days. 25. Truth may also be a joy forever but it is seldom a thing of beauty "‘The men of the present genera tion are not what they used to be.‘ “lndee;l.ml'w; they used to be boys." Billâ€""Why are you so certain that Jones is a truthful man." \\'il! Every girl has an idea that she not like other girlsâ€"and she isn â€""He had a black eye one day and when I asked him how he got it he told" me "that a man hit him." Minard‘s Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Gample free If you write National Drug & Chemicat Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. Deaihâ€"Rate of Middle Age. ALFONXEO‘8 WEALTYH. Only One "BROMO QUININE® LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE ONTARIO ARCHIVES ~~ TORONTO "!* 4 r I ys: ( ~/_ PR» C of | f . i P n | & uy ly | t s st F 1t | \/;.q’; : 21 G\ f n» | l )L ng | k Jn | / \ ilt \\_-/ | or \ } / A re , no | 334 Notre D-n!!._f ad | . Zacen m. | ou | 8 4 fhe | ie ‘AF) / I f ial E/ t ~ I 1J Morse wo :“ | . h(:flth ¢ When De ; 2 \_ ’ wet uy nd! M _VÂ¥ oere ufâ€" /A -rf*‘l-? I L hevine 18 Just a Minute can be cured by using nature‘s own reâ€" medy â€"no medicineâ€"no operation. This remedy does not profess to cure internal piles, but is a certain cure for protruding gnllu:. Discovery was made by enfferer of {ears' standing, who is now quite well. Full inetructions on receipt of $1.00. WM. B. OXLEY, 294 Berkeley 8t., Toronto and faded Suits would look better dyed. If | no agent of ours in your town, write direct / to Montreal, Box 33. Gold Medaliet. ‘ British American Dyveing Cc. BOILERS "You drank too much punch at that reception yesterday." "Who saw me drink too much ?" lt wasn‘t necessary to total up. When I came in you were holding an animated conversation with the piano lamp." Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds, Ete. SMOKE STACKS, â€" Agents for Stuite, vant Vencilatiag and Hoating Systems, Ancients Had. Severe Punishments for Food Adulterators. Complaints about the inferior quality of food, the adulteration of food, the high prices and the cheatâ€" ing weights have been common for centuries. There are some curious pages in Henri Estenne‘s "Apology for Herodctus,"" and that book was published in 1566. _ But offenders wore often punished and in most appropriate manner. ‘ Witness an edict recently found in the archives of Puyâ€"deâ€"Dome : ‘"Whosoever shall have sold watered milk in his mouth shall be set a tube, and iato the said tube shall be poured the watered milk till the doctor or barber there present shall assert that the culprit cannot swallow more without being put in danger of his days. Whosoâ€" ever shall have sold butter conâ€" taining turnips, stones or any other foreign substance shall be scized and attached in a very curious manâ€" ner to our pillory of Pontet. Then the said butter shall be placed on his bhead till the sun shall have melted it completely, and in the meantime the children and meaner Pontet. The said eggs shall be given to the children of the vilâ€" lages, who shall, by way of joyful diversion, throw them in the face of tho culprit, so that all may be full of merriumeat and laughter." and power purposes POLSON folk of the villages shall insult him with such outrageous epithets as shall please themâ€"subject to the respect of God and his majesty. Whosoever shall have sold evil or rotten eggs shall be seized by the body and exposed in our pillory of "‘Was Mr. Brown‘s il}r ons one ?" ; *"‘Well, he married his \ ! InoveLty nousEe, 334 Notre Dams St. West, MONTREAL MRESnI ESn CHICAGO FLEXIBLE SHAFT co.% 593 La Salle Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. ‘Write for complete new catalogue showing world‘s largeet and most modern line of borse clipping and sheep shoaring "f"ihf“f!' mailed free on request, The Soul of a Planoisthe Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL" YOUR OVERCOATS | Engines and Shipbuilders To FIT THE CRIME. Piano Action Sufflcient Evidence. it Pays _ to Clip "cuwer" TORONTO Serious Enough. Horses, Mulos and Cows. They are healthier and render better service When the heavy cout that holds the wet sweat and dirt is removed, they wre more easily kept clean, look better â€"get more good frow their feed and are bettor in every why. Insist on ""‘The Stewart Jt turns easier, clips faster and closer end stays sharp longer than «ny other. Gears are all flle hard and eut from golid steel bar, FRICE They mre enclosed, proâ€" ‘ 7 tectod aud run in oll; 9 5 lnmo friction.!ittlo wear, seue Has «)x feet of new stylo easy ronning flexible shatt and the celobrated Btewart #ing io h‘m-lon gnpo:u!ug. highest grade. Get one tram your dester; every machine guaranteed to ploase, Clipping Machine Cachoo /ds ‘.": Noisemakers ;. INUISUIARASLES Hockey | and bleigh Rides.... .. 45€ | i poâ€"A Ba 1 Pill Makers i ‘ranko.: | Puzzi+«, Jokes, Tricks Gaiore CaTALOG ON REQUEST _ Bpec al prices to dealers . | New and Secondâ€" hand, for heating Ball Boaring TANKS AND Eufferers from protruding or bleeding piles 102 (v on STOCK FARM OF 600 ACRES K with Three Houses: large Bork Barn. Must be sold quick. Price is very low. S EVERAL DESIRABLE h Manitoba, Alberta and that can be bought. Worth quick «ale. l HAYVE OVER ONE HUNXDEED _ GOOD farms in different @ections of Ontarie on my list. If you want a farm coneult P‘ IPTYâ€"TWO ACRES IN MIDDLESEX County; #oil clay and clay loam; 114 meres _ orchard; good buildings. Twentyâ€"sevenr hundred dollars. Would exâ€" change for lorger farm. The Weetern Real Estate Exchange, London, Ont. IMPROVED AND FUVLLY EQUIPPED H. W. DAWSON, Toronto My reseon for l(-mns is that I have more than 1 can handle. In 192 iny threshing lasted for thirtyâ€"two days. Will gell on emall payments down. The farma are ready for the drill. Will sell horsos, harness, machinery and farm. On the farms are good water, house, barn, im« plements, «hed, weigh . scale, wind mill. Write Porey Love, 33 Fairview Boulevard, Toronto, for full particulars. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Carget in Cow® . W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. When the seven days of the week have been renamed, "Presently," ‘"Byâ€"and â€" bye," "Pretty â€" soon,"" "Afterâ€"aâ€"while,"" "Toâ€"morrow," "Inâ€"aâ€"minute‘"‘ and "Rightâ€"away," how busy we sha‘ll all be with postponed duties if we are at all mindful of past promises. Hubbyâ€"Of course, dear, it‘s only a rough idea of mine; but do you think it‘s possible that there‘s ever such a thing as a printer‘s error in that cookery manual of yours! CA.\'('PIR. TUMOR®S, LVMPS, _ KT ° internal and external, cured wi out pain by our home treatment Wr us before too late. Dr. Bellman Modi (‘ ALL STONES, KIDN®Y ADD hLaw K der Btones, Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the _new German emedyv, "Banol," price $1.50. Another new remedy Jw Winhatne.Mailitua and «ure cure, 1# "Banol‘s Anttâ€"Diabetes druggists or direct. ‘ turing (‘om“uuy of W innineg. an "“fi".‘n‘;fl.':' prloellfio Another ne for Diabetc@Mellitus, and eure FARMS FCOR SALE t TAMP COLLECTORsâ€"MUNDLbLbL Dirâ€" § ferent Foreign _ Biamps, Cataloy 48, ibum, ounly Reven Cents Marks Btuimp omnanv. ‘Toronto. gl QOverbeard in a Street Car. There‘s a lesson right there! Little blemishes of comâ€" plexion, small seres, eruptions, spots, are not only unpleasant to the person afflicted, but are the first thing noticed by other A little Zamâ€"Buk applied at night to spots, eruptions, sores of any kind will do wonders. Zamâ€"Buk is not a greasy preparation which will go ranâ€" cid on your dressing table. It is made from healing, herbal extracts and essences. Always pure, fresh and ready for use. Docsn‘t lose its power. Keeps indefinitely. Healing, soothing and antiseptic all the time. Try it! Limited FARMS FOR SALE STAMPE AND COINS ACENTS WANTED M1SCELLANEOU® B!LLIARDS Colling wood ENJOY® BILLLARD® D ." _ Price $200 from The Ranol Manutac Canada. _ Limited, FARM® IN Saskatohewan the money for Ont P M it

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