West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Mar 1913, p. 5

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EFRY pondence Departâ€" _ If you desire to s we see and treat nonmemie ment in urine, pimple® heeks, carewore 6%â€" trustful, lack energy ~o«s nights, change © palos, Lair loose, 6t€, (sthod Treatment is ) CURE ‘ â€"n for almost a lUfe eriment. Consult U# ri“in% ret 128 hey are nice ERVE 0, 1913 SE VEINS, BLOOD ET. BLADDER Papers K € ters ***% 54 ust be addressed I0ON8 AND _ UNDER®= YITEM ondent ys have a arrive freâ€" ike a box in l Excesses® aro curable or 804 cases of a hody en thet aBy« on all orgema® g If unable to call i: igo w fa t US at ;y ;wv;rm ‘y remain weak» How you feel? e# U a of match ry goods Co. $1 5 Often the Cheapest MAR. 20, 1913 New Dry Goods for Spring { are Here Now Prints at 10 and 12c E Now Curtain Goods 3 In White, Ecru, Brege. ... .â€".â€"â€"+»â€"st 25e per ya M Laces and Insertions New Boots & Shoes Arriving Daily nuetoini® db tefegearannede hk Pn Nes ~ roui= s â€" PMeanhegst nlocs iss fat t ts 4) fart piz 1e MB@1.EME 5‘r5¢+{rairwe: A Often the Cheapest of different makes, small sizes »‘; to 4 reg 2.75 and $3 lines Also a few pairs in PATENT LEATHER regular 3 50 and 4.00, out they go at......>. -33.50 Small Profits Ladies‘ Dongola Bals 4 seeuth . , ® * Erest fiom the Hactory in the newest designs and in the neatest patterns. p.ing us the sizes of the rooms you wish papered and the height of the ceilings and we will tell you at onee what you want, THE PEOPLE‘S STORE 1913 Wall Papers urs ! We have a large assortment in the newest oriental shades, rich in appearâ€" ance though not too costly. We cordially inyvite you to have a look at them. S MeclLRAITH. We carry a full line of the E. T. Corsets, the best in the market. See the $1.00 corset Quite a number of Furs are still on hand and a good selection may be obtained. ‘They are being cleared at reduced prices. Fresh Groceries are coutinually arriving. See our 23¢ brooms. Try McKechnie‘s Purs Soap, 8 cakes for 25¢. See our fine stock of Dress G selvage of every yard. $1 per yard. The Highest Flouncing, 46 ins. wide from . 60c to $1.25 per yd ** 24 ins. wide from . . . 25¢ to 50c per yd The ‘Imperial‘ and ‘Maple Leaf‘ makes. Noted for ideal fit, comfort and style. _ You also get comfort in price when you buy here. All kinds of Footwear and Rubbers. ROBT. BURNETT We Want Your Butter and Eggs. Highest Price Paid for Fowl. Groceries We have in stock 35 pairs McKechnie‘s Weekly News‘ss: Terms of Sale, Cash RUGS (On Second Floor) . & J. McKECHNIG The Down Town Shoe Stora uUTrs reduced :: $2 Corsets Always the Best fine black silk with our nrme on the Our stock is full in all lines trom the finest to the heaviest. Come and select your Spring Shoe. Boots & Shoes Poultry The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr and Mrs Wm Bailey in their sudden tereavement, by the death of the latter‘s mother, the late Mrs Kunsenbauser, whose obituary appeared in last week‘s Review. The home of Mrs Hopkins was the ‘ scene of a pretty wedding on Vedâ€" nesday, March 5, at 4.80 p. m, when her only daugbter Margaret J. Ashâ€" bury was united in marmiage with Mr.. Wm Hopkins, _ The ceremony was performed by Rev Mr Hartley under a bower of evergreens. _ The bride was attired in blue velvet trimmed with white silk all over lace and silk braid, and wore a toquat of lillies of the valley and roses. _ Miss Maud Cuff of Hotton Hill, cousin of the lgl'oom was bridesmaid and Mr Thos, Hopkins ably supported the groom. \ The groom‘s gift to the bride was a gold fbracelet, to the bridesmaid a crescent pearl brooch set with pearls, and to the groomsman a gold tie pin. After the ceremony and congratuâ€" lations were over a dainty supper was served. _ The bride recerved a number of presents, among them being a check tor $50 from her unele, Mr David Hopkins, also a check from her brother Thomas. _ Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins left the same evening on a short honeymoon trip to Wiarton, the bride travelling in a suit of brown and a hat of cream braid. _ Upon their return Friday evening a recepâ€" tion was held when a number of friends assembled to spend an evenâ€" ing together before they left for their home in Saskatchewan the following week, with best wishes for a pleasant | journey through life. The same day the marriage took place at the parsonage, of Mrs Phoebe Yandt of Hanover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Thos Redford of this place to Mr Edwin Disney of Hanoyer, the pastor Rev A R McDonald officiating. After a couple of days visiting friends Mr and Mrs Disuey left for 86 Mary‘s and other points south after which they will reside in Hanover, Miss Jenuie McDonald of Lamlash is the guest of her aunt, Miss Tena Livingstone. Mr. Thos Reay bas purchased the McEachern faam and is busy moving this week. Mrs Yandt, who bhad the McEachern farm rented, is moving to the Mclntosh farm east of it, Mr Robert and Miss Annie Aljoe of 2nd con, Glenelg, visited their cousin, Mrs Alf. Redford, Sunday. We are pleased to learn that Miss Eva Red{ord is recovering from a seyâ€" ere attack of influenza. Miss Margaret McLean of Durham is spending a couple of weeks with Miss Kate McKinnon and â€" other friends. Mr and Mrs Will Currie and danghâ€" ter of Kakabeka Falls near Ft. Wilâ€" liam, are at present visiting the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Currie at Lamlash and intend movâ€" ing to the farm shortly, Mr Archie McDougi-lll is reâ€"ongaged with Mr. Geo. Brown after spending the winter months in Brant Tp. Mr. Archie Beaton of Bunessan, visited his sister, Mrs John MeCilliâ€" yray last week. Mulock On Second Floor Dried Apples THE DURHAM REVIEW A meeting of the Women‘ Institute was beld sast Wednesday, at Mrs. Dargavel‘s. Mrs. Parke gave a very interesting paper on ‘‘Different methâ€" od:; of preparing eggs and their food yalue". A number of the young people around the burg took in the farewell party at Mr, S. Stewarts on Tharsday night. Mr. Stewartand family were presented with a purse containing over §$25. iiis:J essie Reid of Dromore visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mortley last week. Mr. R. J. Clancy and son retarned to their home in Walkerton on Monâ€" day. Mr. Clancy‘s gang have taken out a very large stock of logs this winter. He intends having a mill on his farm this sammer to cat out the stock. The Furnitare Co.‘s mill at Dornoch will have to go some now. ‘This will be a very busy village durinog the summer with two sawâ€" mills. It bardly seems enough. Messrs Jack Mckenzie and Kenneth Vaughan, accompanied by Misses Carrie Mortley and B. Reid spent Sunday evening in Williamstord. Messrs Augus MclIotosh aod B. Bell took a flying trip to Williamstord Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L Staiford spent Sunday with the tormer‘s brother, Mr. Fred Staiford of this burg. Mrs. Percy Lawrence, of Dandalk, spent Monday last with her aunt Mis. 8. Lawrence. Mrs. J. W. Jenkios ana two CBHIGâ€"~ ren of Revelstoke, B. C. are visiting bei mother, Mrs. Lawrence, who i8 seriously i\1. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Wilson of Bouthville, spent Tuesday with the latter‘s sister, Mrs. 8. Lawrence. Messrs Geo. W. and Geo. H. Parâ€" slow and wives, Mrs. Thos. Parslow of Swinton Park and Mrs. John Parâ€" slow of Artemesia visited their aunt, Mrs. Lawrence on Wednesday last week. Miss Susan Bell is learning dressâ€" making in Darham at present. Mr. Arthur Lee of Hamilton‘s Lake called on friends in our burg on Sanâ€" day. Mr. Thos. Whitmore is at present engaged with Mr. Wm. Moore., â€" Mr. Wm. Brown moved to his new‘ home in the Glen the beginning of last week. Say ! Aren‘t you surprised at Will keeping batch ? t Mr. and _Mrs. F. Staples visited their Aunt Mrs. Jas. W hitmore recentâ€" Mrs. Wm. Porter, of Swinton Park, spent a day last week with her parâ€" ents Mrs. A Lawrence. ly Mr. Wm. Andrews is busy drawâ€" ing home his timber to build a new barn in place of the one destroyed by tire last summer. Missfi Vera Hopkins spent a couple of days lately with her sister, â€" Mrs. Robt. W hitimore. Mrs. Chas. Arnett otf Hamiltcn is visiti. g at her son‘s Mr. Wess Arnelt‘s at present. Lots 54 and 55, Coneession 3, E.G,R. Glenelg, will be sold cheap. For parâ€" ticulars apply to Wonder "~where â€" Jack Wednesday eyening The 3rd division of lot 9 and the Ist division of lot 10, W.G.R., Bentinck, 100 acres. Lot 1. Cou. 11, Glenelg, 100 acres. Lot 16 and half of 17, Uon. 2. E. G. R. _ Glenelg, 150 acres. Lot 8, Con. 3, 8. D.R., Glenelg. 50 acaes Lot 9, Con, 3, 8. D. R, Glenelg, 50 acree Lot 10, Con, 8. 8.1.R., (Glenelg, 59 acres Lot 4, Con, 4, 8. D R., Glenelg; 55 acres Lot 7, Con, 1, N.D R., Glenelg, 50 acres Apply to G. & J. McK®ouxI®, Durham 2 bull calves, both thoroughbred Durhams, one 10 and other 11 mos old, red and a roan, Apply to Joux EcKuwarpr, Top Cliff, QOue of the best investments in Durâ€" hamâ€"â€"three houses for the price of one. Two are solid stone and brick eight roomed houses. Two rooms solid oak floors and trimmings. Two m antels furnace, cistern, good garden, young orchard. One frame seven roomed house. Must be sold as owner is going West. Apply on premises or write One General Purpose Colt rising 2 years old. One Clyde Colt rising 1 year,. Both firstâ€"class. F. McKINNON, North Line, Priceville, Ont. Popular Place Lot No. 2and 8, Con. 5, Glenelg, 200 acres, more of less, will be sold or rented, eitherwhole or separate. For further particalars, apply to Daxigt McAuLIFFE, Duarham, Oo%6 copipriging West halves 01 127 °" ° 2 PRA Bon.,L w. G. R.‘. Bentipck 7 MLLCNPC 2 k Tawancuinn. J. W. Jenkins and two childâ€" 6y eAE X7CTieg EP C070 CCHDL O awb Lot 3 0{\ the sm‘\e Concgsimn. 100 acres cleared, we\wn.bg\e yapr(% creek, two bearing orchards. G woP EuS anven. CEERR, EMER APEAACCC P ATITY [ frame bouse, cedsr']og barn, Convenâ€" ient to School and P. O, Apply to Jas, PAFON, Pn%p., Swinton Park. Several houses in gurham. One nice cottage in Lower n. + ‘ On Reasonable terms. 200 acres Dornoch Farms for Sale. For Sale or To Rent. 'A. H. Jac«soN, Durham, a + Farm for Sale. For Sale. For For Sale M. Latinx®s®, Durham A. H.Jacksox, Durham Por ves of Lots L an was last » Tuesday, March 23 See and have a demonstration of THE DORI N VY 45 92 ENB CC U s6 TION. â€" They will give a charm and attractiveness to an otherwise plain face and will assist any woman to keep her youthful appearance. They are superior to all others in effects they produce when adjusted, in quality of hair and efficiency of work manship. A Free Demonstration is Offered to @ll Wigs, Transformations, Pompadours, Bangs. Fronts Braids, Ete (i""fg. l . i 4 it Cld hi t it i1 $ . % “ j3 h i * 8 oo l & .0 S i it i mm . i h «\.ag § *# PWAHA |call and see THE DORENWEND | . t i (M§ |saxrtary PATENT TOUPEE, | Â¥ c . which is a perfect protection to the! 1 { _ admag head. â€" For natural effect, strength, *X durability, hygenic qualities, they are unexcelled. _ Besides this they will L0 ®®" ______/ make any man appear years younger. Th protected in all countries and may only be purchased from us. Do not fail to call and see them, and remember date The Honse of Quality Hair Goods, Low round trip rates each Taesday | To Setilers travelâ€" _ Rettlers and JMM) TD March to October inclusive ling with livestock without . livestock Winni d Retu :35.00 and effects should use nnipeg and Return _ $35.00) special traing Regulartrains Edmonton and Return $43.00 A â€" Othe1 points in proportion Return limit will leave ‘Toronto Leaving Toronto 60 days _ \Each Tuesday _ 10.20 pm Daily Tourist SIeeplng Cars | M]A R((‘)ll & APRIL Tt&l’%uh‘(:ol?uus 0,20 p m. and Tourist sleepers on all excursions. Comfortable bertbs | 4 fully equipped with bedding can be sccured ‘ COIOIIM cars on all trains at moderate rat«s through local agent. | No cbarge for bâ€"rths with an immense stock of the Latest Fashions in Hair Goods A Style to Suit Every Individual. THE DORENWEND COY, OF TORONTO, LTD. To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta BNURERECE ERCCE PFOTEUE The "Em‘:flu of Asia" will leaye Liverpoo) June 14, calling at Madeira, (‘n‘.e Town, Durban, Colomba, Singapore and Hong Kong asriving Vancouver Aug 80, Verse remaing 11 days at Hong K&ng, "Rate for entire cruise $639,)0," Exclusive of maintenance beâ€" h\veenxurlul time in England and departuro of" "Empress of Asia," and stop OyCr mt ong Kong. Move n y PME H Tgh n ro s sn Oebe cce cce crrecmeeasreeiirrereninimee mm mm ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Full pargiculn rs from any C ~Dustrict Pass TChe TCrue Vine CANADIAN PACIFIC Round â€" the World Ladies with Thin Hair ! Homeseekers Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West (from painting by H. Melvilic® _ _"Gentlemen If You are Bald" EXCURSIONS of THE DORENWEND TRANSFORMAâ€" m and attractiveness to an otherwise plain to keep her youthful appearance. They are they produce when adjusted, in quality of y C. P. R., Agent or write M. G, Murphy assenger Agent, Toronto " BEAUTIFUL HAIR " PROF. DORENWEND makes eyery woman beautiful, and all who desire to make the most of their apâ€" pearance have the opportunity of payâ€" ing a visit to oTToronto, who will be at the via â€" "EMPRESS OF ASIA" HAKHK HOUSE _ .. PURHAM «* 103â€"105 Yonge Settlers Waves, Switches, Rettlers and families without _ livestock should use oommmmemmemecemmmmeaccemmne« 1 « 5 : i The following timetable This Toupee 18 \ effect until further notice > S. Read down Street, Toronto !J. G. KUTTON.M. D. C. M | W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L DS , lod-W and Burgeons FFICE: Over J. P. ‘s office, nearly 0 opposite Registry r RESIDENCE : Becond house south of Registry office on east side of Albert St. OFFICE HOURS 9â€"1! a m 2â€"4 p m. 7â€"Q p. m. Telephone Communication tetween Office and Residence at all hours. University, gradvate of Royal College of Denu.lySu eons of ()nu!io. Rooms Over J & J 'HUNTER‘S New Store ‘* quate â€"BEEI'G&EJTEHJ Burgeons _ Dentistry in its orauches. Officeâ€" Over Jewellry store and oppo site Post Office, uONOB GRADUATE Toronto University, Gra Anata Raval H‘ailace hantal Rnroaane AkT U H. JACKSON Barrister. Solicitor in Suprem Court Notary Public Commissioner Money io Loan, )lfice on Lambron 8t., opposite ( Walpole‘s Stables, D. MePHMHAIL_~ HONOR GRADUATE of Toron #@~ Mr McPhail has m telepboue in his resi dence in Cexion. 3. F.GRANT D.D.S., L.D.S. Licensed Auctioneer for Co, Grey Terms moderate Anuaemenu for sales a to dates, &c., must be made at the Review 8 fice, Durham. #as* Correspondenice add there, or to Ceylon P.O, will be promptis ittended to, Terms on «pplication to Nowary Public sutoice | Agem, Money to Loan eros Marmaoge lacoâ€"nses, _ A gen tomma sat bustimeas 1 ansacted, bUKH# % ONT. chower Town 3) § Twilled Sheeting 2 yds wide,25¢ yd Heavyy bleached sheeting, 2 _____ mR mt EP e C Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body ° M PP _____ to its proper tension :‘r|cltoresl weakness averted at make you a new man. mm s0 158 PPE CCC 004 S cescual vim and vitality, Premature d;c:v and all e;cxun} TE L ul 4. e w «im ano vHAMIJ, S PemA EmA C220 on weakness averted at ence. FPhosphonol will mukc“'ou a new man. Price tfla box, or two for $5. Mailed to any address. Scobell Drug 0o., Bt. Catharines, Ont. BIG 4 Electric Restorer for Men | Embaiming a Speciality. \Picture{Framing, Shortest Notice . aydenwide.,..... ...... .. .. A0¢ yif Bed Comforters from . ...... 0 } > ... ... 1.25 up to $5 each . Floor Oilcloth, .. 30¢ a equare vard Table Oilcloth, 45 in wide, 25¢ a yd \ Snuow RooMsâ€" House. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director New Spring Prints all now Call and see them yos long, RESIDENCE â€"First house south of Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. a, mP p.i. p 6,258.15 W alkerton 10.5 12.40 6,47,8.87 leave Hanover ar‘ve 942 12.17 6,55 8.45 Alian Park 0.33 12.08 7.10 4.00 Durham 9.19 11.54 1.21¢%.11 MoWilliams 9.00 11.44 7. | Priceville 8.56 11.31 7.494.35 ar‘ve Saug.Jct. leave 845 11. 20 | Connec(ilg with traims to and from Toronto. nly one change betweed . Darham and Toronto. Sperd, comfort and safety. |\ _ Gome to us for tickets and informaâ€" \tion, We are also agents for Allan and ./ duidys ~Ardvagnr ns o C COOOPCEY T M BR R. J P. TELFORD | _ The schoo CuNVEYANCER. &e. ocean liners. Come u'; us for tickets and in tion, We are also agen!ts for A Dominion line steamsbips and C Durham, * Continuation | for resi@®D®!. i record of the Schoot in ye one. The trustect ast o «Imflonfl and spare no paine to see tha t | and pupiis have every ud\‘am.f for th | pruenudon and acquisition of knowled \ FKES:§1 per month in advance @bility, in chem prtings, &c., for glation work . ‘ are in charge : ;ifl ALLAN, PDDCPE 0 ""~ Juimonte â€" el Bchool Teacher. 'Tst Class Corutioate _ Intending Btudents should enter at the be teC!® * if noasible. Board .‘J JNVODNU® 7 ut nnactnle. td Aht scooatar reug . porban n at reasonatle m.oum is ansd attract ve 10 Wi * WM. FARQUBARSON. D. D. Fall line of Catholle Robes and black and white Caps for aged people. D. MePHAIL, Ces'lon or to C. RAMAGE, Durham T RLOCK LACE CURTAINS A. BELL W. H. BFAN Staff and Egquipment. ‘hoo} is thoroughly equ! ped in teaching in cLelliol and elect.ripml suppies and &oc., for full Junior Leavine and Matncâ€" work. The following competent staf charge : ALLAN, Principa) and Provincial Modâ€" ASCD mioncher, 1st Class Corunoate 27 in 40 in 30 in 54 in 60 in 60 in CALDER‘S wide . w ide . wide . wide wide wid e Across from.Middaugh ituissiOner, School )0 0O pr 00 pr will be in 0 pr pt pr pr read up gecretary his reâ€" In im tul not loosen warm, + stain rs and s«hangâ€" Ame . v least a little other brush ty . "osene celain is and wen . *tter on 4 ‘igwht withâ€" it in washâ€" ipped K. H +8 81 ®6 0ib TS, #] wa Iow lthe is g0f @1 )1 nd he 18 A¢ ( n

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